Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coverage."" "subject:"overage.""
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Nyhetsrapporteringen av brott och dess inverkan på läsarnas rädsla för brott har i årtionden studerats som ett socialt problem. Dessa studier indikerar på en relation mellan exponeringen av brottsnyheter och uppkomsten av rädsla för brott. Däremot är forskningen gällande brottsrapportering begränsad och lämnar utrymme för frågor gällande hur bristen på information i porträtteringen av brottsnyheter påverkar rädslan för brott bland läsarna. Denna studie undersöker hur presentationen av brottsnyheter gällande mängden information som tilldelas läsaren ser ut och hur denna rapportering påverkar rädslan för brott bland läsarna. Urvalet för studien består av 900 brottsartiklar, publicerade i två lokaltidningar i Skåne, Sverige. Genom innehållsanalys studeras artiklarna utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven kontrollokus, tillskrivning av ansvar och nedåtriktad jämförelse. Resultaten visar att både information gällande kontexten av en brottshandling samt information gällande egenskaper hos offer och gärningsperson sällan porträtteras i brottsartiklar. Resultatet visar också på att frånvaron av denna information kan påverka läsarnas rädsla för brott. Det antyds att detta beror på upplevelsen av bristen att själv kontrollera brottshändelser samt en bristande förmåga att kunna avgöra sin egen risk för utsatthet för brott. Avslutningsvis föreslås utbildning av journalister i författande metoder som kan minskar risken för rädsla för brott bland läsarna. / The influence of crime news coverage on fear of crime in the audience has for decades been evaluated as a social problem. Indicating a relationship of exposure to crime news and the emergence of fear of crime. However, the research on crime news coverage is limited, and questions remain about how the lack of information in the portrayal of crime in newspaper influences fear of crime among the audience. This study examines the presentation of crime news in newspapers regarding the amount of information provided to the reader, and the influence of this coverage on fear of crime among the readers. The sample consist of 900 crime news articles published in two local newspapers in Skåne, Sweden, and were content analyzed based on previous research, and on theoretical perspectives of Locus of control, Assignment of responsibility, and Downward comparison. The results show that both information regarding the context of the crime incident, and information regarding the characteristics of the victim and offender are rarely portrayed in the crime news. The results also imply that the absence of information, provide in the newspapers, may influence fear of crime among the readers. This is suggested to be due to the lack of ability to control crime events, and to evaluate one´s own risk for victimization. Finally, this study suggests educating newspaper journalist in public health method, which might lead to a decreased risk for fear of crime among the audience.
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Coverage Path Planning And Control For Autonomous Mobile RobotsBalakrishnan, Mohanakrishnan 01 January 2005 (has links)
Coverage control has many applications such as security patrolling, land mine detectors, and automatic vacuum cleaners. This Thesis presents an analytical approach for generation of control inputs for a non-holonomic mobile robot in coverage control. Neural Network approach is used for complete coverage of a given area in the presence of stationary and dynamic obstacles. A complete coverage algorithm is used to determine the sequence of points. Once the sequences of points are determined a smooth trajectory characterized by fifth order polynomial having second order continuity is generated. And the slope of the curve at each point is calculated from which the control inputs are generated analytically. Optimal trajectory is generated using a method given in research literature and a qualitative analysis of the smooth trajectory is done. Cooperative sweeping of multirobots is achieved by dividing the area to be covered into smaller areas depending on the number of robots. Once the area is divided into sub areas, each robot is assigned a sub area for cooperative sweeping.
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Homicide In The Headlines An Analysis Of The Newspaper Reporting Of Baltimore Homicides Of 2010Schildkraut, Jaclyn V 01 January 2011 (has links)
Baltimore is notorious for its recent and storied history of crime. The current study examines the treatment of homicide victims in Baltimore newspapers. In 2010, 222 homicides occurred in Baltimore, according to the city‟s homicide map. One hundred and sixty-five were discussed in The Baltimore Sun, the city‟s most-circulated paper. Based on the inclusion or exclusion of particular cases and the manner in which cases were discussed, conclusions can be drawn about the media‟s perception of a case‟s newsworthiness. Specifically, cases with particular details that varied significantly from a “normal” homicide were found to be most newsworthy, determined in part by analyzing the frequency of reporting, placement of coverage within the newspaper, and word count allocated to the discussion of crime.
