Spelling suggestions: "subject:"courrent system"" "subject:"crurrent system""
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Assessing the Impacts of Greenhouse Gasses on Upwelling and Surface Temperature in the California Current SystemMcGee, Kevin 01 April 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The California Current system (CCS) is home to a vast and diverse marine coastal ecosystem. Upwelling is an oceanic phenomenon wind-driven displacement of surface water brings cold nutrient-rich water from the ocean bottom to surface waters. Along the coast in the CCS, upwelling occurs via the advection of water perpendicular to the shoreline northerly winds, a phenomenon called “Ekman Transport”. In the open ocean. Wind stress curl causes disruption of normal currents, resulting in small pockets of upwelled or downwelled water (downwelling is the movement of water downward in the ocean, the opposite of upwelling). This process is called “Ekman Pumping”, and over large swaths of ocean, it can result in a notable increase/decrease in net upwelling. Upwelling is one of the main driving forces behind the diversity and strength of the ecosystems within the CCS. The Bakun hypothesis (Bakun, 1990) suggests that with the future increase of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs), Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUSs) will experience an increase in upwelling intensity and season duration. The Bakun hypothesis has been proven to be an accurate description of the mechanisms of change expected in all major EBUSs in the world, except for the CCS, where only weak correlations have been made (Sydeman, García-Reyes, Schoeman, D. S. Rykaczewski, R. R. . Thompson, Black, & Bograd, 2014). A recent study by Wang et al. 2015 found weak correlations of decreases in upwelling intensity in the CCS, which would suggest that the Bakun Hypothesis does not accurately depict the future of the CCS. Previous climate change CCS studies have relied on atmosphere-ocean global climate models (AOGCMs), which are typically performed on a horizontal grid too coarse to accurately depict the physical changes expected in the CCS.
In this study, a 10-member ensemble of high resolution regional climate model (RCM) climate change experiments driven by 10 AOGCMs is used to project changes in the timing and intensity of the upwelling season within the CCS and test the Bakun Hypothesis. We also consider Surface Temperature to extrapolate how changes, if any, compound or counteract the accuracy of the Bakun Hypothesis. We find a significant decrease of 6 m^3/s/100m in mean Ekman Transport and an increase of 1.3 ⁰C in mean Surface Temperature. A 1.1×10^(-06) m/s decrease in mean Ekman Pumping is also observed, but these findings are not robust. We also find no change to the length or timing of the upwelling season. The decrease in Ekman Transport and increase in Surface Temperature could compound upon each other and cause damage to vulnerable ecosystems within the CCS, most notably in the latitudinal range of 34°-40° along the coast, as future GHGs concentrate in the atmosphere. In the shallow ocean, decreased upwelling intensity and increased stratification will inhibit the movement of nutrients that primary producers rely on, thus stifling phytoplankton and zooplankton growth. Increases in surface temperature could also create new avenues of environmental stress that local communities are not prepared to adapt to, resulting in decreased physiological performance and potentially geographical shifts in species residence. These changes to shallow ocean communities could have cascading effects on the availability of prey up the trophic web. In the deeper ocean, decreased upwelling intensity and increased stratification will inhibit ocean mixing, and thus decrease availability of dissolved oxygen in the deeper ocean. This could result in hypoxic and anoxic events and create major species die-off in local communities.
