Spelling suggestions: "subject:"c.ulture systems"" "subject:"1culture systems""
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Município de Canguçu, RS : o relevo e sua morfodinâmica como condicionantes do dinamismo agrícolaViera, Valmir January 2012 (has links)
O estudo do relevo e sua relação com os solos que ocorrem na área de estudo no município de Canguçu/RS, objetiva promover uma análise detalhada e comparativa desses componentes naturais que condicionam o aumento ou a diminuição das potencialidades ou das limitações ao uso do solo no desenvolvimento dos sistemas de cultivo e criação. Para a realização do trabalho foram utilizadas imagens de satélite Quickbird (2008), trabalho de campo e de laboratório. O mapeamento, através da utilização do programa ArcGis com dados Aster GDEM – Global Digital Elevation Model que serviram para delimitar os compartimentos litológicos, geomorfológicos associados aos tipos de solos, resultou no mapa em escala 1:50.000. Dessa forma, nesse município, apesar dos mapeamentos anteriores identificarem apenas um compartimento geomorfológico (Planalto), pode-se subdividi-lo em relevo de Cristas e relevo de Colinas. Observa-se a ocorrência de Neossolos associados aos afloramentos rochosos e ao relevo de Cristas; Cambissolos e Argissolos localizados no relevo de Colinas e Gleissolos nas planícies próximas a rede de drenagem. Nesse sentido, identificou-se, nos resultados, que os solos localizados em relevo de Cristas sustentam, principalmente, os sistemas cultivo do fumo, do feijão e do milho que sofrem severas restrições em função da declividade, da baixa profundidade do solo, bem como, da sua pouca fertilidade. Nesse mesmo compartimento identificou-se o sistema de criação de gado bovino de leite. Já os solos localizados nas áreas de relevo de Colinas sustentam os cultivos do milho, da soja, do feijão e a citricultura, principalmente, bem como o sistema de criação de gado de corte e de leite. E o Gleissolo, que ocorre na Planície Aluvial do Rio Camaquã, sustenta o cultivo do arroz e o sistema de criação de gado de corte e leite. / The study of relief and its relation with the soils occurring in the municipality of Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, aims at doing a detailed and comparative analysis of those natural components that condition the rising or reduction of the potentialities or limitations to the use of soil for the development of systems of cultivation and livestock rearing. In order to carry out this research satellite images Quickbird (2008), fieldwork and laboratory tests were employed. Using the Programm ArcGis with data Aster GDEM – Global Digital Elevation Model – which served to delimitate the lithological and geomorphological compartments associated to the types of soil, the mapping of the area resulted in the 1:50.000 scale map. So, in spite of the fact that previous mappings identified only one geomorphological compartment (Plateau) in this municipality, it may be subdivided into ridge relief and hill relief. It is possible to verify the occurrence of Neosols associated to rocky outcrops and to ridge relief; Cambisols and Argisols located in the hill relief area; and Gleysols in the plains near the drainage system. In this sense, in the results it was found that the soils located in ridge relief support chiefly the farming systems of tobacco, bean and maize, which suffer hard restrictions due to declivity, to the low depth of the soil as well as to its low level of fertility. In this same compartment it was found the rearing of dairy cattle. On the other hand, the soils located in the areas of hill relief support mainly the farming of maize, soya, bean and citrus, as well as the rearing of beef and dairy cattle. As to the Gleysol, which appears in the alluvial plain of the Camaquã River, it supports rice culture and the rearing system of beef and dairy cattle.
