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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ADALVARO GARCIA ROSA 04 November 2013 (has links)
[pt] Alguns óxidos cerâmicos apresentam Coeficiente de Expansão Térmica Negativa (ETN). Estes materiais usados como compósitos podem controlar a expansão térmica em valores determinados, inclusive zero. Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor novos óxidos da família A2M3O12 com coeficiente de expansão próximo a zero. Foi usada a Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) para se verificar estatisticamente a causa de ETN em 45 óxidos conhecidos desta família e a partir daí foi usada uma Rede Neural para simulação de novos óxidos. / [en] Some ceramic oxides exhibit negative coefficient of thermal expansion. These material generally used as compounds can control the thermal expansion in determined values, including zero. The aim of this work is to propose new oxides of the family type A2M3O12 with coefficient of thermal expansion close to zero. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to statistically verify the reason for negative thermal expansion in 45 known oxides of this family and then, the neural network approach is used for simulation of new oxides.

Quantificação óptica de carboidratos e etanol em mosto cervejeiro / Optical quantification of carbohidrates ; ethanol in beer wort

Estracanholli, Éverton Sérgio 08 October 2012 (has links)
Neste estudo realizamos uma prova de conceito através da combinação de três técnicas com a finalidade de monitorar a mosturação e fermentação da cerveja durante o processo de fabricação. O princípio deste trabalho é baseado em uma análise espectral, utilizando um equipamento de absorção na região do infravermelho médio por transformada de Fourier (FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared) de amostras coletadas durante a fabricação da cerveja. Combinado com técnicas de processamento de Análise de Componentes Principais e Redes Neurais Artificiais é possível quantificar a concentração dos principais carboidratos e etanol presentes nestas amostras. Estas medidas físicas e químicas irão permitir a redução de erros durante a produção de cerveja além de optimizar as reações enzimáticas intrínsecas de suas principais etapas de análise. As técnicas ópticas de absorção, juntamente com o processamento neural, apresentam grandes vantagens, principalmente devido ao fato de serem facilmente adaptáveis aos equipamentos industriais, fornecendo respostas em curtos intervalos de tempo com alta sensibilidade e especificidade. / This study is fundamentally a proof of concept. By the combination of three techniques, our aim is to develop a new method of monitoring beer wort production and fermentation during brewing. The principle is based on spectral analyses, using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to collect absorption data from beer wort samples. This data is refined by the application of a statistical method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to reduce the number of variables. A computational method, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), enables quantification of carbohydrates and ethanol concentrations. Such physical-chemical measurements are expected to allow both reduction of mistakes during beer processing and optimization of enzymatic reactions, enhancing brewing processes. Optical absorption techniques associated with Artificial Neural Network present great advantages, mainly because the first ones are more easily inserted in industries than the latter ones, since they enable assessing the process status at short intervals, with high sensibility ; specificity.

Análise integrada da paisagem com a aplicação do sensoriamento remoto, na bacia hidrográfica do rio Botucaraí - Rio Grande do Sul / Integrated analysis of the landscape through remote sensing techniques, Botucaraí River Basin - Rio Grande do Sul

