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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Zhao, Xing January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Flutuações em modelos de Curie-Weiss: sistemas clássicos desordenados e quânticos / Fluctuations Models Curie-Weiss Classical Systems Quantum Disordered

Joao Manuel Goncalves Amaro de Matos 23 November 1984 (has links)
São estudadas flutuações de variáveis spin de bloco em alguns modelos de Curie-Weiss. É descrito rigorosamente o comportamento assintótico de suas distribuições de probabilidade no limite termodinâmico, mantendo constante a razão entre o tamanho do sistema e o tamanho do bloco. São considerados o modelo de Ising com campo aleatório e o antiferromagneto diluído. Os seguintes fatos sobre flutuações nestes modelos são provados: a) Elas não são auto-mediantes; b) Fora da criticalidade têm distribuição Gaussiana com contribuições vindas de flutuações térmicas e de flutuações devidas aos parâmetros aleatórios; c) Na criticalidade a sua distribuição e não mais Gaussiana e as flutuações das impurezas dominam as flutuações térmicas. Como sub-produto desta análise mostra-se que as flutuações destes dois modelos não são equivalentes sob o mapeamento que estabelece a sua equivalência termodinâmica. Também é descrita a aplicação do método ao vidro de spin de van Hemmen, sem provas, levando a resultados similares. Finalmente mostra-se que o método é problemático quando aplicado a sistemas quânticos. Embora a sua termodinâmica possa ser bem descrita, aparecem alguns problemas matemáticos, ainda por resolver, no estudo das suas flutuações. / Fluctuations of block spin variables in some Curie-Weiss models are studied. The asymptotic behavior of their probability distributions in the thermodynamic limit is rigorously described, keeping constant the ratio between the size of the system and the size of the block. The Ising model with random field and the dilute antiferromagnet with uniform field are considered. The following facts about fluctuations in these models are proved: a) They are not self-averaging; b) Out of criticality they have a Gaussian distribution with contributions coming both from thermal fluctuations and from those fluctuations due to the random parameters; c) At criticality their distribution is no longer Gaussian and the fluctuation of impurities dominate thermal fluctuations. As a by-product of this analysis, the fluctuations of these two models are shown to be non-equivalent under the mapping which establishes their thermodynamical equivalence. It is also described the application of the method to the van Hemmen spin-glass model, without proofs, leading to similar results. Finally the method is shown to be problematic when applied to quantum systems. Although their thermodynamics can be well described, some mathematical problems, yet to be solved, appear in the study of their fluctuations.

Flutuações em modelos de Curie-Weiss: sistemas clássicos desordenados e quânticos / Fluctuations Models Curie-Weiss Classical Systems Quantum Disordered

Matos, Joao Manuel Goncalves Amaro de 23 November 1984 (has links)
São estudadas flutuações de variáveis spin de bloco em alguns modelos de Curie-Weiss. É descrito rigorosamente o comportamento assintótico de suas distribuições de probabilidade no limite termodinâmico, mantendo constante a razão entre o tamanho do sistema e o tamanho do bloco. São considerados o modelo de Ising com campo aleatório e o antiferromagneto diluído. Os seguintes fatos sobre flutuações nestes modelos são provados: a) Elas não são auto-mediantes; b) Fora da criticalidade têm distribuição Gaussiana com contribuições vindas de flutuações térmicas e de flutuações devidas aos parâmetros aleatórios; c) Na criticalidade a sua distribuição e não mais Gaussiana e as flutuações das impurezas dominam as flutuações térmicas. Como sub-produto desta análise mostra-se que as flutuações destes dois modelos não são equivalentes sob o mapeamento que estabelece a sua equivalência termodinâmica. Também é descrita a aplicação do método ao vidro de spin de van Hemmen, sem provas, levando a resultados similares. Finalmente mostra-se que o método é problemático quando aplicado a sistemas quânticos. Embora a sua termodinâmica possa ser bem descrita, aparecem alguns problemas matemáticos, ainda por resolver, no estudo das suas flutuações. / Fluctuations of block spin variables in some Curie-Weiss models are studied. The asymptotic behavior of their probability distributions in the thermodynamic limit is rigorously described, keeping constant the ratio between the size of the system and the size of the block. The Ising model with random field and the dilute antiferromagnet with uniform field are considered. The following facts about fluctuations in these models are proved: a) They are not self-averaging; b) Out of criticality they have a Gaussian distribution with contributions coming both from thermal fluctuations and from those fluctuations due to the random parameters; c) At criticality their distribution is no longer Gaussian and the fluctuation of impurities dominate thermal fluctuations. As a by-product of this analysis, the fluctuations of these two models are shown to be non-equivalent under the mapping which establishes their thermodynamical equivalence. It is also described the application of the method to the van Hemmen spin-glass model, without proofs, leading to similar results. Finally the method is shown to be problematic when applied to quantum systems. Although their thermodynamics can be well described, some mathematical problems, yet to be solved, appear in the study of their fluctuations.

