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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação da integração do vírus do mosaico do pepino no genoma da soja e seu reconhecimento pelo sistema de produção de pequenos RNAs

Fonseca, Guilherme Cordenonsi da January 2011 (has links)
A soja (Glycine max) é uma das culturas mais importantes do mundo, os seus grãos servem tanto para a alimentação quanto para a extração de óleo para a fabricação do biodiesel. O vírus do mosaico do pepino (CMV, do inglês, “Cucumber mosaic virus”) é um vírus de RNA, patogênico a diversas plantas. O RNA de interferência é um sistema de silenciamento de RNA presente na maioria dos eucariotos no qual precursores de RNA de dupla fita (dsRNA) são processados em pequenos RNAs (sRNAs) de 21-24 nucleotídeos (nt), que podem regular a atividade de genes, elementos genéticos e vírus de uma maneira sequência específica. A integração de vírus de DNA e de retrovírus no genoma do hospedeiro já é bem conhecida tanto para sistemas eucarióticos quanto para procarióticos. Mais recentemente, foi observada a integração de vírus de RNA não retrovirais (NIRVs) em mamíferos. O presente trabalho é o primeiro a demonstrar tal evento no genoma de plantas. A partir das sequências dos sRNAs de 19-24 nt de 15 bibliotecas de sRNAs sequenciados de amostras de tecidos de soja, foram montadas sequências contíguas (“contigs”) pelo programa SOAP, algumas das quais apresentaram homologia de sequência ao RNA 1 do CMV. Por montagem de novo desses contigs foi obtida uma sequência de 3.092 nt do RNA 1 do CMV, presente em todas as bibliotecas pesquisadas de pelo menos cinco cultivares diferentes de soja. A presença dessa sequência foi confirmada em outras sete cultivares, exceto em "Willians". Foi observada uma maior presença de sRNAs derivados do CMV senso do que anti-senso nas 15 bibliotecas sequenciadas. Os sRNAs de 22-nt foram os mais abundantes. Para o vírus da mancha da vagem do feijoeiro (BPMV, do inglês “Bean pod mottle virus”) presente em uma das bibliotecas, os sRNAs de 21-nt e 22-nt representaram em torno de 80% do total de sRNAs. Foram encontrados sRNAs que variaram sob estresse biótico (Phakospora pachyrhizi) e abiótico (seca) e entre diferentes cultivares. A expressão do RNA 1 aumentou nas plantas sob estresse. Provavelmente o evento de integração ocorreu via recombinação à um retrotransposon. / The Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the world's most important crops, its seeds are used both as food and for the extraction of oil to manufacture biodiesel. The Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is a pathogenic RNA virus of plants. The RNA interference is a system of RNA silencing present in most eukaryotes in which precursors of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) are processed into small RNAs (sRNAs) of 21-24 nucleotides (nt), which can regulate the activity of genes, genetic elements and virus in a sequence-specific manner. The integration of DNA virus and retrovirus into the host genome is well known both for prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. The integration of non-retroviral RNA virus (NIRVs) in mammals was previously observed, but the present work is the first to demonstrate such an event in a plant genome. The sequences of the sRNAs ranging from 19 to 24 nt, in 15 libraries of sRNAs sequenced from samples of soybean tissues, were assembled in contigs by the program SOAP, with some preentering sequence homology to the RNA 1 of CMV. By de novo assembling of these contigs it was obtained a sequence of 3,092 nt of the CMV RNA 1, present in all libraries surveyed in at least five different varieties of soybeans. The presence of this sequence was confirmed by PCR in seven other cultivars, but in "Williams". We observed a greater presence of sRNAs derived from CMV of sense orientation than antisense in the 15 libraries sequenced. The 22-nt sRNAs were the most abundant. For the Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV), present in one of the libraries, the 21 and 22 nt sRNAs were represented by around 80% of all sRNAs. The sRNAs were found varying under biotic stress (Phakospora pachyrhizi) and abiotic (drought) and among different cultivars. RNA 1 expression increased in plants under stress. Probably the integration event occurred via recombination of a retrotransposon.