Antunes, Roberto Luiz dos Santos 24 November 2016 (has links)
O estudo integrado da paisagem permite a verificação dos níveis de interconexão, da estrutura e da funcionalidade de diversas porções da superfície terrestre. Sob este aspecto muitas pesquisas têm incluído como temática, o estudo dos mecanismos de funcionamento da paisagem e a interação entre os seus componentes. Desta forma, torna-se essencial para a ampliação das investigações, a introdução de metodologias e novas técnicas, que inseridas adequadamente, contribuem para o melhor entendimento dos elementos que compõem a paisagem. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar, interpretar e compreender a diversidade de fisionomias da paisagem e sua fisiologia, na bacia hidrográfica do rio Botucaraí, Rio Grande do Sul, a partir da aplicação de técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto, especificamente a Análise por Componentes Principais (ACP). Nesta perspectiva, entende-se que o tratamento das bandas espectrais, a partir de imagens de satélite, configura-se em uma complementação no estudo e no entendimento dos elementos constituintes da paisagem: solos, relevo, litologia e vegetação, além de gerar produtos cartográficos com níveis de detalhamento mais precisos. A técnica de ACP foi aplicada a partir do mapeamento de uso e cobertura da terra, do mapa do relevo, dos mapas temáticos básicos (hipsometria e declividades), do mapa geológico, do mapa da cobertura vegetal e do mapa de solos. Assim, geraram-se as imagens de Componentes Principais (CPs), sendo que as cinco primeiras foram utilizadas para a análise. Desta forma, com a combinação de bandas, identificaram-se novas interfaces e feições, a partir da contribuição e representatividade de cada CP, que se configurou em cinco agrupamentos, denominados de Fisionomias: 1 (Norte- Planalto Meridional), 2 (Serra Geral), 3 (Depressão Central), 4 (Depósitos Aluviais), associadas aos mapas Hipsométrico/declividades com as CPs geradas e com os elementos da paisagem. Estas fisionomias expressaram as diferenças e/ou similaridades no uso da terra, permitindo o seu agrupamento, a partir das características do relevo, litologia, solos, vegetação e uso e cobertura da terra, destacando-se a considerável interferência antrópica na modificação da fisionomia da paisagem. / The integrated study of the landscape allows the verification of the interconnection levels, structure and functionality of various portions of the earth\'s surface. In this aspect, many researches have included as a theme, the study of the mechanisms of landscape functioning and the interaction between its components. In this way, it becomes essential for the expansion of the investigations, the introduction of methodologies and new techniques, that inserted properly, contribute to the better understanding of the elements that compose the landscape. Thus, this study aimed to identify, interpret and understand the diversity of physiognomy of the landscape and its physiology, in the hydrographic basin of river Botucaraí, Rio Grande do Sul, from the application of remote sensing techniques, specifically the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In this perspective, it is understood that the treatment of the spectral bands, from satellite images, constitutes a complementation in the study and understanding of the constituent elements of the landscape: soil, relief, lithology and vegetation, besides generating cartographic products with more precise levels of detail. The PCA technique was applied from land use and land cover mapping, relief mapping, basic theme maps (hypsometry and declivity), the geological map, the vegetation cover map, and the soil map. Thus, the images of Principal Components (CPs) were generated, and the first five were used for the analysis. In this way, with the combination of bands, new interfaces and features were identified, based on the contribution and representativeness of each CP, which was configured in five groups, called Physiognomies: 1 (north- Planalto Meridional), 2 (Serra Geral), 3 (Central Depression), 4 (Alluvial deposits) associated with Hypsometric maps/declivity with CPs generated and landscape elements. These physiognomies expressed the differences and/or similarities in the land use, allowing their grouping, from the characteristics of the relief, lithology, soils, vegetation and use and cover of the land, highlighting the considerable anthropic interference in the modification of the physiognomy of the landscape.

