Spelling suggestions: "subject:"courrent sensor"" "subject:"crurrent sensor""
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Sensor de corrente transiente para um sistema de proteção de circuitos integrados contra erros induzidos por radiação ionizanteSimionovski, Alexandre January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sensor de corrente transiente destinado a detectar a ocorrência de um evento transiente causado pela incidência de radiação ionizante em um circuito integrado. Iniciando com uma descrição dos efeitos da radiação sobre os circuitos integrados e dos tipos de radiação de interesse, os fundamentos da técnica Bulk- BICS são apresentados e as propostas existentes na literatura são expostas e avaliadas, com ênfase no sensor que utiliza a célula de memória dinâmica DynBICS, resultado de um trabalho prévio e do qual se dispõe de amostras fabricadas. Sobre essas amostras são efetuados testes elétricos, um ensaio de dose total irradiada TID e um ensaio de estimulação laser, cujos resultados são apresentados e confirmam a funcionalidade da topologia da célula de memória dinâmica aplicada a circuitos Bulk-BICS. Em seguida, é apresentada a topologia da célula de memória integrativa como uma evolução da célula de memória dinâmica e propõe-se o circuito de um novo sensor Bulk-BICS baseado na nova célula. O funcionamento elétrico do circuito desse novo sensor TRIBICS é avaliado através de simulação de circuitos determinando-se a sensibilidade e o tempo de resposta do sensor utilizando-se pulsos de corrente em dupla exponencial. É feita uma análise do funcionamento da célula de memória estática e, através de uma comparação de desempenho entre as células de memória estáticas utilizadas em três circuitos propostos e a célula de memória integrativa, utilizando um modelo simplificado, mostra-se que a célula de memória integrativa é mais rápida e sensível do que as contrapartes estáticas O sensor TRIBICS é então simulado em conexão com um modelo de dispositivo, sendo antes apresentados os modelos TCAD do inversor utilizado como alvo da incidência da radiação nas simulações. São apresentados resultados obtidos individualmente para o transistor NMOS e para o transistor PMOS, nos quais se mostra a formação de um canal condutivo entre dreno e fonte durante o SET. Mostra-se, também, que os resultados obtidos com a simulação de dispositivos não concorda com aqueles proporcionados pela simulação de circuitos no tocante à divisão das correntes transitórias entre dreno, fonte e substrato. O resultado das simulações de dispositivo efetuadas com os modelos TCAD em modo misto com o circuito TRIBICS descrito em SPICE mostram a relação entre a transferência de energia da irradiação LET e a efetiva deteção do SET provocado, em função da distância entre os contatos de bulk ou substrato, permitindo determinar a máxima distância entre contatos para 100% de certeza na deteção do SET. Com isso, obtém-se uma estimativa do número de transistores que pode ser monitorado pelos Bulk-BICS. É proposta a estratégia de implementação dos Bulk-BICS na forma de uma standard cell a ser posicionada entre os grupos de transistores sob monitoração, e uma estimativa da relação entre as áreas dos transistores monitorados e do Bulk-BICS é apresentada. Por fim, é estudada a questão da fabricação dos Bulk-BICS no mesmo substrato dos transistores monitorados e uma maneira de fazê-la é proposta. Os resultados encontrados permitem definir a viabilidade e a eficácia da técnica Bulk-BICS como forma de deteção de eventos transientes em sistemas digitais. / A current sensor to detect the occurrence of a single-event transient that is caused by the incidence of ionizing radiation in an integrated circuit is presented. Radiation of interest and their effects on the integrated circuits are discussed. Fundamentals of the Bulk-BICS technique and the circuits proposed in the literature to implement this technique are discussed and evaluated, with emphasis on the dynamic memory cell-based circuit DynBICS, which was developed as a previous work and with fabricated samples available. Experimental results obtained from a series of electrical tests, a TID test, and a laser-stimulated test that were conducted on a number of fabricated and packaged samples are presented. The results confirm that the dynamic memory cell is suitable and robust enough to be used in Bulk-BICS circuits. Next, evolution of