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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of Basotho culinary practices and consumer acceptance of Basotho traditional bread

Nkhabutlane, Pulane January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this study was to investigate the culinary practices of Basotho with regard to traditional bread, to characterise breads and to apply the cultural hedonic framework to describe consumers’ perceptions about the acceptance of traditional Basotho breads. The culinary practices of Basotho have been transferred from one generation to the other without or with very limited documentation. The only sourced information was a research done by Ashton in 1939. The knowledge of traditional bread preparation and its acceptance by Basotho consumers is currently limited. Food practices are embedded in culture and every culture has specifications pointing to the hedonic characteristics of food such as taste, appearance, flavour and aroma, which are determined by the context in which the food is selected or consumed. It was important to understand the cultural hedonic framework underlying Basotho bread acceptance. The study was exploratory and descriptive in nature. Food acceptance and cultural hedonic framework theories were used to explore the reasons underlying the choice of bread. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative techniques of collecting data in the three phases. Data related to culinary practices was collected by a structured questionnaire and focus groups in phase 1. Phase 2 was the standardisation of recipes obtained in phase 1. The standardised breads were characterised in phase 3 by describing selected physico–chemical and sensory characteristics of dough and breads. The responses to the questionnaire and descriptive sensory evaluation were statistically analysed and the grounded theory approach was used to analyse data from focus groups. Ten Basotho breads prepared from wheat, maize and sorghum were identified in both rural and urban areas of Lesotho. Preparation of traditional Basotho breads involves preparation of grains (washing, sorting, soaking, dehulling, dry milling and wet milling), mixing/kneading, fermentation and cooking. Steaming method is applied to all breads, but baking and pot-roasting are used for wheat breads only. Younger participants were less familiar with maize and sorghum breads than they were with wheat breads. Unfamiliarity with the sensory attributes of these products, contributed to their lower acceptance. The older participants were familiar with all traditional breads and valued them for use in the important Basotho cultural ceremonies. The movement from the rural areas to urban areas has also changed the traditional bread practices to modern westernised ways. This therefore placed Lesotho into both higher and lower cultural hedonic context such that rural and old people are higher context cultures and urban and younger people are lower context cultures. The type of grain flour used influenced the sensory characteristics of breads. Red sorghum breads reflected dark red crumb and white maize breads reflected white crumb. Fine flour produced lighter breads than coarse flour of the same cereal type. Non-wheat breads were more crumbly, hard and fibrous than wheat breads. The instrumental texture analysis showed plastic deformation for wheat breads, brittle deformation for non-wheat breads and elastic deformation for standard breads. It is recommended that more attention be given to the development, standardisation and improvement of traditional bread recipes in order to produce bread with acceptable sensory attributes. The findings of this study help to understand and interpret the overall scope of Basotho attitude towards breads for the maximum utilisation of local grains in Lesotho. The study adds the Basotho perspective of cultural food acceptance to the excisting global knowledge of food choice regarding traditional food products. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Consumer Science / PhD / Unrestricted

Les céramiques culinaires et l'évolution de la cuisine en Gaule méridionale à l'époque romaine : l'exemple du Languedoc de la fin du IIe s. av. au IIe s. ap. J.-C. / Cooking ware and cooking evolution in South of Gaul during roman times : the example of Languedoc from the end of IIe s. BC to IIe s. AD