Modélisation d’un parc de machines pour la surveillance. : Application aux composants en centrale nucléaire / Modelling a fleet of machines for their diagnosis. : Application to nuclear power plants components

Ankoud, Farah 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la conception de méthodes de surveillance de système à partir de données collectées sur des composants de conceptions identiques exploités par plusieurs processus. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux approches de diagnostic sans modèle a priori et plus particulièrement à l'élaboration des modèles de bon fonctionnement des composants à partir des données collectées sur le parc. Nous avons ainsi abordé ce problème comme un problème d'apprentissage multi-tâches qui consiste à élaborer conjointement les modèles de chaque composant, l'hypothèse sous-jacente étant que ces modèles partagent des parties communes. Dans le deuxième chapitre, on considère, dans un premier temps, des modèles linéaires de type multi-entrées/mono-sortie, ayant des structures a priori connues. Dans une première approche, après une phase d'analyse des modèles obtenus par régression linéaire pour les machines prises indépendamment les unes des autres, on identifie leurs parties communes, puis on procède à une nouvelle estimation des coefficients des modèles pour tenir compte des parties communes. Dans une seconde approche, on identifie simultanément les coefficients des modèles ainsi que leurs parties communes. Dans un deuxième temps, on cherche à obtenir directement les relations de redondance existant entre les variables mesurées par l'ACP. On s'affranchit alors des hypothèses sur la connaissance des structures des modèles et on prend en compte la présence d'erreurs sur l'ensemble des variables. Dans un troisième chapitre, une étude de la discernabilité des modèles est réalisée. Il s'agit de déterminer les domaines de variation des variables d'entrée garantissant la discernabilité des sorties des modèles. Ce problème d'inversion ensembliste est résolu soit en utilisant des pavés circonscrits aux différents domaines soit une approximation par pavage de ces domaines. Finalement, une application des approches proposées est réalisée sur des simulateurs d'échangeurs thermiques / This thesis deals with the conception of diagnosis systems using the data collected on identical machines working under different conditions. We are interested in the fault diagnosis method without a priori model and in modelling a fleet of machines using the data collected on all the machines. Hence, the problem can be formulated as a multi-task learning problem where models of the different machines are constructed simultaneously. These models are supposed to share some common parts. In the second chapter, we first consider linear models of type multiple-input/single-output. A first approach consists in analyzing the linear regression models generated using the data of each machine independently from the others in order to identify their common parts. Using this knowledge, new models for the machines are generated. The second approach consists in identifying simultaneously the coefficients of the models and their common parts. Secondly, the redundancy models are searched for using PCA. This way, no hypothesis on the knowledge of the structures of models describing the normal behavior of each machine is needed. In addition, this method allows to take into consideration the errors existing on all the variables since it does not differentiate between input or output variables. In the third chapter, a study on the discernibility of the outputs of the models is realized. The problem consists in identifying the range of variation of the input variables leading to discernible outputs of the models. This problem is solved using either the confined pavements to the different domains or a pavement method. Finally, the multi-task modelling approaches are applied on simulators of heat exchangers

