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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Balinio vėžlio (Emys orbicularis) būklės analizė ir apsaugos planas Lietuvoje / The analysis of european pond turtle (emys orbicularis) state and preparation of conservation plan in lithuania

Sadovnikova, Svetlana 08 September 2009 (has links)
Balinis vėžlys (Emys orbicularis L.) – plačiai paplitusi, tačiau didžioje savo arealo dalyje nykstanti, reta, Lietuvoje ir daugelyje Europos valstybių saugoma rūšis. Pagrindinės šios rūšies nykimo priežastys - vandens ir sausumos buveinių nykimas dėl sukcesijos ir žmogaus veiklos, populiacijų izoliuotumas, plėšrūnų poveikis, mažas veisimosi efektyvumas ir to pasėkoje nepakankamas populiacijų pasipildymas jaunais individais. Balinių vėžlių apsaugai Lietuvoje turi būti sudarytas ekologinis tinklas, kuriame pagal svarbą būtų išskirtos teritorijos priklausomai nuo jose gyvenančių balinių vėžlių populiacijų skaitlingumo ir ilgalaikio išgyvenimo galimybės tam, kad užtikrinti svarbiausioms iš šių teritorijų apsaugos statusą ir pagerinti balinių vėžlių migracijos sąlygas. Kad užtikrinti tinkamą balinių vėžlių apsaugą reikia taikyti ir kitokias priemones: reguliarų buveinių tvarkymą, dėčių apsaugą nuo plėšrūnų, visuomenės informavimą. / European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis L.) is a widely spread species, declining in a vast part of it‘s range, rare and therefore needs protection in Lithuania and many other European countries. The main reasons of it‘s decline are the lack of suitable water and terrestrial habitats due to succession and human action, impact of predators, little reproduction efficiency and, consequently, lack of young individuals of reproductive age. To protect this species in Lithuania ecological network should be formed, which would include important European pond turtles‘ habitats, where large enough and viable populationas are found. So protection status of the most importatnt habitats would be secured and migration conditiond improved. To make proper pond turtle protection also other conservation tools, such as regular habitat management, nest protection, public conveyance should be applied.

Irish Hills Natural Reserve Conservation Plan Update

Riley, Bijan N 01 June 2011 (has links)
The Irish Hills Natural Reserve Conservation Plan is a unique component of the Cityof San Luis Obispo’s green belt that provides a number of hiking and mountain bikingtrails within a short distance from the downtown core as well as ensures that valuablehabitat be preserved into the future. As the subject of my thesis project, IHNR presented the opportunity to pursue an aspect of city planning that can often be over-looked and, conservation planning. Conservation planning is an important element of the planning profession in that it incorporates such elements into the future growth of cities. With proper planning it is possible to foresee future development patterns and thus be able to designate and protect high value natural resource areas as open space, in order to preserve and protect their resources. In addition to setting the guidelines for preserving and protecting the natural resources and important habitats of Irish Hills, the conservation plan has a secondary effect of ensuring the future health of the surrounding habitats.

Habitat Conservation Plan Implementation: Keeping Promises for Adaptive Management Within a "No Surprises" Policy

Smith, Bernice Loretta 09 December 2005 (has links)
Adaptive management is an approach to problem solving that acknowledges uncertainty. Adaptive management involves a systematic and rigorous process of learning from the outcomes of management actions, accommodating change and improving management. Plans, policies or management strategies influenced by new information and learning, are modified. This study examines the implementation of adaptive management for endangered and threatened species covered in Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP). Introduced in 1982 as an amendment to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Habitat Conservation Plans are negotiated agreements that mitigate the incidental "take" (killing, harming) of endangered and threatened species during a development or resource extraction project. However, scholars found the scientific basis of approved HCPs to be inadequate and the efficacy of prescribed mitigation measures untested implying the need for adaptive management during implementation. This case study evaluation investigates HCP landowner compliance and progress within the parameters of the federal 1994 "No Surprises" policy. That policy limits landowner liability and responsibility for additional conservation action due to failed mitigation measures during HCP implementation. "No Surprises" assumes we can predict all the consequences of implementing a HCP. The policy seems to work against the objectives of adaptive management to improve scientific knowledge and modify action. The cases include the Central Cascades HCP implemented in the Central Cascades of Washington and the Orange Central Coastal County HCP implemented within a nature reserve in Orange County, California. The study assesses the strengths and weaknesses of adaptive management implementation for protecting endangered species and their habitat, and 2) recommends mid-course corrections for improving adaptive management before HCP maturity. / Ph. D.

