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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Lin, Tien-Liang 12 September 2005 (has links)
A STUDY ON THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF THE CONGRESSIONAL LIAISON SYSTEM IN THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE R.O.C. Abstract With the implementation of the Defense Act and the Organization Law of the Ministry of National Defense in 2002, all defense-related matters became formally regulated by law. The relationship between the military and other civilian agencies in the government are therefore of vital importance to national security and defense development. Especially the relationship with Congress, it could influence not only the approval of defense budgets and legislative proposals regarding armed forces, but also the development of military organizations. Based on the author¡¦s previous experience serving as an MND congressional liaison officer, there are some issues need to be worked out, and they become the research motives of this study: Due to confrontations between the Administration and Congress, defense related matters are constantly questioned by lawmakers and encounter considerable difficulties, the author wanted to identify whether the source of this problem is the legal system itself, the personnel involved, or the effectiveness of current congressional liaison system. Since the operation of current military congressional liaison teams depend only on personal experiences and lack professional expertise from related fields such as political science, media propaganda, public relations, administrative management, policy marketing, etc., liaison officers are forced to explore the delicate interactions between the Administration and Legislation all by themselves. Furthermore, liaison personnel from different levels fail to integrate effectively and can not cooperate functionally with the Office of Military Spokesmen. With the above shortcomings, current military liaison teams can only be regarded as congressional contacts, the author would like to provide helpful recommendations through this practical research. Since the MND was among the first few government agencies that established corresponding congressional liaison teams, there are a lot of references available. This research took a qualitative approach, related studies, then interviews with legislators, MND officials, congressional staff, media reporters, and officers serving as (or used to be) military congressional liaisons were conducted and analyzed to investigate the function and effectiveness of current MND congressional liaison system. The first objective of this research is to clearly define the role and functions of the MND congressional liaison system and to enhance its effectiveness in the interactions between the military and Congress. The second objective is to help MND congressional liaison personnel establish enough professional expertise and knowledge to facilitate appropriate approvals of defense budgets and legislative proposals while maintaining a politically neutral stand under the omnipresent political pressures from opposing parties. The third objective of this research is to provide findings and recommendations for the establishment of MND congressional liaison system by examining current liaison procedures from different aspects such as military relations, public policies, issue management, policy marketing, propaganda, and public relations, as well as by investigating the effectiveness of the operations of current liaison system from in-depth interviews with professionals. The Congress plays as a role of Constitutional politics due to the process of making defence policies. Congressional liaison system is main organization of MND for communicating, assisting law makers to conduct the responsibilities of supervising the Constitution. Also, it is the bridge and interface for obtaining ¡§support defence policies ¡¨ from public, political parties and excellent politicians. This article provides recommendations of academics and policies, and as a reference of creating congressional liaison system, focus on organizations, law and regulations, personnel and operations.

師徒制對於行政機關國會聯絡人養成影響之研究 / A Study of the Mentorship within the Training and Development of Congressional Liaison Officers

陳鏞鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
過去台灣對於國會聯絡人的研究,多屬於國會聯絡人所發揮的功能及扮演的角色或是相關工作績效評估方面,缺乏針對國會聯絡人養成過程的討論,在我國的憲政體制所造成的權力分立下,為了使行政與立法間溝通聯繫順暢並降低互動過程中的衝突,行政機關的國會聯絡人扮演了關鍵性的角色,故在挑選國會聯絡人及對新進國會聯絡人養成訓練上,各機關皆相當重視,而師徒制運用於行政機關國會聯絡人養成上的現象相當普遍,值得從師徒制所產生的影響進行深入研究。 本研究是以深度訪談法為主,並輔以文獻分析法及參與觀察法的質性研究,透過立意抽樣方式,選擇8個行政機關共16位資淺、資深之國會聯絡人員為研究對象進行研究。 針對訪談內容、觀察現象並相關文獻歸納與分析研究的結果,本研究提出主要結論有三點,首先,從歸納訪談的結果來看,行政機關在新進的國會聯絡人組織養成過程中,透過資深同仁擔任師父角色的經驗傳授,徒弟有了遵循準則,且師父好的行為表現轉移徒弟身上,國會聯絡工作易上手,但是徒弟必須有積極進取的態度及不能一昧承襲缺點,食古不化,才能順利完成任務;其次,師徒在互相教導與學習過程中,因為滿足雙方的需求而效果良好,在工作上有好的績效表現,容易獲得升遷機會與好名聲,就算有一天互換角色後,也會傳承教導與學習的風氣,但若未達師徒間特質及能力要求,教導與學習效果降低,會對自己與組織造成負面影響;最後,在樂於知識分享的組織文化下,組織成員無法透過言語表達的默會知識得以透過「做中學」方式傳遞,共同為組織良好績效努力,組織也要避免成員有自利主義,若知識藏私不願意分享,將危害到整個組織。 / There are many studies on the issue of- “Congressional Liaison.”-Previous studies have focused on their function, liaison’s roles or performance, there are lacking of congressional liaison’s training and mentoring. Due to the separation of powers, legislature and executive are independent but strongly associated with each other. Thus, congressional liaison is a crucial bridge to maintain communication and tackle the conflicts between parliament and agencies. Governmental agencies requires establishing functioning congressional liaison’s mentor relationship, but how the knowledge and insight of congressional liaison works be trained and passing on within the agencies is an interesting question waiting to be answered . This study utilized in-depth interview, literature review and participant observation to do the research. By purposive sampling, author chose 16 junior and senior congressional liaisons from 8 executive agencies as interviewers. This study concludes following three observations. First, executive agencies tend to establish a mentorship for new members to get familiar with their job. Interviews show that if following the instructions and mentor’s standard, protégé is easier to be trained into a good liaison officer. Moreover, protégé will have more positive attitudes and be more flexible to accomplish the missions. Secondly, through mentoring protégés, mentors can perform better and are likely to get the reputation and promotion. When protégés become mentors, they are more liable to proceed with mentorship. On the contrary, if the mentors are not able to do the mentoring job well, not only the learning efficiency will be low, but the malfunctioning relationship have organizational consequences. However, during the process of coaching and learning, mentors and protégés can be beneficial from each other. Lastly, because of the knowledge sharing and organizational culture, members could implement the concept of “learn by doing” to deliver the tacit knowledge. Also, organization should avoid members from being too egoism, once they are unwilling to share or interchanging the experiences, it is might be harmful to the organizations.

