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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on Network Formation

Mueller, William Graham 2012 August 1900 (has links)
This dissertation contains two essays which examine the roles that individual incentives, competition, and information play in network formation. In the first essay, I examine a model in which two competing groups offer different allocation rules that may depend on the network of connections among the individuals that make up each group. I assume the existence of a single divisible good, such as a monetary prize, which will be divided amongst the members of the winning network. The probability of winning the prize will depend on the network sizes. I examine two well-known allocation rules: the Myerson value and the egalitarian rule. I prove existence of equilibria and characterize the properties of the two networks. The implications of the equilibria networks for the outcome of the contest are discussed. I find that the winning probability of the network using the Myerson value has an upper bound very close to one half. There is no such upper bound for the network using the egalitarian rule. In my second essay, I examine a dynamic model of network formation in which individuals use reinforcement learning to choose their actions. Typically, economic models of network formation assume the entire network structure to be known to all individuals involved. The introduction of reinforcement learning allows us to relax this assumption. Through the use of a state-dependent reinforcement learning rule, one may allow for varying degrees of information available to the agents. Three informational settings are examined and I determine what networks, if any, each model may converge to in the limit. The long-run behavior of each model is examined through the use of simulations and compared to one another. I find that amount and type of information agents have access plays an important role in which networks emerge when there is no dominant strategy for the agents choosing links. If there is a dominant link choosing strategy, the most efficient network structure quickly emerges in each informational setting. Together, these essays investigate how information, incentives, and competition may affect network formation. Individual incentives in the presence of competition can create tension between an individual's social ties and the overall network size. Information plays a key role in the emergent network topologies when there are no dominate network building strategies.

Thinking, small group interactions, and interdisciplinary project work

Ng, D. K. E. January 2008 (has links)
Interdisciplinary Project Work (PW) was introduced as an educational initiative in Singapore schools from primary to pre-university levels in 2000. PW was posited to (a) enhance perceptions and use of inter-subject connections in real-world problems, (b) promote knowledge application, and (c) provide a platform for the use of thinking skills. The main goal of this thesis is to explore how these objectives are inter-related with factors influencing the quality of group collaborative mathematical thinking processes and mathematical outcomes during a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project. In this study, high quality mathematical thinking processes occur when the flow of group interactions is purposefully directed towards the enhancement of mathematically accurate, logical, and reasonable outcomes. / A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Design consisting of consecutive quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis procedures was used to answer the seven research questions in the study. A researcher-designed mathematically-based interdisciplinary project was implemented over 14-15 weeks with 16 classes of students (aged 13-14) belonging to two educational streams (higher and average-ability) in three Singapore government secondary schools. No teaching intervention was administered. Six scales were developed for pre- and post-project measurements of students’ mathematical confidence, perception of the value of mathematics, and perception of the interconnectedness of mathematics (N = 398). Ten student-group cases (n = 38) were selected for further in-depth qualitative data collection procedures pertaining to the nature of mathematical knowledge application, use of metacognitive monitoring and regulatory strategies, and core thinking skills application during three tasks in the interdisciplinary project. / The findings of this study clearly demonstrate the complexities of using PW to promote holistic and connected use of knowledge. Five substantial contributions to research on interdisciplinary learning arise from the thesis:1. An empirical framework synthesising factors influencing the quality of group collaborative mathematical knowledge application processes and outcomes was developed.2. The social influence of the group member activating applications of core thinking skills and metacognitive monitoring and regulatory strategies is a mediating factor influencing the flow of cognitive-metacognitive group interactions, and therefore, the quality of collaborative mathematical knowledge application processes and outcomes.3. Leaders of high-stream groups who were socially non-dominant but mathematically active were more likely to apply a higher frequency of core thinking skills than group members in other roles (i.e., questioner, recorder, and encourager) during a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project.4. The types and complexities of mathematical knowledge and skills applied during a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project did not correspond with stream.5. Whilst students were more able to appreciate the use of mathematics for inter-subject learning after participating in a mathematically-based interdisciplinary project, their beliefs about inter-subject connections and efforts at making these connections only marginally changed.These outcomes enhance our understanding of the challenges involved in the successful use of interdisciplinary tasks with middle school students and provide focuses for future teacher facilitation of mathematical learning during interdisciplinary education.