Tuning the Curie temperature and phase fraction of FeNi25-based alloys with Mn and Co for magnetocaloric applications

Sanglé-Ferrière, Marie January 2020 (has links)
This paper discusses the search of an FeNi25-based alloy with a face-centered cubic crystal structure exhibiting a Curie point around room temperature, for magnetocaloric applications. Fe was substituted in various amounts with FCC-stabilising elements Mn and Co as these elements respectively decrease and increase the Curie Temperature, thus enabling to tune the Curie point. Three characterization methods were carried out on the samples: Magneto- thermo-gravimetry (MTG), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and finally, vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurements were performed. All samples displayed several Curie points, each corresponding to various FCC phases. Also, the last sample, FeNi25Mn6Co2, had an FCC phase fraction of almost 99% and presented two Curie points in the continuity of one another one at -35°C and another at 91°C. Hence, at room temperature, the sample underwent a magnetic phase transition passing from its ferromagnetic state to a paramagnetic one. / Detta arbete består i att utröna möjligheterna att med utgångspunkt från den binära sammansättningen FeNi25 erhålla en ytcentrerad kubisk fas (fcc) med en Curie punkt vid rumstemperatur. Syftet är att använda dessa legeringar i magnetokaloriska tillämpningar. Strategin är att både Mn och Co är fcc stabliliserande grundämnen, och att Mn sänker och Co ökar Curie temperaturen. Tre olika karakteriseringsmetoder användes; röntgendiffraktometri (struktur), Magneto-Termo-Gravimetri (magnetisering vs temperatur) och konventionell magnetometri vid rumstemperatur (magnetisering vs magnetiskt fält, Vibrating Sample Magnetometry VSM). Resultaten visar att även om kristallstrukturen i det närmaste är fullständigt fcc, så ger de magnetiska mätningarna vid handen att flera olika faser är vid handen med avesvärt olika Curie temperaturer. Som en illustration av detta förhållande kan nämnas att sammansättningen FeNi25Mn6Co2 uppvisar en fcc-fraktion på i det närmaste 99%, men har vid en M(T) mätning ett förlopp som enklast förklaras med en Curie punkt vid ca -35C och en ytterligare vid ca 90°C. Denna observation signalerar att de magnetiska egenskaperna torde vara mer beroende av exakt distribution av de ingående atomslagen i fcc strukturen än vad de röntgendiffraktometriska undersökningarna kan detektera.

