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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecology of Tigers in Churia Habitat and a Non-Invasive Genetic Approach to Tiger Conservation in Terai Arc, Nepal

Thapa, Kanchan 13 October 2014 (has links)
Tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) can be viewed as a proxy for intact and healthy ecosystems. Their wild populations have plummeted to fewer than 3,200 individuals in the last four decades and threats to these apex predators are mounting rather than diminishing. Global conservation bodies (Global Tiger Initiative, World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society, Panthera etc.) have recently called for solidarity and scaling up of conservation efforts to save tigers from extinction. In South Asia, tiger habitat ranges from tropical evergreen forests, dry arid regions and sub-tropical alluvial floodplains, to temperate mixed deciduous forest. The churia habitat is relatively unstudied and is considered a young and geologically fragile mountain range in Nepal. The contribution of the churia habitat to tiger conservation has not been considered, since modern conservation started in 1970's. This study focuses on the ecology of the tiger with respect to population density, habitat use, and prey occupancy and density, in the churia habitat of Chitwan National Park. This study also includes the first assessment of genetic diversity, genetic structure, and gene flow of tigers across the Terai Arc Landscape- Nepal. The Terai Arc Landscape harbors the only remaining tiger population found across the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal and northwest India. I used a combination of camera-trapping techniques, which have been a popular and robust method for monitoring tiger populations across the landscape, combined with a noninvasive genetic approach to gain information on tigers, thus adding new information relevant to global tiger conservation. I investigated tiger, leopard (Panthera pardus fusca), and prey densities, and predicted the tiger density across the Churia habitat in Chitwan National Park. I used a camera-trap grid with 161 locations accumulating 2,097 trap-nights in a 60 day survey period during the winter season of 2010-2011. Additionally, I used distance sampling techniques for estimating prey density in the churia habitat by walking 136 km over 81 different line transects. The team photographed 31 individual tigers and 28 individual leopards along with 25 mammalian species from a sampling area of 536 km² comprising Churia and surrounding areas. Density estimates of tigers and leopards were 2.2 (SE 0.42) tigers and 4.0 (SE 1.00) leopards per 100 km². Prey density was estimated at 62.7 prey animals per 100 km² with contributions from forest ungulates to be 47% (sambar Rusa unicolor, chital Axis axis, barking deer Muntiacus muntjak, and wild pigs Sus scrofa). Churia habitat within Chitwan National Park is capable of supporting 5.86 tigers per 100 km² based on applying models developed to predict tiger density from prey density. My density estimates from camera-traps are lower than that predicted based on prey availability, which indicates that the tiger population may be below the carrying capacity. Nonetheless, the churia habitat supports 9 to 36 tigers, increasing estimates of current population size in Chitwan National Park. Based on my finding, the Churia habitat should no longer remain ignored because it has great potential to harbor tigers. Conservation efforts should focus on reducing human disturbance to boost prey populations to potentially support higher predator numbers in Churia. I used sign surveys within a rigorous occupancy framework to estimate probability of occupancy for 5 focal prey species of the tiger (gaur Bos gaurus, sambar, chital, wild pig, and barking deer); as well as probability of tiger habitat use within 537 km² of churia habitat in Chitwan National Park. Multi-season, auto-correlation models allowed me to make seasonal (winter versus summer) inferences regarding changes in occupancy or habitat use based on covariates influencing occupancy and detection. Sambar had the greatest spatial distribution across both seasons, occupying 431-437 km² of the churia habitat, while chital had the lowest distribution, occupying only 100-158 km². The gaur population showed the most seasonal variation from 318- 413 km² of area occupied, with changes in occupancy suggesting their migration out of the lowland areas in the summer and into the churia in the winter. Wild pigs showed the opposite, moving into the churia in the summer (444 km² area occupied) and having lower occupancy in the winter (383 km²). Barking deer were widespread in both seasons (329 - 349 km²). Tiger probability of habitat use Ψ SE(Ψ) was only slightly higher in winter 0.63 (SE 0.11) than in summer 0.54 (SE 0.21), but confidence intervals overlapped and area used was very similar across seasons, from 337 - 291 km². Fine-scale variation in tiger habitat use showed that tigers intensively use certain areas more often than others across the seasons. The proportion of available habitat positively influenced occupancy for the majority of prey species and tigers. Human disturbance had a strong negative influence on the distribution of the majority of prey species