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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban environmental problems: social and environmental injustices in solid waste management in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo

Kubanza, Nzalalemba Serge January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, September 2016. / The purpose of this research was to investigate the concepts of social and environmental justice in the context of solid waste management in Kinshasa and the critical factors accounting for injustice in this context. The investigation followed an examination of the relevant theoretical framework(s) and mechanisms that would facilitate the attainment of social and environmental justice in the city of Kinshasa, DRC. It was argued that social justice and environmental justice are a global challenge, and that efforts to address these challenges are usually biased towards employing eurocentric frameworks that are unfit to deal with the reality of environmental problems in a developing country scenario. The use of eurocentric urban development and planning approaches, which in most cases are outdated, have significantly propagated issues of spatial inequality in the distribution of solid waste burdens and have contributed to worsening justice concerns in many cities in developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. It has been illustrated in this study that social justice and environmental justice in the context of solid waste management must be seen as intrinsically connected, as both concepts emphasise the need for empirical understandings grounded in local contexts. Social and environmental justices play fundamental roles in the theoretical construction of principles that can contribute to a sustainable community, thereby ensuring that the rights and needs of individuals in a society are met. In the context of solid waste, the concepts of social justice and environmental justice are compelling because of their focus on ensuring equal service delivery in solid waste collection and disposal, while simultaneously redressing previous imbalances. Walker (2009) argues that the principles of environmental and social justice and sustainable development are more generally in their infancy in sub-Saharan Africa, and few implementing agencies and practitioners have a clear understanding of how to translate these global principles into practice. It is not surprising, therefore, that unresolved issues around sustainable development and environmental justice have emerged in a period during which implementation and the real implications of following a justice pathway have overwhelmed many urban managers in sub-Saharan African cities (Patel 2009). Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods together with system thinking and system dynamics modelling principles as integral frameworks in understanding the complexity in solid waste management, it has been demonstrated that solid waste management in Kinshasa, like in many Congolese cities, is a duty entrusted to publicly-funded municipal authorities. There is a clear divide and evidence in the manner by which solid waste is managed between the rich and poor neighborhoods of the city. The rich neighbourhoods seem to enjoy well-formulated systems of service delivery, in contrast with high-density areas, where almost 80% of the population in Kinshasa resides. This state of affairs is a result of inequalities that exist between the more powerful wealthy class and the disempowered poor people of the urban society in Kinshasa. Furthermore, cultural theory paradigms and conceptual System Dynamics (SD) modelling principles were employed to establish how the stakeholders in the form of four social solidarities (fatalist, hierarchist, individualist and egalitarian) influence solid waste management in the city and how they interact with each other dynamically. Based on this inter-linkage, interaction and causal feedback relations, a politico-cultural mechanism was evolved to enable changes to social and environmental injustices in solid waste management in Kinshasa, DRC. It was argued that a cultural theory inspired participative and collaborative mechanisms could result in the incorporation of a majority of the stakeholders in the decision making and implementation of solid waste management, adoption of technologies and innovative ways of managing solid waste, which could prompt social and environmental justice in solid waste management in Kinshasa, DRC. The findings of the study have both theoretical and practical implications. They provide a thorough discourse on environmental justice in solid waste management and how cultural theory paradigm can offer a new dimension to the theories behind stakeholder’s participation in local development and management matters, particularly with respect to social and environmental injustice in solid waste management in sub-Saharan African cities. They also explicitly show how the various social solidarities could work dynamically in an integrated manner, and enable development of policy intervention mechanisms to resolve the solid waste management challenges and attain social and environmental justice through their effective collaboration, and participation, although this may be through compromises and tradeoffs in place of consensus. This paradigm could assist government agencies like municipalities to develop appropriate policy interventions and implementation strategies to resolve solid waste management challenges in sub-Saharan African cities in general and in the Democratic Republic of Congo in particular. Keywords: Cultural theory, environmental justice, social justice, solid waste management, urban environmental problem, Kinshasa / LG2017


