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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of knowledge and importance of country-of-origin information in female consumers’ purchase intent of exotic crocodile leather accessories

Chambers, Hanri January 2017 (has links)
The study investigated the role of knowledge (objective knowledge and subjective knowledge) and the importance of country-of-origin in female consumers’ purchasing intent of exotic crocodile leather accessories. The study was conducted across South Africa and specifically concentrated on exotic crocodile leather accessories, which is a subset category in the luxury apparel industry. Consulta Research is a professional research company and was consulted to assist with the data collection. A quantitative descriptive approach was followed by developing an electronic survey design. Data was collected by using a selfadministrated online questionnaire, which was distributed by a research company. A crosssectional study was used to conduct the research. The data was collected by means of nonprobability convenient sampling. A total of 337 questionnaires were completed. Scales from previous research studies were adapted for the purpose of this study. The questionnaire was part of a bigger study and only five sections of the questionnaire were relevant to this specific study. Descriptive and association methods were used to analyse the data. Pearson correlation and Spearman correlation were used to analyse the data by means of relationships between variables. This study attempts to differentiate between consumers’ objective and subjective knowledge of luxury leather accessories. The construct objective knowledge was theoretically divided into intrinsic-related attributes and extrinsic-related attributes of the products of investigation. The relationship between objective knowledge and purchasing intent as well as the relationship between the importance of country-of-origin information and purchasing intent of exotic crocodile leather accessories was investigated. The findings regarding exotic crocodile leather accessories showed that females’ objective and subjective knowledge is limited, did not seem to find country-of-origin information important, had a weak purchase intent, and indicated that there was statistical significance only between the female consumers’ purchasing intent and their objective knowledge regarding the intrinsicrelated attributes of exotic crocodile leather accessories. The limitations of the study are that the results are based on non-probability convenience sampling, therefore the findings cannot be generalized to the whole South Africa, or to all the exotic leather industry markets for affluent consumers. One would have liked to have approached a population group that consisted of affluent respondents with an annual household income of more than R100 000. The study’s findings can contribute to the South African exotic crocodile leather industry and specifically to retailers, manufacturers, tanneries, and marketers. The findings and conclusions drawn in this study contribute to existing theory and could serve as the basis for future research in consumer behaviour, consumer science and the luxury exotic leather industry in South Africa. / Die studie het die rol van produk-kennis (objektiewe kennis en subjektiewe kennis) en die belangrikheid van inligting aangaande land-van-oorsprong in vroulike verbruikers se koopintensie met betrekking tot eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede ondersoek. Die studie is regoor Suid-Afrika uitgevoer, en daar is spesifiek gekonsentreer op eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede, wat ʼn sub-kategorie in die luukse klerebedryf uitmaak. Consulta Research is ʼn professionele navorsingsmaatskappy en is geraadpleeg om te help met die data-insameling. ʼn Kwantitatiewe deskriptiewe benadering is gevolg deur ʼn elektroniese opname-ontwerp te ontwikkel. Die data is ingesamel deur die gebruik van ʼn selftoegepaste aanlyn-vraelys, wat deur ʼn navorsingsmaatskappy versprei is. ʼn Dwarssneestudie is gebruik om die navorsing te doen. Die data is ingesamel deur middel van niewaarskynlikheids- gerieflikheid-steekproefneming. ʼn Totaal van 337 vraelyste is voltooi. Skale uit vorige navorsingstudies is aangepas vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie. Die vraelys het deel gevorm van ʼn groter studie en slegs vyf afdelings van die vraelys het betrekking op hierdie spesifieke studie. Pearson-korrelasie en Spearman-korrelasie is gebruik om die data deur middel van die verhoudings tussen veranderlikes te analiseer. Hierdie studie poog om te onderskei tussen die verbruikers se objektiewe en subjektiewe produk-kennis van luukse leer-produkte. Die produk wat genavors word se objektiewe kennis is teoreties onderverdeel in intrinsiek-verwante kenmerke en ekstrinsiek-verwante eienskappe. Die verhouding tussen objektiewe kennis en koopintensie, asook die verhouding tussen die belangrikheid van inligting aangaande die land-van-oorsprong en die koopintensie met betrekking tot eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede is ondersoek. Die bevindinge met betrekking tot eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede het getoon dat vroulike verbruikers beperkte objektiewe kennis en subjektiewe kennis beskik, blykbaar nie inligting aangaande land-van-oorsprong as belangrik beskou nie, ʼn swak koopintensie het, en het aangedui dat daar statistiese beduidendheid was slegs tussen die vroulike verbruikers se koopintensie en hul objektiewe kennis aangaande die intrinsiek-verwante eienskappe van eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede. Die beperkinge van die studie is dat die resultate gebaseer was op nie-waarskynlikheidsgerieflikheidsteekproefneming, wat beteken dat die bevindings nie veralgemeen kan word na die hele Suid-Afrika nie, of na al die eksotieseleer-bedryfsmarkte vir welgestelde verbruikers nie. ʼn Mens sou graag ʼn populasiegroep wou kon bestudeer wat bestaan uit welgestelde respondente met ʼn jaarlikse huishoudelike inkomste van meer as R100 000. Die studie se bevindinge kan bydra tot die Suid-Afrikaanse eksotiese krokodilleerbedryf en spesifiek vir kleinhandelaars, vervaardigers, leerlooierye, en bemarkers. Die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings in hierdie studie dra by tot bestaande teorie en kan dien as die basis vir toekomstige navorsing in verbruikersgedrag, verbruikerswetenskappe en die luukse, eksotiese leerbedryf in Suid-Afrika. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted

Auswirkungen des Heimatlandes internationaler Unternehmen auf den Erfolgseffekt der Internationalität –: Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie

Dammenhayn, Paul 15 November 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Internationalität und Unternehmenserfolg. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Analyse der Heimatlandfaktoren. Ziel ist es, den Einfluss der Rahmenbedingungen im Heimatland auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Internationalität und Unternehmenserfolg zu quantifizieren.

Country of Origin Image Appeals and the Purchase Propensity of Consumers : An experimental study / Country of Origin Image Appeals and the Purchase Propensity of Consumers : An experimental study

Waltrick, Davi Rogerio January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how dimensions of Country of Origin Image (COI) can impact the purchase propensity of consumers. Drawing on the literature of international marketing, consumer behaviour, and social psychology, an experiment with a three-product category (experiential, functional, and symbolic) was designed to analyse purchase propensity of Swedish consumers for Brazilian products. To collect the data, Swedish consumers divided into three groups were part of the experiment. Each group had contact with one product category having five advertisements with different appeals, answering a survey sent via e-mail. Overall, COI appeals was found to have a higher purchase propensity benefit than no COI. Evidence was found that dimensions have different purchase propensity benefit among the product categories. The findings offer evidence that in a cultural distance setting, COI appeals should be implemented for the increase of purchase propensity, with adaptation based on context. / <p>Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the presentation took place on-line, in a Zoom conference.</p>

Länder som varumärken : Hur värderar svenska konsumenter olika varors ursprungsländer?

Bergström, Albert, Snellman, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker svenska konsumenters värdeuppfattning av fem olika produkter med varierande engagemangsnivå, beroende på produktens tillverkningsland. Detta för att förse företag vilka har svenska konsumenter som kunder med ett kvantitativt underlag på värdeförändringen då likvärdiga produkter har olika ursprungsländer. De produkter som undersöktes var en bil, en högtalare, en T-shirt, en kastrull samt ett kollegieblock. De tillverkningsländer, av varierande utvecklingsgrad, som undersöktes var Sverige, Tyskland, USA, Ryssland och Kina. Studien undersökte även hur ett välkänt varumärke inverkar på den så kallade Country-of-Origin-effekten. Utifrån tidigare forskning och teorier konstruerades hypoteser vilka testades mot data från svenska konsumenter inhämtad genom en internetbaserad enkät. Resultaten påvisade för samtliga produkter en väsentlig skillnad i värdeuppfattning beroende på produktens tillverkningsland, där faktorer som country image samt etnocentrism tycks ha haft en stor inverkan. Vidare visades att ett välkänt varumärke minskade Country-of-origin-effekten, dock endast för produkter av högre engagemangsnivå.

