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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntese e estudo da atividade eletrocatalítica de nanopartículas com estruturas do tipo Core-Shell e Hollow para a redução de O2 / Synthesis and study of core-shell and nanoparticle electrocatalysts for the O2 reduction reaction

Francisca Elenice Rodrigues de Oliveira 12 March 2012 (has links)
A reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO) foi estudada em eletrocatalisadores com estruturas do tipo core-shell formadas por monocamadas de Pt depositadas sobre nanopartículas a base de Au e Pd, e estruturas hollow formadas de Pt. As nanopartículas core-shell foram sintetizadas por deposição em regime de subtensão utilizando-se substratos de Au e Pd. As estruturas hollow foram preparadas a partir de nanopartículas core-shell de Pt sobre Ni ou Co, seguido por ciclagem eletroquímica em eletrólito ácido. Os eletrocatalisadores foram caracterizados utilizando-se as técnicas de Energia Dispersiva, Difração e Espectroscopia de Absorção de Raios X e Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão. Os testes eletroquímicos foram feitos voltametria cíclica e curvas de polarização em eletrodo rotatório. Os catalisadores do tipo core-shell mostraram uma alta atividade para a RRO, o que foi associado a mudanças nas propriedades eletrônicas e geométricas da Pt, causadas pela presença dos átomos de Au e Pd, que conduzem a uma menor força de adsorção Pt-O. Neste caso, temos um melhor balanço de reatividade para as tendências opostas de quebra e formação de ligações nos intermediários reacionais adsorvidos na superficie do eletrocatalisador. As nanopartículas de Pt hollow apresentaram maior atividade que o electrocalisador de Pt/C. Isto foi atribuído aos fenômenos de contração da rede cristalina e abaixamento do centro de banda d da Pt devido à ligação da Pt com Ni ou Co remanescente na partícula. Estas estruturas mostraram que é possível o desenvolvimento de eletrocalisadores com baixa carga de platina, mas com atividade superior ao do material no estado-da-arte de Pt/C, através de modificações na estrutura e composição da nanopartícula. / The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) was studied on eletrocatalysts with core-shell structures formed by Pt monolayers deposited on Au and Pd, and by hollow strutures of Pt. The core-shell nanoparticles were synthesized by the Under Potention Deposition technique, using Au and Pd as substrates. The hollow structures were prepared starting foram core-shell nanoparticles of Pt deposited on Ni or Co, followed by electrochemical cycling in acid media. The eletrocatalysts were characterized using techniques of X Ray Diffration, Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy, X Ray Absorpion Spectroscopy, and Transmission Electron Microscopy. The electrochemical tests were cyclic voltammetry, and polarization curves with rotating disk electrode. The core-shell electrocatalysts howed high activity for the ORR, this increase being associated with changes in the geometric and electronic properties of Pt, caused by the presence of Au and Pd atoms, leading to a lower adsorpion strength of Pt-O. This effect conducts to a better balance of reactivity for the two opposing tendencies of breaking and bond formation in the reaction intermediates adsorbed on the catalyst surface. The Pt hollow nanoparticles showed higher activity in relation to that of Pt/C, which was attributed to the effects of contraction of the Pt lattice and the Pt electronic strutucture modification, which results ind down-shift of the Pt d-band center, leading to a lower Pt-O adsorption strength. This work has demonstrated that it is possible to design electrocatalyst structures with low Pt loading, but with higher electrocatalytic activity compared to that of the state-of-the-art Pt/C material, using changes in the nanoparticle structure and composition.

