Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural movement"" "subject:"bycultural movement""
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Experiências estéticas em movimento: produção literária nas periferias paulistanas / Aesthetic experiences in movement: literary production in the periphery of São PauloOliveira, Lucas Amaral de 30 August 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, analiso o movimento da literatura marginal de São Paulo e suas expressividades políticas e poéticas. O objetivo central é examinar algumas dinâmicas dos saraus que permitem a emergência de escritores/as que se autodenominam marginais, bem como a produção de objetos literários a partir dos vínculos que esses/as agentes culturais estabelecem com espaços periféricos. Interessa-me flagrar o impacto de experiências urbanas variadas no labor literário, nas estratégias de atuação e na produção textual e performática de escritores/as oriundos/as das periferias paulistanas. Primeiramente, relato como se configurou meu trabalho de campo nos saraus e os primeiros contatos que tive com a produção marginal, a fim de delimitar os marcos etnográficos, metodológicos e epistemológicos que orientaram a pesquisa. Em seguida, verifico quais arranjos fazem com que agentes e coletivos formatem um novo movimento cultural de caráter urbano. Para tanto, mediante análise comparativa, percorro modelos e tradições que, por um lado, influenciaram a sociogênese dos saraus enquanto espaços vitais da literatura marginal e, de outro, serviram para provocar certos distanciamentos em seu processo formativo. Por fim, para identificar a particularidade do movimento e o sentido político e estético que pode ter a presença desses/as novos/as autores/as na história da literatura brasileira contemporânea, examino como agentes literários/as, em suas narrativas e performances poéticas, problematizam as periferias, locais onde vivem e a partir dos quais atuam culturalmente e produzem literatura. O argumento da tese é que, em função das oportunidades geradas pelos saraus poéticos, esses/as agentes vêm encontrando, hoje em dia, espaços possíveis para combater estigmas, repertoriar ideias e saberes, estruturar sentimentos, catalisar vivências coletivas e dinamizar suas práticas nas margens geográficas e simbólicas da cidade, a partir da importância do uso da palavra como forma de transformar labores literários em plataformas para o exercício da cidadania cultural. / In this work, I analyze the Marginal Literature Movement and its poetic expressions. The aim is to examine the dynamics of saraus (open mic events) that allow the emergence of writers who call themselves marginal, as well as the production of literary objects from the bonds these agents establish with peripheral spaces. I seek to understand the impact of urban experiences on literary labor, strategies of action, and production of writers from the outskirts. First, I describe fieldwork set up and how the first contacts with marginal literature occurred, in order to establish the parameters of the ethnographic, methodological, and epistemological milestones that guided the research. Then, I discuss the arrangements leading to individual and collective social agency that shape a new cultural and urban movement. To this end, I explore through comparative analysis models and traditions that have, on the one hand, influenced the sociogenesis of saraus as important spaces of marginal literature and, on the other, served to provoke a certain distancing during their formative process. Finally, in order to identify the particularity of the movement as well as the political and aesthetic meaning that these new authors can have in the contemporary history of Brazilian literature, I examine how literary agents problematize the peripheries in the narrative, which are places where they live, and from where they act culturally and produce literature. The argument is that these agents are now finding spaces to fight stigmas, set ideas, structure feelings, catalyze collective experiences, and ground their practices on the margins of the city as a result of the opportunities generated by saraus. They have been doing so by highlighting the importance of the use of words as a way of transforming their literary works into platforms for the exercise of a cultural citizenship.
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A comparative study of the aims structure and strategies of the National Party and Inkatha National Cultural Liberation Movement in the decade 1975-1985Shamase, Maxwell Zakhele January 1991 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfillment of the requirements for degree Master of Arts in the Department of History at the University of Zululand, 1991. / It is imperative to take cognizance of the fact that no study of this nature has ever been undertaken in the field of history in South Africa. This justifies the necessity of undertaking a comparative study of the aims, structure and strategies of the NP and Inkatha National Cultural Liberation Movement in the crucial decade 1975-1985.
It was during that decade that these two political groupings moved closer to the political centre of gravity of South Africa. By this time the NP, in spite of preserving hegemonic principles on behalf of the White electorate and amid increased international isolation, had proved itself the invincible doyen in the body politic of South Africa. Inkatha cadres argued that their movement was born from the turbulent first half of the 1970's, spawned by Black resistance to apartheid and had authentic roots in the core of the liberation struggle.
