Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural exchanges"" "subject:"3cultural xchanges""
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Gli scultori italiani e la Francia : influenze e modelli francesi nella prima metà del novecento / Les sculteurs italiens et la France : influences et modèles français dans la première moitié du XX siècle / Italian sculptors in France : french influences and models in the first mid 20th CenturyGiorio, Maria-Beatrice 06 April 2012 (has links)
Cette étude a analysé la présence des sculpteurs italiens à Paris du début du XX siècle à la fin des années Trente, afin de reconstituer un chapitre important de l'histoire des échanges artistiques en France. Nous nous sommes servis d'une méthode historique et philologique, qui a bien été appliquée aux écrits critiques et à la presse de l'époque. Pour ce qui concerne le début du siècle, nous avons remarqué une participation considérable de la part des italiens aux principaux événements expositifs de la capitale comme les Salons officiels; le succès de public et commercial leur avait permis d'obtenir une place parmi les artistes à la mode les plus connus. Pendant les années Vingt, nous avons constaté un nombre moins significatif de sculpteurs; nous avons lu ce fait en nous rapportant à la situation historique italienne, qui en ce temps subissait des importants changements dus à l'ascension du régime fasciste. Les italiens qui étaient encore présents en France après la Guerre ne s'inséraient guère dans le cadre des nouvelles recherches artistiques italiennes, ils poursuivaient, au contraire, des orientations esthétiques plutôt dépassées. La dernière partie de notre étude s'est intéressée à l'essor du nouveau langage artistique de la péninsule italienne qui pendant les années Trente se répandit enfin même à l'étranger. Les sculpteurs italiens pouvaient donc participer activement à la vie expositive parisienne, tout en montrant le visage d'une plastique qui avait enfin pris conscience de ses potentialités. La France de sa part accueillait volontiers ces expérimentations, dans le but d'instituer une relation d'amitié durable avec le pays voisin. / This study has analyzed the presence of Italian sculptors in Paris from the beginning of the 20th Century to the end of the third decade, with the aim of reconstructing an important chapter of the history of artistic exchanges between Italy and France. We have favored an historical-philological method, based on critical publications and old French and Italian press.Concerning the beginning of the century, we have remarked a considerable participation of Italians in the main expositions in the French capital, such as official Salons; critical and market success allowed them to get a main role in the crew of the most popular artists.During the twenties, we have noted a less considerable participation of Italian sculptors; we have interpreted it in relation to historical context of fascist Italy, where the government was trying to develop a national cultural program. The Italian artists in France, after the First World War, didn't share the new Italian artistic orientation; they went on with outdated aesthetic choices.The last part of our research was interested in the development of the new Italian artistic language, finally known out of Italy. The Italian sculptors consequently could take part in arts activity in Paris, showing the face of a new sculpture, finally aware of its potentialities. France gave these experimentations a good welcome in the aim of constituting a longtime friendship with the Italian country.
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Le laboratoire narratif des années 1910 en France et en Italie / The laboratory of the 1910s novel in France and Italy / Il laboratorio narrativo degli ’10 in Francia e in ItaliaQuadrato, Gabriella 15 September 2017 (has links)
Les années 1910 ont été lues tour à tour comme celles des avant-gardes, de la « crise du roman », de la « crise des intellectuels », de la « Belle Époque », de la « conscience malheureuse ». La notion de « laboratoire » semble bien faite pour contenir cette multiplicité. Qu’il s’agisse d’une crise ou d’un foisonnement de nouvelles beautés, le trait commun de ces différentes interprétations de la période semble être la réinvention de l’appréhension du mouvement. De quelle manière les œuvres emploient-elles l’aventure comme moyen de refondation de la péripétie romanesque ? Quels sont les types de mouvements narrés et comment dialoguent-ils avec ceux des narrations de la fin-de-siècle ? À la veille du premier conflit mondial, les champs littéraires français et italien sont proches. La plume d’Aldo Palazzeschi en a donné peut être la meilleure illustration, lorsqu’il considère qu’en 1914 « L’Italie déménage à Paris ». Quel est l’apport spécifique de chacun de ces univers littéraires à la réinvention de l’aventure dans le roman ? De quelle manière l’analyse des échanges entre les deux pays contribue-t-elle à éclairer les poétiques romanesques du mouvement et à dessiner leurs formes ? Peut-on parler d’un axe franco-italien de renouvellement narratif ? À travers le rapprochement d’œuvres habituellement dissociées ou même oubliées, notre étude se propose de forger des notions pouvant mettre en lumière les