Spelling suggestions: "subject:"continuous emprovement."" "subject:"continuous 9improvement.""
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Implementing Performance Measurement to support Continuous Improvement : An empirical case study in construction industryMinier, Nicolas January 2014 (has links)
Performance Measurement is necessary in order to support the implementation of a Continuous Improvement approach within a company. Performance Measurement has been a subject of increasing interest for researchers and practitioners. The questions addressed in the literature especially evolved from “what” to measure to “how” to measure. The present thesis follows this evolution by exploring how companies can successfully implement Performance Measurement. The thesis follows a parallel research design including a literature review and a case study. From one side, a literature review aims at explaining the main theories behind Performance Measurement, such as the concept of Performance Measurement System, as well as giving some recommendation for its implementation. On the other side, an empirical case study, conducted in a construction industry company, presents a practical implementation of Performance Measurement including some of the indicators dashboards built in several factories and departments of the company. The results of this case study are also supported by several interviews conducted at different steps of the implementation with the different actors involved. Then a theoretical verification is conducted by comparing the theory from the literature review with the empirical results from the case study. It especially allows to verify some recommendations as well as to identify a few gaps. The results of this study can be seen as a set of verified recommendations in order to successfully implement Performance Measurement within a company. These recommendations come from the comparison between theory and practice and they are divided in three main parts: the Key Performance Indicators identification, the Performance Measurement System design, and the practical implementation of Performance Measurement. Regarding this last part, five key success factors (e.g. perceived benefits of performance measurement, top management commitment) and five barriers (e.g. time and effort required, human behaviour) have been verified. Moreover, some Performance Measurement issues are discussed, such as the reduction of the complexity, the potential gaps between local approaches and global consistency, as well as the concept of organisational learning. Finally, the thesis identifies three kinds of trade-offs (e.g. accuracy of the data and cost of collection) that need to be considered when implementing Performance Measurement.
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Project Closure is not the End : A Study of Interaction between Design and Manufacturing in Product DevelopmentOlausson, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har påvisat att ett företags produktionsförmåga påverkar förmågan att utveckla nya produkter. Faktum är att de företag som är duktiga på att producera ofta även är duktiga på att utveckla nya produkter, då flertalet produktionsaktiviteter såsom prototypframställan är viktiga i utvecklingsprocessen. Detta, i kombination med att mer än 70 % av en produkts kostnad bestäms under utvecklingsfasen, innebär att det är av yttersta vikt att samspelet mellan utveckling och produktion hanteras effektivt. En begräsning med tidigare forskning är antingen att den tenderar att endast titta på interaktion under utvecklingsfasen eller på hur företag kan förbättra produktionsförmågan. Därför är avhandlingens syfte att vidga analysen av interaktion mellan utveckling och produktion genom att studera interaktion under såväl utvecklings- som produktionsfasen. Detta görs genom att studera hur interaktionen påverkas av viktiga kontextuella faktorer såsom organisatoriskt och geografiskt avstånd samt uppgiftens karakteristika. För att uppnå syftet studerades flertalet företag genom intervjuer, vilket utmynnade i fyra papper samt en kappa som sammanfattar och drar slutsatser utifrån dessa papper. De två första papperen fokuserar på interaktion under produktionsfasen, medan de två sista papperen behandlar interaktion under produktutvecklingsfasen. Syftet med Papper 1 är att klargöra möjligheter och begränsningar med olika ansatser för produktionsförbättringar. Totalt studerades sju företag: två som saknade ett systematiskt förbättringsarbete och fem som jobbade systematiskt. Resultaten visar på tydliga skillnader mellan olika ansatser. De företag som lyckats bäst är de som har ett systematiskt arbetssätt, men även bland dessa företag finns det vissa skillnader. Företag där framförallt produktionstekniker är ansvariga för förbättringsarbetet har förvisso lyckats att implementera förändringar, men avsaknaden av förankring hos operatörerna har inneburit visst motstånd. Framförallt kan detta vara en nackdel i föränderliga miljöer där operatörerna kan ge stora bidrag med sin spetskompetens. Generellt sett tycktes det vara svårt att involvera operatörerna. Bredare ansatser där såväl produktionstekniker som operatörer bedrev förändringsarbetet var således svårare att införa men de som hade lyckats fick god utväxling. En faktor som tycks vara viktig för att införa en sådan bred ansats var att ledningen stödjer arbetet. Papper 2 fokuserar på tre av de sju fallföretagen från Papper 1 för att se hur produktionsförbättringarna kan användas för att förändra och förbättra produkten. Mer specifikt syftar detta papper till att undersöka hur interaktion under produktionsfasen påverkas av samverkan mellan förbättringsansats och geografiskt avstånd mellan utveckling och produktion. Resultaten visar att systematiska förbättringsansatser ger fler möjligheter till produktförbättringar än vad osystematiska ansatser gör. Tillvaratagandet av dessa möjligheter påverkas negativt av ett längre geografiskt avstånd mellan avdelningarna, då det ofta är nödvändigt för konstruktörer och produktionspersonal att diskutera ansikte mot ansikte för att utröna vilka möjligheter som finns och hur de kan förverkligas. Det kan således konstateras att kombinationen systematisk ansats och närhet skapar de mest gynnsamma förutsättningarna för att produktionsförbättringar skall leda till produktförbättringar. Istället