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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbar förflyttning : Omvandling av en bilanpassad stad till en gång- och cykelvänlig stad / Sustainable mobility : Transforming a car-friendly city into a walking and cycling friendly city

Belash, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Vår framtid står inför stora utmaningar som behöver lösas för att vår vidare existens ska kunna fortsätta. Mänsklig påverkning på jorden har uppnått globala mått på grund av vårt sätt att leva och utnyttja naturresurser utan större konsekvenstänkande. Människans strävan efter att leva alltmer bekvämt och rikt har lett till urbanisering och teknisk progress som har skapat resursslukande hjälpmedel som transport. Stadsplaneringen har under den senaste delen av modern historia tagit en ny vändning och städerna har blivit alltmer anpassade efter våra fordon, vilket påverkar den sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska hållbarheten negativt. Detta examensarbete syftar till att med hjälp av tidigare forskning hitta lösningar som skulle kunna omvandla bilanpassade städer till mer promenad- och cykelvänliga städer. Arbetet tillämpas i staden Borlänge som ligger i Dalarna och har präglats starkt av bilismens utveckling. Det viktiga med arbetet är att lyfta fram lösningar som kan användas även i andra städer oavsett geografisk placering eller storlek. Den granskade litteraturen har skapat ett detaljerat och övergripande underlag för att kunna möjliggöra vidare arbete med framtagning av åtgärder som kan lösa studiens syfte. Litteraturen har valts ut efter relevans för ämnet samhällsplanering för att kunna redovisa liknande inriktning på kunskaper vilket har gjort texten mer sammanhängande. Den största delen av litteraturen är vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Arbetet har utfört med hjälp av platsinventering som hjälpte till att upptäcka olika egenskaper i den befintliga miljön och val av två gång- och cykelstråk för framtagning av gestaltningsförslag. Tidigare forskning har skapat grund för de åtgärder som har presenterats i form av gestaltningsförslag. / Our immediate future faces major challenges that need to be solved to continue our existence. Human impact on the Earth has reached global proportions due to our way of living and exploiting natural resources without much consequence. The human quest to live more comfortably and abundantly has led to urbanization and technological progress that has created resource-consuming tools such as transport. In the last part of modern history, urban planning has taken a new turn and cities have become increasingly adapted to our vehicles, negatively affecting social, economic, and ecological sustainability. This thesis aims to use previous research to find solutions that could transform car-adapted cities into more walking and cycling-friendly cities. The work is applied in the city of Borlänge, which is in Dalarna and has been strongly characterized by the development of automobilism. The importance of the work is to highlight solutions that can also be used in other cities regardless of geographical location or size. The reviewed literature has created a detailed and comprehensive basis to enable further work with the development of measures that can solve the purpose of the study. The literature has been selected according to relevance to the subject of urban planning to present a similar focus of knowledge, which has made the text more coherent. Most of the literature is scientific articles and books. The work has been carried out with the help of a place inventory that helped to discover various characteristics of the existing environment and the selection of two pedestrian and bicycle paths for the development of design proposals. Previous research has provided the basis for the measures presented in the form of design proposals.

Analýza ekonomických přínosů greenways a dálkových tras na základě metodiky EU / Analysis of Greenways and Long-Distance Cycling Routes Economic Gains Based on EU Metodology

Libusová, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Cycle tourism presents for the Czech Republic an opportunity to address new touristic segment of relative higher purchasing power and attract tourists to regions. Cycle tourism presents also opportunity for economic growth in rural, often less developed, areas. It is one of the most popular sorte of sustainable tourism, which doesn't harm the enviroment. However, there are still reservers in the cycling infrastructure of the Czech Republic. The obstacles of getting investments for its development are missing economic arguments. The aim of this thesis is to design a method to quantify economic gains of cycling infrastructure. Based on the designed methodology, a large analysis of Greenways and long-distance cycling routes economic gains should take place.

Design för snabbcykelvägar : Ett designkoncept för snabbcykelvägar i Stockholmsregionen / Design for fast cycling routes : A design concept for fast cycling routes in the region of Stockholm