國會聯絡推動策略之研究:新公共服務研究途徑 / A Study for Impetus of Strategy by Congressional Liaison:New Public Service Approach

方志雄 Unknown Date (has links)
立法院由立法委員所組成,依據憲法之規範,負責審議行政機關函送之議案,而行政機關為增進雙方互動,順暢相關法案、預算案之審議,設有國會聯絡人負責前揭事項之推動與協調,以期完成政策合法化之作業。因各部會業務迥異,國會動態變化莫測,導致國會聯絡工作困難度增加,故如何尋求良方,提升政策合法化之成效,並促進國會聯絡工作經驗之累積與傳承,實為本研究關注之焦點。   2000年Denhardt氏提出新公共服務之概念,適逢我國首次完成政黨輪替,在意識形態掛帥、政黨情勢緊繃、行政立法互動不佳之情況下,可否藉由新公共服務所倡導之信任合作、公共利益、服務、共享等核心價值,來改善行政立法之互動關係,及促進國會聯絡工作與推動策略之進行,實值得進行探討,故本研究乃以新公共服務之面向切入,期能建構出具體之國會聯絡工作推動策略。   本研究以深度訪談及參與觀察等質化研究方法,蒐集多位立法委員、資深國會助理、資深議事人員、資深國會聯絡主管及人員之寶貴意見,並經由內容分析法進行資料分析,發現新公共服務所倡導的信任合作、公共利益、服務、共享等理念,確能增進行政機關首長、國會聯絡人與立法委員、國會助理間之互信、互動,也能凝聚為民服務之共識,在維護公共利益之前提下,共同完成政策合法化的目標。   最後,本研究呼籲應建立新公共服務之國會聯絡工作、掌握化解法案及預算案之負面因素,並對機關首長、業務單位、國會聯絡人及議事運作等方面,提出順暢國會聯絡之具體建議;期能拋磚引玉,與行政機關國會聯絡先進相互討論,並提供新進人員之參考運用。 / The Legislative Yuan is composed of legislators, and according to the stipulations of constitution the legislature will deliberate the bills submitted to it by the executive branch. In order to facilitate mutual interaction, speed up review of relevant drafts, deliberation of appropriation bill, congressional liaison personnel is established at the executive branch and they will be responsible for the facilitation and coordination of the above-mentioned issues so as to complete the operation of policy legitimation. Since the business of every department varies and trends of development at the congress fluctuate, it has led to further difficulty for congressional liaison. Therefore, it is the crux of this study as what resolution can be achieved to enhance the efficiency of policy legitimation as well as facilitate the accumulation and pass-over of liaison work in the congress.   In year 2000, Robert Denhardt and Janet Denhardt put forth the concept of the new public service, and then it happened to be the time of the first rotation of political party in our country. Nonetheless, under the context of ideology that commands all, tensed relationship between parties, unfavorable interaction between the legislative and the executive branch it is wondered that if such core values as trust, cooperation, public interest, service, and sharing proposed by the new public service can be exploited to improve the interactive relationship between the legislative and executive as well as to facilitate congressional liaison work and impetus of strategy. It is, indeed, a task that deserves much investigation, and it is why this study has attempted to cut into the investigation from the aspect of the new public service, and hope to construe substantial impetus strategy for congressional liaison work.   This study would employ qualitative research methods as in-depth interview and participant-as-observation to collect precious opinions from several legislators, senior congress’ assistant, senior session staff, and senior congressional liaison head and personnel. Then, content analysis method is used to conduct information analysis, and it is found that ideas as trust, cooperation, public interest, service, and sharing proposed by the new public service can enhancing the interaction and mutual trust among heads of executive branch, congressional liaison personnel, legislator, congress’ assistant as well as coalesce the consensus to render service to the mass. Therefore, the objective to jointly furnish policy legitimation can be done under the pretext to maintain and preserve public interest.   At length, this study calls upon the establishment of congressional liaison work for the new public service so as to master and resolve those negative factors for legislation draft and budget bill, and put forth substantial suggestions that can help smoothen congressional liaison with regard to department head, business branch, congressional liaison personnel, and session operation. It would hope that it can turn itself as pioneer in this regard to solicit further opinions and advices so as conduct mutual discussions with those seniors, and the results of which can be cited as reference for novice of the congressional liaison.