för att studera interaktion under produktionsfasen vänder Papper 3 på myntet och studerar interaktion under utvecklingsfasen. Syftet med papperet är att undersöka hur interaktion under utvecklingsfasen påverkas av det geografiska och organisatoriska avståndet mellan utveckling och produktion. Totalt studerades två företag, ett företag utan egen produktion och ett med. Resultaten visar på att utvecklingsavdelningen behöver besitta relativt avancerad produktionskompetens för att kunna utveckla nya produkter effektivt. Utvecklarna behöver med andra ord jobba målmedvetet för att bibehålla och utveckla denna kompetens, vilket underlättas om de två avdelningarna är placerade i närheten av varandra. En nackdel med närhet tycks dock vara att interaktion domineras av informationsutbyte ansikte-mot-ansikte trots att mer kostnadseffektiva media såsom e-post ibland kan nyttjas. Syftet med Papper 4 är att bredda den föregående studien genom att studera en större mångfald av företag och produktutveckling (dvs. produktutveckling baserat på föränderlig såväl som mer mogen teknologi). Mer specifikt är syftet att se hur interaktion mellan utveckling och produktion påverkas av samverkan mellan geografiskt/organisatoriskt avstånd och uppgiftens karakteristika. Totalt studerades sju företag där fyra av dem baserar sina produkter på mogen teknologi (tre med egen produktion och två utan) och två företag utvecklar högteknologiska produkter (ett med egen produktion och ett utan). Resultaten visar att olika kombinationer av avstånd och uppgift skapar olika utmaningar som måste hanteras med hjälp av olika interaktionslösningar: (1) i en turbulent miljö utan egen produktion är utmaningen att säkerställa att utvecklarna har tillgång till relevant produktionskompetens. (2) i en stabil(are) miljö utan egen produktion kan utvecklarna enklare förstå produktionsprocessen. Utmaningen ligger snarare i att få feedback från leverantörerna så att produkten kan tillverkas till lägre kostnad. (3) i en turbulent miljö med egen produktion har utvecklarna hög kompetens. Utmaningen är att utnyttja spetskompetensen inom produktionsenheten. (4) i en stabil(are) miljö med egen produktion är utmaningen att formalisera interaktionen till en högre grad. Det tycktes som att dessa företag nyttjar ansikte-mot-ansikte interaktion fastän billigare media såsom e-post kunde nyttjats. De fyra papperen studerar således såväl utvecklings- som produktionsfasen. Genom att vidga analysen av interaktion och studera båda faserna visas på vikten av att styra och hantera interaktion under båda faserna. Det konstateras att effektiv styrning av interaktion under utvecklingsfasen leder till effektivare produktion medan den under produktionsfasen ger möjligheter till produktförbättringar. Således bör vi inte se projektavslut som slutet för interaktion mellan utveckling och produktion. Det är troligtvis inte ens början på slutet utan möjligen slutet på början. / Previous research has highlighted the fact that at least 70% of a product’s cost is committed during the design stage of new product development projects. Thus, how firms manage interaction between design and manufacturing really matters. Although many studies have demonstrated that manufacturing capabilities affect product development performance, there is little research investigating how firms can improve manufacturing and use these improvements to modify and improve product designs. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to extend the analysis of design-manufacturing interaction by studying interaction during both the new product development and manufacturing phases, taking into account important contextual variables such as geographical and organizational distance, and task characteristics. To fulfil this purpose, two questions are posed that relate to the manufacturing phase, and two that relate to the new product development phase: 1. What are the implications of different continuous improvement approaches for manufacturing performance? 2. How do these approaches affect design-manufacturing interaction during the manufacturing phase, when various levels of geographical distance are taken into account? 3. How is design-manufacturing interaction during new product development influenced by different sourcing strategies? 4. How is design-manufacturing interaction during new product development influenced by different sourcing strategies, when the task characteristics of the product are also taken into account? By studying multiple cases and conducting semi-structured interviews, this thesis makes two distinct contributions. First, the findings illustrate that successful interaction during the manufacturing phase is influenced both by the selected approach to manufacturing development, and the geographical distance between design and production departments. While the approach affects the number of improvements, the distance affects the nature of the interaction. In essence, a combination of systematic approach and proximity between design and manufacturing seems to be the most effective combination. Second, the findings illustrate that different combinations of sourcing strategy and task characteristics result in different challenges, which require different kinds of interaction. When reviewing how firms manage these challenges the findings both support and challenge the contingency theory. On the one hand, the paper supports the theory in terms of promoting organic procedures in unstable environments and mechanistic procedures in stable environments. On the other hand, it challenges contingency theory advocates for downplaying firms’ ability to shape their future. In fact, this research has shown that companies generally have many different feasible options. The implication is that it may be more important for managers to be aware of how to manage the pros and cons of these options than to choose a particular organizational structure. By taking an extended view on analysis of interaction, the thesis demonstrates that interaction matters during both the new product development and manufacturing phases. Thus, while effective management of interaction during the new product development phase could lead to improved manufacturability, interaction during the manufacturing phase could lead to improved product designs. / Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic 2006:72.
