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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lokalizace pohyblivých akustických zdrojů / Localization of moving acoustical sources

Bezdíček, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on localization static (entering semester project) and moving acoustic sources (entering master's thesis) by the help of microphonic arrays. In the first part deal with common problems of localization. Further are here described types of microphonic arrays, simplifying possibilities which delimited this problems and general information about room acoustics. In the next part of this master's thesis are step by step mentioned methods localization of acoustic sources. In practical part were used algorithms: Steered-Beamformer-Based Locators and TDOA-Based Locators. Last part of this master's work includes results of these algorithms.

Registration Algorithms for Flash Inverse Synthetic Aperture LiDAR

Hennen, John Andrew January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Detecting Anomalous Behavior in Radar Data

Rook, Jayson Carr 01 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Development of new criteria for train detection and evaluation in critical conditions

Kerbal, Sofiane January 2019 (has links)
Railway signaling is of paramount importance to ensure traffic management andsafety on the rail network. The main lines are divided into sections called ‘blocks’,which are governed by a fixed signal installation. To prevent trains from colliding,each block allows one train at once. In France (and most European countries),train detection is performed by an electrical device called track circuit that consistsof a transmitter and a receiver installed at the track-side, and connected via therails. In the absence of a train, an electrical signal flows from the transmitter tothe receiver through the rails. As a train enters a track circuit, its axles shuntthe rails, provoking a short circuit (also called ‘shunt’): the signal transmitted tothe receiver drops. The detection of that signal drop results in the detection of atrain. This method rarely fails throughout the network, but there can be criticalcases where it may be inefficient. In this Master’s Thesis, new detection criteriaproposed in previous studies have been tested on signals measured in poor shuntingconditions. Three approaches have been tested: one in the time domain and two inthe frequency domain. The time approach compares the short-term and long-termstatistics of the received signals. The observation of a change in the spectra of thereceived signals around the 3rd order harmonic (3OH) has led to the implementationof two frequency criteria: the estimation of the band power around the 3OH andthe detection of the 3OH peaks. The obtained results show that better detection isachieved when the new criteria and the existing one are combined. / Tågsignalsystem är väsentliga för att garantera trafikstyrning och säkerhet i tågnätet.Spåren är indelade i sektioner, s.k. block, som övervakas med fasta signalinstallationer.För att hindra tåg från att krocka, tillåts bara ett tåg i taget per block. IFrankrike (och de flesta andra europeiska länder), detekteras tågen med en elektriskspårkrets som består av en sändare och en mottagare som är installerad bredvidspåret och ansluten till rälsen. När inget tåg finns på spåret, flyter en elektrisk signalfrån sändaren till mottagaren via spåret. När ett tåg anländer, kortsluts kretsenav hjulaxeln och signalen försvinner från mottagaren. Minskningen i signalstyrkaanvänds för att detektera tåget. Denna metod sällan misslyckas i tågnätet, men iovanliga fall kan det uppstå farliga situationer. I detta examensarbete utvärderasnya detektionsmetoder, som har föreslagits i tidigare studier, på signaler som haruppmätts under förhållanden med dålig kontakt mellan hjul och spår. Tre olika metoderhar testats, en i tidsdomänen och två i frekvensdomänen. Tidsdomänsmetodenjämför kortvarig och långvarig statistik för den mottagna signalen. I spektrum förden mottagna signalen, har man observerat en förändring runt den tredje övertonen,samt detektering av frekvenstoppar vid tredje övertonen. De erhållna resultatenvisar på förbättrad detektering när de nya och existerande kriterierna kombineras.

Vesicle-Protein Diffusion and Interaction Study Using Time Resolved Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

Rouhvand, Bahar January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Fault Detection for Rolling Element Bearings Using Model-Based Technique

Simatrang, Sorn 03 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Mitigation of Amplitude and Phase Distortion of Signals Under Modified Von Karman Turbulence Using Encrypted Chaos Waves

Mohamed, Fathi Husain Alhadi 08 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Mikrofonní pole malých rozměrů pro odhad směru přicházejícího zvuku / Small-Size Microphone Array for Estimation of Direction of Arrival of Sound

Kubišta, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
This thesis describe detection of direction receiving sound with small–size microphone array. Work is based on analyzing methods of time delay estimation, energy decay or phase difference signal. Work focus mainly on finding of angle of arrival in small time difference. Results of measuring, as programming sound, so sound recorded in laboratory conditions and real enviroment, are mentioned in conclusion. All calculations were done by platform Matlab

Visual analytics for detection and assessment of process-related patterns in geoscientific spatiotemporal data