but was positively related to tiger habitat use. Tigers appear to live in areas with high disturbance, thus increasing the risk of human-tiger conflict in the churia habitat. Thus, efforts to reduce human disturbance would be beneficial to reducing human wildlife conflict, enriching prey populations, and would potentially support more tigers in churia habitat of Nepal. Overall, I found high prey occupancy and tiger habitat use, suggesting that the churia is highly valuable habitat for tigers and should no longer be neglected or forgotten in tiger conservation planning. Thirdly, I assessed genetic variation, genetic structure, and gene flow of the tigers in the Terai Arc Landscape, Nepal. I opportunistically collected 770 scat samples from 4 protected areas and 5 hypothesized corridors across the Terai Arc Landscape. Historical landuse change in the Terai Arc was extracted from Anthrome data sets to relate landuse change to potential barriers and subsequent hypothesized bottleneck events in the landscape. I used standard genetic metrics (allelic diversity and heterozygosity) to estimate genetic variation in the tiger population. Using program Structure (non-spatial) and TESS (spatial), I defined the putative genetic clusters present in the landscape. Migrant analysis was carried out in Geneclass and Bayesass for estimating contemporary gene flow. I tested for a recent population bottleneck with the heterozygosity test using program Bottleneck. Of the 700 samples, 396 were positive for tiger (57% success). Using an 8 multilocus microsatellite assay, I identified 78 individual tigers. I found large scale landuse changes across the Terai Arc Landscape due to conversion of forest into agriculture in last two centuries and I identified areas of suspected barriers. I found low levels of genetic variation (expected heterozygosity = 0.61) and moderate genetic differentiation (F<sub>ST</sub> = 0.14) across the landscape, indicative of sub-population structure and potential isolation of sub-populations. I detected three genetic clusters across the landscape consistent with three demographic tiger sub-populations occurring in Chitwan-Parsa, Bardia, and Suklaphanta protected areas. I detected 10 migrants across all study sites confirming there is still some dispersal mediated gene flow across the landscape. I found evidence of a bottleneck signature, especially around the lowland forests in the Terai, likely caused by large scale landuse change in last two centuries, which could explain the low levels of genetic variation detected at the sub-population level. These findings are highly relevant to tiger conservation indicating that efforts to protect source sites and to improve connectivity are needed to augment gene flow and genetic diversity across the landscape. Finally, I compared the abundance and density of tigers obtained using two non-invasive sampling techniques: camera-trapping and fecal DNA sampling. For cameras: I pooled the 2009 camera-trap data from the core tiger population across the lowland areas of Chitwan National Park. I sampled 359 km² of the core area with 187 camera-trap locations spending 2,821 trap-nights of effort. I obtained 264 identifiable photographs and identified a total of 41 individual tigers. For genetics, I sampled 325 km² of the core area along three spatial routes, walking a total of 1,173 km, collecting a total of 420 tiger fecal samples in 2011. I identified 36 tigers using the assay of 8 multilocus genotypes and captured them 42 times. I analyzed both data types separately for estimating density and jointly in an integrated model using both traditional, and spatial, capture-recapture frameworks. Using Program MARK and the model averaged results, my abundance estimates were 46 (SE 1.86) and 44 (SE 9.83) individuals from camera and genetic data, respectively. Density estimates (tigers per 100 km²) via traditional buffer strip methods using half of the Mean Maximum Distance Moved (½ MMDM) as the buffer surrounding survey grids, were 4.01 (SE 0.64) for camera data and 3.49 (SE 1.04) for genetic data. Spatially explicit capture recapture models resulted in lower density estimates both in the likelihood based program DENSITY at 2.55 (SE 0.59) for camera-trap data and 2.57 (SE 0.88) for genetic data, while the Bayesian based program SPACECAP estimates were 2.44 (SE 0.30) for camera-trap data and 2.23 (SE 0.46) for genetic data. Using a spatially explicit, integrated model that combines data from both cameras and genetics, density estimates were 1.47 (SD 0.20) tigers per 100 km² for camera-trap data and 1.89 (SD 0.36) tigers per 100 km² for genetic data. I found that the addition of camera-trap data improved precision in genetic capture-recapture estimates, but not visa-versa, likely due to low numbers of recaptures in the genetic data. While a non-invasive genetic approach can be used as a stand-alone capture-recapture method, it may be necessary to increase sample size to obtain more recaptures. Camera-trap data may provide a more precise estimates, but genetic data returns more information on other aspect of genetic health and connectivity. Combining data sets in an integrated modeling framework, aiding in pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in data sets, thus ultimately improving modeling inference. / Ph. D.