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Effektivisering av operativt inköp : Fallstudie på Uddeholms ABNorberg, Andréa January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: Investigate operational purchasing in industrial companies in Sweden. Furthermore, the study aims at investigating how companies work with continuous improvements in the operational purchasing process, measuring and evaluating results. To be able to answer the purpose of the study, three research questions have been formulated: Which non-value adding factors limit the efficiency of industrial operational procurement processes? How can industrial operational procurement processes potentially be improved? Which ratios can be used to measure and evaluate the outcome of purchasing processes? Methodology and execution: A literature study was conducted in parallel with a case study and benchmarking to answer the research questions. The literature study is based on a study of lean administration, operational purchasing and information-related challenges. The case study consists of value stream mapping of the operational procurement process of purchased materials, a description of order confirmation systems and delivery reporting, observations and interviews. The benchmarking study is based on interviews with operational buyers. Data from cases and benchmarking studies were analysed on the basis of the literature study. Findings: Various non-value adding factors that limit the operational purchasing efficiency have been identified and provide the basis for potential improvements. Based on results from fall, benchmarking and literature studies, proposed improvement proposals for the fall company. Recommendations: In the course of further research, more employees in organizations would be interviewed to broaden knowledge of common challenges in purchasing. Operational buyers, managers in improvement work, purchasing managers and corporate executives would be interviewed to provide different perspectives on decisive factors in streamlining operational purchasing processes. Keywords: Lean, Administration, Operational Purchases, Waste, Information Management in purchasing, Continuous Improvement, Improvement Tools / Syfte: Undersöka hur industriella tillverkningsföretag i Sverige arbetar med operativt inköp. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur de arbetar med ständiga förbättringar av den operativa inköpsprocessen, mäter och utvärderar resultat. För att besvara studiens syfte har tre problemfrågeställningar formulerats: Vilka icke värdeskapande faktorer begränsar effektiviteten i industriella operativa inköpsprocesser? Hur kan industriella operativa inköpsprocesser potentiellt effektiviseras? Vilka potentiella mätetal kan användas för att mäta och utvärdera resultatet av inköpsprocesser? Metod och genomförande: En litteraturstudie genomfördes parallellt med en fallstudie och benchmarkingstudie för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Litteraturstudien bygger på en studie av lean administration, operativt inköp och informationsrelaterade utmaningar. Fallstudien består av värdeflödesanalyser av den operativa inköpsprocessen av tillköpt material, en beskrivning av system för orderbekräftelser och leveransavisering, observationer och intervjuer. Benchmarkingstudien bygger på intervjuer med operativa inköpare. Data från fall och benchmarkingstudie analyserades med stöd av litteraturstudien. Studiens resultat: Olika icke värdeskapande faktorer som begränsar den operativa inköpsprocessen effektivitet har identifierats och utgör grunden för potentiella förbättringar. Med utgångspunkt från resultat från fall-, benchmarking- och litteraturstudie föreslogs förbättringsförslag för fallföretaget. Rekommendationer: Vid fortsatt forskning skulle fler medarbetare i organisationer intervjuas för att vidga kunskapsfånget kring vanliga utmaningar inom inköp. Operativa inköpare, ledare inom förbättringsarbete, inköpschefer och representanter från företagsledningen skulle intervjuas för att ge olika synvinklar på avgörande faktorer vid effektivisering av operativa inköpsprocesser. Nyckelord: Lean, administration, operativt inköp, slöserier, informationshantering inom inköp, ständiga förbättringar, förbättringsverktyg
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Systém managementu kvality ve vybraném podniku služeb / Quality management system in selected companyŽÍTKOVÁ, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis was describe and analyze the quality management system in selected service company and suggest proposals for improvement. For drawing up of this diploma thesis was chosen company GEFOS inženýring, s.r.o. This diploma thesis was divided into two main parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part focuses on quality management, its history, principles and concepts. Important part was made of explainations of the terms as quality, quality management and quality management system. It was put emphasis on ISO standards. This acquired knowledge was used in the second part of diploma thesis, in practical part. First step of the second part was a description of the chosen company. The author answer questions like: What is its purpose? How was the development of this company? How does its organizational structure look like? What is the financial situation? The main part contains characterization of quality management system of the company GEFOS inženýring. First of all were described the beginnings, then current situation of the quality management system, processes and all informations and activities, which were contained in quality manual of the company. This part also contained costs of implementation and sustaining of the quality management system of the company. At the end were suggested the proposal for the improvement not only of the quality management system, but also of the all company.
