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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Re-Examination of Rating Shopping and Catering using Post-Crisis Data on CDOs

Owlett, Robert H 01 January 2016 (has links)
I re-examine “rating shopping” and “rating catering” in the market for AAA rated collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) by replicating the study of Griffin and Tang (2013) using post-crisis data. I find a sharp increase in the amount of CDOs that received a single rating, suggesting that CDO underwriters were more cautious about formally soliciting multiple ratings. However, I also find a decrease in AAA rating disagreements between S&P and Moody’s, implying that issuers shopped their CDOs through informal conversations with agencies. Finally, I find investors correctly accepted tighter credit spreads for dual-rated CDOs because dual-rated CDOs experienced fewer rating downgrades than single rated deals. These results differ from the pre-crisis findings of Griffin and Tang (2013) and are consistent with the existence of rating shopping and disappearance of rating catering during the post-crisis period.

Regulace ratingových agentur / The regulation of the rating agencies

Búry, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies The thesis is concentrated on the regulation of credit rating agencies and aims to contribute to a current discussion regarding the future of credit rating agencies. A primary focus of the work was to explore whether a negative role of credit rating agencies in current crisis was caused by their insufficient, unnecessary or unsuitable regulation. An evaluation of sufficiency of newly adopted regulation with respect to the effective functioning of the rating market was chosen as an additional purpose of research. For the fulfillment of the stated aim analytical and comparative methods and synthesis were used. The style of the thesis falls within the Law and Economics approach. The research is based on EU and US legal norms, legislative documents of the European Commission and legal jurisprudence. Part I describes the emergence, development and the functioning of credit rating agencies, structure of rating market and legal meaning of the rating. Part II analyzes the ratio for regulation of credit rating agencies from the perspective of economic analysis of law. Mainly, whether agencies fulfill their function, what could potentially restrain them and how can be regulation helpful in this field. Part III compares and examines current regulatory reform of credit...

Význam investičního ratingu a mezinárodních ratingových agentur pro stabilitu na mezinárodních finančních trzích / The importance of credit rating and international rating agencies on the stability of global financial markets

Kotková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Credit rating agencies (CRAs) play an integral part in today's financial markets. Through ratings they express considered opinion about future creditworthiness of an obligor and thus lower information asymmetry in the capital markets. Recently, CRAs have been brought in the spotlight as they are often blamed for being the triggers of the recent market turmoil. Critics often argue that ratings of tranches of structured finance instruments, backed by subprime mortgages, were unjustifiably high, downgrades were too late and the overall integrity of the rating process was compromised through numerous conflicts of interests CRAs face. However, in this thesis I argue that CRAs were put in this position rather through external factors than their own actions. Massive regulation usage of ratings, rapid growth of structured securities market, overdependence on the rating and the overall ignorance of the meaning of rating itself are the actual causes to blame.

O uso de derivativos para hedge melhora os ratings de crédito das empresas brasileiras? / Does the use of hedge derivatives improve the credit ratings of brazilian companies?

Antônio, Rafael Moreira 01 October 2018 (has links)
O risco é um aspecto importante a ser considerado nas avaliações empresariais e, diante das crises financeiras globais, os ratings divulgados pelas agências de classificação de riscos são fundamentais para o gerenciamento de riscos nas empresas, bem como para a tomada de decisão dos investidores ao escolher em qual empresa investir. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho se propôs a identificar os fatores que podem explicar as atribuições dos ratings com especial atenção ao impacto do uso de derivativos. A partir disso, a principal novidade apresentada nesta pesquisa foi a de averiguar o reflexo do uso de derivativos juntamente com as posições de proteções assumidas pelas empresas nas classificações de créditos - ajudando a suprir, assim, essa lacuna na literatura da área. Para isso, foram utilizados 2.090 ratings e analisadas as empresas não financeiras da B3 entre os anos de 2010 e 2016 por meio de análise dos dados em painel, conferindo maior robustez às análises e aos achados. Os resultados indicaram que as empresas que utilizam instrumentos financeiros derivativos não recebem os melhores ratings. Esses resultados contestam a teoria de que o uso de derivativos é visto positivamente pelos investidores. No entanto, apesar de nenhum impacto significativamente estatístico ter sido encontrado nos ratings das empresas que utilizam derivativos, observou-se que as empresas que usam derivativos e possuem os maiores valores nocionais foram as que receberam as melhores notas da agência Moody\'s. / Risk assessment is an important aspect concerning business valuation and, considering the global economic crisis, the information disclosed by rating agencies is essential to developing a risk management plan and making investment decisions. The purpose of the present study is therefore to identify the factors that may explain the attribution of risk ratings, focusing on the impact of derivatives. Thereafter, ascertaining the effects of derivatives combined with protective business behaviors regarding credit ratings is innovative and assists in filling knowledge gaps in research and literature. In this study, 2.090 ratings were considered and B3\'s non-financial companies were examined between 2010 and 2016 by using panel data analysis, which lends robustness to the analysis and the findings. Results indicate that companies that use derivative instruments are not attributed the best ratings, thus opposing the theory that the use of derivatives attracts investors. Although ratings showed no significant statistical impact on companies that use derivatives, companies with the highest notional values, which also use derivatives, were attributed the best ratings by Moody\'s.