Un modèle d'Ising Curie-Weiss de criticalité auto-organisée / A Curie-Weiss model of self-organized criticality

Gorny, Matthias 08 June 2015 (has links)
Dans leur célèbre article de 1987, les physiciens Per Bak, Chao Tang et Kurt Wiesenfeld ont montré que certains systèmes complexes, composés d'un nombre important d'éléments en interaction dynamique, évoluent vers un état critique, sans intervention extérieure. Ce phénomène, appelé criticalité auto-organisée, peut être observé empiriquement ou simulé par ordinateur pour de nombreux modèles. Cependant leur analyse mathématique est très ardue. Même des modèles dont la définition est apparemment simple, comme les modèles décrivant la dynamique d'un tas de sable, ne sont pas bien compris mathématiquement. Le but de cette thèse est la construction d'un modèle de criticalité auto-organisée, qui est aussi simple que possible, et qui est accessible à une étude mathématique rigoureuse. Pour cela, nous modifions le modèle d'Ising Curie-Weiss généralisé en introduisant un contrôle automatique du paramètre de température. Pour une classe de distributions symétriques satisfaisant une certaine condition d'intégrabilité, nous montrons que la somme Sn des variables aléatoires du modèle a le comportement typique du modèle d'Ising Curie-Weiss généralisé critique: les fluctuations sont d'ordre n^(3/4) et la loi limite est C exp(- lambda*x^4) dx, où C et lambda sont des constantes strictement positives. Notre étude nous a menés à généraliser ce modèle dans plusieurs directions : cas de la dimension supérieure, fonctions d'interactions plus générales, extension à des auto-interactions menant à des fluctuations d'ordre n^(5/6). Nous étudions aussi des modèles dynamiques dont la distribution invariante est la loi de notre modèle d'Ising Curie-Weiss de criticalité auto-organisée. / In their famous 1987 article, Per Bak, Chao Tang and Kurt Wiesenfeld showed that certain complex systems, composed of a large number of dynamically interacting elements, are naturally attracted by critical points, without any external intervention. This phenomenon, called self-organized criticality, can be observed empirically or simulated on a computer in various models. However the mathematical analysis of these models turns out to be extremely difficult. Even models whose definition seems simple, such as the models describing the dynamics of a sandpile, are not well understood mathematically. The goal of this thesis is to design a model exhibiting self-organized criticality, which is as simple as possible, and which is amenable to a rigorous mathematical analysis. To this end, we modify the generalized Ising Curie-Weiss model by implementing an automatic control of the inverse temperature. For a class of symmetric distributions whose density satisfies some integrability conditions, we prove that the sum Sn of the random variables behaves as in the typical critical generalized Ising Curie-Weiss model: the fluctuations are of order n^(3/4) and the limiting law is C exp(- lambda*x^4) dx where C and lambda are suitable positive constants. Our study led us to generalize this model in several directions: the multidimensional case, more general interacting functions, extension to self-interactions leading to fluctuations with order n^(5/6). We also study dynamic models whose invariant distribution is the law of our Curie-Weiss model of self-organized criticality.

Elaboration et caractérisation thermo-physique de micro-composants fonctionnels à base de poudres magnétocaloriques / Elaboration and thermo-physical characterization of functional micro components based on magnetocaloric powders