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Continuous Improvement Over the Long Term : A Cross-national Study of How Continuous Improvement Can Be SustainedKuisma, Kiia January 2018 (has links)
Enligt forskning är ständiga förbättringar ett väsentligt element i olika kvalitetsledningssystem, medan arbete med ständiga förbättringar i organisationer har undersökts vara ofta för begränsat i omfattning och svårt att hålla igång. Därmed var syftet med denna studie att bidra med kunskap om hur organisationer kan arbeta för att hålla ständiga förbättringar igång. Det empiriska materialet samlades in med kvalitativa, halvstrukturerade intervjuer av sju ledare som representerar till-verkande företag antingen i Sverige eller i Finland. Dessa företag har tagit i bruk Lean management och arbetar med ständiga förbättringar framgångsrikt. Resultatet visade att de studerade organisationerna har sina unika sätt att arbeta med och hålla igång ständiga förbättringar, även om det finns likheter. Enligt de studerade organisationerna gällde de mest viktiga faktorer som möjliggör att hålla igång ständiga förbättringar ledarskap, ledaregenskaper och strategisk planering; processer, arbetssätt och verktyg; samt arbetsmiljö och kultur. Kritiskt för att hålla igång ständiga förbättringar är att ledare prioriterar ständiga förbättringar och visar sig prioriteten på flera olika sätt, visade resultatet. Engagemang för ständiga förbättringar på lång sikt är nödvändigt och kan tränas upp. Medan viktigt för ständiga förbättringar är att alla arbetar med gemensamma praktiker, viktigt för att hålla igång ständiga förbättringar är att engagera medarbetare i att använda sina kompetenser till att utveckla dessa praktiker. Det finns olikheter i hur de studerade organisationerna ser att deras arbete med ständiga förbättringar skulle se ut om de hade de bästa möjligheterna att arbeta med ständiga förbättringar. Här hittades det också dock några liknande teman. I studien drogs slutsatsen att ständiga förbättringar har anpassats efter behoven och omständigheterna i organisationerna. Att utveckla praktiker själv är ett medel för att överföra principer som stödjer ständiga förbättringar i handling och att utveckla kulturen gentemot dessa värderingar och principer. För ett framgångsrikt arbete med att hålla igång ständiga förbättringar är det viktigt att utforma och utveckla strukturer och praktiker i anslutning till organisationens strategiska objektiv så att man beaktar organisationens kontext. / According to research, continuous improvement is an essential element of different quality management systems, while work with continuous improvement in organizations has been studied to be frequently too limited in scope and difficult to sustain. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to contribute with knowledge on how organizations can work to sustain continuous improvement. The empirical data was collected through qualitative, semi-structured interviews of seven leaders representing manufacturing companies either in Sweden or in Finland. The companies have adopted Lean management and work with continuous improvement successfully. The results showed that the studied organizations have their unique ways of working with and sustaining continuous improvement, even though there are similarities. According to the studied organizations, the most important factors that enable sustaining continuous improvement were related to leadership, leadership attributes, and strategic planning; processes, techniques, and tools; as well as working environment and culture. The results showed that critical for sustaining continuous improvement are leaders prioritizing continuous improvement and manifesting the priority through several ways. Commitment to continuous improvement in the long term is vital and can be trained. While everyone working along with shared practices is important for continuous improvement, involving employees to use their capabilities to develop these practices supports sustaining continuous improvement. The studied organizations have differences in how they see that their work with continuous improvement would look like if they had the best opportunities to work with continuous improvement, even though some similar themes were found. The study concluded that continuous improvement has been adapted to the needs and situations of the organizations. Self-developed practices are means of putting the principles supporting continuous improvement into practice and developing the culture towards the values and principles. For a successful work with sustaining continuous improvement, it is important to build and form structures and practices in alignment with the strategic objectives of the organization, taking into account the organizational context. / <p>2018-06-27</p>
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Desenvolvimento da abordagem lean por meio de práticas de liderança : pesquisa-ação numa área de planejamento da produçãoPellegrino, Renato Arima 29 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Izabel Franco (izabel-franco@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-05T18:09:42Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-29 / Não recebi financiamento / Companies, to sustain their products’ competitiveness (cost, quality and time), need to