Biologie de la conservation de la gorgone rouge de Méditerranée, Paramuricea clavata, dans le contexte actuel du changement climatique

Mokhtar-Jamai, Kenza 23 September 2011 (has links)
La gorgone rouge, Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaire, Octocoralliaire), est une espèce sessile, longévive à faible croissance dont les populations présentent une lente dynamique. Cette espèce est caractérisée par une phase larvaire pélagique qui représente l’unique phase de dispersion potentielle au cours du cycle de vie de cette espèce. P. clavata est une espèce clé des assemblages à coralligène de Méditerranée, qui subit les effets combinés des activités de plongée sous-marine et du changement climatique. Dans ce contexte, il était donc fondamental d’approfondir les connaissances sur les traits d’histoire de vie, la biologie et l’écologie de cette espèce. L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier, à l’aide d’une approche génétique, les facteurs biologiques et écologiques clés qui devraient être importants pour la réponse de l’espèce aux changements environnementaux. Parmi ces facteurs, la dispersion larvaire joue un rôle fondamental dans la dynamique et la connectivité des populations marines. Dans le contexte actuel des fortes pressions anthropiques, la compréhension des degrés de connectivité entre les populations est primordiale pour évaluer le devenir des populations, face au changement climatique, et pour mettre en place des plans de conservation et des réseaux d’aires marines protégées. / The red gorgonian, Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaria, Octocorallia), is a sessile, long-lived and slow growing species which displays slow population dynamics. This species is characterized by a pelagic larval phase that represents the sole potential phase of dispersal during the life cycle of this species. P. clavata is a key species of coralligenous assemblages of the Mediterranean Sea which undergoes the combined effects of diving activities and climate change. In this context, extending the knowledge about life history traits, biology and ecology of the red gorgonian was of fundamental importance. Using a genetic approach, the goal of this work was to study some key biological and ecological factors which should be important for the response of this species to environmental changes. Among these factors, larval dispersal plays a major role in driving marine population dynamics and connectivity. In the current context of strong anthropic pressures, understanding the level of population connectivity is primordial to evaluate population outcome, facing climate change, and to develop conservation plans as well as to design marine reservenetworks.

Histoire évolutive d’une espèce menacée : la tortue d’Hermann (Testudo hermanni hermanni), de la phylogénie à la génétique du paysage