A conservação da arquitetura moderna: as fachadas do Edifí­cio Copan / The conservation of modern architecture: the facades of the Copan Building

Bonfim, Valeria Aparecida Costa 28 March 2019 (has links)
A arquitetura erigida pelo Movimento Moderno - inovadora tanto em suas formas quanto em seus materiais - envelheceu sem a aplicação dos conceitos de conservação tão em voga atualmente e, por isso, observa-se um grande número de exemplares em processo de degradação, necessitando intervenção imediata. Dentre eles está o Edifício Copan, reconhecido social e oficialmente como patrimônio arquitetônico, foi projetado por Oscar Niemeyer no início da década de 1950 e tombado pelo CONPRESP - Conselho Municipal de Preservação do Patrimônio Histórico, Cultural e Ambiental da Cidade de São Paulo em 2012. Ao longo dos anos suas icônicas fachadas sofreram com ações das intempéries e ausência de manutenção, sendo necessário restaurá-las, pois apresentavam um avançado estado de degradação. Neste contexto destaca-se a importância de um planejamento que contemple ações de manutenção preventiva, pela ótica da conservação do patrimônio, de modo a minorar a deterioração natural de seus elementos e componentes, mitigando a necessidade de substituições. Assim sendo, são propostos neste trabalho, dois instrumentos de proteção para as fachadas do Copan: o Plano de Conservação e o Manual de Uso, Operação e Manutenção. O primeiro apresenta os valores culturais atribuídos ao patrimônio, a hierarquização dos elementos representativos e as políticas, apontando o que deve ser conservado. Enquanto que o manual descreve as ações de manutenção, a periodicidade e os registros das ações realizadas, mostrando como preservar. A metodologia aplicada consiste na revisão da bibliografia internacional e nacional relacionada ao tema e no levantamento e análise de informações técnicas do Edifício COPAN, tendo como resultado a documentação das transformações projetuais e durante a construção, das características arquitetônicas por meio da realização do as built, dos componentes originais e dos especificados para a restauração. Conclui-se que a maior problemática da conservação do patrimônio moderno é pelo fato do mesmo ser entendido de forma diferente dos edifícios seculares, pois o curto distanciamento temporal conduz a uma propensão de intervenções corretivas que não seguem os princípios da restauração e os valores no âmbito do patrimônio histórico. Espera-se que os instrumentos propostos sejam exigências documentais no âmbito do patrimônio histórico e arquitetônico, visando também a conscientização sobre a importância da manutenção preventiva e da prevalência da conservação sobre a restauração na arquitetura moderna. / The architecture built by the Modern Movement - innovative both in shape and materials - aged without the application of the preservation concepts so in vogue today and, thus, a large number of examples are observed in degradation, requiring immediate intervention. Among these is the Copan building, which is socially and officially recognized as an architectural heritage, designed by Oscar Niemeyer in the beginning of the 1950s and made into a listed building by CONPRESP - Municipal Council for the Preservation of Historical, Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the City of São Paulo in 2012. During the years its iconic facades suffered from the actions of bad weather and the lack of maintenance, requiring their restoration, because they showed advanced state of degradation. In this context, emphasis is laid on the importance of planning that contemplates preventive maintenance action, from the perspective of the conservation of the patrimony, in order to mitigate the natural deterioration of its elements and components, mitigating the need for replacements. Therefore, this work proposes two instruments of protection for the facades of Copan: Conservation Plan and the Use, Operation and Maintenance Manual. The first presents the cultural values attributed to the patrimony, the hierarchization of the representative elements and the policies, highlighting what should be conserved. While the manual describes the maintenance actions, periodicity and records of actions performed, showing how to preserve. The methodology applied consists of the international and national bibliography related to the subject and of the survey and analysis of technical information of the Copan Building, which results in the documentation of the design transformations, and during construction, the architectural features through the execution of as built, of the original components and the specifications for restoration. It is concluded that the major problem of the conservation of modern heritage is the fact that it is considered different from secular buildings, because the short temporal distance leads to a propensity for corrective interventions that are not according to the principles of restoration and values within the scope of historical heritage. It is expected that the instruments proposed become documental requirements in the scope of historical and architectural heritage, also aimed at raising awareness regarding the importance of preventive maintenance and the prevalence of preservation over restoration in modern architecture.