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Subtidal circulation over the upper slope to the west of Monterey Bay, CaliforniaMorales, Juan Aguilar. 09 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / Moored current meters were used to describe currents over the continental slope off Monterey Bay, California, from March 1998 to March 2003. The water depth at this location was 1800 m and current observations included of 16-88 m, 210- 290 m, 305 m and 1200 m although measurements at 16-88 m were not continuous. Poleward currents dominated the flow between 24 and 305 m. At 305 m the mean flow was 3.9 cm/s toward 334ʻ. Surprisingly, at 1200 m the mean flow reversed and was 0.8 cm/s toward 169ʻ. The principal axis for the flow at 305 m (1200 m) was 349ʻ (350ʻ), the semi-major axis was 9.4 cm/s (5.8 cm/s) and the semi-minor axis 3.4 (2.0 cm/s). The direction of the principal axis and the mean flow at 1200 m was aligned with the bathymetry to the east of the mooring site. The seasonal cycle at 305 m was dominated by an acceleration of the poleward flow from a minimum near zero on April 15 to maximum, 25 cm/s on July 15. This flow resulted in an increase of temperature at 305 m of 1.2ʻC due to geostrophic adjustment and a corresponding 10 cm increase in sea level due to steric effects. The acceleration of alongshore flow was out of phase with the alongshore pressure gradient which was greatest in mid- April. At 1200 m, the temperature increase (0.2ʻC) only lasted from April 15 to June 1 after which equatorward flow increased and temperature decreased. Mesoscale variability dominated the velocity measurements with maximum variance at about 60- day periods. At 305 m, the eddy kinetic energy was greatest (smallest) in October (December), 40 cm2/s2 (4 cm2/s2) while at 1200 m the maximum (minimum) occurred in July (February), 5 cm2/s2 (0.5 cm2/s2). Poleward events were stronger at 305 m while equatorward events were stronger at 1200 m. The three first empirical orthogonal functions explained 90% of the temporal variability of the horizontal currents. The first, second, and third Z-scores represented flow along the principal axis, undercurrent vs. Davidson current, and upwelling modes, respectively. While the seasonal patterns for the first two modes agreed with seasonal variability described above, the seasonal variability of the upwelling mode (6% of the variance) indicated that the waters between 16 and 88 m flowed onshore during the spring and summer upwelling period. / Commander, Mexican Navy
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The fall transition off Central California in 2002O'Malley, Colleen M. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / During the fall of 2002 the physical oceanographic conditions off Central California were monitored by means of CTD casts and VMADCP current measurements during two cruises. The first cruise, included 38 stations and one time series station. The second cruise was sponsored by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANOCEANO) and occupied nine sections along the coast. A total of 86 stations and two time series stations were occupied during the second cruise. CTD calibration and data processing methods are described. The isosteres, current vectors, and salinity distribution from the cruises provide a clear picture of the circulation pattern during the fall 2002. A strong shoreward, anticyclonic meander of the California current was observed. Although the meander itself did not cross the dynamic trough that separated inshore and offshore currents, at the point where the meander was adjacent to the trough, a ridge formed which transported Subarctic waters into the coastal zone. These fresh waters were advected to the north and south along the coast, depending upon the direction of nearshore currents. The observed mesoscale circulation showed the manner in which waters which are upwelled at the coast in summer are replaced by oceanic waters in the fall and winter. Analysis of the geography of the deep sound channel (DSC) during this period showed that the mean pressure of the DSC was at 586 dbar while the mean sound speed minimum was 1480 m/s. The minimum sound speed varied 3 m/s while the pressure of the minimum varied by 330 dbars. The shape of the pycnocline controlled the pressure and depth of the DSC in the region. / Ensign, United States Naval Reserve
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Trophic ecology of jumbo squid and predatory fishes in the Northern Humboldt Current System / Impact du forçage environnemental sur la trophodynamique des principales ressources dans le système du courant de Humboldt (Pérou)Alegre Norza Sior, Ana Renza Paola 21 May 2015 (has links)