The role of airports in national civil aviation policies

Piyathilake, Darshi January 2016 (has links)
The concept of a hub airport has evolved widening its scope as a national civil aviation policy-making tool, due to the ability to deliver wider socio-economic benefits to a country. However, not all airports can be converted into hubs. This research proposes a methodological approach to structural analysis of the airport industry, that could be applied to determine the competitive position of an airport in a given aviation network and devise airport strategies and national policy measures to improve the current position of the airport. This study presents a twelve-group taxonomy of airports, which analyses the changing geography of the airport industry in the East (Asia and The Middle East). Multivariate data have been used in a two-step Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering exercise which represents three airport strategies: namely, degree-of-airport-activity (size and intensity of operations), network strategies (international and domestic hub), and the market segmentation strategies (service and destination orientation). Principal Component Analysis has been utilised as a data reduction tool. The study confirms the general hypothesis that a sound macro environment and liberalised approach to economic regulation in the air transport industry are important for successful hub operations. In addition, it sheds light on the fact that while the factors of geographical advantage, economic development, urbanisation, tourism and business attractiveness, physical and intellectual infrastructure, and political and administrative frameworks, are all basic prerequisites (qualifiers) for successful hubbing in the region, those factors would not necessarily guarantee a hub status unless the governments are also committed to develop the sector and take timely decisions (differentiators) to allow airports to benefit from the first mover advantage. Application of the proposed taxonomy was tested on a case study of the major international airport of Sri Lanka, to provide policy inputs to develop the airport that is currently identified as being overshadowed by the mega hubs in the region.

Estudo de padrões alimentares com foco em características socioeconômicas e demográficas em adultos do sul do Brasil

Canuto, Raquel 29 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T20:06:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 29 / Nenhuma / Introdução: O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar Focada Análise de Componentes Principais (FPCA) como um novo método exploratório, adequado para situações em que se quer conhecer a conformação dos padrões alimentares a partir de determinadas características da amostra. Métodos: Para exemplificar o uso do FPCA, foram utilizados os dados de um inquérito com uma amostra representativa de 1.968 adultos que vivem na cidade de Pelotas, no sul do Brasil. O consumo alimentar foi obtido através de um questionário de freqüência de consumo (IQA), abrangendo 26 itens alimentares. As variáveis de população - denominadas variáveis foco na FPCA - utilizados para análise foram: idade, renda e escolaridade. Todas as análises foram realizadas utilizando o software R (R Development Core Team, 2009). Resultados: Os gráficos gerados mostram evidências de desigualdades socioeconômicas no padrão alimentar dos adultos. Padrão de ingestão de alimentos integrais, frutas, legumes e foi positivamente correlacionada com a renda, enqu / Introduction: The aim of the present article is to introduce Focused Principal Component Analysis (FPCA) as a novel exploratory method for providing insight into dietary patterns that emerge based on a given characteristic of the sample. Methods: To exemplify the use of FPCA, we used the database of a survey of a representative sample of 1,968 adults living in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Food intake was obtained using an intake frequency questionnaire (IFQ) covering 26 food items. The population variables – termed focus variables in FPCA – used for analysis were age, income, and schooling. All analyses were carried out using R software (R Development Core Team, 2009). Results: The graphs generated show evidence of socioeconomic inequities in the dietary patterns of adults. Intake of whole foods, fruit, and vegetables was positively correlated with income, whereas for refined cereals, animal fats (lard), and white bread this correlation was negative. When the focus variable was schooling, the graph

Analyse en composantes indépendantes du transcriptome de cancers / Independent Component Analysis of Cancer Transcriptome

