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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A cross-cultural study of coping / Coping / Cross cultural study of coping

Chen, Hongying. January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of cultural factors, such as self-construal, and social beliefs, on coping for U.S. and Chinese college students. Data from 325 U.S. and 321 Chinese college students were used for the analyses. It was found that independent self-construal, beliefs in reward for application and social complexity predicted task-oriented coping and self-regulation for both the U.S. and Chinese students. It was also found that beliefs in both fate control and social cynicism were associated with avoidance and emotion-focused coping in both groups. These two patterns of relationships were also observed across gender in each sample. Differences were also noted between the two countries. For the U.S. students, independent self-construal and interdependent self-construal contributed equally to task-oriented coping and self regulation, whereas for the Chinese students, only independent self-construal predicted these coping strategies. Moreover, religiosity was associated with emotion-focused coping and self regulation for the Chinese participants, while this pattern was not found in the U.S. student sample. The results of this study support the transactional model of coping. Consistent with previous findings, significant associations were found between three of the cultural variables (independent self-construal, beliefs in social complexity, and reward in application) and taskoriented coping. In contrast to prior research, the current study indicates that both independent and interdependent self-construal predicted task-oriented coping for the U.S. students. This contradicts Lam and Zane’s (2004) findings which suggested that these two dimensions of selfconstrual affect coping differently. Moreover, the current study found associations in the U.S. sample between self-construal, social beliefs, and coping dimensions which were originally identified in Chinese populations (i.e., self-regulation and help seeking). Similarly, the current research illuminated relationships in the Chinese sample between self-construal, social beliefs, and coping dimensions which were originally identified in the West (i.e., task-oriented and emotion-oriented coping). These findings suggest that current conceptualizations of coping in the West and China may not fully capture important aspects of coping in these two cultures. These results were discussed in relation to past findings in the literature, as well as the cultural contexts of the U.S. and China. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

Experiences of Danish business expatriates in Russia : a cross-cultural communication study

Chudnovskaya, Elena Vladimirovna. 14 December 2013 (has links)
Today Russia plays an important role in global economic development and attracts a lot of multinational companies, who establish their subsidiaries there. Many foreign investors send their representatives, business expatriates, to develop their businesses in Russia. The knowledge of cultural and communication specifics in Russia is very important for the success of those business personnel. This study has presented an in-depth picture of Danish business expatriates’ experience in Russia. Qualitative interviews with eight Danish business expatriates were conducted to examine and compare cultural and communication norms in Denmark and Russia. The results were analyzed using the cross-cultural theories of Hofstede (2011) and Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov (2010). The findings revealed that communication norms in Russia differ significantly from those in Denmark on two cross-cultural dimensions: Power Distance and Indulgence versus Restraint. / Department of Communication Studies

Concerto for Tar and Orchestra

Best, Robert M 16 July 2014 (has links)
The great challenge that exists in cross-cultural composition is finding commonalities of intonation, style, formality, and instrumentation. In the case of creating a composition for Persian tar and symphony orchestra, a number of challenges emerge. The goal of this composition is to find compatible musical elements between Persian and western music. The most difficult challenge of composing in this genre is finding compatible musical modes to generate optimum intonation. For this piece, the western pitch of Bb is used to help the intonation and tonal production of the tar. My approach to style involves a sensitive application using elements of classical Persian style and formality known as dãstgãh composition. Generally, Persian music places strong emphasis on improvisation, non-repetitive scalar melodies, variation of melodic and rhythmic material, tasteful ornamentation, and creating an inspiring musical atmosphere. Often music is composed with a story, poem or song in the mind of the performer. Typically, the instrumentation is very small and intimate, consisting of a tar performer, accompanied by a musician playing a daff (a Persian frame drum much like an Irish bodhran). I have composed a work that features many of the above characteristics. The Concerto for Tar and Orchestra encompasses many salient features found in Persian classical music, while also providing symphonic orchestration that adds complimentary western musical elements. Most of the instrumentation of the work adheres to standard orchestral instrumentation. I have included some Persian hand-drums to the orchestration (a tombak and a dohol) to play alongside standard symphonic percussion to add a more cross-cultural quality to the orchestration. The concerto also owes its inspiration to the story “Umar and the Harpist”, which is found in Jellaludin Rumi’s revered, masterful literary work entitled the Masnavi. I used the imagery found in this story to generate much of the dramatic contrast contained in the concerto. In the end, a composition has emerged which brings two distinct classical music traditions together in an effective cross-cultural form of expression.