The relationship of peanut stunt virus to cucumber mosaic virus and aspermy viruses of tomato and chrysanthemum

Groelke, John William January 1970 (has links)
Host range and symptomatology of peanut stunt virus (PSV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), the Blencowe isolate of tomato aspermy virus (TAV-B) and a chrysanthemum virus (CV-L) varies on selected hosts. In sucrose density-gradient centrifugation each virus has a sedimentation rate of approximately 100s. Purified preparations of PSV and CV-L are homogenous and stable while CMV and TAV-B aggregate and lose infectivity. In acrylamide gel electrophoresis, all the viruses move as a single component with CMV migrating faster than the other three. Formaldehyde-stabilization of PSV and CMV did not increase the titer of immune sera. Classical microprecipitin and gel diffusion tests were unsatisfactory because of nonspecific precipitation and antibodies to normal host antigens. Analysis of incubated homologous and heterologous virus-antibody mixtures by density-gradient centrifugation detected specific precipitation with surface antigenic sites on the virions. In reciprocal tests, CMV and CV-L show no serological relationship. CV-L and TAV-B react reciprocally and are strains. CMV antiserum reacts with TAV-B, but not conversely. PSV reacts reciprocally with the other three viruses, and thus is related at the strain level to all three. Of the viruses compared, PSV appears to be most like the hypothetical parent strain of the CMV group, since it possesses antigenic sites in common to at least three members of the group. / Master of Science

Adaptation des populations virales aux résistances variétales et exploitation des ressources génétiques des plantes pour contrôler cette adaptation / Adaptation of viral populations to plant resistance and exploitation of plant genetic resources to control this adaptation

Tamisier, Lucie 07 December 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation de variétés de plantes porteuses de gènes majeurs de résistance a longtemps été une solution privilégiée pour lutter contre les maladies des plantes. Cependant, la capacité des agents pathogènes à s’adapter à ces variétés après seulement quelques années de culture rend nécessaire la recherche de résistances à la fois efficaces et durables. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient (i) d’identifier chez la plante des régions génomiques contraignant l’évolution des agents pathogènes en induisant des effets de dérive génétique et (ii) d’étudier l’impact des forces évolutives induites par la plante sur la capacité d’adaptation des pathogènes aux résistances variétales, l’ambition étant par la suite d’employer au mieux ces forces pour limiter l’évolution des pathogènes. Le pathosystème piment (Capsicum annuum) – PVY (Potato virus Y) a été principalement utilisé pour mener ces travaux de recherche. Afin de répondre au premier objectif, une cartographie de QTL (quantitative trait loci) sur une population biparentale de piment et une étude de génétique d’association sur une core-collection de piments ont été réalisées. Ces deux approches ont permis de mettre en évidence des régions génomiques sur les chromosomes 6, 7 et 12 impliquées dans le contrôle de la taille efficace des populations virales lors de l’étape d’inoculation du virus dans la plante. Certains de ces QTL ont montré une action vis-à-vis du PVY et du CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus) tandis que d’autres se sont révélés être spécifiques d’une seule espèce virale. Par ailleurs,le QTL détecté sur le chromosome 6 co-localise avec un QTL précédemment identifié comme contrôlant l’accumulation virale et interagissant avec un QTL affectant la fréquence de contournement d’un gène majeur de résistance. Pour répondre au second objectif, une analyse de la corrélation entre l’intensité des forces évolutives induites par la plante et une estimation expérimentale de la durabilité du gène majeur a été réalisée. De l’évolution expérimentale de populations de PVY sur des plantes induisant des effets de dérive génétique, de sélection et d’accumulation virale contrastés a également été effectuée. Ces deux études ont démontré qu’une plante induisant une forte dérive génétique associée à une réduction de l’accumulation virale permettait de contraindre l’évolution des populations virales, voire d’entraîner leur extinction. Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives pour le déploiement de déterminants génétiques de la plante qui influenceraient directement le potentiel évolutif du pathogène et permettraient de préserver la durabilité des gènes majeurs de résistance. / Plants carrying major resistance genes have been widely used to fight against diseases. However, the pathogensability to overcome the resistance after a few years of usage requires the search for efficient and durable resistances.The objectives of this thesis were (i) to identify plant genomic regions limiting pathogen evolution by inducinggenetic drift effects and (ii) to study the impact of the evolutionary forces imposed by the plant on the pathogenability to adapt to resistance, the goal being to further use these forces to limit pathogen evolution. The pepper(Capsicum annuum) – PVY (Potato virus Y) pathosystem has been mainly used to conduct these researches.Regarding the first objective, quantitative trait loci (QTL) were mapped on a biparental pepper population andthrough genome-wide association on a pepper core-collection. These approaches have allowed the detection ofgenomic regions on chromosomes 6, 7 and 12 controlling viral effective population size during the inoculationstep. Some of these QTLs were common to PVY and CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus) while other were virusspecific.Moreover, the QTL detected on chromosome 6 colocalizes with a previously identified QTL controllingPVY accumulation and interacting with a QTL affecting the breakdown frequency of a major resistance gene.Regarding the second objective, a correlation analysis between the evolutionary forces imposed by the plant andan experimental estimation of the durability of a major resistance gene has been done. Experimental evolution ofPVY populations on plants contrasted for the levels of genetic drift, selection and virus accumulation they imposedhas also been performed. Both studies demonstrated that a plant inducing a strong genetic drift combined to areduction in virus accumulation limits virus evolution and could even lead to the extinction of the virus population.These results open new perspectives to deploy plant genetic factors directly controlling pathogen evolutionarypotential and could help to preserve the durability of major resistance genes.

Breeding Melons for Resistance to Viral and Fungal Diseases. Exploiting the Multi-Resistant Accession TGR-1551

López Martín, María 15 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las cucurbitáceas son la segunda familia de hortícolas más importante a nivel mundial, solo por detrás de las solanáceas. Tradicionalmente su cultivo se ha llevado a cabo en las zonas templadas del planeta. Sin embargo, las condiciones de cambio climático, el comercio internacional y los modelos de agricultura intensiva favorecen la aparición de nuevas virosis y enfermedades fúngicas en zonas donde antes no estaban presentes. En este sentido, resulta esencial el monitoreo periódico de las principales zonas productoras, para así poder detectar los virus y hongos emergentes en cada territorio y adaptar los programas de mejora a los objetivos específicos de cada zona. En el caso concreto del melón (Cucumis melo) existe una gran variabilidad intraespecífica que puede servir como fuente de alelos de resistencia frente a estos patógenos. Sin embargo, las fuentes de resistencia suelen encontrarse dentro del germoplasma silvestre, normalmente originario de África o Asia, y en el que el nivel de domesticación es reducido. Para un mejor aprovechamiento de las accesiones resistentes, resulta necesario un estudio del control genético de los caracteres de interés, que permita localizar las regiones asociadas a la resistencia y diseñar marcadores moleculares asociadas a las mismas. Esto facilita los programas de mejora orientados a la introgresión de las resistencias manteniendo el fondo genético de las variedades de interés En la presente tesis doctoral, durante las campañas de verano de 2019 y 2020, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la incidencia y diversidad genética de 9 especies virales potencialmente limitantes para el cultivo de cucurbitáceas en el sur este español. Se ha podido observar que los virus transmitidos por pulgones son prevalentes frente a los transmitidos por mosca blanca. Dentro del primer grupo destacó la presencia de watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), cucurbits aphid borne yellows virus (CABYV) y cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), ya que fueron detectados en todas las zonas y cultivos estudiados, apareciendo frecuentemente en infecciones mixtas. Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus (MWMV) y tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) también fueron detectados en algunas zonas, pero con porcentajes de infección más bajos y normalmente en infecciones mixtas con WMV. Los análisis filogenéticos de los distintos aislados encontrados ha permitido la identificación de 7 nuevos perfiles moleculares de WMV y de aislados recombinantes de CMV, lo que es consistente con los resultados obtenidos en otros países y pone de manifiesto la gran variabilidad de estos patógenos. Las accesiones silvestres de melón recogidas en distintos bancos de germoplasma son un valioso recurso para los programas de mejora genética frente a estreses bióticos. La accesión africana TGR-1551 ha sido descrita previamente como resistente a WMV, CYSDV (cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus), CABYV y el hongo Podosphaera xanthii (Px, razas 1, 2 y 