Uma avaliação do capital regulatório no sistema bancário / An analysis of the regulatory capital of the banking system

Gonzalez, Rodrigo Barbone 23 April 2012 (has links)
Esse estudo avalia a adequação dos requerimentos absolutos de capital no Brasil para bancos pequenos e grandes separadamente e investiga os requerimentos de capital mínimo para risco de crédito nas diferentes abordagens de Basiléia, em especial o impacto da adoção dos modelos dos ratings internos (IRB) conforme o Edital BCB n. 37/11. Além disso, propõe e avalia a abordagem padronizada dos ratings centralizados, CRBA, para cálculo do Capital Mínimo Exigido (CME) em bancos pequenos e que é baseada na abordagem padronizada em vigor na Europa, mas voltada para dados disponíveis nas Centrais de Risco. A CRBA pertence à família dos modelos internos e busca contribuir com as recentes discussões sobre a reforma regulatória bancária na Europa e nos Estados Unidos. Para os três objetivos mencionados, as metodologias adotadas foram: 1) o Valuet-at-Risk (VaR) não paramétrico de Crédito (CVaR) de Carey (2002) e o paramétrico Creditrisk+ para estimar o capital econômico do Sistema Bancário; seguido da 2) estimação amostral e avaliação do capital regulatório para bancos pequenos e grandes nas abordagens IRB, Basileia 1, abordagem padrão simplificada (SSA); além da 3) avaliação da abordagem proposta nesse estudo, a CRBA. A performance de todas essas abordagens é avaliada frente a cenários de stress ad hoc e durante a Crise de 2008-2009. Os dados utilizados foram exposições de crédito aleatórias colhidas da Nova Central de Risco do Banco Central do Brasil (SCR). Os principais resultados desse estudo são: 1) sugerir um capital regulatório total (Patrimônio de Referência mais provisão) para bancos grandes de 17,5% baseado no CVaR paramétrico de 99,9% e, para pequenos, de 15,31% baseado no CVaR de 99%; 2) sugerir que, de todas as abordagens de Basileia II, o IRB estimado conforme o Edital BCB n. 37/2011 e para as Probabilidade de Default (PDs) calculadas por matrizes de migração do SCR, é o mais conservador; 3) sugerir que a abordagem proposta seja mais sensível ao risco de crédito do que atual brasileira, especialmente no varejo, além de oferecer um nível proteção maior contra choques aleatórios de crédito. Na Crise de 2008-2009, os bancos pequenos e grandes apresentaram respostas muito distintas a choques diversos ou quando os \"estados da economia\" se deterioravam. Os bancos pequenos não atingem o grau de diversificação necessário para minimizar perdas extremas. Por outro lado, do ponto de vista do risco sistêmico, a falência dessas entidades tem impactos muito menores que a de conglomerados bancários de porte. Finalmente, a abordagem proposta CRBA é apresentada como uma alternativa à abordagem atual no Brasil e à abordagem padronizada (SA) nos demais países, em especial na Europa. No Brasil, a CRBA cumpriria o papel de aumentar a sensibilidade a risco de crédito do CME nos bancos pequenos criando incentivos para uma gestão de risco de crédito mais cautelosa e alinhando o nível de capital dos bancos pequenos ao seu risco efetivo. Nos demais países, a CRBA é uma alternativa à abordagem padronizada, que independe da opinião das Agências de Classificação de Risco (ACRs). A CRBA traz dois benefícios: o primeiro de ampliar o escopo dos modelos internos e eliminar a dependência regulatória na opinião das ACRs, diminuindo a oportunidade de arbitragem