Impact of country of origin on consumer purchase intention among Pakistani customers buying fashion clothes online

Khan, Hafiz Azhar Ahmed January 2022 (has links)
Title: Impact of country of origin on consumer purchase intention amongPakistani customers buying fashion clothes onlineLevel: Master Programme in Business Administration (MBA): Business ManagementAuthor: Hafiz Azhar Ahmed KhanSupervisor: Dr. Ehsanul Huda Chowdhury &amp; Dr. Katarina ArbinExaminer: Dr. Daniella FjellströmDate: March 2022Aim: The research study investigates the impact of country of origin on consumerpurchase intention through consumer preference for Pakistani consumers buying fashioncloth online.Method: The study is using a quantitative research method Data has been collectedthrough a questionnaire that 157 respondents answered. Results were analyzed throughSPSS.Results &amp; Conclusions: The results of this study show that country of origin andconsumer purchase intention has a significant relationship with each other, andconsumer preference mediates the relationship between the variables. Furthermore, itdepicts that when consumers take the country of origin positively, their purchaseintention also becomes positive and vice versa. Further, it has also been found thatconsumer preference builds a strong relationship between a country of origin andpurchase intention.Contribution of the thesis: The current idea has contributed to research related to thecountry of origin because there is no specific study in the Pakistani context which hasstudied the impact of country of origin on consumer preference and how preference canmediate the country of origin‘s effect on consumer purchase intention. In both ways,current research has explained how Country of origin is positively changing preferencesof fashion clothes, and mediation of consumer preference is also proven. It extends theliterature on the Country of origin concerning new context and new mediating variables.It makes the findings of the theory of planned behavior more significant for extrinsiciicues. It also guides managers to schedule their ads and marketing strategies to makethem more successful and competitive.Suggestions for future research: Future researchers should take the current research tothe next level and identify more outcomes of country of origin, such as how it can betterbrand equity or Sales volume. Furthermore, comparative studies can be conducted inwhich a developing and developed country can be specified. Responses for bothcountries should be obtained separately, and then differences can be brought to see themultilevel impact of country of origin. Another suggestion for future research is toconduct a comparative study between online and physical shoppers as the currentresearch was limited to online fashion clothes only

Minnet av omtalade matskandaler : Hur mycket minns svenska konsumenter?

Elvira, Jansson, Rimmerfors, Filippa January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


Xinyue Li (14232929) 09 December 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of purchasing purposes and country of origin on consumer’s purchasing intentions for sparkling wine, considering the effect of consumer’s value perceptions on the product. Two study populations were investigated: general U.S. wine consumers and self-identified food and beverage practitioners. It was found that for the general U.S. wine consumers, buying wine for gift giving or self-gifting would result in different purchasing intention and perceived emotional-social value, but Country of Origin (e.g., French Champagne or U.S. Sparkling Wine) did not result in any differences in purchasing intentions or perceived values. The practitioner group did not note any significant differences  between scenarios given the purchasing purposes and country of origin on their purchasing intentions and perceived values. Correlations of perceived emotional-social value, perceived price value and purchasing intention were found. Several practical and theoretical implications were presented. </p>

Is your brand loyalty affected by the country? : An explanatory investigation of the relationship between brand loyalty and country-of-origin in a Swedish context

Eriksson, Christoffer, Dahlgren, Sofia, Sunnegårdh, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Background: Brand loyalty is a rather old concept and has become a central part of everybrand and there are many factors that need to be considered when choosing strategies in orderto achieve this. However, even though the concept itself is rather set-in stone the research onhow brands archive this in different contexts is constantly in motion, for instance it has beenshown that a brand's Country-of-Origin has effects on consumers purchase intent and attitudeswhich are crucial factors within Brand loyalty.  Purpose: The Purpose of this paper is to explain what effect COO has on brand loyalty of Swedish consumers. Methodology: For this research a quantitative method was used. The research wasexplanatory, and a cross-sectional research design was chosen. After this a questionnaire wasconstructed and shared through two platforms in order to collect the data that was needed forthe research. Findings: Both our hypotheses from the proposed model were rejected, therefore theresearcher could conclude that Country-of-Origin has no effect on brand loyalty of Swedish consumers. Conclusion: Even though both hypotheses were rejected, did the research contribute withknowledge that COO has no significant effect on brand loyalty since such research has notbeen done before. However, the research also contributes with knowledge towards previousresearch, where it has been shown that perceived quality from a country has an effect onconsumers' purchase intent and attitudes. Whereby, our test showed that it also has an effecton brand loyalty when tested alone without the country image.

