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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traitement des pathologies cornéennes par thérapie cellulaire et bioingénierie tissulaire / Treatment of corneal diseases by cell therapy and tissue-engineered artificial cornea

Ghoubay-Benalloua, Djida 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les agressions graves de la surface oculaire peuvent se compliquer d'ulcérations cornéennes épithéliales, de néovascularisation, d'opacification et d'inflammation chroniques, échappant à tout traitement médical. Les progrès dans la compréhension de la physiologie du renouvèlement de l'épithélium et du stroma cornéen ont permis d'introduire une approche thérapeutique, la greffe de cellules souches. L'objectif de notre étude est d'apporter une source de cellules souches cornéennes par thérapie cellulaire afin de restituer une fonction épithéliale et stromale permettant l'obtention d'une cornée claire chez l'animal. Les cellules souches épithéliales limbiques (LSC) et les cellules stromales limbiques (SSC) ont été isolées dans un milieu exempt de produits animaux tout en gardant leur caractère indifférencié. L'effet régénérateur des SSC a été étudié in vivo dans un modèle de fibrose cornéenne chez la souris. Les SSC ont été injectées dans le stroma cornéen et ont permis la restitution d'un stroma organisé et d'une cornée transparente. Le projet a aussi consisté à élaborer et mettre en forme une matrice à base de collagène I afin de favoriser la culture concomitante de tous les types cellulaires présents dans la cornée tout en préservant organisation, transparence et propriétés mécaniques. La connaissance des conditions physico-chimique du collagène a permis de produire des matrices transparentes qui ont pu être colonisées par les SSC et les LSC. Notre étude ouvre de nouvelles perspectives dans le traitement des pathologies provocant des opacités cornéennes afin de faire face au manque de dons de cornée. / Cornea, the outer part of the eye, features high transparency crucial for good vision. The maintenance of a healthy cornea is linked to the presence of corneal stem cells in the limbus (peripheral region of the cornea). Several diseases can lead to its opacification requiring transplantation of donor tissue to restore vision. Although corneal transplantation has achieved clinical success, there is a shortage of donor corneas worldwide. To solve this problem, cell therapy and tissue-engineered artificial cornea are promising approaches that could eventually outperform current treatment. Corneal epithelial stem cells (LSC) and stromal stem cells (SSC) were isolated in feeder free and xeno free medium. The therapeutic effect of SSC was investigated in vivo by their injection in mouse cornea treated with liquid nitrogen. SSC have the ability to restore the extracellular matrix organization and corneal transparency. Transparent collagen I fibrillated matrices have been synthesized and were evaluated for fibril organization, transparency, mechanical properties and their ability to be repopulated by corneal stromal stem cells and to support limbal epithelial stem cell growth. We show that the matrices were organized and transparent. SSC and LSC were able to repopulate and to grow into the collagen matrix. These cells present a potential for stem cell-based treatment of corneal blindness.

Avaliação clínica e pela microscopia eletrônica de varredura do adesivo de fibrina, comparativamente ao fio de sutura na oclusão da incisão de córnea: estudo experimental em coelhos

