Spelling suggestions: "subject:"courrent 1ieasurement"" "subject:"courrent remeasurement""
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Přesná měření střídavých proudů / Accurate AC Current MeasurementsNováková Zachovalová, Věra January 2013 (has links)
In recent years precision measurement of alternating currents goes through large progress especially because of improvements in metrology of electric power, which is related to reduction of electricity consumption. Therefore, more precise measurement of electric energy, power and power quality is required. Measurement range is extending and number of measured frequency points is growing up to 100 kHz. Development of current to voltage transducer with normalized output voltage (0,5 V - 1 V) is in progress because of their easy integration in different measuring systems.. From big area of alternating current metrology this dissertation focuses on development of improved cage shunts for measurement of alternating currents in range 10 mA - 100 A, 10 Hz - 100 kHz. Main objective of this dissertation is to develop theoretical model of existing cage shunts, which will assist design of new improved cage shunts construction. In this dissertation the analytical model of CMI’s cage shunts was established, based on calculating of trans-impedance from cascade matrix of passive two-port which is representing the shunt. Trans-impedance can be used for AC-DC difference and phase error calculation, which are two basic parameters of shunts. Uncertainty analysis of the model was done by means of Monte Carlo method. Next, this dissertation also concentrates on suitable measurement methods of phase error, AC-DC difference, and power a temperature coefficient of resistance. These measurements method were used for calibration of existing CMI’s cage shunts and so the model’s verification was made. Finally, theoretical optimization of existing CMI’s cage shunts constructions and theoretical designs of 20A, 50A and 100A shunts were done using sensitivity analysis results.
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Koaxiální multiplexer pro automatizované měření AC proudu / Coaxial multiplexer for automatic measurement of AC currentBoštík, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Master’s thesis in the theoretical part deals with literature review on the topic of measurement errors and measurement uncertainties. The practical part deals with the simulation of additional capacitive and resistive load on the amplitude and phase error during shunts based measurement. For this simulation is used mathematical apparatus of cascade matrix of two-ports and their connections. For the actual simulation is used script for MATLAB. Furthermore, the work deals with the design of voltage follower to eliminate simulated errors and its practical realization. The last part deals with the design of the coaxial multiplexer for switching current shunts developed in the Czech Metrological Institute in Brno.
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Diagnostika výkonového měniče za chodu / Power Inverter Online DiagnosticsKnobloch, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This doctoral thesis focuses on the problems of IGBT failure prediction in pulse converters using measurable changes of selected parameters (so--called trending variables) being influenced of transistor degradation during aging. Firstly the state--of--the--art in this field is presented in the dizertation. The description of designed and constructed automated measurement stand follows, enabling monitoring and recording of switching processes during accelerated aging. Further the problems of high--bandwidth measurement of electrical quantities during IGBT switching are described. Especially the problems of current sensing are analyzed and the most suitable sensor is selected. The data recorded using the developed apparatus served to identify potential trending variables allowing the failure prediction. Here the dependence of trending variables on aging and on parasitic influences (current, temperature, voltage) had to be distinguished. Finally the evaluation of trending variables is performed. Their insignificant sensitivity on accelerated aging is shown which complicates their practical implementation for the purpose of failure prediction.
