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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constraining fundamental physics with cosmology

Flauger, Raphael Manfred 04 February 2010 (has links)
It is shown in three examples that future cosmological data may allow us to constrain fundamental physics in interesting ways. The first example illustrates that correlations in the polarization of the cosmic microwave background may allow us to put the strongest limit yet on the mass of a particle, the graviton, at a level of m . 10−30 eV. In the second example, it is shown that observations of the correlations of temperature anisotropies and polarization of the cosmic microwave background may reveal hints for the realization of a class of string theoretic inflationary models that go by the name of axion monodromy inflation, or, rule them out. If the evidence for inflation strengthens substantially, just the requirement that inflation occurred may be used to constrain models of fundamental physics. The third example shows that a class of string compactifications that are commonly used in the context of string phenomenology cannot support inflation and might thus be ruled out by cosmology. For completeness, a review of the physics underlying the cosmic microwave background radiation is included and some analytical results for the signatures of primordial gravitational waves in the cosmic microwave background are given. / text

Cenários unificados para a expansão acelerada do Universo / Unified Scenarios for the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe

Graef, Leila Lobato 24 June 2015 (has links)
Nos encontramos atualmente em um momento histórico privilegiado para a cosmologia. Na última década, o grande progresso das observações astronô- micas permitiu que diversos modelos cosmológicos pudessem ser testados com grande precisão. Com uma série de resultados observacionais sendo lançados, obtivemos informações valiosas sobre a expansão acelerada do universo primitivo e a expansão acelerada atual. Em sua essência, tais esforços observacionais buscam esclarecer algumas das questões mais fundamentais da cosmologia moderna, como a compreensão do mecanismo responsável pela aceleração do universo. Muitas perguntas estão associadas à tal questão, entre elas podemos citar: (i) Qual a natureza da substância, ou qual a origem do fenômeno, que está atualmente acelerando a expansão do universo? (ii) Por qual razão esta expansão acelerada iniciou recentemente (nos últimos 5-8 bilhões de anos), e não no passado distante ou no futuro remoto? (iii) Qual a variante inflacionária que operou no universo primitivo e qual sua conexão (se existe alguma) com o atual estágio acelerado do universo? Em nossa compreensão, as indagações acima fazem parte dos maiores problemas da cosmologia atual. A ampla abrangência de tais questões significa que avanços em qualquer uma delas terá implicações teóricas e observacionais em outras áreas envolvendo a interface formada pela Astronomia, Cosmologia e Física de Partículas. As três questões acima estão diretamente conectadas com os objetivos do presente trabalho. Acreditamos também que seu estudo pode lançar alguma luz e melhorar nossa compreensão sobre questões mais fundamentais da física. Neste contexto, analisamos diferentes modelos cosmológicos para a acelera- ção do universo à luz dos mais recentes dados observacionais de supernovas, radiação cósmica de fundo e oscilações acústicas de bárions. Propomos, aqui, alternativas ao Modelo Padrão da Cosmologia, ao mostrar que diversos fenômenos físicos podem estar associados à expansão do universo, gerando a aceleração observada sem a necessidade de se introduzir componentes desconhecidas no universo além da matéria escura. Além de desenvolver uma revisão crítica do Modelo Padrão, discutimos nesta tese especialmente três modelos para a expansão acelerada do universo. O primeiro deles considera a aceleração cósmica como sendo efeito da criação quântica de partículas de matéria escura, ou radiação, às custas do campo gravitacional variando continuamente com a expansão do universo. O segundo modelo considera o processo de viscosidade volumar no fluido cosmológico como sendo responsável pela aceleração. Esta viscosidade volumar se deve à perda de equilíbrio termodinâmico durante a expansão do fluido. O terceiro modelo, o modelo de decaimento do vácuo, considera como responsá- vel pela aceleração uma energia do vácuo que decai nas outras componentes cósmicas continuamente ao longo do tempo. Analisamos as relações existentes entre estes três modelos, além do Modelo Padrão, e as condições sob as quais os mesmos fornecem uma dinâmica equivalente para o universo. Também obtemos interessantes vínculos para os parâmetros destes modelos ao fazermos, além de uma análise observacional, uma análise teórica baseada na dinâmica e na termodinâmica associada a cada cenário. Sugerimos que estes cenários são capazes de aliviar diversos problemas conceituais do Modelo Padrão da Cosmologia. Numa segunda etapa, mostramos que os processos físicos descritos acima podem ser responsáveis tanto pela aceleração cósmica atual, quanto pela aceleração primordial que se supõe ter ocorrido no universo antigo. Tal abordagem fornece uma descrição unificada para a evolução cosmológica. Acreditamos ser de fundamental importância que o processo que dirigiu a aceleração primordial possa ser relacionado com o mesmo responsável pela atual fase de expansão acelerada do universo. Além disto, é possível que as dificuldades que atingem a interface que une a Relatividade Geral, a Cosmologia e a Teoria Quântica de Campos possam ser amenizadas através de uma melhor compreensão do processo de criação gravitacional de partículas, do decaimento do vácuo e suas conexões com o contexto da inflação primordial. Para comparar e vincular os modelos propostos, analisamos