Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kreditmanagement."" "subject:"creditriskmanagement.""
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'n Strategiese krediet- en invorderingsbeleid vir 'n kunsmisvervaardigerVisagie, Daniel Petrus 27 August 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Strategic Management) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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The credit risk management skills shortage in Nelson Mandela Bay MetropoleTeka, Babalwa January 2012 (has links)
Tito Mboweni (2011) said one of South Africa’s biggest tests is the overwhelming the skills shortage. He was echoing the views of Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande who himself said “South Africa could not afford to have an economy "constrained by a severe lack of skills". There are numerous initiatives that having been undertaken by government in an attempt to solve the skills shortage problem. However, these initiatives are not aimed at the tertiary education system. The tertiary education system is the focus of this study as the author investigates how the NMMU Business School can play a significant role in addressing the skills shortage in the credit risk management sector. Following a literature review, surveys were completed by the NMMU Business School MBA students (ninety of them completed it) and personal interviews were conducted with three Provincial HR managers from South Africa’s “four big banks” in Nelson Mandela Bay (Nedbank, Standard Bank and ABSA). The study found that the skills shortage is indeed a problem. The study found that reasons including the legacy left by apartheid and students pursuing the wrong degrees were highlighted as some of the reason for this skills shortage. An opportunity for the NMMU Business School was identified to support the banking industry in addressing credit risk management skills shortage. The benefits include financial reward and more importantly an opportunity to differentiate the Business School and the courses offered at the school from the rest. Some of the recommendations included sourcing of the best practices from institutions like the Millpark Business School on effective partnering with the banking industry as well as a proactive approach to be adopted by the banking industry in terms of lobbying support from other potential role players for example but not limited to, student bodies, BankSeta and the smaller banks in the industry.
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Správa pohledávek v mezinárodním prostředí / Management of Receivables within International EnvironmentPechová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis analyses management of receivables within international environment. In the theoretical part the general characteristics of the receivables are described as well as the possibilities of their control and management from the perspective of the global company. Based on the chosen methodology, the practical part analyses the process of the credit management in a specific global company and the new process that uses a segmentation of the portfolio is proposed.
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Rol del COSO ERM en la gestión de crédito en el sector de la banca múltiple en el Perú durante el 2018Carrión Domínguez, Gisela Cecilia, Díaz León, Juan Manuel 12 April 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tomará en cuenta los nuevos cambios presentados en el COSO ERM y evaluará el rol del COSO ERM en la gestión de créditos en el sector de Banca múltiple en el Perú durante el 2018. Los resultados del presente estudio permitirán tener una mejor gestión de riesgo que favorecerá a los negocios reforzando los temas de control de la empresa, identificando y administrando el riesgo de manera integral. Esto llevará a aumentar los resultados positivos y las ventajas de la organización, también reducir las secuelas negativas de los riesgos, pues permitirá identificarlos de manera oportuna. En los siguientes párrafos se presentará los objetivos y las hipótesis que se desprenden de esta investigación.
Esta investigación consta de 5 capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se describe algunos conceptos compuestos en el marco teórico, donde se desarrollan el COSO ERM, los diferentes tipos de riesgos, gestión de crédito, rentabilidad, morosidad en el sector y normativas.
En el segundo capítulo se desarrolla el plan de investigación. Se determina el problema, luego se detallará el objetivo principal y los específicos. Así como se presentará la hipótesis, la cual será validada a través de las herramientas de investigación.
En el tercer capítulo se presentará la metodología de la investigación, el cual tendrá un enfoque mixto y como herramientas se aplicarán entrevistas a profundidad a especialistas en el sector banca y cuarenta encuestas a jefes o analistas que se desempeñan en el sector.
En el cuarto capítulo se detallará el resultado de las entrevistas y encuestas aplicadas, las cuales se enlazan con los objetivos e hipótesis planteados en el plan de investigación.
En el quinto capítulo, se detalla el análisis de la información recopilada en el capítulo 4. Además, se validan las hipótesis planteadas a través del chi cuadrado y del planteamiento de un caso y, finalmente, se presentarán las conclusiones y recomendaciones que se desprenden después de validar las hipótesis planteadas. / The present investigation will consider the new exchange rates presented in COSO ERM and evaluate the role of COSO ERM in credit management in the Multiple Banking sector in Peru during 2018. The results of this study will allow you to have a better risk management that will favor business by reinforcing the control themes of the company, identifying and managing the risk in full. This will increase the positive results and the benefits of the organization, as well as reduce the negative sequences of risks, so it will be possible to identify them in a timely manner. In the following paragraphs, the objectives and hypotheses that come from this investigation will be presented.
This investigation consists of 5 chapters. In the first chapter, we describe some concepts made within the theoretical framework, from which the COSO ERM unfolds, the different types of risks, credit management, profitability, late payment in the sector and regulations.