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Développement de comparateur cryogénique de courants très faible bruit pour la métrologie électrique quantique. / Development of very low noise cryogenic current comparator for quantum electrical metrology.Rengnez, Florentin 30 November 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte de besoin grandissant en précision dans la mesure des faibles courants pour les instituts nationaux de métrologie, l’industrie, les fabricants d’instruments et la physique fondamentale, l’étude des dispositifs à un électron (SET) capables de générer un courant continu directement proportionnel à une fréquence et la charge élémentaire, couplés à un amplificateur de courant très performant, le comparateur cryogénique de courant (CCC), devient pertinente pour réaliser un étalon quantique de courant. Dans ce contexte, les travaux ont été poursuivis au LNE sur l’étude de nouveaux dispositifs SET et le développement de nouveaux CCC. Durant cette thèse, un montage expérimental a été mis en place afin d’évaluer les performances d’un nouveau CCC, constitué d’une conception originale et de 30 000 tours. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sont satisfaisant par rapport aux objectifs fixés, que ce soit en termes de résolution en courant, d’erreurs, de stabilité des mesures et de reproductibilité. Le CCC développé durant la thèse peut donc être utilisé pour quantifier de manière métrologique les dispositifs à un électron. De plus, une modélisation réalisée à partir d’un schéma électrique équivalent a été mis en place afin de simuler le comportement réel du CCC en prenant en compte les aspects magnétiques et électriques mis en jeu. Cette simulation a permis la quantification de l’erreur due aux fuites de courants au travers des capacités parasites entourant les enroulements. Les résultats de la simulation indiquent que cette erreur atteint 10 10 à la fréquence de travail, ce qui est inférieure de deux ordres de grandeurs à l’erreur maximale tolérable : 10-8. Les résultats expérimentaux et de modélisation fournissent de nouveaux éléments d’amélioration de la conception de CCCs de grand gain. Enfin, la modélisation développée, une fois insérée dans une routine d’optimisation, pourra aussi être un outil de conception des CCCs très utile. / In a context of growing need of precision in measuring low currents for national metrology institutes, industry, instrument manufacturers and fundamental physics, study of single-electron tunneling (SET) devices capable of generating a direct current directly proportional to the frequency and the elementary charge, coupled with a high performance current amplifier, the cryogenic current comparator (CCC), becomes relevant to realize a quantum current standard. In this framework, at LNE, study of new SET devices and the development of CCCs continues. In this thesis, an experimental setup was implemented to evaluate the performance of a new CCC, consisting of a new design and 30 000 turns. The experimental results fulfill our goals, whether in terms of current resolution, errors, measurement stability and reproducibility. The CCC developed during the thesis can thus be used to metrologically quantify SET devices. In addition, a model based on an equivalent circuit diagram has been developed to simulate the actual behavior of the CCC, taking into account the magnetic and electrical aspects involved. This simulation allows the quantification of the error due to currents leakage through parasitic capacitances surrounding the windings. Results of the simulation indicate that this error reaches 10 10, which is less, by two orders of magnitude, than the maximum tolerable error: 10 8. Results obtained experimentally and by simulation provide new improvement elements in the design of high ratio CCCs. The developed model, once inserted into an optimization routine, can also be a very useful design tool of CCCs.
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Robust and Adaptive Motion Control for Windscreen Wiping on Commercial Vehicles / Robust och adaptiv rörelsestyrning för vindrutetorkning på kommersiella fordonFjellander, Peter January 2018 (has links)
För att kunna framföra ett fordon på ett säkert sätt är vindrutetorkning är en viktig del. Men, bara för att det är en viktig del i användandet innebär det inte att det är en viktig del i utvecklingen. Detta har visat sig genom att funktionen och designen av vindrutetorkare på lastbilar har varit densamma i årtionden. När hytten till Scanias senaste lastbilsmodell designades så minskades tjockleken på torpedväggen för att spara vikt. Detta minskade även styvheten i hytten, vilket fick de vibrationer som inducerades vid körning av vindrutetorkarna att nå en kritisk gräns. Problemställningen för detta exjobb var därför att förstå ursprunget till dessa vibrationer och hur delsystemen interagerar med varandra genom att utföra modellbaserad utveckling (MBD). Uppgiften var att undersöka vilka ändringar som behövde genomföras i styrningen