Almeida, Ana Carolina da Veiga Rodarte de January 2009 (has links)
As técnicas de remoção de catarata evoluíram nas últimas décadas. Na tentativa de oclusão da córnea após incisão para remoção da catarata, diversas técnicas têm sido propostas. Objetivou-se avaliar experimentalmente a viabilidade do emprego do adesivo de fibrina na oclusão da incisão de córnea em coelhos. Além disso, comparar os efeitos do adesivo de fibrina e do fio de sutura na oclusão da incisão de córnea em coelhos, utilizando-se os aspectos clínicos, a microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a morfometria. Dezesseis coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus) da raça Nova Zelândia foram submetidos à incisão de córnea bilateral. Para a oclusão da incisão utilizou-se aleatoriamente em um bulbo do olho, adesivo de fibrina e no seu contralateral, fio de sutura. Os períodos de avaliação foram de 7 e 15 dias. As repercussões dos procedimentos foram avaliadas utilizando-se exame oftálmico. Ao final dos períodos determinados, procedeu-se à avaliação da área perincisional desprovida de células endoteliais por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura da morfometria e a análise estatística inferencial foi obtida pelo teste t de Student para amostrar pareadas. Clinicamente, observaram-se melhores resultados nas amostras ocluídas com fio de sutura. No que se refere à área perincisional desprovida de células endoteliais, comparando-se os dois tipos de oclusão, a área das amostras seladas com fibrina apresentou-se maior que a área ocluída com fio de sutura. Neste estudo, ambas as técnicas foram eficazes na oclusão da córnea de coelhos. Porém, a avaliação valendo-se da microscopia eletrônica de varredura e da morfometria das eletromicrografias das áreas perincisionais do endotélio da córnea desprovidas de células ocluídas com fio de sutura demonstrou maior nível de significância quando comparada ao adesivo de fibrina. / The techniques for cataract removal had developed in the last decades. As an attempt to repair the cornea after incision, different techniques are proposed for corneal sealing. The objective of this study was to evaluate experimentally the viability of the use of fibrin adhesive in occlusion of the incision of the cornea in rabbits. Also compare clinically and by scanning electron microscopy and morphometry the fibrin adhesive and the suture on the sealing the cornea incision in rabbits. In this study, 16 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) New Zealand breed were used. It was performed bilateral corneal incision. In one eye the incision was sealed with suture, in the other eye, with fibrin adhesive randomly. The periods of evaluation varied from 7 to 15 days. The repercussions at the eye were studied using the ophthalmic exam. At the end of the determinate period, it was performed the evaluation of the perincisional area without endothelial cell by means of scanning electron microscopy, morphometry and the inferential statistical analysis was made by Student t test for paired samples. Comparing the two types of sealing, the perincisional average area without endothelial cells was higher in the fibrin tissue than wired in both groups. In this study, both techniques had corneal sealing, however, the evaluation by scanning electron microscopy,and electromicrographs morphometry of the perinsional areas of the corneal endothelium without devoid cells occluded with suture wire has higher level significance when compared with fibrin adhesive.

Alterações topográficas da córnea em pacientes com cérato-conjuntivite vernal. / Corneal topographic changes in patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Paulo Elias Corrêa Dantas 18 January 2002 (has links)
Doença alérgica ocular acomete cerca de ¼ da população mundial. Dentro do espectro da doença alérgica ocular, a cérato-conjuntivite vernal, que afeta principalmente crianças, pode apresentar-se sob forma severa e persistente, levando a dano do tecido corneal e comprometimento da função visual. Traumatismo epitelial crônico, induzido pelo ato de coçar os olhos, associado ao intenso prurido ocular tem sido apontado como fator de risco importante na patogênese do ceratocone. Pode estimular a apoptose prematura dos ceratócitos, provocando mudanças estruturais do estroma da córnea. A associação de cérato-conjuntivite vernal e ceratocone tem sido apontada como freqüente na literatura oftalmológica através de estudos descritivos e qualitativos, que, entretanto, não auxiliam na detecção precoce da doença ectásica corneal, prejudicando sua análise epidemiológica, seu estudo genético e a definição de sua patogênese. Propôs-se estudo clínico caso-controle de pacientes com cérato-conjuntivite vernal do Ambulatório de Alergia Ocular do Departamento de Oftalmologia da Santa Casa de São Paulo, com finalidade de obter-se, por meio da análise topográfica computadorizada de córnea utilizando-se de descritor quantitativo da superfície anterior da córnea (sumário diagnóstico de Holladay), informações sobre as alterações topográficas da superfície anterior da córnea, que pudessem determinar a freqüência da associação entre cérato-conjuntivite vernal e ceratocone, além de seus efeitos sobre o desempenho da visão destes pacientes. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostram alta freqüência de ceratocone em pacientes com cérato-conjuntivite vernal. A performance visual destes pacientes é influenciada pelas aberrações provocadas por alterações da asfericidade corneal e de outras variáveis topográficas. / Allergic ocular disease affects ¼ of the world population. Inside the spectrum of the allergic ocular disease, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, that affects mostly children, may present as severe and persistent form, leading to corneal tissue damage and disturbing visual function. Chronic epithelial trauma, provoked by eye rubbing due to intense ocular itching, has been postulated as an important risk factor in the pathogenesis of keratoconus. It may induce early keratocyte apoptosis that results in structural changes to the corneal stroma. The association of keratoconus with vernal keratoconjunctivitis has been observed to be frequent in the ophthalmological literature by descriptive and qualitative studies, unable to detect earlier forms of this ectatic corneal disease, weakening epidemiological analysis, genetic studies and the definition of its pathogenesis. We proposed a case-control clinical study of patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis from the Ambulatory of Ocular Allergy of the Department of Ophthalmology of Santa Casa of São Paulo, aiming for information on the anterior corneal curvature and visual performance, using a quantitative descriptor analyzer (Holladay Diagnostic Summary). The results suggest high frequency of the keratoconus in patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis. The visual performance is affected by the induced aberration caused by changed corneal asphericity and other topographic variables.

