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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation multicritère des technologies de stockage couplées aux énergies renouvelables : conception et réalisation de la plateforme de simulation ODYSSEY pour l'optimisation du dimensionnement et de la gestion énergétique / Multi-criteria assessment of storage technologies of renewable energies : Design and realisation of the simulation platform ODYSSEY for the optimisation of sizing and energy control strategies

Guinot, Benjamin 13 September 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de ces travaux de thèse était de concevoir et de développer un outil de simulation et d'optimisation multicritères de centrales couplant des sources d'énergies renouvelables (EnR) et des moyens de stockage. L'optimisation porte sur le dimensionnement de l'installation (taille des unités de production EnR et de stockage) et sur la ou les stratégies de gestion de la centrale EnR-stockage selon des critères technico-économiques évalués par l'outil. L'originalité de l'outil développé réside dans la modularité de définition de l'architecture EnR-stockage, dans la prise en compte de plusieurs niveaux de modélisation (échelle et précision) des différents composants du système et dans l'intégration du vieillissement. L'outil développé est également illustré sur des cas d'études afin d'apprécier sa pertinence. / The objective of this work was to design and develop a simulation and multi-criteria optimization tool of energy systems composed of renewable energy (RE) production and storage units. Optimization concerns the systems sizing (renewable production and storage units) and the systems control strategies based on techno-economic criteria. Originality of the tool resides in the modularity of definition of the RE-storage plant architecture, in taking into account several levels of modeling (scale and accuracy) of the different system components and in the consideration of ageing through performances degradation. The developed tool is also illustrated on application cases to highlight its usefulness.

Effective simulation model and new control strategy to improve energy efficiency in hybrid electric land vehicle / Modèle de simulation efficace et nouvelle stratégie de contrôle pour améliorer l'efficacité énergétique dans les véhicules hybrides électriques terrestres

Asus, Zainab 16 December 2014 (has links)
Les principaux objectifs de ce travail est de développer une méthode de modélisation efficace pour un déploiement facile et rapide d'une stratégie de contrôle, d'examiner et d'étudier cette stratégie pour une application spécifique, et d'analyser l'amélioration qui peut être apporté à un moteur pour une meilleure efficacité dans les systèmes électrique et hybride. Ce travail comprend une partie simulation du système étudié et sa validation avec les résultats expérimentaux. Les études de cas sont utilisées pour analyser l'optimisation qui peut être effectuée en comparaison au système d'origine (le véhicule étudié est la NOAO).Un outil d'optimisation est choisie pour optimiser la stratégie de contrôle actuellement déployée sur le véhicule. Cette outil nous a permis de développer une nouvelle stratégie de commande optimisée prêt à être déployé dans le véhicule. Un procédé de prédiction pour connaître la consommation d'énergie du système est mis au point en vue d'obtenir un contrôle optimal adapté à la demande du véhicule et à une utilisation spécifique.Comme perspectives, les principaux composants du système peuvent être étudiés et modélisé afin d'améliorer l’efficacité énergétique du véhicule. La Représentation Energétique Macroscopique (REM) est une bonne méthode pour représenter le modèle dynamique et peut être utilisé pour modéliser des machines électromécaniques. Cette méthode est également envisagé pour modéliser d’autre système que le système véhicule tel que les systèmes énergies renouvelables, les systèmes électromécanique ou robotique. / The main objectives of this work is to develop an effective modeling method for an easydeployment of a control strategy, to review and study an optimal control strategy for a specific application, and to analyze improvement that can be effected to engine for better efficiency in hybrid vehicle architecture. The scopes of this work include the simulation part of the studied system and its validation with experimental results. Study cases are used to analyze optimization that can be effected to the original system. A well established optimization tool is chosen to optimize the actual control strategy and becomes a benchmark of a new optimal control strategy to be deployed in the system. A predictive method to know energy consumption of the system is developed in order to obtain an optimal control suitable with the vehicle application. Using the developed model, analysis is conducted to identify an optimal control strategy for a specific utilization. As perspectives, the main components of the system can be studied for improvements of its energy efficiency. The Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is a good method to represent dynamic model and it can be used to model any electromechanical machines and can be envisaged to model other system than a vehicle system, like a renewable energy system, a new electro-mechanical system or a robotic system.