我國文建會國會聯絡機制之研究 / A Study for Congressional Liaison Mechanism of the Council for Cultural Affairs

劉惠美, Liu,Huei-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
2000年政黨輪替,台灣政局進入一個政治新紀元,台灣政府體制呈現「分裂政府」的狀態,行政、立法兩院的衝突與對立,導致政策推動受到嚴重的影響;在2004年第六屆立法委員選舉後,民進黨在立法院因席次未過半而無法控制國會,因此行政機關所面對的是更為複雜的互動環境,其結果必須動用更多的人力、資源來處理與國會之間的關係,也就是說當立法權膨漲或行政、立法互動不夠順暢時,國會聯絡機制受到高度的重視與強化。 縱觀民主國家政治發展可發現,國會聯絡就是引導行政與立法機關合作的重要途徑,此種聯繫管道如能通暢,無疑是維繫行政、立法有效溝通與合作的重要憑藉,並且能有效降低行政與立法機關在互動過程中所造成的衝突,而國會聯絡人就是此機制中的關鍵性角色,而本研究主要探討我國文建會國會聯絡組織運作之策略與互動過程中的角色及所發揮的功能。 基於以上的認知,本論文的發現如下: 一、當行政權與立法權分屬不同政黨所掌控,呈現分立政府狀態時,國會聯絡機制之策略運用,在互動過程中發揮重大的功能。 二、首長對國會運作之影響,可能是正面,也可能是負面,其差異乃在於首長是否願意將所握有的資源,運作於國會關係上,及加強國會行動的能力。 三、文建會國會聯絡工作以「服務案件」份量最多,且困難度最高。 四、國會聯絡人為國會與行政單位第一線接觸的尖兵,負責訊息傳達、意見溝通及議題協調。 五、好的國會聯絡人有助於國會運作,聯絡人必須具備的特質包括專業與熱誠、溝通與協調能力、熟悉政治運作與技巧、良好的國會人脈、長官授權與肯定。 / The aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election left the ROC fragmented among several political parties. The increasing political conflict between the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan has aggravated the administration process of government policies. The legislative elections in year 2004 created an even difficult situation when the Pan-Blue Coalition has gained the absolute majority over the Pan-Green Coalition, resulting in much of govenment-sponsored bills being deadlocked. Executive divisions are faced with increasingly complicated political environment, which requires greater manpower and resources to reconcile with the legislative branch. This situation, occurring when legislative branch overpowers or when inter-branch relations hampered, then calls for a strengthening of congressional liaison functions. In contemporary democratic systems, the congressional liaison is an important strategic intermediary between executive and legislative branches. A successful practice of the liaison function is expected to improve the communications and collaborations and to mitigate potential conflicts between executive and legislative branches. Congressional liaisons become the keys to the success of the function. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the role of congressional liaison at the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) in inter-branch politics. Major conclusions of this thesis are summarized as follows: 1.In a divided party government, strategic operations of congressional liaison provide great contributions to the interactions between executive and legislative branches. 2.Strengthened public relations with the congress improves the administrative efficiency and helps achieving policy goals of executive divisions. 3.Service-type tasks have become the major load of congressional liaison offices at the CCA and have shown to suffer the greatest complications. 4.The congressional liaison office, being on the front line of executive-legislative branch relations, is responsible for information delivery, opinion exchanges and reconciliation of issues with the legislative institution. 5.A competent congressional liaison will successfully assist the congressional operations and is expected to have the following characteristics: being professional and enthusiastic, having great communication and coordination skills, being familiar with political operations, having extensive connections in congress, and being authorized and endorsed by superiors.

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