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Perspektiv på genusidentitet i förhistorien : Så resonerar forskarna / Perspectives on gender identity in prehistory : So reason the scholarsFransson Rodriguez, Liza January 2013 (has links)
This essay examines how four archaeology scholars reason about gender. I have used a qualitative method in making this study of their dissertations. The aim is to obtain a deeper understanding of gender identity in prehistory, gaining a broader appreciation of how this might be expressed through archaeological material. This essay takes its theoretical departure from postprocessual thinking, where gender perspectives, including feminist and queer theories are in focus. The result of this study shows that the scholars have a postprocessual, structuralistic theoretical perspective in common, and that they use stereotypical identity-descriptions. The conclusion is that gender identities can be interpreted and categorized from archaeological material.
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Nyhetsrapporteringen av brott och dess inverkan på läsarnas rädsla för brott har i årtionden studerats som ett socialt problem. Dessa studier indikerar på en relation mellan exponeringen av brottsnyheter och uppkomsten av rädsla för brott. Däremot är forskningen gällande brottsrapportering begränsad och lämnar utrymme för frågor gällande hur bristen på information i porträtteringen av brottsnyheter påverkar rädslan för brott bland läsarna. Denna studie undersöker hur presentationen av brottsnyheter gällande mängden information som tilldelas läsaren ser ut och hur denna rapportering påverkar rädslan för brott bland läsarna. Urvalet för studien består av 900 brottsartiklar, publicerade i två lokaltidningar i Skåne, Sverige. Genom innehållsanalys studeras artiklarna utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven kontrollokus, tillskrivning av ansvar och nedåtriktad jämförelse. Resultaten visar att både information gällande kontexten av en brottshandling samt information gällande egenskaper hos offer och gärningsperson sällan porträtteras i brottsartiklar. Resultatet visar också på att frånvaron av denna information kan påverka läsarnas rädsla för brott. Det antyds att detta beror på upplevelsen av bristen att själv kontrollera brottshändelser samt en bristande förmåga att kunna avgöra sin egen risk för utsatthet för brott. Avslutningsvis föreslås utbildning av journalister i författande metoder som kan minskar risken för rädsla för brott bland läsarna. / The influence of crime news coverage on fear of crime in the audience has for decades been evaluated as a social problem. Indicating a relationship of exposure to crime news and the emergence of fear of crime. However, the research on crime news coverage is limited, and questions remain about how the lack of information in the portrayal of crime in newspaper influences fear of crime among the audience. This study examines the presentation of crime news in newspapers regarding the amount of information provided to the reader, and the influence of this coverage on fear of crime among the readers. The sample consist of 900 crime news articles published in two local newspapers in Skåne, Sweden, and were content analyzed based on previous research, and on theoretical perspectives of Locus of control, Assignment of responsibility, and Downward comparison. The results show that both information regarding the context of the crime incident, and information regarding the characteristics of the victim and offender are rarely portrayed in the crime news. The results also imply that the absence of information, provide in the newspapers, may influence fear of crime among the readers. This is suggested to be due to the lack of ability to control crime events, and to evaluate one´s own risk for victimization. Finally, this study suggests educating newspaper journalist in public health method, which might lead to a decreased risk for fear of crime among the audience.
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Inkludering - Utopi eller verklighet?Johansson, Charlotte January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to shed some light on to what extent the process of making reality of Inclusion, as stated in International Declarations and in Government policies, has reached the actual educational activities in the school system. My chosen method is a case study, in which I have combined a survey with interviews in order to retrieve enough data for my analysis. I have also studied a number of policy documents and relevant literature. My analysis concludes, for the school that I have chosen to study, that there is still a lot to be done before inclusion becomes a reality. There are many obstacles to overcome, for instance; a constant struggle to obtain enough resources and to reach relevant levels of competence within the personnel. My study indicates that the current municipality states educational policies, regarding inclusion, that rest on the principal that there will be additional resources available in the classroom. However there is little chance that the school will have the means to apply such extra resources without additional financial and educational support from the municipality. Another worrying fact that appears through my study is that the system for student admission, as stated by the municipality, lets new pupils, often with special educational needs, continuously and directly in to the school. This system makes it difficult for the school management to produce endurable plans and achieve a balance in resources that align with the given financial frame. The study also shows the importance of how the interpretation of the concept of inclusion is being made. In the case of the studied school the interpretation has lead to a massive workload on the regular classroom teachers, who have been given an extensive responsibility for the teaching and documentation of every student. This responsibility does not match the capability, which has lead to the up building of an extensive non-inclusive activity, just to be able to keep up and to be able to “survive”.