Biton, Anne 28 June 2011 (has links)
L'analyse de données d'expression montre qu'il est avantageux d'analyser les processus biologiques en termes de modules plutôt que simplement considérer les gènes un par un. Dans ce projet nous avons conduit une analyse non supervisée des données d'expression de gènes de plusieurs cohortes de tumeurs urothéliales en appliquant la méthode d'Analyse en Composantes Indépendantes. Plusieurs études ont démontré les meilleures performances de l'ACI par rapport à l'ACP et les méthodes de clustering, pour obtenir une décomposition plus réaliste des données d'expression en patterns d'expression pertinents et associés avec le phénotype d'intérêt.Les tumeurs urothéliales apparaissent et évoluent selon deux voies distinctes dont la probabilité de progression en cancer musculo-invasif diffère radicalement. Excepté la mutation de FGFR3 dans le groupe le moins agressif, les processus moléculaires sous-jacents n'ont pas été complètement identifiés. Le principal objectif de cette thèse était dédié aux interprétations biologiques des différentes composantes indépendantes pour aider à confirmer et étendre la liste des processus biologiques connus pour être impliqués dans le cancer de vessie.Chaque composante indépendante est caractérisée par une liste de projections de gènes et de contributions pondérées d'échantillons tumoraux . En combinant expertise biologique et comparaison des listes de gènes à des voies existantes et en étudiant conjointement l'association des composantes aux annotations cliniques et moléculaires, nous avons pu différencier les CIscausées par des facteurs techniques, tels que le prélèvement chirurgical de celles ayant des interprétations biologiques pertinentes. De plus, parmi les signaux pertinents biologiquement, cette analyse nous a permis de différencier les signaux provenant du stroma, comme la réponse immunitaire médiée par les lymphocytesB&T, de ceux produits par les tumeurs elles-mêmes, comme les signaux reliés à la prolifération ou à la différenciation. La classification des tumeurs selon leurs contributions à certaines CIs a pu être étroitement associée à des annotations anatomo-cliniques, et a mis en évidence de nouveaux sous-types de tumeur spotentiels, qui suggèrent l'existence de voies de progression supplémentaires dans le cancer de vessie. De façon similaire, l'étude des contributions de groupes de tumeurs basés sur des annotations cliniques ou moléculaires a montré différents niveaux de contamination par le stroma entre les tumeurs mutées et nonmutées pour FGFR3. La reproductibilité des composantes a été étudiée en utilisant des graphes de corrélation. La majeure partie des CIs interprétées a été validée sur trois jeux de données indépendants, et plusieurs d'entre elles ont aussi détectées dans un jeu de données de lignées cellulaires.Une deuxième étude sur le rétinoblastome a montré que nous pouvions tirer partie de l'ACI dans des contextes variés. Le rétinoblastome est initié par la perte des deux alléles du gène suppresseur de tumeur RB1. D'autres évènements génomiques non identifiés sont nécessaires à la progression de la maladie. Nous avons observé une association entre âge des patients et altérations génomiques. Les patients jeunes présentant moins d'altérations que les patients âgés, ces derniers présentant des gains du 1q et des pertes du 16q. Cette séparation des tumeurs selon l'âge est également observée sur les données d'expression, notamment en appliquant l'ACI dont l'une des composantes discrimine les patients selon leur âge. Ces résultats suggèrent l'existence de deux voies de progression dans le rétinoblastome. L'analyse des données à haut débit fournit de nombreuses listes de gènes. Afin de les interpréter, une possibilité est d'extraire les dernières publications groupées par sujets prédéfinis (fonction, localisation,...). / Practice of gene expression data analysis shows that it is advantageous to analyze biologicalprocesses in terms of modules rather than simply consider gene one by one. In this project, we conducted anunsupervised analysis of the gene expression data of several cohorts of urothelial tumors, applying theIndependent Component Analysis method. Several studies demonstrated the outperformance of ICA overPCA and clustering-based methods in obtaining a more realistic decomposition of the expression data intoconsistent patterns of coexpressed genes associated with the studied phenotypes[1, 2, 3, 4].Urothelial tumors arise and evolve through two distinct pathways which radically differ on their probabilityof progression to muscle invasion. Except the mutation of FGFR3 in the less aggressive group, theunderlying molecular processes have not been completely identified. The first and main objective of the PhDthesis was dedicated to the biological interpretation of the different independent components to help toconfirm and extend the list of biological processes known to be involved in bladder cancer.Each independent component (IC) is characterized by a list of gene projections on the one hand and weightedcontributions of tumor samples on the other hand. By combining biological expertise and comparison of theassociated list of genes to known pathways, and jointly studying the association of the components tomolecular and clinical annotations, we have been able to differentiate components that were caused bytechnical factors, such as surgical sampling, from those having consistent biological interpretationin terms of tumor biology. Moreover, among the biologically meaningful signals, this analysis allowed us todifferentiate the signals from stroma of the tumor, like immune response mediated by B- and T-lymphocytes,from the signals produced by the tumors themselves, like signals related to proliferation, or differentiation.The clustering of the tumor samples according to their contributions on some ICs can be closely associated toanatomo-clinical annotations, and highlighted new potential subtypes of tumors which suggest existence ofadditional pathways of bladder cancer progression. Similarly, the study of the contributions of preestablishedgroups of tumors based on clinical or molecular criteria showed different levels of stromacontamination between FGFR3 non-mutated and mutated tumors. The reproducibility of the components wasinvestigated using correlation graphs. The major part of the interpreted ICs was validated on threeindependent bladder cancer datasets, and several of them were also identified in an urothelial cancer celllines data set.A second study about retinoblastoma gave us the occasion to show that we can take advantage ofICA in various contexts. Retinoblastoma is initiated by the loss of both alleles of the RB1 tumor suppressorgene. Although necessary for initiation, other genomic events, that remain to be identified, are needed for theprogression of the disease [5]. We observed, as it was previously described [6], an association between age ofthe patients and levels of genomic aberrations, the younger patients having fewer alterations than the olderpatients, which generally present gain of 1q and loss of 16q. We showed that this tendency of the tumors tobe clustered into two groups of age can also be observed on the expression data by applying ICA whose oneof the component was highly correlated to the age of the patients. These results suggest the existence of twopathways of progression in retinoblastoma.The analysis of high throughput data provides many lists of genes. To interpret them, a possibility isto study the latest related publications grouped by pre-defined group of topics (function, cellular location...).To that aim, in a third study, we introduced a web-based Java application tool named GeneValorization whichgives a clear and handful overview of the bibliography corresponding to one particular gene list [7].