regulatória com ratings inflacionados e corrigindo incentivos para que as ACRs sejam apenas provedoras de opiniões isentas; e o segundo, de prover os organismos supervisores com um mecanismo de controle (tracking error) sobre a qualidade de gestão de risco dos bancos pequenos por meio das Centrais de Risco. / This work analyses capital requirements adequacy in Brazil both for small and big banks individually and evaluates the minimum capital requirements for credit risk in the different Basel II approaches, especially, the impacts of IRB adoption as stated on Edital BCB n.37/11. Besides, it proposes and evaluates the Centralized Standard Ratings Based Approach (CRBA) to calculate Minimum Capital Requirements (MCR) in small banks. It is inspired in the Basel II Standard Approach (SA) disseminated in Europe, but based on information from the Credit Registers. The CRBA is an internal model approach in line with recent discussions on regulatory reform in Europe and in the US. The methodology to address these three research goals is: the non-parametric credit Value-at-Risk (VaR) or CVaR of Carey(2002) and the parametric Creditrisk+ to estimate the economic capital for the banking system; to evaluate regulatory capital in small and big banks in the IRB, Basel 1 and the Simplified Standard Approach (SSA) on the sample; and to evaluate the CRBA, proposed in this study. The performance of these approaches is confronted with ad hoc stress scenarios and within the Credit Crisis of 2008-2009. The data is comprised of credit exposures available in the Brazilian Credit Register (SCR). This work main results are: 1) to suggest a total regulatory capital (capital and provision) of 17.5% to big banks based on a parametric CVaR (99.9%) and of 15.31% to small banks based on a CVaR (99%); 2) to suggest, based on all Basel II approaches, that the IRB, as stated on Edital BCB n.31/11 and calibrated with the probabilities of default (PD) estimated with transition matrixes from the SCR, is the most conservative approach; 3) to suggest that the proposed approach is more sensitive to credit risk especially in retail and is more effective against stress chocks. Small and big banks behave differently to adverse shocks. The small banks, for instance, have problems diversifying out extreme losses when the \"states of the economy\" deteriorate. On the other hand, considering systemic risk, the bankruptcies of these institutions are much less of a problem than the ones of a big bank. Finally, the CRBA is presented as an alternative to the current approach (SSA) in Brazil and to the Standard Approach (SA) in other countries, specifically in Europe. In Brazil, the CRBA would increase the risk sensitivity of MCR on smaller banks creating incentives to more careful risk management practices and aligning their capital and risk levels. On the other countries, the CRBA is an alternative to the Standard Approach (SA) that is not dependent on Credit Rating Agencies - CRAs\' opinions and brings two additional benefits. First, it is an internal model based approach eliminating regulatory dependence on CRAs\' opinions, minimizing opportunities to regulatory arbitrage with inflated ratings and allowing CRAs to be more of a trustworthy opinion provider. Second, it provides supervisors a tracking error mechanism to evaluate risk management in small banks using Credit Registers.

Can credit rating agencies discover and disseminate valuable information?