Investigação de compósitos cimentícios para preenchimento de juntas da interface e de nichos em ligações de estruturas pré- moldadas

Bertolucci, Felipe Sakae [UNESP] 12 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-04-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:27:39Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 bertolucci_fs_me_ilha.pdf: 2860301 bytes, checksum: 3f3004f9d02861054ffe5fb10b1b2e7d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A indústria estruturas de concretos pré-moldados possui como grande preocupação a ligação entre seus elementos, tendo em vista que a mesma exerce grande influência no comportamento da estrutura, sendo responsável pela transmissão e redistribuição dos esforços na estrutura. A grande diferença entre estruturas pré-moldadas e estruturas de concreto moldadas “in loco” em relação ao seu comportamento estrutural está na ligação entre seus elementos. As ligações apresentam certa deformação quando solicitadas, recebendo na literatura técnica a denominação de ligações semi-rígidas. Dessa forma, buscou-se estudar todos os grautes existentes no mercado e desenvolver um compósito cimentício de fácil preparo e de baixo custo, do tipo calda de cimento e argamassa, que apresentasse características mecânicas similares aos grautes. Foram desenvolvidas duas caldas de cimento e uma argamassa, as quais foram submetidas juntamente com os grautes selecionados a ensaios específicos de propriedades adesão e aderência. Dentre as principais conclusões obtidas podem ser ressaltadas que a grande parte dos grautes possui problemas de fluidez dificultando o preenchimento total das ligações e sua aplicação. Em relação à aderência as duas caldas de cimento e a argamassa apresentaram comportamento semelhante indicando que há uma boa condição de aderência e, os grautes, devido à sua grande diferença de composição, tiveram comportamentos distintos / One of the concerns of the precast concrete industry is the connection among their different types of elements, in order that they strongly influence the behavior of the structural group, being responsible for the transmission and redistribution of the efforts in the structure. Among the differences between precast structures and concrete structures shaped “in loco” we have the concern about the structural behavior of the link between its elements. The links have shown some deformation when tested, receiving in the technical literature the name of semi-rigid connections. For that the concrete’s precast structure has the behavior of a monolithic structure it’s necessary the solidarization of the connection which is made by filling the vertical and horizontal niches with the aid of the grout. In this paper, we aimed to study some grouts of the Brazilian market and, at the same time, develop a cimentitius composite of easy prepare and low cost, of the cement paste and mortar types, with similar mechanical characteristics to industrialized grouts to be used in the filling of the precast structures. It was rheologically and mechanically created and evaluated two kinds of cement grout and one mortar composition that were submitted along with the selected grouts to an evaluation of their rheological behavior, and to specific tests of their mechanical properties of adhesion and bond. This study let us conclude that the cement paste and mortar developed showed a similar rheological behavior to the Herschel-Bulkley, besides to a good condition of bond and a good behavior in the structure link when compared to some industrialized grouts. Not all the evaluated grouts showed appropriate behaviors for joints’ filling

Exploring how multiple stories, connectivity, and mystique can give the illusion of a larger digital world that is rich in history and open for interpretations

Thorburn, Lukas, Floren Aréla, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
This bachelor thesis will explore the possibilities in which game creators will be able to expand and enlarge their digital world and give the players the illusion that there is more to it than just the realm of the playable main character. This will be done through the usage of rhizomatic connections, ubuntu philosophy, multiple stories, and mystique. We hope that these keywords will hold the key to making a more interesting world for video games in which the world will seem wide, exiting and with a rich history similar to how the real world appears. We live life as one character but we know that there is more to the world than just ourselves and the environment we live our daily lives in. / Detta kandidatarbete kommer att utforska möjligheter till hur spelskapare ska kunna göra för att expandera, utveckla, och förstora sina digitala världar för att ge spelarna en illusion av att det finns mer till den digitala världen än endast huvudkaraktären och den del av världen där spelets historia utspelar sig. Vi vill utforska detta genom rhizomatiska kopplingar, ubuntu filosofi, multipla historier, och mystik. Vi hoppas på att dessa nyckelord ska erhålla nyckeln till att skapa mer intressanta världar för videospel där världen verkar vid och spännande, samt tronar på en rik och händelsefull historia likt hur vi ser den verkliga fysiska världen. Vi lever som en karaktär, ofta i en liten del av världen men vi vet att det finns mer där ute än endast våra egna liv och de platser där detta liv utspelar sig.

Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese Media Industry : A Case Study of CCTV and Tencent

Wang, Xuan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is a case study about Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese media industry. The implementation of CSR in state-owned media companies and private media companies are different. The role that the government play in Chinese media companies implementing CSR were barely studied before. Since this thesis is a case study, two media companies were chosen for this study. One is CCTV, a state-owned media company, another is Tencent, a private media company. Document analysis was chosen as the main method for the analysis. Stakeholder theory, corporate political connection, and meta-governance are the main theories used in this study. In this thesis, the analysis of implementing CSR is divided into two dimensions, internally and externally implementing CSR. The internal dimension is further analyzed in three aspects, employees and health at work, shareholders, and public welfare and charitable activities. The external dimension is further analyzed in four aspects, customers, business partners, local community, and government. The role of the government in companies implementing CSR is subsequently analyzed. The results show that in implementing CSR, state-owned media companies significantly different from private companies. State-owned media companies follow more on government’s guidance, private media companies have more freedom but they still need to build a good relationship with the government. The role of the government in both companies is different. The role of the government in state-owned media companies is like a leader, and in private media companies is like an important stakeholder.

Critérios para seleção de conexões em mobiliário orientado para adaptabilidade

Gondim, Cristina January 2010 (has links)
Principais investimentos no Design para Adaptabilidade do mobiliário contemporâneo têm envolvido características como multiplicidade de funções, capacidade de atualização, personalização e compartilhamento de componentes. Tais características vêm permitindo a adaptação do mobiliário às rápidas transformações comportamentais e tecnológicas surgidas nos espaços domésticos e de trabalho. As conexões entre componentes do projeto do mobiliário são fortemente responsáveis por sua adaptabilidade tanto na fase criativa como na fase de uso. Esta dissertação parte da hipótese de que o processo de escolha das conexões, hoje pouco estruturado, pode ser feito a partir de métodos que não só estimulem a fase criativa do projeto como também contribuam para ampliar o desempenho adaptativo do mobiliário. Para avaliar diferentes tipos de conexão foram elaborados critérios para identificar o potencial compositivo de arranjos entre componentes (flexibilidade) relacionando-o à gama de funções emergentes (versatilidade). O resultado desta identificação foi testado por especialistas e validado através de ferramenta multicritério (Método Analítico Hierárquico). O teste com especialistas demonstrou que metodologias adotadas para seleção de conexões, quando estruturadas a partir de objetivos de projeto, podem aumentar o potencial de adaptabilidade e, ao mesmo tempo converterem-se em valioso apoio ao Design do mobiliário contemporâneo. / Manufacturers of contemporary furniture have made significant investments in the Design for Adaptability, particularly in the development of characteristics such as the multiplicity of functions, updating, customization and the share of components. These investments increased the potential of contemporary furniture to adapt to the observed transformations of behavior in domestic and working spaces. The adaptation has been made possible thanks to role played by the development of different types of connections between furniture components. This dissertation departs from the Idea that today’s processes involving the choice of connections are poorly structured and can be improved with a support decision’s methodology. This upgrade may well lead to the increment of creative attitudes during design process and to the development of higher levels of response to adaptability requests in furniture design. In order to evaluate and to select amidst the different types of connections a set of criteria were designed as to identify number of potential arrays of components (flexibility) and correlating this potential to the possible number of emergent functions (versatility). The result of this identification has been tested by specialists and then validated by a multicriteria method (AHP). The test with specialists confirmed that structured methodologies can be successfully used to improve the Design for Adaptability and, at the same time, constitute a valuable tool for the contemporary furniture’s Design.

Por relevos e dobras : pistas sobre a construção de territórios juvenis em uma política de educação tutorial