Late Pleistocene-Holocene environmental change in Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (Minas Gerais State, Brazil) reconstructed using a multi-proxy characterization of peat cores from mountain tropical mires / Reconstrução paleoambiental da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (Minas Gerais, Brasil) durante o Pleistoceno tardio e Holoceno usando uma caracterização multi-proxy de testemunhos de turfeiras tropicais de montanha

Ingrid Horak Terra 12 February 2014 (has links)
The peatlands are ecosystems extremely sensitive to changes in hydrology, and are considered as faithful \"natural archives of ecological memory\". In the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, mountain peatlands has been studied by soil scientists, but until now multi-proxy studies are almost absent. The location of these peatlands is ideal because they are in an area influenced by the activity of the South America Monsoon Systems (SAMS), which controls the amount and distribution of annual rainfall. The aim of this work was to reconstruct the environmental changes occurred throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene, both at the local and regional scale by using a multi-proxy approach (stratigraphy, physical properties, 14C and OSL datings, pollen and geochemistry). However, determining of the processes involved in the genesis and evolution of peatlands soils was also necessary step. The physico-chemical properties and elemental composition of five peat cores (PdF-I, PdF-II, SJC, PI and SV) from four selected mires (Pau de Fruta, São João da Chapada, Pinheiros and Sempre Viva) seem to have responded to four main processes: relative accumulation of organic and mineral matter, linked to the evolution of the catchment soils (local erosion); deposition of dust from distant/regional sources; preservation of plant remains; and long and short-term peat decomposition. The combination of proxies of PdF-I core defined six main phases of change during the Holocene: (I) 10-7.4 cal kyr BP, wet and cold climate and soil instability in the mire catchment; (II) 7.4-4.2 cal kyr BP, wet and warm with catchment soils stability and enhanced deposition of regional dusts; (III) 4.2-2.2 cal kyr BP, dry and warm and a reactivation of soil erosion in the catchment; (IV) 2.2-1.2 cal kyr BP, dry and punctuated cooling, with enhanced deposition of regional dusts; (V) 1.2 cal kyr-400 cal yr BP, sub-humid climatic and the lowest inputs of local and regional dust and the largest accumulation of peat in the mire; and (VI) <400 cal yr BP, sub-humid conditions but both local and regional erosion largely increased. For the late Pleistocene, a combination of proxies applied to the PI core also defined six main phases: (I) 60-39.2 cal kyr BP, from sub-humid to dry amid colder conditions than today, and high soil instability in the mire catchment; (II) 39.2-27.8 cal kyr BP, dry and warm with cooling events under still high local erosion rates; (III) 27.8-16.4 cal kyr BP, wet and very cold with a decreased in soil erosion in the catchment; (IV) 16.4-6.6 cal kyr BP, very wet and very cold conditions with low intensity of local erosion; (V) 6.6-3.3 cal kyr BP, very dry and warm with increasing rates of local erosion; and (VI) <3.3 cal kyr BP, from dry and warm to sub-humid climate, with local erosion trend similar to the previous period. The climate is seen as the most important driving force of environmental change, but human activities are likely to have been at least partially responsible for the significant changes recorded over the past 400 years. Given the value as environmental archives, mires from Serra do Espinhaço Meridional should be fully protected. / As turfeiras são ecossistemas extremamente sensíveis às mudanças da hidrologia, e são por excelência consideradas como \"arquivos naturais da memória ecológica\". Na Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, Minas Gerais, Brasil, as turfeiras de montanha vem sendo estudadas pelos cientistas do solo, mas até então estudos multi-proxy são quase ausentes. A localização destas é ideal pois estão em uma área influenciada pela atividade do Sistema Monçônico da América do Sul (SMAS), que controlam a quantidade e distribuição de precipitação anual. O objetivo deste trabalho foi reconstruir as mudanças ambientais ocorridas através do Holoceno e Pleistoceno Tardio, tanto sob escala local quanto regional, usando uma abordagem multiproxy (estratigrafia, propriedades físicas, datações 14C e LOE, pólen e geoquímica). No entanto, determinação dos processos envolvidos na gênese e evolução dos solos das turfeiras também foi um passo necessário. As propriedades físico-químicas e composição elementar de cinco testemunhos de turfa (PdF-I, PdF-II, SJC, PI e SV) de quatro turfeiras selecionadas (Pau de Fruta, São João da Chapada, Pinheiros e Sempre Viva) parecem ter respondido a quatro processos principais: acumulação relativa de matéria orgânica e material mineral, ligados à evolução dos solos das bacias das turfeiras (erosão local); deposição de poeira de fontes distantes/regionais; preservação de restos de plantas; e decomposição da turfa em longo e curto prazo. A combinação de proxies de PdF-I definiu seis principais fases de mudanças durante o Holoceno: (I) 10-7,4 mil anos cal AP, clima úmido e frio e instabilidade do solo na bacia da turfeira; (II) 7,4-4,2 mil anos cal AP, úmido e quente com solo na bacia estável e aumento de deposição de poeiras regionais; (III) 4,2-2,2 mil anos cal AP, seco e quente e reativação da erosão do solo na bacia; (IV) 2,2-1,2 mil anos cal AP, seco e resfriamentos pontuais, com aumento de poeiras regionais; (V) 1,2 mil anos-400 anos cal AP, sub-úmido e com os mais baixas entradas de poeiras local e regionais e as maiores acumulações de turfa; e (VI) <400 anos cal AP, sub-úmido com forte erosão local e regional. Para o Pleistoceno tardio, uma combinação de proxies aplicada para PI também definiu seis principais fases: (I) 60-39,2 mil anos cal AP, de sub-úmido para seco em meio à temperaturas mais frias que o atual, e alta instabilidade do solo na bacia da turfeira; (II) 39,2-27,8 mil anos cal AP, seco e quente com alguns resfriamentos e ainda sob elevadas taxas de erosão local; (III) 27,8-16,4 mil anos cal AP, úmido e muito frio com redução da erosão do solo na bacia; (IV) 16,4-6,6 mil anos cal AP, muito úmido e muito frio com baixa intensidade de erosão local; (V) 6,6-3,3 mil anos cal AP, muito seco e quente com taxas crescentes de erosão local; e (VI) <3,3 mil anos cal AP, de seco e quente para sub-úmido, com tendência de erosão local semelhante ao período anterior. O clima é visto como o forçante mais importante das mudanças ambientais, mas é provável que atividades humanas tenham sido parcialmente responsáveis pelas mudanças significativas registradas ao longo dos últimos 400 anos. Dado o valor como arquivos ambientais, as turfeiras da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional devem ser completamente protegidas.