Lanzarini, Julien 05 April 2016 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse proposent le développement d’un procédé de fabrication de composants micro-structurés à base d’unmatériau magnétocalorique. A plus long terme, ces composants de type lame mince seront intégrés à des dispositifs deréfrigération magnétique. Leur réalisation par les procédés conventionnels tels que l’usinage n’est pas envisageable dansl’optique d’une industrialisation. La solution envisagée est basée sur la mise en forme de composants par réplication d’uncomposite magnétocalorique. Ce micro-composite est défini par le mélange des poudres magnétocaloriques hydrogénées detype La(Fe,Si)13 dans une matrice thermoplastique (PP, LDPE). Cette technique permet de bénéficier des avantages desprocédés de mise en forme des polymères comme l’extrusion ou le moulage par injection. Le développement d’un tel procédéest divisé en deux parties. La première partie concerne l’élaboration et la caractérisation du micro-compositemagnétocalorique. Les tests réalisés en mélangeur ont permis de proposer plusieurs formulations micro-compositesmagnétocaloriques selon différents taux de charge. Cette première partie du développement étudie les différents aspects dumatériau micro-composite comme la rhéologie et les propriétés magnétocaloriques des mélanges. La caractérisationrhéologique basée sur les tests au rhéomètre capillaire est réalisé afin d’évaluer la capacité de mise en forme des mélangesassociée au procédé d’extrusion-conformage. Les propriétés propres aux matériaux magnétocaloriques telles que la variationde température adiabatique (ΔT) et la température de Curie (Tc) sont investiguées. Le contrôle de la Tc par mesure DSC a misen évidence des problématiques de déshydrogénation des poudres liées à la température d’élaboration. L’impact du taux decharge en poudre est étudié par la mesure des ΔT permettant d’estimer les performances finales du micro-composite. Ladeuxième partie traite du développement du procédé de mise en forme par extrusion-conformage. Une ligne d’outillages dédiéeà l’extrusion-conformage des lames micro-structurées a été réalisée et validée à l’échelle du laboratoire. La stabilité de latempérature de Curie a été vérifiée tout au long du processus d’élaboration des composants micro-structurés. Les paramètresd’extrusion tels que la température d’extrusion ont pu être définis afin d’éviter la déshydrogénation des poudresmagnétocaloriques. Les composants extrudés sont caractérisés en termes d’homogénéité du taux de charge en poudre et detolérances géométriques aboutissant à la / This thesis proposes the development of a method of manufacturing micro-structured components made of a magnetocaloricmaterial. In the long term, these blade-type components will be integrated in magnetic refrigeration devices. On an industrialscale, their production by the conventional process, machining, is not possible. The solution proposed is based on shaping thecomponent by a replication process via a magnetocaloric composite material. This micro-composite is defined by the mixtureof hydrogenated magnetocaloric powders of La(Fe,Si)13 in a thermoplastic matrix (PP, LDPE). This technique allowsutilization of the polymer shaping process, extrusion. The development of this process is divided into two parts. The first partconcerns the development and characterization of the magnetocaloric micro-composite. Results from tests performed with themixer allow the proposal of several micro-composite formulations under different loading rates. These formulations are thenstudied for various aspects of micro-composite material. The rheological characterization based on capillary rheometer tests istaken to evaluate the shaping ability of the mixtures associated with the extrusion process. Specific properties ofmagnetocaloric materials such as the adiabatic temperature variation (ΔT) and the Curie temperature (Tc) are also investigated.The control of the Tc by DSC measurement highlighted problematic dehydrogenation of the powders as a result of theelaboration temperature. The impact of loading rate is studied by measuring the ΔT in order to estimate the final performanceof the micro-composite. The second part deals with the development of the shaping process by extrusion. A tooling linededicated to extrusion of the micro-structured blades is carried out and validated at the laboratory scale. The stability of Tc ischecked throughout the elaboration process of the micro-structured components. The extrusion parameters are defined to avoidthe dehydrogenation of magnetocaloric powders. The extruded components are characterized in terms of homogeneity of thepowder loading rate and geometric tolerances resulting in the validation of the developed process. The industrial transfer isnow possible to a large scale production.

Effets des inhomogénéités nanométriques sur les propriétés magnétiques de systèmes magnétiques dilués / Effects of nanoscale inhomogeneities on the magnetic properties of diluted magnetic systems