PLACIDE OKALEMA PASHI 06 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] No contexto social congolês, à época de nossa análise, marcado, particularmente, de um lado, pelos constrangimentos sociopolíticos e financeiros e, por outro lado, pelo compromisso de todos os atores políticos de trabalhar pela democracia, uma imprensa que não possui uma deontologia coerente e meios adequados para seu funcionamento pode, facilmente, se tornar papagaiótica da ditadura, da ação da elite que detém um duplo capital político e financeiro e pode gerar uma classe política medíocre. As modalidades discursivas mobilizadas em tal imprensa sofrem, direta ou indiretamente, a interferência do regime dominante na orientação de sua linha editorial. O quadro político dominante do Congo interferiu, diretamente, na orientação da política editorial da imprensa, ao conceder-lhe subsídios e financiamento. E, indiretamente, ao comprar espaço nos jornais. Essa interferência registra a evolução da imprensa congolesa em uma perspectiva de dependência política, econômica e financeira, ou seja, uma postura tática de alinhamento editorial à ideologia política dominante, e isso em detrimento do ideal de democracia sob o qual a própria legitimidade da função da imprensa seria fundada. Essa imprensa congolesa era vista como a midiatização quase exclusiva das opiniões dos atores políticos dominantes, excluindo do circuito midiático as opiniões de outros atores sócio-políticos e questionando sua própria função como garantidora e guardiã da liberdade, diversidade de olhares e último recurso dos cidadãos. A situação do jornalista, nesse contexto, é a do homem incapaz de fazer uso de sua própria razão. O jornalista torna-se o que os outros dizem, sem senso crítico, sem reflexão profunda. É a pura alienação e aniquilação da razão, de seu ser e de sua essência jornalística. / [en] In the Congolese social context of our analysis, particularly marked, on the one hand, by socio-political and financial constraints and, on the other hand, by the commitment of all political actors to work for democracy, a press that does not have a coherent deontology and adequate means for its functioning can easily become parrotic of the dictatorship and / or the action of the dominant politician or the elite holding a double political and financial capital and can generate a political class poor. The discursive modalities mobilized in such a press suffer, directly or indirectly, the interference of the dominant regime in the orientation of its editorial line. Congo s dominant political environment directly interfered with the editorial policy of the press, providing subsidies and funding, and indirectly, buying newspaper space. This interference records the evolution of the Congolese press in a perspective of political, economic and financial dependence, that is to say, a tactical posture of editorial alignment with the dominant political ideology, and this to the detriment of the ideal of democracy under which the very legitimacy of the function of the press would be founded. This Congolese press was perceived as the almost exclusive mediatization of the opinions of the dominant political actors, excluding from the media circuit the opinions of the other socio-political actors and calling into question its own role of guarantor and guardian of the freedom, the diversity of opinions and last resort of citizens. The situation of the journalist, in this context, is that of a man unable to use his own reason. The journalist becomes what others say, without critical sense, without deep reflection. It is the pure alienation and annihilation of reason, of its being and its journalistic essence.

