Spelling suggestions: "subject:"concurrent"" "subject:"noncurrent""
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Estudo e definição de mecanismos para redução do custo de aplicação do teste de programas concorrentes / Study and design of mechanisms to reduce the cost of appying the test of concurrent programsMario Cesar da Cunha Machado 13 April 2011 (has links)
Programas concorrentes possuem características que os diferenciam de programas sequenciais, tornando a atividade de teste mais complexa. Questões como definição e uso de variáveis por diferentes processos, comunicação, sincronização e comportamento não-determinístico precisam ser consideradas. Apesar dos avanços obtidos nesse contexto, um problema que ainda persiste é o custo da atividade de teste, relacionado principalmente ao número excessivo de elementos requeridos a serem testados. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta duas propostas: a primeira estática, focando na detecção automática de elementos requeridos não-executáveis, para os critérios relacionados a sincronizações; e a segunda dinâmica, aplicando-se o teste de alcançabilidade para apoiar a avaliação da cobertura de sequências de sincronizações, desse modo, usando informações dinâmicas para apoiar o teste de cobertura. Estas propostas foram implementadas na ferramenta ValiMPI e um experimento foi realizado a fim de verificar a eficácia da proposta. Os resultados indicam que as duas propostas implementadas neste trabalho são promissoras e auxiliam a reduzir o custo da atividade de teste / Concurrent programs present new features, such as: nondeterminism, concurrency, synchronization and communication. These features need to be considered during testing activity, making this activity more complex. Despite the results achieved in this context, a problem that still remains is the application cost of the testing, especially the cost related to the high number of required elements generated by the test criteria proposed to concurrent programs. In this context, this work presents two contributions: the first one using a static approach, automatically detecting non-executable elements related to synchronization between process; and the second one using a dynamic approach, applying reachability testing to support the coverage evaluation of the executed sequences, reducing the number of executed sequences and the number of test cases. These contributions were implemented in the ValiMPI tool and experiments were conducted to evaluate them. The results indicate that these contributions can improve the concurrent program testing, reducing the application cost of the testing activity
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Stratégies randomisées dans les jeux concurrents / Randomized strategies in concurrent gamesStan, Daniel 30 March 2017 (has links)
Ce travail se concentre sur l'étude de jeux joués sur des graphes finis, parun nombre arbitraire de joueurs, dont les objectifs ne sont pas antagonistes.Chaque joueur représente un agent, c'est-à-dire un programme, un processus,ou un périphérique, qui interagit avec les autres joueurs et leurenvironnement commun dans le but de satisfaire au mieux son objectifindividuel.Des concepts telsque les équilibres de Nash, permettant d'exprimer l'optimalité des stratégiesdes joueurs, ont été étudiés dans un cadre déterministe, et l'existencede tels équilibres n'est pas assurée, même lorsque les objectifs des joueurssont de simples conditions d'accessibilité ou de sûreté. En effet, lorsqueles joueurs jouent de manière déterministe, le système évolue en conservantune certaine symmétrie, ce qui nous motive à considérer un modèle stochastiqueoù les joueurs et l'environnement sont sources d'aléa. Dans le premier cas,nous montrons que les concepts classiques d'équilibres de Nash ne peuventêtre calculés, et introduisons des notions approchées d'équilibrescalculables. Dans le deuxième cas, nous nous intéressons à l'analyse desystèmes composés d'un nombre arbitraires de processus, dont l'éxécutionest déterminée par un ordonnanceur, c'est-à-dire l'environnement,probabiliste. / We study games played on graphs by an arbitrary number of players withnon-zero sum objectives. The players representagents (programs, processes or devices) that can interact to achieve their ownobjectives as much as possible. Solution concepts, as Nash Equilibrium, forsuch optimal plays,need not exist when restricting topure deterministic strategies, even with simple reachability or safetyobjectives. The symmetry induced by deterministic behavioursmotivates the studies where eitherthe players or the environment can use randomization. In the first case, weshow that classical concepts are undecidable with a fixednumber of agents and propose computable approximations.In the second case, we studyrandomization as a reasonable policy for scheduling an arbitrary number ofprocesses.