Biomassa microbiana do solo na Amaz?nia, Mata Atl?ntica e Ant?rtica / Soil Microbial Biomass in the Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Antarctica

Loureiro, Diego Campana 22 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-05T13:43:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Diego Campana Loureiro.pdf: 6292509 bytes, checksum: 5485d752378d7d1a430cdb431c98ed44 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-05T13:43:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Diego Campana Loureiro.pdf: 6292509 bytes, checksum: 5485d752378d7d1a430cdb431c98ed44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the plant management and soil vegetation cover in the microbial biomass and labile soil organic matter (SOM) levels, with the possibility of prediction about the fate of soil organic carbon in the Atlantic Forest biome. We studied different crop areas under organic cultivation of vegetables (intensive cultivation, minimum tillage and crop rotation), grazing areas of Paspalum notatum (PAS); remaining fragments of Atlantic Forest (RMA), and degraded soil areas (ADR). Three composite soil samples were collected in each area to a depth of 0-10 cm in a Red Yellow Podzolic soil. In each sample we determined the levels of C and N associated with the SMB, labile C, labile N, free light fraction and intra-aggregate SOM, microbial respiration, microbial quotient and metabolic quotient. It was also determined mineral fractions as sand, silt, and clay, gravimetric moisture content, as well as the chemical attributes (Ca2+, Mg2+, P2O5, K+, organic C, total N, Al3+, CEC and pH in water). The pasture area had the highest accumulation of carbon in the soil microbial biomass (SMB) with 384 mg C kg-1 soil, about 35% above the level seen in the remaining Atlantic Forest fragments, which was attributed to the intense development and cycling of the root system of grasses in the upper soil layer, a horizon with higher concentration of microorganisms. About 2% of total organic C is stored in the SMB in pasture areas. The introduction of agricultural practices in farming system considerably affected the levels of SMB, showing reduction average of 30% compared to the remaining forest fragments. The metabolic quotient (qCO2) indicated losses of soil C for the managed areas with crops, and among the different systems of agriculture, greater losses of C were observed in areas managed with short cycle crops, with frequent use of plowing and harrowing, prompting the search for management systems that minimize soil disturbance and prioritize the maintenance of vegetation cover. The degraded soil area was the environment that contributed the most to the separation of the multivariate groups, showing the area of higher differences for the microbial activity and SOM levels. The attributes with higher importance in the multivariate grouping were clay content and the microbial C/N ratio showing the significance of the use of SMB and soil texture attributes in distinguishing between different crop management systems and soil vegetation cover, showing the prediction potential for the fate of soil organic carbon. / O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a influ?ncia do manejo fitot?cnico e da cobertura vegetal do solo na biomassa microbiana e fra??es l?beis da mat?ria org?nica do solo (MOS), com a possibilidade de progn?stico sobre o destino do carbono org?nico do solo em um sistema integrado de produ??o agroecol?gica. Foram estudadas diferentes ?reas de lavoura sob cultivo org?nico de hortali?as (cultivo intensivo, cultivo m?nimo e cultivo rotacionado); ?reas de pastagens de Paspalum notatum (PAS); remanescentes florestais da Mata Atl?ntica (RMA); e ?reas degradadas (ADR). Tr?s amostras compostas de solo foram coletadas em cada ?rea a uma profundidade de 0-10 cm em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Em cada amostra determinou-se os teores de C e N associados ? BMS, C e N l?beis, fra??o leve livre e intra-agregado da MOS, respira??o microbiana, quociente microbiano e quociente metab?lico. Determinaram-se tamb?m as fra??es granulom?tricas areia, silte, argila, umidade gravim?trica, bem como os atributos qu?micos (Ca2+, Mg2+, P2O5, K+, C org?nico, N total, Al3+, CTC e pH em ?gua). A ?rea de pastagem apresentou o maior ac?mulo de carbono da biomassa microbiana do solo (BMS), com 384 mg C kg-1 solo, cerca de 35 % acima dos valores observados nos remanescentes florestais da Mata Atl?ntica, o que foi atribu?do ao intenso desenvolvimento e ciclagem do sistema radicular das gram?neas forrageiras na camada superior do solo, regi?o que ocorre maior concentra??o de microrganismos. Cerca de 2 % do total de Corg org?nico est? estocado na BMS nas ?reas de pastagens. A introdu??o de pr?ticas agr?colas no sistema de lavoura afetou consideravelmente os teores de BMS-C, apresentando redu??o m?dia de 30% com rela??o aos remanescentes florestais. O quociente metab?lico (qCO2) indicou perdas de C do solo para as ?reas manejadas com culturas agr?colas, e dentre os diferentes sistemas de cultivo agr?cola, maiores perdas de C foram observados nas ?reas manejadas com culturas de ciclo curto, com uso freq?ente de ara??o e gradagem, alertando para a procura de sistemas de manejo que minimizem o revolvimento do solo e priorizem a manuten??o da cobertura vegetal. A ?rea degradada foi o ambiente que mais contribuiu para a separa??o dos grupos de an?lise multivariada, mostrando ser a ?rea mais discrepante em rela??o ? atividade microbiana e teores de MOS. As vari?veis com maior peso na forma??o dos agrupamentos foram o teor de argila e a rela??o C/N microbiana, mostrando a import?ncia do uso da BMS e atributos granulom?tricos do solo na distin??o de diferentes sistemas de manejo fitot?cnico e cobertura vegetal do solo, ampliando a possibilidade de progn?stico sobre o destino do carbono org?nico do solo.

Late Pleistocene-Holocene environmental change in Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (Minas Gerais State, Brazil) reconstructed using a multi-proxy characterization of peat cores from mountain tropical mires / Reconstrução paleoambiental da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (Minas Gerais, Brasil) durante o Pleistoceno tardio e Holoceno usando uma caracterização multi-proxy de testemunhos de turfeiras tropicais de montanha

