Spelling suggestions: "subject:"courrent 1ieasurement"" "subject:"courrent remeasurement""
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Employment of dual frequency excitation method to improve the accuracy of an optical current sensor, by measuring both current and temperature.Karri, Avinash 12 1900 (has links)
Optical current sensors (OCSs) are initially developed to measure relatively large current over a wide range of frequency band. They are also used as protective devices in the event a fault occurs due to a short circuit, in the power generation and distribution industries. The basic principal used in OCS is the Faraday effect. When a light guiding faraday medium is placed in a magnetic field which is produced by the current flowing in the conductor around the magnetic core, the plane of polarization of the linearly polarized light is rotated. The angle of rotation is proportional to the magnetic field strength, proportionality constant and the interaction length. The proportionality constant is the Verdet constant V (λ, T), which is dependent on both temperature and wavelength of the light. Opto electrical methods are used to measure the angle of rotation of the polarization plane. By measuring the angle the current flowing in the current carrying conductor can be calculated. But the accuracy of the OCS is lost of the angle of rotation of the polarization plane is dependent on the Verdet constant, apart from the magnetic field strength. As temperature increases the Verdet constant decreases, so the angle of rotation decreases. To compensate the effect of temperature on the OCS, a new method has been proposed. The current and temperature are measured with the help of a duel frequency method. To detect the line current in the conductor or coil, a small signal from the line current is fed to the reference of the lock in. To detect the temperature, the coil is excited with an electrical signal of a frequency different from the line frequency, and a small sample of this frequency signal is applied to the reference of the lock in. The temperature and current readings obtained are look up at the database value to give the actual output. Controlled environment is maintained to record the values in the database that maps the current and temperature magnitude values at the DSP lock in amplifier, to the actual temperature and current. By this method we can achieve better compensation to the temperature changes, with a large dynamic range and better sensitivity and accuracy.
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Použití bezkartáčového stejnosměrného motoru pro pohon lineárního servopohonu s bezpečnostní funkcí / Using brushless d.c. motor to drive servo-unit with safety functionRudolf, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
In this work, a proposal for BLDC motor control, which will be used as a drive linear actuator. Control with microcontroller focuses mainly aspects such as motor mode, regenerative mode, measuring rotor position sensors and measuring the motor current, which corresponds to the moment. The result of the work is focused on upgrading the existing Honeywell actuator, where the processor-controlled BLDC motor to replace the existing system and take over the actuator working function and emergency function.
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Řízení klimatických vlastností pěstebního boxu / Control system for greenhouseHaring, Filip January 2016 (has links)
This project deals with design and implementation of control system, which is used for regulation climate conditions in special grow box. Measured values are displayed on graphic LCD, sent to application in PC or displayed on web server. The project solves software and hardware implementation of measurement system.
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Стохастичка метода мерења напона и струје на високом напону / Stohastička metoda merenja napona i struje na visokom naponu / Stochastic Method for Measurement of Voltage and Current at High Voltage LevelČomić Dušan 24 November 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду je обрађен проблем мерења високог напона и струје у несинусидалној високонапонској мрежи, стање технике, предлог решења које подразумева неконвенционални начин мерења ових величина, практично израђен прототип и извршена потребна мерења која су потврђена теоријски. Мерење напона у високонапонској мрежи се врши напонским мерним трансформатором без језгра и интегрисаним мерилом хармоника (IMH), а затим се стохастичком методом мере хармоници напона, смерови и протоци снаге, односно енергије. За мерења струје на високом напону предлаже се калем Роговског и стохастичка метода мерења. Стохастичка метода мерења је заснована на додавању дитерског случајног сигнала на мерени сигнал. Сметње и присуство виших хармоника у мрежном сигналу су, за ову методу, додатни дитерски сигнали који методи не смањују тачност мерења.