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Optimization of RFID System Coverage in a Manufacturing EnvironmentMalatesta, Scott D 01 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This paper compiles existing ideas, theories, and experiments across multiple disciplines to provide guidance for a company looking to implement an optimal RFID system in their production facility. The desire is to maximize the information received by the system while minimizing the cost. Four potential layouts of RFID antennas, two with overlapping antenna coverage and two with non-overlapping layouts, are first analyzed to understand the special coverage and the number of antennas required. The value of information is then quantified to determine whether higher coverage layouts are worth the additional costs associated with the higher number of antennas required. It was found that the non-overlapping network of antennas in a hexagonal lattice formation, which covers 90.7% of the production floor area, provides the highest amount of benefit when considering the system’s implementation costs. However, some companies prefer or even require a system that provides perfect information throughout the production process, so implementing an overlapping network may be considered optimal for some companies, even with the higher up front costs.
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Improvement of Software Quality by Test Coverage and Risk Oriented ApproachEssien, Happiness Udo 06 November 2023 (has links)
Software Quality is a key priority in any company involves with software development. Quality which can be describe as a distinguish feature of a software, has a high competitive advantage for most business organisations, especially during this turbulent time with the world battling pandemic. Software has grown and diversifies to ease our day to day life, therefore, the role of quality assurance activities has increase and become extremely important and complex. However, successful software which meets customer’s requirement and expectation depends on the quality of the software. In order to maintain the quality of their applications, several development industries have revised their quality procedure. DevOps and agile development have greatly improved the success rate of software projects with the introduction of test coverage measures.
The purpose of this thesis is to implement existing test coverage metrics which are used for improving and measuring the quality of software in order to help reduce excess time consumption, overshooting of budget and maintain scope within requirement. The software quality metrics selected for this study is the ISO 9000 and the core focus area to implement this quality metrics is on unit test, integration test and acceptance test. For this requirement, a design workflow using a flowchart to get a clear description of the work process will be created, configuration of DevOps environment for the pipelines which combines continuous integration and continuous development (CI/CD) to test and build our code constantly and consistently with SonarCloud. Finally, configuration of TestProject for creating automated test script and automated acceptance test execution with automatic generation of test report as well as evaluating the quality of the software product based on the test execution and coverage result. The documentation for this implementation will contain all the steps necessary to configure the test coverage metrics. The metrics will be used to create unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests for web applications that run on a variety of browsers and versions, including Chrome Version 103.0.1264.37, Edge Version 103.0.5060.114, and Firefox Version 103.0.
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Did Dutch company pension fund decision-makers step up to the plate? A retrospective reconstruction of decision-making processes during a financial crisis situation within a number of Dutch company pension funds.Slottje, Arie January 2012 (has links)
This study provides a view of the decision-making process of Dutch company pension funds. The success of this research was the exceptional granting of access to four cases. Lack of such access could very well be the reason why research of this nature has not been previously achieved. The financial health of pension funds, expressed by the coverage ratio, showed a decline in 2008. Research has shown that there is a relationship between decision-making processes and outcome. Were the processes appropriate to set up and maintain a sufficient coverage ratio?
A tailor-made conceptual research model has been developed and used as an analysis aid to research the TO BE situation based on legal requirements and factional documents and the AS IS situation based on empirical data. The model made it feasible to shed light on the implementation of good pension fund governance principles and decision-making process, which is a contribution to the current gap in research.
The research showed that there is a relationship between the implementation of pension fund governance principles and appropriate decision-making processes. It also showed that there is a relationship between an appropriate decision-making process and coverage ratio. Both conclusions are not statistically proven due to the lack of the statistical significance, but are qualitative analysed and confirmed in the conducted case studies. It is suggested to use the research model by supervisor or pension funds to establish the mismatch between the implementation of pension fund governance principles and decision-making processes to enhance the quality of decision-making processes and outcome.