Zenboudji-Beddek, Saliha 08 January 2016 (has links)
En plus des facteurs environnementaux et démographiques, les propriétés génétiques des populations sont devenues une préoccupation majeure pour préserver les populations en déclin de l'extinction. Afin d’acquérir des informations pertinentes pour la planification et la mise en œuvre des stratégies de conservation, les biologistes de la conservation ont réalisé le besoin d’avoir des connaissances en génétique des populations. Grace à l'acquisition de plus en plus rapide et de moins en moins chère d'une large gamme de marqueurs moléculaires, le recours a l’usage de l’outil moléculaire se répand de plus en plus. Ainsi, la génétique de la conservation se confirme comme une discipline à part entière qui est donc l’utilisation de la génétique dans la préservation des espèces comme entités dynamiques capables d'évoluer pour faire face aux changements environnementaux et afin de minimiser leur risque d'extinction. Par le biais de l’utilisation d’un large panel de marqueurs moléculaires (gènes mitochondriaux et nucléaires, microsatellites et SNPs), nous nous sommes intéresse à l’histoire évolutive à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles de la sous-espèce ouest méditerranéenne Testudo. hermanni hermanni (THH), qui présente une distribution insulaire et continentale très fragmentée. Le but de ce travail consiste à 1) comprendre les processus qui expliqueraient la distribution actuelle de la diversité génétique des populations et leur structure, 2) identifier l'origine des populations introduites (à Minorque et au Delta de l’Ebre), et 3) dater l’origine de la sous espèce THH. A l’échelle des populations, il s’agit d’identifier le nombre de groupes génétiques homogènes chez la tortue d’Hermann et le degré de différentiation génétique entre ces groupes afin de définir des unités de conservation évolutivement significatives (ESU) et des unités de gestion (MU). Enfin, nous nous sommes intéresses à l’étude des derniers noyaux de populations de THH dans le Var par des approches de génétique du paysage. Nos résultats ont révélé qu’une divergence par vicariance est à l’ origine de l’apparition de la sous-espèce T.h. hermanni. Ce scenario biogéographique s’expliquerait par les successions d’évènements glaciaires et interglaciaires qu’a connu le Pléistocène depuis plus de 2 MA provoquant un mouvement de retrait de l’espèce vers des zones refuges sur la frange côtière nord-méditerranéenne. Par ailleurs, le patron de différentiation mitochondriale Ile-continent observe et confirme par les microsatellites est très original par rapport à ce qui est connu chez d’autres espèces de reptiles partageant la même aire de distribution. Au vue de l’analyse phylogénétique confirmée par les microsatellites, on peut affirmer que la tortue d’Hermann n’est pas native sur Minorque et qu’elle a une double origine : la première, résultant d’une introduction à partir d’une seule source, probablement d’une population continentale génétiquement proche des Albères. La seconde d'origine insulaire, serait le résultat d’apports multiples, à partir de la Corse, de la Sardaigne ou de la Sicile. Enfin, l’isolement des populations de THH au sein de chaque région géographique reflète une structure génétique très forte. Par conséquent, six unités de gestion (MUs) sont proposées comme unités de conservation et de suivi sur le terrain. / In addition to environmental and demographic factors, the study of genetic properties of populations became inevitable issues in the conservation of declining populations. To acquire relevant information for conservation planning and implementing conservation strategies, conservationists have realized the need of population genetics tools. Moreover, this discipline has become more efficient with the development of a wide range of effective and relatively cheap methods for the characterization of a huge number of molecular markers. This led to define the conservation genetics as a separate discipline, which is the use of genetics in species preservation as dynamic entities evolving to cope with environmental changes and to minimize their extinction risk. Using a broad panel of molecular markers (mitochondrial and nuclear genes, microsatellites and SNPs), we interested in the evolutionary history at different spatial and temporal scales of the Mediterranean western subspecies Testudo hermanni hermanni (THH), which presents a very fragmented insular and continental distribution. The aim of this study is to 1) understand the processes that explain the current distribution of the structure and genetic diversity of populations, 2) identify the origin of introduced populations (Menorca and Ebro Delta) and 3) Dating the origin of the subspecies THH. At the population level, our study aimed to identify the number of homogeneous genetic groups of THH tortoise and the degree of genetic differentiation between these groups in order to identify evolutionarily significant units (ESU) and management units (MU). Finally, we were interested in the study of the last core populations of THH in the Var by landscape genetics approach. Our results revealed that a divergence by vicariance pattern explains the origin of the appearance of the subspecies THH. This biogeographic scenario is explained by the succession of glacial and interglacial events of the Pleistocene causing a withdrawal of the species toward refugia on the northern Mediterranean fringe. Moreover, the observed differentiation pattern (island vs continent) is very original compared to the reported diversity patterns of other reptiles sharing the same distribution range. According to our results, we may conclude that the Hermann’s tortoise is not native in Menorca and has a double origin: the first, is an introduction resulting from a unique source, probably from a continental lineage genetically close to Albera. The second, from an island origin, is the result of multiple contributions, from Corsica, Sardinia or Sicily. Lastly,the isolation of THH populations within each geographic region reflects a very strong genetic structure, therefor the six most relevant management units forconservation purposes are proposed on the basis that they represent a significant part of the evolutionary legacy of the species.