spécificités de cette saison du roman, qui ne peut être lue comme un « paléomodernisme » ou comme un simple prolongement du XIXe siècle. / The 1910s were read like those of the avant-gardes, of the "crisis of the novel", of the "intellectual crisis", of the "Belle Epoque",of the "unhappy conscience". The notion of "laboratory" seems well suited to contain this multiplicity. Whether it is a crisis or an explosion of new aesthetics, the common feature of these different interpretations of the period seems to be the reinvention of the conception of the movement. How do narrative works use adventure as a way to reimagine the plot? What are the types of movements narrated and how do they interact with those of the end-of-the-century? On the eve of the First World War, the French and Italian literary fields are close to each other that they almost overlap. Aldo Palazzeschi gave perhaps the best illustration, when he points out that in 1914 "Italy moves to Paris". What is the specific contribution of each of these literary worlds to the reinvention of adventure in the novel? How does the analysis of the exchanges between the two countries help to shed light on the poetics of the movement and to draw its forms? Is it possible to talk about a Franco-Italian axis of narrative renewal? Our thesis aims to use concepts that may be useful to distinguish the features of a certain novel’s era (which cannot be read only as a "paleomodernism" or as a simple extension of the nineteenth century) through the reconciliation of works that are usually dissociated or even forgotten. / Gli anni ’10 sono stati letti di volta in volta come gli anni delle avanguardie, della «crisi del romanzo», della «crisi degli intellettuali», della «Belle Époque», della «conscience malheureuse». La nozione di «laboratorio» appare utile per contenere questa molteplicità. Che si tratti di crisi o di effervescenza di nuove strade, il tratto comune delle diverse interpretazioni del periodo sembra essere la riconfigurazione della concezione di movimento. In che maniera le opere narrative utilizzano l’avventura come modo di rigenerazione della parola romanzesca? Quali sono i tipi di movimento narrati e come dialogano con quelli della fin-de-siècle? Alla vigilia della prima guerra mondiale, i mondi letterari francese e italiano sono vicini fin quasi a sovrapporsi. La penna di A. Palazzeschi ne ha dato forse la migliore illustrazione scrivendo, a proposito dell’anno 1914, che “L’Italia ha traslocato a Parigi”. Qual è l’apporto specifico di ciascuno dei due universi letterari alla rinascita dell’avventura nel romanzo? In che maniera l’analisi degli scambi tra i due paesi contribuisce a fare luce sulle poetiche romanzesche del movimento e a disegnarne le forme? È possibile parlare di un asse italo-francese di rinnovamento narrativo? Attraverso uno studio comparativo di opere abitualmente dissociate o cadute nell’oblio, la tesi propone delle nozioni che possano distinguere le specificità di una stagione del romanzo che non può essere letta come un “paleo-modernismo” o come un semplice prolungamento dell’Ottocento.
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The American Civil War in twentieth-century Britain : political, military, intellectual and popular legaciesTal, Nimrod January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the continuous British interest in the American Civil War from the war’s end to the late twentieth century and the British utilisation of the conflict at home and in the Atlantic arena. Contributing to the limited, yet burgeoning literature on the subject, this study emphasises the independent agency of both the Civil War and its British interpreters. It thus rejects a simplistic depiction of British adoption of American culture and applies a more sophisticated methodology that accounts for the active, versatile and autonomous British use of complex foreign images. This enables a meaningful analysis of the Civil War’s place and role in modern British culture. The thesis examines the British fascination with the conflict as reflected in four facets: politics, military thought, academe and popular culture. Additionally, it takes a transatlantic perspective and explores how Britons’ view of the United States has influenced their understanding of the Civil War. This study thus provides a first comprehensive and coherent overview as well as a nuanced picture of the American conflict as it travelled across the Atlantic from a historically distanced perspective. The thesis reveals that the Civil War achieved unique prominence in British culture and that this British fascination with the war was part of a greater transatlantic encounter between an epic American affair and sophisticated British interpreters. Accordingly, the two main questions underpinning this study are ‘why were the British particularly interested in the Civil War?’ and, following directly on that path, ‘how did Britons use the war both at home and in the transatlantic sphere?’ Answering these questions further establishes the war’s prominence in British culture and explores the character of the British encounter with the conflict. In so doing, it contributes to our understanding of the Civil War’s global impact and casts another light on Anglo-American relations.