maintain an improvement rate greater than the competitors, and not only possess good
strategies, systems or technologies. The concept of "continuous improvement" has become
increasingly popular in the business environment, and it is associated with a variety of
approaches, and the lean manufacturing as one. Although the lean tools and methodologies
are relatively easy to be implemented in different contexts, few companies can turn into real
lean enterprises, since they have good results in the early stages of implementation, but fail in
the long-term support. One of the key factors for sustaining lean approach is centered on the
leadership role. This dissertation aims to develop, by performing an action research, the
current leadership practices in a production planning area belonging to a company in the large industrial sector located in the State of São Paulo, and with a history of eight years working
through the lean approach, to lean leadership model for the people development, in which are
considerated the following factors: promoting employees self-development, people
developing and training, and support daily kaizen. During the action research was possible to
propose and evaluate the leadership practices to promote and support the implementation of
lean approach. It was observed during the action research as a major challenge to reconcile operational routine of leaders and the team with the implementation of the lean principles and tools. / As empresas, para sustentarem a competitividade de seus produtos (custo, qualidade e prazo), necessitam manter um ritmo de melhoria superior ao dos concorrentes, e não apenas possuírem boas estratégias, sistemas ou tecnologias. O conceito de “melhoria contínua” tem se tornado cada vez mais popular no ambiente das empresas, e esta associado a uma variedade de abordagens, sendo o lean manufacturing uma delas. Embora as ferramentas e metodologias lean sejam relativamente fáceis de serem implantadas em diferentes contextos, poucas empresas conseguem transformar-se em verdadeiras empresas lean, pois apresentam bons
resultados nos estágios iniciais da implantação, mas falham na sustentação no longo prazo.
Um dos fatores chaves para a sustentação da abordagem lean está centrado no papel
desempenhado pelas lideranças. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo principal desenvolver, por meio da realização de uma pesquisa-ação, as práticas de liderança atuais de uma área de planejamento da produção de uma empresa do setor industrial de grande porte localizada no interior do Estado de São Paulo, e com histórico de oito anos trabalhando por meio da abordagem lean, ao modelo de liderança lean para o desenvolvimento de pessoas, no qual são
considerados os fatores: promoção do autodesenvolvimento dos funcionários,
desenvolvimento e treinamento de pessoas, e o apoio ao kaizen diário. Durante a pesquisaação
foi possível propor e avaliar as práticas de liderança para promover a implantação da
abordagem lean. Observou-se como maior desafio a conciliação entre a rotina operacional do líder e da equipe com a implantação dos princípios e das ferramentas lean.
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Influência da medição de desempenho nos projetos seis sigma : estudos de caso.Mergulhão, Ricardo Coser 01 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-01 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Six Sigma and performance measurement are subjects under investigation for
practical and academic purposes. In this way, Six Sigma Program is a remarkable continuous
improvement program with exceptional results in short term accomplished by Six Sigma Projects.
Like others improvement approaches, some factors can influence the results of these projects.
Beside this, the performance measurement plays an important role as a support to the continuous
improvement program, acting as its inhibiting or enabling mechanism. In this sense, the
performance measurement becomes a necessary condition to guarantee the success of Six Sigma
Projects. Nevertheless, a bibliography review has shown the non-existence of detailed academic
researches on these two topics, studied in the same work. Due to this, the objective of this thesis is
to investigate the influence of the performance measurement on Six Sigma Projects with the
intention of highlighting the factors found during the development of these projects. The
explanatory multiple case studies has chosen as the research method for this work. In order to
achieve the objective, a field research was conducted on five companies belong to different
industrial sectors. The empirical evidences have shown that developments of Six Sigma Projects
are influenced by different factors. Some of them were found in many companies. It was verified
also that the development of Six Sigma Projects affects the performance measurement, better said,
there is a reciprocal influence between Six Sigma Projects and performance measurement.