Ce travail est une contribution à l'étude de l'écologie trophique d'importants prédateurs de la partie Nord du système du Courant de Humboldt (NSCH), le chinchard (Trachurus murphyi), le maquereau (Scomber japonicus) et le calmar géant (Dosidicus gigas). Nous avons caractérisé la variabilité des modes d'alimentation de ces espèces à différentes échelles spatiotemporelles et fourni de nouvelles connaissances sur le comportement alimentaire de ces espèces, définies comme opportunistes par des travaux antérieurs. Pour ce faire, nous avons appliqué une variété de méthodes statistiques à un vaste jeu de données comprenant 27188 estomacs non vides. Sur cette base nous avons décrit l'organisation spatiale de la faune fourrage de ces prédateurs et documenté les changements dans la composition des proies en fonction de la taille de prédateurs et des conditions environnementales. Nos résultats indiquent que l'oxygène dissous jour un rôle clef dans ces processus. Nous avons également résolu un paradoxe sur l'alimentation du calmar géant: pourquoi ils ne se nourrissent guère sur l'immense biomasse d'anchois (Engraulis ringens) présente le long de la côte du Pérou? Nous avons montré que la présence d'une zone de minimum d'oxygène (ZMO) superficielle devant le Pérou pourrait limiter la cooccurrence entre calmars géant et anchois. Pour synthétiser ces résultats, nous avons proposé un modèle conceptuel de l'écologie trophique du calmar géant tenant compte du cycle ontogénétique, de l'oxygène et de la disponibilité des proies. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que le chinchard et le maquereau se nourrissent des espèces les plus accessibles comme par exemple la galathée Pleurocondes monodon ou les larves zoea. Ces deux prédateurs présentent un chevauchement trophique mais, contrairement à ce qui avait été décrit dans d'autres études, le chinchard n'est pas aussi vorace que le maquereau. Le régime alimentaire de ces poissons est caractérisé par une forte variabilité spatio-temporelle et le talus continental s'avère être une importante frontière biogéographique. La composition du régime alimentaire des poissons prédateurs étudiés n'est pas nécessairement un indicateur cohérent de l'évolution de la biomasse des proies. Les événements El Niño ont eu un faible effet sur le taux de remplissage des estomacs et sur le régime alimentaire du chinchard et du maquereau. Par ailleurs les changements en diversité des proies à échelle décennale contredisent le classique paradigme de corrélation positive entre diversité et température. Finalement, les patrons globaux décrits dans ce travail, illustrent le comportement alimentaire opportuniste, les stratégies de vie et le haut degré de plasticité de ces espèces. Un tel comportement permet de s'adapter aux changements de l'environnement. / This work provides a contribution to a better understanding of the trophic ecology of important predators in the Northern Humboldt Current System, the jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi), the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) by the characterization of the highly variable feeding patterns of these species at different spatiotemporal scales. We provided new knowledge on the comparative trophic behaviour of these species, defined as opportunistic in previous investigations. For that purpose we applied a variety of statistical methods to an extensive dataset of 27,188 non-empty stomachs. We defined the spatial organization of the forage fauna of these predators and documented changes in prey composition according to predators' size and spatiotemporal features of environment. Our results highligh the key role played by the dissolved oxygen. We also deciphered an important paradox on the jumbo squid diet: why do they hardly forage on the huge anchovy (Engraulis ringens) biomass distributed of coastal Peru? We showed that the shallow oxygen minimum zone present off coastal Peru could hamper the co-occurrence of jumbo squids and anchovies. In addition, we proposed a conceptual model on jumbo squid trophic ecology including the ontogenetic cycle, oxygen and prey availability. Moreover we showed that the trophic behaviour of jack mackerel and chub mackerel is adapted to forage on more accessible species such as for example the squat lobster Pleurocondes monodon and Zoea larvae. Besides, both predators present a trophic overlap. But jack mackerel was not as voracious as chub mackerel, contradictorily to what was observed by others authors. Fish diet presented a high spatiotemporal variability, and the shelf break appeared as a strong biogeographical frontier. Diet composition of our fish predators was not necessarily a consistent indicator of changes in prey biomass. El Niño events had a weak effect on the stomach fullness and diet composition of chub mackerel and jack mackerel. Moreover, decadal changes in diet diversity challenged the classic paradigm of positive correlation between species richness and temperature. Finally, the global patterns that we described in this work, illustrated the opportunistic foraging behaviour, life strategies and the high degree of plasticity of these species. Such behaviour allows adaptation to changes in the environment.
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Návrh elektrizace jednokolejné trati / Single railway electrification system designSvoboda, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The main topic of the thesis is the design of single-track electrification of a direct current system of 3 kV and an alternating current system of 5 kV 50 Hz and then economically evaluate it over a period of 30 years. The work deals with basic traction systems and also deals with the calculation of main parameters of electric trains. The thesis describes in detail the procedure for the design of the electrification of the track and a partial introduction to the simulation programs that were used for energy calculations.