Vývoj mikrostruktury pokročilých oxidových keramických materiálů při rychlém slinování / The microstructure evaluation of advanced oxide ceramics during fast sintering

Prajzler, Vladimír January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with influence of fast pressure-less sintering on the microstructure of advanced ceramic materials, namely -Al2O3 and tetragonal ZrO2 (doped by 3 mol% Y2O3) with particle sizes ranging from 60 nm to 270 nm. Fast and controlled heating rate was enabled by utilization of the special superkanthal furnace with moving sample holder. Defect-free bulk and dense samples were prepared using heating rates in order of 100-200 °C/min. Higher densities reached the samples pressed by higher pressures; the specimens with densities higher than 99 % t.d. were prepared within tens of minutes for alumina as well as for zirconia with very low thermal conductivity. Different behavior was observed only for material TZ-3Y, which exhibited core-shell structure with dense surface and porous centre after sintering at heating rates higher than 10 °C/min. It was shown in this work that such behavior was not primarily caused by the high thermal gradient resulting from high heating rates. Its creation was probably caused by chlorine impurities. The mechanism of desintering of these samples was described and eliminated by calcination of the samples at 1000 °C for 10 hours prior to fast sintering at 1500 °C, so even this material could be fast sintered up to 99.9 % theoretical density.

Polymerní materiály pro řízenou administraci léčiv a řízené uvolňování aktivních látek / Polymeric Materials for the Controlled Drug Delivery and Controlled Release of Active Substances

Chamradová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
Literární rešerše předložené dizertační práce shrnuje poznatky jak o současně používaných biomateriálech, tak i o tzv. „chytrých“ biomedicínských materiálech mezi které patří termocitlivé kopolymery. Mezi tyto kopolymery, jejichž vodné roztoky gelují při teplotě lidského těla (37 °C), řadíme amfifilní triblokové kopolymery skládající se z hydrofobního laktidu, glykolidu a hydrofilního polyethylen glykolu (PLGA PEG PLGA). Komerčně dostupné termocitlivé kopolymery známé pod názvem ReGel or OncoGel jsou v současné době využívány jako injekčně aplikovatelné nosiče s postupným uvolňováním léčiv, zejména při léčbě cukrovky nebo onkologického onemocnění. Nicméně PLGA PEG PLGA triblokový kopolymer může být použit I jako polymerní nosič anorganického léčiva případně jako biodegradabilní implantát v dentálních či ortopedickýchých aplikacích. Z toho důvodu byl vybrán anorganický biokompatibilní hydroxyapatit (HAp) pro své majoritní zastoupení v tvrdých tkáních. Experimentální část je zaměřena na přípravu HAp/PLGA PEG PLGA kompozitů, ve kterých je HAp buď ve formě nano- (n-HAp) nebo „core-shell“ částic (CS). Nové CS částice, připravené dvouemulzní metodou, jsou složeny z „tuhého“ HAp jádra obaleného termocitlivým kopolymerem, který je navíc funkcionalizován kyselinou itakonovou (ITA/PLGA PEG PLGA/ITA). Funkcionalizace pomocí ITA vnáší do původní struktury kopolymeru jak síťovatelné dvojné vazby, tak i koncové karboxylové skupiny. Volné karboxylové skupiny na koncích ITA/PLGA PEG PLGA/ITA kopolymerního obalu byly dále zesíťovány za vzniku 3D chemické sítě (CS-x), jejíž životnost je řízena a kontrolována. ATR-FTIR spektroskopie prokázala přítomnost „nových“ esterových vazeb vzniklých karbodiimidovou reakcí –OH a –COOH skupin, kterým náleží adsorpční pásy ve vlnové délce 1021 cm-1.. n-HAp a CS-x částice byly přidány do kopolymerní termocitlivé matrice (PLGA PEG PLGA) za účelem charakterizace jejich reologického chování. Bylo zjištěno, že pokud bylo do polymerní matrice přidáno méně než 10 hm. % CS-x částic a jen 5 hm.% n-HAp kompozit si zachoval své termocitlivé vlastnosti. Na druhou stranu, přídavek vyššího množství HAp částic do polymerní matrice zajistil změnu vodného polymerního solu v permanentní gel při teplotě nad 37 °C. Analýza ICP-OES prokázala rychlejší uvolňování CS-x částic z 10 hm/obj. % PLGA PEG PLGA polymerní matrice do inkubačního média (6 % 9. den) než tomu bylo u n-HAp částic (jen 3 %), které jsou vázány více v micelární struktuře kopolymeru. Proto, kompozit na bázi n-HAP částic tvořící tuhý trvalý gel při tělesné teplotě, je vhodný více jako biologicky rozložitelné kostní lepidlo, zatímco kompozit z CS-x částic a termocitlivého kopolymeru je vhodný jako nosič léčiv pro injekční aplikace.

