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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The suitability of a system of group taxation for South Africa, with specific reference to the recommendations of the Katz Commission

Kannenberg, Ernst August 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAcc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current South African tax dispensation does not make provision for a system of group taxation, which gives rise to various tax anomalies. The Katz Commission recommended the implementation of a consolidation system of group taxation in their third interim report. This study investigates the issue of group taxation with the objective of commenting on the Katz Commission's recommendation. Chapter 1 explains the purpose of a system of group taxation and discusses the different forms of group taxation. Furthermore, the theoretical norms or canons are described which can be used to evaluate the current tax treatment of groups as well as the different forms of group taxation. Chapter 2 investigates the current tax treatment of groups by focussing on the tax implications of various intra-group transactions. It is found that the current tax treatment of groups does not satisfy the canons of equity, neutrality, efficiency of tax collection, low administration cost and certainty. Although the absence of a system of group taxation may contribute to technical simplicity, such an absence also leads to complex tax schemes that attempt to exploit favourable tax anomalies or avoid unfavourable anomalies. Chapter 3 exammes certain Issues which may render a system of group taxation unnecessary or undesirable, even if such a system leads to better compliance with the canons of taxation. The conclusion is reached that none of these issues will cause such a result. With regard to the issue of divisionalisation as an alternative to group taxation, it is found that section 39 of the Taxation Laws Amendment, No. 20 of 1994 does not provide an accessible mechanism for divisionalisation. Furthermore, groups may be preferred over divisionalised companies for various commercial and legal reasons. With regard to the issue of limited liability of individual group companies (a benefit which is not available to individual divisions of a single company) it is found that group companies rarely abuse this benefit. In addition, a system of group taxation will complement the concept of limited liability in promoting economic growth. With regard to the issue of concentration of economic control and ownership, the conclusion is reached that group taxation will not lead to further concentration of economic control, as the intra-group shareholding required for group tax treatment will greatly exceed the intra-group shareholding necessary for economic control. A system of group taxation may even lead to the broadening of economic ownership by enabling minority shareholdings in group companies which would otherwise be structured as divisions of existing companies due to tax considerations. Chapter 4 compares the loss transfer system of group taxation with the consolidation system, using the canons of taxation as a reference framework. Because a loss transfer system is similar to the current tax treatment of groups, in the sense that both dispensations treat individual group companies as separate taxable entities, the current tax treatment of groups is included in the above mentioned comparison by implication. It is found that a consolidation system will satisfy the canons of taxation the best. Although such a system carries the risk of undue complexity, it should be possible to design and implement a specific system which will fall within the administrative capabilities of both taxpayers and tax authorities. Chapter 5 examines key recommendations of the Katz commission with regard to group taxation. The writer expresses his agreement with the commission's conclusion that a consolidation system of group taxation should be implemented gradually. Certain adjustments to the commission's recommendations are suggested, which will facilitate quicker implementation and increased simplicity. The current tax treatment of groups leads to tax anomalies which are highly unsatisfactory. From a theoretical as well as a practical perspective, the implementation of a consolidation system of group taxation will represent a significant improvement to the South African tax dispensation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika beskik