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ArrasCosta, Gilberto Azevedo de Moraes 06 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-12T09:26:41Z
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Gilberto Azevedo de Moraes Costa.pdf: 956112 bytes, checksum: 60f52e52164d4b78edb4e02141529b89 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-11-06 / The present work has as objective to analyze the arras, legal institute that arose centuries ago and that over time was developed for the exercise of two antagonistic functions, depending on its legal nature, that is, the reinforcement and weakening of the bond legal. In other words, when it is confirmed, the sign reinforces the legal relationship between the parties, while being penitential, it weakens it, for it authorizes repentance. In spite of its remote existence and great practical use, the institute does not seem to have attracted the attention of the indoctrinates, especially the Brazilians, with scarce published material. It is for this reason that a dissertation on the subject is justified. The intention is to carry out, at first, a historical approach, in order to analyze the rule that was given by both the Civil Code of 1916 and the Diploma of 2002, comparing them. The research was based on doctrinal and jurisprudential material. The result is surprising, since it reveals that the changes, always punctual, make the institute stay alive and current, although its far-reaching foundation / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as arras, instituto jurídico que surgiu há séculos e que, ao longo do tempo, mereceu adaptações que o habilitaram ao exercício de duas funções antagônicas, a depender de sua natureza jurídica, quais sejam, a de reforço e a de enfraquecimento do vínculo jurídico. Em outras palavras, quando confirmatório, o sinal reforça o liame jurídico existente entre as partes, ao passo que, sendo penitencial, enfraquece-o, pois autoriza o arrependimento. A despeito de sua procedência remota e da grande utilização prática, o instituto parece não ter impressionado deveras os doutrinadores, principalmente os brasileiros, o que explica a escassez de material publicado a respeito do assunto. É por tal razão que se justifica a elaboração desta dissertação. Planeja-se realizar, em um primeiro momento, a abordagem histórica, para, na sequência, analisar o regramento que foi dado tanto pelo Código Civil de 1916 como pelo Diploma de 2002, comparando-os. A pesquisa foi feita com base em material doutrinário e jurisprudencial. O resultado é surpreendente, pois revela que as mudanças, sempre pontuais, fazem com que o instituto continue vivo e atual, apesar se sua longínqua fundação
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A bird-eye view on the spatio-temporal variability of the seasonal cycle in the Northern Humboldt Current System : the case of Guanay cormorant, Peruvian booby and Peruvian pelican / Variabilité spatio-temporelle du cycle saisonnier de l'écosystème côtier péruvien et oiseaux marinsPassuni Saldana, Giannina Paola 15 April 2016 (has links)
Le Système Nord du Courant de Humboldt (SNCH) est le lieu d’une forte activité biologique due à un upwelling côtier intense. Il abrite l’une des plus grandes populations de l’anchois du Pérou soumis à la plus grande pêcherie monospécifique au monde. Le SNCH héberge aussi de grandes et variables, populations d’oiseaux, composées de trois espèces sympatriques productrices de guano : le cormoran guanay (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii), le fou péruvien (Sula variegata) et le pélican péruvien (Pelecanis thagus), qui se nourrissent principalement d’anchois. Dans ce travail, nous examinons les fluctuations de ces trois populations d’oiseaux marins, en nous concentrant sur le cycle saisonnier de leur reproduction, pour aborder les questions suivantes : Dans quelle mesure les saisonnalités de reproduction diffèrent elles entre espèces ? Dans quelle mesure sont-elles plastiques dans le temps et dans l’espace ? Qu’est ce qui, des conditions environnementales et des activités anthropogéniques affecte le plus la reproduction des oiseaux marins ? Nous abordons ces questions en utilisant des données de présence de reproducteurs (1) dans 30 sites péruviens répartis entre 06°S-18°S (2003-2014) ; et (2) dans un site, pendant trois périodes (1952-1968, 1972-1989, 2003-2014). Nous utilisons des covariables environnementales décrivant les conditions océanographiques, l’abondance, l’accessibilité et la condition des proies, ainsi que des covariables décrivant la pression de pêche. Nous utilisons des modèles d’occupation multi-saisonniers pour caractériser la saisonnalité de la reproduction et la relier aux covariables environnementales. Nous utilisons aussi des analyses en composantes principales fonctionnelles pour classifier les différences de saisonnalité entre sites, et des forêts aléatoires de régression pour analyser la contribution relative des covariables à la variabilité de la saisonnalité de reproduction.Nous mettons en évidence qu’en moyenne, la reproduction démarre au cours de l’hiver austral / début de printemps et prend fin en été / début d’automne, ce patron étant plus marqué chez les fous et pélicans que chez les cormorans. La reproduction est calée dans le temps de telle sorte à ce que les jeunes prennent leur indépendance lorsque les conditions de production primaire, d’abondance et d’accessibilité des proies sont maximales. Ce patron est unique en comparaison avec les autres écosystèmes d’upwelling