</p> / <p>U radu je obrađen problem merenja visokog napona i struje u nesinusidalnoj visokonaponskoj mreži, stanje tehnike, predlog rešenja koje podrazumeva nekonvencionalni način merenja ovih veličina, praktično izrađen prototip i izvršena potrebna merenja koja su potvrđena teorijski. Merenje napona u visokonaponskoj mreži se vrši naponskim mernim transformatorom bez jezgra i integrisanim merilom harmonika (IMH), a zatim se stohastičkom metodom mere harmonici napona, smerovi i protoci snage, odnosno energije. Za merenja struje na visokom naponu predlaže se kalem Rogovskog i stohastička metoda merenja. Stohastička metoda merenja je zasnovana na dodavanju diterskog slučajnog signala na mereni signal. Smetnje i prisustvo viših harmonika u mrežnom signalu su, za ovu metodu, dodatni diterski signali koji metodi ne smanjuju tačnost merenja.</p> / <p>A problem of measurement of high voltage and current in non-sinusoidal grid is given in the thesis, along with the current state in the field, the proposed non-conventional measurement method for these values, the realized prototype and the necessary measurement results that are confirmed theoretically. Measurement of voltage in high-voltage grid is performed using the coreless high voltage transformer and the Integrated harmonic measurement device (IMH). The stochastic method is used to measure harmonics of voltage, direction and flow of power and energy. For current measurement at high voltage level a Rogowski coil along with the Stochastic measurement method is proposed. Stochastic measurement method is based on adding a arbitrary dither signal to the measured signal. Disturbances and pollution of the grid signal are, for this method, additional dither signals that do not lower the measurement accuracy.</p>
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Conception et caractérisation de diodes en SiC pour la détermination des coefficients d'ionisation / Design and characterization of SiC diodes for the determination of ionization coefficientsNguyen, Duy Minh 20 June 2011 (has links)
Le carbure de silicium (SiC) possède plusieurs propriétés exceptionnelles comme une large bande interdite, un champ électrique critique et une vitesse de saturation des porteurs élevée pour remplacer le silicium (Si) dans des domaines de fonctionnement jusque-là inaccessibles avec le Si. Un nombre important de démonstrateurs des composants de puissance en SiC faisant état de performances remarquables ainsi que la disponibilité commerciale des composants en SiC confirment la maturité de la filière SiC et montrent les progrès technologiques réalisés au cours des dernières années. Cependant, il existe peu d’études sur les coefficients d’ionisation du SiC, lesquels sont pourtant indispensables pour prévoir précisément la tenue en tension des composants de puissance en SiC. Ce travail contribue donc à mieux déterminer ces coefficients. Pour cela, un bon nombre de diodes spécialement conçues pour la détermination des coefficients d’ionisation du SiC par la technique OBIC (Optical Beam Induced Current) ont été réalisées sur différents wafers de SiC-4H et de SiC-6H, deux polytypes courant du SiC. Cette technique repose sur un faisceau de laser ultraviolet qui génère des paires électrons-trous dans la zone de charge d’espace d’une diode sous test. La mesure du courant résultant permet d’accéder aux coefficients d’ionisation. A partir des mesures OBIC sur les diodes réalisées, nous avons pu déduire les coefficients pour ces deux polytypes du SiC. Plus particulièrement, les coefficients d’ionisation du SiC-4H sont déterminés dans une large gamme de champ électrique grâce aux mesures sur les différents dopages. Les paramètres des coefficients déterminés dans ce travail peuvent être utilisés en conception de dispositifs haute tension pour prédire plus précisément l’efficacité de leur protection périphérique. / Silicon carbide (SiC) has several exceptional properties as a wide band-gap, a high critical electric field and a high saturation velocity of carriers to replace silicon (Si) in the applications previously inaccessible with Si. A significant number of SiC power devices showing outstanding performances and the commercial availability of SiC devices confirm the maturity of SiC industry and show the SiC technological advances in recent years. However, there are few studies on the ionization coefficients in SiC, which nevertheless essential to accurately predict the breakdown voltage of SiC power devices. This work contributes to better determine these coefficients. For this, numerous diodes which are specifically designed for the determination of ionization coefficients in SiC by using OBIC (Optical Beam Induced Current) technique were realized on different wafers of 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC, two usual polytypes of SiC. This technique relies on an ultraviolet laser beam which generates electron-hole pairs in the space charge region of a diode under test. The resulting current measurement provides access to the ionization coefficients. From OBIC measurements performed on the diodes, we were able to deduce the ionization coefficients for the both polytypes of SiC. In particular, the ionization coefficients for 4H-SiC are determined in a wide range of electric field through measurements on devices with different doping level. The parameters of ionization coefficients determined in this work can be used in design of high voltage devices to predict more accurately the efficiency of periphery protections.