The principles and aims of the NP and Inkatha were devoid of discernible dissimilarities. One may assert, however, that it was enigmatic that such principles and aims could not compel the two groupings to solve the socio-economic and political problems facing South Africa in that decade. Such a dismal failure to seek solutions that would benefit all the people of South Africa reflected negatively on both the NP and Inkatha. In 1985 this emerged as a harbinger for the state of morass in South Africa's political scenario.
The organisational structures of the NP and Inkatha remained by far the best organized in South Africa, capable of overwhelming any challenge mounted by other groups. In 1975 the NP as a party was organisationally functioning by means of the Congress, Head Council, Ward Councils, District Councils, Constituency Councils, Branches and Provincial leaders, while Inkatha had a bureaucratic structure from Branches, Regions, individual members to different conferences and decision-making bodies. The National Council (NC) was the policy-making body and represented all national leadership formations of Inkatha. It was not possible to stipulate how many members of Inkatha at any one time belonged to the NC. This was due to the fact that organizations were constantly affiliating to - the movement. The Congress was the supreme authority of the NP in each province. It discussed the draft resolutions submitted by the District Councils, the proposals submitted by the Head Council and the Federal Council, and motions submitted by members of the Congress.
The organisational policies of the NP and Inkatha had vestiges of commonality. Both groupings accepted and respected the poly-ethnic nature of South Africa's population. They both endorsed the notion of a multi-party democracy, although the NP comprehended this in the context of separate development. Inkatha noted this as taking into account the fact that no single organisation, from whatever quarter, would be the sole determinant of the future of South Africa. Disinvestment, sanctions and violence were abhorred by both groupings as a strategy to dismantle apartheid. They favoured negotiation politics and non-violence both as objectives and strategies. Both groupings conveyed assurance to achievements of a political apparatus that could satisfy the political aspirations of all the country's communities through negotiations.
The key to both the NP and Inkatha's organisational successes was their commitment to the traditions of constituency politics. They both believed that the ideal of constituency politics was best served by having a multiplicity of cross-cutting constituencies, each of which had its own specific objectives, but all of which had a basic common goal. It could be mentioned, however, that the different situations and platforms from which they operated, polarised them against each other.
The NP and Inkatha's relations with both parliamentary and extra-parliamentary groupings created a hiatus in terms of their aims and strategies. This crippled the evolvement of consensus politics in South Africa. In the decade 1975-1985 the
Parliamentary political groupings were the United Party (UP), the Progressive Reform Party (PRP), the Progressive Federal Party (PFP) , the New Republic Party (NRP) , the South African Party (SAP), the Conservative Party (CP), and the Herstigte Nasionale Party (HNP) . In principle, they agreed with the NP and Inkatha in standing for the just and equal treatment of all parts of South Africa and for the impartial maintenance of the rights and privileges of every section of the population, with due regard to the multi-ethnic reality and that of the existence of minorities in South Africa.