tans nie oor 'n stelsel van groepbelasting nie, wat aanleiding gee tot verskeie belastinganomaliee. Die Katz-kommissie het die implementering van 'n gekonsolideerde stelsel van groepbelasting aanbeveel in hulle derde tussentydse verslag. Hierdie studie ondersoek die aangeleentheid van groepbelasting met die doel om kommentaar te !ewer op die Katz-kommissie se voorstelle in hierdie verband. In Hoofstuk 1 word die doel van 'n stelsel van groepbelasting verduidelik, en die verskillende vorme van groepbelasting bespreek. V erder word die teoretiese norme beskryf waaraan die huidige belastinghantering van groepe en die verskillende vorme van groepbelasting gemeet kan word. In Hoofstuk 2 word die huidige belastinghantering van groepe ondersoek deur te fokus op die belastingimplikasies van 'n verskeidenheid intra-groep transaksies. Dit word bevind dat die huidige belastinghantering van groepe nie lei tot billikheid, neutraliteit, effektiewe invordering van die belastinglas, lae administrasiekoste en sekerheid nie. En alhoewel die gebrek aan 'n stelsel van groepbelasting bydra tot tegniese eenvoud, lei dit terselfdetyd tot ingewikkelde, belastinggedrewe skemas wat poog om gunstige belastinganomaliee te benut en om ongunstige belastinganomaliee te vermy. In Hoofstuk 3 word sekere aangeleenthede ondersoek wat moontlik 'n stelsel van groepbelasting onnodig of onwenslik sal maak, selfs al sou so 'n stelsellei tot 'n meer gebalanseerde bevrediging van die teoretiese belastingnorme. Die slotsom word bereik dat geeneen van hierdie aangeleenthede we! so 'n resultaat sal he nie. Met betrekking tot divisionalisering as 'n altematief vir groepbelasting, word beslis dat artikel 39 van die Wysigingswet op Belastingwette, No. 20 van 1994 nie 'n toeganglike meganisme daarstel vir die divisionalisering van bestaande groepe nie. Uit 'n kommersiele en regsoogpunt bestaan daar boonop verskeie redes waarom groepe bo gedivisionaliseerde maatskappye verkies word. Met betrekking tot die beperkte aanspreeklikheid van afsonderlike groepmaatskappye ('n voordeel wat nie tot die beskikking is van divisies van 'n enkele maatskappy nie), word bevind dat groepe in praktyk selde hierdie voordeel misbruik of selfs benut. Voorts sal 'n stelsel van groepbelasting die konsep van beperkte aanspreeklikheid komplimenteer in die bevordering van ekonomiese groei. Met betrekking tot die konsentrasie van ekonomiese beheer en eienaarskap, word beslis dat 'n stelsel van groepbelasting nie die verdere konsentrasie van ekonomiese beheer sal aanhelp nie, aangesien die kwalifiserende aandeelhouding wat vir groepbelastinghantering vereis sal word, die aandeelhouding wat nodig is vir ekonomiese beheer ver sal oorskry. 'n Stelsel van groepbelasting mag voorts hydra tot die verbreding van aandeeleienaarskap, deurdat buiteaandeelhouers direkte belange sal kan opneem in ondernemings wat andersins gestruktureer sou word as divisies van bestaande maatskappye. In Hoofstuk 4 word verliesoordragstelsels en gekonsolideerde stelsels van groepbelasting in die algemeen vergelyk, met die belastingnorme as 'n verwysingsraamwerk. Aangesien 'n verliesoordragstelsel soortgelyk is aan die huidige belastinghantering van groepe, in die sin dat albei bedelings groepmaatskappye as afsonderlike belastingentiteite hanteer, word die huidige belastinghantering van groepe by implikasie ingesluit in die vergelyking. Die slotsom word bereik dat 'n gekonsolideerde stelsel van groepbelasting die mees bevredigende stelsel is in terme van 'n gebalanseerde voldoening aan die belastingnorme. Alhoewel 'n gekonsolideerde stelsel die risiko van kompleksiteit inhou, is dit moontlik om 'n spesifieke stelsel op sodanige wyse te ontwerp en implementeer dat dit wel administreerbaar sal wees. In Hoofstuk 5 word sleutelaanbevelings van die Katz-kommissie met betrekking tot groepbelasting ondersoek. Die skrywer spreek sy instemming uit met die kommissie se voorstelle vir die geleidelike implementering van 'n gekonsolideerde stelsel van groepbelasting. Sekere wysigings word aangebring aan die kommissie se voorstelle, ten einde verdere eenvoud en spoediger implementering teweeg te bring. W anneer die belastinganomaliee as gevolg van die huidige belastinghantering van groepe oorweeg word, is dit duidelik dat die huidige situasie onhoudbaar is. Uit 'n teoretiese en praktiese oogpunt, sal die implementering van 'n gekonsolideerde stelsel van groepbelasting 'n beduidende verbetering van die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingbedeling meebring.