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Viktiga faktorer produktutveckling enligt set based concurrent engineering / Important factors when developing products using set based concurrent engineeringHäkkinen, Markus January 2016 (has links)
Oftast har produktutveckling samma generella tillvägagångssätt: En specifikation för en ny produkt lämnas från en marknadsföringsavdelning till en produktutvecklingsavdelning. Produktutvecklare tar sedan fram koncept som utvecklas till prototyper för att sedan tillverkas och säljas. Tillvägagångssättet skiljer sig vanligtvis genom att olika modeller som exempelvis Lean product development eller integrerad produktutveckling används i processen. Delen av Lean product development (LPD) som används vid konceptutveckling kallas set based concurrent engineering (SBCE) och dessa begrepp är relativt nya i Sverige. Vad krävs för att arbeta med set based concurrent engineering på ett framgångsrikt sätt? Går det att identifiera viktiga faktorer vid produktutveckling med SBCE hos företag? En litteraturstudie som resulterade i en lista med fem potentiellt viktiga faktorer vid produktutveckling med SBCE gjordes inför en kvalitativ studie av fem företag. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes på Husqvarna, Saab, Furhoffs, Ericsson Radio och GKN Aerospace för att samla in empiri inför analys. I analysen jämfördes företagens sätt att produktutveckla med listan som togs fram i litteraturstudien. Slutsats av studien var att några viktiga faktorer för att lyckas med produktutveckling enligt SBCE är: Bred lösningsrymd, Kunskapsbaserat bortval av koncept, Återvinning av kunskap, Tekniskt kunnig projektledning, Tvärfunktionella arbetsgrupper. Dessutom framkom att en investering i rätt ledarskap kan vara en viktig faktor vid implementering av SBCE då företagets ledning måste ha förståelse för arbetsmodellen om SBCE ska kunna resultera i en positiv effekt. / Product development usually has the same general approach: A specification for a new product is provided to the product development department from the marketing department. Product developers then generate concepts which are developed into prototypes before the products are manufactured and sold. The procedure usually differs by the use of different models such as Lean product development or integrated product development in the process. The part of Lean product development (LPD) that is used when developing concepts is called set based concurrent engineering (SBCE) and these are new concepts in Sweden. What is required to work with set based concurrent engineering in a successful manner? Is it possible to identify important factors when developing products using SBCE in companies? A literature study which resulted in a list with five potentially important factors when developing products using SBCE was created before a qualitative study was conducted at five companies. Semi structured interviews were conducted at Husqvarna, Saab, Furhoffs, Ericsson Radio and GKN Aerospace to gather data for an analysis. In the analysis, comparisons were made between the companies’ way of developing products with the list that was created in the end of the literature study. A conclusion of the study was a number of important factors when developing products using SBCE could be: Wide solution space, Knowledge based screening of concepts, Recycling of knowledge, Technically competent project management, Cross functional teams. The study also showed that an investment in the right type of leadership could potentially be an important factor when implementing SBCE since the company management need to understand the working model if SBCE is going to have a positive effect.