Köthur, Patrick 04 January 2016 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern Visual Analytics die Analyse von Prozessen in geowissenschaftlichen raum-zeitlichen Daten unterstützen kann. Hierzu wurden drei neuartige Visual Analytics Ansätze entwickelt. Jeder Ansatz addressiert eine wichtige Analyseperspektive. Der erste Ansatz erlaubt es, wichtige räumliche Zustände in den Daten sowie deren auftreten in der Zeit zu untersuchen. Mittels hierarchischem Clustering werden alle in den Daten enthaltenen räumlichen Zustände in einer Clusterhierarchie verortet. Interaktive visuelle Analyse ermöglicht es, verschiedene räumliche Zustände aus den Daten zu extrahieren und die dazugehörigen raum-zeitlichen Muster zu interpretieren und zu bewerten. Der zweite Ansatz unterstützt die systematische Analyse des in den Daten zu beobachtenden zeitlichen Verhaltens sowie dessen Auftreten im geographischen Raum mittels einer Kombination aus Cluster Ensembles und interaktiver visueller Exploration. Der dritte Ansatz gestattet die Detektion und Analyse von zeitlichen Zusammenhängen in den Daten. Hierzu wurde eine etablierte Methode zur Analyse von zeitlichen Zusammenhängen zwischen zwei einzelnen Zeitreihen, gefensterte Kreuzkorrelation, durch Visual Analytics auf den Vergleich von Zeitreihenensembles erweitert. Dadurch ist es nicht nur möglich, Zusammenhänge zwischen Zeitreihen zu untersuchen, sondern auch Unsicherheiten in den Daten zu berücksichtigen. Alle Ansätze wurden anhand einer nutzer- und aufgabenorientierten Methodik entwickelt und erfolgreich in Anwendungsfällen aus der Erdsystem-Modellierung, der Ozeanmodellierung, der Paläoklimatologie und sogar den Kognitionswissenschaften eingesetzt. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass Visual Analytics einen wertvollen Ansatz zur Analyse von Prozess-bezogenen Mustern in raum-zeitlichen Daten darstellt. Es kann die Grenzen existierender Analysemethoden erweitern und ermöglicht Geowissenschaftlern neue, aufschlussreiche Sichtweisen auf Daten und die darin beschriebenen Prozesse. / This thesis studied how visual analytics can facilitate the analysis of processes in geoscientific spatiotemporal data. Three novel visual analytics solutions were developed, each addressing an important analysis perspective. The first solution addresses the analysis of prominent spatial situations in the data and their occurrence over time. Hierarchical clustering is used to arrange all spatial situations in the data in a hierarchy of clusters. The combination with interactive visual analysis enables geoscientists to explore and alter the resulting hierarchy, to extract different sets of representative spatial situations, and to interpret and assess the corresponding spatiotemporal patterns. The second solution supports geoscientists in the analysis of prominent types of temporal behavior and their location in geographic space. Cluster ensembles are integrated with interactive visual exploration to enable users to systematically detect and interpret various types of temporal behavior in different data sets and to use this information for assessment of simulation model output. The third solution enables geoscientists to detect and analyze interrelations of temporal behavior in the data. Windowed cross-correlation, a technique for comparison of two individual time series, was extended to the comparison of entire ensembles of time series through visual analytics. This not only allows scientists to study interrelations, but also to assess how much these interrelations vary between two ensembles. All visual analytics solutions were developed following a rigorous user- and task-centered methodology and successfully applied to use cases in Earth system modeling, ocean modeling, paleoclimatology, and even cognitive science. The results of this thesis demonstrate that visual analytics successfully addresses important analysis perspectives and that it is a valuable approach to the analysis of process-related patterns in geoscientific spatiotemporal data.

3D morphological and crystallographic analysis of materials with a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) / Analyse 3D morphologique et cristallographique des matériaux par microscopie FIB