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Município de Canguçu, RS : o relevo e sua morfodinâmica como condicionantes do dinamismo agrícolaViera, Valmir January 2012 (has links)
O estudo do relevo e sua relação com os solos que ocorrem na área de estudo no município de Canguçu/RS, objetiva promover uma análise detalhada e comparativa desses componentes naturais que condicionam o aumento ou a diminuição das potencialidades ou das limitações ao uso do solo no desenvolvimento dos sistemas de cultivo e criação. Para a realização do trabalho foram utilizadas imagens de satélite Quickbird (2008), trabalho de campo e de laboratório. O mapeamento, através da utilização do programa ArcGis com dados Aster GDEM – Global Digital Elevation Model que serviram para delimitar os compartimentos litológicos, geomorfológicos associados aos tipos de solos, resultou no mapa em escala 1:50.000. Dessa forma, nesse município, apesar dos mapeamentos anteriores identificarem apenas um compartimento geomorfológico (Planalto), pode-se subdividi-lo em relevo de Cristas e relevo de Colinas. Observa-se a ocorrência de Neossolos associados aos afloramentos rochosos e ao relevo de Cristas; Cambissolos e Argissolos localizados no relevo de Colinas e Gleissolos nas planícies próximas a rede de drenagem. Nesse sentido, identificou-se, nos resultados, que os solos localizados em relevo de Cristas sustentam, principalmente, os sistemas cultivo do fumo, do feijão e do milho que sofrem severas restrições em função da declividade, da baixa profundidade do solo, bem como, da sua pouca fertilidade. Nesse mesmo compartimento identificou-se o sistema de criação de gado bovino de leite. Já os solos localizados nas áreas de relevo de Colinas sustentam os cultivos do milho, da soja, do feijão e a citricultura, principalmente, bem como o sistema de criação de gado de corte e de leite. E o Gleissolo, que ocorre na Planície Aluvial do Rio Camaquã, sustenta o cultivo do arroz e o sistema de criação de gado de corte e leite. / The study of relief and its relation with the soils occurring in the municipality of Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, aims at doing a detailed and comparative analysis of those natural components that condition the rising or reduction of the potentialities or limitations to the use of soil for the development of systems of cultivation and livestock rearing. In order to carry out this research satellite images Quickbird (2008), fieldwork and laboratory tests were employed. Using the Programm ArcGis with data Aster GDEM – Global Digital Elevation Model – which served to delimitate the lithological and geomorphological compartments associated to the types of soil, the mapping of the area resulted in the 1:50.000 scale map. So, in spite of the fact that previous mappings identified only one geomorphological compartment (Plateau) in this municipality, it may be subdivided into ridge relief and hill relief. It is possible to verify the occurrence of Neosols associated to rocky outcrops and to ridge relief; Cambisols and Argisols located in the hill relief area; and Gleysols in the plains near the drainage system. In this sense, in the results it was found that the soils located in ridge relief support chiefly the farming systems of tobacco, bean and maize, which suffer hard restrictions due to declivity, to the low depth of the soil as well as to its low level of fertility. In this same compartment it was found the rearing of dairy cattle. On the other hand, the soils located in the areas of hill relief support mainly the farming of maize, soya, bean and citrus, as well as the rearing of beef and dairy cattle. As to the Gleysol, which appears in the alluvial plain of the Camaquã River, it supports rice culture and the rearing system of beef and dairy cattle.
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Diferenciace progenitorů Sertoliho buněk a příprava testikulárních 3D kultur Xenopus tropicalis. / Differentiation of Sertoli cell progenitors and preparation of testicular 3D cultures of Xenopus tropicalis.Slováková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Sertoli cells represent the only somatic cell type within the seminiferous tubules with direct contact to germ cells. Sertoli cells significantly contribute to the development of the testicular niche in a male embryo. Their role during postnatal life is in the regulation and nutrition of germ cells and the formation of the blood-testis barrier to protect these cells. In our laboratory, we have been successful in establishing a cell line of X. tropicalis immature Sertoli cells (XtiSCs) derived from juvenile testes of X. tropicalis. The objective of this thesis was to induce the differentiation process of XtiSCs into mature Sertoli cells. In vitro experiments using several factors or primary culture from adult male X. tropicalis did not show any mature markers in differentiated XtiSCs. Another experiment using cell culture derived from pubertal mice was partially successful in the induction of the differentiation process. These results indicate that XtiSCs do have some differentiation potential into mature Sertoli cells. Part of this work was to test the ability of testicular cells isolated from juvenile males of X. tropicalis to form de novo organoids. In vitro experiments were successful when these cells were cultured in a three-layer matrigel.