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Um lugar para o periódico O Novo Mundo (Nova Iorque, 1870-1879) / A place to the journal O Novo MundoAsciutti, Monica Maria Rinaldi 29 April 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação investiga os artigos referentes à literatura (prosa ficciconal e poesia) de O Novo Mundo Periódico Ilustrado do Progresso da Idade, publicado em Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos, entre 1870 e 1879, para distribuição e circulação no Brasil. Em língua portuguesa, o periódico foi fundado por José Carlos Rodrigues (1844-1923), seu principal redator, e contou com um grupo de colaboradores que, nutrindo admiração pelos rumos do desenvolvimento da nação norte-americana, acreditavam no modelo estadunidense como solução para os problemas político-sociais brasileiros. O exame dos artigos que tratavam da conformação da literatura brasileira nas páginas do periódico mostra que ele pode ser visto à semelhança da revista Niterói, publicada na França em 1836, e considerada demarcadora da tendência literária romântica, junto à obra Suspiros Poéticos e Saudades (1836), de Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães. A comparação se justifica na medida em que O Novo Mundo foi também um lugar privilegiado a partir do qual se pode observar a renovação da produção literária ao longo da década de 1870. Foi nesse periódico que Machado de Assis publicou, em março de 1873, em caráter inédito, o ensaio literário Instinto de Nacionalidade, que viria a ser amplamente conhecido e celebrado pela crítica literária brasileira como marco do esgotamento do Romantismo brasileiro e indicativo da renovação que a produção local sofreria com a obra machadiana e as novas doutrinas do Realismo e do Naturalismo. / This study investigates the articles referring to the literature (fiction prose and poety) of O Novo Mundo Periódico Ilustrado do Progresso da Idade, published in New York, United States, between 1870 and 1879 for distribution and circulation in Brazil. All written in Portuguese, the newspaper was founded by José Carlos Rodrigues (1844-1923), its chief and it reckoned on a group of collaborators, who nourishing admiration for the course of development of the American nation, believed in the American model as a solution to the socio-political problems in Brazil. The examination of articles dealing with the shaping of Brazilian literature on the pages of the newspaper, shows that it can be compared to Niterói magazine, published in France in 1836, and considered a demarcator of the romantic literary trend, with the work of Domingos José de Magalhães, Suspiros Poéticos e Saudades (1836). The comparison is justified to the extent that O Novo Mundo was also a privileged place from which the renewal of literary production during the 1870s can be seen. It was in this period that Machado de Assis published in March 1873, for the very first time, the literary essay \"Instinto de Nacionalidade,\" which would become widely known and celebrated by Brazilian literary critics as a landmark of exhaustion of Brazilian romanticism and an indicative of the renewal that local production would suffer from Machados work and the new doctrines of Realism and Naturalism.
