Spelling suggestions: "subject:"covid 119"" "subject:"covid 919""
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Is a greater extent of nature visits associated with better well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic?Brorsson, Ieva January 2022 (has links)
The Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected countries all over the world and impacted many areas of our lives. Research studying psychosocial issues caused by Covid-19 addressed that during the pandemic well-being was lower. Well-being integrates mental health, clinical and developmental theories to provide a better understanding of positive psychological functioning. An abundance of studies demonstrated that natural environments, both wild and managed, have a positive effect on people’s being. In the present study, the changes in people’s nature visits as well as the links between nature visits and well-being has been investigated. The current sample (1902 participants) was from the corona survey, a subsample of the SLOSH. During the Covid-19 pandemic, some people started visiting nature more, while others reduced their visits. Well-being was lower than before. The observed directions of the associations were: nature visits were positively linked with the quality of life, while depressive moods from 2020 and 2021 were linked negatively. Change in forest visits (<65 female group) was the best well-being predictor from all types of nature exposure.
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Att vara nyutexaminerad under COVID-19 pandemin : Övergångsfasen från student till sjuksköterska - en kvalitativ litteraturstudie / Being a newly graduated nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic : The transition from student to registered nurse - a qualitative literature studyNordgren, Ida, Lindström, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor under 2020 och 2021 gjorde entré i sjuksköterskeyrket under en eskalerande pandemi. International Council of Nursing (2021a) flaggade för sjuksköterskornas risk för utbrändhet, posttraumatiskt stressyndrom och andra stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Denna litteraturstudie kan bidra med kunskap om hur situationen upplevdes för nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor under pandemins exceptionella belastning på sjukvården. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa forskning om nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av övergångsfasen från student till sjuksköterska under COVID-19 pandemin. Metod: Litteraturstudien är baserad på åtta kvalitativa artiklar som hämtats från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Samtliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskades enligt Olsson och Sörensens (2011) bedömningsmall. Artiklarna analyserades sedan utifrån Fribergs (2022) femstegsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer tre kategorier: ”inte tillåtas vara ny som sjuksköterska under pandemin”, ”en verklighetsfrämmande arbetsmiljö” och ”leva igenom övergångsfasen under exceptionella förhållanden”. Konklusion: COVID-19 pandemin har genererat i huvudsak känslor av ångest, stress och rädslor på grund av brist på erfarenhet, stöd och dåliga arbetsplatsförhållanden. En god introduktion i form av stöd från kollegor och verksamheten var bidragande faktorer till en underlättad övergång.
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Degradation During Emergencies: How the Pandemic Facilitated a State of Exception Within Canadian Prisons and Challenged Advocates to Become Hyper-ResilientBlackwell, Emily 05 May 2023 (has links)
Prisoner rights in Canada have historically been met with disrespect and disregard. Advocates have continuously fought for better protections of prisoner rights and legislation that bans the harmful treatment of prisoners. However, during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic concerns arose about how prisoners’ rights were affected. Therefore, the question guiding this research is: How have the human rights of prisoners and (anti) carceral advocacy for their rights been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? To answer this question, a document analysis was conducted, using documents from academics who work in the field, government departments, and advocates working in a variety of areas. This thesis fills the gap in scholarly inquiry that the pandemic has created as the circumstances and the effects of the pandemic are unknown.
The government reacted to the pandemic by implementing protocols that suited them with little regard for how prisoner rights could be affected, and neglected advocates recommendations for change. Advocates reacted by shifting their strategies to ensure they could continue advocating during the pandemic.
The thesis revealed that during a crisis, both positive and negative reactions can co-occur. The pandemic created a state of exception within the penal system; therefore, an increase in rights violations occurred. However, an opportunity for positive change also emerged. Advocates used this opportunity to change their strategies and maintain their advocacy. By contrast, the government did not seize the same opportunity, as is evidenced by how the recommendations that advocates had been supporting were not implemented properly to protect prisoners.