the dynamic memory cell into an integrative memory cell is discussed and the circuit of a Bulk-BICS using this new memory cell topology is presented. The electrical operation of this new sensor TRIBICS is evaluated using circuit simulations. By using double-exponential current pulses, both the sensitivity and the response time are determined. The static memory cell operation is analyzed and a comparison of performance between static and integrative cells is performed using a simplified model. The results show that the integrative memory cell is faster and more sensitive than the static cells used in three state-ofthe- art sensors published in literature Then the TRIBICS sensor is simulated connected to a TCAD-modeled device, comprising an inverter, which is used as a target for radiation impact. TCAD models are previously presented and the results obtained when the PMOS and NMOS transistors are separately excited by radiation show the formation of a conductive link between drain and source regions during the occurrence of SET. The simulations also show that the results obtained by using TCAD simulations do not agree with the ones obtained by using circuit simulation regarding the current share among drain, source and bulk during the SET. Mixed-mode simulations using the TCAD models in conjunction of TRIBICS circuits described in SPICE show the relationship between LET and the effective SET-detection with the inter-tap distance as a parameter, and allows to determine the inter-tap distance for 100% of SET detection efficiency. Based on these results, an estimate of how many transistors can be monitored by the Bulk-BICS is obtained. It is proposed to implement the Bulk-BICS as a standard cell, to be positioned in between the standard cell that compose a digital circuit and the area overhead necessary to implant the sensors in a real circuit is estimated. The problem on how to manufacture the Bulk-BICS circuit in the same substrate of the monitored transistors is studied and a solution is proposed. The results show the viability and effectiveness of the Bulk-BICS technique, as a means to detect single-event transients in digital systems.
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Test basado en sensores de corriente internos para circuitos integrados mixtos (analógicos-digitales)Mozuelos García, Román 17 September 2009 (has links)
En esta tesis se propone un método de diseño para test orientado hacia circuitos mixtos empotrados. El método de test está basado en el análisis del consumo de corriente dinámica (IDDX) tanto estacionaria como transitoria.Con objeto de procesar adecuadamente la información de los transitorios de corriente, la medida se efectúa internamente integrando dentro del chip un bloque sensor de corriente (BICS) junto al circuito bajo test (CUT). Se ha desarrollado una estructura del módulo sensor para otorgar más peso específico al muestreo de las componentes de alta frecuencia de la corriente.El método de test estructural propuesto busca disminuir el tiempo necesario para realizar el test y reducir la complejidad de los equipos de medida comúnmente utilizados en el test analógico. Por ello, el circuito sensor de corriente realiza un procesado de la información para proporcionar una firma digital que codifica el funcionamiento del circuito. La tesis también extiende la propuesta de test a circuitos de capacidades conmutadas (SC) utilizando un circuito sensor de carga integrado junto al circuito bajo test. / This thesis describes a design-for-test method for embedded mixed signal circuits. It is based on the analysis of the dynamic current consumption (IDDX), both quiescent and transient.In order to correctly process the information contained in the transient current, the measurement is performed by a built-in current sensor circuit (BICS) integrated within the circuit under test (CUT). A structure for the sensor block has been developed to give more specific weight to the high-frequency components of the current.The proposed structural test method aims to reduce the test time and the complexity of the measurement equipment commonly used in analog tests. Therefore, the current sensor performs internal data processing to provide a digital signature that encodes the circuit behaviour.The thesis also extends the test method to switched capacitor circuits (SC) using a charge sensor circuit integrated within the circuit under test.