Modeling of vegetation diversity and a national conservation planning: example of Russia / Modeling of vegetation diversity and a national conservation planning: example of Russia

Venevskaia, Irina January 2004 (has links)
Die übergreifende Zielsetzung meiner Studie ist eine Ausarbeitung quantitativer Methoden zur nationalen nationale Schutzplanung in Übereinstimmung mit dem internationalen Ansatz. Diese Zielsetzung erfordert eine Lösung der folgenden Probleme:<br><br> 1) Wie lässt sich Vegetationsvielfalt in grober Auflösung auf Basis abiotischen Faktoren einschätzen?<br> 2) Wie ist der Ansatz 'globaler Hotspots' für die Eingrenzung nationaler Biodiversitäts-Hotspots zu übernehmen?<br> 3) Wie erfolgt die Auswahl von quantitativen Schutzzielen unter Einbezug der Unterschiede nationaler Hotspots bei Umweltbedingungen und durch den Menschen Bedrohung?<br> 4) Wie sieht der Entwurf eines großflächigen nationalen Naturschutzkonzepts aus, das die hierarchische Natur der Artenvielfalt reflektiert? Die Fallstudie für nationale Naturschutzplanung ist Russland. <br><br> Die nachfolgenden theoretischen Schlüsse wurden gezogen:<br> · Großräumige Vegetationsdiversität ist weitgehend vorhersagbar durch klimabedingte latente Wärme für Verdunstung und topographische Landschaftsstruktur, beschrieben als Höhendifferenz. Das klimabasierte Modell reproduziert die beobachtete Artenanzahl von Gefäßpflanzen für verschiedene Gebiete auf der Welt mit einem durchschnittlichen Fehler von 15% <br> · Nationale Biodiversitäts-Hotspots können auf Grundlage biotischer oder abiotischer Daten kartographiert werden, indem als Korrektur für ein Land die quantitativen Kriterien für Planzenendemismus und Landnutzung des Ansatzes der 'globalen Hotspots' genutzt wird <br> · Quantitative Naturschutzziele, die die Unterschiede zwischen nationalen Biodiversitäts-Hotspots in Bezug auf Umweltbedingungen und der Bedrohung durch den Menschen miteinbeziehen, können mit nationalen Daten über Arten auf der Roten Liste gesetzt werden <br> · Ein großräumiger nationaler Naturschutzplan, der die hierarchische Natur der Artenvielfalt berücksichtigt, kann durch eine Kombination von abiotischer Methode im nationalen Bereich (Identifikation großräumiger Hotspots) und biotischer Methode im regionalen Bereich (Datenanalyse der Arten auf der Roten Liste) entworfen werden / The overall objective of the study is an elaboration of quantitative methods for national conservation planning, coincident with the international approach ('hotspots' approach). This objective requires a solution of following problems: <br><br> 1) How to estimate large scale vegetation diversity from abiotic factors only?<br> 2) How to adopt 'global hotspots' approach for bordering of national biodiversity hotspots?<br> 3) How to set conservation targets, accounting for difference in environmental conditions and human threats between national biodiversity hotspots?<br> 4) How to design large scale national conservation plan reflecting hierarchical nature of biodiversity?<br> The case study for national conservation planning is Russia. <br><br> Conclusions:<br> · Large scale vegetation diversity can be predicted to a major extent by climatically determined latent heat for evaporation and geometrical structure of landscape, described as an altitudinal difference. The climate based model reproduces observed species number of vascular plant for different areas of the world with an average error 15%<br> · National biodiversity hotspots can be mapped from biotic or abiotic data using corrected for a country the quantitative criteria for plant endemism and land use from the 'global hotspots' approach<br> · Quantitative conservation targets, accounting for difference in environmental conditions and human threats between national biodiversity hotspots can be set using national data for Red Data book species <br> · Large scale national conservation plan reflecting hierarchical nature of biodiversity can be designed by combination of abiotic method at national scale (identification of large scale hotspots) and biotic method at regional scale (analysis of species data from Red Data book)

Urban Transformation Process: Ulus Historcial City Center Planning Project

Osmancavusoglu, Atanur 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis, firstly, examines the main characteristics of comprehensive and strategic spatial planning and by comparing both planning understandings indicates that strategic spatial planning is thought as more suitable to the demands of both developing and developed countries in the contemporary era. Then, the main argument of the thesis is presented as Ulus Historical Center Conservation and Improvement Plan is an example of a strategic plan prepared for the purposes of conservation (development). In conformity with the general conviction that strategic plan is more flexible, adaptable to changing circumstances, action oriented, open to negotiation by various actors involved in the planning process and allowing participation by beneficiaries of the planning process, this study aims to find out the strategic plan characteristics of Ulus Historical Center Conservation and Improvement Plan by looking at its development stage, main characteristics and the implementation process. As a conclusion, displaying an alternative view and as a planning process Ulus Planning Project is different than the traditional comprehensive conservation (development) plans more displaying the characteristics of strategic spatial planning.