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Scambi culturali tra Francia e Italia : questioni di traduzione, ricezione letteraria e politiche editoriali agli inizi del XXI° secolo / Échanges culturels entre France et Italie : questions de traduction et réception littéraires et de politique éditoriale au début du XXIe siècle / Cultural exchanges between France and Italy : questions of translation, literary reception and editorial policy at the beginning of the 21st centuryCheccoli, Paola 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette Thèse porte sur les échanges culturels entre la France et l’Italie, au début du XXIe siècle, dans le domaine de la traduction littéraire et de l’édition. Son but principal est l’étude des phases qui précèdent, accompagnent et suivent la publication d’une œuvre littéraire française en Italie. Après avoir situé notre sujet dans le cadre des relations historiquement très importantes entre les deux pays dans le domaine littéraire, notre analyse se focalise sur trois moments cruciaux : le choix de l’œuvre ; sa traduction ; sa parution et réception.C’est que le goût, le canon, la tradition littéraire et la culture propres à chacun des deux pays ont une influence certaine sur la réception, sur l’horizon d’attente des lecteurs et des critiques, ainsi que sur les stratégies éditoriales, tout au long des étapes qui vont de l’achat des droits aux décisions « paratextuelles » censées susciter l’intérêt du lecteur ou fournir des informations. Nous ne négligerons pas le rôle du traducteur, véritable « passeur » du texte, ses choix linguistiques et stylistiques étant souvent la clé de la bonne compréhension d’une œuvre. Si la publication et la fortune d’une œuvre littéraire dans un pays étranger sont donc le résultat d’un processus complexe, d’une accumulation stratifiée d’échanges, de stéréotypes, et de multiples interventions d’acteurs différents, notre recherche fait appel à des outils méthodologiques relevant de plusieurs champs disciplinaires, appliqués, enfin, à une sélection des romans publiés en Italie dans les dix dernières années. / This thesis focuses on the cultural exchanges between France and Italy in the fields of literary translation and publishing at the beginning of the 21st century. Its main goal is to study the various stages that precede, accompany and follow the publication of a work of French literature in Italy. Having placed our subject in the context of the main historical relations between the two countries in the field of literature, our analysis concentrates on three key moments: the choice of book, its translation and finally, its publication and reception.At the centre of our analysis is the knowledge that the tastes, canons, literary traditions and cultures of the two countries undoubtedly affect the reception of a work and the expectations of readers and critics. We will therefore take into consideration the role of editorial strategies throughout this process from the purchase of the copyright to paratextual decisions, i.e. the methods used to arouse readers’ interest or supply information. We will also examine the figure of the translator, the “driving force” in the text’s transition, as it is often their choice of language and style that provides the key to our understanding of it.Given that the publication and fortune of a literary work in a foreign country are the result of a complex process and a stratified accumulation of exchanges, stereotypes and multiple operations, our research has adopted analytical methods from a wide range of fields and applied them to a selection of novels published in Italy over the last ten years.
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Um diálogo historiográfico: as gramáticas de língua portuguesa do séc. XVI e o Projeto de Lei 1676/1999 do séc. XXLima, Nelci Vieira de 10 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-10 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This dissertation is inserted into the Portuguese Language Post Graduate Studies
Programme from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC SP) in the
History and Description of Portuguese language research thread , delimited to Linguistic
Historiography, discipline in which the methods, established by their precursors Koerner
(1996) and Swiggers (2009), allowed us to outline our object of study, namely, the sixteenthcentury
and nineteenth-century thoughts about the use of foreign words in Portuguese. Thus,
we aim to analyze and compare the first two grammars of Portuguese Language in the
century. XVI, namely: João de Barros Grammar and Fernão de Oliveira one, as well as the
law project 1676/1999, written by Congressman Aldo Rebelo approved in 2008. Thus, we
intend to demonstrate in a comparative chart, the authors concern with borrowed words,
relating their views to their contextual aspects. Besides that, Schilienben-Langue (1993,
p.138) perspective, to whom what matters, is to portray the history of argumentative
communities, in which it is discussed questions related to languages, endorses our course of
study into such historiography thread. Taking into account the results obtained, we can say
that, although our corpus of documents is composed of different genres, they are both from
argumentative communities that face the same issue. Such documents represent an open room
for language institutionalization, therefore being classified as linguistic policies, since they
bring up human participation into the language. We can further affirm that, to both the
grammarians of the sixteenth century, and to Congressman Aldo Rebelo, the twentieth
century shows the same concern with borrowed words from the English language into
Portuguese, both being against their use, seen t as unnecessary foreign words, as well
expressing a strong nationalist feeling. This upholding in dealing with such issues sets our
work within a historiography of continuity (SCHILIEBEN-LANGE, 1993, p.137). Finally, we
detected that the contact between different peoples has always been a great reason for cultural
exchange, including linguistic one. We also observed that, before the human kind bravely
crossed the seas to establish such contacts, today, just by a simple connection with worldwide
computer network, such contacts are easily established / Esta dissertação se insere no Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Língua
Portuguesa, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, na linha de pesquisa História e
Descrição da Língua Portuguesa, delimitando-se à Historiografia Linguística, disciplina cujos
métodos, instituídos por seus precursores Koerner (1996) e Swiggers (2009), permitiram-nos
delinear nosso objeto de estudo, qual seja: o pensamento seiscentista e novecentista sobre o
uso de estrangeirismos na língua portuguesa. Dessa forma, visamos analisar e comparar as
duas primeiras Gramáticas da Língua Portuguesa, do séc. XVI, a saber: a de João de Barros e
a de Fernão de Oliveira e o Projeto de Lei 1676/1999, de autoria do deputado federal Aldo
Rebelo, aprovado no ano de 2008. Pretendemos, assim, construir um quadro comparativo da
preocupação dos autores com os empréstimos linguísticos, relacionando seus pontos de vistas
a seus aspectos contextuais. Corrobora com justificativa para a realização de nosso percurso
historiográfico a perspectiva de Schilieben-Langue (1993, p.138), para quem importa fazer a
descrição da história das comunidades argumentativas, nas quais se discutem questões que
dizem respeito às línguas. Levando em consideração os resultados obtidos, podemos afirmar
que, embora seja o nosso corpus composto por documentos de gêneros diferentes, são ambos
oriundos de comunidades argumentativas que se colocaram diante da mesma problemática.