The NP and Inkatha had unfavourable relations with the extra-parliamentary political formations. These were the African National Congress (ANC), the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), the Black People's Convention (BPC), the South African Students' Organisation (SASO), the Afrikaner weerstandsbeweging (AWB) or Afrikaner Resistance Movement, the Azanian People's Organisation (AZAPO), the Natal Indian Congress (NIC), the National Forum (NF), and the United Democratic Front (UDF). Their relations with both the NP and Inkatha in terms of their aims and strategies were marked by what one may convoke "timorous digressions." Most of them referred to the NP Government as illegitimate while viewing Inkatha as perpetrating political tribalism which to them was the greatest enemy of African freedom. By 1985 this intricate structure of political groupings and different aims and strategies, characterized a divided South Africa. / University of Zululand and Standard Bank
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En teknisk konsults förmåga att skapa värde : En möjlig utvecklingsprocess från traditionell domänexpertis till ledande inom innovationJanzon, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
Ett av de företag som ligger i framkant vad gäller hållbar utveckling är WSP, vilket är ett av världens ledande analys- och teknikkonsultföretag. De har ett globalt innovations- och hållbarhetsprogram som ger stöd i ett arbete med att framtidssäkra sina uppdrag: Future Ready. Problemet är att det i dagsläget inte är helt självklart för en teknisk konsult att erbjuda ett kunderbjudande som även innehåller mjuka värden. Branschens företag ställs inför utmaningen att förflyttas från en traditionell domänexpertis till att vara den som även aktivt minskar den osäkerhet som finns hos kunder, partners och medarbetare vad gäller hållbarhetsfrågor. Därför är syftet med detta arbete att bidra till en ökad förståelse för drivkrafterna och hindren för att lyckas med denna typ av förändring och implementering. Detta arbete vilar på en konceptuell modell, bestående av olika teoriområden, vilken är en potentiell utvecklingsprocess för en teknisk konsult att gå från traditionell domänexpertis till ledande inom innovation. De tre övergripande teoriområdena är Concurrent Engineering (CE), Designdriven innovation (DI) och kulturförflyttning. CE är en metod som bygger på ett samverkande arbetssätt för att utvidga den kontextuella förmågan med avseende på värdeerbjudanden, DI bygger på ökandet av värdet av domänexpertisen vilket ökar den innovativa förmågan och kulturförflyttningen antas ske parallellt med dessa eftersom man i och med den här förflyttningen ändrar fokus från endast hårda värden till att även inkludera mjuka. För att genomföra detta arbete har en kvalitativ metod och Mode 2 i huvudsak tillämpats. Dessutom har en litteraturstudie genomförts och insamling av empiriskt material har skett genom en processkartläggning samt intervjustudie. Analysen för litteraturstudien genomfördes iterativt och intervjustudien utgick från en analysmodell som författaren själv tagit fram, baserat på ett antal nyckelord och teman. Den största drivkraften för att implementera ett arbete med Lead in innovation är tid. Tid är den gemensamma nämnaren vad gäller problematik i dagsläget som identifierades kopplat till de tre teoriområdena. Det största hindret för implementering av CE är det specifika arbetssättet som ”låser fast” medarbetarna till specifika projektdagar. För DI handlar det om det innovativa tankesättet som är svårt att påverka. Angående kulturförflyttningen handlar det om komplexiteten som finns i och med att den tillhör det dolda och därmed är svår att ta till sig. Även om det här arbetet kräver fortsatta studier för att vara genomförbart så belyser det många nya intressanta synvinklar och förslag på en möjlig utvecklingsprocess. Därmed bör detta arbete betraktas som ett bidrag till ett incitament att påbörja en resa för såväl WSP som andra företag eller organisationer att gå från traditionell domänexpertis till Lead in innovation. / One of the companies at the forefront of sustainable development is WSP, which is one of the world's leading analysis and engineering consulting companies. They have a global innovation and sustainability program with the aim to see and analyze the future more clearly: Future Ready. The problem is that it is not always obvious for a technical consultant how to offer and increase the soft values towards the customer. The industry's companies are faced with the challenge of moving from a traditional domain expertise to be the one who also actively reduces the uncertainty that exists among customers, partners and employees in terms of sustainability issues. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to contribute to an increased understanding of the driving forces and obstacles to succeed with this type of change and implementation. This work rests on a conceptual model, of different theory areas, which is a potential development process for a technical consultant to move from traditional domain expertise to leading innovation. The theory is based upon Concurrent Engineering (CE), Design-driven Innovation (DI) and cultural movement. CE is a method that is based on a collaborative approach to expand the contextual ability regarding value offering, DI is based on how to increase the domain expertise value, which increases the innovative ability and the cultural movement is assumed to be parallel to these because this movement changes focus from only hard to even soft values. To carry out this work, a qualitative method and Mode 2 have mainly been applied. In addition, a literature study has been conducted and the collection of empirical material has been done through a process mapping and interview study. The analysis for the literature study was carried out iteratively and the interview study was based on an analysis model which the author herself produced, based on several keywords and themes. The biggest driving force for implementing work with Lead in innovation is time. Time is the common denominator regarding the current problem areas and seen as an interlinkage between the three areas within this project. The biggest obstacle to implementing CE is the specific way of working that "locks in" the employees to specific project days. DI requires every employee to think innovative, which can be hard to achieve. Due to the fact that the culture is hidden, it is hard to grasp which indeed makes it hard to overcome. Although this work requires continued studies to be feasible, it highlights many new interesting perspectives and proposals for a possible development process. Thus, this work should be regarded as a contribution to an incentive to start a journey for both WSP and other companies or organizations to move from traditional domain expertise to Lead in innovation.