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Which remote sensing indicators to survey shrimp farms in activity and to rehabilitate abandoned sites? / Quels outils de télédétection pour suivre les bassins aquacoles en activité et pour réhabiliter les sites abandonnés ?Gusmawati, Niken Financia 13 July 2017 (has links)
La production de crevettes en Indonésie est en constante augmentation de part sa surface et l'intensification de ses élevages. Cette filière contribue au développement économique en milieu rural, à la sécurité alimentaire nationale, à l'emploi et au commerce extérieur. Cependant, ce développement rapide s'est accompagné d'effets écologiques et sociaux négatifs. Le développement de maladies dans les élevages ainsi que la dégradation de l'environnement côtier a conduit à l'abandon de 250 000 hectares de bassins dans le pays. Leur réhabilitation dans le cadre d'une activité durable est aujourd'hui une priorité pour le gouvernement indonésien.L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des outils et des méthodes, basées sur de l’imagerie satellites à très haute résolution spatiale (THRS), (1) pour une meilleure gestion des sites de production et (2) pour réhabiliter les sites abandonnés. L'estuaire de la Perancak situé dans la Province de Bali, une zone de production en déclin, a été choisi comme site pilote. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet INDESO dont l'objectif était de fournir des outils et des méthodes pour une meilleure gestion des ressources côtières et marines en Indonésie.Le premier outil développé pour objectif de cartographier automatiquement les bassins d'élevage. A cet effet, une méthode basée sur la détection des contours a été mise en place et comparée à deux autres méthodes, la première basée sur la méthode de croissance des régions, la seconde sur une classification non supervisée (plus particulièrement la méthode Isocluster). Notre méthode a permis de détecter une forte proportion de bassins avec une meilleure précision.Le second outil avait pour objectif de distinguer les bassins actifs des bassins abandonnés. Un indicateur intégré (IPAI) basé sur quatre critères identifiés sur les images THRS que sont la présence d'eau, d'aérateur(s), de ponton(s) d'alimentation et de végétation, a été développé. Cet indicateur permet de distinguer significativement un bassin actif d'un bassin inactif. La présence de ponton est le critère qui s'est révélé être le plus discriminant.Cet indicateur a été utilisé sur l'estuaire de la Perancak pour suivre la dynamique d’abandon des bassins, liée au développement des maladies dans les élevages, entre 2001 et 2015. Deux facteurs de risque conduisant à l'abandon ont été mis en évidence : le climat et le positionnement des bassins au sein de l'estuaire. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'une approche spatiale doit être prise en compte pour la réhabilitation des bassins. Trois zones ont été définies à partir de leur résilience spatiale aux maladies. Le niveau de connectivité entre des bassins via le réseau hydrologique augmente le risque d'abandon. A noter que la présence actuelle des pathogènes (White Spot Syndrome Virus, WSSV) dans les bassins et probablement dans l'environnement génère une mémoire écologique défavorable à la réhabilitation de fermes aquacoles de crevettes.A partir de ces résultats, une première proposition de plan pour réhabiliter les bassins abandonnés a été formulée dans le cadre d'une approche écosystémique. Pour lutter contre les maladies, ce plan suggère de développer une aquaculture multi-trophique intégrée (AMTI), basée sur la diversité des espèces élevées et de leur positionnement dans la chaine trophique, à l'échelle de l'estuaire. Les méthodes et les études qui doivent être conduites pour rendre opérationnelle cette proposition sont discutées. / Shrimp farming production in Indonesia has continuously increased through a large expansion of cultured areas and stocking density intensification. This activity supports rural economic development and contributes to national food security, employment and foreign exchange earnings. However, this development has generated adverse ecological and social effects. As consequences of diseases and environmental degradations, there are currently 250,000 ha of abandoned ponds. Their rehabilitation, within a