Synthesis and Characterization of Reactive Core-Shell Nanoparticles

Schwarb, Ryan Evan 11 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Polyaniline-Oxyde de Titane : un composite pour la récolte et le stockage d’énergie / Polyaniline-Titanium Oxide : a Composite for Energy Harvesting and Storage

Ibrahim, Michael 05 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est divisée en trois parties. La première traite la synthèse de la polyaniline (PANI), un polymère conducteur de trou, utilisé dans plusieurs applications. En variant les quantités du monomère et de l’oxydant tout en fixant leur rapport molaire à 1:1,25, et en ajoutant de l’oxyde de magnésium, des aiguilles et des nouvelles structures semblables aux échinides sont formées. Le mécanisme de formation des structures unidimensionnelles est expliqué à l’aide de la théorie des multicouches. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la fabrication des monocouches photovoltaïques à faible coût en se basant sur le principe de fonctionnement des cellules à pigment photosensible (en anglais DSSC, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell). En 1991, Grätzel a réintroduit l’effet photo-électrochimique en développant la première DSSC, une des cellules solaire troisième génération, formée d’un film de TiO2 (photo-anode) pigmenté à l’aide d’un colorant et d’un électrolyte qui sert à régénérer le pigment oxydé. Malgré leur faible coût, les DSSCs font face à de nombreux problèmes tels que le coût élevé du pigment, la fuite de l’électrolyte, la sublimation du couple I-/I3- à travers I2, etc. Afin de résoudre ces problèmes, des monocouches photovoltaïques ont été développées. Des composites formés de PANI et TiO2 sont la base de ces dispositifs nouvelle génération. La polymérisation in-situ de l’aniline en présence des nanoparticules de TiO2 conduit à une forte interaction entre la PANI et les particules de TiO2 où une structure « core (TiO2)/shell (PANI) » existe dans le composite. Dans le dispositif photovoltaïque basé sur le composite PANI-TiO2, PANI est considérée comme pigment à la photo-anode et comme poly-électrolyte plus profondément dans le composite. En plus, des textiles fabriqués utilisant ces composites photo-génèrent une tension de 0,6 V et un courant de 1 A/m2 lorsque l’éthanol est injecté dans le dispositif. Une nouvelle architecture a été développée qui sert à améliorer la performance de la cellule et en même temps stocker l’énergie pour des utilisations ultérieures. La dernière partie est consacrée à la fabrication des DSSCs basées sur les pigments naturels. L’anthocyane, un pigment naturel halochromique responsable de la couleur rouge dans les plantes, a été extrait du chou rouge et utilisé pour pigmenter les films de TiO2. Cette propriété se traduit par la fabrication des DSSCs de différentes couleurs et comportement photovoltaïque. Avec un pH égal à 0, une Vco et une Jcc de 520 mV et 185 μA/cm2 sont respectivement obtenues prouvant la possibilité d’utiliser le chou rouge comme source de pigment à très faible coût des DSSCs. / This thesis is divided in three parts. The first one deals with the synthesis of polyaniline (PANI), a hole conducting polymer, used in many applications. By varying the quantities of the monomer and the oxidant while fixing the molar ratio at 1:1.25, and by adding magnesium oxide, novel echinoid-like and PANI needles were formed. The formation mechanism of the 1D structures is explained using the multi-layer theory. The second section is devoted for the fabrication of low cost single-layered photovoltaic devices based on the working principle of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). In 1991, Grätzel reintroduced the photo-electrochemical effect by developing the first DSSC, one of the third generation solar cells, formed of a TiO2 film (photoanode) sensitized using a dye and an electrolyte regenerating the excited dye. Despite their low cost, DSSCs face many problems such as the high cost of the dye, leaking of the electrolyte, sublimation of the I-/I3- through I2, etc. To solve these problems a single layer photovoltaic device has been developed. Composites formed of PANI, and TiO2 are the basis of the new generation photovoltaics. The in-situ polymerization of aniline inside a titania solution results in a strong interaction between PANI and TiO2 particles where a core (TiO2)/shell (PANI) structure exists inside the composite. In the single-layered photovoltaic device based on PANI-TiO2 composite, PANI is considered as sensitizer at the photoanode and as polyelectrolyte deeper inside the composite layer. In addition, textiles fabricated using such composites generated a voltage of 0.6 V and a current of 1 A/m2 when ethanol is injected in the solar cell. A new architecture has been developed to enhance the performance of the device and at the same time to store the converted energy for later use. The final part is devoted to the fabrication of DSSCs based on natural dyes. Anthocyanin; a halochromic natural dye responsible for the red color in plants, extracted from red cabbage was used to sensitize TiO2 films. This property results in the fabrication of DSSCs with different colors and photovoltaic behavior. At a pH equal to 0, a Voc and Jsc of 520 mV and 185 μA/cm2 were respectively recorded proving the possibility of using red cabbages as a very low cost dye source for DSSCs.