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\'Literatura marginal\': os escritores da periferia entram em cena / \'Marginal literature\': the writers of periphery enter in sceneNascimento, Érica Peçanha do 11 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho busca analisar a apropriação recente da expressão \"literatura marginal\" por escritores oriundos da periferia, tomando como ponto de partida o conjunto de autores que publicaram nas três edições especiais Caros Amigos/ Literatura Marginal, nos anos de 2001, 2002 e 2004. A pista deixada por essas publicações era que, mais do que o perfil sociológico dos participantes ou um determinado tipo de literatura, a junção das categorias literatura e marginalidade por tais escritores encobria uma atuação cultural específica, que está relacionada a um conjunto de experiências e elaborações compartilhadas sobre marginalidade e periferia, assim como a um vínculo estabelecido entre criação literária e realidade social. Por isso, além de apresentar empiricamente essa nova geração de escritores marginais, esta pesquisa visou articular a formação interna do grupo e seu significado mais geral, buscando demonstrar como um conjunto de idéias e vivências compartilhadas possibilitou que moradores da periferia, tradicionalmente excluídos como sujeitos do processo simbólico, pudessem entrar em cena para produzir sua própria imagem, dando origem a uma intensa movimentação cultural em bairros da periferia paulistana. / This work intends to analyze the recent appropriation of the expression \"marginal literature\" for deriving writers of the periphery, being taken as starting point the set of authors who had published in three special editions of Caros Amigos/ Literatura Marginal, in the years of 2001, 2002 and 2004. The hint left for these publications was that, more than the sociological profile of the participants or a stricted kind of literature, the junction of the categories literature and marginality for such writers hid a cultural specific performance, which is linked to a set of experiences and elaborations shared on marginality and periphery, as well as a link established between literary creation and social reality. Therefore, besides empirically to present this new generation of writers delinquents, this research aimed at to articulate the internal formation of the group and its meaning more general, searching to demonstrate as a set of ideas and shared experiences made possible that living of the periphery, traditionally excluded as citizens of the symbolic process, they could enter in scene to produce its own image, giving origin to an intense cultural movement in paulistana neighbourhoods of periphery.
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Fora do Eixo, dentro do mundo : política, mercado e vida cotidiana em um movimento brasileiro de produção culturalIrisarri, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
As formas de produção cultural contemporâneas no Brasil – como em outras partes do mundo –, junto com a consolidação das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, articularam formas sociais emergentes que colocam em tensão as divisões e abrem novas interrogações sobre as fronteiras entre produção cultural, política e mercado. Esta tese é uma etnografia sobre novas formas de produção cultural. Explora algumas das práticas do movimento artístico-cultural Fora do Eixo, movimento surgido na última década que se caracteriza por sua organização através de coletivos articulados em rede e pelo uso de tecnologias digitais para o trabalho. Por meio de uma análise dos sentidos que o Fora do Eixo associa às práticas de circular e contar, bem como de suas estratégias de hackeamento e das formas de ressignificar a vida íntima, esta tese procura dar conta da importância de redefinir as abordagens analíticas para este tipo de movimento. Em última instância, este estudo tem como objetivo re-enquadrar a análise institucional da produção cultural, e os movimentos sociais e culturais, transcendendo as simplificações analíticas para entender os modos de mediação entre cultura, política e mercado que esses movimentos produzem em seus próprios termos. / Forms of contemporary cultural production in Brazil – as elsewhere in the world –, along with the consolidation of digital technologies of information and communication, have articulated emerging social forms that put strain and open new questions on the boundaries between cultural production, the political and the market. This thesis is an ethnography of novel forms of cultural production. In particular, it explores some of the practices of the artistic and cultural movement Fora do Eixo, that emerged in the last decade, which is characterized by its organization in an articulated collective network and the use of digital technologies for work. Through the analysis of some of the meanings that Fora do Eixo gives to certain actions such as circulating and counting, as well as their hacking strategies and their ways to redefine intimate life, this thesis seeks to give account of the importance of redefining the analytical approaches for this type of movements. Ultimately, this study aims at re-framing the institutional analysis of cultural production, and social and cultural movements, by transcending the analytical simplifications to understand the modes of mediation among culture, politics and the market that these movements produce in their own terms.