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Entwurf von physikalischen und chemischen Modellen für die Impedanzspektroskopie / Design of physical and chemical models for impedance spectroscopyTröltzsch, Uwe 12 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Modellierung natürlicher und technischer Systeme spielt eine wichtige Rolle, um deren Verhalten zu simulieren und vorherzusagen. Die Impedanzspektroskopie ist in diesem Zusammenhang eine interessante Methode, da die Impedanz oft einfach messbar ist. Die herausfordernde Aufgabe ist die Interpretation gemessener Daten. Das Verständnis des Zusammenhanges zwischen realen Effekten und gemessener Impedanz anhand eines Impedanzmodells ist eine zentrale Problemstellung. Die Herleitung solcher Modelle wird in dieser Arbeit anhand drei verschiedenartiger Beispiele aus dem Gebiet der Messtechnik untersucht. Wirbelstromsensoren werden allgemein zur Messung von Abstand und Materialeigenschaften eingesetzt. Anhand eines Modells wird untersucht, wie diese Größen simultan bestimmbar sind. Die Messung der Zusammensetzung von Materialgemischen ist vielfach technisch relevant. Am Beispiel von Waschlaugen und Dispersionen mit Carbon Nano Tubes wird gezeigt, wie deren Zusammensetzung die Impedanz beeinflusst und welche Eigenschaften messbar sind. Batterien spielen eine wichtige Rolle zur Speicherung elektrischer Energie. Mit einem fraktionalen Differentialgleichungsmodell erfolgt eine Simulation der Batteriespannung unter wechselnden Einsatzbedingungen. Anhand der Anwendungen wird deutlich, dass es keinen Automatismus zur Modellerstellung und kein Modell für alles geben kann. Um so mehr liefert das vorgeschlagene Vorgehen einen Einstieg in die Modellerstellung. / Modeling natural and technical systems is important in order to simulate and predict their behavior. Impedance spectroscopy is an interesting method in the field of modeling because the impedance often is easily measurable. Nevertheless, interpretation of measured data is the challenging task in this field. The fundamental problem is understanding the relationship between real physical effects, measured impedance and impedance model. Fundamentals and advanced methods for deriving impedance models are investigated for three different problems in the field of measurement and sensor technology in this work. Eddy current sensors are commonly used to measure distance and material properties. Based on a model, it is investigated how these quantities can be determined simultaneously. Measuring the composition of material mixtures has many technical applications. Using the example of dispersions containing laundry detergents and dispersions with carbon nanotubes shows how their composition effects the impedance and measurable quantities. Batteries play an important role for storing electrical energy. Applying a fractional differential equation model allows a simulation of the battery voltage under varying operating conditions. Based on these applications it becomes clear, there can be no fully automated model creation method. A scientific analysis of the underlying problem is always required. The more the proposed approach provides an introduction to modeling.
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Dispositif de magnétomètres pour la mesure de courant en exploitant les harmoniques d’espace : application aux réseaux électriques / Magnetic field sensor arrays for current determination using spatial harmonics : application to measurements in electrical gridsWilsch, Benjamin 31 March 2016 (has links)
L'évolution des réseaux électriques d'une transmission de puissance unidirectionnelle classique vers un réseau diversifié avec, une grande variété de consommateurs et producteurs d'électricité, requiert le développement des technologies de mesure et de communication avancés et/ou nouvelles. Dans le cadre du projet SOGRID, une méthode innovante de mesure de courant a été développée pour enrichir la gamme existante des capteurs de courant et pour faciliter l’installation dans le réseau électrique. En effet, le capteur innovant développé ici est non seulement non-intrusif, mais peut également être déporté du câble.Dans les réseaux électriques, l'obstacle principal pour une mesure précise du courant est la nature triphasée de transmission de puissance. Un capteur de courant qui doit être utilisé dans le réseau électrique doit donc fournir une sélectivité géométrique entre les différentes phases. Les solutions commerciales existantes sont dites non-intrusives, mais nécessitent tout de même de venir entourer le conducteur d'intérêt pour mesurer le champ le long d'un chemin fermé. Ces solutions comprennent des bobines de Rogowski et les mesures en boucle fermée avec des capteurs de champs comme les magnétorésistances, les capteurs à effet Hall ou les fluxgates. Toutefois, un placement autour du conducteur limite la miniaturisation requise par le développement des réseaux intelligents : des capteurs miniatures peuvent être intégrés avec d'autres unités de mesure et de transmission de données pour permettre le suivi et le contrôle des réseaux intelligents modernes avec une maille plus dense.Afin de rependre à ces exigences, et pour améliorer la sélectivité géométrique des conducteurs, une méthode de mesure de courant basée sur la décomposition du champ en harmoniques spatiales a été développée dans cette thèse.Cette décomposition est basée sur le développement du champ magnétique à l'intérieur d'une région défini avec une série de fonctions périodiques angulaires, une loi d’évolution radiale particulière et des