Conceptualization of depression among Japanese American elders

Kost, Cecily R. January 1997 (has links)
This study examined how Japanese American elders conceptualize depression. Japanese American elders age 65 years and older (N = 120) were recruited from a senior center in Los Angeles, CA. Participants read a brief vignette that described an individual who met the criteria for major depression and then filled out a series of questionnaires. Counter to prior theories, these Japanese American elders emphasized that the interpersonal criteria contributed to the individual's problem to a lesser degree than the somatic, emotional, and cognitive criteria. These elders expressed Explanatory Models of depression that were similar to Western Conceptualizations of depression. The results also indicated that having an important role within one's family and higher activity levels tended to be related to lower Geriatric Depression Scale scores. Finally, acculturation, generational status, sex, educational level, and income were not related to problem conceptualization. Clinical implications and directions for future research were discussed. / Department of Psychological Science

A cross-cultural study of somatization / Somatization

Canel Cinarbas, Deniz January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to compare the factor structure of distress, comprised of depression, anxiety, and somatization, across Turkey and the U.S., and to investigate the metric invariance of the instruments used to measure distress: The Beck Depression Inventory-II, The State Trait Anxiety Inventory Trait subscale, and TheSymptom Check List 90-R Somatization subscale. Data from 778 Turkish and U.S. participants were used for the analyses. It was found that depression, somatization, and anxiety are three distinct but related constructs for both Turkish and U.S. participants. It was also found that BDI-II, STAI-Trait, and SCL-90-R-Somatization do not have metric invariance across the two cultures, and these instruments do not measure the same distress construct across Turkey and U.S. Stated differently, distress as measured by these three instruments has different meanings for Turkish and U.S. participants. According to the results of a freelist analysis, somatic, cognitive, behavioral, and affective reactions to distress were equally salient for Turkish students. In contrast, affective and somatic reactions to distress had more salience for the U.S. participants.Some of the results obtained from the current study contradicted previous findings, while some were consistent. The results were consistent with the way depression, anxiety, and somatization are conceptualized in the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) as separate constructs, but contradicted Krueger et al.'s findings (2003) and Broom's unitary model of personhood (2000, 2003). Results from the freelist analysis contradicted the previous findings indicating that Turkish individuals are more likely to somatize compared to individuals from the U.S. (Gureje et al., 1997). The methodological differences between the current study and the previous studies (Gureje et al., 1997), such as differences in the instrumentation and the educational levels of the participants, may have caused the observed differences in the findings. The results from the current study should be interpreted in light of its limitations, such as use of convenience sampling, instrumentation, and the effect of potential response biases. Future studies are needed to further investigate the cross-cultural metric invariance and item bias of BDI-II, STAI-Trait, and SCL-90-R-Somatization individually. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

College classroom leadership practices : what gender has to do with it

Edington, Linda Marie January 1995 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate and report on college classroom leadership practices and gender, race, age, and gender role orientation using the Student-Leadership Practice Inventory and the Bern Sex-Role Inventory. This study also collected data from five reflective statements. The study used three survey instruments. The respondents were college students attending a two year postsecondary institution in Indiana.The primary research question related to college students' leadership practices in the college classroom. A random sample of 13 courses were identified from the 800 courses offered for the Spring 1995 term. The total number of respondents was 187, 78 were female, 109 were male, 141 were European American, and 37 were African American. The age demographics were 30 under 20 years, 70 between 21-29, 50 between 30-39, 28 between 40-49, and 9 were over 50.The major findings of the study were as follows:1. Both male and female students most often used theleadership practice of Enabling Others to Act.2. The leadership practice of Enabling Others to Act wasdominant in all age groups.3. Both African American and European American respondents used the leadership practice of Enabling Others to Act. 4. Respondents who identified either masculine, feminine, androgynous, or undifferentiated gender role orientation used the leadership practice of Enabling Others to Act.5. Approximately half(52 percent) of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed they did not see themselves as a leader in the classroom, 78 percent agreed or strongly agreed that completing the Student-Leadership Practice Inventory helped them to think of themselves as a leader, and 77 percent strongly agreed or agreed that they will be more aware of their leader behavior having completed the S-LPI.Results of this study indicate that the leadership practice of Enabling Others to Act was the most developed leadership behavior for these college students in these classrooms and that completing the S-LPI caused students to reflect on their leadership. / Department of Educational Leadership

Cross-cultural differences in facial expressions : a study of an Asian American and an Asian national