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Vývoj dynamického modelu pro odhad radonové zátěže budov / Dynamic model for estimation of radon concentration in buildingsVaňková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Vývoj dynamického modelu pro odhad radonové zátěže budov / Dynamic model for estimation of radon concentration in buildingsVaňková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Title: Dynamic model for estimation of radon concentration in buildings Author: Barbora Vaňková Department: Department of probability and mathematical statistics Supervisor: Ing. Marek Brabec, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: mbrabec@cs.cas.cz Abstract: In the present work there is described the method for estimation of functi- onal data from discrete values and basic methods of functional data analysis. 1
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A model for complex product development using integrated product and support development criteriaRoos, S. D. January 2009 (has links)
D.Ing. / A development model for complex products in a multi-disciplinary development environment, is the focus of this research. Currently there are a few development models in use in industry, however it is shown in this research that these models are based on one or at best two development criteria, for instance TQM focuses on quality but the other development criteria do not feature strongly in TQM. The aim of this research is to develop a generic model for the development of complex, multi-disciplinary products, such as missiles, that have at least mechanical and electronic engineering involvement. The researcher presented a rationale and a problem statement as the starting point of the research. The problem being the scarcity of a development model that includes the TRAMM development criteria into the early stages of development in a multi-disciplinary environment for complex products. The problem statement stipulated the environment and the research essence. The need for a development model that includes TRAMM in a multi-disciplinary development environment for complex products is emphasised. The research objectives and the main definitions used in this research are given. The TRAMM criteria are clearly defined. The TRAMM criteria were emphasised. Currently these development criteria are each researched in an isolated, specialist field. It is shown that not all the TRAMM criteria are included in the current development models. However, the TRAMM criteria as isolated development criteria are fields well documented except in a methodology on how to implement these in the early stages of development. The TRAMM criteria are currently add-on development. The intention with this research is to integrate the TRAMM criteria into the early stages of the development. The researcher gives the possible methodology to include the TRAMM criteria in a development model. The current development models are introduced. The investigated development models are DFR/DFM, IPD, TQM and CE. The strong and weak characteristics of each model are highlighted. A possible methodology on how to incorporate the strong development criteria of the specific model in an integrated development model. The five development phases of the MPS development model are discussed. The MPS development model consists of a number of modules that are used for certain development tasks within the global development process. The contingency and processes of this modular model are one of the major problems. An integrated development model should solve this problem. The MPS development model is the basis for the IPS model. Two product developments based on the MPS model are identified and discussed. During the development of these products, requirements were raised and further development criteria were identified and included in the MPS development model. The development criteria that are introduced in these two developments are highlighted and possible methods on how to include it in an integrated model are discussed. Summaries of four of the literature-surveyed models are ascertained before it is evaluated. An evaluation matrix consisting of 84 development criteria is proposed. This matrix is based on the literature-survey and the current development models. This matrix includes development criteria from these models. The matrix incorporates the TRAMM criteria, management, design, organisation and project policies. The matrix makes a comparison between the different development models including the MPS model. It is clear from the comparison that the different models were developed with a certain aspect of development in mind. These models do not include all the development criteria given in the 84 criteria evaluation matrix. A model is proposed that includes these criteria and that can be tailored according to certain user requirements. An integrated model that includes the criteria given in the evaluation matrix, which includes the TRAMM criteria, is required. Such a model is proposed. This model is named the IPS development model. The IPS development model for development in a multi-disciplinary environment is described. This model is based on the MPS and literature-surveyed development models. From the evaluation matrix, it is clear that some of the criteria are not included in any of the literature-surveyed models or the MPS development model. The inclusion of these criteria in the IPS model is part of the contribution of this research. The research contributions are highlighted. The IPS development model is a model for development in a multi-disciplinary environment for complex products. It can be tailored for various fields including mechanical and electrical development fields. The IPS model concentrates on a 5-phase development structure. This structure concentrates on the management aspects of development. Once the management phase (phase 0) is in place, the development can start. This phase is called the concept, exploration and definition phase (phase 1). During this phase the concepts are explored and defined. In phase 1, no hardware is built. Hardware that demonstrates new technology or reduces design risk is the only exception to this rule. If all the concepts are explored, the demonstration and validation phase (phase 2) can start. The demonstration and validation phase includes the TRAMM criteria of the development. Phase 3, the full-scale engineering development phase is the phase where the hardware is designed and this phase includes the design aspects of the development. Phase 3 is the last phase covered in this research; the other two phases are the production, commissioning and support phases. These phases are included as the framework for the feedback path of the development. The IPS development model is circulated in one of the intended development environments and evaluated. The respondent's results show that most of the criteria in the evaluation matrix are significant the development. On an average scale, the TRAMM criteria are regarded as more than 75% important in this specific multi-disciplinary development environment.