coefficients de développement correspondants, de sorte que la somme des ordres (théoriquement infini) de développement reconstruit le champ avec précision. Si ce développement est effectué pour une région sans sources, qui est donc entouré des sources de champ, il est défini comme une décomposition interne, qui utilise des fonctions croissantes du rayon, à partir du centre de décomposition en direction de la source de champ. Le procédé de mesure de courant est basé sur la détermination des coefficients de développement pour les différents ordres, dans lequel les ordres supérieurs présentent une dépendance réduite aux sources de perturbation (plus éloignes du conducteur d’intérêt). La relation entre ces coefficients et le courant d'intérêt est linéaire et défini par des facteurs de transfert.Afin d'exploiter la sélectivité géométrique accrue des ordres supérieurs, il est nécessaire d'effectuer un nombre suffisant de mesures du champ magnétique sur la limite d'une région appropriée afin de déduire les coefficients de développement à partir de la résolution d'un problème inverse. La taille et le positionnement de ce réseau de capteurs jouent des rôles essentiels dans la détectabilité des contributions d'ordre supérieur. Des prototypes appropriés pour une décomposition en 2D (pour les conducteurs rectilignes) et en 3D (pour les conducteurs avec des chemins arbitraires) ont été conçus, mis en œuvre et ensuite testés en laboratoire au cours de cette thèse.D'autres développements se concentrent sur la détermination des facteurs de transfert caractéristiques. En effet, tandis que ceux-ci peuvent être facilement déterminés si un courant contrôlé connu est introduit dans le conducteur, une méthode qui permet de les retrouver dans des conditions d'opération réelles doit être développée pour des applications industrielles. Afin de répondre à ce besoin, une méthode de calibration appropriée est aussi présentée dans cette thèse. / The evolution of electrical grids from conventional unidirectional power transmission to diverse networks with a large variety of electricity consumers and producers requires the development of advanced and/or novel measurement and communication technologies, in order to create smart grids. As a part of the SOGRID project, an innovative current measurement method was developed to supplement the existing range of current sensors and to facilitate the installation, since the sensor is not only non-intrusive but can also be located at a distance from the cable.The primary obstacle for precise current measurement in power grids is the three-phase nature of power transmission. A current sensor that is to be employed in the electrical grid must therefore provide geometrical selectivity between the individual phases. Existing commercial current sensors are non-intrusive but require placement around the conductor of interest, e.g. to measure the field along a closed path. Solutions include Rogowski coils, magnetoresistors, Hall effect or fluxgate sensors as well as magneto-optical solutions. However, a placement around the conductor limits the miniaturization required by smart grid development: miniature sensors can be integrated with other measurement and data transmission units, thus enabling the densely meshed monitoring and control of modern smart grids. In order to avoid these restrictions and to improve geometrical selectivity, a current measurement method based on the decomposition of the field into spatial harmonics has been developed in this thesis. The measurement principle allows for the fabrication of innovative current sensors that can be installed besides the conductor.The decomposition of the magnetic field into spatial harmonics is based on the development of the magnetic field within a defined area/volume in a series of products of periodic functions, a radial dependence and corresponding development coefficients, so that the sum of the (in theory infinite number of) development orders reconstructs the field accurately. If this development is performed for a source-free region besides the source of the field, it is defined as an internal decomposition, which uses functions that increase from the center of decomposition toward the field source. The current measurement process is based on the determination of the development coefficients for the various orders, wherein higher orders exhibit a reduced dependence on perturbing sources (as long as the field measurements are performed closer to the conductor of interest than to the perturbing conductor). The relation between these coefficients and the current of interest is linear and defined by transfer factors.In order to exploit the increased geometrical selectivity of higher orders, it is necessary to perform a sufficient number of magnetic field measurements on the boundary of a suitable area/volume in order to derive the development coefficients from the solution of an inverse problem. The size and positioning of this sensor array also plays a vital role in the detectability of higher order contributions to the field. Suitable 2D (for straight conductors) and 3D (for arbitrary conductor paths) prototypes were designed, implemented and subsequently tested in the laboratory during this thesis.Further developments focus on determining the characteristic transfer factors. While these can be easily determined if a known controlled current is induced in the conductor, a method that allows for their determination under real operating conditions must be developed for industrial applications. A suitable calibration method is presented in this thesis.