Moraes, Maurício Machado January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo trata dos modos de circulação e construção de territórios juvenis em um grupo do Programa de Educação Tutorial, na modalidade Conexões de Saberes, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Tem como objetivo acompanhar os jovens em suas participações no programa, explorando os modos de ocupação dos espaços produzidos por eles e analisando como problematizam o universo acadêmico atual. Tem como questão central, acompanhar a circulação e construção de territórios juvenis em uma política de educação tutorial. Sob o princípio cartográfico, o trabalho procura dar visibilidade às experiências dos jovens como participantes desse programa, entendendo esse exercício como um acompanhamento de processos do grupo durante um espaço-tempo determinado. Para esse exercício de visibilizar caminhadas fizemos uso do referencial teórico de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. Em um primeiro momento fizemos um levantamento documental, onde privilegiamos textos, cartas, notícias, depoimentos e entrevistas que abordassem sobre o surgimento do PET Conexões e suas tensões com as instituições de ensino superior, objetivando criar um mapa do histórico universitário e do nascimento do programa nesse espaço, por entendermos que essa história incide na participação juvenil. No segundo momento, trabalhamos com diários de campo e uma intervenção coletiva com o grupo de jovens explorando suas experiências como participantes do Programa. Nessa caminhada sobre os territórios acadêmicos e sobre aqueles produzidos pelos jovens, vamos perceber que o PET Conexões de Saberes ainda luta pela afirmação de uma política plural de saberes que vai de encontro a uma lógica acadêmica tradicional, e que os jovens percorrem diferentes territórios, visibilizados pela heterogeneidade de suas atuações e pela militância em suas vidas. Por fim, vamos identificar que os modos de subjetivação juvenis nesses territórios se conectam e se modificam na medida em que os estudantes experienciam os espaços criados pelo Programa de Educação Tutorial na universidade. / The present study deals with the modes of movement and building juveniles territories in a group of Tutorial Education Program, in the modality Knowledge Connections from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. It aims to support young people in their participation in the program, exploring modes of occupation of spaces produced by them and analyzing how they problematize the current academic universe. Its central question, follow the movement and construction of territories in a juvenile tutorial education policy. Under the cartographic principle, the work looks forward to giving visibility to the experiences of young people as participants in this program, understanding this exercise as a monitoring oh the group processes during a determined space-time. For this exercise of visualizing paths, we used the theoretical framework of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. At first we made a documentary survey, where we have privileged texts, letters, news, testimonies and interviews that focused on the emergence of PET Connections and its tensions with the superior education institutions, aiming to create a map of the university historic and the birth of the program in this space, for we believe that this story focuses on youth participation. In the second phase, we work with field diaries and a collective intervention with the youth group exploring their experiences as participants in the program. On this journey over the academic territories and on those produced by young people, we'll realize that the PET Knowledge Connections still struggles to affirm a plural knowledge policy that goes against traditional academic logic, and that young people go through different territories, visualized by the heterogeneity of their actions and by the militancy in their lives. Finally, we will identify that the modes of subjectivity in these juvenile territories connect and modify in the extent that students experience the spaces created by Tutorial Education Program at the university.

Estudo da influência da conexão e aterramento de transformadores trifásicos em variações de tensão de curta duração

Costa, Lucas Araujo da January 2018 (has links)
Sendo as interrupções, os afundamentos de tensão e as sobretensões distúrbios de Qualidade de Energia Elétrica (QEE) com potencial de grande impacto econômico, estudos que procuram alternativas de mitigação de seus efeitos ou prevenção de sua ocorrência têm sido amplamente realizados nas últimas décadas. Uma das metodologias de avaliação de sua ocorrência é realizada pela predição, que geralmente se concentra em simulações de faltas em parcelas de sistemas elétricos de potência. Nos Procedimentos de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica no Sistema Elétrico Nacional (PRODIST), encontra-se a denominação geral de Variações de Tensão de Curta Duração (VTCD) para estes três tipos de distúrbios, os quais podem ser classificados tanto por sua magnitude quanto por sua duração. Nesse contexto, este trabalho avalia pela predição a influência exercida pela conexão e o aterramento do neutro de transformadores trifásicos nas quantidades de VTCD, especialmente de afundamentos de tensão, e no valor do índice Fator de Impacto (FI) do PRODIST, que são observados em um nó com conexão a um consumidor industrial Realizam-se estudos de caso sobre um sistema de potência simulado no software Alternative Transients Program (ATP), o qual possui dois transformadores em sua rede: um transformador da subestação e outro na entrada do nó do consumidor industrial. Consideram-se duas conexões possíveis para o transformador de entrada, e aplica-se uma resistência de aterramento para o neutro de ambos os transformadores em cada caso, alteram-se o seu valor. Verificam-se as tensões no nó do consumidor industrial de duas formas diferentes: tensões fase-terra e tensões fase-fase. Observa-se, assim, que há diferenças para estas quantidades e para o valor do FI devidas à forma de conexão do transformador de entrada, valor da resistência de aterramento de neutro de ambos os transformadores e formas de verificação das tensões. / Since interruptions, voltage sags and overvoltages are Power Quality (PQ) disturbances with great economic impact potential, studies that seek alternatives to mitigate its effects or to prevent its occurrence have been done widely in the last decades. One of the methodologies to assess its occurrence is performed by prediction, which usually focuses on power systems fault simulations. In the Brazilian norm of PQ, there is the general designation short duration voltage variation (VTCD) for these three types of disturbances, which are classified both in terms of magnitude and duration. In this context, this work assess by the prediction the influence of three-phase transformers winding connection and neutral grounding in the quantities of VTCD, especially voltage sags, and in the index value Impact Factor (FI) of the Brazilian regulation standard, which are observed in a node with connection to an industrial consumer. The case studies are performed on a simulated power system in the Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which has two transformers in its network: one substation transformer and another at entrance of the industrial consumer node. Two possible winding connections are considered for the entrance transformer, and a ground resistance is applied to the neutral of both transformers in each case, being changed their value. Voltages in the industrial consumer node are verified by two different ways: phase-to-ground voltages and phase-to-phase voltages. It is observed that there are differences for these quantities and for the value of the FI due to the winding connection of the entrance transformer, the value of the neutral ground resistance of both transformers and the ways of voltage verification.