5) agente causal del oídio en melón. Además, es tolerante a la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) y portadora del gen Vat (virus aphid transmission), el cual limita la transmisión de virus por pulgón. Por lo tanto, esta accesión constituye una buena fuente de alelos de resistencia y, al poder utilizar un único parental donante, su uso acortaría los programas de mejora. En el marco de la presente tesis doctoral, mediante el desarrollo de poblaciones segregantes de mapeo y el aprovechamiento de las tecnologías de genotipado masivo se han podido cartografiar los QTLs asociados a la resistencia a CYSDV derivados de esta entrada. En el caso de la resistencia a CYSDV, se han detectado dos QTL en el cromosoma 5. El primero de ellos es de efecto mayor y herencia dominante, estando asociado al desarrollo de síntomas. El segundo QTL, de efecto menor y también de herencia dominante, no confiere resistencia por sí mismo y está asociado a la carga viral durante la infección. Siguiendo una estrategia similar se han podido cartografiar y estrecha / [CA] Les cucurbitàcies són la segona família d'hortícoles més important a nivell mundial, només per darrere de les solanàcies. Tradicionalment el seu cultiu s'ha dut a terme a les zones temperades del planeta. No obstant això, les condicions de canvi climàtic, el comerç internacional i els models d'agricultura intensiva afavoreixen l'aparició de noves virosis i malalties fúngiques en zones on abans no estaven presents. En aquest sentit, resulta essencial el monitoratge periòdic de les principals zones productores, per a d'aquesta manera, poder detectar els virus i fongs emergents en cada territori i adaptar els programes de millora als objectius específics de cada zona. En el cas concret del meló (Cucumis melo) existeix una gran variabilitat intraespecífica que pot servir com a font d'al·lels de resistència enfront d'aquests patògens. No obstant això, les fonts de resistència solen trobar-se dins del germoplasma silvestre, normalment originari d'Àfrica o Àsia, i en el qual el nivell de domesticació és reduït. Per a un millor aprofitament de les accessions resistents, resulta necessari un estudi del control genètic dels caràcters d'interés, que permeta localitzar les regions associades a la resistència i dissenyar marcadors moleculars associats a aquestes. Això facilita els programes de millora orientats a la introgressió de les resistències mantenint el fons genètic de les varietats d'interés. En la present tesi doctoral, durant les campanyes d'estiu de 2019 i 2020, s'ha dut a terme un estudi de la incidència i diversitat genètica de nou espècies virals potencialment limitants per al cultiu de cucurbitàcies en el sud-est espanyol. S'ha pogut observar que els virus transmesos per pugons són prevalents enfront dels transmesos per mosca blanca. Dins del primer grup va destacar la presència de watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), cucurbits aphid born yellows virus (CABYV) i cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), ja que van ser detectats en totes les zones i cultius estudiats, apareixent sovint en infeccions mixtes. Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus (MWMV) i tomatoleaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) també van ser detectats en algunes zones, però amb percentatges d'infecció més baixos i normalment en infeccions mixtes amb WMV. Les anàlisis filogenètiques dels diferents aïllats trobats ha permés la identificació de set nous perfils moleculars de WMV i d'aïllats recombinants de CMV, la qual cosa és consistent amb els resultats obtinguts en altres països i posa de manifest la gran variabilitat d'aquests patògens. Les accessions silvestres de meló recollides en diferents bancs de germoplasma són un valuós recurs per als programes de millora genètica enfront d'estressos biòtics. L'accessió africana *TGR-1551 ha sigut descrita prèviament com a resistent a WMV, CYSDV (cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus), CABYV i el fong Podosphaera xanthii (Px, races 1, 2 i 5) agent causal de l'oïdi en meló. A més, és tolerant a la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) i portadora del gen Vat (virus aphid transmission), el qual limita la transmissió de virus per pugó. Per tant, aquesta accessió constitueix una bona font d'al·lels de resistència i, en poder utilitzar un únic parental donant, el seu ús acurtaria els programes de millora. En el marc de la present tesi doctoral, mitjançant el desenvolupament de poblacions segregants de mapatge i l'aprofitament de les tecnologies de genotipat massiu s'ha pogut cartografiar els QTLs associats a la resistència a CYSDV derivats d'aquesta entrada. En el cas de la resistència a CYSDV, s'han detectat dues QTL en el cromosoma cinc. El primer d'ells és d'efecte major i herència dominant, estant associat al desenvolupament de símptomes. El segon QTL, d'efecte menor i també d'herència dominant, no confereix resistència per si mateix i està associat a la càrrega viral