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Sensor de corrente transiente para um sistema de proteção de circuitos integrados contra erros induzidos por radiação ionizanteSimionovski, Alexandre January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sensor de corrente transiente destinado a detectar a ocorrência de um evento transiente causado pela incidência de radiação ionizante em um circuito integrado. Iniciando com uma descrição dos efeitos da radiação sobre os circuitos integrados e dos tipos de radiação de interesse, os fundamentos da técnica Bulk- BICS são apresentados e as propostas existentes na literatura são expostas e avaliadas, com ênfase no sensor que utiliza a célula de memória dinâmica DynBICS, resultado de um trabalho prévio e do qual se dispõe de amostras fabricadas. Sobre essas amostras são efetuados testes elétricos, um ensaio de dose total irradiada TID e um ensaio de estimulação laser, cujos resultados são apresentados e confirmam a funcionalidade da topologia da célula de memória dinâmica aplicada a circuitos Bulk-BICS. Em seguida, é apresentada a topologia da célula de memória integrativa como uma evolução da célula de memória dinâmica e propõe-se o circuito de um novo sensor Bulk-BICS baseado na nova célula. O funcionamento elétrico do circuito desse novo sensor TRIBICS é avaliado através de simulação de circuitos determinando-se a sensibilidade e o tempo de resposta do sensor utilizando-se pulsos de corrente em dupla exponencial. É feita uma análise do funcionamento da célula de memória estática e, através de uma comparação de desempenho entre as células de memória estáticas utilizadas em três circuitos propostos e a célula de memória integrativa, utilizando um modelo simplificado, mostra-se que a célula de memória integrativa é mais rápida e sensível do que as contrapartes estáticas O sensor TRIBICS é então simulado em conexão com um modelo de dispositivo, sendo antes apresentados os modelos TCAD do inversor utilizado como alvo da incidência da radiação nas simulações. São apresentados resultados obtidos individualmente para o transistor NMOS e para o transistor PMOS, nos quais se mostra a formação de um canal condutivo entre dreno e fonte durante o SET. Mostra-se, também, que os resultados obtidos com a simulação de dispositivos não concorda com aqueles proporcionados pela simulação de circuitos no tocante à divisão das correntes transitórias entre dreno, fonte e substrato. O resultado das simulações de dispositivo efetuadas com os modelos TCAD em modo misto com o circuito TRIBICS descrito em SPICE mostram a relação entre a transferência de energia da irradiação LET e a efetiva deteção do SET provocado, em função da distância entre os contatos de bulk ou substrato, permitindo determinar a máxima distância entre contatos para 100% de certeza na deteção do SET. Com isso, obtém-se uma estimativa do número de transistores que pode ser monitorado pelos Bulk-BICS. É proposta a estratégia de implementação dos Bulk-BICS na forma de uma standard cell a ser posicionada entre os grupos de transistores sob monitoração, e uma estimativa da relação entre as áreas dos transistores monitorados e do Bulk-BICS é apresentada. Por fim, é estudada a questão da fabricação dos Bulk-BICS no mesmo substrato dos transistores monitorados e uma maneira de fazê-la é proposta. Os resultados encontrados permitem definir a viabilidade e a eficácia da técnica Bulk-BICS como forma de deteção de eventos transientes em sistemas digitais. / A current sensor to detect the occurrence of a single-event transient that is caused by the incidence of ionizing radiation in an integrated circuit is presented. Radiation of interest and their effects on the integrated circuits are discussed. Fundamentals of the Bulk-BICS technique and the circuits proposed in the literature to implement this technique are discussed and evaluated, with emphasis on the dynamic memory cell-based circuit DynBICS, which was developed as a previous work and with fabricated samples available. Experimental results obtained from a series of electrical tests, a TID test, and a laser-stimulated test that were conducted on a number of fabricated and packaged samples are presented. The results confirm that the dynamic memory cell is suitable and robust enough to be used in Bulk-BICS circuits. Next, evolution