Berwart, Erik January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we study if credit rating agencies (CRAs) are capable, through their rating process, of discover information that it is valued by the market. Additionally, we investigate if CRAs are able to propagate their findings to the market. if Specifically, we study the differences between issuer-paid and investor-paid credit rating agencies, and how those differences shape the characteristics of their credit ratings and ultimately, if investors can profit from credit rating announcements. For our research we use a large dataset of rating announcements from 1997 to 2012, which includes information of four credit rating agencies (CRAs), Egan-Jones Ratings Company (EJR), Fitch, Moody's and Standard and Poor's, which representing investor-paid and issuer-paid CRAs. This allows us to compare these two kind of agencies and its ratings. In the first essay we study what variables explain the rating coverage of an investor-paid credit rating agency. We show that probability of being covered by EJR is positively related with the size of the firm, the level of institutional ownership of the firm, stock analysts and issuer-paid CRAs level of coverage, while it is negatively related to the firm's corporate governance. We found that the likelihood of being covered by EJR augments after regulatory changes and most interestingly, since EJR received the NRSRO certification. In the second essay we compare the timeliness of rating changes produced by EJR and the issuer-paid CRAs representatives. We found that the lead effect of investor-paid over issuer-paid CRAs has weakened in recent years, while Granger causality is bidirectional and therefore a lead-lag relationship cannot be established. Finally, stock prices manifest statistically significant abnormal reactions to downgrades of all agencies; however, abnormal negative returns are significantly higher for EJR. Our results support the hypothesis that issuer-paid agencies improve the quality and timeliness of their ratings when they see their market power threatened by tighter regulations. Nevertheless, event studies illustrate that markets still price stocks under the assumption that investor-paid rating actions carry superior information. Finally, our third essay found that purchasing (selling short) stocks with positive (negative) rating announcements generates portfolios with positive annual abnormal returns when investors react immediately to rating announcements. Returns are higher for stronger announcements (i.e. rating changes over rating outlooks) and for an investor-paid agency rather than an issuer-paid agency. When we introduced transaction costs, only the investor-paid agencies' announcements lead to positive abnormal returns. Additionally, when we included a delay in the reaction of investors to rating announcements, all positive abnormal returns net of transaction costs disappeared. Finally, our results suggests that the differences between investor-paid and issuer-paid agencies are based on their dissimilar business models rather than their regulatory status.

A thematic analysis of anticompetitive behaviour in the credit rating process of structured finance

Onjewu, Adah-Kole January 2018 (has links)
The credit rating industry is characterised by the high concentration of a small number of firms and, allegedly, this concentration stems from certain anticompetitive behaviours made manifest by the dominant firms in the industry. Therefore, as has yet to be done in empirical research, the purpose of this study is to carry out an exploration of the antitrust behaviours supposedly perpetuated by agents in the credit rating process for debt finance. The aim is to determine what influences, if any, the interactions and relationships in the rating process have on the sustenance of the oligopoly in the rating industry and on impeding new rating agencies trying to enter the market. Through the application of thematic analysis, this study aims to gather evidence on the behavioural motivations of rating analysts and underwriters in the rating process. Furthermore, the theoretical framework suggests notching and tying to be the anticompetitive behaviours that strengthen the oligopoly. Hence, the study finds that the drivers of anticompetitive notching in the rating process are the taking of haircuts and mapping, the guise of protecting investors’ interests, punitive ratings and a quid pro quo rating norm. Similarly, it finds that the enablers of anticompetitive tying are continuous dealing in the rating process, covert negotiation, repeat rating requests, ancillary services and the regulatory overdependence on credit ratings. In addition, this thesis explores the impediments of new rating agencies trying to enter the credit rating industry and finds that new rating agencies face peculiar market, regulatory and organisational barriers. Firstly, the market barriers comprise arbitrage, economic rents, investor preference and the issuer-pay model. Secondly, the regulatory barriers are discretionary regulation, new regulations and the designation of nationally recognised statistical rating organisation status. Lastly, the organisational barriers include down-trading, inadequate funding, the lack of geographic spread, low added intellectual value and a narrow product and service scope. Finally, this research recommends for regulatory authorities to agree to a harmonised convention on the recognition of credit rating agencies that may lead to the emergence of new robust agencies. It also proposes the standardisation of mapping practices in the notching process to reduce rating variance among credit rating agencies. Lastly, the research offers evidence of notching for competition and tying through informal services that may substantiate antitrust liability for possible antitrust intervention.