Tax efficient finance for South African entities

20 August 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / At some stage in the development of multi-national organisations, the need for a company to raise adequate finance for the group and use the group's retained earnings in the most efficient way may well arise. In order to raise adequate finance tax efficiently, careful consideration should be given to, inter alia, income tax consequences pertinent to different jurisdictions considered as a possible locus for a finance company. Since South Africa's emergence into the modern day commercial village, many foreign investors were either re-introduced or introduced to South Africa as a place of business or potential business. Also, South African businesses started to expand more rapidly across the country's borders. Assuming, as the optimist would, that what has been experienced is only the start of greater things to come, the need for the development of international tax planning techniques and/or the identification of planning opportunities in the context of group finance companies is imperative. Naturally, such techniques can only be developed subsequent to analysing the tax systems of the home jurisdiction of potential major investors (for instance the United States of America) and/or of jurisdictions which traditionally represented planning opportunities from a South African perspective (for instance the Netherlands) and/or of jurisdictions that may become relevant from a planning perspective as a result of South Africa's transition or some other reason such as differences in tax systems opening up the opportunity for tax arbitrage (for instance Mauritius or Ireland, respectively). However, since the first and second of the above categories have been explored amply up until the current point in time there is no need to take them into account in yet another study.

Die belasting implikasies van besigheidstrusts

Botha, Pieter Stephanus 18 August 2015 (has links)
M.Com. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Verantwoording van belasting in die finansiële state van maatskappye

Vorster, Desire Dawn 26 May 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Accounting) / This study examines the disclosure of taxation in company financial statements. The following aspects were discussed: (a) The taxation expense in the income statement comprises of a current tax charge and deferred tax provision. (b) The extent of the recognition of the tax effects of timing differences in company financial statements. (c) The alternative measurement methods which can be applied to either partial or full allocation. (d) The effect of tax allocation on company financial statements 1n the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America. (e) Discounting of the deferred tax credit. (f) The development of generally accepted accounting practice ln South Africa relating to tax allocation. The discussion indicates that the South African statement with regard to the disclosure of taxation, promotes the usefulness of published financial information even though it is not free of criticism. A number of recommendations are made by which the problems currently being encountered with the South African statement on the disclosure of taxation in company financial statements, can be addressed.

Belastingoorwegings om in gedagte te hou by samesmeltings en oornames van Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye

De Bruin, Magdalena Maria 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: TAX CONSIDERATIONS OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS During the past few years the South African business environment experienced a considerable increase in corporate mergers and acquisitions. At a corporate tax rate of thirty per cent, the tax implications of mergers and acquisitions have an important impact on the financial success thereof. By way of background information, a short exposition of the characteristics, the various forms and the reasons for the increase, of mergers and acquisitions is provided. Essentially a merger or acquisition entails the acquisition of either the business of, or the shares in, the target company. A comparison is drawn between the tax consequences of the above two options for both parties to mergers and acquisitions. The composition of the purchase price payable by an acquiring company in respect of the acquisition of the target company's business or shares may have far reaching tax consequences. Consequently, the most commonly used arrangements relating to payment of the purchase price are scrutinized from a tax point of view. The bulk of the study consists of an analysis of particular aspects of mergers and acquisitions, which may, depending on how a particular transaction is structured, result in important tax benefits. The analysis is directed towards, firstly, establishing the tax consequences arising from mergers and acquisitions and, secondly, suggesting tax efficient structuring methods or alerting against structuring options that may have detrimental tax results. Some of the proposed tax structuring techniques have tax efficient results for one party to the merger or acquisition, but result in corresponding negative tax effects for the other. There are, however, opportunities to structure a tax efficient transaction in such a way to ensure that both parties share in the tax benefit. lt is even possible to, in respect of certain aspects of mergers and acquisitions, achieve a tax efficient result for both parties to the transaction without any commensurate disadvantage, or without them having to share the benefits thereof. lt is important to evaluate tax planning strategies against the general antiavoidance measures contained in the doctrine of substance over form and in tax legislation. Consequently, in the final analysis, the applicability of the antiavoidance measures to the tax planning strategies proposed in this study, is considered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: BELASTINGOORWEGINGS OM IN GEDAGTE TE HOU BY SAMESMEL TINGS EN OORNAMES VAN SUID-AFRIKAANSE MAATSKAPPYE Korporatiewe samesmeltings en oornames is 'n dinamiese en immer groeiende area van die Suid-Afrikaanse besigheidsomgewing. Teen 'n korporatiewe belastingkoers van dertig persent is die belastinggevolge van 'n samesmelting of oorname 'n belangrike faktor in die finansiele sukses daarvan. Ter agtergrondinligting word daar in hierdie studie 'n kort uiteensetting van wat 'n samesmelting en oorname behels, die verskillende vorme wat dit kan aanneem en die redes waarom samesmeltings en oornames plaasvind, gegee. In wese kan 'n samesmelting of oorname geskied deur die verkryging van of die besigheid of die aandele van 'n teikenmaatskappy. 'n Vergelyking tussen die belastingimplikasies van genoemde twee opsies word uit die perspektief van beide die verkrygende maatskappy en die teikenmaatskappy, getref. Die samestelling van die koopprys wat ingevolge 'n oorname of 'n samesmelting betaalbaar is, kan verreikende belastingimplikasies inhou. Die mees algemene wyses van betaling, en die belastinggevolge wat daaruit voortvloei, word dus geanaliseer. Die studie behels hoofsaaklik 'n ontleding van spesifieke aspekte inherent aan samesmeltings en oornames wat, afhangend van die strukturering van die transaksie, verskillende belastinggevolge inhou. Die doel met die ontleding is tweeledig, naamlik om, eerstens, die belastinggevolge van samesmeltings en oornames vas te stel en om, tweedens, enersyds voorstelle te maak vir effektiewe belastingstrukturering, en andersins te waarsku teen struktureringsopsies wat negatiewe belastinggevolge mag inhou. Sommige struktureringstegnieke hou voordelige belastinggevolge vir een party tot 'n samesmelting of oorname in, maar lei tot korresponderende nadelige belastinggevolge vir die ander party. In sommige gevalle is dit egter moontlik om 'n middeweg tussen die voordeel en korresponderende nadeel te vind, sodat die partye in die voordeel kan deel. Daar word ook aangetoon dat sommige aspekte van samesmeltings en oornames, indien dit noukeurig beplan word, belastingvoordele sonder enige korresponderende nadele vir beide partye kan inhou. Belastingbeplanningstegnieke moet egter aan die algemene teenvermydingsmaatreels wat in die leerstuk van wese bo vorm, asook in belastingwetgewing, vervat word, gemeet word. Die studie word dus afgesluit met 'n bespreking van die toepaslikheid van die algemene teenvermydingsmaatreels op die voorstelle wat gemaak word ten opsigte van belastingstruktureringsopsies.