Prophétisme, hétérodoxie et dissidence. Limaginaire kimbanguiste en mouvement

MELICE, Anne 17 March 2011 (has links)
La thèse est divisée en trois parties et en sept chapitres. Lintroduction générale contient, après la description de lobjet, un état de la question relatif aux Églises indépendantes africaines, la problématique, une discussion des concepts transversaux, la méthodologie et le plan général. Dans la perspective dune anthropologie dynamique, le travail semploie à rendre compte des mouvements qui animent limaginaire, cest-à-dire les croyances partagées, et les pratiques du kimbanguisme dabord, de lÉglise kimbanguiste ensuite. La première partie est consacrée au thème du prophétisme kimbanguiste de 1921 à aujourdhui. Elle est subdivisée en deux chapitres. Le premier décrit et analyse lintrication entre le religieux et le politique dans le prophétisme initial de Kimbangu à lépoque coloniale et dans le « prophétisme dÉglise » depuis lIndépendance. Le deuxième chapitre traite de la dimension thaumaturgique essentielle au prophétisme et en envisage les manifestations officielles mais aussi officieuses, en marge de lÉglise, dans le contexte de la multiplication des Églises de guérison et des Églises de réveil. Cette partie sachève sur un essai dinterprétation de la spécificité du prophétisme kimbanguiste aujourdhui. La deuxième partie envisage la constitution de lorthodoxie au sein de lÉglise kimbanguiste depuis les années 1960, lapparition dune hétérodoxie dans les années 1990, puis la réintégration de cette hétérodoxie menant à la constitution dune nouvelle orthodoxie depuis les années 2000. Cette partie est divisée en trois chapitres. Le premier porte sur la croyance partagée en la trinité incarnée ; le deuxième sur lafrocentrisme et lethnocentrisme qui coexistent avec un universalisme déclaré ; le troisième sur la dimension millénariste fondamentale dans limaginaire théologico-politique de la doctrine de lÉglise kimbanguiste. Lanalyse diagnostique une série de recentrements : sur la figure du « chef spirituel », sur les Bakongo, sur les Africains et sur la cité sainte des Kimbanguistes, Nkamba. La troisième partie dépeint et explique un phénomène récent : la dissidence qui, depuis 2002, déchire lÉglise et en particulier, la descendance de Simon Kimbangu. Comme cette dissidence est apparue à loccasion dune succession au titre de « chef spirituel », en 2001, un chapitre est dabord consacré au mode de succession dans lÉglise depuis 1958. Il fait en outre apparaître que depuis les années 1990, de fortes tensions concurrentielles préparaient le terrain à la dissidence. Un deuxième chapitre est centré sur la dissidence actuelle. Il en dégage les causes et les enjeux, en particulier lappropriation des pouvoirs charismatique et économique. Lauteur constate que ces forces apparemment centrifuges ne débouchent pas sur un schisme à proprement parler, et que de part et dautre, du côté de lÉglise comme du côté des dissidents, est paradoxalement affirmée lidée dune Église kimbanguiste « une et indivisible ». La dissidence nest pas lexpression dun conflit démocratique, mais, au contraire, du privilège théologico-politique du centre. La thèse dans son ensemble montre que les mouvements qui traversent lÉglise jusque dans ses diasporas sont ultimement rapportés au privilège du centre. La conclusion cherche à cerner la position de lÉglise dans le Congo daujourdhui. Elle met en évidence, dune part, la position respectueuse de lÉglise par rapport aux autorités politiques et, dautre part, lincompatibilité foncière entre le processus démocratique en cours et la conception théologico-politique de la doctrine kimbanguiste actuelle. Lextraterritorialité revendiquée pour la cité sainte des Kimbanguistes, Nkamba, reflète cette incompatibilité et constitue un élément de désaccord avec les autorités politiques.

An exploration of the traumatic experiences associated with refugee status in a sample of Congolese refugees in Cape Town.

Makoala, John. January 2008 (has links)
<p>There has been an influx of refugees from African countries into South Africa as a result of having been displaced by war. Starting in 1994, the genocide in the Great Lakes region exacerbated existing ethnic and political tensions. Of the 25,000 recognized refugees in South Africa, nearly 8,000 are from Congo- Kinshasa, comprising the highest number. LIterature indicates that refugees suffer from a high incidence of traumatic symptoms and posttraumatic stress syndrome. This study explored the traumatic aspects of refugee status in a sample of Congolese refugees relocated to Cape Town.</p>

An exploration of the traumatic experiences associated with refugee status in a sample of Congolese refugees in Cape Town.

Makoala, John. January 2008 (has links)
<p>There has been an influx of refugees from African countries into South Africa as a result of having been displaced by war. Starting in 1994, the genocide in the Great Lakes region exacerbated existing ethnic and political tensions. Of the 25,000 recognized refugees in South Africa, nearly 8,000 are from Congo- Kinshasa, comprising the highest number. LIterature indicates that refugees suffer from a high incidence of traumatic symptoms and posttraumatic stress syndrome. This study explored the traumatic aspects of refugee status in a sample of Congolese refugees relocated to Cape Town.</p>

An exploration of the traumatic experiences associated with refugee status in a sample of Congolese refugees in Cape Town

Makoala, John January 2008 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) / There has been an influx of refugees from African countries into South Africa as a result of having been displaced by war. Starting in 1994, the genocide in the Great Lakes region exacerbated existing ethnic and political tensions. Of the 25,000 recognized refugees in South Africa, nearly 8,000 are from Congo- Kinshasa, comprising the highest number. LIterature indicates that refugees suffer from a high incidence of traumatic symptoms and posttraumatic stress syndrome. This study explored the traumatic aspects of refugee status in a sample of Congolese refugees relocated to Cape Town.