Establishing relationships between financial and non-financial performance measures is an
important issue to develop Six Sigma Projects, as observed, due to the financial orientation of Six
Sigma Projects. It means that the factor mentioned above has a great impact over other ones that
have also their influences on the development of Six Sigma Projects. At last, this thesis aimed a
contribution to the academic as well as to practical purposes since knowledge about factors that
rule the relationship between performance measurement and Six Sigma Projects can support the
construction of a framework related to both aspects and, then, reinforcing the benefits of the Six
Sigma Program. / Seis Sigma e medição de desempenho são assuntos atuais que estão sendo
discutidos e pesquisados tanto pela prática quanto pela academia. O Programa Seis Sigma vem se
destacando como um programa de melhoria, com resultados positivos atingidos num curto prazo
por meio de Projetos Seis Sigma. No entanto, como em outras abordagens de melhoria, alguns
fatores podem influenciar nos resultados desses projetos. Paralelamente a isso, a medição de
desempenho exerce um importante papel no suporte aos programas de melhoria, atuando como
uma barreira ou facilitador. Nesse sentido, a medição de desempenho torna-se uma condição
necessária para o sucesso dos Projetos Seis Sigma. Todavia, uma revisão bibliográfica constatou
que não existem trabalhos acadêmicos detalhados sobre esses dois temas simultaneamente. Em
vista disso, o objetivo desta tese é investigar a influência da medição de desempenho nos Projetos
Seis Sigma com a intenção de destacar os fatores encontrados no desenvolvimento destes projetos.
O método de pesquisa escolhido para este trabalho foi o do múltiplos estudos de caso do tipo
explanatório. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em cinco empresas de diferentes ramos da
indústria. As evidências empíricas mostram que o desenvolvimento dos Projetos Seis Sigma é
influenciado por diferentes fatores, estando alguns deles presentes em mais de uma empresa.
Além disso, foi constatado que o desenvolvimento de Projetos Seis Sigma influencia a medição de
desempenho, ou seja, existe uma influência recíproca entre Projetos Seis Sigma e medição de
desempenho. Um fato observado como um ponto importante para o desenvolvimento dos Projetos
Seis Sigma foi o estabelecimento do relacionamento entre as medidas não-financeiras e as
financeiras devido à orientação financeira dos Projetos Seis Sigma. Isso significa que esse fator
exerce uma grande influência sobre os demais fatores que afetam o desenvolvimento dos Projetos
Seis Sigma. Enfim, essa tese contribuiu tanto para a academia quanto para a prática das
empresas, pois o conhecimento dos fatores que regem o relacionamento entre a medição de
desempenho e os Projetos Seis Sigma pode auxiliar na estruturação de ambos e, com isso,
promover a potencialização dos benefícios do Programa Seis Sigma.
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Trabalho padronizado e equipes semi autônomas: adaptação, aplicação e análise de um modelo a partir de múltiplos casos em uma empresa do setor químicoRenó, Gece Wallace Santos 30 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-30 / The manufacturing companies are increasingly investing time and attention to improving its operating performance by accepting that this is one of the few ways to be competitive in the medium and long term and thus leaving the short-term vision where operational improvements are mainly evaluated as cost reductions of production and labor. The manufacturing management must seek the proper standardization of operations, compliance with these standards and continuous improvement, using this as a basis for synchronization of material flows and information, and to guarantee the quality and safety requirements, as well as the increase responsibilities and autonomy of people in the workplace. This is the main base of lean manufacturing (lean), which, associated with the concept of semi autonomous teams (this aimed at increasing the responsibility of the workers), significant operational success is bringing to companies that have deepened in its implementation and support. This thesis presents six case studies where there was the application of a model of standardized work and the concept of semi-autonomous teams simultaneously in different plants of the same company in the Brazilian chemical industry. The developed approach was the adaptation and application of a systematic model with five pre-defined steps, and structuring teams with semi autonomous work patterns as well as their roles and responsibilities. The model applied in the six cases studied was adapted based on a reference from the company's headquarters and research of market practices, adapted to reality and to the organizational structure of these units. The plants studied have different levels of technology and products portfolio, as well as operation time that distanced up to four decades of each other, where it was observed significant impact on speed of deployment, with different levels of acceptance by the leadership and comprehensiveness of results arising from the application of the model. Quantitative aspects of implementation, such as Safety, Quality and Productivity, which showed significant weight gains after the implementation of the model were evaluated and achieved medium gains of 25% in Productivity, 33% in Quality and 47% reduction in setup times as well as qualitative aspects such as absenteeism, the perception of those involved on the shop floor by the physical change in the working environment and the impact of standardization