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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A CNN-based Analysis of Radiological Parameters from CT images : Improving Surgical Outcomes in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patients with Pulmonary Metastases

Solander, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) patients with pulmonary metastases (PM) experience a significant decrease in 5-year survival rates, ranging from 15 % to 50 % compared to 81 % without metastases. Despite this clinical challenge, there is a lack of consensus regarding the optimal treatment approach for PM in STS. To address this, a convolutional neural network (CNN) was developed, utilising transfer learning from a MED3D base model with added custom layers. The CNN aimed to predict surgical treatment response and extract relevant radiological parameters via attribution maps from the CT images of PMs.  The CNN demonstrated promising performance with a balanced distribution of true positive and true negative predictions, giving precision, recall and F1-scores of 0.8. However, the limited size of the data set calls for caution in interpreting the statistical validity of these results.  The evaluation of the attribution maps revealed the classifier assigning significance to regions lacking anatomical relevance, except for one region – the dorsal lobe near a metastasis – showing lower blood vessel density. Nonetheless, no definitive pathological conclusions can be drawn from this observation currently.  In conclusion, this study presents a CNN-based approach for predicting surgical treatment response in STS patients with PMs. However, the small data set warrants further validation and exploration of clinical implications associated with the identified regions of significance.

Reducing Training Time in Text Visual Question Answering

Behboud, Ghazale 15 July 2022 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision (CV) have brought the promise of many applications along with many challenges to solve. The majority of current AI research has been dedicated to single-modal data processing meaning they use only one modality such as visual recognition or text recognition. However, real-world challenges are often a combination of different modalities of data such as text, audio and images. This thesis focuses on solving the Visual Question Answering (VQA) problem which is a significant multi-modal challenge. VQA is defined as a computer vision system that when given a question about an image will answer based on an understanding of both the question and image. The goal is improving the training time of VQA models. In this thesis, Look, Read, Reason and Answer (LoRRA), which is a state-of-the-art architecture, is used as the base model. Then, Reduce Uni-modal Biases (RUBi) is applied to this model to reduce the importance of uni- modal biases in training. Finally, an early stopping strategy is employed to stop the training process once the model accuracy has converged to prevent the model from overfitting. Numerical results are presented which show that training LoRRA with RUBi and early stopping can converge in less than 5 hours. The impact of batch size, learning rate and warm up hyper parameters is also investigated and experimental results are presented. / Graduate

GlacierNet Variant for Large Scale Glacier Mapping

Xie, Zhiyuan 13 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Narrow Pretraining of Deep Neural Networks : Exploring Autoencoder Pretraining for Anomaly Detection on Limited Datasets in Non-Natural Image Domains

Eriksson, Matilda, Johansson, Astrid January 2022 (has links)
Anomaly detection is the process of detecting samples in a dataset that are atypical or abnormal. Anomaly detection can for example be of great use in an industrial setting, where faults in the manufactured products need to be detected at an early stage. In this setting, the available image data might be from different non-natural domains, such as the depth domain. However, the amount of data available is often limited in these domains. This thesis aims to investigate if a convolutional neural network (CNN) can be trained to perform anomaly detection well on limited datasets in non-natural image domains. The attempted approach is to train the CNN as an autoencoder, in which the CNN is the encoder network. The encoder is then extracted and used as a feature extractor for the anomaly detection task, which is performed using Semantic Pyramid Anomaly Detection (SPADE). The results are then evaluated and analyzed. Two autoencoder models were used in this approach. As the encoder network, one of the models uses a MobileNetV3-Small network that had been pretrained on ImageNet, while the other uses a more basic network, which is a few layers deep and initialized with random weights. Both these networks were trained as regular convolutional autoencoders, as well as variational autoencoders. The results were compared to a MobileNetV3-Small network that had been pretrained on ImageNet, but had not been trained as an autoencoder. The models were tested on six different datasets, all of which contained images from the depth and intensity domains. Three of these datasets additionally contained images from the scatter domain, and for these datasets, the combination of all three domains was tested as well. The main focus was however on the performance in the depth domain. The results show that there is generally an improvement when training the more complex autoencoder on the depth domain. Furthermore, the basic network generally obtains an equivalent result to the more complex network, suggesting that complexity is not necessarily an advantage for this approach. Looking at the different domains, there is no apparent pattern to which domain yields the best performance. This rather seems to depend on the dataset. Lastly, it was found that training the networks as variational autoencoders did generally not improve the performance in the depth domain compared to the regular autoencoders. In summary, an improved anomaly detection was obtained in the depth domain, but for optimal anomaly detection with regard to domain and network, one must look at the individual datasets. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Providing Mass Context to a Pretrained Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Breast Mass Classification / Att tillhandahålla masskontext till ett förtränat djupt konvolutionellt neuralt nätverk för klassificering av bröstmassa