av vindrutetorkarna och systemspecifikationen för den inbyggda styrenheten för att reducera vibrationerna och säkerställa Scanias position som premiummärke även i framtiden. Vindrutetorkarsystemet modellerades i Simulink, med både Simulink-block och Simscapemodeller. En strömberoende spänningskontroller för rörelsestyrning utvecklades för att sedan verifieras på nuvarande hårdvara. Rekommendationer för framtida arbete på ECU gällande systemfrekvens för mätning samt algoritmdesign gjordes, samt helhetstänket vid design av ett nytt system poängterades. Resultaten visar att styrning av en likströmsmotor med ström som ingångsparameter är komplicerat då strömmen varierar kraftigt på grund av störningar. Algoritmen som behandlar mätdatat måste därför vara väldigt robust eftersom filtrering påverkar systemet genom att lägga till fas i kontrollern, vilket ger eftersläpningar. Kommande arbetsinsatser bör fokusera på hur man väljer komponenter som matchar varandra gällande likströmsmotor och ECU. Desto mer logik som placeras i motorn, desto mindre datorkraft behövs i den inbyggda styrenheten. / Windscreen wiping is an important part of driving safety and vehicle maneuverability. However, importance does not automatically imply progression, and the wiping functionality for heavy commercial vehicles have remained roughly the same through decades. When redesigning the cab for the latest truck generation at Scania, the thickness of the firewall was reduced to save weight.This reduced the stiffness of the cab, which made the vibrations in the throttle pedal from actuating the windscreen wiper rise to a critical level.The problem definition in this thesis was to understand the root-cause and cooperation in the system by doing modelling and Model-Based Design (MBD), rather than starting with experimental verification. The task was to investigate what changes needed to be made in the controlling of the wiper motor and system specification of the ECU to reduce vibrations and ensure Scania's position as a premium brand in the future. The windscreen wiping system was modelled in Simulink, with both Simulink blocks and Simscape models. A current-measuring voltage-controller for motion-profiles was developed and verified on real production hardware. Recommendation for future development of next ECU generation regarding sampling time and controller design was made and the importance of considering the whole system design was emphasized. Results showed that controlling with current measurement of DC-motors as input parameter is avolatile approach due to disturbances. The algorithms depending on this measurement needs to be very robust, since filtering adds unwanted delay to the control loop. Further investigations should be made in the component selection when mapping motors with the correct driver. The more logic placed in the motor, the less need for a complex ECU and vice versa.
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Effektivisering av kylmedelskylare på Nybro Energis kraftvärmeverk. : Bibehållen kyleffekt även vid höga omgivningstemperaturer för full effekt på pannan utan att överstrida befintlig ljudnivå. Minskning av elförbrukning. / Improvement of cooling performance and the efficiency of the coolers at Nybro Energis combined heat and power plants. : Maintain cooling effect even at high ambient temperatures for full power on the boiler without exceeding the existing noise level. Reduction of electricity consumptionRehnström, Johan, Isak, Undestam January 2018 (has links)
Avfallseldade kraftvärmeverk får idag betalt för att ta emot och elda avfall. Dessa intäkter är ofta högre än intäkterna från elproduktion och värmeproduktion så man vill under de flesta förhållanden elda så mycket som det är möjligt. För att göra sig av överskottseffekten som kan uppstå kyler man bort det man inte behöver. Nybro Energis kraftvärmeverk i Transtorp använder sig utav 6 stycken kylpaket med 4 fläktar på varje för att kunna kyla bort denna överskottseffekt. Vid installeringen var målsättningen att kunna kyla bort 10MW men det visade sig att under sommaren när utomhustemperaturen blev högre kunde kyleffekten gå ner till 7MW. Vår undersöknings syfte var att med en ny motor med ett högre cos α göra tester på en av fläktarna och se om man kan öka kyleffekten och få ner förbrukningen på motorerna utan att kylpaketen ska ge ifrån sig högre ljudnivåer än tidigare. Ett alternativ till att enbart sänka strömförbrukningen för den befintliga motorn är att faskompensera och det framgick att elförbrukningen gick att sänka från 8.2A till 3.88A. Det framgick att den nya motorn när den frekvensstyrs på 40hz drar högre aktiv effekt men avsevärt mindre reaktiv effekt som gör den billigare i drift. Under mätningarna för att få fram kyleffekten uppmättes tvivelaktiga värden som visade att den kylde sämre på 40hz än den tidigare motorn trots ett högre varvtal. Detta stämmer inte teoretiskt och det är orimligt att den inte kommer kyla. På 40hz kommer den nya motorn även att ge ifrån sig mindre