of the dynamic memory cell into an integrative memory cell is discussed and the circuit of a Bulk-BICS using this new memory cell topology is presented. The electrical operation of this new sensor TRIBICS is evaluated using circuit simulations. By using double-exponential current pulses, both the sensitivity and the response time are determined. The static memory cell operation is analyzed and a comparison of performance between static and integrative cells is performed using a simplified model. The results show that the integrative memory cell is faster and more sensitive than the static cells used in three state-ofthe- art sensors published in literature Then the TRIBICS sensor is simulated connected to a TCAD-modeled device, comprising an inverter, which is used as a target for radiation impact. TCAD models are previously presented and the results obtained when the PMOS and NMOS transistors are separately excited by radiation show the formation of a conductive link between drain and source regions during the occurrence of SET. The simulations also show that the results obtained by using TCAD simulations do not agree with the ones obtained by using circuit simulation regarding the current share among drain, source and bulk during the SET. Mixed-mode simulations using the TCAD models in conjunction of TRIBICS circuits described in SPICE show the relationship between LET and the effective SET-detection with the inter-tap distance as a parameter, and allows to determine the inter-tap distance for 100% of SET detection efficiency. Based on these results, an estimate of how many transistors can be monitored by the Bulk-BICS is obtained. It is proposed to implement the Bulk-BICS as a standard cell, to be positioned in between the standard cell that compose a digital circuit and the area overhead necessary to implant the sensors in a real circuit is estimated. The problem on how to manufacture the Bulk-BICS circuit in the same substrate of the monitored transistors is studied and a solution is proposed. The results show the viability and effectiveness of the Bulk-BICS technique, as a means to detect single-event transients in digital systems.
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Sensor de corrente transiente para um sistema de proteção de circuitos integrados contra erros induzidos por radiação ionizanteSimionovski, Alexandre January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sensor de corrente transiente destinado a detectar a ocorrência de um evento transiente causado pela incidência de radiação ionizante em um circuito integrado. Iniciando com uma descrição dos efeitos da radiação sobre os circuitos integrados e dos tipos de radiação de interesse, os fundamentos da técnica Bulk- BICS são apresentados e as propostas existentes na literatura são expostas e avaliadas, com ênfase no sensor que utiliza a célula de memória dinâmica DynBICS, resultado de um trabalho prévio e do qual se dispõe de amostras fabricadas. Sobre essas amostras são efetuados testes elétricos, um ensaio de dose total irradiada TID e um ensaio de estimulação laser, cujos resultados são apresentados e confirmam a funcionalidade da topologia da célula de memória dinâmica aplicada a circuitos Bulk-BICS. Em seguida, é apresentada a topologia da célula de memória integrativa como uma evolução da célula de memória dinâmica e propõe-se o circuito de um novo sensor Bulk-BICS baseado na nova célula. O funcionamento elétrico do circuito desse novo sensor TRIBICS é avaliado através de simulação de circuitos determinando-se a sensibilidade e o tempo de resposta do sensor utilizando-se pulsos de corrente em dupla exponencial. É feita uma análise do funcionamento da célula de memória estática e, através de uma comparação de desempenho entre as células de memória estáticas utilizadas em três circuitos propostos e a célula de memória integrativa, utilizando um modelo simplificado, mostra-se que a célula de memória integrativa é mais rápida e sensível do que as contrapartes estáticas O sensor TRIBICS é então simulado em conexão com um modelo de dispositivo, sendo antes apresentados os modelos TCAD do inversor utilizado como alvo da incidência da radiação nas simulações. São apresentados resultados obtidos individualmente para o transistor NMOS e para o transistor PMOS, nos quais se mostra a formação