Spelling suggestions: "subject:"copywriting"" "subject:"copywritingu""
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Internetový marketing společnosti BETEXA, zásilková služba, s.r.o.Herberger, Filip January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Framtidens copywriter är AI - eller? : En experimentell studie som undersöker relationen mellan generativ artificiell intelligens och copywritingkompetensen inom kommunikatörsprofessionen / The copywriter of the future is AI - or is it? : An experimental study investigating the relationship between generative artificial intelligence and copywriting skills in the communication professionAndersson, Amelia, Engström, Åsa January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine whether it was possible to discern any effect on the perception of the content of a copytext in terms of credibility and conviction, depending on whether the writer was ChatGPT or a human copywriter, and whether it was possible to discern any effect on the perception of the writer in terms of creativity and professionalism. To achieve the purpose of the study, the following questions were formulated: 1. How credible is an AI-generated text perceived compared to a text written by a human copywriter? 2. How convincing is an AI-generated text compared to a text written by a human copywriter? 3. How credible is ChatGPT compared to a human copywriter? 4. Is there a connection between the attitude towards AI and the perception of the content? The theoretical framework of the study consisted of theory and previous research regarding generative artificial intelligence (GAI), recommendations for writing a prompt, attitudes towards AI, the copywriting competence and recommendations for writing an effective copytext. The theoretical concepts of credibility and persuasion are two central concepts of the study that have been operationalised into competencies and recommended content as well as unique selling proposition (USP), call to action (CTA), rhetoric and storytelling. The results show that those who read the AI-generated copy text had a more positive perception of the content and the writer than those who read the human-written copy text. However, the results show that the creativity of the writer was perceived equally by both experimental groups. Overall, there were no statistically significant relationships between the perception of the content and the attitude towards AI. Based on the significance of the results and their mean values, the study's conclusions are that the text written by ChatGPT is perceived to be more credible in terms of competence and recommended content than the text written by the human copywriter and that the text written by ChatGPT is perceived to be more convincing in terms of USP, CTA, rhetoric and storytelling than the text written by the human copywriter. We can also conclude that ChatGPT is perceived to be more credible in terms of competence operationalised to professionalism, than the text written by the human copywriter, which, however, could be due to chance as the result was not statistically significant. The result of the study shows that ChatGPT threatens copywriting skills. However, it is not the AI tool itself that threaten the professional role, as it currently still requires human involvement. Instead, it is the competence in prompt engineering that threatens the profession, as this knowledge, according to the study, is crucial for achieving a credible and convincing AI-generated copytext. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det gick att urskilja någon effekt på upplevelsen av innehållet i en copytext i form av trovärdighet och övertygelse, beroende på om skribenten var ChatGPT eller en mänsklig copywriter, samt om det gick att urskilja någon effekt på upplevelsen av skribenten i form av kreativitet och professionalitet. För att uppnå studiens syfte formulerades följande frågeställningar: 1. Hur trovärdig upplevs en AI-genererad text jämfört med en text skriven av en mänsklig copywriter? 2. Hur övertygande upplevs en AI-genererad text jämfört med en text skriven av en mänsklig copywriter? 3. Hur trovärdig upplevs ChatGPT jämfört med en mänsklig copywriter? 4. Finns det ett samband mellan attityden till AI och upplevelsen av innehållet? Studiens teoretiska ramverk bestod av teori och tidigare forskning gällande generativ artificiell intelligens (GAI), rekommendationer för att skriva en prompt, attityder till AI, copywritingkompetensen och rekommendationer för att skriva en effektiv copytext. De teoretiska begreppen trovärdighet och övertygelse är två centrala begrepp för studien som har operationaliserats till kompetens och rekommenderat innehåll samt unique selling proposition (USP), call to action (CTA), retorik och historieberättande. Resultaten visar att de som fick läsa den AI-genererade copytexten hade en mer positiv upplevelse av innehållet och skribenten än de som fick läsa den mänskligt skrivna copytexten. Resultaten visar däremot att kreativiteten hos skribenten upplevdes lika hög av de båda experimentgrupperna. Det fanns överlag inga statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan upplevelsen av innehållet och attityden till AI. Utifrån resultatens signifikans och dess medelvärden landar studiens slutsatser i att texten skriven av ChatGPT upplevs vara mer trovärdig i form av kompetens och rekommenderat innehåll, än texten skriven av den mänskliga copywritern och att texten skriven av ChatGPT upplevs vara mer övertygande i form av USP, CTA, retorik samt historieberättande, än texten skriven av den mänskliga copywritern. Vi kan även konstatera att ChatGPT upplevs vara mer trovärdig i form av kompetens som operationaliserats till professionalitet, än texten skriven av den mänskliga copywritern, vilket däremot skulle kunna bero på slumpen då resultatet inte var statistiskt signifikant. Sammanfattningsvis kan vi utifrån studiens resultat dra slutsatsen att ChatGPT hotar copywritingkompetensen. Däremot är det inte AI-verktyget i sig som hotar yrkesrollen, då det i nuläget fortfarande kräver mänsklig involvering. Det är i stället kompetensen inom prompt engineering som hotar yrkesrollen, då denna kunskap enligt studien är avgörande för att åstadkomma en trovärdig och övertygande AI-genererad copytext.