Uma avaliação do capital regulatório no sistema bancário / An analysis of the regulatory capital of the banking system

Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez 23 April 2012 (has links)
Esse estudo avalia a adequação dos requerimentos absolutos de capital no Brasil para bancos pequenos e grandes separadamente e investiga os requerimentos de capital mínimo para risco de crédito nas diferentes abordagens de Basiléia, em especial o impacto da adoção dos modelos dos ratings internos (IRB) conforme o Edital BCB n. 37/11. Além disso, propõe e avalia a abordagem padronizada dos ratings centralizados, CRBA, para cálculo do Capital Mínimo Exigido (CME) em bancos pequenos e que é baseada na abordagem padronizada em vigor na Europa, mas voltada para dados disponíveis nas Centrais de Risco. A CRBA pertence à família dos modelos internos e busca contribuir com as recentes discussões sobre a reforma regulatória bancária na Europa e nos Estados Unidos. Para os três objetivos mencionados, as metodologias adotadas foram: 1) o Valuet-at-Risk (VaR) não paramétrico de Crédito (CVaR) de Carey (2002) e o paramétrico Creditrisk+ para estimar o capital econômico do Sistema Bancário; seguido da 2) estimação amostral e avaliação do capital regulatório para bancos pequenos e grandes nas abordagens IRB, Basileia 1, abordagem padrão simplificada (SSA); além da 3) avaliação da abordagem proposta nesse estudo, a CRBA. A performance de todas essas abordagens é avaliada frente a cenários de stress ad hoc e durante a Crise de 2008-2009. Os dados utilizados foram exposições de crédito aleatórias colhidas da Nova Central de Risco do Banco Central do Brasil (SCR). Os principais resultados desse estudo são: 1) sugerir um capital regulatório total (Patrimônio de Referência mais provisão) para bancos grandes de 17,5% baseado no CVaR paramétrico de 99,9% e, para pequenos, de 15,31% baseado no CVaR de 99%; 2) sugerir que, de todas as abordagens de Basileia II, o IRB estimado conforme o Edital BCB n. 37/2011 e para as Probabilidade de Default (PDs) calculadas por matrizes de migração do SCR, é o mais conservador; 3) sugerir que a abordagem proposta seja mais sensível ao risco de crédito do que atual brasileira, especialmente no varejo, além de oferecer um nível proteção maior contra choques aleatórios de crédito. Na Crise de 2008-2009, os bancos pequenos e grandes apresentaram respostas muito distintas a choques diversos ou quando os \"estados da economia\" se deterioravam. Os bancos pequenos não atingem o grau de diversificação necessário para minimizar perdas extremas. Por outro lado, do ponto de vista do risco sistêmico, a falência dessas entidades tem impactos muito menores que a de conglomerados bancários de porte. Finalmente, a abordagem proposta CRBA é apresentada como uma alternativa à abordagem atual no Brasil e à abordagem padronizada (SA) nos demais países, em especial na Europa. No Brasil, a CRBA cumpriria o papel de aumentar a sensibilidade a risco de crédito do CME nos bancos pequenos criando incentivos para uma gestão de risco de crédito mais cautelosa e alinhando o nível de capital dos bancos pequenos ao seu risco efetivo. Nos demais países, a CRBA é uma alternativa à abordagem padronizada, que independe da opinião das Agências de Classificação de Risco (ACRs). A CRBA traz dois benefícios: o primeiro de ampliar o escopo dos modelos internos e eliminar a dependência regulatória na opinião das ACRs, diminuindo a oportunidade de arbitragem regulatória com ratings inflacionados e corrigindo incentivos para que as ACRs sejam apenas provedoras de opiniões isentas; e o segundo, de prover os organismos supervisores com um mecanismo de controle (tracking error) sobre a qualidade de gestão de risco dos bancos pequenos por meio das Centrais de Risco. / This work analyses capital requirements adequacy in Brazil both for small and big banks individually and evaluates the minimum capital requirements for credit risk in the different Basel II approaches, especially, the impacts of IRB adoption as stated on Edital BCB n.37/11. Besides, it proposes and evaluates the Centralized Standard Ratings Based Approach (CRBA) to calculate Minimum Capital Requirements (MCR) in small banks. It is inspired in the Basel II Standard Approach (SA) disseminated in Europe, but based on information from the Credit Registers. The CRBA is an internal model approach in line with recent discussions on regulatory reform in Europe and in the US. The methodology to address these three research goals is: the non-parametric credit Value-at-Risk (VaR) or CVaR of Carey(2002) and the parametric Creditrisk+ to estimate the economic capital for the banking system; to evaluate regulatory capital in small and big banks in the IRB, Basel 1 and the Simplified Standard Approach (SSA) on the sample; and to evaluate the CRBA, proposed in this study. The performance of these approaches is confronted with ad hoc stress scenarios and within the Credit Crisis of 2008-2009. The data is comprised of credit exposures available in the Brazilian Credit Register (SCR). This work main results are: 1) to suggest a total regulatory capital (capital and provision) of 17.5% to big banks based on a parametric CVaR (99.9%) and of 15.31% to small banks based on a CVaR (99%); 2) to suggest, based on all Basel II approaches, that the IRB, as stated on Edital BCB n.31/11 and calibrated with the probabilities of default (PD) estimated with transition matrixes from the SCR, is the most conservative approach; 3) to suggest that the proposed approach is more sensitive to credit risk especially in retail and is more effective against stress chocks. Small and big banks behave differently to adverse shocks. The small banks, for instance, have problems diversifying out extreme losses when the \"states of the economy\" deteriorate. On the other hand, considering systemic risk, the bankruptcies of these institutions are much less of a problem than the ones of a big bank. Finally, the CRBA is presented as an alternative to the current approach (SSA) in Brazil and to the Standard Approach (SA) in other countries, specifically in Europe. In Brazil, the CRBA would increase the risk sensitivity of MCR on smaller banks creating incentives to more careful risk management practices and aligning their capital and risk levels. On the other countries, the CRBA is an alternative to the Standard Approach (SA) that is not dependent on Credit Rating Agencies - CRAs\' opinions and brings two additional benefits. First, it is an internal model based approach eliminating regulatory dependence on CRAs\' opinions, minimizing opportunities to regulatory arbitrage with inflated ratings and allowing CRAs to be more of a trustworthy opinion provider. Second, it provides supervisors a tracking error mechanism to evaluate risk management in small banks using Credit Registers.