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Introduction With an increasing knowledge of the health benefits from physical activity (PA) the interest in objectively measuring PA in free living environment has increased. ActiGraph is the most commonly used accelerometer to objectively measure PA, while ActivPAL is considered gold standard when it comes to measuring sedentary behavior. Aims The aim of this study was to investigate if ActivPAL could be used to measure Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) instead of ActiGraph. Methods Data from 79 overweight office workers carrying the ActivPAL and ActiGraph device simultaneously were analyzed. All activities with a cadence of 90 steps per minute (spm) or more lasting for at least 30 seconds from one day from ActivPAL data was extracted and compared to the corresponding activity from ActiGraph. An activity was classified as MVPA by using the cut points of 100 spm for ActivPAL and 3208 activity-counts per minute (cpm) for ActiGraph using vector magnitude (VM). Results A correlation of r=0.326 (p<0.001) was seen between ActiGraph and ActivPAL with a Cohen’s kappa of K=0.14, a percentage agreement of 60.7%, a sensitivity of 61.5% with ActiGraph as denominator and a positive predictive value (PPV) of 84.3% for ActivPAL. Neither age nor BMI affected the association between the estimates by these devices. There was no correlation for time spent in MVPA between devices. Conclusion Cadence from ActivPAL cannot replace ActiGraph to measure MVPA in a free living environment in overweight adults.
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NMCMA-SDD concurrent equalizerMayer, Kayol Soares 28 March 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Em sistemas de comunica??o digital sem fio, o sinal transmitido pode ser afetado por v?rias fontes de distor??o, sendo as mais significantes o ru?do gaussiano branco aditivo (AWGN), multipercurso e efeito Doppler. Em ambientes onde a resposta de impulso do canal de comunica??o ? vari?vel no tempo, como em comunica??es m?veis, a distor??o por multipercurso ? din?mica. Juntamente com o efeito Doppler, o multipercurso din?mico pode at? mesmo eventualmente interromper completamente o link de comunica??o sem fio. Para minimizar este problema, equalizadores de canais autodidatas s?o usados para mitigar os efeitos de multipercurso e Doppler. Neste contexto, esta disserta??o prop?e um novo equalizador de canal autodidata (blind), baseado no algoritmo de m?dulo constante modificado n?o linear (NMCMA) e no equalizador Soft Direct Decision (SDD) em uma arquitetura concorrente. Este novo equalizador concorrente NMCMA-SDD ? comparado com o estado da arte, o equalizador concorrente com algoritmo de m?dulo constante (CMA)-SDD, operando sob os chamados "Brazil channels A-E", proposto pela Uni?o Internacional das Telecomunica??es (UIT). O equalizador proposto apresenta resultados significativos em compara??o com o estado da arte, possibilitando a opera??o em links de comunica??o sem fio entre ve?culos a?reos n?o tripulados (UAVs), ve?culos terrestres e em outros cen?rios de comunica??o din?mica. / In wireless digital communication systems, the transmitted signal may be affected by several sources of distortion, the most significant being Additive Whit Gaussian Noise (AWGN), multipath and Dopplr effect. In environmets where the impulse response of the communication channel is time variant, as in mobile communications, the multipath distortion is dynamic. Together with the Doppler effect, the dynamic multipath may even completely interrupt the wireless communication link. In order to solve this issue, blind channel equalizers are used to mitigate the multipath and Doppler effects. In this context, this dissertation proposes a novel blind channel equalizer, based on the Nonlinear Modified Constant Modulus Algorithm (NMCMA) and on the Soft Direct Desicion (SDD) equalizers in a concurrent architecture. This novel NMCMA-SDD concurrent equalizer is compared with the state of the art, the Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA)-SDD concurrent equalizer, over the so-called "Brazil channels A-E", proposed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The proposed equalizer presents significant results when compared with the state of the art, making possible its operation in wireless communication links for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), terrestrial vehicles, and others dynamic communication scenarios.