Critérios para seleção de conexões em mobiliário orientado para adaptabilidade

Gondim, Cristina January 2010 (has links)
Principais investimentos no Design para Adaptabilidade do mobiliário contemporâneo têm envolvido características como multiplicidade de funções, capacidade de atualização, personalização e compartilhamento de componentes. Tais características vêm permitindo a adaptação do mobiliário às rápidas transformações comportamentais e tecnológicas surgidas nos espaços domésticos e de trabalho. As conexões entre componentes do projeto do mobiliário são fortemente responsáveis por sua adaptabilidade tanto na fase criativa como na fase de uso. Esta dissertação parte da hipótese de que o processo de escolha das conexões, hoje pouco estruturado, pode ser feito a partir de métodos que não só estimulem a fase criativa do projeto como também contribuam para ampliar o desempenho adaptativo do mobiliário. Para avaliar diferentes tipos de conexão foram elaborados critérios para identificar o potencial compositivo de arranjos entre componentes (flexibilidade) relacionando-o à gama de funções emergentes (versatilidade). O resultado desta identificação foi testado por especialistas e validado através de ferramenta multicritério (Método Analítico Hierárquico). O teste com especialistas demonstrou que metodologias adotadas para seleção de conexões, quando estruturadas a partir de objetivos de projeto, podem aumentar o potencial de adaptabilidade e, ao mesmo tempo converterem-se em valioso apoio ao Design do mobiliário contemporâneo. / Manufacturers of contemporary furniture have made significant investments in the Design for Adaptability, particularly in the development of characteristics such as the multiplicity of functions, updating, customization and the share of components. These investments increased the potential of contemporary furniture to adapt to the observed transformations of behavior in domestic and working spaces. The adaptation has been made possible thanks to role played by the development of different types of connections between furniture components. This dissertation departs from the Idea that today’s processes involving the choice of connections are poorly structured and can be improved with a support decision’s methodology. This upgrade may well lead to the increment of creative attitudes during design process and to the development of higher levels of response to adaptability requests in furniture design. In order to evaluate and to select amidst the different types of connections a set of criteria were designed as to identify number of potential arrays of components (flexibility) and correlating this potential to the possible number of emergent functions (versatility). The result of this identification has been tested by specialists and then validated by a multicriteria method (AHP). The test with specialists confirmed that structured methodologies can be successfully used to improve the Design for Adaptability and, at the same time, constitute a valuable tool for the contemporary furniture’s Design.

Transfer Connections: Welcoming New Transfer Students

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Focus has turned to the experiences of new transfer students in four-year institutions partially because of the mandate from President Obama for there to be more college graduates. Though transfer students are familiar with being college students, they still may not be accustomed to their new four-year institutions. At the time of this action research study, there were a very limited number of events to welcome new transfer students to the Arizona State University (ASU) Tempe campus. The purpose of this study was to create knowledge about the transition process of new transfer students to the Tempe campus. I worked with current transfer students to design a welcome event called Transfer Connections. By using a mixed methods design guided by retention and transition theories, a pre- and post-survey, individual interviews, and a focus group, I sought to answer questions about their transition process. In order to answer my research questions, this included exploring whether or not Transfer Connections had an influence on the success strategies they used, the type of support they gained, and their levels of feeling like they mattered. Since this was an action research study, I also explored my role as both a researcher and a practitioner. Results showed students did not learn specific success strategies, though they did learn about resources specific to ASU. The students also gained a level of support through the connections they made with other students. These connections influenced how the students felt they mattered to both ASU and other students. Future iterations of Transfer Connections will include more opportunities for new transfer students to develop connections. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 2016

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