ljud. Detta trots att en fläkt ska låta mer på ett högre varvtal det konstaterades att bullret från själva motorn är lägre i den nya motorn. Går man upp i frekvens till 50hz och räknar med 28 stycken nya motorer få man en ljudökning på 5dB på 300m jämfört med den gamla motorn. Denna går att sänka 3dB om man lyckas eliminera den intilliggande väggens ljudreflekterande egenskaper. Den nya motorn rekommenderas då den har många fördelar och vill man köra på högre frekvenser kan man med fördel använda sig utav ljudabsorbenter längs väggen för att eliminera dennas dubblerande effekt på ljudnivån. / Waste-cogeneration plants are paid today to receive and burn waste. These revenues are often higher than the revenues from electricity generation and heat production, so you want to burn as much as possible in most circumstances. In order to take advantage of the surplus effect that may occur, it eliminates what you do not need. Nybro Energi's CHP plant in Transtorp uses 6 cooling packs with 4 fans on each in order to cool off this excess power. During installation, the goal was to be able to cool off 10MW but it turned out that during summer when the outdoor temperature became higher, the cooling power could go down to 7MW. Our purpose of investigation was to use a new engine with a higher cos α to test on one of the fans and see if you can increase the cooling power and reduce the consumption of the engines without the cooling packages giving higher noise levels than before. An alternative to only reducing the current on the old motor is to phase compensate and according to calculations the motors current can be reduces from 8.2A to 3.88A. It was found that the new engine when frequency controlled at 40hz pulls higher active power but significantly less reactive power that makes it cheaper in operation. During the measurements to obtain the cooling effect, doubtful values were measured which showed that it cooled worse at 40hz than the previous engine despite a higher fan speed. This is not correct theoretically and it is unreasonable that it will not cool better but a figure exactly how much could not be produced. At 40hz, the new engine will also produce less noise if you choose to replace all 28 engines. This despite the fact that a fan is going to run more at a higher speed, it was found that the noise from the engine itself is lower in the new engine. If you go up to 50hz frequency and expect 28 new engines, you'll get a sound boost of 5dB at 300m compared to the old engine. This can be lowered by 3dB if you manage to eliminate the properties of the adjacent wall sound reflectors. The new engine is recommended as it has many advantages and if you want to drive at higher frequencies, you can advantageously use sound absorbers along the wall to eliminate its double effect on the noise level.
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Stabilizační a autopilotní systém pro RC model letadla / Stability and autopilot system for airplane RC modelČamaj, Peter January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis deals with design and realization of stabilizing and autopilot system, which is used in radio controlled model planes. The thesis contains a proposal of hardware platform, which is able to control the plane model based on data measured from a sensor system. Moreover, this thesis describes a software implementation of individual modules, which is measured the onboard values. The basic principles of stabilization and autonomous flight control are also summarized. In conclusion, the system is subjected to flight tests.
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Error-Aware Density-Based Clustering of Imprecise Measurement ValuesLehner, Wolfgang, Habich, Dirk, Volk, Peter B., Dittmann, Ralf, Utzny, Clemens 15 June 2022 (has links)
Manufacturing process development is under constant pressure to achieve a good yield for stable processes. The development of new technologies, especially in the field of photomask and semiconductor development, is at its phys- ical limits. In this area, data, e.g. sensor data, has to be collected and analyzed for each process in order to ensure process quality. With increasing complexity of manufactur- ing processes, the volume of data that has to be evaluated rises accordingly. The complexity and data volume exceeds the possibility of a manual data analysis. At this point, data mining techniques become interesting. The application of current techniques is complex because most of the data is captured with sensor measurement tools. Therefore, every measured value contains a specific error. In this paper we propose an error-aware extension of the density-based al- gorithm DBSCAN. Furthermore, we present some quality measures which could be utilized for further interpretation of the determined clustering results. With this new cluster algorithm, we can ensure that masks are classified into the correct cluster with respect to the measurement errors, thus ensuring a more likely correlation between the masks.