Country of origin och dess påverkan på brand equity : En kvantitativ studie ur konsumentens perspektiv

Nilsson, Erik, Gonzales Fuentes, Tamara January 2022 (has links)
Ett starkt brand equity är essentiellt för ett varumärkes framgång. Att inkludera varumärkens country-of-origin i marknadsföringsstrategier har blivit ett sätt att stärka konsumentens uppfattning av varumärket. Forskning visar dessutom på att country-of-origin påverkar äldre konsumenter mer än yngre konsumenter. Eftersom brand equity anses ha långvariga effekter på varumärkes framgång var syftet med denna studie att undersöka om konsumentens bild av varumärkens country-of-origin påverkar brand equity. Det empiriska materialet som samlades in från de 385 svenska respondenterna visade att country-of-origin hade en positiv och signifikant påverkan på brand equity. Av de fyra dimensionerna som ingår i brand equity - brand association, brand awareness, brand loyalty samt brand quality - var brand association den dimensionen som till störst grad påverkades av konsumenters country-of-origin uppfattning. Dessutom visade det sig att country-of-origin hade större och signifikant påverkan på brand equity hos de äldre konsumenterna tillhörande generation X jämfört med de allra yngsta konsumenterna tillhörande generation Z. Däremot kunde inte en skillnad mellan generation X och generation Y statistiskt säkerställas. / Strong brand equity is essential for a brand's success. Including brands' country-of-origin in marketing strategies has become a way of strengthening the consumers perception of the brands through its country-of-origin. Furthermore, previous research indicates that country-of-origin has a greater impact on older consumers than on younger consumers. Since brand equity is considered to have long-lasting effects on brands’ success, the purpose of this study was to examine the consumers' perception of country-of-origin and how that affects brand equity. The empirical results that were gathered from 385 swedish respondents showed that country-of-origin has a positive and significant effect on brand equity. Out of the four dimensions included in brand equity - brand association, brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand quality - brand association was the dimension that was most affected by the consumers country-of-origin perception. In addition to that, the empirical results also showed that country-of-origin had a greater and significant effect on brand equity with the older consumers belonging to generation X, compared to the youngest consumers belonging to generation Z. Contrariwise, a significant difference between generation X and generation Y could not be ensured statistically.

Vad är egentligen marknadskommunikation? : En teorigranskande studie genom en begreppsutvecklande case study / What is marketing communication even? : A theory investigative study through a concept developing case study

Svedlund, Viktoria, Barre, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Forskning inom marknadskommunikation har traditionellt varit beläget inom den företagsekonomiska disciplinen med fokus på hur företag kommunicerar med sina kunder. Men marknadskommunikation som område innefattar även andra kommunikativa processer vilka berörs inom den medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga forskningen, men som inte definieras som marknadskommunikation. Genom att utmana marknadsföringsstrategin country-of-origin ur ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv teorigranskar studien marknadskommunikation som tvärvetenskapligt forskningsfält mellan disciplinerna. Studien är en jämförande case study som synliggör ett samband mellan vilka värden Volvo Cars och Svenska Institutet kommunicerar om Sverige. Volvo Cars värden är definierade utifrån en tematisk funktionell kvalitativ textanalys av reklamfilmen Vintersaga och Svenska Institutets värden är förankrade i deras varumärkesstrategi. Resultatet av jämförelsen, tillsammans med det medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga perspektivet, bidrar till en begreppsutveckling av marknadsföringsstrategin country-of-origin. Begreppsutvecklingen kontextualiseras i relation med studiens syfte; hur disciplinerna företagsekonomi och medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap kan förhålla sig till varandra genom marknadskommunikation som ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsfält. Studien betonar vikten av kommunikativa perspektiv för marknadsföringsforskningen och vikten att ge medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapen ett tydligt område för forskning relaterad till marknader. Studien stipulerar att marknadskommunikation ska erkännas som ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsfält mellan disciplinerna medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap och företagsekonomi. / Research in marketing communications has mainly been situated within the business administration discipline, focusing on how the company communicates towards its customers. But the marketing communications area includes other communicative processes. Processes which are reviewed in research within media and communication science but not labeled as marketing communications. By challenging the marketing strategy country-of-origin from a media and communication study-perspective this study examines how marketing communications can function as interdisciplinary field between the business administration discipline and media and communication studies. The study is a comparative case study that reveals a connection between the values Volvo Cars and Svenska Institutet communicates about Sweden. Volvo Cars values ​​are defined through a thematic functional qualitative textual analysis of the commercial Vintersaga and Svenska Institutet’s values ​​are rooted in their brand strategy. The result of the comparison, together with the media and communication perspective, contributes to the conceptual development of the marketing strategy country-of-origin. The concept development is then contextualized in relation to the purpose of the study; how business administration and media and communication studies can relate to each other through marketing communications as an interdisciplinary field of research. The study emphasizes the importance of communicative aspects for marketing as well as give media and communication a clear area for research connected to marketing. The study stipulates that marketing communications should be recognized as an interdisciplinary field of research between the disciplines of media and communication studies and business administration.

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