Congo casino: le monde social du capitalisme européen au Katanga (RDC)

Rubbers, Benjamin 07 March 2006 (has links)
<p align="justify">Les Européens (Belges, Grecs et Italiens) du Katanga, dont le nombre s’est considérablement réduit au cours de la période post-coloniale, forment aujourd’hui le groupe le plus puissant de l’économie de la région. Au vu des troubles qui ont marqué l’histoire du Congo depuis l’indépendance, pourquoi sont-ils restés sur place ?Comment ont-ils développé leurs affaires dans une économie sur le déclin, en voie de marginalisation, et dans une structure politique patrimoniale de plus en plus instable ?Et quelle est leur place au sein de la société congolaise ?Telle est la triple question de départ à laquelle tente de répondre cette thèse en abordant de façon successive, au fil des chapitres, leur parcours migratoire, leur insertion dans la société congolaise, la dynamique de leur communauté, leur rôle dans les deux plus gros secteurs de la région, et leurs rapports avec les représentants de l’Etat. Elle prend appui pour ce faire sur une recherche de terrain conduite entre 2003 et 2004.</p><p><p align="justify">If the number of Europeans (Belgians, Greeks and Italians) living in Katanga has considerably decreased during the post-colonial period, they represent today the most powerful entrepreneurial group of the local economy. Once considered the troubles they came across since independence, why did they remain in the Congo? How did they develop their business in a declining economy, in process of marginalization, and in a patrimonial political structure, which proves to be more and more unstable? Finally, what is their place and role in Congolese society? These are the three questions this thesis tries to give an answer. Through the chapters, it studies the migration of expatriates in Africa, their relationship with Congolese society, the dynamics of their community, their role in the two most important sectors of Katanga, and the way they interact with the agents of the State. For this purpose, it rests upon a fieldwork research led between 2003 and 2004.</p> / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation anthropologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Identités professionnelles des enseignant(e)s : analyse des situations et études comparatives entre le Congo-Brazzaville et le Congo-Kinshasa / Teachers' professional identity : analysis of situations and comparative studies between the Congo-Brazzaville and the Congo-Kinshasa