Comparação prospectiva e randomizada entre DisCo Visc e hidroxipropilmetilcelulose 2% durante a facoemulsificação / Prospective randomized comparison of DisCoVisc and 2% hydroxypropylmethilcellulose in phacoemulsification

Rodrigo França de Espindola 16 October 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Comparar duas soluções viscoelásticas, ácido hialurônico 1,6%/sulfato de condroitina 4% (DisCoVisc®, Alcon Laboratórios, EUA) e hidroxipropilmetilcelulose 2% (HPMC, Ophthalmos, Brasil), com relação ao desempenho durante a facoemulsificação (FACO) e o implante de lente intraocular. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado, envolvendo 78 olhos (39 pacientes) submetidos à FACO bilateral, por um único cirurgião. Os pacientes foram randomizados para receber DisCoVisc ou HPMC no primeiro olho. O olho contralateral foi operado mais tarde recebendo a outra solução viscoelástica em todas as etapas da cirurgia. Examinadores mascarados realizaram as avaliações pré e pósoperatórias (5, 24 e 48 horas; 7 e 14 dias; 3 e 6 meses), incluindo a medida da pressão intraocular (PIO), espessura cornena central (ECC) e acuidade visual corrigida. A densidade endotelial foi realizada no pré-operatório e ao final do seguimento (6 meses). Variáveis intraoperatórias incluíram medidas da quantidade total de solução viscoelástica, tempo de ultrassom durante a FACO e tempo para a retirada completa da solução do olho. RESULTADOS: A densidade endotelial foi estatisticamente superior com DisCoVisc (2.214 ± 372 cel/mm2) do que com HPMC (2.032 ± 460 cel/mm2) ao final do seguimento (p = 0,001). Uma redução média de 7% e de 15%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença estatística entre as soluções viscoelásticas com relação a densidade da catarata (p = 0,363) e o tempo de ultrassom (p = 0,456). O tempo de aspiração da HPMC (0,22 ± 0,09 min) foi significativamente maior que o DisCoVisc (0,17 ± 0,06 min) (p = 0,001) e a quantidade de viscoelástico utilizada foi maior com a HPMC (1,35 ± 0,20 ml) do que com DisCoVisc (0,89 ± 0,11 ml) (p < 0,001). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as soluções quanto a ECC e a PIO durante o seguimento. CONCLUSÕES: A densidade endotelial ao final do estudo foi significativamente maior com o uso de DisCoVisc, o que pode representar uma melhor proteção endotelial. Foi necessário uma menor quantidade de DisCoVisc e um tempo de aspiração menor durante a FACO com essa solução viscoelástica / INTRODUCTION: To compare two ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (OVDs), 1.6% hyaluronic acid/4% chondroitin sulfate (DisCoVisc®, Alcon Lab., USA) and 2% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC, Ophthalmos, Brazil), in terms of their overall performance during phacoemulsification (PHACO) and intraocular lens implantation. METHODS: This prospective, randomized clinical trial comprised 78 eyes (39 patients) that underwent PHACO by the same surgeon. Patients were randomly assigned to receive DisCoVisc or HPMC on the first eye. The other eye was treated later and received the other OVD. Masked examiners measured intraocular pressure (IOP), central corneal thickness (CCT) and best-corrected visual acuity. The corneal endothelial cell density was measured at baseline and at 6 months postoperatively. Intraoperative variables include the total amount of the OVD, ultrasound and washout times. RESULTS: Corneal endothelial cell density was significantly higher with DisCoVisc (2.214 ± 372 cell/mm2) than HPMC (2.032 ± 460 cell/mm2) at the end of follow-up (p = 0.001). A mean reduction of 7% and 15%, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between OVDs in terms of cataract density (p = 0.363) or ultrasound time (p = 0.456). Regarding washout time, it took longer to remove HPMC (0.22 ± 0.09 min) than DisCoVisc (0.17 ± 0.06 min) (p = 0.001), and the amount of viscoelastic material used was greater with HPMC (1.35 ± 0.20 ml) than DisCoVisc (0.89 ± 0.11 ml) (p < 0.001). There were no statistically significant differences between the two OVDs regarding CCT or IOP measurements at any point in time. CONCLUSION: The corneal endothelial cell loss was significantly less with DisCoVisc than HPMC, which can improve corneal endothelium protection. DisCoVisc was easier to remove after IOL implantation and fewer amounts were necessary during PHACO