Tais documentos se fazem, sobretudo, como um espaço de institucionalização da língua,
podendo ser, então, classificados como políticas linguísticas, uma vez que encerram ações
humanas sobre a língua. Afirmamos ainda que, tanto os gramáticos do século XVI, quanto o
deputado federal Aldo Rebelo, do século XX, denotam a mesma preocupação com os
empréstimos linguísticos na língua portuguesa, se posicionando contra o uso, tido como
desnecessário, de palavras estrangeiras e manifestando um forte sentimento nacionalista. Essa
continuidade no tratamento de tal problemática situa nosso trabalho no âmbito de uma
historiografia da continuidade (SCHILIEBEN-LANGUE, 1993, p.137). Por fim, observamos
que o contato entre diferentes povos sempre foi motivo de trocas culturais, inclusive
linguísticas, e que se antes os homens enfrentaram os mares para o estabelecimento desses
contatos, hoje por meio de uma simples conexão com a rede mundial de computadores, tais
contatos são estabelecidos
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Um lugar para o periódico O Novo Mundo (Nova Iorque, 1870-1879) / A place to the journal O Novo MundoMonica Maria Rinaldi Asciutti 29 April 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação investiga os artigos referentes à literatura (prosa ficciconal e poesia) de O Novo Mundo Periódico Ilustrado do Progresso da Idade, publicado em Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos, entre 1870 e 1879, para distribuição e circulação no Brasil. Em língua portuguesa, o periódico foi fundado por José Carlos Rodrigues (1844-1923), seu principal redator, e contou com um grupo de colaboradores que, nutrindo admiração pelos rumos do desenvolvimento da nação norte-americana, acreditavam no modelo estadunidense como solução para os problemas político-sociais brasileiros. O exame dos artigos que tratavam da conformação da literatura brasileira nas páginas do periódico mostra que ele pode ser visto à semelhança da revista Niterói, publicada na França em 1836, e considerada demarcadora da tendência literária romântica, junto à obra Suspiros Poéticos e Saudades (1836), de Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães. A comparação se justifica na medida em que O Novo Mundo foi também um lugar privilegiado a partir do qual se pode observar a renovação da produção literária ao longo da década de 1870. Foi nesse periódico que Machado de Assis publicou, em março de 1873, em caráter inédito, o ensaio literário Instinto de Nacionalidade, que viria a ser amplamente conhecido e celebrado pela crítica literária brasileira como marco do esgotamento do Romantismo brasileiro e indicativo da renovação que a produção local sofreria com a obra machadiana e as novas doutrinas do Realismo e do Naturalismo. / This study investigates the articles referring to the literature (fiction prose and poety) of O Novo Mundo Periódico Ilustrado do Progresso da Idade, published in New York, United States, between 1870 and 1879 for distribution and circulation in Brazil. All written in Portuguese, the newspaper was founded by José Carlos Rodrigues (1844-1923), its chief and it reckoned on a group of collaborators, who nourishing admiration for the course of development of the American nation, believed in the American model as a solution to the socio-political problems in Brazil. The examination of articles dealing with the shaping of Brazilian literature on the pages of the newspaper, shows that it can be compared to Niterói magazine, published in France in 1836, and considered a demarcator of the romantic literary trend, with the work of Domingos José de Magalhães, Suspiros Poéticos e Saudades (1836). The comparison is justified to the extent that O Novo Mundo was also a privileged place from which the renewal of literary production during the 1870s can be seen. It was in this period that Machado de Assis published in March 1873, for the very first time, the literary essay \"Instinto de Nacionalidade,\" which would become widely known and celebrated by Brazilian literary critics as a landmark of exhaustion of Brazilian romanticism and an indicative of the renewal that local production would suffer from Machados work and the new doctrines of Realism and Naturalism.