et peut être expliqué par les fortes abondances absolues de proies disponibles tout au long de l’année dans le SNCH.La saisonnalité de reproduction diffère entre les sites de nidification. Les oiseaux se reproduisent plus tôt et avec de plus fortes probabilités lorsque les colonies sont plus grandes, situées sur des îles à moins de 20 km des côtes, aux plus basses latitudes, et présentant une production primaire plus élevée. Alors, la saisonnalité de la reproduction est davantage influencée par les conditions environnementales locales que par les gradients environnementaux de grande échelle.Les oiseaux marins adaptent aussi la saisonnalité de leur reproduction aux changements drastiques causés dans l’écosystème par les changements de régime. Les cormorans font preuve de la plus grande plasticité, en modulant la date te l’amplitude de la saisonnalité de leur reproduction, cela est probablement permis par leur plus grande flexibilité de fourragement. Les dates et amplitudes fixes observées chez les fous peuvent être liées aux spécificités de leur stratégie de fourragement et à des changements de proies lorsque le stock d’anchois est bas. Les différences spécifiques dans les adaptations de la saisonnalité de reproduction permettent aux oiseaux de profiter différemment des conditions locales de proies, et de faire face aux changements de régime avec des stratégies différentes. Une méthodologie de capture-recapture en parallèle des comptages mensuels est proposée pour élargir les horizons de l’évaluation des dynamiques d’une population. / The Northern Humboldt Current System (NHCS) is a place of a high biological activity due to an intense coastal upwelling. It supports one of the biggest forage fish populations, the Peruvian anchovy, and the world-leading monospecific fishery in terms of landings. The NHCS also hosts large, although variable, seabird populations, composed among others by three guano-producing sympatric species: the Guanay cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii), the Peruvian booby (Sula variegata) and the Peruvian pelican (Pelecanus thagus), which all feed primarily on anchovy.In this work we reviewed the fluctuations of these three seabird populations, focusing on the seasonal cycle of their breeding, to address the following questions: How different are the seasonality of reproduction among species? To what extent may they be plastic in space and time? What from the natural environment and the anthropogenic activities impact more the breeding of seabirds?We addressed these questions using the monthly occupancy of breeders (1) in >30 Peruvian sites between 06°S and 18°S and from 2003 to 2014; and (2) in one site during three decadal periods (1952-1968, 1972-1989, 2003-2014). We also used environmental covariates from satellite and at-sea monitoring such as oceanographic conditions, prey abundance, availability and body conditions, and fisheries pressure covariates. We used multiseason occupancy models to characterize the seasonality of breeding and relate it with environmental covariates. We also used functional principal component analysis for classifying the differences in seasonality among sites, and random forest regression for analyzing the relative contribution of covariates in the variability of the seasonal breeding.We found that in average seasonal breeding mainly started during the austral winter/ early spring and ended in summer/ early fall, this pattern being stronger in boobies and pelicans than in cormorants. The breeding onset of seabirds is timed so that fledging independence occurs when primary production, prey conditions and availability are maximized. This pattern is unique compared with other upwelling ecosystems and could be explained by the year-round high abundances of anchovy in the NHCS.The average seasonal breeding may differ among nesting sites. Seabirds breed earlier and are more persistent when colonies are larger, located on islands, within the first 20km of the coast, at lower latitudes and with greater primary production conditions. These results suggest that in the NHCS, the seasonality of breeding is more influenced by local environmental conditions than by large-scale environmental gradients. These results provides critical information to a better coordination of guano extraction and conservancy policies.Seabirds may also adapt the seasonality of their breeding to drastic ecosystem changes caused by regime shifts. We found that the three study species exhibited a gradient of plasticity regarding the seasonality of their breeding. Cormorants showed a greater plasticity, modulating the timing and magnitude on their breeding seasonality. This is probably authorized by the greater foraging flexibility offered its great diving capacities. Fixed onset and magnitudes of breeding in boobies may be related to their specific foraging strategy and/or to changes of prey items when anchovy stock was low. We also suggested that boobies may adapt other fecundity traits as growth rate of chicks to lower abundance of anchovy.The specific differences in the adaptation of seasonal breeding allow seabirds to take profit differently from local prey conditions or to face differently regime shifts. Further researches, implementing a large-scale capture-recapture methodology in parallel with monthly census, are proposed in order to fulfill gaps in the basic knowledge on vital traits (adult survival, first age at reproduction, and juvenile recruitment) which are critical parameters to evaluate the dynamic of a population.