Modélisation épidémiologique et génétique des parasites gastro-intestinaux au sein d’un troupeau d’ovins / Epidemiological and genetic modelling of gastro-intestinal parasites in sheep flock

Saccareau, Mathilde 28 November 2016 (has links)
Les nématodes gastro-intestinaux sont l’une des contraintes majeures pour la santé des petits ruminants mis en pâture, entraînant de nombreuses pertes de production. Leur contrôle au moyen de traitements anthelminthiques est de moins en moins efficace à cause du développement de la résistance larvaire. De nombreuses recherches ont mené à l’étude de différentes stratégies complémentaires à l’utilisation massive de ces traitements chimiques : nutrition de l’hôte, gestion des pâtures, sélection génétique. Une approche de modélisation permet de simuler de multiples scénarios en minimisant l’effort expérimental, et notamment le recours à des infestations coûteuses en animaux, afin de trouver la meilleure stratégie de lutte intégrée du parasitisme. Le modèle épidémio-génétique précédemment développé par le Roslin Institute modélisant un troupeau d’agneaux en croissance infecté par le parasite T. circumcincta permet d’étudier l’impact d’une utilisation raisonnée des traitements, de la nutrition et de la résistance de l’hôte sur le niveau d’infection et de production du troupeau. Les travaux de la présente thèse consistaient à modifier ce modèle afin de modéliser des brebis adultes, notamment autour de la période d’agnelage où les besoins nutritionnels sont très importants. Cette modélisation a été complétée par la prise en compte du renouvellement d’un troupeau afin de considérer un troupeau durable, avec des accouplements, des réformes et des reproductions. Ainsi, notre modèle permet d’étudier les différentes stratégies de contrôle du parasite sur le long terme. Afin de s’assurer de la cohérence des sorties de cette modélisation avec des données réelles, le niveau d’infection a été comparé à celui de femelles infestées autour de l’agnelage. Cependant, comme de nombreux paramètres sont propres à la modélisation et donc non estimables à partir d’expérimentations, une analyse de sensibilité a aussi été mise en place pour dégager les paramètres qui contribuaient le plus à la variation du niveau d’infection. Parmi les parasites les plus fréquents chez le mouton, on trouve deux parasites majeurs T. circumcincta et H. contortus. Le parasite H. contortus est le plus virulent dans des climats chauds et humides, il nous paraissait donc utile de développer un nouveau modèle prenant en compte ce parasite. Préalablement, une méta-analyse des études utilisant des infections par le parasite H. contortus a été réalisée afin d’estimer les traits de vie du cycle parasitaire de ce parasite. Ces estimations ont ensuite été utilisées pour adapter le modèle épidémio-génétique à des infections par H. contortus. Cependant certains paramètres restent inconnus car ils ne sont pas estimables directement. C’est pourquoi nous avons réalisé l’estimation des trois paramètres inconnus principaux de notre modèle (précédemment soulignés par l’analyse de sensibilité sur T. circumcincta) en minimisant les écarts entre le niveau de charge parasitaire reportée dans une étude considérant des infestations successive par H. contortus ([25]) et nos simulations correspondantes. Dans cette thèse nous avons développé des modèles permettant d’évaluer sur le long terme les différentes stratégies de contrôle de deux nématodes gastro-intestinaux (T. circumcincta et H. contortus) dans les troupeaux ovins. Notamment, le modèle prenant en compte H. contortus pourra être utilisé pour prédire l’impact à l’échelle de l’élevage (nombre de traitements nécessaire, niveau d’infection des animaux) d’une sélection génétique sur la résistance au parasitisme dans une race. Les nématodes gastro-intestinaux sont l’une des contraintes majeures pour la santé des petits ruminants mis en pâture, entraînant de nombreuses pertes de production. Leur contrôle au moyen de traitements anthelminthiques est de moins en moins efficace à cause du développement de la résistance larvaire. ... / Gastro-intestinal parasitism is one of the most pervasive challenge for health and welfare in grazing small ruminants, leading to consequent production loss. Its control through the use of anthelminthic treatments is no longer sustainable due to the development of parasitic resistance to anthelmintics, but also due to environmental and consumer concerns. A substantial research effort proposed different supplementary control strategies to the massive use of anthelmintics: host nutrition, pasture management, breeding for resistance. Modelling approach allows for multiple scenarios to be considered without having to resort to experimentation in order to find the best integrated control strategies of parasitism. The epidemio-genetic model previously developed by the Roslin Institute modelling a growing lamb flock infected by the parasite T. circumcincta help to study the impact of rational use of anthelmintics, host nutrition and resistance on the flock level of infection and production. The researches of the current PhD thesis aimed to modify this model in order to add adult ewes modelling, especially around parturition where the nutritional requirements are very high. This modelling was improved by taking into account flock replacement in order to have a persistent flock with matings, reforms and reproductions. In this way, our model allows to study several control strategies of parasitism on long term perspective. In order to ensure adequacy of the model outputs to data, the infection level was compared to published data of ewes infected around parturition. However, some parameters were idiosyncratic to the modelling and then they were not be directly estimated from experiments. So a sensitivity analysis was also performed to highlight the parameters which mostly contribute to the infection level variations. Among the most prevalent parasites in sheep, T. circumcincta and H. contortus are the two main parasites. H. contortus is the most virulent parasite est le plus virulent parasite in hot and wet climates, so it is helpful to develop a similar model for this parasite. Beforehand, a meta-analysis of the published studies on infections with the H. contortus parasite was performed to estimate the main life history traits of its parasitic phase. Then, these estimations were used to change the epidemio-genetic model with H. contortus infections. However, some parameters remained unknown because they were not directly estimable. So, the three main unknown parameters (previously highlighted by the sensitivity analysis of the model with T. circumcincta infections) were estimated by minimizing the worm burden differences between published data of H. contortus trickle infection ([25]) and the corresponding model outputs. In this PhD thesis, models were developed in order to evaluate, in a long term perspective, several control strategies of two gastro-intestinal nematodes (T. circumcincta et H. contortus) infections in sheep flock. Notably, the model on H. contortus infections could be used to predict the impact of breeding for resistance to parasitism at the flock level (number of necessary treatments, infection level of the sheep).