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Adaptações neuromusculares ao treinamento concorrente com e sem a execução de séries máximas em homens idososSilva, Larissa Xavier Neves da January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: o envelhecimento está associado a perdas cardiorrespiratórias e neuromusculares, que estão relacionadas com quedas, hospitalizações e perda da independência funcional. O treinamento concorrente (TC) já está estabelecido como a melhor ferramenta para combater estes declínios e, portanto, deve-se entender a melhor forma de prescrever este treinamento. Com relação a parte neuromuscular do TC, o uso de repetições máximas (RM) vem sendo questionado sobre sua eficácia e, em idosos, ainda não existem estudos abordando este tema. Objetivo: investigar possíveis diferenças nas adaptações neuromusculares à execução ou não execução de repetições máximas nos exercícios de força, explorando também o uso do volume equalizado (número de repetições igualadas com as repetições máximas), durante o TC em homens idosos. Materiais e métodos: o estudo contou com 12 semanas de TC feito duas vezes na semana; 32 homens idosos foram randomizados para um dos três diferentes grupos: grupo com repetições máximas (GRM); grupo com repetições submáximas (GRNM), que trabalhava com 50% do volume do GRM; e um grupo que trabalhava com volume equalizado (GRNMVE), ou seja, mesmo volume do GRM, porém com ausência de séries chegando até a falha concêntrica. As variáveis analisadas foram o 1RM (kg) no exercício LG e EJ, CIVM dos extensores de joelho direito no dinamômetro isocinético, na qual foram avaliados: PTIso, TPT nos intervalos 0-50, 0100 e 0-250 m.s e EMG (μV) do músculo RF e VL, desempenho de saltos CMJ e SJ, avaliados no tapete de saltos e EM do quadríceps por US. A análise estatística dos dados está apresentada em média e DP. Todas as análises foram feitas no software SPSS 21.0, com nível de significância de < 0,05 para todas as variáveis. O TE, que foi calculado pela diferença na média pré e pós treinamento da variável dividido pelo DP pré treinamento. Resultados: todos os grupos incrementaram seus valores de base para o período pós treinamento. Para a força máxima, 1RM LG e EJ incrementaram em todos grupos (p < 0,05 e p < 0,001, respectivamente), sem diferenças entre eles (ganhos ~50% e ~30% para LG e EJ, respectivamente). O PTIso teve incrementos, mas não significativos, (p = 0,072; incrementos de 5 – 15%). Para a TPT 0-50m.s (p=0,066) não teve ganhos significativos, porém os intervalos da TPT 0-100 (p=0,027; ganhos ~15%) e TPT 0-250m.s (p<0,05; ganhos~12%) foram significativos para todos os grupos. Para o desempenho de saltos, o CMJ teve uma tendência significativa (p=0,056; ganhos de 3-12%) e o SJ teve incrementos significativos (p<0,05; ganhos ~15%), para todos os grupos, sem diferenças entre os grupos. Para os valores de EMG RF e EMG VL (p>0,05 para ambos), não houve incremento em todos os grupos. Para os valores de EM, todos os grupos aumentaram seus valores, sem diferenças entre os grupos, de modo significativo (p<0,05), com exceção ao VI, que não teve ganhos significativos (VI: p= 0,85), sem diferenças entre os grupos. Para o somatório do quadríceps, todos os grupos incrementaram seus valores significativamente (p<0,05; ganhos de 2-10%), sem diferenças entre os grupos. Para a tensão específica, todos os grupos incrementaram seus valores significativamente (p< 0,001; ganhos de 11-29%), sem diferenças entre eles. Conclusões: o uso de repetições máximas