Síntese de nanoestruturas core/shell de Co/Au magnetoplasmônica e pontos quânticos de CdSe/ZnS / Syntheses of Core/Shell Nanostructures of Magnetoplasmonic Co/Au and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots

Souza Junior, João Batista 28 April 2017 (has links)
Nanomateriais apresentam propriedades ajustáveis pelo seu tamanho e forma, como o fenômeno de superparamagnetismo em nanopartículas magnéticas ou o confinamento quântico dos portadores de carga em pontos quânticos (quantum dots). Assim, a síntese de nanopartículas esféricas monodispersas torna-se um fator extremamente importante, haja visto que tais propriedades podem ser ajustáveis para diferentes aplicações na área de tecnologia e biomedicina. Nanopartículas magnéticas e quantum dots podem ser apontados como promissores materiais para diagnóstico e terapia de neoplasias (câncer), e o desenvolvimento desses sistemas busca, atualmente, intensificar a magnetização e a eficiência de emissão, respectivamente, relativo às propriedades magnéticas e ópticas, além de outros requisitos. Neste trabalho, nanopartículas esféricas de cobalto metálico foram sintetizadas com diâmetro médio de 5,3 nm e desvio padrão de 0,4 nm, distribuição de tamanhos lognormal. A equação de Langevin modificada pelo modelo de partículas interagentes foi utilizada no ajuste da curva de magnetização M(H) para obtenção do diâmetro magnético médio e desvio padrão, 4,7 nm e 1,0 nm, respectivamente. Comparando os dois diâmetros, encontra-se uma camada morta de magnetização de aproximadamente 3,0 Å a qual, praticamente, não contribui para a magnetização da amostra, sendo a magnetização de saturação de 125 emu g-1. Nanoestruturas core/shell de Co/Au apresentaram a propriedade de ressonância plamon de superfície, uma propriedade adicional também desejada para aplicações biomédicas, sendo este sistema denominado magnetoplasmônico. Quantum dots de CdSe foram sintetizados como elevado controle de tamanho e forma. Utilizando rotas de síntese diferentes dos clássicos procedimentos denominados TOP-TOPO, e dióxido de selênio como precursor, estudos mostraram que na presença de um agente redutor no meio de reação e do solvente 1-octadeceno, as amostras apresentaram melhores propriedades óticas. A estrutura cristalina das amostras de CdSe corresponde à formação da fase blenda de zinco, diferentemente das sínteses TOP-TOPO que levam à formação da fase hexagonal wurtzita. A cinética de crescimento dos quantum dots de CdSe também foram avaliadas através de alíquotas retiras com o tempo de reação mostrando um crescimento exponencial do diâmetro das partículas, como previsto pelas teorias de nucleação e crescimento. Estudos por microscopia de fluorescência mostraram que os quantum dots apresentaram o comportamento de intermitência de fluorescência relatado na literatura como um dos fatores que levam a uma diminuição do rendimento quântico de fluorescência. Nanoestruturas core/shell de CdSe/ZnS foram obtidas com elevado controle da espessura da camada de recobrimento e a intensificação das propriedades de fotoluminescência foram mostradas. Os objetivos do trabalho foram alcançados com sucesso, onde foi possível observar a estabilização e a intensificação da magnetização da fase de cobalto metálico, pouco relatado na literatura. Ainda, foi possível conferir maior estabilidade química, versatilidade de funcionalização da superfície e uma segunda propriedade de ressonância plasmônica com o recobrimento com ouro, sem grande prejuízo da propriedade magnética. Em relação aos sistemas ópticos, os semicondutores de CdSe foram obtidos por nova rota de síntese com expressivo controle de tamanho e forma, recobertos com ZnS intensificando as propriedades ópticas do sistema.  / Nanomaterials properties are size- and shape-controlled, such as the superparamagnetism phenomenon of magnetic nanoparticles or the quantum confinement of charge carriers of quantum dots. Therefore, synthesis of monodisperse spherical nanoparticles became extremely important over the past few deacades, since nanoparticles can be used for plenty of applications in technology and biomedicine. Magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots are promising materials for diagnosis and therapy of cancer. Spherical nanoparticles of metallic cobalt were synthesized with mean diameter of 5,3 nm and standard deviation of 0,4 nm, lognormal distribution. A modified Langevin equation using the interacting superparamagnetic model was used to fit magnetization curves obtaining the mean magnetic diameter and standard deviation, 4,7 nm and 1,0 nm, respectively. The difference between these two diameters was assigned to the magnetic dead layer (∼3.0 Å), which does not contribute to the sample magnetization, being the saturation magnetization of cobalt nanoparticles around 125 emu g-1. Co/Au core/shell nanostructures were synthesized and the surface plasmon ressonance property was observed, an additional property also desired for biomedical applications, being the Co/Au core/shell system called magnetoplasmonic. CdSe quantum dots were synthesized with high size- and shape-controlled. Using different synthetic routes from the classic TOP-TOPO synthesis, and selenium dioxide as a precursor, the results show that and reducing agent is necessary and 1-octadecene solvent leads to better optical properties. CdSe samples showed a zinc blend (cubic phase) crystal structure, different from TOP-TOPO syntheses that leads to wurtzite structure (hexagonal phase). The growth kinetics of CdSe particles were also evaluated through aliquots from reaction showing exponential growth of particles diameter, as predicted on the theory of nucleation and growth. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed that quantum dots exhibited fluorescence intermittence behavior already reported in the literature as one fo the reasons for the quantum yield decrease. CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanostructures were obtained with high control of the coating layer thickness and the increase of the photoluminescence properties were shown.

Correlação elétrica e microestrutural entre os comportamentos termistor tipo PTCR e varistor em eletrocerâmicas de titanato de bário dopadas com érbio / Electrical and microstructural correlation between thermistor PTCR and varistor behavior in erbium doped barium titanate eletroceramics