Comparação dos valores da pressão intraocular obtidos com diferentes tonômetros e suas correlações com dados biométricos oculares no glaucoma congênito / Comparison between intraocular pressure obtained with different tonometers and their correlations with biometric parameters in congenital glaucoma

Marcio Henrique Mendes 01 November 2013 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: Comparar os valores da pressão intraocular (PIO), obtidos por intermédio do tonômetro de Perkins (TPK), tonômetro de contorno dinâmico Pascal (TCD) e Tono-Pen (TNP), confrontando-os com o tonômetro de aplanação de Goldmann (TAG), e correlacionar seus valores tonométricos com parâmetros biométricos oculares em pacientes portadores de glaucoma congênito primário. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, transversal, com inclusão de 46 pacientes (46 olhos) com diagnóstico de glaucoma congênito primário, com idades entre 12 e 40 anos, após obtenção do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Todos os olhos estudados foram submetidos à tonometria ocular usando os tonômetros de Goldmann, de Perkins, o Tono-Pen e o tonômetro de contorno dinâmico Pascal. A ordem das tonometrias foi aleatória e o tonômetro de Goldmann foi adotado como padrão ouro. Os parâmetros biométricos estudados foram a curvatura (medida pela ceratometria), a espessura central da córnea (paquimetria), o diâmetro corneal (medido por meio de compasso cirúrgico) e o comprimento axial do olho foi obtido pela biometria ultrassônica. As distribuições dos parâmetros biométricos, assim como das tonometrias foram plotadas e analisadas conforme teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para aceitação de normalidade. O teste t de Student pareado para amostras independentes foi empregado para comparar as médias tonométricas de cada tonômetro com o padrão ouro. As correlações entre os parâmetros biométricos e as tonometrias foram realizadas através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e gráficos de regressão linear. O mesmo procedimento foi feito entre os parâmetros biométricos e as diferenças entre as três distintas tonometrias e a TAG. A concordância entre os tonômetros Perkins, Pascal e Tono-Pen e o de Goldamnn foi realizada pelo teste de concordância de correlação (CCC) e graficamente pelo método de Bland-Altman. O valor de corte de 2 mmHg foi adotado para avaliar a empregabilidade clínica desses tonômetros em pacientes semelhantes aos da amostra. RESULTADOS: O teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov indicou aceitação da normalidade para todas as distribuições estudadas (TAG, TPK, TCD, TNP, Diâmetros corneal e axial, ceratometria média e paquimetria). Os momentos de correlação de Pearson empregados para realizar estudo das correlações entre os parâmetros biométricos e cada tonometria foram estatisticamente não significativos. As correlações entre os parâmetros biométricos e as diferenças entre tonometrias em relação ao TAG não apresentaram significância em sua maioria, sendo a única exceção a correlação moderada entre a diferença do TAG e o Tono-Pen versus a ceratometria média. No entanto, o coeficiente de determinação evidenciou influência modesta da ceratometria nessas diferenças (r² = 0,16; p = 0,004). O teste t de Student pareado demonstrou diferença significativa entre o TAG e o TP (p < 0,001). A diferença não foi significativa entre o TAG e o Pascal (p = 0.30), ou entre o TAG e o Tono-Pen (p = 0.68). Houve excelente concordância entre o TAG e o TP (CCC = 0,98; intervalo de confiança 95% (IC95%) = 0,97 - 0,99), já entre o TAG e o Pascal (CCC = 0,89; IC95% = 0,82 - 0,94) e entre o TAG e o Tono-Pen (CCC = 0,92; IC95% = 0,87 - 0,95). O gráfico tipo Bland-Altman TAG x Perkins demonstrou diferença média de 0,47 mmHg com intervalo de 95% (I95%) situado entre -0,98 e 1,92 mmHg. A dispersão das diferenças seguiu caráter aleatório. Os outros dois tonômetros também tiveram suas dispersões em caráter aleatório. TAG em relação ao tonômetro de Pascal apresentou diferença média de -0,3 mmHg (I95% = -4,2 a 3,6 mmHg). A diferença média do TAG em relação ao Tono-Pen foi de -0,1 mmHg (I95% = -3,7 a 3,5 mmHg). Em 21% dos pacientes, o tonômetro de Pascal apresentou diferenças maiores de 2 mmHg em relação ao TAG, ao passo que no Tono- Pen essa proporção foi de 17,3%, e o tonômetro de Perkins não apresentou em nenhum dos pacientes diferenças maiores que estes limites. CONCLUSÕES: A ceratometria, paquimetria e os diâmetros axial e corneal não se correlacionaram com a PIO obtida por meio do TAG, tonômetro de Perkins, Pascal ou Tono-Pen. As diferenças tonométricas entre TAG (padrão ouro) e