Terra, Ingrid Horak 12 February 2014 (has links)
The peatlands are ecosystems extremely sensitive to changes in hydrology, and are considered as faithful \"natural archives of ecological memory\". In the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, mountain peatlands has been studied by soil scientists, but until now multi-proxy studies are almost absent. The location of these peatlands is ideal because they are in an area influenced by the activity of the South America Monsoon Systems (SAMS), which controls the amount and distribution of annual rainfall. The aim of this work was to reconstruct the environmental changes occurred throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene, both at the local and regional scale by using a multi-proxy approach (stratigraphy, physical properties, 14C and OSL datings, pollen and geochemistry). However, determining of the processes involved in the genesis and evolution of peatlands soils was also necessary step. The physico-chemical properties and elemental composition of five peat cores (PdF-I, PdF-II, SJC, PI and SV) from four selected mires (Pau de Fruta, São João da Chapada, Pinheiros and Sempre Viva) seem to have responded to four main processes: relative accumulation of organic and mineral matter, linked to the evolution of the catchment soils (local erosion); deposition of dust from distant/regional sources; preservation of plant remains; and long and short-term peat decomposition. The combination of proxies of PdF-I core defined six main phases of change during the Holocene: (I) 10-7.4 cal kyr BP, wet and cold climate and soil instability in the mire catchment; (II) 7.4-4.2 cal kyr BP, wet and warm with catchment soils stability and enhanced deposition of regional dusts; (III) 4.2-2.2 cal kyr BP, dry and warm and a reactivation of soil erosion in the catchment; (IV) 2.2-1.2 cal kyr BP, dry and punctuated cooling, with enhanced deposition of regional dusts; (V) 1.2 cal kyr-400 cal yr BP, sub-humid climatic and the lowest inputs of local and regional dust and the largest accumulation of peat in the mire; and (VI) <400 cal yr BP, sub-humid conditions but both local and regional erosion largely increased. For the late Pleistocene, a combination of proxies applied to the PI core also defined six main phases: (I) 60-39.2 cal kyr BP, from sub-humid to dry amid colder conditions than today, and high soil instability in the mire catchment; (II) 39.2-27.8 cal kyr BP, dry and warm with cooling events under still high local erosion rates; (III) 27.8-16.4 cal kyr BP, wet and very cold with a decreased in soil erosion in the catchment; (IV) 16.4-6.6 cal kyr BP, very wet and very cold conditions with low intensity of local erosion; (V) 6.6-3.3 cal kyr BP, very dry and warm with increasing rates of local erosion; and (VI) <3.3 cal kyr BP, from dry and warm to sub-humid climate, with local erosion trend similar to the previous period. The climate is seen as the most important driving force of environmental change, but human activities are likely to have been at least partially responsible for the significant changes recorded over the past 400 years. Given the value as environmental archives, mires from Serra do Espinhaço Meridional should be fully protected. / As turfeiras são ecossistemas extremamente sensíveis às mudanças da hidrologia, e são por excelência consideradas como \"arquivos naturais da memória ecológica\". Na Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, Minas Gerais, Brasil, as turfeiras de montanha vem sendo estudadas pelos cientistas do solo, mas até então estudos multi-proxy são quase ausentes. A localização destas é ideal pois estão em uma área influenciada pela atividade do Sistema Monçônico da América do Sul (SMAS), que controlam a quantidade e distribuição de precipitação anual. O objetivo deste trabalho foi reconstruir as mudanças ambientais ocorridas através do Holoceno e Pleistoceno Tardio, tanto sob escala local quanto regional, usando uma abordagem multiproxy (estratigrafia, propriedades físicas, datações 14C e LOE, pólen e geoquímica). No entanto, determinação dos processos envolvidos na gênese e evolução dos solos das turfeiras também foi um passo necessário. As propriedades físico-químicas e composição elementar de cinco testemunhos de turfa (PdF-I, PdF-II, SJC, PI e SV) de quatro turfeiras selecionadas (Pau de Fruta, São João da Chapada, Pinheiros e Sempre Viva) parecem ter respondido a quatro processos principais: acumulação relativa de matéria orgânica e material mineral, ligados à evolução dos solos das bacias das turfeiras (erosão local); deposição de poeira de fontes distantes/regionais; preservação de restos de plantas; e decomposição da turfa em longo e curto prazo. A combinação de proxies de PdF-I definiu seis principais fases de mudanças durante o Holoceno: (I) 10-7,4 mil anos cal AP, clima úmido e frio e instabilidade do solo na bacia da turfeira; (II) 7,4-4,2 mil anos cal AP, úmido e quente com solo na bacia estável e aumento de deposição de poeiras regionais; (III) 4,2-2,2 mil anos cal AP, seco e quente e reativação da erosão do solo na bacia; (IV) 2,2-1,2 mil anos cal AP, seco e resfriamentos pontuais, com aumento de poeiras regionais; (V) 1,2 mil anos-400 anos cal AP, sub-úmido e com os mais baixas entradas de poeiras local e regionais e as maiores acumulações de turfa; e (VI) <400 anos cal AP, sub-úmido com forte erosão local e regional. Para o Pleistoceno tardio, uma combinação de proxies aplicada para PI também definiu seis principais fases: (I) 60-39,2 mil anos cal AP, de sub-úmido para seco em meio à temperaturas mais frias que o atual, e alta instabilidade do solo na bacia da turfeira; (II) 39,2-27,8 mil anos cal AP, seco e quente com alguns resfriamentos e ainda sob elevadas taxas de erosão local; (III) 27,8-16,4 mil anos cal AP, úmido e muito frio com redução da erosão do solo na bacia; (IV) 16,4-6,6 mil anos cal AP, muito úmido e muito frio com baixa intensidade de erosão local; (V) 6,6-3,3 mil anos cal AP, muito seco e quente com taxas crescentes de erosão local; e (VI) <3,3 mil anos cal AP, de seco e quente para sub-úmido, com tendência de erosão local semelhante ao período anterior. O clima é visto como o forçante mais importante das mudanças ambientais, mas é provável que atividades humanas tenham sido parcialmente responsáveis pelas mudanças significativas registradas ao longo dos últimos 400 anos. Dado o valor como arquivos ambientais, as turfeiras da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional devem ser completamente protegidas.

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