no treino de força (TF), dentro do contexto do TC, em idosos, não é necessário, já que não foi observada vantagem no GRM. Mesmo um menor volume de treinamento foi capaz de induzir a mesma magnitude de adaptações. / Introduction: aging is associated with cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular losses, which are related to falls, hospitalizations, and loss of functional independency. Concurrent training (CT) is already established to be the best form to fight these declines and, therefore, it is necessary to understand the best way to prescribe these type of training. Regarding the neuromuscular part from the CT, the use of repetitions maximum (RM) is being questioned about it’s efficacy and, in elderly, this them has not yet been approached. Objective: investigate the possible differences in the neuromuscular adaptations due to the execution of maximum repetitions in strength training, also exploring the use of equalized volume, during the CT in elderly men. Materials and methods: the study accounted with 12 weeks of CT, done twice a week; 32 male elderly were randomized into one of the three groups: one protocol using RM, referred by the GRM initials; another protocol using 50% of the volume from the GRM, referred by the GRNM initials; and the last protocol using the same volume from the GRM, but with more series to equalize the total volume, without reaching concentric failure, referred by the initials GRNMVE. The analyzed variables were 1RM (kg) for the LG and EJ exercises, MIVC of the knee extensors, in which were computed: PTIso, RFD at the 0-50, 0-100 and 0-250 m.s intervals and the EMG (μV) from RF and VL muscles. Jump’s performance from the CMJ and SJ, at the jump’s carpet, MT done by US. All the data are presented in media and ST. all the analyzes were made in the SPSS software, version 21.0, with the significance level set at < 0,05 for all variables. The EF was calculated by the difference between the means from pre to post training, divided by the pre training SD. Results: all groups increased their values from baseline to post training. For maximum strength, 1RM LG and EJ increased in all groups (p<0,05 e p<0,001, respectively), without differences between them (gains ~50% and ~30% for LG e EJ, respectively). PTIso increased their values, but without significance (p = 0,072; gains from 5 to 15%). For RFD 0-50 m.s, there were no significative gains (p=0,066), but there significant gains for the intervals RFD 0-100m.s (p=0,027; ganhos ~15%) RFD 0-250 m.s (p<0,05; ganhos~12%) for all groups. For the jump’s performance, the CMJ had a trend towards signifcance (p=0,056; increases from 3 to 12%) and SJ had significant gains (p<0,05; ganhos ~15%), for all grops, with no difference between them.For thw EMG RF e EMG VL values, there was no difference found (p>0,05 for both) in any group. For the MT values, all groups increased their baseline values for all muscles (p<0,05), except for VI, that showed no significative gains (VI: p= 0,85), with no difference between the groups. For the total quadriceps MT, all groups increased their values (p<0,05; gains from 2 to 10%), without any group differences. Fot the MQ quality values, all groups increased their baseline values (p< 0,001; gains from 11 to 29%), with no difference between them. Conclusions: the use of RM on the ST, inside the context of CT, in elderly, is not necessary, because it was not noted an advantage for the GRM. Even a smaller volume of training was able to induce the same magnitude adaptations.