os outros tonômetros também não se correlacionaram com esses parâmetros biométricos, com exceção da ceratometria média, que se correlacionou positiva e moderadamente com a diferença da PIO entre TAG e Tono-Pen. O tonômetro de Perkins apresentou concordância substancial com o TAG, já o Tono-Pen e o TCD apresentaram concordâncias moderadas, sendo a concordância do Tono-Pen maior que a do TCD / OBJECTIVES: To compare the values of intraocular pressure (IOP) obtained by Perkins tonometer (PKT), Pascal dynamic contour tonometer (DCT) and Tono-Pen (TP), comparing then with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT), analyzing their correlations with ocular biometric parameters in patients with primary congenital glaucoma. METHODS: Prospective and cross-sectional study, including 46 patients (46 eyes) diagnosed with primary congenital glaucoma, between 12 and 40 years old, after obtaining informed consent. Keratometry was performed, followed by Goldmann applanation tonometry, Perkins tonometry, DCT and TP. The order of tonometries was randomized. The Goldmann tonometer was adopted as the gold standard. Ultrasound pachymetry, ultrasound biometry and corneal diameter measurement with surgical compass were also performed. The distributions of biometric parameters, as well as the tonometries were plotted and analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov for acceptance of normality. Paired Student\'s t test for independent samples was used to compare the means of each tonometry with the gold standard. The correlations between biometric parameters and tonometries were performed by Pearson\'s product moment correlation coefficient and linear regression plots. The same procedure was done between biometric parameters and the differences between the three distinct tonometries and Goldmann tonometry. The agreement between tonometers and the GAT was performed through concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and graphically by the Bland-Altman method. End point of 2 mmHg was adopted to evaluate clinical employability of these tonometers in patients with similar conditions. RESULTS: The Kolmogorov-Smirnov indicated acceptance of normality for all distributions studied (GAT, PKT, DCT, TP, corneal diameter, axial length, keratometry and pachymetry). All the Pearson´s product moment correlation coefficients between biometric parameters and each tonometry were not significant. The correlations between the biometric parameters and the differences between tonometries compared to the gold standard were not significant in most cases. The only exception was a positive and moderate correlation between the difference of the GAT and Tono-Pen versus the keratometry. The determintation coefficient revealed a considerable, but no large influence of K on the differences between GAT and Tono-Pen (r² = 0.16; p = 0.004). Student\'s paired t test showed a significant difference between GAT and PT (p < 0.001). The difference was not significant between the GAT and Pascal (p = 0.30), or between the GAT and Tono-Pen (p = 0.68). There was excellent agreement between GAT and PT (CCC = 0.98, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.97 to 0.99), as between GAT and Pascal (CCC = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.82 to 0.94) and between GAT and Tono-Pen (CCC = 0.92, 95% CI = .87 to .95). Bland-Altman plot GAT x Perkins showed a mean difference of 0, 47 mmHg with 95% CI located between -0.98 and 1.92 mmHg. The distribution of the IOP differences was aleatory. The other two differences` distributions also had aleatory characteristics. When comparing GAT with Pascal, the mean difference was -0.3 mmHg (95% CI = -4.2% to 3.6 mmHg). Mean difference between GAT and Tono-Pen was -0.1 mmHg (95% CI = -3,7 to 3.5 mmHg). Pascal tonometer showed a difference greater than 2 mmHg comparing to GAT in 21% of the patients, while with Tono-Pen this ratio was 17.3% and the Perkins tonometer did not present in any patient differences greater than these limits. CONCLUSIONS: The keratometry, pachymetry, corneal diameter and axial length did not correlate with IOP obtained by GAT, Perkins tonometer, Tono-Pen or Pascal. The differences between GAT (gold standard) and the other tonometers also did not correlate with these biometric parameters, with the exception of corneal curvature, which was positive and moderately correlated with the difference in IOP between GAT and Tono-Pen. GAT and Perkins tonometer showed substantial agreement, although Tono-Pen and DCT showed moderate agreement with GAT. The concordance obtained with Tono-Pen was higher than the concordance obtained with DCT