Gradin, Emma January 2016 (has links)
From 2010 to 2014, regional and state organizations in the region of Stockholm have developed an EU-finnanced project named SATSA II - regional cykelstrategi (regional bicycling strategy). The strategy aims to increase the number of citizens commuting by bicycle in the region and develop a new intermunicipal infrastructure for fast bicycling. By providing a network of fast cycling routes on a regional scale, called “snabbcykelvägar”, the strategy promotes a shift towards more sustainable transport for the citizens of Stockholm county. The new regional network of bicycle routes have strategically been placed to pass by local centres, transport nodes, larger working areas and universities. The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a design concept for fast cycling routes (snabbcyelvägar) in the region of Stockholm. The design concept have been developed through the vision of the ‘good bicycling experience’. To define what it is that provides a ‘good bicycling experience’, physical, environmental and spatial aspects have been studied through empirical research and through relevant theories found in the research field of environemnetal psycology and semiotics. The aspects that provides a ‘good bicycling environment’ has been structured into three criterias. The criterias are: safety, continuity and likeability (attractivity). The three criterias has further been transformed in to designprincipals which are presented in a toolbox. The toolbox is the result of the study and can be used by planners and architects to design a regional network of cycling routes that provides a good expereince for the present and future bicycle commuters in the region of Stockholm (see Toolbox 2, p. 65). / Snabbcykelvägar är benämningen för de regionala cykelstråk som från 2014planeras skapa ett regionalt nätverk för snabb transport på cykel i Stockholmslän med fokus på pendlingscyklister. Detta examensarbete syfte och mål är attutveckla ett designkoncept för snabbcykelvägar i Stockholms län.Visionen om ‘den goda cykelupplevelsen’ har legat till grund för att utveckladesignkonceptet. Forskningsteorier inom miljöpsykologi och semiotik hartillsammans med empiriska studier resulterat i ett antal kriterier som kan antasskapa en ‘god cykelupplevelse’. Kriterierna är trygghet, kontinuitet och attraktivitet.Från kriterierna har sedan ett antal design- och gestaltningsprinciperutvecklats som delats in i följande kategorier: Form, Utsikt, Upplevelseoch Ordning. De fyra kategorierna med dess design- och gestaltningsprinciperhar sammanställts i en “toolbox” (verktygslåda) som kan användas avplanerare och arktiekter för gestaltning och utbyggnad av regionala snabbcykelvägarnaoch utgör resultatet för studien (se Toolbox 2, sida 65).

Método para definição de rede de rotas cicláveis em áreas urbanas de cidades de pequeno porte: um estudo de caso para a cidade de Bariri-SP / Method for the definition of cycling routes network in urban areas of small-sized cities: a case study for the city of Bariri-SP

Monari, Marcelo 11 May 2018 (has links)
A Lei nº 12.587, de 3 de janeiro de 2012, obriga a todos os municípios brasileiros com população superior a 20 mil habitantes a elaborarem um plano de mobilidade urbana integrado e compatível com seus respectivos planos diretores ou neles inseridos, priorizando os modos de transporte não motorizados. Apesar da exigência legal, muitos municípios brasileiros, principalmente os de pequeno porte, não dispõem de diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de sistemas cicloviários. O objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar um método para definição de rede de rotas cicláveis em áreas urbanas de cidades de pequeno porte, cuja ideia central é avaliar segmentos viários com relação a fatores que influenciam no uso da bicicleta como modo de transporte urbano, tais como declividade, disponibilidade de espaço e influência exercida pelos veículos motorizados. O método proposto é subdividido em cinco etapas: (1) caracterização da área de estudo; (2) análise dos polos geradores de tráfego por bicicletas; (3) avaliação da compatibilidade das vias com o transporte cicloviário; (4) identificação das rotas cicláveis; e (5) definição da rede. Os modelos escolhidos para a verificação do perfil topográfico e para a avaliação da qualidade de serviço das vias de tráfego para o transporte cicloviário são, respectivamente, o modelo da AASHTO (1999) e o modelo de Sorton e Walsh (1994). Foi realizado um estudo de caso na cidade de Bariri-SP. Os resultados mostram que as rotas cicláveis identificadas priorizam segmentos com infraestrutura cicloviária pré-existente, assim como locais que necessitam de facilidades para ciclistas, como ciclofaixas e ciclovias, e dispõem de espaço para sua inserção. Quanto aos espaços compartilhados, nota-se uma tendência de que as rotas cicláveis sejam compostas por segmentos com boas avaliações globais de nível de estresse. A rede de rotas cicláveis definida para a cidade de Bariri-SP é formada por 19 eixos viários distribuídos de maneira a atender toda a área delimitada para estudo. / The law 12.587 of January 3rd, 2012, enforces every Brazilian city over 20,000 inhabitants to elaborate an urban mobility plan integrated and compatible with their respective master plans, giving priority to non-motorized transportation modes. Despite legal enforcement, many Brazilian cities, mainly the small ones, are not given proper guidelines to develop cycling systems. This research\'s goal is to elaborate a method to define a cycling routes network in urban areas of small-sized cities, whose main point is to assess road segments according to factors that influence the bicycle use as an urban transportation mode, such as slope, space availability to stand cycling transportation as well as motorized vehicles influence on bicycle traffic. The proposed method splits into five steps: (1) study area characterization; (2) analysis of bicycle traffic generator poles; (3) evaluation of the streets compatibility with bicycle transportation; (4) cycling routes identification; (5) network definition. The chosen models for topographic verification and service quality ratings of the roads for cycling transportation are, respectively, the AASHTO\'s (1999) model and the Sorton and Walsh\'s (1994) model. A case study was carried out in the city of Bariri-SP. The results of the proposed method\'s application show that the identified cycling routes prioritize road segments with cycling infrastructure already existent, as well as places in need of cycling facilities, such as cycle lanes and cycle paths, that have available space to accommodate them. Concerning shared spaces, there\'s a trend that cycling routes are composed of segments with good global stress level evaluations. The cycling routes network defined in the city of Bariri-SP is made up by 19 road axes widespread to serve the whole area delimited for study.

