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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relación entre las acciones de Customer Experience - Capacitaciones en los retailers de construcción - y la decisión de compra de los maestros especializados en acabados del sector construcción de 25 a 60 años de NSE C / Relationship between the actions of Customer Experience - Training in construction retailers - and the purchase decision of the masters specialized in finishes of the construction sector from 25 to 60 years of NSE C

Williams Belleza, Victor Alonso 08 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo general determinar la relación entre las acciones de Customer Experience - Capacitaciones en los retailers de construcción - y la decisión de compra de materiales en los retailers del mejoramiento del hogar por parte de los maestros especializados en acabados del sector construcción de 25 a 60 años de NSE C. Se analizó el impacto de las capacitaciones bajo tres dimensiones. Primero se analizó si existía una relación directa entre la decisión de compra y el beneficio de las capacitaciones en términos de su trabajo, como el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades, mejora en el tiempo de acabados y calidad de sus trabajos. Luego, se analizó la relación con la conveniencia de la capacitación para el maestro en términos de tiempo/duración. En la última dimensión se analizó el impacto económico de las capacitaciones para el maestro. Se realizó un estudio mixto. En la investigación cualitativa se tuvo como finalidad recolectar información de los maestros de obra y expertos sobre el tema. En la investigación cuantitativa se tuvo la opinión de los maestros de obra mediante las encuestas y el análisis estadístico para contrastar los resultados con el estudio cualitativo. Las conclusiones comprobaron que existe una relación positiva entre la decisión de compra y en la primera dimensión (beneficio de las capacitaciones en términos de su trabajo), la tercera dimensión (términos económicos), más no en la segunda dimensión (términos de tiempo/duración) porque se comprobó que no existe una relación con la decisión de compra. / The objective of this research work is to determine the Relationship between Customer Experience actions - Training in construction retailers – and the purchase decision of materials in specialized retailers by masters that are specialized in finishes of the construction sector from 25 to 60 years of NSE C. The impact of the training was analyzed under three dimensions. First, it was analyzed if there was a direct relationship between the purchase decision and the benefit of the training in terms of their work, such as the development of new skills, improvement in the finishing time and quality of their work. Then, we analyzed the relationship with the convenience of the training for the masters in terms of time / duration. In the last dimension, the economic impact of training and the purchase decision were analyzed. A mixed study was conducted. The purpose of the qualitative research was to collect information that was provided by the construction masters and experts on the subject. Also, in the quantitative research the opinion of the construction masters was taken through surveys and statistical analysis to contrast the results with the qualitative study. The conclusions verified that there is a positive relationship between the purchase decision with the first dimension (the benefit of the training in terms of their work) and the third dimension (economic terms), but not with the second dimension (terms of time / duration) because it was verified that there is no relationship with the purchase decision. / Trabajo de investigación

Propuesta de mejora de los procesos de planificación, abastecimiento y ejecución para reducir los sobrecostos operacionales en una empresa constructora mediante la gestión por procesos