Oliveira, Rafael Bonacin de 11 September 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, eletrocerâmicas a base de BaTiO3 e Ba(1-x)Erx TiO3 com x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010 e 0,050 foram preparadas através do método dos precursores poliméricos, com o propósito de estudar as possíveis relações entre os comportamentos termistor (tipo PTCR) e varistor em nível elétrico e microestrutural. Após calcinação dos pós-precursores em 700°C por 2h, os pós compactados isostaticamente a 300 MPa na forma de pastilhas, foram sinterizados em 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C e 1350°C. Foram realizadas caracterizações estruturais e microestruturais aplicando as técnicas de difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura por emissão de campo, além de estudos elétricos e dielétricos utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de impedância como ferramenta principal. Destas caracterizações, verificou-se a obtenção de materiais cerâmicos densos e com valores médios de tamanhos de grãos dependentes de x(Er3+) bem como da temperatura de sinterização. A análise dos resultados de espectroscopia de impedância via circuito equivalente revelaram para as amostras de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 que as respostas elétricas podem ser associadas a 3 microrregiões (Modelo Core-Shell): os núcleos e as \"couraças\", ambas relacionadas as porções internas dos grãos cerâmicos, mais os contornos de grãos, respectivamente. Considerando as contribuições resistivas associadas a cada microrregião, em função das tensões e temperaturas aplicadas, os comportamentos varistor e termistor das eletrocerâmicas de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 são apresentados e caracterizados em relação ao comportamento das amostras de BaTiO3. No âmbito geral, este trabalho revela uma boa correlação entre estes fenômenos e suas associações a cada microrregião identificada pelos modelos de circuitos equivalentes supostos na literatura. / Electroceramics based on Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3, with x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010, 0,050 stoichiometry were synthesized by the polymeric precursors method in an attempt to correlate the possible relations between the PTCR effect and the varistor behavior detected in terms of microstructures by electrical properties. After calcinated at 700°C for 2h, the samples were processed like pellets under isostatically compaction at 300 MPa, and sintered at 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C 1350°C, by 3h. Characterizations were made by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun and impedance spectroscopy, this last one, as the key tool from this work. The results, in general, showed good densification parameters, which are dependent of x(Er3+) and sintering temperature as well. Furthermore, impedance spectroscopy via equivalents circuits, in terms of the series layer model, revealed the appearance of three microregions, which are stated to be in well agreement with the Core-Shell microstructural model. Considering the relation between the resistive response of each microregion, i.e., the nuclei, the intermediary shells and the grain boundaries, it was possible to establish a path to the relation between PTCR effect with the varistor one under the structural, microstructural and electrical peculiarities from the Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 electroceramic system, in comparison with the pure polycrystalline BaTiO3 behavior.

Nanopartículas magnéticas metálicas recobertas com óxido de ferro: intensificação das propriedades magnéticas da nanopartícula e funcionalização para aplicação em biomedicina / Iron oxide-coated metal magnetic nanoparticles: improved magnetic properties and surface functionalization for biomedical applications