Buněčná a molekulární charakterizace selhaných transplantátů lidské rohovky. Role matrix metaloproteináz při opakované keratolýze lidské rohovky. / Cell and Molecular Characterization of Failed Human Corneal Grafts. The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Recurrent Corneal Melting.

Brejchová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work was to investigate the contribution of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to recurrent corneal melting. Twenty three melted corneas from seven patients were separated into three groups: a) patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome, b) those with rheumatoid arthritis and c) those with other corneal melting underlying pathologies. Eleven cadaverous corneas served as controls. The presence of MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -8, -9, and -13 was detected using indirect enzyme immunohistochemistry. The active forms of MMP-2 and -9 and MMP- 3 and -7 were examined by gelatin and casein zymography, respectively. The concentrations of active MMP-1 and -3 were measured using activity assays. Increased immunostaining intensity for MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -8 and -9 was shown in the corneal epithelium and the stroma of almost all melted corneas from all three groups compared to the negative or slightly positive staining of the controls. In the endothelium, immunostaining for MMP-2 and MMP-9 was increased in most specimens of groups II and III and group I, respectively. A markedly higher level of active MMP-2 was detected in six, and active MMP-9 in all, pathologic specimens compared to the controls. In contrast to the completely negative controls, the proenzymes of MMP-3 and -7 were detected in almost all melted...