California's War Over the Bay-Delta: Historic Failures and Current Battles

Mao, Jessica J. 01 January 2012 (has links)
California has one highly-coveted possession: the Bay-Delta, which is the second largest estuary in the United States. Today, tensions are higher than ever as Southern California continues to grow and demand water from the Delta, agriculture suffers from drought and less-than-promised water allocations, and aquatic life diminishes due to environmentally damaging processes like pumping and exporting of water elsewhere. This paper will examine the historic policies that have shaped how the Delta has been managed, their successes and failures, and current plans in discussion for continuing improvement of the Delta. The Bay-Delta Conservation Plan and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act (HR 1837) are the specific current plans presented and analyzed for potential effectiveness. Despite some of the promising suggestions in HR 1837 and the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan, the Delta will remain a problem in the 21st century until stakeholders from all perspectives compromise enough to enact a single, clear-cut solution.

Brutalism and the Public University: Integrating Conservation into Comprehensive Campus Planning

Schrank, Shelby 18 December 2020 (has links)
The University of Massachusetts Amherst, the Commonwealth’s flagship campus, is home to several Brutalist buildings. Similar to other buildings of this genre, they have gone unrecognized for their importance to the campus and their prominent architectural significance. Additionally, due to the ravages of close to 50 years of exposure coupled with limited maintenance and, in some instances, neglect they are now at a point where restorative maintenance is critical in ensuring their future contribution to the campus. This thesis addresses the importance of creating a comprehensive, long-term plan for these buildings, by first looking to the University’s most prominent, yet neglected building, the Fine Arts Center designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Kevin Roche. The research and design hereafter is an attempt to address the current limitations that exist in relation to the building and to address necessary changes that pertain to the revitalization of the building to meet current University needs. A thorough investigation into best practices for concrete repair, cleaning, and protection are explored, as well as possible design interventions that may be implemented in the future. These design interventions aim to benefit the overall conservation of the building as well as maintain a sensitivity to the architect’s original design intentions. This thesis analyzes past design interventions that have been made, which lacked a sensitivity to the original design, and how this has had a negative impact on the building. Architectural explorations as part of this thesis are used to develop a framework for design thinking and to create a model approach. Investigations into necessary upgrades and alterations to meet current code requirements such as accessibility, fire safety, and energy use are all considered. These explorations are meant to merge into specific guidelines which can then become part of a long-term comprehensive plan. This thesis demonstrates that creating a comprehensive plan with a set of conservation protocols as well as architectural design guidelines will help ensure the building's future on the campus. It also serves as an argument that architectural design considerations play a larger role in the context of conservation. This thesis aims to serve as a case study for other buildings on the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus, as well as other campuses around the United States and beyond. This study can be seen as a proactive measure to further prevent deferred maintenance and negate the use of unsuitable conservation methods through exigent repairs. It also serves as a means of preventing unsuitable design interventions, which ultimately compromise the building of its significance and authenticity.

Diel Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Patterns in Sites with and without Planktonic Life Stage of Thompsodinium intermedium in Comal Springs, TX

Gilpin, Cheryl 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Between July 2009 and October 2011, a new habitat was found for a rarely reported freshwater dinoflagellate species, Thompsodinium intermedium - Comal Springs (Comal County), Texas. In 2011, diel in-situ monitoring in monospecific blooms of this species revealed previously undetected negative impacts on endangered species habitat availability associated with conditions of low flow levels, recorded at the U.S. Geological Survey gage # 08169000 on Texas Commission on Environmental Quality river segment 1811 station 12655. During a period of low springflow in the summer of 2011, late afternoon and early morning measurements of dissolved oxygen and temperature and presence of dinoflagellate blooms were monitored at six sites. Significant differences in diel fluctuations were found in all of these parameters among sites with and without the planktonic blooms. These fluctuations increased risk of hypoxia and hyperthermia conditions at sites of planktonic bloom events. Arrays of in-situ continuous monitoring temperature/light probes were used inside and outside of blooms. Wildlife and human health implications are that hypoxia and hyperthermia are known to promote conditions favorable to harmful microbes which may be transported from springs to coastal bays. In-situ data demonstrated that T. intermedium blooms, hypoxia, and hyperthermia occurred in the upper Comal headwaters. These natural environmental stressors may be avoidable if adequate springflows are maintained to buffer against these impacts.

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