Chakraborty, Akash 26 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est principalement consacrée à l'étude des inhomogénéités de taille nanométrique dans les systèmes magnétiques désordonnés ou dilués. La présence d'inhomogénéités, souvent mise en évidence dans de nombreux matériaux, donne lieu à des propriétés physiques intéressantes et inattendues. La possibilité de ferromagnétisme à l'ambiante dans certains matéraux a généré un grand enthousiasme en vue d'application dans la spintronique. Cependant, d'un point de vue fondamental la physique de ces systèmes reste peu explorée et mal comprise. Dans ce manuscrit, on se propose de fournir une étude théorique complète et détaillée des effets des inhomogenéités de tailles nanométriques sur les propriétés magnétiques dans les systèmes dilués. Tout d'abord, on montre que l'approche RPA locale autocohérente est l'outil le plus adapté et fiable pour un traitement approprié du désordre et de la percolation. Nous avons implémenté cet outil et étudié dans un premier temps, les propriétés magnétiques dynamiques d'un modèle Heisenberg dilué (couplages premiers voisins) sur un reseau cubique simple. Nous avons reproduit précisémment la disparition de l'ordre à longue portée au seuil de percolation et comparé ce travail à des études précédentes. Dans le cadre d'un Hamiltonien minimal (modèle $V$-$J$) nous avons ensuite étudié en détails les propriétés magnétiques de (Ga,Mn)As (température critique, excitations magnétiques, stiffness,..). Nous avons obtenu de très bon accords avec les calculs textit{ab initio} et les résulats expérimentaux. Finalement, nous avons étudié les effets des inhomogénéités dans les sytèmes dilués. Nous avons montré, qu'inclure des inhomogenéités pourrait s'averer être une voie très efficace et prometteuse pour dépasser l'ambiante dans de nombreux matériaux. Nous avons pu obtenir une augmentation colossale de la température critique dans certains cas comparée à celle des systèmes dilués homogènes. Nous avons atteint une augmentation de 1600% dans certains cas. Nous avons également analysé les effets des inhomogénéités sur les courbes d'aimantations, elles sont inhabituelles et peu conventionelles dans ces systèmes. Les spectres d'excitations magnétiques sont très complexes, avec des structures très riches, et présentent de nombreux modes discrets à haute energie. De plus, nos calculs ont montré que la ``spin-stiffness" est fortement supprimé par l'introduction d'inhomogénéités. Il reste encore de nombreuses voies à explorer, ce travail devrait servir de base à de futures études théoriques et expérimentales des systèmes inhomogènes. / This thesis is mainly devoted to the study of nanoscale inhomogeneities in diluted and disordered magnetic systems. The presence of inhomogeneities was detected experimentally in several disordered systems which in turn gave rise to various interesting and unexpected properties. In particular, the possibility of room-temperature ferromagnetism generated a huge thrust in these inhomogeneous materials for potential spintronics applications. However, a proper theoretical understanding of the underlying physics was a longstanding debate. In this manuscript we provide a detailed theoretical account of the effects of these nanoscale inhomogeneities on the magnetic properties of diluted systems. First we show the importance of disorder effects in these systems, and the need to treat them in an appropriate manner. The self-consistent local RPA (SC-LRPA) theory, based on finite temperature Green's function, is found to be the most reliable and accurate tool for this. We have successfully implemented the SC-LRPA to study the dynamical magnetic properties of the 3D nearest-neighbor diluted Heisenberg model. The percolation threshold is found to be reproduced exactly in comparison with previous existing studies. Following this, we discuss the essential role of a minimal model approach to study diluted magnetic systems. The one-band $V$-$J$ model, has been used to calculate the Curie temperature and the spin excitation spectrum in (Ga,Mn)As. An excellent agreement is obtained with first principles based calculations as well as experiments. Finally we propose an innovative path to room-temperature ferromagnetism in these materials, by nanoscale cluster inclusion. We find a colossal increase in $T_C$ of up to 1600% compared to the homogeneous case in certain cases. Also the spontaneous magnetization is found to exhibit anomalous non-mean-field like behavior in the presence of inhomogeneities. In addition we observe a complex nature of the magnon excitation spectrum with prominent features appearing at high energies, which is drastically different from the homogeneous case. Our study interestingly reveals a strong suppression of the spin-stiffness in these inhomogeneous systems. The results indicate toward the strong complexities associated with the interplay/competition between several typical length scales. We believe this work would strongly motivate detailed experimental as well as theoretical studies in this direction in the near future.