'n Evalueering van die belastingstruktuur van Suid-Afrika se invloed op die ekonomie

14 October 2015 (has links)
M.Com. (Economics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Is tax legislation effectively discouraging employee share ownership?

Isaacman, Allon Joel January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com. (Taxation))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Accountancy, 2017 / Share incentive schemes have been used for many years as a mechanism to compensate, retain and attract talent by offering employees a stake in the business. Share incentives, however, usually contribute an increasingly larger portion of executive pay in comparison with general employees. The motive for larger share incentive based compensation is on the foundation that management must have a skin in the game in order for their interest to be appropriately aligned with shareholders. The Treasury and the South African Revenue Service (‘SARS’) have historically viewed share incentive schemes with suspicion. Treasury and SARS consider these schemes as salary conversion plans designed avoid tax. This has led to a litany of tax legislation that has sought to combat this so called avoidance. As things stand it appears the legislation is far too reaching and no longer reflects the commercial and economic reality of an increasingly entrepreneurial world. The aim of this research report is to ascertain whether the current tax policy is effectively discouraging employee share ownership. This paper will consider the impact of the current tax provisions on share incentive schemes for both the employees and their companies’. The United Kingdom offer tax advantages for employee share ownership plans thus the report will also include a comparison with the tax legislation governing share option schemes in the UK. The comparison will aid in recommending a more sensible and equitable way forward with regards to the taxation of share incentive schemes in South Africa. Key words: Share incentive plans, Section 8B, Section 8C, executive remuneration, equity based compensation / GR2018

Evaluating revenue collection and allocation challenges faced by Ndlambe Local Municipality (Eastern Cape Province)