and systematization of activities on the motivation and performance of employees working in the semi autonomous teams. As conclusions, it´s discussed the potential constraints that influence the greater or lesser success of the applications in each of the six units. / As empresas manufatureiras estão investindo cada vez mais tempo e atenção à melhoria de seu desempenho operacional aceitando que este é um dos poucos caminhos para serem competitivas no médio e longo prazo e desta forma saindo da visão de curto prazo onde melhorias operacionais são principalmente avaliadas como redução de custos de produção e de mão de obra. A gestão da manufatura deve buscar a correta padronização das operações, o cumprimento destes padrões e sua melhoria contínua, usando isto como base para a sincronização dos fluxos de materiais e informações, e para a garantia dos requisitos de qualidade e segurança, assim como o incremento das responsabilidades e da autonomia das pessoas no ambiente de trabalho. Esta é a base principal da manufatura enxuta (lean), que, associada ao conceito de equipes semi autônomas (este visando o incremento da responsabilidade dos operários), tanto sucesso operacional está trazendo às empresas que se aprofundaram em sua implementação e sustentação. Nesta tese apresentam-se seis estudos de caso onde houve a aplicação de um modelo de trabalho padronizado e do conceito de equipes semi autônomas de forma simultânea em diferentes fábricas de uma mesma empresa do setor químico brasileiro. A abordagem desenvolvida foi a adaptação e aplicação de um modelo sistematizado com cinco etapas pré definidas, e estruturação das equipes semi autônomas com padrões de trabalho bem como de seus papéis e responsabilidades. O modelo aplicado nos seis casos estudados foi adaptado com base em uma referência da empresa matriz e pesquisas de práticas de mercado, alinhado à realidade e à estrutura organizacional destas unidades. As fábricas estudadas possuem diferentes níveis de tecnologia e tipos de produtos, assim como tempo em operação que as distanciam até quatro décadas umas das outras, de onde se observou significativo impacto na velocidade de implantação, havendo diferentes níveis de aceitação das lideranças e abrangência dos resultados oriundos da aplicação do modelo. Foram avaliados aspectos quantitativos da aplicação, tais como Segurança, Qualidade e Produtividade, que apresentaram ganhos significativos médios após a aplicação do modelo, da ordem de: 25% em Produtividade, 33% em Qualidade e 47% de redução dos tempos de Setup, assim como os aspectos qualitativos como o absenteísmo, a percepção dos envolvidos do chão de fábrica quanto à mudança física do ambiente de trabalho e o impacto da padronização e sistematização das atividades na motivação e desempenho dos empregados atuando no formato semi autônomo. Como conclusão, discute-se que condicionantes influenciam o maior ou menor sucesso das aplicações em cada uma das seis unidades.
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Análise exploratória da prática da melhoria contínua em empresas fornecedoras do setor automobilístico e de bens de capital certificadas pela norma ISO 9001:2000Gonzalez, Rodrigo Valio Dominguez 15 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-15 / The strong competition, prominent by the globalized dispute, stipulate that the organizations establish innovations much more frequent and rapid in order to attend the technological, economic and political changes which the society goes through. In this context, the continuous improvement of products and productive processes, which determines incremental and constant changes, is necessary to maintain the competitive company. The need of the organizations to emphasize the customers satisfaction makes the ISO 9001 (International Organization for Standardization) quality system to overview its approach, considering in its requirements this subject with the continuous improvement as well as management for processes. In spite of the norm demands a systemic and structured practice, the continuous improvement activities needs initiatives development, on behalf of the organizations, which goes further than programs and techniques, considering also cultural and behavioral aspects which allows the supported continuous improvement of products and processes. In conclusion, it can be pointed out that the norm ISO 9001:2000 relates only what to do and not how to proceed in order to ensure that the company really accomplishes the continuous improvement of its processes. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to analyses the practice of the continuous improvement, identifying the aspects that promote it, related to the individual culture and behavior as well as the organization as a whole. This work describes the results of an exploratory qualitative research accomplished in supplier companies of capital goods and automotive sectors, certified by the norm ISO 9001, analyzing how they promote its continuous improvement programs, considering the cultural development. Afterwards, considerations are accomplished through the examined companies to evaluate the differences identified among the sector organizations presented, concerning the practice of the continuous improvement and the cultural development which support it. / A acirrada competição, ressaltada pela disputa globalizada, exige que as organizações estabeleçam inovações cada vez mais freqüentes e rápidas a fim de atender às mudanças tecnológicas, econômicas e políticas que a sociedade atravessa. Nesse contexto, a melhoria contínua dos produtos e processos produtivos, que impõe alterações incrementais e constantes, é necessária para