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Stora små ord / Big little wordsGummesson, Albin January 2019 (has links)
Genom tilltal och omtal med olika personliga pronomen kategoriserar och definierar vi oss själva och andra, och förstår på så sätt vårt sociala sammanhang. Inom reklamen, som i högsta grad handlar om identiteter, finns trots detta ett förvånansvärt litet intresse av pronomen, varför denna studie har som ambition att undersöka just detta. Vilket pronomen bör användas i vilket sammanhang? Med avseende på mottagaren undersöker studien ett du-tilltal, ett ni-tilltal och ett tilltal utan pronomen. Med avseende på avsändaren undersöker studien ett vi-omtal och ett omtal utan pronomen. Genom en enkätundersökning och intervjuer fastställs slutsatsen att reklamskribentens val av pronomen bör baseras på en god kännedom om målgrupp, produktgrupp och varumärket ifråga. Som tilltal för mottagaren bör ett du användas, eller inget pronomen alls. Du:et bör användas när annonsen ska spegla en individuell köp- eller användarupplevelse, när produkten är dyr och exklusiv eller när mottagaren ska lyftas fram ur mängden. Att utelämna pronomen kan istället passa när du:et upplevs som alltför påträngande. Studien kommer också fram till att ett ni-tilltal helst bör undvikas. Vad gäller omtalspronomen för avsändaren framkommer att det klassiska vi:et både kan och bör uteslutas i vissa situationer. Vi:et upplevs peka på en avlägsen men mänsklig relation där mottagaren till viss del känner sig exkluderad. Att istället utesluta omtalspronomen leder till att mottagaren känner sig stå närmare avsändaren vars budskap också upplevs som sannare.
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Využití nástrojů internetového marketingu v e-shopuHašková, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
Hašková, G., Trenz, O., Using internet marketing tools in the online shop. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2015. This diploma thesis deals with internet marketing and practical using internet marketing tools. It includes keyword analysis, PPC advertising, e-mailing and Facebook marketing. The aim of this thesis is increasing sales of the specific online shop.
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Obsah a pozice copywritingu v životním cyklu webu / Content and position of copywriting in web life-cyclePřikryl, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Main purpose of this thesis based on analysis, searching and synthesis of accessible sources is to describe web copywriter's role concerning content, to position copywriting into web life-cycle and to prove efficiency of copywriting by its application on specific web site. Thesis' contribution, except from outlining important -- but still unappreciated -- web copywriter's role, is to integrate web copywriting into separate phases of web development life-cycle. Practical part of thesis is beneficial as an illustrative sample of application web copywriting's principles onto existing web site. Thesis is divided into four chapters (except introduction and conclusion). In first chapter, Internet culture and its specialities concerning web copywriting are described, followed by detailed specification of principles and characteristics of web copy in terms of its structure and content construction. The second chapter is dedicated to binding web copywriting to rapidly growing marketing tool called search engine optimalization. The chapter also includes description of content and qualification aspect of SEO copywriter's role. The third chapter explains integration of web copywriting activities into web life-cycle's process model. The last chapter demonstrates on application of web copywriting onto running web site on practical example. Keywords: web copywriting, web life-cycle, SEO, web copywriter, web content
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Aplikace metod internetového marketingu a jejich vliv na návštěvnost webu HradecŽije.cz / Application of Methods of Internet Marketing and their Impact on Site Traffic HradecŽije.czKrásný, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this master's thesis is the application of selected methods of internet marketing, checking their effectiveness and controlling their impact to visit rate of regional website. Due to the limited budget my work is mainly focused on inexpensive ways of applications of internet marketing. In the theoretical part I firstly demonstrate the techniques that I deal with. In the practical part I introduce the initial situation of the regional website, including the specifics of its visit rate. After the describing and application of marketing changes, I analyze the same metrics one year later to detect differences and development of website. In the conclusion I offer the concrete recommendations for managers of regional website.
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Marketingová komunikace na Internetu se zaměřením na copywriting / Marketing communication on the Internet with the focus on copywritingKašparová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to recommend the best communication mix and at the same time ways and content of communication for educational and similar kind of institutions. The first part of the thesis focuses on influence of the Internet on marketing and investigates options of communication tools which the institutions can choose from. The second part of the thesis covers a copywriting topic which means ways how to work with communication content. The next part focuses on real example of educational institution and its way of looking for the best communication mix with examples of issues which can occur in the real praxis. At the end the thesis summarizes important steps which together create instructions how to accomplish the best communication mix on the internet for educational institutions.