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Étude électrique et spectroscopique des décharges à barrière diélectrique à la pression atmosphérique en milieux réactifsGuemmache, Karim 08 1900 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans le cadre de ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’étude des plasmas à la pression atmosphérique en configuration décharge à barrière diélectrique (DBD), pertinents pour le traitement de surface. Plus spécifiquement, les DBDs à l’étude sont en milieux réactifs pour le dépôt de couches minces (multi)fonctionnelles, soit en présence d’un précurseur organosilicié (HMDSO) et/ou d’un agent oxydant (N₂O). L’étude est centrée sur l’analyse de deux propriétés fondamentales du plasma : la température électronique (Tₑ) et la densité des atomes d’hélium dans un état métastable (n_He(2³S)). La première est étudiée en ayant recours à des mesures des populations des niveaux n=3 de l’hélium par spectroscopie optique d’émission, alors que la seconde l’est à partir de ces mêmes mesures couplées à des mesures électriques. La particularité de cette étude est la mise au point de nouveaux diagnostics électriques et spectroscopiques pour réaliser des mesures résolues spatialement, c'est-à-dire en fonction du temps de résidence (t_res) du mélange gazeux injecté en continu. Dans les milieux réactifs étudiés, ces nouveaux diagnostics montraient des changements dans les caractéristiques courant-tension entre l’entrée et la sortie de la décharge. Cependant, Tₑ conservait un profil homogène spatialement alors que la n_He(2³S) se montrait relativement plus faible en entrée, de par leurs interactions avec les précurseurs et les impuretés présents dans ces milieux. L’analyse des signatures optiques du HMDSO dans le volume de la décharge a aussi permis de faire des liens avec les propriétés de surface des couches réalisées en conditions similaires. Notamment, les mesures de vitesse de dépôt observées sur les couches, étant plus faibles avec l’augmentation du t_res, ont pu être liées aux émissions des fragments carbonés, plus fortes en entrée, ainsi qu’à la n_He(2³S), plus faible à cet endroit, sachant que ces derniers jouent un rôle important dans la fragmentation du précurseur HMDSO. De plus, l’analyse de rapport d’intensités d’émissions de ces fragments semble montrée une tendance similaire aux rapports atomiques O/C obtenus par mesures de spectroscopie à rayon X (XPS) sur les couches produites, mais l’interprétation de ces évolutions se veut plus complexe. / The work presented in this master’s thesis focuses on the study of atmospheric pressure plasmas in a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) configuration, which are relevant for surface treatment. More specifically, the DBDs under study are in reactive media for the deposition of (multi)functional coatings, either in the presence of an organosilicon precursor (HMDSO) and/or an oxidizing agent (N₂O). The study focuses on the analysis of two fundamental plasma properties: the electron temperature (Tₑ) and the density of helium atoms in a metastable state (n_He(2³S)). The first is studied using measurements of the n = 3 level helium populations by optical emission spectroscopy, while the second is based on these same measurements coupled with electrical measurements. The peculiarity of this study is the development of new electrical and spectroscopic diagnoses to carry out spatially resolved measurements, that is depending on the residence time (t_res) of the gas mixture injected continuously. In the reactive media studied, these new diagnoses showed changes in the current-voltage characteristics between the entrance and the exit of the discharge. However, the Tₑ maintained a spatially homogeneous profile while the n_He(2³S) was relatively lower at entry, because of their interactions with the precursors and the impurities present in these media. The analysis of the HMDSO optical signatures in the discharge volume also made it possible to establish links with the surface properties of the coatings produced under similar conditions. In particular, the measurements of deposition rate observed on the coatings, being lower with the increase of the t_res, could be linked to the emissions of the carbonaceous fragments, stronger at the entrance, as well as to the n_He(2³S), weaker here, knowing that they play an important role in the fragmentation of the HMDSO precursor. Moreover, the analysis of emission intensity ratios of these fragments seems to show a similar trend to the O/C atomic ratios obtained by X-ray spectroscopy (XPS) measurements on the coatings produced, but the interpretation of these evolutions is more complex.
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