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Fora do Eixo, dentro do mundo : política, mercado e vida cotidiana em um movimento brasileiro de produção culturalIrisarri, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
As formas de produção cultural contemporâneas no Brasil – como em outras partes do mundo –, junto com a consolidação das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, articularam formas sociais emergentes que colocam em tensão as divisões e abrem novas interrogações sobre as fronteiras entre produção cultural, política e mercado. Esta tese é uma etnografia sobre novas formas de produção cultural. Explora algumas das práticas do movimento artístico-cultural Fora do Eixo, movimento surgido na última década que se caracteriza por sua organização através de coletivos articulados em rede e pelo uso de tecnologias digitais para o trabalho. Por meio de uma análise dos sentidos que o Fora do Eixo associa às práticas de circular e contar, bem como de suas estratégias de hackeamento e das formas de ressignificar a vida íntima, esta tese procura dar conta da importância de redefinir as abordagens analíticas para este tipo de movimento. Em última instância, este estudo tem como objetivo re-enquadrar a análise institucional da produção cultural, e os movimentos sociais e culturais, transcendendo as simplificações analíticas para entender os modos de mediação entre cultura, política e mercado que esses movimentos produzem em seus próprios termos. / Forms of contemporary cultural production in Brazil – as elsewhere in the world –, along with the consolidation of digital technologies of information and communication, have articulated emerging social forms that put strain and open new questions on the boundaries between cultural production, the political and the market. This thesis is an ethnography of novel forms of cultural production. In particular, it explores some of the practices of the artistic and cultural movement Fora do Eixo, that emerged in the last decade, which is characterized by its organization in an articulated collective network and the use of digital technologies for work. Through the analysis of some of the meanings that Fora do Eixo gives to certain actions such as circulating and counting, as well as their hacking strategies and their ways to redefine intimate life, this thesis seeks to give account of the importance of redefining the analytical approaches for this type of movements. Ultimately, this study aims at re-framing the institutional analysis of cultural production, and social and cultural movements, by transcending the analytical simplifications to understand the modes of mediation among culture, politics and the market that these movements produce in their own terms.
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Fora do Eixo, dentro do mundo : política, mercado e vida cotidiana em um movimento brasileiro de produção culturalIrisarri, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
As formas de produção cultural contemporâneas no Brasil – como em outras partes do mundo –, junto com a consolidação das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, articularam formas sociais emergentes que colocam em tensão as divisões e abrem novas interrogações sobre as fronteiras entre produção cultural, política e mercado. Esta tese é uma etnografia sobre novas formas de produção cultural. Explora algumas das práticas do movimento artístico-cultural Fora do Eixo, movimento surgido na última década que se caracteriza por sua organização através de coletivos articulados em rede e pelo uso de tecnologias digitais para o trabalho. Por meio de uma análise dos sentidos que o Fora do Eixo associa às práticas de circular e contar, bem como de suas estratégias de hackeamento e das formas de ressignificar a vida íntima, esta tese procura dar conta da importância de redefinir as abordagens analíticas para este tipo de movimento. Em última instância, este estudo tem como objetivo re-enquadrar a análise institucional da produção cultural, e os movimentos sociais e culturais, transcendendo as simplificações analíticas para entender os modos de mediação entre cultura, política e mercado que esses movimentos produzem em seus próprios termos. / Forms of contemporary cultural production in Brazil – as elsewhere in the world –, along with the consolidation of digital technologies of information and communication, have articulated emerging social forms that put strain and open new questions on the boundaries between cultural production, the political and the market. This thesis is an ethnography of novel forms of cultural production. In particular, it explores some of the practices of the artistic and cultural movement Fora do Eixo, that emerged in the last decade, which is characterized by its organization in an articulated collective network and the use of digital technologies for work. Through the analysis of some of the meanings that Fora do Eixo gives to certain actions such as circulating and counting, as well as their hacking strategies and their ways to redefine intimate life, this thesis seeks to give account of the importance of redefining the analytical approaches for this type of movements. Ultimately, this study aims at re-framing the institutional analysis of cultural production, and social and cultural movements, by transcending the analytical simplifications to understand the modes of mediation among culture, politics and the market that these movements produce in their own terms.