Montelius, Lovisa, Rezkalla, George January 2019 (has links)
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in the world, and the average error rate among radiologists during diagnosis is 30%. Computer-aided medical diagnosis aims to assist doctors by giving them a second opinion, thus decreasing the error rate. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown to be good for visual detection and recognition tasks, and have been explored in combination with transfer learning. However, the performance of a deep learning model does not only rely on the model itself, but on the nature of the dataset as well In breast cancer diagnosis, the area surrounding a mass provides useful context for diagnosis. In this study, we explore providing different amounts of context to the CNN model ResNet50, to see how it affects the model’s performance. We test masses with no additional context, twice the amount of original context and four times the amount of original context, using 10-fold cross-validation with ROC AUC and average precision (AP ) as our metrics. The results suggest that providing additional context does improve the model’s performance. However, giving two and four times the amount of context seems to give similar performance. / Bröstcancer är en av de vanligaste cancersjukdomar bland kvinnor i världen, och den genomsnittliga felfrekvensen under diagnoser är 30%. Datorstödd medicinsk diagnos syftar till att hjälpa läkare genom att ge dem en andra åsikt, vilket minskar felfrekvensen. Konvolutionella neurala nätverk (CNNs) har visat sig vara bra för visuell detektering och igenkännande, och har utforskats i samband med det s.k. “transfer learning”. Prestationen av en djup inlärningsmodell är däremot inte enbart beroende på modellen utan också på datasetets natur. I bröstcancerdiagnos ger området runt en bröstmassa användbar kontext för diagnos. I den här studien testar vi att ge olika mängder kontext till CNNmodellen ResNet50, för att se hur det påverkar modellens prestanda. Vi testar bröstmassor utan ytterligare kontext, dubbelt så mycket som den originala mängden kontext och fyra gånger så mycket som den orginala mängden kontext, med hjälp av “10-fold cross-validation” med ROC AUC och “average precision” (AP ) som våra mätvärden. Resultaten visar att mer kontext förbättrar modellens prestanda. Däremot verkar att ge två och fyra gånger så mycket kontext resultera i liknande prestanda.

Multi-objective optimization for model selection in music classification / Flermålsoptimering för modellval i musikklassificering

Ujihara, Rintaro January 2021 (has links)
With the breakthrough of machine learning techniques, the research concerning music emotion classification has been getting notable progress combining various audio features and state-of-the-art machine learning models. Still, it is known that the way to preprocess music samples and to choose which machine classification algorithm to use depends on data sets and the objective of each project work. The collaborating company of this thesis, Ichigoichie AB, is currently developing a system to categorize music data into positive/negative classes. To enhance the accuracy of the existing system, this project aims to figure out the best model through experiments with six audio features (Mel spectrogram, MFCC, HPSS, Onset, CENS, Tonnetz) and several machine learning models including deep neural network models for the classification task. For each model, hyperparameter tuning is performed and the model evaluation is carried out according to pareto optimality with regard to accuracy and execution time. The results show that the most promising model accomplished 95% correct classification with an execution time of less than 15 seconds. / I och med genombrottet av maskininlärningstekniker har forskning kring känsloklassificering i musik sett betydande framsteg genom att kombinera olikamusikanalysverktyg med nya maskinlärningsmodeller. Trots detta är hur man förbehandlar ljuddatat och valet av vilken maskinklassificeringsalgoritm som ska tillämpas beroende på vilken typ av data man arbetar med samt målet med projektet. Denna uppsats samarbetspartner, Ichigoichie AB, utvecklar för närvarande ett system för att kategorisera musikdata enligt positiva och negativa känslor. För att höja systemets noggrannhet är målet med denna uppsats att experimentellt hitta bästa modellen baserat på sex musik-egenskaper (Mel-spektrogram, MFCC, HPSS, Onset, CENS samt Tonnetz) och ett antal olika maskininlärningsmodeller, inklusive Deep Learning-modeller. Varje modell hyperparameteroptimeras och utvärderas enligt paretooptimalitet med hänsyn till noggrannhet och beräkningstid. Resultaten visar att den mest lovande modellen uppnådde 95% korrekt klassificering med en beräkningstid på mindre än 15 sekunder.