Alvarado Barcenes, Luis Aarón, Santos Villarroel, José Humberto 28 January 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad diseñar, desarrollar y validar una propuesta de mejora basada en la gestión por procesos y las herramientas de planificación PERT-CPM y MRP en una empresa constructora. A través de la identificación de la situación actual de la misma, se determina un escenario desfavorable en base a la relación de sus utilidades proyectadas y obtenidas, sobre el cual se identificó el problema principal de deficiente gestión operativa y las causas raíz relacionadas a ineficientes procesos de planificación, abastecimiento y ejecución. Se busca la optimización sistemática y estructurada de los procesos mencionados a través del desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación aplicada, con el objetivo de reducir el problema identificado a través de la utilización de metodologías, técnicas y herramientas referentes a la ingeniería industrial. La investigación se centró en el estudio de los procesos de Diarco, empresa constructora peruana dedicada a la construcción de obras civiles, los cuales se analizaron y rediseñaron a través de la gestión por procesos e incorporando las herramientas de planificación antes mencionadas, planteando una propuesta estructurada del nuevo sistema de trabajo diseñado que resultó viable en el sentido funcional, económico, ambiental, social y tecnológico, respaldado por el desarrollo de un piloto de estudio. La propuesta de mejora concluyó en la disminución de materiales, horas hombre y penalidades por entregas tardías dentro de los proyectos de construcción realizados, concretándose en un proyecto viable económicamente con un VAN de S/. 324,101.34, un TIR de 79% y un índice B/C 3.81. / The purpose of this work is to design, develop and validate a proposal for improvement based on process management and planning tools PERT-CPM and MRP in a construction company. Through the identification of its current situation, an unfavorable scenario is determined based on the ratio of its projected and obtained profits, on which the main problem it’s the poor operational management and the root causes related to inefficient processes of planning, sourcing and execution. The systematic and structured optimization of the aforementioned processes is sought through the development of an applied research project, with the objective of reducing the problem identified through the use of methodologies, techniques and tools related to industrial engineering. The research it’s focused on the study of the processes of Diarco, a peruvian construction company dedicated to the construction of civil works, which were analyzed and redesigned through Business Process Management and incorporating the aforementioned planning tools, proposing a structured proposal of the new designed work system that proved to be viable in the functional, economic, environmental, social and technological sense, backed by the development of a study pilot. The improvement proposal concluded in the reduction of materials, man hours and penalties for late deliveries within the construction projects carried out, concretizing in an economically viable project with a VAN of S /. 324,101.34, a TIR of 79% and a B/C index 3.81. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

El gasto por penalidades contractuales y su impacto en la determinación del impuesto a la renta en las empresas del sector construcción de Lima metropolitana centro año 2018

Adrianzen Zegarra, Melba Marleny, Ventura Ventura, Alexis Martin 30 September 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar cómo impacta la deducción de las penalidades contractuales en la determinación del impuesto a la renta en las empresas del sector construcción en Lima metropolitana centro del 2018. Esta investigación busca indagar los impactos que tendrán las penalidades contractuales en la determinación del impuesto a la renta en las empresas del sector construcción de Lima metropolitana centro en el periodo 2018, considerando los criterios adoptados y posturas que ha presentado la administración tributaria, en casos muy empíricas como a la vez proponiendo alternativas que permitan que las penalidades contractuales puedan ser de deducción para el determinado periodo. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se ha tomado en cuenta el reglamento de la ley del impuesto a la renta, resoluciones de Intendencia, resoluciones del Tribunal Fiscal que han tratado sobre las penalidades contractuales, además de ello tenemos referencias de la Casación N° 8407-2013-LIMA que se llevó en la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República. El trabajo de investigación cuenta con cinco capítulos, estructurados de la siguiente manera, capítulo I “Marco Teórico”, donde se encuentra toda la información transcendental y relevante de diversas fuentes que han tratado sobre el tema de investigación; después el capítulo II “Plan de Investigación”, donde se identifica el problema, hipótesis y objetivos tanto generales como específicos; luego en el capítulo III “Metodología de Investigación”, se define el tipo y diseño de investigación a emplear, asimismo se detalla el tamaño de la muestra y las herramientas a usar para nuestro análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo. En donde la primera herramienta consta de una entrevista a profundidad a expertos del rubro y la segunda de una encuesta a las empresas del sector. Luego, en el capítulo IV “Desarrollo de la investigación” se realizó la aplicación de las dos herramientas planteadas en la investigación; para luego desarrollar un caso práctico para analizar cómo es el impacto de las penalidades contractuales en la determinación del impuesto a la renta. Para concluir, en el capítulo V “Análisis de Resultados”, se brinda los resultados de la investigación y aprobación de las hipótesis en base a las herramientas usadas, para luego brindar las presentes conclusiones y recomendaciones al trabajo de investigación. / The purpose of this research work is to determine how the deduction of contractual penalties impacts in the determination of the income tax in the companies of the construction sector in Lima Center of 2018. This research seeks to investigate the impacts that will have the contractual penalties in the determination of the income tax in the companies of the construction sector of Lima metropolitan Centro in the period 2018, considering the adopted criteria and positions that the tax administration has presented, in empirical cases and at the same time proposing alternatives that depend on contractual penalties can be of deduction for the given period. For the development of this investigation, the regulation of the law of income tax, Intendance resolutions, resolutions of the Fiscal Court that have dealt with contractual penalties has been taken into account, in addition to this we have references from Cassation No. 8407 -2013-LIMA that was taken in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic. The research work has five chapters, structured as follows, chapter I "Theoretical Framework", where all the transcendental and relevant information from other sources that have dealt with the subject of research; after is chapter II "Research Plan", where the problem, hypotheses and objectives are identified as in general and specific; then, in chapter III "Research Methodology", is defined the type and design of investigation , as well it’s detail the sample size and the tools to use for our qualitative and quantitative analysis. Where the first tool consists of an in-depth interview with experts in the field and the second of a survey of companies in the sector. Then, in chapter IV "Research development" the application of the two tools proposed in the research was carried out; then develop a case study for analyze how is impact of contractual penalties on the determination of income tax. To conclude, in Chapter V "Analysis of results", it’s provided the results of the investigation and the approval of the hypotheses based on the tools used, and then it is provide the conclusions and recommendations to the research work. / Tesis