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Variabilité de structure et de fonctionnement d'un écosystème de bord est: Application à l'upwelling de CalifornieChenillat, Fanny 13 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le système du Courant de Californie (CCS) est l'un des grands systèmes d'upwelling de bord est de la planète, caractérisés par un régime saisonnier de vents qui provoque des remontées d'eaux profondes (upwelling côtier), riches en nutriments, favorisant une forte activité biologique. À long terme, l'écosystème du CCS révèle des alternances de dominance de communautés marines, encore inexpliquées. L'objet de cette thèse est de comprendre l'effet de la variabilité pluriannuelle des vents sur la structure et le fonctionnement des premiers maillons trophiques de l'écosystème du CCS à partir d'études de processus reposant sur une approche numérique. Une première étude a permis de montrer que l'upwelling côtier et le transport côte-large ont une variabilité à basse fréquence fortement corrélée à celle de la tension de vent parallèle à la côte et au mode North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), mis en évidence récemment et connu pour capturer une part de la variabilité à basse fréquence des vents d'upwelling et de la chlorophylle dans le CCS. Une étude fine de ces vents a permis de mettre en évidence une relation forte entre leur variabilité saisonnière et le mode NPGO, avec une modulation temporelle du déclenchement de la saison d'upwelling du CCS. L'impact d'un tel déphasage de l'upwelling sur un écosystème planctonique a pu ensuite être testé. À la côte, l'écosystème répond directement à un scénario d'upwelling précoce par une productivité plus forte. Au large, les incidences sur l'écosystème s'opèrent via les processus de transport côte-large. L'effet sur le zooplancton est plus prononcé que sur le phytoplancton et est susceptible d'affecter les niveaux trophiques supérieurs.
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Analýza současného systému řešení domácího násilí v České republice se zaměřením na péči o děti v roli svědků / Analysys of the current system of solutions of domestic violence in the Czech Republic focusing on the care of children as witnessesKuntová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Analysis of the current system solutions for domestic violence in the Czech Republic, focusing on the care of children as witnesses" investigates the system of dealing with cases of domestic violence where children are witnesses of such violence. The paper maps processes and work methods with individual family members who are affected by domestic violence, further evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of these procedures and also the impact of these procedures on individual family members. Individual actors who may have influence on the issue, their relations, cooperation possibilities and their potential in shaping the policy were also examined and evaluated. At last but not least, the thesis investigates communication channels that are available to the involved actors and their effectiveness. The presented thesis is mainly based on studies of available and relevant sources, on information from interviews with personnel of the social and legal children protection institutions and on answers provided by staff of the social and legal children protection organs in the survey. The state pays considerable attention to domestic violence, despite its latency and private character. The origin of the National Action Plan for Prevention of Domestic Violence for 2011-2014 proves its...