Pre-planning of Individualized Ankle Implants Based on Computed Tomography - Automated Segmentation and Optimization of Acquisition Parameters / Operationsplanering av individuella fotledsimplantat baserat på datortomografi- Automatiserad segmentering och optimering av datortomografibilder

Engström Messén, Matilda, Moser, Elvira January 2021 (has links)
The structure of the ankle joint complex creates an ideal balance between mobility and stability, which enables gait. If a lesion emerges in the ankle joint complex, the anatomical structure is altered, which may disturb mobility and stability and cause intense pain. A lesion in the articular cartilage on the talus bone, or a lesion in the subchondral bone of the talar dome, is referred to as an Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus (OLT). Replacing the damaged cartilage or bone with an implant is one of the methods that can be applied to treat OLTs. Episurf Medical develops and produces patient-specific implants (Episealers) along with the necessary associated surgical instruments by, inter alia, creating a corresponding 3D model of the ankle (talus, tibial, and fibula bones) based on either a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan or a Computed Tomography (CT) scan. Presently, the3D models based on MRI scans can be created automatically, but the 3Dmodels based on CT scans must be created manually, which can be very time-demanding. In this thesis project, a U-net based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was trained to automatically segment 3D models of ankles based on CT images. Furthermore, in order to optimize the quality of the incoming CT images, this thesis project also consisted of an evaluation of the specified parameters in the Episurf CT talus protocol that is being sent out to the clinics. The performance of the CNN was evaluated using the Dice Coefficient (DC) with five-fold cross-validation. The CNN achieved a mean DC of 0.978±0.009 for the talus bone, 0.779±0.174 for the tibial bone, and 0.938±0.091 for the fibula bone. The values for the talus and fibula bones were satisfactory and comparable to results presented in previous researches; however, due to background artefacts in the images, the DC achieved by the network for the segmentation of the tibial bone was lower than the results presented in previous researches. To correct this, a noise-reducing filter will be implemented. / Fotledens komplexa anatomi ger upphov till en ideal balans mellan rörlighetoch stabilitet, vilket i sin tur möjliggör gång. Fotledens anatomi förändras när en skada uppstår, vilket kan påverka rörligheten och stabiliteten samt orsaka intensiv smärta. En skada i talusbenets ledbrosk eller i det subkondrala benet på talusdomen benämns som en Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus(OLT). En metod att behandla OLTs är att ersätta den del brosk eller bensom är skadat med ett implantat. Episurf Medical utvecklar och producerar individanpassade implantat (Episealers) och tillhörande nödvändiga kirurgiska instrument genom att, bland annat, skapa en motsvarande 3D-modell av fotleden (talus-, tibia- och fibula-benen) baserat på en skanning med antingen magnetisk resonanstomografi (MRI) eller datortomografi (CT). I dagsläget kan de 3D-modeller som baseras på MRI-skanningar skapas automatiskt, medan de 3D-modeller som baseras på CT-skanningar måste skapas manuellt - det senare ofta tidskrävande. I detta examensarbete har ett U-net-baserat Convolutional Neuralt Nätverk (CNN) tränats för att automatiskt kunna segmentera 3D-modeller av fotleder baserat på CT-bilder. Vidare har de speciferade parametrarna i Episurfs CT-protokoll för fotleden som skickas ut till klinikerna utvärderats, detta för att optimera bildkvaliteten på de CT-bilder som används för implantatspositionering och design. Det tränade nätverkets prestanda utvärderades med hjälp av Dicekoefficienten (DC) med en fem-delad korsvalidering. Nätverket åstadkom engenomsnittlig DC på 0.978±0.009 för talusbenet, 0.779±0.174 för tibiabenet, och 0.938±0.091 för fibulabenet. Värdena för talus och fibula var adekvata och jämförbara med resultaten presenterade i tidigare forskning. På grund av bakgrundsartefakter i bilderna blev den DC som nätverket åstadkom för sin segmentering av tibiabenet lägre än tidigiare forskningsresultat. För att korrigera för bakgrundsartefakterna kommer ett brusreduceringsfilter implementeras

Estimation of Water Depth from Multispectral Drone Imagery : A suitability assessment of CNN models for bathymetry retrieval in shallow water areas / Uppskattning av vattendjup från multispektrala drönarbilder : En lämplighetsbedömning av CNN-modeller för att hämta batymetri i grunda vattenområden.