In the second chapter the research plan was developed. If the problem is determined, the main objective and specifics will be detailed. Thus, as the hypothesis will be presented, which will be validated through the investigative tools.
In the third chapter, the research methodology will be presented, which will have a mixed approach and how tools will be applied to in-depth interviews with specialists in the banking sector and many interviews with analysts who are performing in the sector.
In the fourth chapter, the result of the interviews and applied surveys will be detailed, as they relate to the objectives and hypotheses planted in the research plan.
In the fifth chapter, the analysis of the information collected in chapter 4 is detailed. Also, if the hypotheses planted through the square chi and the planting of a case are validated, finally, the conclusions and recommendations that come off will be presented. to validate the planted hypotheses. / Tesis
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The case of Eurocurrency credits : lenders and borrowersDay, Catherine Theresa. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Credit risk-rating system for agricultural leasesJarvis, Marilyn Adams 23 December 2009 (has links)
Agricultural leases issued to forestry, dairy and cash crops operators from 1980-1992 are reviewed to determine factors statistically significant in predicting risk level (probability of default and/or probability of late payment) of the lessee for each industry. From a previous study of Telmark, 1990, literature review and the Recommendations of the Farm Financial Standards Task Force financial, operator/lessee and farmer/operator variables are selected for analysis.
Data obtained from Telmark,Inc. are used to develop a model to explain lease risk level of the forestry, dairy, and crops industries. Results show that for forestry the following financial, lessee/operator, and farmer/operator variables are useful in determining riskiness: operating expense to revenue, cash flow coverage, capital turnover, years in business, gross revenue, and owner's equity. The dairy results indicate that the following variables are important: current ratio, cash flow coverage, return on assets, capital turnover, operating expense to revenue, FHA loan secured, owner's equity, and gross revenue. The crop results indicate percent equity, current ratio, cash flow coverage ratio, return on assets, capital turnover, operating expense to revenue, interest to income, real estate owned, years in business, FHA loan-secured, and owner's equity are significant variables for determining lease risk.
Using the results from these models, a weighted average cost of misclassifying a lease is calculated. This is used to develop a profit maximizing criterion for determining whether a lease is high or low risk.
The need for future work is discussed. In the area of weighted average cost of misclassifying a lease, additional information on the costs of leasing and riskiness of the population would aid in reducing the misclassified leases in the portfolio.
Further study exploring some of the unexpected results in this study would be beneficial to both the lessee and the lessor. / Master of Science
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Chinese bank's credit risk assessmentMu, Yuan January 2007 (has links)
This thesis studies the Chinese banks’ credit risk assessment using the Post Keynesian approach. We argue that bank loans are the major financial sources in emerging economies and it is uncertainty, an unquantifiable risk, rather than asymmetric information about quantifiable risk, as held by the mainstream approach, which is most important for the risk attached to credit loans, and this uncertainty is particularly important in China. With the universal existence of uncertainty, borrowers and lenders have to make decisions based on convention and experience. With regard to the nature of decision-making, this implies the importance of qualitative methods rather than quantitative methods. The current striking problem in Chinese banking is the large amount of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and this research aims to address the NPLs through improving credit risk management. Rather than the previous literature where Western models are introduced into China directly or with minor modification, this work advocates building on China’s conventional domestic methods to deal with uncertainty. We briefly review the background of the Chinese banking history with an evolutionary view and examine Chinese conventions in the development of the credit market. Based on an overview of this history, it is argued that Soft Budget Constraints (SBC) and the underdeveloped risk-assessing mechanism contributed to the accumulation of NPLs. Informed by Western models and experience, we have made several suggestions about rebuilding the Chinese convention of credit risk assessment, based on an analysis of publications and interviews with Chinese bankers. We also suggest some further development of the Asset Management Companies (AMCs) which are used to dispose of the NPLs.