Boukou, Jean Claude 30 January 2017 (has links)
L’identité professionnelle des enseignant-e-s des deux Congo. Les enseignant-e-s du primaire et du secondaire des deux pays, le Congo-Brazzaville et le Congo-Kinshasa, ont traversé, ces quarante (40) dernières années, des difficultés socio- économiques et politiques qui ont affecté leur éthique professionnelle, les obligeant à remettre en cause leur identité professionnelle. Des analyses sur les contextes éducatifs, les actions professionnelles, les aspects socio-relationnels, organisationnels, institutionnels et non formels nous permettront : d’étudier le rôle joué par la formation initiale des enseignants, de situer les questions relatives aux financements des structures éducatives ainsi que l’efficacité desdits financements, de comprendre la désaffection généralisée et l’affaiblissement du statut social et économique de la fonction d’enseignant-e. Tout ceci permettra de mieux expliquer le caractère de vulnérabilité des enseignants actuels, et de justifier ce qu’est « le revêtement identitaire idéalisé » selon (Dubar, 2000 :165). L’analyse des résultats de 103 interviews biographiques avec des enseignant-e-s formé-e-s pendant 4 périodes différentes sont présentées et analysées. Les résultats indiquent qu’a chaque période correspond une identité professionnelle de base. Sur le plan social, les enseignants, qui se considèrent comme Sisyphe du 21ème siècle et kamikazes des temps modernes, disent vivre une « tempête, une panique et une débandade identitaires » . Une étude comparative montrera le degré d’intervention dans les deux capitales proches géographiquement, mais ayant des systèmes éducatifs divergents : le Congo-Brazzaville ayant hérité du système français, le Congo-Kinshasa ayant hérité du système Belge. La comparaison sera intra-pays et inter-pays, et concernera les formations initiale et professionnelle des deux pays afin d’interroger leurs systèmes nationaux et les éventuelles similarités ou différences identitaires. / The professional identity of teachers : Analysis of situations and comparison’s studies between the Congo-Brazzaville and the Congo-Kinshasa. During the last forty (40) years, teachers of both The Congo-Brazzaville and The Congo-Kinshasa have known social, economical and political problems which affected their professional ethic, forcing them to question themselves about their professional identity. Studies of the educational settings, professional actions, socio-relational, organisational, institutional and non formal aspects will enable us: to study the role of the teachers’ initial training, to assess the issues related to the funding of the educational structures together with its efficiency, to understand the generalized disaffection and the weakness of the social and economical position of the teacher’s duty. All these will enable a better explanation of the vulnerability of current teachers and justify the “idealized identity revetment” according to (Dubar.2000:165). The analysis of the outcomes of 103 biographic interviews conducted with teachers trained during 4 different periods revealed that each period corresponds to a basic professional identity.In the social context, teachers who consider themselves as Sisyphe of 21st century and the new kamikazes talk about an identity panic and scuttle. A comparative study will show the level of involvement in both cities geographically close to each other. The educational systems are different: the Congo-Brazzaville inherited the French system and The Congo-Kinshasa the Belgian one. The comparison will be intra-countries and inter-countries and will entail the initial and professional trainings of both countries in order to question their national systems and any eventual identity similarities or differences.

Les États-Unis face à la francophonie : les stratégies américaines en Afrique francophone, 1960-1970

Lefèvre, Marine January 2005 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

French Makes Communication and Structures Make English : An Analysis of Official Language-Teaching Documents in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sweden / Franska skapar kommunikation och strukturer skapar engelska : En analys av officiella språkundervisningsdokument i Demokratiska republiken Kongo och Sverige

Sidenholm, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the least developed countries in the world and its school system needs to be improved. The aim of this research is to find out what the Congolese state expects from language teaching (French and English), how this is described in the curriculum, and whether this differs from the curriculum of a more developed country, such as Sweden. Through a content analysis, the language view, the role of the teacher and views of pupil participation are investigated. The Swedish curriculum and the Congolese programme of French show similarities by communicative and constructivist views, while the Congolese programme of English demonstrates behaviouristic features. This study can serve as an example of how the language context, i.e., second language v. foreign language, as well as the national culture, influence the curriculum. / Demokratiska republiken Kongo är ett av världens minst utvecklade länder och dess skolsystem är i behov av en förbättring. Språk är en viktig del i utvecklingen av landet. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ta reda på vad den kongolesiska staten förväntar sig av sin språkundervisning, hur den beskrivs i styrdokument samt om den skiljer sig från läroplanen i ett mer utvecklat land som Sverige. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har uppfattningar om uppsatsens teman; språksyn, lärarens roll och elevdeltagande, hittats. Materialet som analyserats är den kongolesiska skolans program för franska och engelska, samt den svenska läroplanen inklusive kursplanerna för franska och engelska. Analysen avser de första åren i den kongolesiska sekundärskolan och det svenska högstadiet, vilka motsvarar varandra när det gäller elevernas ålder. Skillnaden i DR Kongo mellan andraspråk (franska) och främmande språk (engelska) berörs.Den svenska läroplanen samt det kongolesiska programmet för franska visar många likheter genom att lyfta fram kommunikativa och konstruktivistiska perspektiv. Det kongolesiska programmet för engelska har däremot behavioristiska drag. Lärarens olika roller och hur elevdeltagande lyfts fram förstärker dessa språksyner. De två kongolesiska programmen liknar dock varandra när det gäller synen på hur läraren ska behandla språkliga fel i klassrummet. Studien kan ses som ett exempel på hur språkkontexten, d.v.s. andraspråk och främmande språk, likväl som den nationella kulturen påverkar läroplaner.

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