Beck Júnior, Watson 28 February 2011 (has links)
A utilização de nanopartículas (NP) magnéticas em várias áreas da biomedicina e biotecnologia vem recebendo elevado destaque nos últimos anos, graças à versatilidade de aplicações tais como: reparo de tecidos, diagnósticos, imagens por ressonância magnética, tratamento contra o câncer, separação celular, transporte controlado de drogas, entre outras. Atualmente, as NP com potencialidade de aplicação em biomedicina baseiam-se principalmente em óxidos magnéticos de ferro, os quais apresentam comportamento superparamagnético a temperatura ambiente e baixa magnetização da ordem de 60 emu g-1. A utilização dos óxidos se baseia em duas razões principais: facilidade e versatilidade de modificação da superfície e funcionalização devido aos grupos hidroxila na superfície das NP e pela baixa toxicidade comparada às NP magnéticas metálicas. Biocompatibilidade e funcionalidade específica são obtidas geralmente pela incorporação de materiais paramagnéticas e/ou diamagnéticos na superfície das NP contribuindo para diminuir ainda mais o baixo valor de magnetização de saturação dos óxidos. Nesse contexto, é necessário o desenvolvimento de novos núcleos magnéticos com elevado valor de magnetização, próximos aos valores observados para ferro metálico (~200 emu g-1). Entretanto, esses valores são observados apenas em NP metálicos com elevada toxicidade. Assim, neste trabalho, NP magnéticas bimetálicas de FePt, CoPt e NiPt recobertas óxido de ferro ou ferritas de Co e Ni foram sintetizadas pelo processo poliol modificado combinado com a metodologia de crescimento mediado por semente. As NP obtidas apresentaram tamanho e distribuição de tamanho compatíveis para aplicações biomédicas e a magnetização de saturação dos diferentes sistemas foi intensificada quando comparada às de NP de óxidos magnético puros. Os surfactantes ácido oleico e oleilamina presentes na superfície das NP como sintetizadas foram substituídos por moléculas de APTMS (3-aminopropiltrimetoxisilano) resultando em sistemas de NP dispersáveis em água. Adicionalmente, moléculas de carboximetil-dextrana foram conjugadas com as moléculas de APTMS modificando a superfície das NP e levando a formação de sistemas de NP magnéticas biocompatíveis, com estabilidade em dispersões aquosa e resposta magnética melhorada. As NP sintetizadas apresentam, em resumo, grande potencialidade para diversas aplicações em biomedicina. / In recent years, the magnetic nanoparticles uses in many biomedical and biotechnological areas have received great attention due to their applications possibilities such as: tissue repair, diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging, cancer treatment, cell separation, and controlled drug delivery, among others. Today, the magnetic nanoparticles applications are mainly based on magnetic iron oxides, which exhibit superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature and low saturation magnetization around 60 emu g-1. Magnetic oxide uses was based in two main reasons: easily and versatility of surface changes and functionalization due to hydroxyl groups present on the oxide nanoparticles surface, and low toxicity compared with the magnetic metallic nanoparticles. Biocompatibility and targetable functionalizations are generally obtained by paramagnetic and/or diamagnetic materials incorporations onto the nanoparticle surface contributing to decreases the already low oxide saturation magnetization. In this context, the development of new magnetic nuclei with high magnetizations values closed to the metallic iron values (~200 emu g-1) is required. However, this value is only generally observed in highly toxic metallic nanoparticles. Therefore, in