durant la infecció. Seguint una estratègia similar s'han pogut cartografiar i estrényer els *QTLs de resistència enfront de Px. En aquest cas es tracta d'una epistàsia dominant-re / [EN] Cucurbits represent the second most important horticultural family worldwide, second only the Solanaceae family. Traditionally, their cultivation has been concentrated in temperate regions across the globe. However, climate change conditions, international trade, and intensive agricultural practices are contributing to the emergence of new viral and fungal diseases in regions where they were previously absent. In this regard, it is crucial to regularly monitor major production areas to detect emerging viruses and fungi specific to each region. This monitoring allows for the adaptation of breeding programs to the unique goals of each area. In the case of melon (Cucumis melo), it exists significant intraspecific variability that can serve as a source of resistance alleles against these pathogens. However, sources of resistance are often found within wild germplasm, typically originating from Africa or Asia, and characterized by limited domestication. To better utilize these resistant accessions, a study of the genetic control of desirable traits is necessary. This study aims to locate regions associated with resistance and design molecular markers linked to these regions. Such an approach streamlines breeding programs focused on introgressing resistance traits while preserving the genetic background of the desired varieties. During the summer campaigns of 2019 and 2020, this doctoral thesis conducted a study on the incidence and genetic diversity of nine viral species potentially affecting cucurbit cultivation in southeastern Spain. It was observed that viruses transmitted by aphids were more prevalent than those transmitted by whiteflies. Within the first group, the presence of watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), cucurbits aphid borne yellows virus (CABYV), and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) stood out, as they were detected in all the studied areas and crops, often in mixed infections. Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus (MWMV) and tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) were also detected in some areas but with lower infection percentages, typically in mixed infections with WMV. Phylogenetic analyses of the found isolates have identified seven new molecular profiles of WMV and recombinant CMV isolates, which is consistent with results from other countries, highlighting the extensive variability of these pathogens. Wild melon accessions preserved in various germplasm banks represent a valuable resource for breeding programs against biotic stresses. The African accession TGR-1551 has been previously described as resistant to WMV, CYSDV (cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus), CABYV, and the fungus Podosphaera xanthii (Px, races 1, 2, and 5), which causes powdery mildew in melons. Additionally, it is tolerant to whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) and carries the Vat gene (Virus Aphid Transmission), limiting virus transmission by aphids. Therefore, this accession constitutes as an excellent source of resistance alleles, and its use, as a single donor parent, can expedite breeding programs. Within the scope of this doctoral thesis, through the development of segregating mapping populations and the utilization of high-throughput genotyping technologies, the QTLs associated with CYSDV resistance from this accession have been mapped. In the case of CYSDV resistance, two QTLs have been detected on chromosome 5. The first of these, with major effects and dominant inheritance, is associated with symptom development. The second QTL, with minor effects and also dominant inheritance, does not confer resistance by itself and is linked to viral load during infection. A similar strategy was employed to map and narrow down the QTLs for resistance against Px. In this case, it involves a dominant-recessive epistasis, with the recessive gene located on chromosome 12 and the dominant gene on chromosome 5, specifically in the same region where the major CYSDV resistance QTL is located. Regarding resistance against WMV, previous studies conducted by the research / This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), grant number PID2020-116055RB (C21 and C22), and by the Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esports de la Generalitat Valenciana, grant number PROMETEO/2021/072 (to promote excellence groups, cofinanced with FEDER funds). M.L. is a recipient of a predoctoral fellowship (PRE2018-083466) of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades co-financed with FSE funds. / López Martín, M. (2023). Breeding Melons for Resistance to Viral and Fungal Diseases. Exploiting the Multi-Resistant Accession TGR-1551 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202060

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