Styrning av en roterande sorptionsavfuktare i en oventilerad ishall

Lindqvist, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Kondensbildning är ett stort problem i ishallar vilket leder till stora konsekvenser ifall det inte åtgärdas. Installation av ett avfuktningssystem är ett måste i ishallar men det betyder högre energianvändning. Denna studie undersöker hur RH-styrning (relativ fukthalt) för en avfuktare i PF Arenan lokaliserat i byn Lindefallet i Hudiksvalls kommun kan energieffektiviseras och samtidigt se till att kondensbildning undviks i ishallen. Kondensbildning i ishallar framkommer framförallt på takytan och isplanen. Kondens på isplanen sker när luftens absoluta luftfuktighet är större än den absoluta fuktigheten för isens gränsskikt. Eftersom isen har en temperatur under 0 °C så kommer vattnet att frysas på planen vilket åtgärdas genom att slipa isen med en ismaskin. Forskning visar att avfuktningsstyrning för att undvika kondens på isplanen leder till att avfuktaren blir överdimensionerad för att undvika takkondens. Konsekvenser för takkondens anses som mer allvarliga än de för kondens på isplanen, vilket har lett till att framtagning av ny styrning har fokuserat på att undvika takkondens. Mätningar har utförts i PF Arenans roterande sorptionsavfuktare och lufttillstånden inuti ishallen samt utomhus. Resultatet från mätningar används för att avgöra om det sker kondensbildning i ishallen. Olika styrstrategier jämförs med befintlig RH‑styrning för att fastställa vilka förbättringar som kan tillämpas. Resultat visar att vid stora personlaster och användning av ismaskinen leder till att takkondens framkommer under korta perioder. Samtidigt så går inte regenereringsbatteriet på maxeffekt under dessa perioder vilket betyder att avfuktningskapaciteten kan höjas. RH-styrning leder till överdimensionering i förhållande till båda kondensfenomenen under stora perioder, speciellt under kalla inomhustemperaturer. Föreslagen styrning går ut på att processluftens daggpunkt ska hållas två grader Celsius under takets yttemperatur. Styrningen kan definieras som en varierande daggpunktsstyrning. Det rekommenderas också att regenereringstemperaturen ökar ju mer börvärdet avviker från målfunktionen. Dock så analyserades inte en sådan ökning av regenereringstemperaturen i detalj. Det approximerades att ungefär 1 100 kWh el per månad kan sparas för avfuktaren motsvarande en energiminskning av 22 % gentemot den befintliga styrningen. Approximering förmodar att ismaskin slipar isen lika mycket med båda styrningarna och tar inte hänsyn till den ökade energianvändningen ifall högre regenereringstemperaturer tillämpas i avfuktaren. / Condensation is a major problem in ice rink arenas and if it is not resolved, will lead to construction damages. Generally, ice arenas use dehumidifiers to dehumidify the indoor air which causes an increase in energy use in the facility. This study investigates how the control strategy of the dehumidifier in the PF Arena localized in Lindefallet in Hudiksvall municipality can be improved to save energy while preventing the occurrence of condensation in the ice rink arena. Condensation in ice arenas occur on the ice surface and roof surface. Ice surface condensation occur if the indoor air humidity is higher than the humidity of the ice surface boundary layer. The ice will freeze the moisture onto the surface which require an ice resurfacer to flatten the playing field. Studies has shown that control strategies for dehumidification to prevent condensation on the ice surface results in oversizing of the dehumidifier for preventing condensation on the roof surface. And as condensation on roof surface leads to more serious consequences than that of ice surface condensation, it is of more interest to prevent the former. Measurements has