de um canal condutivo entre dreno e fonte durante o SET. Mostra-se, também, que os resultados obtidos com a simulação de dispositivos não concorda com aqueles proporcionados pela simulação de circuitos no tocante à divisão das correntes transitórias entre dreno, fonte e substrato. O resultado das simulações de dispositivo efetuadas com os modelos TCAD em modo misto com o circuito TRIBICS descrito em SPICE mostram a relação entre a transferência de energia da irradiação LET e a efetiva deteção do SET provocado, em função da distância entre os contatos de bulk ou substrato, permitindo determinar a máxima distância entre contatos para 100% de certeza na deteção do SET. Com isso, obtém-se uma estimativa do número de transistores que pode ser monitorado pelos Bulk-BICS. É proposta a estratégia de implementação dos Bulk-BICS na forma de uma standard cell a ser posicionada entre os grupos de transistores sob monitoração, e uma estimativa da relação entre as áreas dos transistores monitorados e do Bulk-BICS é apresentada. Por fim, é estudada a questão da fabricação dos Bulk-BICS no mesmo substrato dos transistores monitorados e uma maneira de fazê-la é proposta. Os resultados encontrados permitem definir a viabilidade e a eficácia da técnica Bulk-BICS como forma de deteção de eventos transientes em sistemas digitais. / A current sensor to detect the occurrence of a single-event transient that is caused by the incidence of ionizing radiation in an integrated circuit is presented. Radiation of interest and their effects on the integrated circuits are discussed. Fundamentals of the Bulk-BICS technique and the circuits proposed in the literature to implement this technique are discussed and evaluated, with emphasis on the dynamic memory cell-based circuit DynBICS, which was developed as a previous work and with fabricated samples available. Experimental results obtained from a series of electrical tests, a TID test, and a laser-stimulated test that were conducted on a number of fabricated and packaged samples are presented. The results confirm that the dynamic memory cell is suitable and robust enough to be used in Bulk-BICS circuits. Next, evolution of the dynamic memory cell into an integrative memory cell is discussed and the circuit of a Bulk-BICS using this new memory cell topology is presented. The electrical operation of this new sensor TRIBICS is evaluated using circuit simulations. By using double-exponential current pulses, both the sensitivity and the response time are determined. The static memory cell operation is analyzed and a comparison of performance between static and integrative cells is performed using a simplified model. The results show that the integrative memory cell is faster and more sensitive than the static cells used in three state-ofthe- art sensors published in literature Then the TRIBICS sensor is simulated connected to a TCAD-modeled device, comprising an inverter, which is used as a target for radiation impact. TCAD models are previously presented and the results obtained when the PMOS and NMOS transistors are separately excited by radiation show the formation of a conductive link between drain and source regions during the occurrence of SET. The simulations also show that the results obtained by using TCAD simulations do not agree with the ones obtained by using circuit simulation regarding the current share among drain, source and bulk during the SET. Mixed-mode simulations using the TCAD models in conjunction of TRIBICS circuits described in SPICE show the relationship between LET and the effective SET-detection with the inter-tap distance as a parameter, and allows to determine the inter-tap distance for 100% of SET detection efficiency. Based on these results, an estimate of how many transistors can be monitored by the Bulk-BICS is obtained. It is proposed to implement the Bulk-BICS as a standard cell, to be positioned in between the standard cell that compose a digital circuit and the area overhead necessary to implant the sensors in a real circuit is estimated. The problem on how to manufacture the Bulk-BICS circuit in the same substrate of the monitored transistors is studied and a solution is proposed. The results show the viability and effectiveness of the Bulk-BICS technique, as a means to detect single-event transients in digital systems.