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Impact of Basel II on the South African banking system.22 April 2008 (has links)
The overall objective of this study was to determine the effect of Basel ll on the South African banking system through possible changes in the way in which a bank conducts its business. This purpose arose from the publication of the new Basel ll Framework on 26 June 2004, which has been adopted for implementation by the South African Reserve Bank. South Africa has set January 1, 2008 as the implementation date for Basel ll. The South African banks have mainly been focussing their efforts on becoming Basel ll compliant. Business line management and marketers have up until now not paid much attention to the likely impact of Basel ll on their markets and product offerings. A literature study was undertaken which included a review of the Basel ll Framework, impact studies and a review of the relevant literature on the topic. The Framework was analysed in order to determine the major impact themes. Once these impact themes were identified, the literature on those areas of impact was researched. The analysis of the Basel ll Framework identified three important themes that will have a significant impact on banks. There will firstly be an impact on market segments and product offerings. Secondly, there will be an internal impact on the banks in the form of increased costs, decision-making and capital management. The final theme identified was the global impact on the banks, especially regarding procyclicality and mergers and acquisitions. vii The research indicates that there will be both winners and losers. Banks that have large retail and mortgage exposures will benefit the most from Basel ll, whereas banks that have large exposures to sovereigns, banks and specialised lending portfolios will be negatively impacted. A capital charge for operational risk will mean that some areas such as corporate finance and asset management will be allocated capital, which was not the case under Basel l. Studies indicate that this new operational risk capital requirement more than outweighs any reduction in credit risk capital requirements. Customers that have high credit ratings are more likely to benefit from lower credit spreads. Similarly customers that have poor credit ratings can expect an increase in their pricing due to the higher capital requirements for these customers, unless they can provide a bank with ancillary revenues. Competition in the retail and mortgage markets will intensify due to the favourable capital requirements for these portfolios. The large South African banks will become takeover targets because of their large exposures to these markets. Basel ll will have a major impact on the way in which banks will do business in the future and as a result banks should view the implementation of the Framework as an opportunity to gain strategic advantages rather than just a compliance obligation. / Prof. A. Boessenkool
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Kredithantering : Rådgivares syn på riskhantering vid bostadslån / Credit Management : adviser's view of risk management for mortgageCarlsson, Jens, Karlsson, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
En bostad kan ses som en investering och finansieras oftast med ett bostadsslån från en bank. Finansinspektionen som fungerar som ett tillsynsorgan till bankverksamheterna har agerat mot en osund kredithantering med hjälp av införandet av ett bolånetak. Tidigare finansiella kriser har visat på svårigheterna att i förväg föreställa sig effekterna av framtida osäkerheter. Vid ett bostadslån kommer kreditgivaren och kredittagaren behöva resonera kring framtida osäkerhet som medföljer skuldsättningen. En ökad skuldsättning i förhållande till disponibel inkomst för varje enskild låntagare skulle innebära en ökad risk för bankens stabilitet. En kris i en bank kan skapa stora ekonomiska konsekvenser för samhällsekonomin. Bankerna arbetar för att motverka de risker med deras verksamhet genom att kvalitetssäkra krediterna. Vad som utgör risk och osäkerhet är en uppskattning som görs av varje individ då det kan ses som något unikt. Det gör att man ofta agerar på ofullständig information och trots bristen på fullständig information ska parterna ingå ett avtal där framtiden kan vara osäker.Genom att fördjupa oss i kredithanteringsprocessen vill vi undersöka hur bankerna arbetar med risk och osäkerhet genom rådgivning till deras bostadslånskunder. Vi har även haft till syfte att undersöka privatrådgivarens uppfattning och förhållningssätt till kredittagarens skuldsättning. Vi har undersökt hur banken ser på kredithantering genom att granska deras årsredovisningar och fördjupat oss i denna arbetsprocess genom att intervjua en privatrådgivare från respektive utvald bank. Dialogen mellan kreditgivare och kredittagare ger en inblick hur aktörerna arbetar för att vara proaktiva i kredithanteringen inför den osäkerhet som är förknippad med ett bostadslån.Vi kan konstatera från vår empiri och teori att det är svårt att kalkylera och bedöma den risk som är förknippad med ett bostadslån. Den totala risken med skuldsättningen beror på marknadsmekanismer som kan vara svåra att förutse. De inblandade aktörerna gör enbart prognoser vilket betonar att det inte finns någon definitiv säkerhet i parternas relation. Riskhanteringen vid krediter handlar om att försöka skapa en förståelse för potentiella händelser. Rådgivarens förmåga att skapa en förståelse hos kunderna om innebörden med ett bostadslån är av stor vikt.Vi kan konstatera att rådgivarna möter risker och osäkerheter genom att försöka vara proaktiva. Rågivarna agerar proaktivt genom att kalkylera faktiska förhållanden och samtidigt föra ett resonemang för att vara trygga i att kunden uppfattar att omständigheter kan förändras. Rådgivarna vill således möta kunderna genom att försäkra att det finns en förståelse i deras beslut. Proaktiviteten i bemötandet yttrar sig i faktorer så som försäkringar, men också amortering och framför allt buffertsparande. Vi kan konstatera att amortering är en god ekonomisk syn och sunt ur ett risk- eller osäkerhetsperspektiv. Sparande kan användas för att hantera oförutsedda utgifter. Buffertsparandet ger kunden möjligheten att vara flexibel för att inte vara beroende av sin inkomst på kort sikt. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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審計報告之資訊內涵-運用於財務危機之預測 / Study on Application of Information Content of Audit Reports to Financial Distress Forecast Model蔡麗君, Tsay, Lih Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
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