Malignas, Adrien 02 December 2013 (has links)
L’étude des céramiques culinaires conduit à une analyse fonctionnelle de ces objets. S’ils se rattachent tous au domaine de la cuisine, certains peuvent servir à stocker, d’autres à préparer ou mélanger et d’autres enfin à cuire les aliments. Le travail présenté ici s’intéresse à ce type de mobilier dans le Languedoc depuis la création de la province romaine de Gaule Transalpine jusqu’à la fin du IIe s. ap. J.-C. La technique utilisée pour fabriquer ces poteries renseigne déjà sur leur fonction. Le choix de l’argile, la façon de la préparer, de la cuire, donne soit des vases solides soit des récipients résistants au feu. L’identification des formes par la constitution d’une typologie sur trois nivaux (classe, forme, type) permet d’analyser la composition de la batterie de cuisine. À partir des textes antiques on retrouve l’utilisation de ces récipients et on peut reconstituer les pratiques culinaires. L’étude se double d’une analyse culturelle à une époque où sont en contact les cultures romaine et gauloise. Si, sur les plans technique et typologique, le Languedoc occidental, en particulier le Narbonnais, présente des caractéristiques très italiques, le Languedoc oriental reste plus traditionnel. Néanmoins, du point de vue fonctionnel, la répartition des formes indique des pratiques culinaires similaires qui se confondent avec la culture romaine comme le montrent certains exemples pris en Italie (Pompéi, Ostie). / Cooking ware study leads to analyse the functions of the ceramics objects. Even if all those objects are linked to the field of cookery, some of them may be used specifically to stock, to prepare or mix ingredients, or to cook. This PhD Thesis focuses on this type of ceramics material in Languedoc since the creation of the Transalpin Gaul Province by the Romans. The choice of ceramic technique tells us a lot about the function of ware. The selection of clay, the way it is prepared and fired cause either hard-wearing ware or fireproof container. Typing shapes according to their group / shape / type, allows to analyse composition of set of pots and pans. Thanks to antic texts we may find how the containers were used and we can piece together what were culinary practices. Furthermore, this study is also a cultural analysis of roman acculturation in south of Gaul. Typology and technique studies enlighten two specific cases: on the one hand, in Western Languedoc – mostly the Narbonne area -, wares have Italic characteristics, and on the other hand, in Eastern Languedoc, wares have traditional characteristics. Nevertheless, from a functional point of view, distribution of shapes points to similar culinary practices, closed to roman practices (examples of Pompéi and Ostie).

Cuisines et céramiques de cuisine dans le monde grec colonial aux époques archaïque et classique (début VIIe-fin IVe s. av. J.C.) : approche archéologique des pratiques culinaires à Marseille, Mégara Hyblaea et Apollonia du Pont / Kitchens and kitchen ceramics in the colonial Greek world to the Archaic and Classical periods (early 7th - late 4th century BC.)

Claquin, Laurent 09 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail sur les céramiques de cuisine est centré sur trois sites issus de cités-mères différentes, d’un environnement géographique distinct et discontinu, et en contact avec des populations variées : Marseille, Mégara Hyblaea et Apollonia du Pont. L’objectif n’est pas d’obtenir une vision globalisante de la cuisine grecque du VIIe au IVe s. av. J.-C., qui serait réductrice, mais de réaliser une analyse comparative pour évaluer la nature des relations liant les colonies grecques entre elles, et celles-ci aux communautés avec lesquelles elles sont en contact. Il s’articule en trois parties distinctes et complémentaires. La première pose les bases en replaçant ce travail dans son contexte historiographique tout en précisant la méthodologie adoptée ; une large part est consacrée à caractériser la fonction, les usages, les procédés culinaires et la terminologie de chaque forme, en croisant les sources : texte, iconographie, coroplastie, ethnographie et archéologie. La deuxième partie développe l’analyse typo-chronologique des céramiques grecques de cuisine depuis la préparation des aliments jusqu’à leur cuisson, incluant divers dispositifs et ustensiles. Enfin, la troisième partie met en évidence, par une analyse diachronique intrinsèque, le faciès culinaire propre à chacune de ces trois colonies et son évolution au regard des phénomènes d’interactions culturelles entre les sociétés préromaines. Cette approche permet de révéler, dans un cadre culturel commun aux Grecs, une certaine discontinuité des comportements alimentaires perceptibles dans le monde grec colonial, variable selon l’échelle (locale, régionale, interrégionale) et le contexte socio-économique considérés. / This work on the kitchen ceramics is focused on three sites from different mother cities, a distinct and discontinuous geographic environment, and in contact with diverse populations: Marseille, Megara Hyblaea and Apollonia Pontica.The goal is not to get a holistic view of the Greek kitchen from the 7th to the 4th century BC., which would be reductive, but a comparative analysis to evaluate the nature of the relationship between the Greek colonies each other, and these with the communities with which they are in contact.It is divided into three distinct and complementary parts. The first lays the foundations by placing this work in its historiographical context while specifying the methodology adopted; a large part is dedicated to characterize the function, uses, culinary processes and terminology of each shape, by crossing the sources (text, iconography, coroplasty, ethnography and archaeology).The second part develops the typo-chronological analysis of the Greek kitchen ceramics from the preparation of the food to its cooking, sometimes using various devices and utensils. Finally, the third part highlights, by an intrinsic diachronic analysis, the culinary faciès for each of these three colonies and its evolution due to multiple phenomena of cultural interactions between the pre-Roman societies.This approach allows to reveal, in a common cultural framework to the Greeks, a discontinuity of the perceptible eating behaviours in the Greek colonial world, varying according to the scale (local, regional, interregional) and the socio-economic context considered.