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Coverage Path Planning in Large-scale Multi-floor Urban Environments : with Applications to Autonomous Road Sweeping / Körvägsplanering i storskaliga och flervåniga stadsmiljöer medtillämpningar mot autonom robotsopningEngelsons, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Autonomous lawn mowers and floor cleaning robots are today easily accessible and areutilizing well-studied Coverage Path Planning algorithms. They operate in single-floorenvironments that are small with simple geometry compared to general urban environments such as city parking garages, highway bridges or city crossings. A next step for autonomous cleaning is road sweeping of these complex urban environments. In this work,a new Coverage Path Planning approach, Sampled BA* & Inward Spiral , handling this taskwas compared with existing well-performing algorithms BA* and Inward Spiral. The proposed approach combines the strengths of existing algorithms and demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on three large-scale 3D environments. It generated paths with lessrotation, while keeping the length of the path on the same level. For a given starting point,the new approach had consistently lower cost (length + rotation) for all environments. Forrandom starting points, randomness in the new approach caused less robustness, givingsignificantly higher cost. To improve the performance of the algorithms and remove biasfrom manual tuning, the parameters were automatically tuned using Bayesian Optimization. This makes the evaluation more robust and the results stronger.
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Fallet Wilma Andersson : En kvalitativ undersökning av tabloidiseringens prägel på rapporteringen av ett mordfall / The Case of Wilma Andersson : A qualitative analysis of the tabloidizations effect on the coverage of a murderSamuelsson, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
In 2017 a 17-year-old girl called Wilma Andersson went missing in the Swedish town Uddevalla. A few weeks later the police made a discovery that confirmed that she was dead. Her former boyfriend Tishko Ahmed was prosecuted and convicted for her murder and sentenced to 18 years in prison. The murder of Wilma Andersson is a murder case that touched a lot of people and was very big in Swedish news media. This study ́s purpose was to investigate how tabloidization effect crime journalism. Four research questions were asked in order to investigate this. The questions were: 1. How is Wilma Andersson framed in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter? 2. How is Tishko Ahmed framed in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter? 3. What similarities and differences are there in how Wilma Andersson and Tishko Ahmed are framed in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter? 3a. How does tabloidization effect the framing and the crime journalism? The results of this study show that Wilma Andersson is framed as an innocent, kind and orderly girl by the tabloid paper Aftonbladet. The findings also show that Aftonbladet framed the perpetrator, Tishko Ahmed, in several ways. He is framed as a normal guy that no one thought would be capable of murder, but he is also framed as a violent boyfriend and mentally unstable. The broad sheet paper, Dagens Nyheter, framed Wilma Andersson as a vulnerable girl who had a difficult life situation and the perpetrator Tishko was framed as mentally unstable and unreliable. The result of the study show that the tabloid newspaper framed the victim and perpetrator in a more personal and dramatic way by using writing technique and personal sources. The tabloid newspaper also used pictures more than the broad sheet, which empathized the dramatic and personal framing. The findings in this study show that tabloidization effect crime journalism by making it more dramatic and entertaining in order to attract readers and make money.
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Accessibility to Health Care and Financial Obstacles: Evidence from UgandaNannini, Maria 20 April 2021 (has links)
The research project intends to investigate the issue of health care accessibility with respect to financial obstacles focusing on the case study of Uganda, where impoverishing effects due to health services utilisation are critical for the population well-being. The thesis consists of three independent chapters aimed to examine multiple aspects which are relevant for health coverage and financial protection. In the first chapter, a political economy perspective is adopted to analyse the country experience of health financing reforms for Universal Health Coverage through a desk review and Key Informant Interviews. In the second chapter, household data from a rural district are employed to explore how the provision of social support through social networks operates at the behavioural level for overcoming barriers to health care utilisation and coping with financial hardship due to health expenditures. The analysis presented in the third chapter relies on a longitudinal household survey to assess the impact of a Community Health Financing pilot program on health expenditures and coping strategies. Overall, the thesis can contribute to the current debate on health coverage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. On one side, the new evidence based on the collection of primary data and the adoption of innovative methodologies allows to advance the academic knowledge on financial protection. On the other side, the main research findings have the potential to inform policy design and policy making to effectively improve health coverage outcomes in informal settings.
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When Love Turns Lethal: A Content Analysis Of Intimate Partner Violence In Print MediaMaddox, Ashley 01 January 2010 (has links)
The current study conducted a content analysis of newspaper articles in a Florida newspaper, the Orlando Sentinel. The study spanned across a five-year time period from 2004-2009, featuring 198 articles on domestic violence homicide. The current study is a replication of previous research conducted using the same newspaper during 1995-2000. Victim blame, tone, and descriptions of the perpetrator and victim were among several items of interest. Findings reveal a slight increase in victim blaming statements and a larger increase in positive portrayals of the victims of domestic violence homicide.
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