Avaliação clínica e pela microscopia eletrônica de varredura do adesivo de fibrina, comparativamente ao fio de sutura na oclusão da incisão de córnea: estudo experimental em coelhos

Almeida, Ana Carolina da Veiga Rodarte de January 2009 (has links)
As técnicas de remoção de catarata evoluíram nas últimas décadas. Na tentativa de oclusão da córnea após incisão para remoção da catarata, diversas técnicas têm sido propostas. Objetivou-se avaliar experimentalmente a viabilidade do emprego do adesivo de fibrina na oclusão da incisão de córnea em coelhos. Além disso, comparar os efeitos do adesivo de fibrina e do fio de sutura na oclusão da incisão de córnea em coelhos, utilizando-se os aspectos clínicos, a microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a morfometria. Dezesseis coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus) da raça Nova Zelândia foram submetidos à incisão de córnea bilateral. Para a oclusão da incisão utilizou-se aleatoriamente em um bulbo do olho, adesivo de fibrina e no seu contralateral, fio de sutura. Os períodos de avaliação foram de 7 e 15 dias. As repercussões dos procedimentos foram avaliadas utilizando-se exame oftálmico. Ao final dos períodos determinados, procedeu-se à avaliação da área perincisional desprovida de células endoteliais por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura da morfometria e a análise estatística inferencial foi obtida pelo teste t de Student para amostrar pareadas. Clinicamente, observaram-se melhores resultados nas amostras ocluídas com fio de sutura. No que se refere à área perincisional desprovida de células endoteliais, comparando-se os dois tipos de oclusão, a área das amostras seladas com fibrina apresentou-se maior que a área ocluída com fio de sutura. Neste estudo, ambas as técnicas foram eficazes na oclusão da córnea de coelhos. Porém, a avaliação valendo-se da microscopia eletrônica de varredura e da morfometria das eletromicrografias das áreas perincisionais do endotélio da córnea desprovidas de células ocluídas com fio de sutura demonstrou maior nível de significância quando comparada ao adesivo de fibrina. / The techniques for cataract removal had developed in the last decades. As an attempt to repair the cornea after incision, different techniques are proposed for corneal sealing. The objective of this study was to evaluate experimentally the viability of the use of fibrin adhesive in occlusion of the incision of the cornea in rabbits. Also compare clinically and by scanning electron microscopy and morphometry the fibrin adhesive and the suture on the sealing the cornea incision in rabbits. In this study, 16 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) New Zealand breed were used. It was performed bilateral corneal incision. In one eye the incision was sealed with suture, in the other eye, with fibrin adhesive randomly. The periods of evaluation varied from 7 to 15 days. The repercussions at the eye were studied using the ophthalmic exam. At the end of the determinate period, it was performed the evaluation of the perincisional area without endothelial cell by means of scanning electron microscopy, morphometry and the inferential statistical analysis was made by Student t test for paired samples. Comparing the two types of sealing, the perincisional average area without endothelial cells was higher in the fibrin tissue than wired in both groups. In this study, both techniques had corneal sealing, however, the evaluation by scanning electron microscopy,and electromicrographs morphometry of the perinsional areas of the corneal endothelium without devoid cells occluded with suture wire has higher level significance when compared with fibrin adhesive.

Une nouvelle génération de substituts cornéens biosynthétiques : modèle d’évaluation de la fonctionnalité ex vivo humaine et in vivo animale