Yuan, Hui 15 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’optimise la tomographie par coupe sériée dans un microscope ‘FIB’, en utilisant soit l’imagerie électronique du microscope à balayage (tomographie FIB-MEB), soit la diffraction des électrons rétrodiffusés (tomographie dite EBSD 3D). Dans les 2 cas, des couches successives de l’objet d’étude sont abrasées à l’aide du faisceau ionique, et les images MEB ou EBSD ainsi acquises séquentiellement sont utilisées pour reconstruire le volume du matériau. A cause de différentes sources de perturbation incontrôlées, des dérives sont généralement présentes durant l'acquisition en tomographie FIB-MEB. Nous avons ainsi développé une procédure in situ de correction des dérives afin de garder automatiquement la zone d'intérêt (ROI) dans le champ de vue. Afin de reconstruction le volume exploré, un alignement post-mortem aussi précis que possible est requis. Les méthodes actuelles utilisant la corrélation-croisée, pour robuste que soit cette technique numérique, présente de sévères limitations car il est difficile, sinon parfois impossible de se fier à une référence absolue. Ceci a été démontré par des expériences spécifiques ; nous proposons ainsi 2 méthodes alternatives qui permettent un bon alignement. Concernant la tomographie EBSD 3D, les difficultés techniques liées au pilotage de la sonde ionique pour l'abrasion précise et au repositionnement géométrique correct de l’échantillon entre les positions d'abrasion et d’EBSD conduisent à une limitation importante de la résolution spatiale avec les systèmes commerciaux (environ 50 nm)3. L’EBSD 3D souffre par ailleurs de limites théoriques (grand volume d'interaction électrons-solide et effets d'abrasion. Une nouvelle approche, qui couple l'imagerie MEB de bonne résolution en basse tension, et la cartographie d'orientation cristalline en EBSD avec des tensions élevées de MEB est proposée. Elle a nécessité le développement de scripts informatiques permettant de piloter à la fois les opérations d’abrasion par FIB et l’acquisition des images MEB et des cartes EBSD. L’intérêt et la faisabilité de notre approche est démontrée sur un cas concret (superalliage de nickel). En dernier lieu, s’agissant de cartographie d’orientation cristalline, une méthode alternative à l’EBSD a été testée, qui repose sur l’influence des effets de canalisation (ions ou électrons) sur les contrastes en imagerie d’électrons secondaires. Cette méthode corrèle à des simulations la variation d’intensité de chaque grain dans une série d’images expérimentales obtenues en inclinant et/ou tournant l’échantillon sous le faisceau primaire. Là encore, la méthode est testée sur un cas réel (polycritsal de TiN) et montre, par comparaison avec une cartographie EBSD, une désorientation maximale d'environ 4° pour les angles d’Euler. Les perspectives d’application de cette approche, potentiellement beaucoup plus rapide que l’EBSD, sont évoquées. / The aim of current work is to optimize the serial-sectioning based tomography in a dual-beam focused ion beam (FIB) microscope, either by imaging in scanning electron microscopy (so-called FIB-SEM tomography), or by electron backscatter diffraction (so-called 3D-EBSD tomography). In both two cases, successive layers of studying object are eroded with the help of ion beam, and sequentially acquired SEM or EBSD images are utilized to reconstruct material volume. Because of different uncontrolled disruptions, drifts are generally presented during the acquisition of FIB-SEM tomography. We have developed thus a live drift correction procedure to keep automatically the region of interest (ROI) in the field of view. For the reconstruction of investigated volume, a highly precise post-mortem alignment is desired. Current methods using the cross-correlation, expected to be robust as this digital technique, show severe limitations as it is difficult, even impossible sometimes to trust an absolute reference. This has been demonstrated by specially-prepared experiments; we suggest therefore two alternative methods, which allow good-quality alignment and lie respectively on obtaining the surface topography by a stereoscopic approach, independent of the acquisition of FIB-SEM tomography, and realisation of a crossed ‘hole’ thanks to the ion beam. As for 3D-EBSD tomography, technical problems, linked to the driving the ion beam for accurate machining and correct geometrical repositioning of the sample between milling and EBSD position, lead to an important limitation of spatial resolution in commercial softwares (~ 50 nm)3. Moreover, 3D EBSD suffers from theoretical limits (large electron-solid interaction volume for EBSD and FIB milling effects), and seems so fastidious because of very long time to implement. A new approach, coupling SEM imaging of good resolution (a few nanometres for X and Y directions) at low SEM voltage and crystal orientation mapping with EBSD at high SEM voltage, is proposed. This method requested the development of computer scripts, which allow to drive the milling of FIB, the acquisition of SEM images and EBSD maps. The interest and feasibility of our approaches are demonstrated by a concrete case (nickel super-alloy). Finally, as regards crystal orientation mapping, an alternative way to EBSD has been tested; which works on the influence of channelling effects (ions or electrons) on the imaging contrast of secondary electrons. This new method correlates the simulations with the intensity variation of each grain within an experimental image series obtained by tilting and/or rotating the sample under the primary beam. This routine is applied again on a real case (polycrystal TiN), and shows a max misorientation of about 4° for Euler angles, compared to an EBSD map. The application perspectives of this approach, potentially faster than EBSD, are also evoked.

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