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Contatos e intercâmbios americanos no IPHAN: o setor de recuperação de obras de arte (1947-1976) / Contacts and American exchanges IPHAN : the recovery sector of works of art (1947-1976)Uribarren, Maria Sabina 04 May 2015 (has links)
Entre 1964 e 1973, o Setor de Recuperação de Obras de Arte do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional do Brasil (IPHAN) participou de 10 intercâmbios com países latino-americanos, todos centrados na figura do chefe do setor, Edson Motta, e relacionados à transmissão de ensinamentos e práticas de restauração e a atividades de consultoria para o restauro de bens móveis e integrados à arquitetura. O presente estudo visa analisar as razões para tal protagonismo de Motta, como especialista designado para transmitir a experiência restaurativa do setor brasileiro a outros grupos preservacionistas da América Latina, a partir de sua trajetória formativa e institucional. Nesse sentido, veremos que Motta se beneficiou, inicialmente, do empenho decisivo do diretor do IPHAN, Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade, em viabilizar seu aprimoramento profissional em instituições norte-americanas, no contexto da política de \"Boa Vizinhança\" entre EUA e Brasil. Beneficiou-se também, posteriormente, do contexto internacional da década de 1960, voltado à constituição de um sistema internacional de patrimônio, a partir do fomento de ações de cooperação entre as nações para a sua proteção e para a formação de técnicos capacitados para o restauro de seus bens culturais. Assim, a partir do estudo da trajetória de Motta, foi possível avaliar a ação do órgão federal de proteção do patrimônio de um ângulo não usual, possibilitando-nos diferentes leituras da instituição, de seu funcionamento, de seus vínculos internos e externos e do trânsito que este órgão teve nos contextos preservacionistas mundiais, apresentando ainda importantes aspectos relativos ao trabalho desenvolvido pelo IPHAN no âmbito da proteção dos bens móveis e integrados à arquitetura. / The IPHAN lab, responsible to recover artworks, participated in 10 exchanges with Latin American countries between 1964 and 1973. All exchanges were centered on the figure of Edson Motta, head of the sector, related to the transmission of restoration practices and consulting activities. This study analyzes the reasons for Motta role, from his professional background and institutional path point of view, as a specialist assigned to transmit restorative brazilian experience to other preservationists groups in Latin America. Motta benefited initially from the decisive commitment of IPHAN Director, Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade, enabling his professional development in American institutions, in the context of the policy of \"Good Neighbor\" between the US and Brazil. Additionally he was benefited, later, from the international context of the 1960s, focused on the development of an International Heritage System, promotion of cooperative actions between nations for their heritage preservation and for the training of skilled technicians for restoration of cultural goods. Thus, from the study of Motta\'s career, it was possible to evaluate the action of the federal agency for heritage protection from an unusual angle, enabling us different readings of the institution, its functions, its internal and external links and circulation that this body had on world preservationists contexts, presenting yet important aspects of the work of the IPHAN to protect and preserve movable cultural property and works of art integrated into the architecture.