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Förklaringsmodeller och behandlingsmodeller kring mäns våld mot kvinnor : En litteraturstudieHassan, Dalia, Danehkar, Marylou January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Behandling av män som brukar våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : Behandlingsmodeller, utvärderingsresultat och teoretiska perspektiv / Treatment for men who are violent against women in intimate relationships : Treatment programs, evaluations and theoretical perspectivesFallbråten, Hanna, Thörnell, Mari January 2006 (has links)
<p>Föreliggande studies syfte är att studera och beskriva behandlingsmodeller för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Syftet kan brytas ned i följande frågeställningar: (i) vilka behandlingsmodeller finns omnämnda i litteraturen för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer och hur kan dessa beskrivas, (ii) vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns mellan olika behandlingsmodeller, (iii) vilka behandlingsresultat och utvärderingssvar finns dokumenterade beträffande behandlingsmodellernas effektivitet samt (iv) hur kan resultatet analyseras utifrån teoretiska perspektiv beträffande mäns våld mot kvinnor? Som utgångspunkt för analys har tre teoretiska perspektiv beträffande mäns våld mot kvinnor brukats. Dessa har utgjorts av ett strukturellt/feministiskt, ett individualpsykologiskt samt ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv, vilka förklarar mäns våld mot kvinnor på skilda abstraktionsnivåer och med olika teoretiska utgångspunkter. Föreliggande uppsats har genomförts som en litteraturstudie med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt, med anledning av studiens intention att beskriva och sammanställa kunskaper om existerande behandlingsmodeller för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Vid införskaffandet av material påträffades tre behandlingsprogram som de mest förekommande i den insamlade litteraturen, varför dessa behandlingsmodeller; Emerge, Duluthmodellen; DAIP, och Change, samt utvärderingar av dessa, inkluderades i resultatet. Studiens resultat visar att dessa tre behandlingsmodeller alla utgår från profeministiska teorier vad gäller definitioner och förklaringar av mäns våld mot kvinnor. Liknande behandlingsmetoder har vidare kunnat påträffas i de tre programmen; såsom inslag av kognitiv beteendeterapi i behandlingen, pedagogiska metoder samt gruppsessioner. Vad som skiljer modellerna åt är bland annat att de i olika hög grad har kontakt med de våldsbrukande männens partners, samt att två av dem; Duluthmodellen och Change, inkluderar ett arbete mellan olika officiella instanser i behandlingen, vilket Emerge inte gör. Vidare har Change i högre grad ett uttalat KBT-inriktat förhållningssätt, än de övriga två programmen. Vid analysen har framkommit att behandlingsmodellerna, trots sin profeministiska teoretiska utgångspunkt, tycks vara tämligen eklektiska vad gäller vilka konkreta behandlingsmetoder som används. Emerge, Duluthmodellen och Change har utvärderats i varierande hög grad; de existerande utvärderingarna har dock visat på generellt måttliga resultat beträffande behandlingens effektivitet. Förutom de ovannämnda programmen har även ytterligare utvärderingar av andra behandlingsmodeller inkluderats i resultatet, vilka uppnått varierande, dock sammanfattningsvis, måttfulla resultat.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to study and describe treatment programs for men who are violent against women in intimate relationships. This purpose can be divided into following questions: (i) what treatment programs are to be found in the literature concerning men who are violent against women in intimate relationships and how can they be described, (ii) what similarities and differences are there between different treatment programs, (iii) what are the results of treatment and evaluations documented concerning the treatment programs effect and (iv) how can the results of the study be analysed from the theoretical perspectives concerning men’s violence against women? As a point of departure of the analysis, three theoretical perspectives relating to men’s violence against women has been used. They are constituted by a structural/feminist perspective, an individual psychological perspective and a social psychological perspective, that explains the violences of men against women on various abstraction levels and with separate theoretical views. The method has been conducted as a literature review with a qualitative approach, because of the intention of the study to describe and put together knowledge about existing treatment programs for men who are using violence against women in intimate relationships. Three treatment programs were found to be the most occurring in the collected literature, hence these treatment programs; Emerge, the Duluth Model; DAIP, and Change, together with evaluations of these programs, were included in the result. The study’s result shows that all of these three treatment programs use profeminist theories as a point of departure concerning definitions and explanations of the violences of men against women. Further, similar treatment methods have been found to occur in all of the three programs; such as touches of cognitive behavioural therapy, educational methods and group sessions in the treatment. What separates the programs is that they in varying degrees emphasises keeping in contact with the partners of the violent men, and that two of them; the Duluth Model and Change, are including work with different official institutions in the treatment, as the Emerge program does not. Further, Change has a more outspoken CBT-related approach, which the other two programs have not. The analysis reveals that the treatment programs, in spite of their profeminist theoretical view, seem to be rather eclectic concerning the concrete treatment methods that are used. Emerge, the Duluth Model and Change has been evaluated to varying degrees. The existing evaluations have shown generally moderate results concerning the effect of the treatment. Besides of the mentioned programs further evaluations of other treatment programs have been included in the result, which have reached varied; but in sum, moderate results.</p>