sustainable aquaculture framework, is actually a high priority for the Indonesian government.The objective of the present PhD work was to develop tools and methodologies to (1) enable better management for operating sites of shrimp industry and (2) rehabilitate abandoned sites using very high-resolution satellite (VHRS) imagery. The Perancak Estuary, located in Bali Province, is the production area in decline that has been chosen as study site. This work has been carried out in the frame of the INDESO project which was assigned to develop and provide tools and methods for better management of marine and coastal resources in Indonesia.The first developed tool was an automatic classification procedure for aquaculture mapping. A method based on Edge Detection on VHRS images was proposed and compared with those generated by Region Growing segmentation and unsupervised classification Isocluster. Edge Detection method could successfully create aquaculture map in the Perancak estuary by identifying a large proportion of existing ponds, with good overall accuracy.To implement effective procedure for appropriate aquaculture ecosystem assessment and monitoring, the second tool was an Integrated Pond Activity Indicator (IPAI). It aimed to discriminate active from abandoned ponds and was developed based on four criteria using VHRS images. Those criteria were: presence of water, aerator, feeding bridge and vegetation. This indicator succeeded in detecting active pond with a good accuracy, and feeding bridge appeared to be the most discriminant criteria.This second indicator has then been applied to the Perancak estuary to highlight the abandonment dynamic due to disease between 2001 and 2015. Two risk factors that could contribute to explain dynamics of abandonment were identified: climate conditions and pond locations within the estuary, suggesting that a spatial approach should be integrated in planning processes to operationalize pond rehabilitation. Three areas were defined based on their disease resilience. Ponds connectivity through water network increased the risk of disease development. The continued presence of shrimp pathogen species in ponds and probably in the environment (i.e. White Spot Syndrome Virus, WSSV) may generate ‘ecological memories’ that prevent to the return of shrimp productive system.These results were used to establish a first proposal of rehabilitation plan using an ecological approach. At the whole ecosystem scale, the development of an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), based on the diversity of cultured species and their trophic status would be implemented. Methods and studies that would be conducted to operationalize sustainable pond rehabilitation are briefly discussed.
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Obtenção de anticorpo monoclonal anti-dengue tipo 2 em diferentes meios e sistemas de cultivoZanatta, Aline Stelling January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Priscila Nascimento (pnascimento@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-11-19T11:45:26Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Desde o trabalho de Köhler e Milstein (1975), hibridomas tem sido cultivados para
obtenção de anticorpos monoclonais com finalidade de uso em pesquisa, diagnóstico e
terapia. O método tradicional de obtenção de anticorpos monoclonais em altas concentrações é através de indução de ascite em camundongos. Estatécnica vem sendo substituída por
cultivos de hibridomas em altas concentrações celulares. Neste trabalho, foram cultivados hibridomas secretores de anticorpos monoclonais anti-dengue tipo 2 em frascos T, garrafas rotatórias (roller) e frascos do tipo spinner, utilizando-se o meio DMEM, suplementado com soro fetal bovino a 10%, e o meio comercial livre de soro animal Ex-Cell® TiterHigh TM
(Sigma). Ao longo dos diferentes cultivos, foram avaliadas a concentração celular, viabilidade celular e as concentrações de nutrientes (glicose eglutamina), metabólitos (lactato e amônio) e produto (IgG). A partir dos resultados obtidos, foram calculadas as grandezas representativas do metabolismo celular: concentração máxima de células (X
máx), taxa específica de crescimento celular (µexp), tempo de duplicação (td) e coeficientes de rendimento de glicose em células (YX/glc), glutamina em células (Y