manter a empresa competitiva. A necessidade das organizações enfatizarem a satisfação dos clientes fez com que o sistema da qualidade ISO 9001 revisasse sua abordagem, passando a considerar em seus requisitos esse tema por meio da melhoria contínua e do gerenciamento por processos. Apesar da norma exigir uma prática sistêmica e estruturada, as atividades de melhoria contínua necessitam do desenvolvimento, por parte das organizações, de iniciativas que vão além de programas e técnicas, sendo necessário, também, considerar aspectos culturais e comportamentais que permitam a realização da melhoria contínua sustentada dos processos e produtos. Pode-se afirmar que a norma ISO 9001:2000 relata apenas o que fazer e não como proceder para que realmente a empresa realize a melhoria contínua de seus processos. Assim, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar a prática da melhoria contínua, identificando os aspectos que a promovam, relacionados à cultura e comportamentos dos indivíduos e da organização como um todo. Para tanto, este trabalho descreve os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória realizada em empresas fornecedoras dos setores de bens de capital e automobilístico, certificadas pela norma ISO 9001, analisando como essas promovem seus programas de melhoria contínua, considerando o desenvolvimento cultural. Posteriormente, são realizadas considerações acerca das empresas estudadas, para, em seguida, avaliar as diferenças identificadas entre as organizações dos setores em questão, no que diz respeito à prática da melhoria contínua e ao desenvolvimento cultural que a sustenta.
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Uso de sistemas de medição de desempenho para melhoria contínua : um estudo da influência do estilo de gestãoGoessler, Luiz Geraldo Micheletti 12 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-12 / Performance measurement systems are part of the daily routine of managers, due to the fact that organizations under their administration operate in a dynamic, complex environment
where information-based decision and action taking are vital. Several uses to performance measurement systems can foster improvements. To any of these purposes the performance measurement systems are always driving behavior to process improvement. In doing so, they can act as an enabler to continuous improvement programs since other organizational factors allow this use. In performance measurement systems literature no factor is so commented as organizational culture however. In this research field, this factor is commonly handled as managerial behavior, or managerial style, used by managers in charge of the managerial control. The aim of this dissertation is to clarify the relationship between managerial style and the use of performance measurement systems as an enabler of continuous improvement initiatives. An exploratory study was developed using participant observation and document review techniques in case studies. Empirical results show that the use of performance measurement systems in an interactive way is achieved through a process-relational
management style. In this case there is more commitment to continuous improvement programs. On the other hand, the use of performance measurement systems in diagnostic way
is achieved through a systemic-control management style. In this case there is less commitment to the continuous improvement programs. Furthermore, the use of performance
measurement systems as an enabler of continuous improvement programs depends on its use as an interactive control system in al management levels and in the whole measurement cycle. / Um sistema de medição de desempenho faz parte da rotina diária dos gestores. Isto se deve ao fato de que as organizações administradas por eles estão inseridas em um ambiente complexo e em constante mudança, em que a tomada de decisões e ações baseada em informações relevantes deste ambiente são fundamentais. Diversos usos do sistema de medição de desempenho podem ser identificados para promover as mudanças necessárias à sobrevivência da organização, sendo que estes usos sempre estão associados ao estímulo do comportamento dos indivíduos para a introdução de melhorias nos processos. Neste sentido, o sistema de medição de desempenho atua como suporte aos programas de melhoria contínua, desde que
outros fatores organizacionais favoreçam tal uso. Na literatura acerca de sistemas de medição de desempenho pesquisada, a cultura organizacional se apresenta como principal variável de
impacto para este uso, sendo geralmente abordada do ponto de vista do comportamento, ou estilo de gestão no exercício do controle gerencial. O objetivo desta dissertação é esclarecer a relação deste fator com o uso do sistema de medição de desempenho como suporte aos programas de melhoria contínua. Para este fim foi realizado um estudo exploratório utilizando as técnicas de observação participativa e revisão documental em estudos de caso. Os resultados empíricos da pesquisa revelam que o uso do sistema de medição de desempenho de maneira interativa, proporcionada pelo estilo de gestão processual-relacional, promove maior
adesão aos programas de melhoria contínua. Por outro lado, o uso do sistema de medição de desempenho de maneira diagnóstica, proporcionada pelo estilo de gestão sistêmicocontrolador, desestimula a adesão aos programas de melhoria contínua. Todavia, o suporte do sistema de medição de desempenho aos programas de melhoria contínua depende de seu uso de forma balanceada dos dois estilos em todos os níveis de gestão e em todas as etapas do ciclo da medição de desempenho.
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