Diseño y plan de implementación de una PMO para Cumbaza Inversiones y Construcciones SAC / Design and implementation plan of a PMO for Cumbaza Inversiones y Construcciones SAC

Avila Armas, Deimer Iván, Flores garcia, Sandro, Multhuaptff Navarro, Erick, Ortiz Carranza, Fanny 18 June 2021 (has links)
Con el objetivo de elaborar la propuesta de Diseño e Implementación de una PMO para proporcionar soporte a la Gestión de Proyectos en el área funcional de Obras y Proyectos de la organización CUMBAZA INVERSIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES SAC., se desarrolló el presente trabajo de investigación. La organización está dedicada a brindar servicios de construcción e ingeniería en la región San Martín, con ventas superiores a S/ 20 millones en el año 2020. Tras un profundo análisis de la situación actual se identificó que el principal problema de la empresa son los sobrecostos y la cancelación de proyectos, lo que tiene un impacto económico. Utilizando la metodología PMO Value Ring, se propone la creación de una PMO tomando en consideración “las buenas prácticas”, descritas en la guía PMBOK®, que es necesario para el diseño e implementación de los siguientes seis servicios, cubriendo tanto el nivel operativo, como el técnico y el estratégico: (a) gestionar los riesgos, (b) gestionar reuniones de lecciones aprendidas, (c) gestionar asignación de recursos entre proyectos, (d) monitorear y controlar proyectos, (e) gestionar interesados en proyectos, y (f) promocionar capacitación y desarrollo de competencias para proyectos. Finalmente, se recomienda su implementación de la PMO dada su viabilidad financiera porque tras una inversión de S/ 193,042 durante la implementación y el primer trimestre, en solo tres años se generará un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de S/ 1´953,857 lo que implica una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) de 56%. / In order to develop a proposal for the Design and Implementation of a PMO to support Project Management in the area of ​​Works and Projects of the company CUMBAZA INVERSIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES SAC., this research work was developed. The organization is dedicated to providing construction and engineering services in the San Martín region, with sales of over S / 20 million in 2020. After a thorough analysis of the current situation, it was identified that the company's main problem is cost overruns. and the cancellation of projects, which has an economic impact. Using the PMO Value Ring methodology, it is proposed to create a PMO that provides the following six services, covering both the operational, technical and strategic levels: (a) managing risks, (b) manage lesson meetings learned, (c) manage resource allocation between projects, (d) monitor and control programs or projects, (e) manage project stakeholders, and (f) promote training and skills development for projects. Finally, the implementation of the PMO is recommended given its financial viability because after an investment of S / 193,042 during implementation and first quarter of operations, in just three years a Net Present Value (NPV) of S / 1´953,857 will be generated, which implies an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 56%. / Trabajo de investigación

Risks and Performance in the Supply Chain -An Empirical Study in Vietnam Construction Sector- / サプライチェーンにおけるリスクとパフォーマンス-ベトナム建設業における実証研究-