X/gln), células em produto (YP/X),
glutamina em amônio (YNH4/gln), glicose em lactato (Ylac/glc), glicose em produto (YP/glc) e glutamina em produto (YP/gln). O meio livre de soro mostrou ser capaz de fornecer melhores condições para o crescimento celular (alcançando 4 x 106
céls/mL), mantendo a viabilidade por um período maior de tempo, nos três sistemas decultivo testados. Quanto à formação de
produto, no meio livre de soro, os hibridomas também secretaram altas concentrações de IgG, alcançando níveis de 3 µg/mL. Os melhores resultados de crescimento e viabilidade celular
foram observados em garrafas rollera 40 rpm (após adaptação a rotações inferiores) e a
produção de IgG foi maior em garrafas rollera 16 rpm (também após adaptação a rotações inferiores) e em frascos do tipo spinner a 50 rpm (após adaptação a rotações inferiores em garrafas rolleraté 40 rpm). Quando foram comparadas as concentrações de IgG entre os sobrenadantes de cultivo e três amostras de fluido ascítico do mesmo hibridoma, foi observado que o fluido ascítico continha concentrações 10 a 20 vezes maiores que as obtidas nos sobrenadantes de cultivo. Entretanto, como os volumes de sobrenadantes de cultivo são
significativamente maiores do que os de fluido ascítico de camundongos, infere-se que é viável a substituição da produção in vivopela obtenção do anticorpo monoclonal estudado neste trabalho em sistemas agitados, utilizando-se meio livre de soro animal. Contudo, sugere-se a condução de experimentos adicionais para confirmação da total viabilidade da obtenção de anticorpos monoclonais anti-dengue tipo2 in vitroutilizando o processo proposto
no presente trabalho. / Since Köhler and Milstein’s work (1975), hybridoma cells have been cultured to obtain monoclonal antibodies for research, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The traditional method to obtain high concentrations (5 to 10 mg/mL) of the monoclonal antibodies is the induction of ascite in mice. This technique is being replaced by high cell density cultivations.
In this work, hybridoma secreting anti-dengue type 2 monoclonal antibodies were cultivated in T flasks, roller bottles and spinner flasks, using DMEM medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum at 10%, and the commercial serum-free medium Ex-Cell® TiterHigh TM (Sigma). Cell concentration, cell viability, as well as concentration of nutrients (glucose and
glutamine), metabolites (lactate and amonium) and product (IgG) were evaluated along culture time in the different media and culture systems. Based on these data, variables that reflect the cell metabolism were calculated: maximum cell concentration (Xmáx), specific cell growth rate (µexp), duplication time (td), as well as the yield coefficients of glucose to cells
(YX/glc), glutamine to cells (YX/gln), cells to product (YP/X), glutamine to ammonium (Y
NH4/gln), glucose to lactate (Ylac/glc), glucose to product (YP/glc) and glutamine to product (YP/gln). Among the culture media, the serum-free medium showed to provide better conditions for cell growth (reaching 4 x 106 cells/mL), keeping high cell viabilities for a longer period, in all
three tested culture systems. Concerning product formation, hybridoma also released high IgG concentrations (3 µg/mL) in the serum-free medium. Among the culture systems, the best results for cell growth and viability were found inroller bottles at 40 rpm (after adaptation under lower rotation rates) and IgG production was higher in roller bottles at 16 rpm (after
adaptation under lower rotation rates) and in spinner flasks at 50 rpm (after adaptation under lower rotation rates in roller bottles, up to 40 rpm). The IgG concentrations ascitic fluid presented concentrations 10 to 20 times higher thanthose obtained in culture supernatants.
However, since the volumes of culture supernatant obtained in relatively simple, small-scale culture systems are significantly higher than thoseof mice ascitic fluids, the replacement of in
vivoproduction for in vitroIgG production in stirred systems, using serum-free media, seems to be feasible. Nevertheless, additional experiments should be carried out to confirm the feasibility of switching the production of anti-dengue type 2 monoclonal antibodies for in vitrosystems, using the process proposed in this work.
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