também o processo de formação das estruturas cosmológicas nestes modelos. Introduzimos a teoria de perturbações cosmológicas, primeiramente, através de uma análise do Modelo Padrão. A partir daí, apresentamos uma abordagem mais geral para o tratamento das perturbações chamada teoria de campo efetiva para a inflação. Neste contexto, analisamos quais previsões são obtidas ao se quebrar algumas suposições usualmente assumidas nestes modelos. Por fim, através de uma análise do espectro de potências primordial do modelo de criação gravitacional de partículas e do modelo de viscosidade, mostramos, pela primeira vez, que os mesmos podem ser capazes de gerar um cenário inflacionário para o universo primitivo em concordância com as observações atuais. / We are currently in a privileged moment for cosmology. In the last decade, the great progress of astronomical observations made possible that several cosmological models could be tested with great accuracy. With several observational data being released we obtained valuable information concerning the primordial acceleration of the universe and the recent accelerated expansion. Essentially, these observational efforts aim to clarify some of the most fundamental questions of modern cosmology, which concerns the understanding of the mechanism responsible for the acceleration of the universe. Many questions are related to this issue, among them we can mention: (i) What is the nature of the substance, or what is the origin of the phenomenom, responsible for the acceleration of the expansion? (ii) For which reason the accelerated expansion started recently (within the last 5-8 billion years), and not in the distant past or distant future? (iii) What is the inflationary variant that operated in the early universe, and what is its connection (if there is any) with the current accelerated stage of the universe? In our understanding the above questions are part of the biggest problems in modern cosmology. The interconnection between these issues means that advances in any of them will have theoretical and observational implications in other areas involving the interface formed by Astronomy, Cosmology and Particle Physics. The three questions above are directly connected to the objectives of this work. We also belive that their study can shed some light in our understanding of the remaining issues. In this context, we analyze different cosmological models for the acceleration of the universe in the light of the latest data released from supernovae, cosmic microwave background and baryon acoustic oscillations, comparing the results with the ones concerning the Standard Model of Cosmology. We propose alternatives to the Standard Model of Cosmology, by showing that several physical phenomena can be associated to the expansion of the universe, producing the observed acceleration without the need to introduce unknown components in the universe besides the dark matter. In addition to developing a critical revision of the Standard Model, we discuss in this thesis especially three models for the accelerated expansion of the universe. The first one considers the cosmic acceleration as an effect of the creation of dark matter particles, or radiation, at the expense of the gravitational field varying continuously with the expansion of the universe. The second model considers the process of bulk viscosity in the cosmological fluid as being responsible for the acceleration of the universe. This bulk viscosity is due to the loss of local thermodynamic equilibrium during the expansion of the fluid. The third model, the vacuum decaying model, considers as responsible for the acceleration, a vacuum energy which decays continuously into other cosmological components. We analyze the relations between these three models, and also the Standard Model, and the conditions under which they provide an equivalent dynamic to the universe. We also obtain interesting constraints for the parameters of these models by making, besides an observacional analysis, a theoretical analysis based on the dynamics and thermodynamics associated to each scenario. We will show that these alternative scenarios are able to alleviate several theoretical problems of the Standard Cosmological Model. In a second part, we show that the physical phenomena described above may be responsible for the recent cosmic acceleration, as well as for the primordial acceleration that is supposed to have occurred in the early universe. Such approach provides an unified description for the cosmological history. We belive it is of great importance that the process responsible for inflation can be identified with the one responsible for the current phase of accelerated expansion of the universe. Moreover, it is quite possible that the difficulties concerning the interface connecting General Relativity, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory can be reduced through a better understanding of the gravitational particle creation process, the decay of the vacuum and its connections with the primordial inflationary context. In order to constrain and compare the models proposed here, we also analyse the process of cosmological structure formation in these models. We firstly introduce the perturbation theory through an analysis of the Standard Model. Then we introduce a more general approach to the treatment of cosmological perturbations which is called effective field theory of inflation. In this context, we analyse which predictions are obtained when we break some of the assumptions usually imposed in these models. Finally, through an analysis of the primordial power spectrum of the gravitational particle creation model and the viscosity model, we show, for the first time, that these models are able to describe an inflationary scenario for the early universe totally in agreement with current observations.