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Assessing the impact of new Individual Vessel Quota legislation on the sustainability of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery / Evaluación del impacto de una nueva legislación basada en Límites Máximos de Captura por Embarcación sobre la sostenibilidad de la pesquería peruana de anchovetaMueller-Fischler, Falco January 2013 (has links)
The Peruvian anchoveta fishery was for nearly 60 years characterized by the unsustainable dynamics of open access resource pools. This thesis investigates whether the 2009 Peruvian Legislative Decree 1084 on Individual Vessel Quotas (IVQ's) is an effective response to the industrial overcapacity and race-to-fish problems that threatened the environment before its implementation. It employs Common-Pool Resource theory to assess the impact of the new IVQ scheme on collective dynamics, and Ribot and Peluso's access theory (2009) to elucidate evolving power relations in the fishery. In this framework, DL1084 is evaluated as a regulatory instrument, as a lens on fisheries governance in Peru, and as a source of insight into how environmental impact serves in developing regulations of natural resource exploitation. A triangulated mixed-method design is employed: (1) a two-stream literature review of fisheries management and of the fishery's political ecology; (2) a quantitative analysis of daily state-published landings reports; and (3) seven in-depth intensive interviews with key actors in the fishery, conducted in Peru over two field-trips of approximately 2 months in total. Results indicate that although IVQ's supported existing trends towards large-scale economic efficiency and altered extreme competitive strategies previously associated with open access, fishing companies have built larger ships, favour bigger catches and still concentrate fishing effort around a given annual peak. Meanwhile, capacity has again increased in the unregulated artisanal fishery sector. DL1084 appears to reflect a broader process of growing private sector involvement in managing the fishery, made official by its institutionalization of market self-regulation. Ultimately, it evidences deep structure and capacity limitations in the state's ability to govern marine resources. The law was nevertheless seen as a landmark for the environmental legal process in Peru and an opportunity for reform. This thesis suggests that studying such legislations can provide insight into state identity and the evolving relationship between a nation and its geography. / Durante casi 60 años, la pesquería peruana de anchoveta estaba caracterizada por las dinámicas insostenibles de la explotación de recursos de propiedad común en situación de acceso abierto. Esta tesis investiga si el Decreto Legislativo Peruano 1084 (DL1084) sobre Límites Máximos de Captura por Embarcación (LMCE) es una respuesta efectiva a los problemas de sobrecapacidad industrial y de carrera por el recurso que amenazaban el ambiente antes de su aplicación en 2009. Se basa en la teoría de los Recursos de Propiedad Común (Common-Pool Resource theory) para evaluar el impacto del nuevo modelo de gestión por LMCE sobre las dinámicas colectivas, y en la teoría del Acceso de Ribot y Peluso (2009) para trazar la evolución de las relaciones de poder en la pesquería. En este marco, el DL1084 es evaluado como herramienta regulatoria, como lente sobre la gobernanza pesquera en el Perú y como reflejo del proceso por el cual el impacto ambiental sirve como base para el desarrollo de regulaciones sobre el acceso a recursos naturales. Sigue un diseño triangulado de métodos combinados: (1) una revisión de literatura en dos ramas de la gestión de pesquería como campo general y de la ecología política de la pesquería de anchoveta; (2) un análisis cuantitativo de los informes diarios de desembarques publicados por el estado (IMARPE); y (3) siete entrevistas intensivas de fondo con actores claves en la pesquería, realizadas en Perú durante dos visitas de aproximadamente dos meses en total. Los resultados indican que a pesar de que los LMCE soportaron una tendencia existente hacia una eficiencia económica de mayor escala y alteraron las estrategias competitivas extremas asociadas con el acceso abierto, las empresas pesqueras han construido embarcaciones más grandes, favorecen capturas de mayor tamaño y todavía concentran su esfuerzo pesquero alrededor de un pico anual de abundancia. En paralelo, ha aumentado la capacidad de captura en el sector artesanal, el cual no cuenta con límites de captura. El DL1084 aparece como parte de un proceso más general de creciente involucramiento del sector privado en el manejo de la pesquería, haciéndolo oficial por su misma institucionalización de la autorregulación del mercado. Por último, pone en evidencia profundas limitaciones de estructura y de capacidad en el estado en cuanto a cómo gobierna los recursos marinos. La ley ha sin embargo sido vista como un precedente importante para el proceso legislativo ambiental en el Perú así como una oportunidad para impulsar otras reformas. Esta tesis sugiere que el estudio de tales legislaciones puede ofrecer una mirada sobre los procesos de formación de la identidad de un estado y sobre la evolución de la relación entre una nación y su geografía.
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