this study, bimetallic magnetic nanoparticles of FePt, CoPt and NiPt coated with iron oxide and Ni- or Co-ferrites in a core-shell structure are synthesized by using the modified polyol process combined with the seed-mediated growth method. Obtained nanoparticles presented size and size distribution compatible for biomedical applications and the saturation magnetization of the different synthesized systems were enhanced compared with the pure magnetic oxide nanoparticles. Oleic acid and oleylamine present on the as-synthesized magnetic nanoparticles surface were properly changed by (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMS) molecules leading to water-dispersible magnetic nanoparticles system. In addition, carboxymethyl-dextran molecules were conjugated with the APTMS molecules changing the nanoparticles surfaces and resulting in biocompatible water-soluble magnetic nanoparticles systems with improved magnetic response. These synthesized biocompatible magnetic systems present a great potential for many biomedical applications.

Smart hydrogels based platforms for investigation of biochemical reactions

Dubey, Nidhi Chandrama 16 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Polyketides are natural products with complex chemical structures and immense pharmaceutical potential that are synthesized via secondary metabolic pathways. The in-vitro synthesis of these molecules requires high supply of building blocks such as acetyl Co-enzyme A, and cofactors (adenosine triphosphate (ATP). These precursor and cofactor are synthesized from respective soluble enzymes. Owing to the expensive nature of the enzymes, it is important to immobilize enzymes to improve the process economics by enabling multiple uses of catalyst and improving overall productivity and robustness. The polymer-based particles of nano and submicron size have become attractive material for their role in the life sciences. With the advances in synthetic protocols of the microgels and commercial availability of many of the monomers, it is feasible to tune the properties of the particles as per the process requirement. The core shell microgel with functional shell allows high loading of ligands onto the microgel particles due to increased availability of functional group on the outer surface. The aim of the thesis thus was to study biochemical reactions on the smart microgels support using single (acetyl CoA synthetase (Acs)) and dual (pyruvate kinase (Pk) and L-lactic dehydrogenase (Ldh)) enzyme/s systems. The study indicated that the enzyme immobilization significantly depends on the enzyme, conjugation strategy and the support. The covalent immobilization provides rigidity to the enzyme structure as in case of Acs immobilized on PNIPAm-AEMA microgels but at the same time leads to loss in enzyme activity. Whereas, in the case of covalent immobilization of Ldh on microgel showed improved in enzyme activity. On the other hand adsorption of the enzyme via ionic interaction provide better kinetic profile of enzymes hence the membrane reactor was prepared using PNIPAm-PEI conjugates for acetyl CoA synthesis. The better outcome of work with PNIPAm-PEI resulted in its further evaluation for dual enzyme system. This work is unique in the view that the immobilization strategies were well adapted to immobilize single and dual enzymes to achieve stable bioconjugates for their respective applications in precursor biosynthesis (Acetyl Co enzyme A) and co-factor dependent processes (ACoA and ATP). The positive end results of microgels as the support (particles in solution and as the thin film (membrane)) opens further prospective to explore these systems for other precursor biomolecule production.