Pieters, Nonkqubela Ntomboxolo January 2016 (has links)
In this project, the researcher evaluates revenue collection and allocation challenges faced by South African Municipalities in the case of NDLAMBE Local Municipality and this research project consist of five Chapters. Chapter one introduces and outlines the setting of the study and also provides the problem statement, research questions, research objectives and significance of the study. The chapter further clarifies the key concepts and terms that were used in the study, delimitation and limitations of the study. Chapter two provides a critical discussion of the concept of revenue collection and allocation, focusing on the various perspective of revenue. A source of municipal revenue and revenue collection and allocation model is explained as well as theoretical framework that guides it. Chapter three gives an account of the research design and methodology used in the study and in this study the researcher used the qualitative research approach as a data collection technique and document surveys were used because it is cheap and it saves time. The chapter also highlights the revenue collection and allocation applicable to the study and conclude by discussing the data analysis techniques that were used in the empirical study. Chapter four dealt with the data analysis of data collected presentation and discussion of the results and the researcher analyzed data using the filtering technique and content analysis. Chapter five drew conclusions and made scientific recommendations based on the research findings.The municipality is largely dependent on grants from upper spheres of government and generate less than 20 percent of current expenditures from own resources. As a whole, the revenue collection and allocation challenge of the NDLAMBE Local Municipality, given the current scenario of flows, is a reason for concern. Due to historical and political factors, local governments in South Africa differ substantially in terms of potential revenue base, but it may be that in many cases potential revenue is not exploited and that the high level of dependency on grants, high level of bad debts and lack of political will to be more self-reliant is the result of poor revenue in NDLAMBE Local Municipality.

Evaluating revenue collection and allocation challenges faced by Ndlambe Local Municipality (Eastern Cape Province)

Pieters, Nonkqubela Ntomboxolo January 2015 (has links)
In this project, the researcher evaluates revenue collection and allocation challenges faced by South African Municipalities in the case of NDLAMBE Local Municipality and this research project consist of five Chapters. Chapter one introduces and outlines the setting of the study and also provides the problem statement, research questions, research objectives and significance of the study. The chapter further clarifies the key concepts and terms that were used in the study, delimitation and limitations of the study. Chapter two provides a critical discussion of the concept of revenue collection and allocation, focusing on the various perspective of revenue. A source of municipal revenue and revenue collection and allocation model is explained as well as theoretical framework that guides it. Chapter three gives an account of the research design and methodology used in the study and in this study the researcher used the qualitative research approach as a data collection technique and document surveys were used because it is cheap and it saves time. The chapter also highlights the revenue collection and allocation applicable to the study and conclude by discussing the data analysis techniques that were used in the empirical study. Chapter four dealt with the data analysis of data collected presentation and discussion of the results and the researcher analyzed data using the filtering technique and content analysis. Chapter five drew conclusions and made scientific recommendations based on the research findings.The municipality is largely dependent on grants from upper spheres of government and generate less than 20 percent of current expenditures from own resources. As a whole, the revenue collection and allocation challenge of the NDLAMBE Local Municipality, given the current scenario of flows, is a reason for concern. Due to historical and political factors, local governments in South Africa differ substantially in terms of potential revenue base, but it may be that in many cases potential revenue is not exploited and that the high level of dependency on grants, high level of bad debts and lack of political will to be more self-reliant is the result of poor revenue in NDLAMBE Local Municipality.

A comparative study of South African small business corporation tax and turnover tax

Rahim, Aadila 06 1900 (has links)
This study compared the turnover tax and small business corporation tax systems in South Africa as applicable to micro and small businesses. Misinformed perceptions of the turnover tax system were the motivation for this study. A three phase approach was adopted to conduct this study, the phases being literature review, in-depth face-to-face interviews and quantitative analysis of financial statements which are referred to as case studies. The tax liability was calculated for each of the thirty cases and thereafter a comparative analysis was performed to establish the most beneficial tax system for each case study. The findings for year one revealed that the small business corporation tax system was the most beneficial tax system for fifteen of the thirty cases and turnover tax for the other fifteen cases. Over an average of five years, fourteen cases benefited from the small business corporation tax system and sixteen from turnover tax. There were a number of significant reasons why the above mentioned tax systems were appropriate for each of the thirty cases, one of which being, the type of business or industry where the case is located. The information obtained from this study could inform small and micro businesses about the most appropriate and beneficial tax system for their businesses. In addition the information emanating from this study could be used by tax practitioners to advise their clients on the most appropriate tax system for their businesses. Lastly, the results of this study could contribute to the debate around legislation for small and micro businesses. / Taxation / M. Com. (Accounting)

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