Les céramiques en territoire arverne et sur ses marges de l'antiquité tardive au haut moyen âge (fin IIIe - milieu VIIIe siècle) : approche chrono-typologique, économique et culturelle / [Ceramics in arvern territory and its margins from late antiquity to early middle ages (end of IIIrd century - mid VIIIth century) : chrono-typological, economical and cutural approach]

Chabert, Sandra 25 November 2016 (has links)
La méconnaissance de l’Auvergne durant l’Antiquité tardive tient en partie à l’absence de référentiels chrono-typologiques. La découverte récente d’ensembles céramiques conséquents et la reprise de données anciennes permettent aujourd’hui de combler ce vide documentaire. Ce travail se propose ainsi de dresser un nouveau panorama du territoire arverne durant l’Antiquité tardive et le très haut Moyen Âge (fin IIIe-milieu VIIIe siècle), d’un point de vue économique et culturel par l’étude de la céramique. L’évolution des répertoires montre que les faciès antiques persistent jusqu’au VIe siècle de même que les pratiques culinaires et les manières de table. Diversifiées jusqu’au Ve siècle, les formes et les catégories céramiques s’uniformisent au VIe siècle et, à partir du VIIe siècle, les productions réductrices et les récipients fermés à usage culinaire prédominent. L’étude d’ensembles funéraires des IVe et Ve siècles montre l’insertion du territoire arverne dans l’évolution des pratiques funéraires alors en cours en Gaule. L’Auvergne se démarque néanmoins par le nombre élevé des vases céramiques déposés dans les tombes et par la préférence donnée aux récipients à solides dans la composition du repas funéraire.Les importations indiquent que le territoire arverne est bien inséré dans les circuits commerciaux à la fin de l’Antiquité. Leurs quantités parfois faibles suggèrent cependant un approvisionnement parcimonieux, qui place l’Auvergne aux confins des aires de diffusion de la plupart des productions commercialisées, comme en « bout de circuits ». Les correspondances établies avec les céramiques des IVe et Ve siècles des autres régions de Gaule du Centre montrent l’existence de traditions de fabrication communes et l’ensemble de ces territoires pourrait appartenir à une même entité économique et culturelle. Le sud du territoire arverne apparaît en revanche tourné vers les régions méridionales, comme l’a montré l’étude des céramiques des VIe et VIIe siècles du site lozérien de La Malène, influencées par les faciès de Gaule du Sud / The sparse knowledge of the late antiquity in Auvergne is partly due to the absence of chronological typology for this period. The recent uncovering of significant ceramic assemblages and the reassessment of pastdata make it possible today to fill this research gap. This thesis attempts to bring new light to the Arverne territory, its economy and culture, in the late antiquity and the early middle ages (from the late 3rd century to the mid-8th century), through the study of its pottery. The evolution observed in the repertory shows that the antique facies remained until the 6th century, as well as the culinary practices and table manners. Until the 5th century,forms and types of ceramics are very varied, becoming more standardized in the next century, and finally starting in the 7th century, closed culinary vessels are predominant.The study of funerary assemblages from the 4th and 5th centuries, demonstrates how the Arverne territory participated in the general evolution of funerary practices in Gaul. However the Auvergne region stands out by the considerable number of ceramic vases found in tombs and the clear preference for solid food vessels in funerary repasts.The presence of imported goods is evidence that the Arverne territory was part of the commercial routes by the end of Antiquity. However the small amounts of importations imply a parsimonious procurement, which would mean that the Auvergne region was actually located on the outer limits of the distribution areas of most industrial productions. The correlations established with 4th and 5th century pottery from other areas of Central Gaul could be proof of a common tradition of production, and how such territories could have possibly belonged to a same cultural and economic entity. The South of the Arverne territory seemed however more influenced by southern Gaul as shown by the study of 6th and 7th century pottery from the lozerian site of La Malène

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