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\'Literatura marginal\': os escritores da periferia entram em cena / \'Marginal literature\': the writers of periphery enter in sceneÉrica Peçanha do Nascimento 11 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho busca analisar a apropriação recente da expressão \"literatura marginal\" por escritores oriundos da periferia, tomando como ponto de partida o conjunto de autores que publicaram nas três edições especiais Caros Amigos/ Literatura Marginal, nos anos de 2001, 2002 e 2004. A pista deixada por essas publicações era que, mais do que o perfil sociológico dos participantes ou um determinado tipo de literatura, a junção das categorias literatura e marginalidade por tais escritores encobria uma atuação cultural específica, que está relacionada a um conjunto de experiências e elaborações compartilhadas sobre marginalidade e periferia, assim como a um vínculo estabelecido entre criação literária e realidade social. Por isso, além de apresentar empiricamente essa nova geração de escritores marginais, esta pesquisa visou articular a formação interna do grupo e seu significado mais geral, buscando demonstrar como um conjunto de idéias e vivências compartilhadas possibilitou que moradores da periferia, tradicionalmente excluídos como sujeitos do processo simbólico, pudessem entrar em cena para produzir sua própria imagem, dando origem a uma intensa movimentação cultural em bairros da periferia paulistana. / This work intends to analyze the recent appropriation of the expression \"marginal literature\" for deriving writers of the periphery, being taken as starting point the set of authors who had published in three special editions of Caros Amigos/ Literatura Marginal, in the years of 2001, 2002 and 2004. The hint left for these publications was that, more than the sociological profile of the participants or a stricted kind of literature, the junction of the categories literature and marginality for such writers hid a cultural specific performance, which is linked to a set of experiences and elaborations shared on marginality and periphery, as well as a link established between literary creation and social reality. Therefore, besides empirically to present this new generation of writers delinquents, this research aimed at to articulate the internal formation of the group and its meaning more general, searching to demonstrate as a set of ideas and shared experiences made possible that living of the periphery, traditionally excluded as citizens of the symbolic process, they could enter in scene to produce its own image, giving origin to an intense cultural movement in paulistana neighbourhoods of periphery.
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No description available.
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基隆青年的都市改造運動 / The Urban Renaissance Movement of Youth in Keelung余睿柏, Yu, Rui Bo Unknown Date (has links)
基隆青年的都市改造運動,間接促使2014年民進黨籍林右昌市長的當選,而基隆青年都市改造運動持續與「新政治」的交互影響。最後,本研究認為「世代共融」乃是尋覓理解台灣都市新政治的解藥。 / Since the economy of Keelung city had declined in the latter mid of 1980’s, the youth in Taiwan is now experiencing the situation of the “declined generation”.(崩世代) In 2014, through the connection of new social media, the youth had took the streets and stepped forward defending the importance of local development in Taiwan, which is called “the Sun Flower Movement”. In this study, one can see how the trend of youth participation was formed, and the path of “the third power” in politics to be deliberated.
In 2014, the culture workers from every ages in Keelung gathered together for the movement of C23 action, fighting for reservations of the west no.2 and no.3 wharf warehouse and asking for the coexistence between economic and cultural development. And lots of youth people groups have sprung up in Keelung since then, bringing back into Keelung the essence of modern developments and social movements in Taipei. These youth people groups, such as Keelung Youth Front(基隆青年陣線), KeelungRain(雞籠霧雨), and Wa’s up studio(阿普蛙工作室), etc., have different dispositions, habiuts and capitals, and they have divergent interests in political, cultural, new civil movement fields.
The youth people group in Keelung give rise to the youth movement of urban renaissance in Keelung, and it also indirectly contributes to the rotation of ruling parties in Keelung. The youth movement of urban renaissance is continuously interacting with the “new politics”. This article considers that “the integration of ages” is the key to understanding the new politics in cities of Taiwan.
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