Hysterikornas drottning : Historieproblematisering i P.O. Enquists Boken om Blanche och Marie / The Queen of the Hysterics : Problematizising History in P.O. Enquist’s Boken om Blanche och Marie

Almqvist, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur Enquist i Boken om Blanche och Marie med fiktionens hjälp kan sägas ”revidera”, eller åtminstone problematisera, historieskrivningen, ur ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv, och vad det får för betydelse för bilden av de två kvinnorna. Detta anser jag vara viktigt att undersöka, då kvinnor ibland framstår som historiskt förtryckta och passiviserade i dagens feministiska forskning. Andra vinningar till trots kan det leda till att den kvinnliga offerrollen befästs; här vill jag alltså undersöka möjligheten att genom fiktionen erbjuda en alternativ bild av det förflutna. De frågeställningar jag kommer utgå ifrån är: På vilket sätt förhåller sig Enquist till den manliga historieskrivningen? Hur avviker romanen från de diskurser som tidigare förts om kvinnor, vetenskap och sjukdom utifrån denna period? Vad får detta för betydelse för bilderna av de kvinnor som figurerar i romanen?

Electrical Current and Dynamic Electrical ResistanceEffect on Transport Processes in AC Resistance Spot Welding

Wu, Tzong-Huei 19 July 2010 (has links)
The effects of AC and DC on cooling rate, solute distribution and nugget shape after solidification, which are responsible for microstructure of the fusion zone, during resistance spot welding are realistically and extensively investigated. The finite difference method is used to predict transport variables in workpieces and electrodes during heating, melting, cooling and freezing periods. The model accounts for electromagnetic force, heat generations at the electrode-workpiece interface and faying surface between workpieces, and dynamic electrical resistance including bulk resistance and contact resistances at the faying surface and electrode-wokpiece interfaces, which are function of hardness, temperature, electrode force, and surface condition. The computed results show that in contrast to DC, using AC readily produces the nugget in an ellipse shape. Deficit and excess of solute content occur in a thin layer around the boundary and interior of the nugget, respectively. The effects of dynamic electrical resistance subject to AC (Alternative current) on transport variables, cooling rate, solute distribution and nugget shape after solidification during resistance spot welding are realistically and extensively investigated. The model accounts for electromagnetic force, heat generation and contact resistances at the faying surface and electrode-workpiece interfaces and bulk resistance in workpieces. Contact resistance are comprised of constriction and film resistances, which are functions of hardness, temperature, electrode force and surface condition. The computed results show that the weld nugget readily occurs by increasing constriction resistance and Curie temperature. High Curie temperature enhances convection and solute mixing, and readily melts through the workpiece surface near the electrode edge. Aside from finding the significant effect of Curie temperature on resistance spot welding, this study indicates that any mean (For example, adjusting solute content) to reduce Curie temperature can be a new way to control weld quality.

Phase Transformation And Magnetic Properties Of Multicomponent Heusler Type Alloys

Kalkanci, Mine 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Many Co-based Heusler alloys with the stoichometric composition X2YZ are ideal candidates for the spintronics applications. So, they have been extensively studied theoretically and experimentally. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect heat treatment on phase stability and magnetic properties for quaternary Co2FeSi1-xGax Heusler alloys with varying Si concentration. The Co2FeSi1-xGax alloy samples were prepared by conventional arc melting technique. The structure of Co2FeSi1-xGax bulk alloys were examined by powder x-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. It was confirmed that Co2FeSi1-xGax alloys display the L21 type structure for all x compositions based on the annealing temperature. The magnetic ordering transition temperature, Tc, was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that the order-disorder phase transition temperature from the L21 to the B2 structure, T , decreases while the Curie temperature, Tc, increases with increasing x / however, the value of these temperatures were not influenced by changing heat treatment process. The magnetic properties of Co2FeSi1-xGax alloy were investigated by using vibrating sample magnetometer. Higher saturation value was obtained at the L21 phase than the value obtained at the B2 phase. It was concluded that the Co2FeSi0.2Ga0.8 alloy was chosen optimum composition for spintronics applications because of its highest Curie temperature and phase stability of L21.

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