Shen, Qianyao January 2022 (has links)
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are the main vector species for dengue disease and zika, two arboviruses that affect a substantial fraction of the global population. These mosquitoes breed in very slow-moving or standing pools of water, so detecting and managing these potential breeding habitats is a crucial step in preventing the spread of these diseases. Using high-resolution images collected by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and their multispectral mapping data, this paper investigated bathymetry retrieval model in shallow water areas to help improve the habitat detection accuracy. While previous studies have found some success with shallow water bathymetry inversion on satellite imagery, accurate centimeter-level water depth regression from high-resolution, drone multispectral imagery still remains a challenge. Unlike previous retrieval methods generally relying on retrieval factor extraction and linear regression, this thesis introduced CNN methods, considering the nonlinear relationship between image pixel reflectance values and water depth. In order to look into CNN’s potential to retrieve shallow water depths from multispectral images captured by a drone, this thesis conducts a variety of case studies to respectively specify a proper CNN architecture, compare its performance in different datasets, band combinations, depth ranges and with other general bathymetry retrieval algorithms. In summary, the CNN-based model achieves the best regression accuracy of overall root mean square error lower than 0.5, in comparison with another machine learning algorithm, random forest, and 2 other semi-empirical methods, linear and ratio model, suggesting this thesis’s practical significance. / Aedes aegypti och Aedes albopictus är de viktigaste vektorarterna för dengue och zika, två arbovirus som drabbar en stor del av den globala befolkningen. Dessa myggor förökar sig i mycket långsamt rörliga eller stillastående vattensamlingar, så att upptäcka och hantera dessa potentiella förökningsmiljöer är ett avgörande steg för att förhindra spridningen av dessa sjukdomar. Med hjälp av högupplösta bilder som samlats in av obemannade flygfarkoster (UAV) och deras multispektrala kartläggningsdata undersöktes i den här artikeln en modell för att hämta batymetri i grunda vattenområden för att förbättra noggrannheten i upptäckten av livsmiljöer. Även om tidigare studier har haft viss framgång med inversion av bathymetri på grunt vatten med hjälp av satellitbilder, är det fortfarande en utmaning att göra en exakt regression av vattendjupet på centimeternivå från högupplösta, multispektrala bilder från drönare. Till skillnad från tidigare metoder som i allmänhet bygger på extrahering av återvinningsfaktorer och linjär regression, infördes i denna avhandling CNN-metoder som tar hänsyn till det icke-linjära förhållandet mellan bildpixlarnas reflektionsvärden och vattendjupet. För att undersöka CNN:s potential att hämta grunda vattendjup från multispektrala bilder som tagits av en drönare genomförs i denna avhandling en rad fallstudier för att specificera en lämplig CNN-arkitektur, jämföra dess prestanda i olika datamängder, bandkombinationer, djupintervall och med andra allmänna algoritmer för att hämta batymetri. Sammanfattningsvis uppnår den CNN-baserade modellen den bästa regressionsnoggrannheten med ett totalt medelkvadratfel som är lägre än 0,5, i jämförelse med en annan maskininlärningsalgoritm, random forest, och två andra halvempiriska metoder, linjär och kvotmodell, vilket tyder på den praktiska betydelsen av denna avhandling.

Quality inspection of multiple product variants using neural network modules

Vuoluterä, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Maintaining quality outcomes is an essential task for any manufacturing organization. Visual inspections have long been an avenue to detect defects in manufactured products, and recent advances within the field of deep learning has led to a surge of research in how technologies like convolutional neural networks can be used to perform these quality inspections automatically. An alternative to these often large and deep network structures is the modular neural network, which can instead divide a classification task into several sub-tasks to decrease the overall complexity of a problem. To investigate how these two approaches to image classification compare in a quality inspection task, a case study was performed at AR Packaging, a manufacturer of food containers. The many different colors, prints and geometries present in the AR Packaging product family served as a natural occurrence of complexity for the quality classification task. A modular network was designed, being formed by one routing module to classify variant type which is subsequently used to delegate the quality classification to an expert module trained for that specific variant. An image dataset was manually generated from within the production environment portraying a range of product variants in both defective and non-defective form. An image processing algorithm was developed to minimize image background and align the products in the pictures. To evaluate the adaptability of the two approaches, the networks were initially trained on same data from five variants, and then retrained with added data from a sixth variant. The modular networks were found to be overall less accurate and slower in their classification than the conventional single networks were. However, the modular networks were more than six times smaller and required less time to train initially, though the retraining times were roughly equivalent in both approaches. The retraining of the single network did also cause some fluctuation in the predictive accuracy, something which was not noted in the modular network. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>


Joshua Allen Price (15379817) 01 May 2023 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores the usage of machine learning (ML) algorithms and software-defined radio (SDR) hardware for the detection of signal jamming and message injection cyberattacks against unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) wireless communications. In the first work presented in this thesis, a real-time ML solution for classifying four types of jamming attacks is proposed for implementation with a UAV using an onboard Raspberry Pi computer and HackRF One SDR. Also presented in this thesis is a multioutput multiclass convolutional neural network (CNN) model implemented for the purpose of identifying the direction in which a jamming sample is received from, in addition to detecting and classifying the jamming type. Such jamming types studied herein are barrage, single-tone, successive-pulse, and protocol-aware jamming. The findings of this chapter forms the basis of a reinforcement learning (RL) approach for UAV flightpath modification as the next stage of this research. The final work included in this thesis presents a ML solution for the binary classification of three different message injection attacks against ADS-B communication systems, namely path modification, velocity drift and ghost aircraft injection attacks. The collective results of these individual works demonstrate the viability of artificial-intelligence (AI) based solutions for cybersecurity applications with respect to UAV communications.</p>

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