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Identifiering av lagerströmmar i elmotorer för framdrivning av tunga fordon : Utveckling av metod och programvara för att detektera lagerströmmar / Identification of Bearing Currents in Electric Motors for Heavy Vehicles : Development of Methodology and Software to DetectBearing CurrentsLindström, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Klimatutmaningar, lagändringar och ett ökat miljötänk har tvingat transportsektorn att ställa om till eldrift. Batterier och elmotorer har utvecklats kraftigt och är nu ett alternativ även för tunga fordon. Ett vanligt förekommande problem med elmotorer i fordon är lagerströmmar, här kallat gnista eller blixthändelser. Dessa uppstår på grund av oönskade urladdningar i motorn och förorsakar skador på lagren i motorn. Syftet med motorlager är att avlasta och minska friktionen kring motoraxeln. För att förebygga problemet och se förbättringar eller försämringar av olika åtgärder som görs krävs att lagerströmmar kan identifieras utifrån mätdata. Detta examensarbete analyserar relevant forskning inom området för att sedan introducera en metod och en algoritm för att identifiera lagerströmmar i samarbete med Scania CV. Algoritmen består av tre olika parametrar som påverkar identifieringen av de oönskade strömmarna på olika sätt. Verktyget lyckades identifierade lagerströmmar i olika mätdata, och hittade skillnader i antalet blixthändelser mellan olika körningar av provobjektet. Dock krävs vidare utveckling av verktyget och möjligheten att bearbeta annan typ av data som exempelvis spänningar i motorn för atthitta bättre samband. / A changing climate, changing laws and an increased environmental consciousnesshas forced the transport sector to transition to electric power. Batteries and electric motors have seen a quick and powerful development which means that they are now an alternative even for heavy vehicles. A common problem with electric motors forvehicles is bearing currents. The bearing currents occur as a result of electrical discharges in the motor and can damage the bearings inside the motor. The purpose of motor bearings is to offload and reduce friction for the motor shaft. To prevent the issue and to see improvements or deteriorations from different preventativemeasures it is critical to be able to identify bearing currents from data. This thesis analyzes relevant research in the area before introducing a method and an algorithm for detecting bearing currents in cooperation with Scania CV. The algorithm is composed of three different parameters which affects the identification in different ways. The tool was able to identify bearing currents from various data and found differences between the number of bearing currents between different test runs of the motor. However, more development of the tool and the possibility to process different kinds of data like voltages inside the motor is needed to be able to find better patterns in the data.
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Chopping for over 50 MHz gain-bandwidth product current sense amplifiers achieving input noise level of 8.5 nV/√HzMatthus, Christian D., Ellinger, Frank 22 May 2024 (has links)
An accurate, high-speed, fully differential difference amplifier for current sensing utilizing the chopper approach was implemented in a 0.18 μm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Unlike state-of-the-art solutions, we use a higher chopping frequency in the MHz range due to the bandwidth requirements of the introduced circuits for the latter application, namely, low-side phase-current measurement in motor control circuits. Except the low-pass filter (LPF) effect of the output stage, no additional LPF was integrated in hardware at the output of the circuits. We show that on the other hand a digital LPF, which can be integrated in the field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) logic or microcontroller used for the motor control, offers a higher flexibility in terms of filter design. Weak input signals of only few mV can be reconstructed with a high accuracy. This is demonstrated for a 500 kHz rectangular signal and a chopping frequency of 20 MHz. Note that an input-signal frequency of several hundreds of kHz with harmonics in the MHz region is very challenging for chopper amplifiers. Still, a significant decrease of the input-referred noise is demonstrated, especially cancelling out the 1/f-noise achieving a remaining noise floor of approximately 8.5 nV/√Hz. Overall, the input-referred noise level can be pushed far below 50 μV (root mean square). Moreover, using a quite relaxed second-order Butterworth filter with a 3 dB corner frequency of 1 MHz, input-referred noise levels of 10 μV (root mean square) can be easily achieved at the costs of reduced bandwidth. The lowest achieved input offset is 50 μV. The gain is adjusted by resistive feedback and is approximately 40 dB. Hence, the amplifier is suitable for current sensing in motor control circuits, and a significant reduction of the shunt resistance typically used for this purpose will be possible.
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