Polarização da radiação cósmica de fundo / Cosmic microwave background polarization

Reimberg, Paulo Henrique Flose 03 September 2009 (has links)
Utilizando conceitos de macânica quântica e teoria cinética apresentamos uma rederivação da equação de Boltzmann para a polarização. Mostramos a equivalência entre a equação que derivamos e a equação de Boltzmann encontrada na literatura ( [1], [2], [3] ) além de mostrar que essas derivações correspondem a considerar-se o efeito, sobre a polarização dos fótons da radiação cósmica de fundo, de dois espalhamentos Thompson com elétrons durante recombinação. Conduzimo-nos, ainda, a descrever a polarização completamente no espaço real, como iniciado em [4] em um caso especial. Mostramos a possibilidade dessa conversão, recobramos a geometria que está associada ao estudo do problema no espaço real e verificamos satisfeitas as condições de causalidade. / Applying concepts of quantum mechanics and kinetic theory we show a re-derivation of Boltzmann equation for the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. We show the equivalence between our derivation and those already known ( [1], [2], [3] ) and also that these derivations correspond to take into account the effect, on the photon polarization, of two Thompson scattering on electrons while decoupling from matter. We adress ourselves, then, to give a complete formalism for the CMB polarization problem in real space, as started in [4] in a special case. Besides the possibility of complete treatment of the problem in real space, we recover the geometry that describes it and that tha causal relations are satisfied.