Ishii, Kimiko January 2004 (has links)
Many researchers have suggested that facial expressions are universal. However, others hold a more nuanced view: That despite universal similarities, facial expressions are culture-specific. In the current study, facial expressions of an Asian American and an Asian national were studied using scenes from two television dramas from the United States and Japan. Similarities and differences were found between the facial expressions of the two characters. The existence of similarities supports the basic universality of facial expressions, while differences were found which support the perspective that facial expressions are culture-specific. These differences were primarily in the relationships between the intensity levels of the external expressions and the internal experiences of the two people. The findings indicate that even when people share basic facial features, the ways they express their emotions differ according to the cultures in which they grew up. / Department of Speech Communication

A cross-cultural comparison of U.S. and Japanese mental health trainees' ability to recognize facially expressed emotions

Hutchison, Ashley N. 14 December 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the ability of U.S. counseling psychology and Japanese clinical psychology trainees to recognize facially expressed emotions. Sixty U.S. counseling psychology students and 60 Japanese clinical psychology students viewed photographs of U.S.-Caucasian and Japanese individuals expressing seven basic emotions: anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. Participants completed a survey that assessed their ability to recognize emotions and their intensity ratings of these emotions. Two four-way mixed factors ANOVAs were performed to examine the effects of participant nationality, participant gender, poser nationality, and poser gender on emotion recognition accuracy scores and emotion intensity ratings. A significant three-way interaction effect for participant nationality, poser nationality, and poser gender on accuracy scores was discovered. Two significant interaction effects for intensity ratings involving poser nationality and participant nationality, and poser gender and participant nationality were also found. Results are discussed in light of prior research on emotion recognition and intensity ratings. Implications for counseling psychology and future research investigations are also presented. / Access to thesis permanently restricted to Ball State community only. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

A cross-cultural dilemma of standardization or adaptation : A study of Swedish B2B firms marketing activities in India

Göthlin, Alexander, Jacobsson, Anna January 2014 (has links)
This paper deals with Swedish B2B firms marketing activities in the culturally diverse Indian market, and what adaptations are made to meet the cultural diversity of India. The perception of cultural diversity in India is investigated from a Swedish B2B perspective. The findings were retrieved from three face to face interviews with equal number of respondents and firms; Roxtec, Norden Machinery and Gunnebo, three swedish B2B firms all established in India. The literature review is divided in two categories; Marketing and Culture, the former containing theory on relationship marketing and adaptation vs standardization when designing a marketing strategy, and the latter models of national culture as well as models on multicultural countries, with the models applied on India. The dimensions of culture that we found were most relevant in this paper were Power Distance and Perception of Time. The literature review is concluded with a conceptual framework containing our main concepts. The results from this study suggest that it is the managing of relationships with customers that are the most important part of marketing in India. It was also found that while India is characterized as a multicultural country, the way business is conducted and relationships managed are similar all over this vast country, leading us to suggest that a mutual Indian business culture exists.

The cross-cultural application of the social axioms survey in the South African Police Service / A. Barnard.

Barnard, Adi January 2006 (has links)
Beliefs are social in nature. and are widely shared within social groups, such as cultures. Shared beliefs reflect how people construct their social world and how they seek meaning and understanding of social realities. and they are context specific. General beliefs are context free and related to a wide spectrum of social behaviours across diverse contexts, actors, targets and periods. These general beliefs function like axioms in mathematics, thus they are basic premises that people endorse and on which they rely to guide their actions. A better understanding of beliefs can therefore be a useful instrument in managing a diverse workforce, such as the workforce found in South Africa. The objectives of this study were to investigate the replicability of the Social Axioms Survey (SAS) in the South African Police Service (SAPS), to examine the construct equivalence and item bias. and to assess the reliability. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study population consisted of applicants (N=1535) who applied for jobs in the SAPS. The SAS instrument was administered. Descriptive statistics, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, scale and item level analysis and estimation of reliability were used to analyse the results. An exploratory factor analysis utilising target rotation applied on all 60 items of the SAS revealed four interpretable factors (Factor 1 = Social Cynicism; Factor 2 = Reward for Application; Factor 4 = Fate Control; and Factor 5 = Spirituality Religiosity) congruent with the model of Leung et al. (2002). The third factor, namely Social Complexity did not replicate. Values of Tucker's phi higher than 0.90 were found for seven culture groups (Zulu, Sotho, Tswana, Swati, Tsonga, Venda and Pedi). This provided a strong indication of the structural equivalence. Analyses of variance showed that item bias was not a major disturbance. Cronbach's alpha reported lower levels of reliability. Recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

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