Método para definição de rede de rotas cicláveis em áreas urbanas de cidades de pequeno porte: um estudo de caso para a cidade de Bariri-SP / Method for the definition of cycling routes network in urban areas of small-sized cities: a case study for the city of Bariri-SP

Marcelo Monari 11 May 2018 (has links)
A Lei nº 12.587, de 3 de janeiro de 2012, obriga a todos os municípios brasileiros com população superior a 20 mil habitantes a elaborarem um plano de mobilidade urbana integrado e compatível com seus respectivos planos diretores ou neles inseridos, priorizando os modos de transporte não motorizados. Apesar da exigência legal, muitos municípios brasileiros, principalmente os de pequeno porte, não dispõem de diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de sistemas cicloviários. O objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar um método para definição de rede de rotas cicláveis em áreas urbanas de cidades de pequeno porte, cuja ideia central é avaliar segmentos viários com relação a fatores que influenciam no uso da bicicleta como modo de transporte urbano, tais como declividade, disponibilidade de espaço e influência exercida pelos veículos motorizados. O método proposto é subdividido em cinco etapas: (1) caracterização da área de estudo; (2) análise dos polos geradores de tráfego por bicicletas; (3) avaliação da compatibilidade das vias com o transporte cicloviário; (4) identificação das rotas cicláveis; e (5) definição da rede. Os modelos escolhidos para a verificação do perfil topográfico e para a avaliação da qualidade de serviço das vias de tráfego para o transporte cicloviário são, respectivamente, o modelo da AASHTO (1999) e o modelo de Sorton e Walsh (1994). Foi realizado um estudo de caso na cidade de Bariri-SP. Os resultados mostram que as rotas cicláveis identificadas priorizam segmentos com infraestrutura cicloviária pré-existente, assim como locais que necessitam de facilidades para ciclistas, como ciclofaixas e ciclovias, e dispõem de espaço para sua inserção. Quanto aos espaços compartilhados, nota-se uma tendência de que as rotas cicláveis sejam compostas por segmentos com boas avaliações globais de nível de estresse. A rede de rotas cicláveis definida para a cidade de Bariri-SP é formada por 19 eixos viários distribuídos de maneira a atender toda a área delimitada para estudo. / The law 12.587 of January 3rd, 2012, enforces every Brazilian city over 20,000 inhabitants to elaborate an urban mobility plan integrated and compatible with their respective master plans, giving priority to non-motorized transportation modes. Despite legal enforcement, many Brazilian cities, mainly the small ones, are not given proper guidelines to develop cycling systems. This research\'s goal is to elaborate a method to define a cycling routes network in urban areas of small-sized cities, whose main point is to assess road segments according to factors that influence the bicycle use as an urban transportation mode, such as slope, space availability to stand cycling transportation as well as motorized vehicles influence on bicycle traffic. The proposed method splits into five steps: (1) study area characterization; (2) analysis of bicycle traffic generator poles; (3) evaluation of the streets compatibility with bicycle transportation; (4) cycling routes identification; (5) network definition. The chosen models for topographic verification and service quality ratings of the roads for cycling transportation are, respectively, the AASHTO\'s (1999) model and the Sorton and Walsh\'s (1994) model. A case study was carried out in the city of Bariri-SP. The results of the proposed method\'s application show that the identified cycling routes prioritize road segments with cycling infrastructure already existent, as well as places in need of cycling facilities, such as cycle lanes and cycle paths, that have available space to accommodate them. Concerning shared spaces, there\'s a trend that cycling routes are composed of segments with good global stress level evaluations. The cycling routes network defined in the city of Bariri-SP is made up by 19 road axes widespread to serve the whole area delimited for study.

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