Sistemàtica molecular, filogeografia i genètica de la conservació de mustèlids i macacs

Marmi Plana, Josep Maria 23 June 2006 (has links)
Els treballs realitzats en aquesta tesi tenen com objectius l'aplicació de la sistemàtica molecular i la filogeografia per resoldre relacions filogenètiques, clarificar la taxonomia i descriure la història de les poblacions de les espècies incloses dins de dos grups de mamífers d'elevat interés conservacionista: els mustélids (família Mustelidae) i els macacs (génere Macaca).L'ús de diferents marcadors genétics mitocondrials (el gen citocrom b i la regió control) i un de nuclear (les seqüencies flanquejants d'una regió repetitiva) ha permés reconstruir les relacions filogenètiques entre 33 espècies de mustelids; delimitar quatre grups filogeogràfics en el teixò euroasiàtic (Meles meles); detectar la venta de productes derivats d'aquesta espècie en països on està protegida; i estudiar el procès d'especiació del macac japonès (Macaca fuscata). A partir dels resultats obtinguts també s'han proposat canvis en la taxonomia d'aquests grups. Al final de la tesi es fan reflexions sobre el paper que desenvolupen els marcadors moleculars en la sistemàtica, sobre com classificar aquelles espècies que no ha finalitzat els seus processos d'especiació i sobre les aplicacions de la sistemàtica, la biologia evolutiva i la genètica en la conservació de la biodiversitat. / The objectives of this thesis were the application of molecular systematics and phylogeography to resolve phylogeny, to clarify taxonomy and to study the population history of species included within two groups of mammals of high conservation interest: the mustelids (Family Mustelidae) and the macaques (Genus Macaca).Using different mitochondrial (cytochrome b gene and control region) and nuclear (flanking sequences of a repetitive region) markers, we have been able to reconstruct the phylogeny of 33 mustelid species; to delimit four phylogeographic groups in the Eurasian badger (Meles meles); to detect the trade of Eurasian badger products in countries where this species is protected; and to study the speciation process of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata). According to our results we have also proposed taxonomic changes in these groups.At the end of the thesis, there are also some reflections about the role of genetic markers in systematics; about how to classify the species that have not finished their speciation process; and about the application of systematics, evolutionary biology and genetics in conservation biology.

Evaluating threats to the rare butterfly, <i>Pieris virginiensis</i>.

Davis, Samantha Lynn 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A Comprehensive Approach to Conservation Biology: From Population Genetics to Extinction Risk Assessment for Two Species of Freshwater Mussels

Inoue, Kentaro 24 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Phylogéographie de deux reptiles iraniens (le complexe Montivipera raddei et Ophisops elegans) et implication pour la conservation / Phylogeography of two Iranian reptiles (Montivipera raddei complex and Ophisops elegans) and implication for conservation

Behrooz, Roozbeh 13 January 2017 (has links)
Les espèces de haute altitude (Sky-Islands) sont parmi les taxons les plus sensibles aux changements environnementaux et une meilleure connaissance de ces espèces (répartition, groupes génétiques, histoire d’évolution, etc.) est indispensable afin de définir les unités adaptées pour la conservation. Cette thèse a porté sur l’analyse moléculaire de deux gènes mitochondriaux (Cyt b et ND4) chez le groupe d’espèces Montivipera raddei et un gène mitochondrial (COI) chez l’Ophisops elegans dans les montagnes d’Iran qui sont des centres d’endémisme importants pour les reptiles. En me basant sur les données génétiques, je propose de considérer toutes les montivipère d’Iran comme une seule espèce ; Montivipera raddei comprenant trois sous-espèces ; Montivipera raddei albicornuta (nord du Zagros, Zanjan et nord-ouest de l’Iran jusqu’en Turquie), Montivipera raddei latifii (Alborz), et Montivipera raddei kuhrangica (centre du Zagros). Les temps de divergences obtenus entre les clades de montivipères semblent montrer des changements de la connectivité des populations pendant le Pléistocène qui résulte de l’effet fort des oscillations climatiques durant cette époque, notamment pendant les interglaciaires. Ce travail a aussi révélé une grande diversité génétique au sein des clades iraniens d’ophisops élégant ce qui pose la question de l’existence d’espèces/sous-espèces cryptiques en Iran. Finalement, ce travail a permis de définir des ESU pour les montivipères et l’ophisops élégant et notamment je propose que toutes les populations isolées du groupe d’espèces M. raddei et d’O. elegans montrant des haplotypes propres soient considérées comme des ESU pour la conservation. / High-altitude species (Sky-Islands) are among the most sensitive taxa to environmental changes and a better knowledge of these species (distribution, genetic groups, evolutionary history, etc.) is essential in order to define the adapted units for the conversation. This thesis focused on the molecular analysis of two mitochondrial genes (Cyt b and ND4) in the Montivipera raddei (Radde's Rock Viper) species group and a mitochondrial gene (COI) in Ophisops elegans (Snake-Eyed Lizard) in the mountains of Iran, which are important centers of endemism for reptiles. Based on the genetic data, I propose to consider all the Iranian montivipers as one species; Montivipera raddei comprising three subspecies; Montivipera raddei albicornuta (north of Zagros, Zanjan and northwestern Iran to Turkey), Montivipera raddei latifii (Alborz), and Montivipera raddei kuhrangica (central Zagros). The times of divergence between the clades of montivipers seem to show changes in the connectivity of populations during the Pleistocene, which results from the strong, effect of climatic oscillations during this period, especially during interglacial periods. This work also revealed a great genetic diversity within the Iranian clades of snake-eyed lizard, which raises the question of the existence of cryptic species / subspecies in Iran. Finally, this work made it possible to define ESUs for montivipers and snake-eyed lizards. In particular, I propose that all isolated populations of the M. raddei species group and O. elegans showing specific haplotypes to be considered as ESUs for conservation.