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Using email reminders to increase virtual attendance for middle school studentsCline, Lauren 01 May 2022 (has links)
As the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, professionals in the field of behavior analysis and education have continually asked how to help students access quality education while still keeping them safe and healthy. There have been multiple options presented that allow students to access their education, such as being fully in-person, fully virtual, and a hybrid option that includes both in-person and virtual learning. Due to different factors, families may choose a full virtual option for their children. But then the question becomes, “how do we make sure they log into their classes on time?” School attendance continues to be an issue across the country and adding in a virtual element to education is something that hasn’t been dealt with in a large-scale effort before. The current study attempted to increase attendance for middle school students that were learning in a full virtual format by means of sending email reminders to the student and their parents, setting daily goals with the student, and providing positive reinforcement by delivering items to the student’s home. Results indicated that this specific intervention package, as outlined, was not an effective method to help middle school students increase their virtual class attendance. Future studies should focus on other intervention packages that can help students learning in a full virtual format to attend their Zoom sessions and access the quality education they deserve.
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Covid-19-related litter: an underestimated and growing issue : A qualitative study about covid-19-related litter / Covid-19-relaterat avfall: en underskattad och växande frågaTait, Adam January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find the connection between the covid-19 pandemic and the increased littering in Jönköping municipality. Then, find out what is being done by Jönköping municipality and the municipality's waste company to manage the littering. The study used a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews to answer the research questions. The flexibility and open-ended choice of interviews were necessary considering the interviewee's different professional backgrounds. The topic chosen was essential, as increased knowledge can create the know-how required to prevent similar happenings in the future. The result showed that certain types of litter, such as medical waste and food packaging, had increased during the pandemic in certain places in Jönköping municipality. These certain places are, for example, the main beach in Jönköping city or different parks in the city, where people socialize along with something to eat and drink, hence the littering. Other litter has not seen any noticeable increase during the covid-19 pandemic. The municipality needed to reorganize and prioritize collecting the trash in these areas with an increase in litter, leaving other sites for later. This meant that the waste management system had not been efficient, and these littering changes had surprised the municipality. This study highlights the need for a waste management system that is more capable and efficient in cleaning, including when there is a pandemic or other events that temporarily increase the littering rates in certain areas. Littering may be a forgotten subject when discussing the covid-19 pandemic, but this study aims to raise its importance and not underestimate its impact on people and nature.
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Äldres erfarenheter av isolering under Covid-19 pandemin / The elderly's experiences of social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemicOlsson, Zara, Larsson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet personer över 60 år i världen är över 1 miljard och förväntas stiga. Den ökade livslängden har många orsaker som bl.a. förbättrad hälso- och sjukvård och förbättrade levnadsförhållanden. WHO deklarerade Covid-19 som en pandemi i mars 2020 och införde restriktioner världen över där äldre skulle begränsa sina sociala kontakter. Tidigare forskning visar att äldre som lever i ensamhet och social isolering har ökad risk för depression och mental ohälsa.Syfte: Att beskriva äldres erfarenheter av isolering under Covid-19 pandemin.Metod: En deskriptiv integrativ litteraturstudie enligt Whittemore & Knafl (2005). Litteraturstudien baseras på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet består av två huvudkategorier; Positiva erfarenheter av isoleringen ochnegativa erfarenheter av isoleringen. Positiva erfarenheter av isoleringen hade tillhörande subkategorier bättre relationer och tid för aktivitet. Negativa erfarenheter av isoleringen hade tillhörande subkategorier ensamhet, förluster, mental ohälsa och utanförskap.Slutsats: De äldre upplevde ensamhet och drabbades av förlustkänslor under isoleringen av Covid-19 pandemin. Deras mentala ohälsa ökade och de kände utanförskap. Positiva erfarenheter som framkom under isoleringen var bättre relationer och nya aktiviteter.