Sylvestre-Bouchard, Antoine 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La cécité cornéenne est la 4e cause de cécité dans le monde et la greffe de cornée demeure le seul traitement accepté. Toutefois, dans bien des pays, les banques d'yeux n'arrivent pas à répondre à la demande et il existe un besoin croissant pour des alternatives aux cornées humaines. De plus, chez les patients souffrant de pathologies cornéennes avec inflammation sévère, le pronostic d’une greffe est à haut risque de complications, d’échec et de perte de vision complète. Il est donc nécessaire de développer des implants capables de dépasser les importantes limites des greffons natifs humains pour ces patients à haut risque. Objectif : Développer et évaluer diverses techniques d’examens cliniques permettant de mesurer la biocompatibilité et la performance de substituts cornéens biosynthétiques implantées dans des cornées humaines ex vivo et in vivo, en vue de leur implantation ultérieure chez l’humain. Méthodes : Des protocoles chirurgicaux ont été développés et testés avec des substituts cornéens solides et liquides. La lampe à fente, la tomographie par cohérence optique, la tonométrie, l’esthésiométrie, la pachymétrie par ultrasons, la microscopie spéculaire et confocale, la topographie de la surface cornéenne, ainsi que l’angiographie ont été optimisées pour les modèles ex vivo humain et in vivo animal. Enfin, le prélèvement, l’entretien et la préparation des tissus cornéens frais ont été adaptés pour des études futures de l’histopathologie, de la microscopie électronique par transmission et de l’immunohistopathologie. Résultats et analyses : Les procédures développées ont généré des données permettant de comprendre l’impact des implants dans le tissu cornéen dans le but de perfectionner les implants injectables et de mettre en évidence la régénération cornéenne des implants in vivo. Les défis rencontrés lors du développement des techniques d’examen et leur solution ont également été recueillis. Conclusion : Ces techniques utilisées à travers les deux modèles étudiés ont permis de recueillir des données préliminaires qui serviront à l’élaboration et l’optimisation d’un implant injectable qui sera testé chez les patients à haut risque de rejet dans le cadre d’un essai clinique. / Introduction: Corneal blindness is the 4th leading cause of blindness in the world and corneal transplantation remains the only accepted treatment. However, in many countries, eye banks are failing to meet demand and there is a growing need for alternatives to human corneas. In addition, in patients with corneal pathologies with severe inflammation, the prognosis of a transplant is at high risk of complications, failure and complete loss of vision. It is therefore necessary to develop implants capable of exceeding the important limits of native human grafts for these high-risk patients. Objective: To develop and test various clinical examination techniques to measure the biocompatibility and performance of corneal biosynthetic substitutes on ex vivo human corneas and in vivo feline corneas, for a subsequent implantation in humans. Methods: Surgical protocols were developed and tested with solid and liquid corneal substitutes. Slit lamp, optical coherence tomography, tonometry, esthesiometry, ultrasound pachymetry, specular and confocal microscopy, corneal surface topography, and angiography were optimized for ex vivo human corneas and in vivo animal models. Finally, the collection, maintenance and preparation of fresh corneal tissue were adapted for future studies of histopathology, transmission electron microscopy and immunohistopathology. Results and analyzes: The developed procedures have generated data to understand the impact of implants in corneal tissue in order to improve injectable implants and highlight the corneal regeneration of implants in vivo. Challenges encountered in the development of examination techniques and their solution were also collected. Conclusion: These techniques used across the different models have yielded preliminary data that will be used to develop and optimize an injectable implant that will be tested in patients at high risk of rejection as part of a clinical trial.

Buněčná a molekulární charakterizace selhaných transplantátů lidské rohovky. Role matrix metaloproteináz při opakované keratolýze lidské rohovky. / Cell and Molecular Characterization of Failed Human Corneal Grafts. The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Recurrent Corneal Melting.

Brejchová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work was to investigate the contribution of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to recurrent corneal melting. Twenty three melted corneas from seven patients were separated into three groups: a) patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome, b) those with rheumatoid arthritis and c) those with other corneal melting underlying pathologies. Eleven cadaverous corneas served as controls. The presence of MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -8, -9, and -13 was detected using indirect enzyme immunohistochemistry. The active forms of MMP-2 and -9 and MMP- 3 and -7 were examined by gelatin and casein zymography, respectively. The concentrations of active MMP-1 and -3 were measured using activity assays. Increased immunostaining intensity for MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -8 and -9 was shown in the corneal epithelium and the stroma of almost all melted corneas from all three groups compared to the negative or slightly positive staining of the controls. In the endothelium, immunostaining for MMP-2 and MMP-9 was increased in most specimens of groups II and III and group I, respectively. A markedly higher level of active MMP-2 was detected in six, and active MMP-9 in all, pathologic specimens compared to the controls. In contrast to the completely negative controls, the proenzymes of MMP-3 and -7 were detected in almost all melted...

Corneal Biomechanical Responses to Intraocular Pressure Using High Frequency Ultrasound Elastography: From Ex Vivo to In Vivo

Clayson, Keyton Leslie January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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