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Comparação entre modelos de periodização do treinamento físico combinado (aeróbico e resistido) em mulheres de 50 a 75 anos de idade: associação com variantes genéticas / Comparison among periodization models of combined aerobic and resistance training in women among 50 to 75 years: association with genetic variantsMedeiros, Leonardo Henrique de Lima 06 November 2017 (has links)
O envelhecimento é um processo inexorável, porém a redução gradativa da capacidade do organismo está bastante ligada com os hábitos do estilo de vida e a fatores genéticos. Polimorfismos nos genes que codificam a enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA) e a proteína alfa-actinina 3 (ACTN3) podem resultar em mudanças na aptidão física. Já o treinamento físico tem sido utilizado como uma ferramenta não farmacológica na prevenção primária em saúde. Por fim, a periodização deste treinamento busca ser um meio sistemático de planejar e organizar o treinamento de modo a torná-lo mais eficiente. Não há na literatura estudos com a periodização ou com os genótipos da ECA e ACT3 associados ao treinamento combinado. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar diferentes modelos de periodização do treinamento no exercício físico combinado em variáveis de saúde e comparar a magnitude da resposta em indivíduos com diferentes características genéticas em relação aos genes ECA e ACTN3. Após três semanas de adaptação, 54 mulheres com idade entre 50-75 anos foram randomicamente divididas nos modelos de treinamento a) não periodizado (NP), b) periodização não linear (NL) ou c) periodização não linear flexível (NLF). Para os valores pré e pós 12 semanas de treinamento, aptidão aeróbia (consumo máximo de oxigênio [VO2 pico] e teste de caminhada de seis minutos) e força muscular (1 RM no supino e leg press) foram medidas. A genotipagem da ECA foi feita por PCR convencional e a ACTN3 por PCR em tempo real. Os resultados mostraram que a força máxima foi aumentada estatisticamente no supino (effect size [ES] de 1,18 em PNL e 1,22 em PNLF] e leg press (ES de 0,92 em PNL e 0,98 em PNLF) nos grupos PNL e PNLF. No teste de caminhada de seis minutos, a magnitude da aptidão aeróbica melhorou em todos os grupos (ES de 1,02 em NP, 1,33 em PNL e 0,54 em PNLF). Para o gene da ECA, houve uma diferença estatística entre os grupos do pré para o pós no supino (ID/DD: 18,6%; II: 8,3%). Para o gene da ACTN3, houve diferença estatística do pré para o pós dentro do grupo no supino (CC/CT: 17,4%; TT: 6,9%) e leg press (CC/CT: 12,3%; TT: 7,5%) apenas no grupo CC/CT. Em conclusão, o presente estudo mostrou que os modelos periodizados foram capazes de induzir melhorias significativas na força muscular em mulheres pós menopausa fisicamente ativas. Além disso, os genótipos ID/DD do gene da ECA e CC/CT do gene da ACTN3 melhor efeito na força muscular no treinamento combinado. / The aging is an inexorable process, but the gradual reduction of the capacity in the organism is related with lifestyle habits and genetic factors. Polymorphisms in genes encoding both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and alpha-actinin 3 protein (ACTN3) may result in changes in physical fitness. Physical training has been used as a non-pharmacological tool in primary health prevention. Finally, the periodization training is a systematic means of planning and organizing training to do it more efficient. There are no studies in the literature with periodization or with ACT and ACT3 genotypes associated to combined training. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate different models of periodization training in combined exercise training in health variables and to compare the magnitude of the response in individuals with different genetic characteristics in relation to the ACE and ACTN3 genes. After three weeks of adaptation, 54 women aged 50-75 years were randomly assigned to a) nonperiodization (NP), b) non-linear periodization (NLP) or c) flexible non-linear periodization (FNLP). At baseline and after 12 weeks, aerobic fitness (peak oxygen uptake [VO2peak] and six-minute walk test) and maximal muscle strength (1 RM bench press and leg press) were measured. The ACE genotyping was performed trough conventional PCR and ACTN3 by real-time PCR. The results showed that the magnitude of the maximal strength statistically increased in the bench press [effect size (ES) of 1.18 in NLP and 1.22 in FNLP] and leg press (ES of 0.92 in NLP and 0.98 in FNLP) only in the periodized groups. In six-minute walk test, the magnitude of the aerobic fitness improved in all groups (ES of 1.02 in NP, 1.33 in UP and 0.54 in FNLP). In conclusion, the present study showed that periodized models could induce significant improvements on muscle strength in active postmenopausal women. In the ACE gene, there was a statistical difference between the groups from pre to post supine (ID / DD: 18.6%, II: 8.3%). For the ACTN3 gene, there was a statistical difference between the pre and post within the group in the bench press (CC/CT: 17,4%; TT: 6,9%) and leg press (CC/CT: 12,3%; TT: 7,5%) only in the CC/CT group. In conclusion, the present study showed that periodized models could induce significant improvements on muscle strength in active postmenopausal women. In addition, the genotypes ID / DD of the ECA and CC / CT gene of ACTN3 gene had a better effect to muscle strength.
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