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Contatos e intercâmbios americanos no IPHAN: o setor de recuperação de obras de arte (1947-1976) / Contacts and American exchanges IPHAN : the recovery sector of works of art (1947-1976)Maria Sabina Uribarren 04 May 2015 (has links)
Entre 1964 e 1973, o Setor de Recuperação de Obras de Arte do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional do Brasil (IPHAN) participou de 10 intercâmbios com países latino-americanos, todos centrados na figura do chefe do setor, Edson Motta, e relacionados à transmissão de ensinamentos e práticas de restauração e a atividades de consultoria para o restauro de bens móveis e integrados à arquitetura. O presente estudo visa analisar as razões para tal protagonismo de Motta, como especialista designado para transmitir a experiência restaurativa do setor brasileiro a outros grupos preservacionistas da América Latina, a partir de sua trajetória formativa e institucional. Nesse sentido, veremos que Motta se beneficiou, inicialmente, do empenho decisivo do diretor do IPHAN, Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade, em viabilizar seu aprimoramento profissional em instituições norte-americanas, no contexto da política de \"Boa Vizinhança\" entre EUA e Brasil. Beneficiou-se também, posteriormente, do contexto internacional da década de 1960, voltado à constituição de um sistema internacional de patrimônio, a partir do fomento de ações de cooperação entre as nações para a sua proteção e para a formação de técnicos capacitados para o restauro de seus bens culturais. Assim, a partir do estudo da trajetória de Motta, foi possível avaliar a ação do órgão federal de proteção do patrimônio de um ângulo não usual, possibilitando-nos diferentes leituras da instituição, de seu funcionamento, de seus vínculos internos e externos e do trânsito que este órgão teve nos contextos preservacionistas mundiais, apresentando ainda importantes aspectos relativos ao trabalho desenvolvido pelo IPHAN no âmbito da proteção dos bens móveis e integrados à arquitetura. / The IPHAN lab, responsible to recover artworks, participated in 10 exchanges with Latin American countries between 1964 and 1973. All exchanges were centered on the figure of Edson Motta, head of the sector, related to the transmission of restoration practices and consulting activities. This study analyzes the reasons for Motta role, from his professional background and institutional path point of view, as a specialist assigned to transmit restorative brazilian experience to other preservationists groups in Latin America. Motta benefited initially from the decisive commitment of IPHAN Director, Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade, enabling his professional development in American institutions, in the context of the policy of \"Good Neighbor\" between the US and Brazil. Additionally he was benefited, later, from the international context of the 1960s, focused on the development of an International Heritage System, promotion of cooperative actions between nations for their heritage preservation and for the training of skilled technicians for restoration of cultural goods. Thus, from the study of Motta\'s career, it was possible to evaluate the action of the federal agency for heritage protection from an unusual angle, enabling us different readings of the institution, its functions, its internal and external links and circulation that this body had on world preservationists contexts, presenting yet important aspects of the work of the IPHAN to protect and preserve movable cultural property and works of art integrated into the architecture.
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Crossing the channel : socio-cultural exchanges in English and French women's writings - 1830-1900Pauk Filgueira, Barbara January 2009 (has links)
The focus of this study is an investigation of cross-channel exchanges represented in travelogues, historical works, journalism, letters and journals written by English women Frances Trollope, Lady Margaret Blessington, George Eliot and Julia Kavanagh on France and by French women Flora Tristan and Marie Dronsart on England. The work is based on the view that narratives about another culture betray preconceptions and beliefs and are never innocent descriptions. Nineteenth-century English descriptions of France, for instance, are not only marked by the stereotype of the gregarious French bon vivant but also by the often tense political relationship and economical concurrence between the two countries. French descriptions of England reflect the consciousness of England's superiority in the domains of economy, industry and colonialism as well as the stereotype of the boring, monosyllabic, haughty, egoistic and often xenophobic Englishman. Given that writings on the other culture are marked by practices and belief systems as well as notions of superiority and inferiority like texts emerging from a colonial context, ideas which have been developed in this field by scholars such as Sara Mills and Reina Lewis have been used as a basis for this investigation. I argue that the women whose texts I analyse strategically employ 'discourses of difference' (to use Sara Mills' term), or alignment and 'othering' in regard to nation, class, and political opinion, in order to gain positions which allow them to challenge contemporary ideologies of femininity. They take advantage of their positions in very different ways, according to their personal, class and economic situations, their agenda, and their gendered position within society which changes significantly during the century. The English women Frances Trollope, Lady Margaret Blessington, George Eliot and Julia Kavanagh construct themselves as part of the tradition of French salonnières from the seventeenth century to the present, while the French women Flora Tristan and Marie Dronsart align themselves with English travel writers, particularly Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Through a careful construction of these foremothers, which often differed from other representations of them, they criticise gender politics in their own country and endeavour to normalise their own activities as intellectuals and writers, in the case of Tristan as a socialist and feminist activist. This strategy is complemented by 'othering' with regard to nation, class and political convictions which confers on the women an authoritative authorial voice and / or allows them to support their argument. They endorse ideologies of gender, nation and class at the same time as they reject some aspects of them. This study reveals new aspects of nineteenth-century discussions of the so-called 'woman question' through a broader approach which encompasses not only the parameters of gender, class and political orientation but also cross-cultural experience.
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