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Behandling av män som brukar våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : Behandlingsmodeller, utvärderingsresultat och teoretiska perspektiv / Treatment for men who are violent against women in intimate relationships : Treatment programs, evaluations and theoretical perspectivesFallbråten, Hanna, Thörnell, Mari January 2006 (has links)
Föreliggande studies syfte är att studera och beskriva behandlingsmodeller för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Syftet kan brytas ned i följande frågeställningar: (i) vilka behandlingsmodeller finns omnämnda i litteraturen för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer och hur kan dessa beskrivas, (ii) vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns mellan olika behandlingsmodeller, (iii) vilka behandlingsresultat och utvärderingssvar finns dokumenterade beträffande behandlingsmodellernas effektivitet samt (iv) hur kan resultatet analyseras utifrån teoretiska perspektiv beträffande mäns våld mot kvinnor? Som utgångspunkt för analys har tre teoretiska perspektiv beträffande mäns våld mot kvinnor brukats. Dessa har utgjorts av ett strukturellt/feministiskt, ett individualpsykologiskt samt ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv, vilka förklarar mäns våld mot kvinnor på skilda abstraktionsnivåer och med olika teoretiska utgångspunkter. Föreliggande uppsats har genomförts som en litteraturstudie med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt, med anledning av studiens intention att beskriva och sammanställa kunskaper om existerande behandlingsmodeller för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Vid införskaffandet av material påträffades tre behandlingsprogram som de mest förekommande i den insamlade litteraturen, varför dessa behandlingsmodeller; Emerge, Duluthmodellen; DAIP, och Change, samt utvärderingar av dessa, inkluderades i resultatet. Studiens resultat visar att dessa tre behandlingsmodeller alla utgår från profeministiska teorier vad gäller definitioner och förklaringar av mäns våld mot kvinnor. Liknande behandlingsmetoder har vidare kunnat påträffas i de tre programmen; såsom inslag av kognitiv beteendeterapi i behandlingen, pedagogiska metoder samt gruppsessioner. Vad som skiljer modellerna åt är bland annat att de i olika hög grad har kontakt med de våldsbrukande männens partners, samt att två av dem; Duluthmodellen och Change, inkluderar ett arbete mellan olika officiella instanser i behandlingen, vilket Emerge inte gör. Vidare har Change i högre grad ett uttalat KBT-inriktat förhållningssätt, än de övriga två programmen. Vid analysen har framkommit att behandlingsmodellerna, trots sin profeministiska teoretiska utgångspunkt, tycks vara tämligen eklektiska vad gäller vilka konkreta behandlingsmetoder som används. Emerge, Duluthmodellen och Change har utvärderats i varierande hög grad; de existerande utvärderingarna har dock visat på generellt måttliga resultat beträffande behandlingens effektivitet. Förutom de ovannämnda programmen har även ytterligare utvärderingar av andra behandlingsmodeller inkluderats i resultatet, vilka uppnått varierande, dock sammanfattningsvis, måttfulla resultat. / The purpose of this essay is to study and describe treatment programs for men who are violent against women in intimate relationships. This purpose can be divided into following questions: (i) what treatment programs are to be found in the literature concerning men who are violent against women in intimate relationships and how can they be described, (ii) what similarities and differences are there between different treatment programs, (iii) what are the results of treatment and evaluations documented concerning the treatment programs effect and (iv) how can the results of the study be analysed from the theoretical perspectives concerning men’s violence against women? As a point of departure of the analysis, three theoretical perspectives relating to men’s violence against women has been used. They are constituted by a structural/feminist perspective, an individual psychological perspective and a social psychological perspective, that explains the violences of men against women on various abstraction levels and with separate theoretical views. The method has been conducted as a literature review with a qualitative approach, because of the intention of the study to describe and put together knowledge about existing treatment programs for men who are using violence against women in intimate relationships. Three treatment programs were found to be the most occurring in the collected literature, hence these treatment programs; Emerge, the Duluth Model; DAIP, and Change, together with evaluations of these programs, were included in the result. The study’s result shows that all of these three treatment programs use profeminist theories as a point of departure concerning definitions and explanations of the violences of men against women. Further, similar treatment methods have been found to occur in all of the three programs; such as touches of cognitive behavioural therapy, educational methods and group sessions in the treatment. What separates the programs is that they in varying degrees emphasises keeping in contact with the partners of the violent men, and that two of them; the Duluth Model and Change, are including work with different official institutions in the treatment, as the Emerge program does not. Further, Change has a more outspoken CBT-related approach, which the other two programs have not. The analysis reveals that the treatment programs, in spite of their profeminist theoretical view, seem to be rather eclectic concerning the concrete treatment methods that are used. Emerge, the Duluth Model and Change has been evaluated to varying degrees. The existing evaluations have shown generally moderate results concerning the effect of the treatment. Besides of the mentioned programs further evaluations of other treatment programs have been included in the result, which have reached varied; but in sum, moderate results.