Expansion after inflation and reheating with a charged inflaton

Lozanov, Kaloian Dimitrov January 2017 (has links)
Within the inflationary paradigm, our patch of the universe near the end of inflation is highly homogeneous and isotropic as necessitated by cosmic microwave background observations. This patch, however, is also in a cold and non-thermal state. A successful model of an inflationary primordial universe should account for how the universe transitioned from an inflationary to a radiation-dominated, hot, thermal phase required for the production of light elements via big-bang nucleosynthesis. It is desirable for such a model also to include a mechanism for the generation of the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry and perhaps a primordial mechanism for the generation of cosmic magnetic fields. The transition from an inflationary to a radiation-dominated, thermal phase (reheating) is likely to be phenomenologically rich. Reheating could include explosive particle production and various other non-perturbative, non-linear and non-equilibrium phenomena. Reheating can leave its own observational signatures in the form of gravitational waves and non-Gaussianities. Importantly, reheating can also affect the observational predictions of the preceding phase of inflation. Reheating remains an active field of research, with significant gaps in our understanding of the process. This thesis is an attempt to improve our understanding of the period following inflation, including reheating, through an exploration and analysis of realistic post-inflationary models with the aid of detailed numerical simulations. The focus of the studies is on aspects of the models with potential observational implications. In Part I of this thesis, we provide an overview of inflation and its end, concentrating on our current understanding of reheating and the challenges we face in trying to constrain reheating observationally. In Part II, we consider the post-inflationary expansion history in a broad class of observationally-favoured single-field models of inflation. Generally, the ambiguity in the expansion history of reheating can cause significant uncertainty in predictions for inflationary observables such as the spectral index, n_s, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r. The work in this part considers the full non-linear evolution of the inflaton during the initial stages of reheating and places bounds on the post-inflationary expansion history when perturbative couplings of the inflaton to other relativistic fields are included. In Part III, we investigate non-perturbative particle production and non-linear dynamics after inflation in models where the inflaton is charged under global/local symmetries. We first explore the effects of the non-linear inflaton dynamics for the generation of matter-antimatter asymmetry in the case where a global U(1) symmetry of the inflaton is weakly broken. We find a parameter range in which the model successfully predicts the observed baryon-to-photon ratio. We then consider the particle production during and after inflation in models with a charged inflaton under Abelian, U(1), and non-Abelian, SU(2) and U(1) x SU(2), gauge symmetries. Finally, we present a novel algorithm for evolving the full set of coupled, non-linear equations describing the U(1) charged inflaton and accompanying gauge fields on a lattice in an expanding universe. The novel feature here is that the gauge constraints are satisfied to machine precision when the gravitational dynamics are self-consistently included at the background level, and there are no restrictions on the order of the time-integrators.

Tests of the Planck cosmology at high and low redshifts

Lemos Portela, Pablo January 2019 (has links)
The inflationary ΛCDM cosmology currently provides an accurate description of the Universe. It has been tested using several observational techniques over a wide redshift range, and it provides a good fit to most of them. In addition, it is a surprisingly economical model, requiring only six parameters to characterize the background cosmology and its fluctuations. In this model, the Universe is dominated by a cosmological constant Λ driving an accelerated expansion, and by cold dark matter. The strongest constraints on parameters to date come from observations of the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background measured by the Planck satellite. There are, however, indications of features in the Planck power spectra, possible differences with high redshift ground-based CMB experiments, and 'tensions' between Planck and low redshift measurements of the Hubble constant and weak gravitational lensing. In this thesis, we review possible tensions and extensions to the Planck cosmology, at both high and low redshifts. We begin with the high redshift analysis, using the Planck data to test models which introduce oscillatory features in the primordial power spectrum. We also study possible departures from slow roll inflation using the generalized slow-roll formalism, which allows for order unity deviations. Although we find models which give marginal improvements on the temperature or polarization power spectra, the combination of temperature and polarization is found to be consistent with a featureless power-law primordial spectrum. We then focus on measurements of the polarized CMB sky by the South Pole Telescope collaboration, who report tension between their measurements and the ΛCDM cosmology and with the cosmological parameters determined by Planck. We find evidence of a high χ2 in the SPTpol spectra which is unlikely to be cosmological. We report consistency between the Planck and SPTpol polarization spectra over the multipoles accessible to Planck (l ∼< 1500). We then investigate tension at low redshifts. We begin with weak gravitational lensing in which a number of surveys have suggested that the amplitude of the fluctuation spectra is lower than the Planck value. We review the small-angle approximations commonly used in galaxy weak lensing analyses and their effect on cosmological parameters. We find that these approximations are perfectly adequate for present and near future experiments. We find internal inconsistencies in the recent KiDS-450 analysis involving photometric redshifts and the KiDS covariance matrix at large scales. Finally, we investigate the difference between measurements of the present day expansion rate of the Universe. We apply a novel parameterization of the inverse distance ladder to determine the present date value of the Hubble parameter H0, which assumes General Relativity but makes no further assumptions about systematic errors or the nature of dark energy. Our analysis uses baryon acoustic oscillation data and Type Ia Supernovae to constrain the expansion history assuming a value of the sound horizon determined from the CMB. Our results are in tension with recent direct determinations of H0. We conclude that this tension, if real, cannot be solved by modifications of the ΛCDM model at late times. Instead, we would require a modification of the theory at early times which reduces the sound horizon. We conclude that at this time there is no compelling evidence that conflicts with the ΛCDM cosmology either at low or at high redshifts.