been carried out on PF Arenan’s desiccant wheel dehumidifier and indoor as well as outdoor air. Results from measurements are used to analyze if any condensation occurs in the ice rink arena. Other control strategies are compared to the one used in PF Arenan to determine what improvements can be applied to the dehumidifier. Results show that during events and use of ice resurfacers some condensation on the roof surface occurs for short periods. During these periods, the regeneration heater does not use full power which could be used to increase the moisture removal capacity. The RH-control strategy results in oversizing for most hours when controlled to both condensation phenomenon, especially during cold temperatures. The recommended control strategy is to keep the dewpoint of the inlet process air 2 °C below the roof surface temperature. This control strategy is a type of variable dewpoint control function. It is also recommended to increase the regeneration temperature proportionally to the difference between the setpoint and the objective function. However, the results of this measure were not analyzed in detail. The new control strategy would approximately save 1 100 kWh per month over the current control function which amounts to an energy use decrease of 22 % for the dehumidifier. Assumed that behavior of ice resurfacing is not changed with the new control function and the approximation does not consider the increase of energy use if the regeneration temperature is increased.

Hybrid PEM fuel cell systems

Gößling, Sönke, Smyrek, Felix, Bahr, Matthias 27 May 2022 (has links)
Nowadays, PEM fuel cell systems for passenger cars are always realized as hybrid systems. If the architecture of a hybrid system is given, then the dimensioning of the fuel cell and battery subsystems is crucial in terms of costs, dynamics, and driving behavior in general. In order to analyze these dependencies correctly, the ZBT fuel cell model was integrated into a fuel cell system and a full vehicle simulation. The subject of the investigation is the interaction of different drive cycles, which in part are very different, with differently dimensioned sub models for the fuel cell system and the battery. The ZBT fuel cell model is integrated into the simulation environment AVL CRUISE™ M for the fuel cell system and the vehicle. An analysis is presented that compares the different drive cycles and system dimensions and provides specific recommendations for different use cases.

Development and Testing of Control Strategies for the Ohio State University EcoCAR Mobility Challenge Hybrid Vehicle

Rangarajan, Hariharan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Modular independent metering system for mobile applications providing smooth mode transition

Lübbert, Jan, Weber, Jürgen, Stauch, Christian, Bruck, Peter 26 June 2020 (has links)
Independent metering valve systems open up for more flexibility because of the ability to control meter in and meter out flow individually, thus enabling many possibilities to adapt the actuator s behaviour to the user´s needs without altering any hardware. Furthermore, with alternative flow modes significant energy savings are possible. In many applications like excavators smooth switching between flow modes is required, a demand the market does not provide a satisfying solution for yet. Here, an approach using a short circuit path for smooth switching has been developed. The control algorithm hands over the volume flow from one path to another continuously depending on the current actuator load. Due to the flexible software structure the developed control algorithm can be applied to a very broad variety of independent metering valve layouts. Simulation results are promising and currently the solution is undergoing test rig evaluation.