Correlação elétrica e microestrutural entre os comportamentos termistor tipo PTCR e varistor em eletrocerâmicas de titanato de bário dopadas com érbio / Electrical and microstructural correlation between thermistor PTCR and varistor behavior in erbium doped barium titanate eletroceramics

Rafael Bonacin de Oliveira 11 September 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, eletrocerâmicas a base de BaTiO3 e Ba(1-x)Erx TiO3 com x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010 e 0,050 foram preparadas através do método dos precursores poliméricos, com o propósito de estudar as possíveis relações entre os comportamentos termistor (tipo PTCR) e varistor em nível elétrico e microestrutural. Após calcinação dos pós-precursores em 700°C por 2h, os pós compactados isostaticamente a 300 MPa na forma de pastilhas, foram sinterizados em 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C e 1350°C. Foram realizadas caracterizações estruturais e microestruturais aplicando as técnicas de difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura por emissão de campo, além de estudos elétricos e dielétricos utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de impedância como ferramenta principal. Destas caracterizações, verificou-se a obtenção de materiais cerâmicos densos e com valores médios de tamanhos de grãos dependentes de x(Er3+) bem como da temperatura de sinterização. A análise dos resultados de espectroscopia de impedância via circuito equivalente revelaram para as amostras de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 que as respostas elétricas podem ser associadas a 3 microrregiões (Modelo Core-Shell): os núcleos e as \"couraças\", ambas relacionadas as porções internas dos grãos cerâmicos, mais os contornos de grãos, respectivamente. Considerando as contribuições resistivas associadas a cada microrregião, em função das tensões e temperaturas aplicadas, os comportamentos varistor e termistor das eletrocerâmicas de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 são apresentados e caracterizados em relação ao comportamento das amostras de BaTiO3. No âmbito geral, este trabalho revela uma boa correlação entre estes fenômenos e suas associações a cada microrregião identificada pelos modelos de circuitos equivalentes supostos na literatura. / Electroceramics based on Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3, with x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010, 0,050 stoichiometry were synthesized by the polymeric precursors method in an attempt to correlate the possible relations between the PTCR effect and the varistor behavior detected in terms of microstructures by electrical properties. After calcinated at 700°C for 2h, the samples were processed like pellets under isostatically compaction at 300 MPa, and sintered at 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C 1350°C, by 3h. Characterizations were made by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun and impedance spectroscopy, this last one, as the key tool from this work. The results, in general, showed good densification parameters, which are dependent of x(Er3+) and sintering temperature as well. Furthermore, impedance spectroscopy via equivalents circuits, in terms of the series layer model, revealed the appearance of three microregions, which are stated to be in well agreement with the Core-Shell microstructural model. Considering the relation between the resistive response of each microregion, i.e., the nuclei, the intermediary shells and the grain boundaries, it was possible to establish a path to the relation between PTCR effect with the varistor one under the structural, microstructural and electrical peculiarities from the Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 electroceramic system, in comparison with the pure polycrystalline BaTiO3 behavior.

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