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Content strategy: Příprava a návrh obsahu pro web organizace / Content strategy: preparation and designing web content for the organizationAmbrož, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the content strategy, methods and techniques how to prepare, design and create web content according to established goals. The theoretical part defines role of the content strategy, introduces methods, content life cycle and potential benefits and outputs of the content strategy in its phases: preparation, analysis, creation, evaluation and content management. Work also discussed the interaction with other fields of web design and legal limits, which affect online content in the Czech Republic. The main objective of this diploma thesis is to design new web content strategy for organization. After describing the initial situation and goals, mentioned methods are used to the systematic management of web content. Thanks to the results of this content strategy (target group definition, competitive content analysis, existing content inventory, keyword analysis, information architecture, style guide, content plan, content model, creation process and content management), readers get the guidance, which can inspire them in their practice.
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Pennan eller svärdet - Hur påverkar berättargrepp en texts trovärdighet? / The Pen or the Sword - How Narration Rules Affects a Texts CredibilityGistrand, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Vad är det som får dig att lita på en text du läser? Är det känslan? Är det fakta? Eller något helt annat? Och vad får dig att misstro den? Det finns regler för hur allt här i världens ska och bör skrivas, så självklart finns det även regler för informativa texter, säljande texter, och till och med propaganda. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur dessa olika tekniker och berättargrepp påverkar texter i sin helhet. Specifikt vilka av dessa berättargrepp som får läsaren att misstro texten. Genom litteraturstudier definierades först en rad olika berättargrepp, uppdelade efter kategorierna: Informativa, Säljande/Övertygande, samt Propagandistiska. Utifrån dessa berättargrepp formulerades sedan tre texter, en per genre. Dessa tre texter utvärderades av tre deltagare i en expertpanel som alla har olika erfarenheter kring det svenska språket. En svensklärare, en retoriker och en litteraturvetare. Efter att panelen kom med feedback skrevs texterna om och dess trovärdighet utvärderas via enkäter. Utifrån det kunde det konstateras att de berättargrepp som gav sämst trovärdighet för informativa texter var dess längd. För säljande texter var de som talade om för läsaren hur de skulle agera. Och för de propagandistiska var det selektering och förenkling. Överlag upplevdes den informativa texten som mest trovärdig, och den propagandistiska som minst. / What makes you trust what you’re reading? Is it the emotions in the text? Is it the facts? Or isit something entirely different? And what makes you not trust it? There are rules toeverything in the copywriting world, which means that there are also rules for how youshould write informative copy, selling copy, and even propaganda texts. This study aims toinvestigate and analyze how these techniques and narration rules affect the texts as a whole.Specifically, the study wants to examine which of these narration rules makes the readermistrust the text. Through literary studies, several narration rules have been defined. Theseare divided into three categories: Informative, Selling and Propagandistic. From thesenarration rules three texts were formulated, one text per genre. These three texts wereevaluated by three participants in an expert panel, all of which had different experiences withthe Swedish language. One Swedish teacher, one rhetorician and one literary scholar. Afterthe panels feedback the texts were rewritten, and the credibility of the rewritten text wastested through surveys. On this basis, it was found that the narration rule that gives the worstcredibility for an informative copy was its length. For selling copy it was the ones telling thereader how to act. And for the propagandistic it was selecting and simplification. Overall theinformative text was considered the most credible, and the propagandistic the least.
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Satisfactory Performance of Text-Generative AI Compared to Human-Written Content for Websites in Digital MarketingSobottka, Laila, Klopp, Laura January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the impact of the usage of text-generative artificial intelligence (AI) in digital marketing on user satisfaction. Recently, concerns regarding job displacement and human expertise arose due to the efficiency and improved workflow provided by AI-powered tools. This study addresses these concerns by evaluating whether ChatGPT 3.5 is able to generate website texts with minimal human supervision while maintaining user satisfaction. Our investigation employs a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative research, utilising controlled experiments with 14 participants aged between 20 and 31 to compare AI-generated texts with human-written texts. The controlled experiment included two identically looking prototypes, one containing human-written texts and the other containing texts generated by ChatGPT 3.5. Both prototypes had three different pages: Home, Joining and About. Additionally, two types of surveys were created, a Satisfactory Survey for each prototype and a Final Survey. The Satisfactory Survey contained Likert scales from one (1) to five (5) which enabled participants to rank the texts together with open-ended questions. The Final Survey included questions about demographics and an overall prototype preference. Having tested texts on the three different pages in each prototype on satisfaction, informativeness and appeal, the biggest difference was found in the satisfaction of the individual pages. While participants preferred human-written texts on the Home and the About page, they favoured AI-generated texts on the Joining page. Findings suggest that ChatGPT 3.5 can, with minimal human supervision, produce texts of nearly equally good satisfaction from a user perspective compared to texts written by humans. The study underscores the importance of human oversight and expertise in optimising AI-generated outputs and contributes to the ongoing discourse on integrating AI into marketing practices.
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