Performance modelling and analysis of congestion control mechanisms for communication networks with quality of service constraints. An investigation into new methods of controlling congestion and mean delay in communication networks with both short range dependent and long range dependent traffic.

Fares, Rasha H.A. January 2010 (has links)
Active Queue Management (AQM) schemes are used for ensuring the Quality of Service (QoS) in telecommunication networks. However, they are sensitive to parameter settings and have weaknesses in detecting and controlling congestion under dynamically changing network situations. Another drawback for the AQM algorithms is that they have been applied only on the Markovian models which are considered as Short Range Dependent (SRD) traffic models. However, traffic measurements from communication networks have shown that network traffic can exhibit self-similar as well as Long Range Dependent (LRD) properties. Therefore, it is important to design new algorithms not only to control congestion but also to have the ability to predict the onset of congestion within a network. An aim of this research is to devise some new congestion control methods for communication networks that make use of various traffic characteristics, such as LRD, which has not previously been employed in congestion control methods currently used in the Internet. A queueing model with a number of ON/OFF sources has been used and this incorporates a novel congestion prediction algorithm for AQM. The simulation results have shown that applying the algorithm can provide better performance than an equivalent system without the prediction. Modifying the algorithm by the inclusion of a sliding window mechanism has been shown to further improve the performance in terms of controlling the total number of packets within the system and improving the throughput. Also considered is the important problem of maintaining QoS constraints, such as mean delay, which is crucially important in providing satisfactory transmission of real-time services over multi-service networks like the Internet and which were not originally designed for this purpose. An algorithm has been developed to provide a control strategy that operates on a buffer which incorporates a moveable threshold. The algorithm has been developed to control the mean delay by dynamically adjusting the threshold, which, in turn, controls the effective arrival rate by randomly dropping packets. This work has been carried out using a mixture of computer simulation and analytical modelling. The performance of the new methods that have / Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt and the Egyptian Cultural Centre and Educational Bureau in London

<b>Safety and mobility improvement of mixed traffic using optimization- And Learning-based methods</b>

Runjia Du (9756128) 11 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Traffic safety and congestion are global concerns. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are expected to enhance transportation safety and reduce congestion. However, achieving their full potential requires 100% market penetration, a challenging task. This study addresses key issues in mixed traffic environments, where human-driven vehicles (HDVs) and connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) coexist. A number of critical questions persist: 1) inadequate exploration of human errors (errors originating from non-CAV sources) in mixed traffic; 2): limited focus on information selection and learning efficiency in network-level rerouting, particularly in highly dynamic environments; 3) inadequacy of personalized element driver inputs in motion-planning frameworks; 4) lack of consideration of user privacy concerns.</p><p dir="ltr">With the goal of advancing the existing knowledge in this field and shedding light on these matters, this dissertation introduces multiple frameworks. These frameworks leverage connectivity and automation to improve safety and mobility in mixed traffic, addressing various research levels, including local-level and network-level safety enhancement, as well as network-level and global-level mobility enhancement. With optimization- and learning-based methods implemented (Model Predictive Control, Deep Neural Network, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Transformer model and Federated Learning), frameworks introduced in this dissertation are expected to help highway agencies and vehicle manufacturers improve the safety and efficiency of traffic flow in the mixed-traffic era. Our research findings revealed increased crash-avoidance rates in critical situations, enhanced accuracy in predicting lane changes, improved dynamic rerouting within urban areas, and the implementation of effective data-sharing mechanisms with a focus on user privacy. This research underscores the potential of connectivity and automation to significantly enhance mixed-traffic safety and mobility.</p>

Western media corporations' risk and strategies in Post-WTO China

Li, Zhan January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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