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Estudo de acopladores de fibra Ãptica tradicional e de cristal fotÃnico e aplicaÃÃes: geraÃÃo de portas lÃgicas e sensor de corrente elÃtrica / Couplers study of traditional fiber optic and photonic crystal and applications: generation of logic gates and electric current sensorAgliberto Melo Bastos 24 July 2015 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Apresentamos neste trabalho, uma analise numÃrica para obtenÃÃo de portas lÃgicas em acoplador nÃo-linear simÃtrico (NLDC) em fibras de cristal fotÃnico (PCF), que em sua secÃÃo transversal à formada com matriz periÃdica de buracos de ar, operando em pulso de luz ultracurtos na forma de sÃlitons, com duraÃÃo de 100fs (fentosegundos). Foram investigados formatos dos pulsos em modulaÃÃo por amplitude de pulso (PAM), com chaveamento de mudanÃa de amplitude (ASK), com objetivo de obter portas lÃgicas no NLDC-PCF triplo planar simÃtrico. Neste trabalho usamos acopladores duplos de fibra Ãptica na constituiÃÃo de um InterferÃmetro Mach-Zenhder para construir um sensor de corrente, sua funcionalidade à aplicada para investigar a qualidade da corrente alternada, quer seja na geraÃÃo, transmissÃo ou distribuiÃÃo de energia elÃtrica. Como o interferÃmetro de Mach-Zenhder usa um agente mecÃnico, usaremos o mesmo agente para construir o sensor de corrente constituÃdo de um PiezelÃtrico. Ao fazer o comparativo dos dois sensores, podemos destinar sua usabilidade em diferenciados consumidores / In this work, a numerical analysis to obtain gates in coupler symmetrical nonlinear (NLDC) in photonic crystal fibers (PCF), which in cross section is formed with periodic array of air holes, operating in light pulse ultrashort as solitons, lasting 100fs (fentosegundos). The pulses in pulse amplitude modulation formats were investigated (WFP), with amplitude shift keying (ASK), in order to obtain logic gates in the triple NLDC PCF-planar symmetrical. In this paper we use double couplers fiber optic in setting up a Mach-Zenhder Interferometer to build a current sensor, its functionality is applied to investigate the quality alternating current, whether in the generation, transmission or distribution of electricity. Since the interferometer of Mach-Zenhder uses a mechanical agent, agent will use the same for constructing the current sensor constituted of a piezoelectric. In making the comparison of the two sensors, we can allocate its usability in different consumers
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Třífázový DC/AC střídač na malé napětí pro synchronní motor AXi 5345/18 / Three-phase low-voltage DC/AC converter for a synchronous motor AXi 5345/18Popek, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The target of this master's thesis is to describe, design and construct an extra low voltage three-phase DC/AC inverter for the motor AXI 5345/18, which will work in EC motor mode. The inverter is supplied by DC source 24 V. In order to save place, the wiring is designed on three separated printed board circuits. These are connected together by connectors for ribbon cables. The control is done by reverse current loop realized by active electronics and superior circuit MC 33035. The proper wiring of current loop is conformed for both control and testing of jet sensors ACS750. Power electronics of the inverter is realized by potential-free modul GWM 120-0075P3 consisted of 6 mosfet transistors. The designed wiring is not set for the concrete realisation, but it can be used for control of propulsion of the wheel, auxiliary propulsion of engine or in appliances, where servo with worse parameters of control loop is used in a sufficent way and it can be cheaper.
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Návrh digitálního optického výstupu / Design digital optical outputKubáč, Stanislav January 2009 (has links)
This work descibes general principles of measuring the alternating current and voltage using conventional and unconventional sensors.This work shows specific parmeters conected with principles of the measurement, advantages and disadvantages of individual measuring procedures, types of output signals, precisions, limitations, ways of power and so on. Part of the work is to find optimal measurement procedure, which can be aplicated to practical measuring of alternating currents and voltage. Main part of the work concerns the realisation of optimal method of measuring alternating current.
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Snímače střídavého a stejnosměrného proudu / AC and DC current sensorsZimek, Alois January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to focus on analysis of a current transformer with feedback correction of measuring error, make an AC current sensor and verify its qualities experimentally. The measuring scale of this transformer is I = 0 to 100A, f = 50Hz.
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