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Exploring the sensitivity of Biometric Data: A Comparative Analysis of Theoretical and Human PerspectivesJose, Dayona January 2024 (has links)
Biometric technology, leveraging distinctive physiological or behavioral traits for identification, has transformed authentication methods. This thesis explores biometric data sensitivity from theoretical and human perspectives. Theoretical analysis examines factors like uniqueness, permanence, and potential misuse, while empirical research surveys societal attitudes towards biometric sensitivity. Discrepancies between theoretical constructs and real-world perceptions underscore the complexity of this issue. Privacy, security, and trust emerge as central concerns, emphasizing the need for comprehensive approaches in biometric technology development and policy-making. The discussion interprets survey findings, highlighting implications for stakeholders. Future research could explore cultural influences on biometric perceptions, conduct longitudinal studies, and investigate innovative solutions to privacy and security concerns. Collaboration between academia, industry, and policymakers is crucial for advancing biometric technology ethically and responsibly in an increasingly digital world.
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Substance abuse among male adolescentsMohasoa, Irene Patience 02 1900 (has links)
Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem facing the world today. In order to understand the
reasons for adolescent substance abuse behaviour, various theoretical perspectives were utilised
and strategies to curb substance use were also identified. The study was conducted in the rural
areas of Zeerust, North West province of South Africa. The participants included 12 male
adolescents, whose ages ranged from 12 to 15 years. A qualitative, explorative research design
was employed. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews, genograms and observations.
Thematic analysis was used to analyse audio-taped data. The study found that substances abused
by the participants include alcohol, nicotine, cannabis and heroin. Their reasons for using these
substances include individual, family and environmental factors. However, peer group pressure
was identified as the primary factor for adolescent substance use. This study emphasises the
painful nature of substance abuse among adolescents, yet at the same time it succeeds in
highlighting the strategies that can be employed to address substance abuse among adolescents.
In addition, this study recommends a concerted effort by all the stakeholders in addressing the
substance abuse problem. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Perceptions of subtance abuse prevention programmes implemented in the Ramothsere Moiloa Local Municipality South AfricaMohashoa, Irene Patience 02 1900 (has links)
Substance abuse is a significant challenge facing the World and in particular South Africa. In
this study, various Western and African traditional perspectives were considered to gain an
understanding of the substance abuse problem among adolescents. The study was conducted
in one of the rural villages of the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality in the North West
Province of South Africa. Participants included 24 African male and female adolescents
between 13 and 19 years of age, as well as 2 parents and 9 professionals. The 9 professionals
are educators, a social worker, a clinical psychologist, a mental health worker, a traditional
leader and a traditional healer, between 37 to 53 years of age. A qualitative, explorative
research design was employed. Data sources included individual face-to-face interviews,
focus group discussions, and a document review. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse
data. The findings were based on the perceptions of participants and revealed that adolescents
are socially entrapped to substances such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, glue,
nyaope, and segonyamahlo. Reasons for their use of substances included individual, family,
and environmental factors. The findings revealed the severe impact of substance abuse on
adolescents and their families. There was evidence of primary, secondary, and tertiary levels
of substance abuse prevention programmes targeting adolescents and other community
members. In addition, stakeholders such as parents, peers, professionals, traditional leaders,
traditional healers, government, and non-government organisations were recommended to
implement substance abuse prevention programmes to address the substance abuse problem
among adolescents. Furthermore, the study highlighted efforts made to reflect on the
implemented substance abuse prevention programmes. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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Substance abuse among male adolescentsMohasoa, Irene Patience 02 1900 (has links)
Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem facing the world today. In order to understand the
reasons for adolescent substance abuse behaviour, various theoretical perspectives were utilised
and strategies to curb substance use were also identified. The study was conducted in the rural
areas of Zeerust, North West province of South Africa. The participants included 12 male
adolescents, whose ages ranged from 12 to 15 years. A qualitative, explorative research design
was employed. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews, genograms and observations.
Thematic analysis was used to analyse audio-taped data. The study found that substances abused
by the participants include alcohol, nicotine, cannabis and heroin. Their reasons for using these
substances include individual, family and environmental factors. However, peer group pressure
was identified as the primary factor for adolescent substance use. This study emphasises the
painful nature of substance abuse among adolescents, yet at the same time it succeeds in
highlighting the strategies that can be employed to address substance abuse among adolescents.
In addition, this study recommends a concerted effort by all the stakeholders in addressing the
substance abuse problem. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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