Truong, Quang Huy 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第20874号 / 経博第569号 / 新制||経||284(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 原 良憲, 准教授 菊谷 達弥, 准教授 秋田 祐哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DFAM

Linking environmental impact assessment and green procurement in the construction sector : opportunities and perspectives

Uttam, Kedar January 2011 (has links)
The construction sector has been greatly responsible for environmental pollution and problems related to sustainability. Hence, there is a crucial need to improve the sector’s environmental performance. In terms of assessing the environmental impacts of the construction sector at project and strategic level, policy instruments such as project-based environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) play an important role. Another policy instrument, namely, green procurement has started to gain attention in the construction sector. Green procurement is a process that involves the incorporation of environmental requirements during the procurement of services and products. However, discussions on green procurement are rarely seen during the impact assessment (EIA and SEA) phase. Moreover, the construction process is usually multi-tiered, involving several stakeholders with varied objectives, which often leads to challenges concerning the translation of information produced in the impact assessment phase into action (during the construction phase). Therefore, this thesis aimed at analysing the way through which EIA as well as green procurement can improve the coordination between planning and construction phases. The thesis is based on literature review and interviews. This study envisaged an inter-connected process for EIA and green procurement, and reviewed the state of the art to motivate the postulation of such an inter-connected process. In addition, this study also reviewed recent development within procurement contracts, and focused on partnering in the construction industry. The results indicated that it would be appropriate to introduce green procurement during the pre-decision phase of an EIA. Further, the thesis chose renewable energy as a parameter for green procurement, and explored the perspectives of various categories of stakeholders in the Swedish construction on the inter-link between impact assessment and green procurement. The perspectives of the interviewed stakeholders indicate that the inter-link is required. However, the interview results show that there is a tendency in the Swedish construction sector to adopt various commercially available environmental assessment and certification tools. Furthermore, the thesis has mapped directions for future research. Future study should focus on the establishment of mechanisms for inter-connecting impact assessment and green procurement. It should investigate how the inter-link could be facilitated by certification tools being adopted. The future research should also examine how the inter-link can be developed together with concerned stakeholders through partnering. / QC 20111207 / Improving the environmental performance of the construction sector through linking environmental impact assessment and green procurement

Preparedness of Construction SMEs for climate adaptation-related renovation services : An analysis of companies in the Kronoberg region

Naeem, Rida January 2023 (has links)
Climate change presents a significant global challenge, affecting various aspects such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and altered precipitation patterns. Climate adaptation and climate mitigation are two fundamental strategies for addressing climate change. While mitigation focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation involves adjusting to climatic changes and their consequences. Both strategies are essential for a comprehensive response to climate change. For construction SMEs in the Koronoberg region, recognizing the importance of this dual approach is vital when offering climate adaptation-related renovation services. The construction sector plays a crucial role in shaping the built environment and has a substantial impact on greenhouse gas emissions, making it a vital area for addressing climate change. This study focuses on assessing the readiness and challenges faced by construction small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Kronoberg region of Sweden in providing climate adaptation-related renovation services. The study aims to evaluate the current state of preparedness of SMEs, identify specific challenges, and develop strategies to support their transition towards sustainable and resilient climate adaptation renovations. The findings reveal a growing awareness among construction SMEs regarding climate adaptation needs, with strategies emphasizing the use of wooden materials, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices. The outcomes provide valuable insights and recommendations for construction SMEs operating in the Kronoberg region, facilitating their long-term viability in supporting sustainable and resilient communities. However, challenges such as limited resources, absence of regulations, and standardized guidelines hinder implementation. Despite these challenges, the study highlights opportunities for growth and innovation through stakeholder collaboration, technological advancements, and sustainable strategies. The implications for construction SMEs include the need for continued awareness, adoption of sustainable practices, overcoming challenges, stakeholder collaboration, and embracing innovation and technology. Overall, construction SMEs in the Kronoberg region have the potential to contribute to a sustainable future by prioritizing climate adaptation, engaging in knowledge sharing, and actively participating in collaborative efforts. Their actions can drive positive change in the construction sector, mitigating the environmental impact of buildings and fostering a more sustainable and resilient built environment. Moreover, this research lays the foundation for further investigation in other regions or countries, fostering the global transition towards sustainable and resilient built environment.