Inflation : connecting theory with observables

Kenton, Zachary January 2017 (has links)
Information about the very early universe can be accessed from observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and the later formation of large-scale structure (LSS) that are produced from cosmological perturbations of the early universe. The most developed theoretical explanation for the origin of these perturbations is the theory of inflation, in which the early universe undergoes a period of accelerated expansion, amplifying quantum fluctuations to macroscopic size, which act as the seeds for the CMB anisotropies and the cosmic web of the LSS. The work in this thesis aims to connect the theory of inflation to properties of these observables in a highly detailed way, suitable for future high-precision astronomical surveys. After some introductory review chapters, we begin with new research on a study of inflation from string theory, deriving an observably-large value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio, which had been previously difficult to achieve theoretically. The next study investigates the link between the observed CMB power asymmetry and non-Gaussianity, including a novel non-zero value for the trispectrum. Next we study soft limits of non-Gaussian inflationary correlation functions, focussing first on the squeezed limit of the bispectrum and then generalizing to soft limits of higher-point correlation functions, giving results valid for multi-fi eld models of inflation.

Tomografia do potencial gravitacional primordial através da polarização da radiação cósmica de fundo em aglomerados de galáxias / Tomography of the primordial gravitational potential using cosmic microwave background polarization in galaxy clusters

Xavier, Henrique Scemes 26 November 2007 (has links)
Após uma revisão das bases da cosmologia moderna e dos mecanismos de produção de anisotropias na radiação cósmica de fundo, calculamos a relação entre a polarização da radiação cósmica de fundo causada por espalhamento Thomson no gás ionizado presente em aglomerados de galáxias e o potencial gravitacional da época do desacoplamento dos fótons com a matéria, em z \' 1100. Mostramos como é possível realizar, em teoria, uma tomografia desse potencial gravitacional em todo o universo observável e como a correlação desse sinal de polarização com o contraste de densidade de matéria poderia nos ajudar a restringir parâmetros cosmológicos. Entretanto, o fraco sinal esperado para essa polarização nos leva à conclusão de que uma tomografia do potencial gravitacional, através desse método, é impraticável no futuro próximo. / After a review of the foundations of modern cosmology and the cosmic microwave background anisotropies production mechanisms, we calculated the relation between the cosmic microwave background polarization caused by Thomson scattering in the ionized gas found in galaxy clusters and the gravitational potential from the photon decoupling epoch, on z \' 1100. We have shown how it is possible to make, in theory, a tomography of this potential over all the observable universe and how the correlation of this polarization signal with the matter density contrast could help us constrain cosmological parameters. However, the weak signal expected for this polarization shows that a gravitational potential tomography using this method is unfeasible in the near future.


Andrus, Ryan Charles 17 September 2013 (has links)
LAMBDA was an exploration of science and art in two components: a performance-lecture and an art installation. This project asserted that performance and art are effective methods of delivering scientific information to a general audience. The first component was a solo performance-lecture that used lights, projection, costumes, props, and sound in a hybrid classroom space. The performance-lecture covered the topics of light, the Aurora Borealis, gravitational lensing, and the cosmic microwave background. The art installation used light emitting objects to visually represent the gravitational disturbances that exist within a section of space-time. / text

The kinematic and thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects as probes of cosmology and astrophysics