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Occupational Stressors and Coping Mechanisms Among Obstetrical Nursing Staff Throughout the COVID-19 PandemicDobrowolski, Julia 21 November 2022 (has links)
Background: As a result of heightened occupational stress throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,nurses in hospitals are experiencing high rates of depression, anxiety, and burnout. However,nurses in obstetrical departments have had unique challenges and have experienced specificsources of stress that remain unclear.Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty obstetrical nurses that workedat an Ontario tertiary care centre during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants shared theirexperiences of working during the pandemic, focusing on job stressors, personal resources, anddesires for job resources. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and coded usingNVivo. Data was analyzed using a theoretical thematic approach based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model.Results: Key job stressors identified included having an increased workload, fear of COVID-19transmission, providing proper patient care, and overwhelming physical demands. Moreover,participants expressed they felt undervalued, inadequately supported, and burned-out during thepandemic. The most common personal resources used to cope with additional stress were relyingon family members, friends, and colleagues for support, in addition to utilizing personal hobbiesto decompress. Lastly, participants were able to provide suggestions on how to improve jobresources, focusing on improving mental and physical support, communication, and retention.Conclusion: This study provides an in-depth understanding of the COVID-19 workingconditions of Ontarian obstetrical nurses, while highlighting that they were provided withinadequate levels of job resources to manage increased job demands. Findings from this studycan help inform hospital management on how they can better support and meet the needs ofthose working in maternal care during major disease outbreaks.
À la demande de l'auteur, le résumé a été retiré en raison de la nature confidentielle de la thèse. Il sera ajouté une fois la période d'embargo terminée.
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”Det var svårt” - Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med Covid-19 inom slutenvård : En litteraturstudie / “It was difficult” - Nurses’ experiences of caring for patients with Covid-19 in inpatient settings : A literature reviewEi Mer, Baw, Dzu Tambong, Honorine January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19 är ett smittsamt virus som upptäcktes i slutet av 2019. Viruset deklarerades av World Health Organization (2021) som en pandemi den 11 mars 2020. För att förhindra spridning av coronaviruset antogs olika åtgärder som förändrade hälso- och sjukvården globalt. Sjuksköterskorna har befunnit sig i frontlinjen i kampen mot viruset. Deras omvårdnadsarbete skedde under andra och speciella omständigheter. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med Covid-19 inom slutenvård. Metod: Litteraturstudie gjordes utifrån Forsberg och Wengströms (2016) metod. Artiklar söktes från databasen Cinahl och PubMed samt via manuell sökning. 9 artiklar inkluderades efter relevans och kvalitetsgranskning. Induktiv innehållsanalys gjordes vilket resulterade i tre huvudkategorier och tre subkategorier. Resultat: Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter kategoriserades i tre huvudkategorierna: ”Att inte räcka till”, ”Rädsla att bli smittad” och ”Professionens utveckling och arbetstillfredsställelse”. Tre subkategorier inom ”Att inte räcka till” var: ”Otillräckligt information och kunskap”, ”Otillräckligt med resurser” och ”Skyddsutrustningen var begränsande”. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskornas erfarenhet av att vårda patienter med Covid-19 var meningsfull, tillfredsställande och kompetensutvecklande trots att vårdandet präglades av rädsla, oro och ångest. Begränsningar med skyddsutrustning, information och andra utmaningar gjorde även att sjuksköterskorna kände sig otillräckliga i vårdandet.
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Exploring Womxn's Experiences Obtaining Abortion Care Through Telemedicine Services in Ontario During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative StudyPierre, Brianna S. T. 18 October 2023 (has links)
Background: Despite the overwhelming evidence that medication abortion care can be delivered safely and effectively through telemedicine services, Canadian abortion care providers have historically underutilized this modality of service delivery. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated public health measures designed to flatten the curve both exacerbated existing inequities in access and prompted service delivery innovations in abortion care. --
Objectives: This project aimed to explore the experiences of women, transgender men, non-binary folks, gender non-conforming, and Two-Spirit individuals with the capacity for pregnancy (womxn) with telemedicine abortion care. By understanding facilitators and barriers to telemedicine use as well as abortion seekers' satisfaction with remote interactions, we aimed to identify ways of improving and fortifying the abortion care system in Ontario. --
Methods: Using a multi-modal recruitment strategy, we conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with womxn who obtained a telemedicine abortion in Ontario after March 15, 2020. We used inductive and deductive techniques to analyze these data for content and themes. --
Results: The two Ontarian womxn that we interviewed were highly satisfied with the telemedicine abortion care they received and would recommend this service delivery modality with others. --
Conclusions: The results from our pilot align with a growing body of research calling for the demedicalization of medication abortion care in Canada. Future research that expands on these findings can have both policy and service delivery implications.
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Family School Partnerships and Families of Students with ASD: A Case StudyLinthicum, Meghan 21 June 2023 (has links)
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