Informing Conservation Management Using Genetic Approaches: Greater Sage-Grouse and Galápagos Short-Eared Owls as Case Studies

Schulwitz, Sarah E. 05 1900 (has links)
Small isolated populations are of particular conservation interest due to their increased extinction risk. This dissertation investigates two small wild bird populations using genetic approaches to inform their conservation. Specifically, one case study investigated a Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population located in northwest Wyoming near Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park. Microsatellite data showed that the Jackson sage-grouse population possessed significantly reduced levels of neutral genetic diversity and was isolated from other Wyoming populations. Analysis with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellite data provided further evidence that the population's timing of isolation was relatively recent and most likely due to recent anthropogenic habitat changes. Conservation recommendations include maintaining or increasing the population's current size and reestablishing gene flow with the nearest large population. The second case study investigated the genetic distinctiveness of the Floreana island population of the Galápagos Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus galapagoensis). Mitochondrial DNA sequence data did not detect differences across nine island populations, yet microsatellite and morphometric data indicated that limited gene flow existed with the population and surrounding island populations, which appeared asymmetric in direction from Floreana to Santa Cruz with no indication of gene flow into Floreana. These results have important conservation implications and recommend that the Floreana Short-eared Owl population be held in captivity during the rodenticide application planned for an ecosystem restoration project in 2018. The population is less likely to receive immigrants from surrounding island populations if negatively effected by feeding on poisoned rodents.

Detecting structural variants in the DNA of the inbred Scandinavian wolf

Huson, Lars January 2023 (has links)
Only 40 years ago, just three individuals made the journey from Finland/Russia to found the current wolf population in the southwest of Sweden. This population, that to this date descends from less than 10 founders, has a substantial increased extinction risk due to inbreeding. Several previous studies have used SNPs to monitor the level of inbreeding and homozygosity in the population, as well as measure immigration and the inflow of new genetic material. This study uses both short- and long-read data to discover structural variants (SVs) and small indels in the population, so that they may be used to extend the analyses and provide more insight into the current state of the Scandinavian wolf population. After the calling of the SVs, strict filtering and manual curation were applied to the data, thereby removing many false positive calls and increasing confidence in the remaining SVs. Short-read and long-read SV-callers found 31,800 and 57,821 SVs respectively, with relatively little overlap between the two sets. By far, the most common SV-types were deletions and insertions, at about 30,000 each with varying length ranging from a 50 base pairs to several tens of Mbp. Analyses on the data, such as PCAs and parent-offspring trio analyses, reveal high-confidence calls and consistent results between SV-types and SV-callers, as well as a low estimated genotyping error rate. PCAs performed on the SVs resembled those performed on SNPs, which strengthens the credibility of the identified variants. Finally, this study suggests several alternative steps for possible improvement to the dataset, along with some proposals for subsequent research topics that may use the variants discovered in this study.

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