Soergel, Bjoern January 2018 (has links)
A small fraction of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons scatter off electrons in the ionised gas in collapsed structures. This process, known as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, is usually broken down into a thermal (tSZ) and a kinematic (kSZ) contribution. While the former is sensitive to the random velocities of the electrons in the hot gas, the latter is sourced by the bulk motion of the entire object. In this thesis I measure the signature of both of these effects by cross-correlating CMB data with different tracers of the large-scale structure. I further study how these effects can be used as probes of cosmology and astrophysics. I first report a statistically significant detection of the kSZ effect. This is achieved by combining a cluster catalogue derived from the first year data of the Dark Energy Survey with CMB temperature maps from the South Pole Telescope. I perform the measurement with a differential statistic that isolates the pairwise kSZ signal, providing the first detection of the large-scale motion of clusters using redshifts derived from photometric data. By fitting the pairwise kSZ signal to a theoretical template, I measure the average central optical depth of the cluster sample. I compare the extracted signal to simulations and find good agreement with respect to the signal-to-noise, the constraint on the optical depth, and the corresponding gas fraction. I next study the potential of the kSZ effect as a probe of cosmology, again focussing on the pairwise method. The main challenge is disentangling the cosmologically interesting mean pairwise velocity from the cluster optical depth and the associated uncertainties on the baryonic physics in clusters. Using the Magneticum cosmological hydrodynamical simulations I calibrate a scaling relation between the amplitude of the tSZ signal and the optical depth. I show that this relation can be used to recover an accurate estimate of the mean pairwise velocity from the kSZ signal, and that this effect can therefore be used as a probe of cosmology. I finally derive constraints on feedback from active galactic nuclei by setting limits on their tSZ signal. By combining all-sky microwave, sub-mm, and far-infrared data from the Planck and AKARI satellites, I break the degeneracy between the tSZ signature and extragalactic dust emission. I test the measurement pipeline with a catalogue of galaxy clusters, finding the expected high-significance tSZ detection together with correlated dust emission. I then measure the tSZ signal of spectroscopically confirmed quasi-stellar objects (QSOs), but obtain only a low-significance hint of a tSZ signature. This analysis leads to a lower mean thermal energy than reported in some previous studies which were contaminated by dust emission. A comparison of these results to hydrodynamical simulations can be used as a probe of QSO host masses.

Investigating Galaxy Evolution and Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Galaxy formation is a complex process with aspects that are still very uncertain or unknown. A mechanism that has been utilized in simulations to successfully resolve several of these outstanding issues is active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback. Recent work has shown that a promising method for directly measuring this energy is by looking at small increases in the energy of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons as they pass through ionized gas, known as the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (tSZ) effect. In this work, I present stacked CMB measurements of a large number of elliptical galaxies never before measured using this method. I split the galaxies into two redshift groups, "low-z" for z=0.5-1.0 and “high-z” for z=1.0-1.5. I make two independent sets of CMB measurements using data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), respectively, and I use data from the Planck telescope to account for contamination from dust emission. With SPT I find average thermal energies of 7.6(+3.0/−2.3) × 10^60 erg for 937 low-z galaxies, and 6.0(+7.7/−6.3) × 10^60 erg for 240 high-z galaxies. With ACT I find average thermal energies of 5.6(+5.9/−5.6) × 10^60 erg for 227 low-z galaxies, and 7.0(+4.7/−4.4) × 10^60 erg for 529 high-z galaxies. I then attempt to further interpret the physical meaning of my observational results by incorporating two large-scale cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, one with (Horizon-AGN) and one without (Horizon-NoAGN) AGN feedback. I extract simulated tSZ measurements around a population of galaxies equivalent to those used in my observational work, with matching mass distributions, and compare the results. I find that the SPT measurements are consistent with Horizon-AGN, falling within 0.4σ at low-z and 0.5σ at high-z, while the ACT measurements are very different from Horizon-AGN, off by 6.9σ at low-z and 14.6σ at high-z. Additionally, the SPT measurements are loosely inconsistent with Horizon-NoAGN, off by 1.8σ at low-z but within 0.6σ at high-z, while the ACT measurements are loosely consistent with Horizon-NoAGN (at least much more so than with Horizon-AGN), falling within 0.8σ at low-z but off by 1.9σ at high-z. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Astrophysics 2017

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