Credit Rating Agencies / Agences de notations

Trouillet, Julien 13 December 2017 (has links)
Les agences de notations ont récemment été l'objet d'une grande attention. Leur responsabilité dans la crise des subprimes a été questionné. Les médias ont mis en avant les notes trop généreuses qui avaient été attribué à certains produits complexes, avant de s'interroger sur leur comportement quand elles ont dégradé les notes des dettes souveraines. Dans cette thèse, après avoir revu une partie de la littérature sur le sujet, je m'interroge sur deux aspects spécifique de leur activité:(i) Quels sont les conséquences de confier une information publique (comme une note de crédit) à une entité privée ?(ii) Les agences de notations disent avoir pour principal actif la réputation. Cette dernière peut expliquer pourquoi on observe des périodes de sur- notations et d'autres de sous-notations ? / Credit rating agencies have recently been under a lot of scrutiny. Their responsibility in the last financial crisis has been questioned. They received much attention from the media. The credit rating agencies have been blamed for their too generous ratings before the crisis and also for being too severe during the European debt crisis. In this thesis, after an overlook of the recent literature, I look at two specific issues related to their activity: • What issues arise when public information is released by a private entity on financial markets? • Can reputation explains why a credit rating agency can be caught underrating (respectively overrating)

The relevance of trust and legitimacy for the introduction of credit rating agency regulation in South Africa: an application of modernity theory

Rabinowitz, David January 2014 (has links)
The 2007/2008 financial crisis and the role that credit rating agencies (CRA’s) played leading up to the crisis precipitated the introduction of CRA regulation worldwide. By using Giddens’s (1990. 1991) theory of modernity as a framework, this study explores the rationale for the introduction of CRA regulation in South Africa (the Credit Rating Services Act No. 24 of 2012), with a specific focus on trust and legitimacy. The findings in this study suggest that while the introduction of new regulation is a mechanism used to legitimise the capital system, it often has limitations and unforeseen consequences. This study used detailed interviews with some of South Africa’s leading experts on the credit rating industry to explain the reasoning for South African CRA regulation. Lastly, this thesis adds to the scant body of interpretive (and normative) research on the use of arms-length regulation in modern governance discourse, and it is also the first research to explore CRA regulation in the South African context.

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