Effektiv logistik med lossningskalender på byggarbetsplatsen / Efficient logistics with release calendar on construction sites

Abd Al Sater, Wissam January 2018 (has links)
För att arbetsledaren skall utveckla en logistikorganisation som fungerar mer än väl bygger detta alltid på att de interna logistikrutinerna är välfungerande. Rutinerna skall fungera om riktlinjer och stöd för arbetsledaren i alla typer av projekt. Studien syftar att studera NCC-projekt som använder och/eller inte använder det nya verktyget, lossningskalender, för att identifiera dess positiva resultat Studien använder en kvalitativ metod där författaren genomför intervjuer med 4 respondenter inom NCC. Resultatdelen består av tre kategorier efter bearbetning av insamlade data, dessa är: Effektivisering, Dokumentering och Stöd för arbetsledning. Elektroniska logistikverktyg som lossningskalendern är av stor betydelse för arbetsledaren och kan vara avgörande i kvalitén i samtliga byggprojekt. / Logistics has long been a topic for discussion that has recently gained more attention. In order for the supervisor to develop a logistics organization that works more than well, this always means that the internal logistics routines are well functioning. The procedures should work on guidelines and support for the supervisor in all types of projects. The study aims to study NCC-projects that use and / or do not use the new tool, release calendar, to identify its positive results. The study uses a qualitative method in which the author conducts interviews with 4 respondents within NCC. The result consists of three main categories processing collected data, these categories are: Efficiency, documentation and Support for work management. Electronic logistics tools like the unloading calendar are of great importance to the supervisor and can be decisive in the quality of all construction projects.

Capital Accumulation, The State And The Production Of Built Environment: The Case Of Turkey

Balaban, Osman 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Under capitalist mode of production urban processes gain specific features and meanings. Fundamental is the relationship between processes of capital accumulation and the production of built environment. In this context, the capital switching theory claims that as profit levels are lowered, the probability that higher levels of capital tending to enter the property sector increases. In the first stage of a two-staged research, a macro-analysis on construction activities in Turkey limited to post-1980 period indicates that there no counter-cyclical relationship prevails between productive sectors of the economy and construction activities. It is observed that the state intervention and its supportive policies regarding the production of built environment are the dominant determinants in the Turkish case. Based on these findings, a second focus was on the relationships between the state and capital engaged in the production of urban built environment. Various forms of state intervention, mostly as examples of deregulation and liberalization of planning controls and urban development legislation are identified at this stage. The major findings lead to the conclusion that urban processes are open to the profit-oriented and speculative efforts of political actors as well as the economic actors. Hence the necessity of development of counter-strategies and policies as parts of planning and urban development system verified.

Contract Management Behavior Of Turkish Construction Companies In International Contracts

Yigit, Muhammet Alper 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Contract management starts with the contract negotiations and lasts until the end of the contract, and is the process that covers three fundamental functions required to compensate the goals of the project / Relationship Management, Project Delivery, and Administration of the contract. This thesis focused on investigating contract management behavior of Turkish construction companies in international projects. A survey was composed and interviewed with professionals for investigating the contract management behavior of contractors. The survey aimed to investigate / factors influencing contractors&rsquo / behaviors, key success factors for contract management, company contract management organizations, claim issues, and conflict and dispute resolution behavior of firms. 51 companies participated to the survey. The survey results revealed that Turkish contractors consider contract management to be significant for success at international markets. Contractors are aware of the need for a continuous contract management application although this rate cannot be achieved in practice. Considering awareness as a driving factor for improvement it can be estimated that in future Turkish contractors will be managing their contracts in more efficient, organized and systematic ways than today. Results revealed that / contract management behaviors are mostly affected by the risk and complexity of the project, regular contract process is the most impactful process on the success, and change order requests of the owners are the most frequent reasons of claims. According to respondents contract management can reduce number of conflicts and disputes.

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