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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vibrações induzidas pela emissão de vórtices em cilindros com baixa razão de aspecto. / Vortex-induced vibrations of cylinders with very low aspect ratio.

Rodolfo Trentin Gonçalves 21 November 2013 (has links)
O aumento das ocorrências de VIM em plataformas flutuantes do tipo \"spar\" e monocoluna serviu de motivação para a investigação dos fundamentos do fenômeno de VIV em cilindros com baixa razão de aspecto e pequena razão de massa. Tal investigação também foi motivada pela necessidade de se preencher lacunas de conhecimento a respeito deste assunto, articularmente por conta da escassa disponibilidade de resultados acerca do VIV em cilindros curtos, bem como pela ausência de modelo fluido que justifique os comportamentos dinâmicos conhecidos. Para o entendimento pretendido, três grupos de experimentos com cilindros dotados de razão de aspecto na faixa 0,1 <= L/D <= 2,0 foram realizados em um canal de água circulante na Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, sendo: o primeiro grupo focado nos cilindros curtos estacionários; o segundo nos cilindros curtos de baixa razão de massa, 1,00 <= m* <= 4,36, e dois graus de liberdade; e o grupo final interessado no VIV em cilindros flutuantes, ou seja, razão de massa unitária e seis graus de liberdade. De uma maneira geral, a partir dos resultados aqui obtidos e das comparações com os resultados respectivamente encontrados na literatura, conclui-se que o VIV em cilindros curtos somente acontece se L/D > 0,2. Além de original, a determinação deste valor crítico também identificou outras três regiões com comportamentos fluido-dinâmicos distintos, cada qual marcada por especificidades quanto aos impactos nas amplitudes, frequências e coeficientes de força. Assim sendo, para cilindros com L/D > 2,0 a esteira de von Kármán foi a principal responsável pelas forças sustentação; fato não identificado para os cilindros com 0,5 < L/D < 2,0, onde esta mesma esteira sofreu forte contaminação das estruturas partindo da extremidade livre, principalmente aquelas com vorticidade predominante no plano vertical. Para os cilindros na faixa de 0,2 < L/D <= 0,5, apenas estas últimas estruturas foram responsáveis pelas oscilações de VIV. Finalmente, buscando compreender a origem das forças oscilatórias em cilindros com baixíssima razão de aspecto, \"end-plates\" foram aplicadas e confirmaram que o fenômeno de VIV nestes casos está relacionado à liberação de vórtices junto à extremidade livre, o que indica uma solução interessante para a mitigação do VIM de plataformas. / The increase of VIM occurrences on spar and monocolumn platforms was the motivation to study the vortex-induced vibrations of cylinders with low aspect ratio and small mass ratio under a fundamental perspective. The present work was also motivated by the small number of works in the literature dealing with VIV of cylinders with low aspect ratio, as well as by the scarce concerns about the flow models around this cylinders, which justify the dynamic behaviors observed. Aiming to better understand this problem, three groups of experiments with cylinders of 0.1 <= L/D <= 2.0 were carried out in a recirculating water channel at Escola Politécnica of University of São Paulo, as follow: firstly, the flow around stationary cylinders; secondly, VIV of cylinders with two degrees-of-freedom and 1.00 <= m* <= 4.36. finally, VIV of floating cylinder, thus six degrees-of-freedom. The works concluded that VIV occurs only for cylinders with L/D > 0.2. Besides of being original, this result was also related to the observation of three regions of aspect ratio, each of them with different behaviors of the motion amplitudes, frequency ratios and force coefficients. For cylinders with L/D > 2.0, the von Kármán wake was the mainly responsible for the oscillatory lift forces. On the other hand, the von Kármán wake was contaminated by the effects coming from the free end of cylinders with 0.5 < L/D < 2.0, mainly by the vortex structures with vorticity in the vertical plane. And for cylinders with 0.2 < L/D <=0.5, the vortex structures at the free end were predominant, thus the only one responsible for the oscillatory lift forces. Finally, in order to understand the source for oscillatory lift forces on cylinders with very low aspect ratio, end-plates were applied and confirmed that VIV in these cases is related to the vortex-shedding around the free end, which indicates an interesting solution for VIM mitigation of platforms.

Espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por esferas e cilindros magnéticos: confinamento e transporte de ondas no limite de pequenas partículas e independência da energia armazenada com relação à forma do centro espalhador / Electromagnetic wave scattering by magnetic spheres and cylinders: waves confinement and transport in the small particle limit and independence of the stored energy with respect to the shape of the scatterer

Tiago José Arruda 01 October 2010 (has links)
O espalhamento eletromagnético por uma esfera com propriedades ópticas e raio arbitrários, conhecido como espalhamento de Lorenz-Mie, ou por um cilindro circular infinito, pode ser resolvido analiticamente e é comumente tratado dentro da abordagem de espalhadores dielétricos. Na região óptica, tanto meio circundante quanto partícula espalhadora possuem o mesmo valor de permeabilidade magnética. A ausência do magnetismo nessa região do espectro torna o índice de refração relativo entre os meios interno e externo ao espalhador homogêneo equivalente ao respectivo índice de impedância óptica. Em regiões espectrais de micro-ondas ou radiofrequências, entretanto, materiais ferro- e ferrimagnéticos podem exibir valores absolutos de permeabilidade magnética extremamente elevados, reduzindo então a impedância óptica em comparação ao valor correspondente de índice de refração relativo. Uma característica marcante vinculada ao magnetismo no centro espalhador é que pequenas partículas comparadas com o comprimento de onda (parâmetros de tamanho na região de Rayleigh) podem apresentar grandes seções de choque de extinção a despeito de suas pequenas seções de choque geométricas. Isso torna possível, fisicamente, a presença de picos de ressonância morfológica na energia eletromagnética interna ao centro espalhador mesmo na região de parâmetros de tamanho inferiores à unidade. Em especial, mostramos que essa energia eletromagnética possui, no regime de fraca absorção, uma relação funcional simples com o comprimento de onda incidente e a seção de choque de absorção da partícula espalhadora, independentemente do formato geométrico da mesma. No espalhamento por uma coleção de partículas magnéticas, a velocidade de transporte de energia pode ser estimada a partir da energia eletromagnética média que é armazenada no interior de um centro espalhador isolado. Dessa maneira, a validade da relação universal que encontramos entre o fator de aumento da energia eletromagnética interna ao centro espalhador e sua correspondente seção de choque de absorção (no regime de baixa absorção óptica) implica na possibilidade de estimarmos de maneira simples a velocidade de transporte de energia em um meio desordenado. Um resultado decorrente dessa aproximação é que mesmo na região de Rayleigh a velocidade de transporte de energia em um meio magnético desordenado é drasticamente reduzida, levando, por conseguinte, à redução do coeficiente de difusividade dos fótons no meio. O estudo analítico e numérico da energia eletromagnética armazenada por uma esfera e por um cilindro magnéticos irradiados por ondas planas homogêneas são os temas em foco nesta dissertação de Mestrado. / Electromagnetic scattering by a sphere with arbitrary optical properties and radius, known as the Lorenz-Mie scattering, or by an infinite right circular cylinder can be solved analytically and is widely treated in the approach of dielectric scatterers. In the optical range, both embedding medium and scattering particle have the same magnetic permeability. The absence of magnetism in this spectral range leads to the equivalence between the relative refraction and impedance indices associated with the scatterers. However, in microwave or radio-frequency ranges, ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials can exhibit extremely huge values of magnetic permeability, which reduce the optical impedance in comparison to the corresponding value of relative refraction index. One striking feature associated with the magnetism in the scatterer is that particles smaller than the wavelength (Rayleigh size region) can present large extinction cross sections in despite of their small geometric cross sections. This becomes physically possible the presence of morphology-dependent resonances in the electromagnetic energy within the scatterer even in size parameters region smaller than unity. In particular, we show that this time-averaged electromagnetic energy has, in the weak absorption regime, a simple functional relation with the incident wavelength and the scatterer absorption cross section which does not depend on the shape of the scatterer. In the multiple scattering regime, the energy-transport velocity can be estimated from the time-averaged electromagnetic energy stored in a single scatterer. Thereby, the validity of the universal relation between the internal energy-enhancement factor and the absorption cross section respective to an arbitrary scattering center (in the weak absorption regime) implies that the energy-transport velocity in disordered media can be evaluated in a simple way. From this approximation, we obtain that even in the Rayleigh size region the energy-transport velocity in disordered magnetic media is dramatically reduced, which consequently leads to a reduction of the diffusion coefficient of the photons. The analytical and numerical studies of the time-averaged electromagnetic energy within magnetic isotropic spheres and cylinders irradiated by plane waves are our aim in this Master\'s degree dissertation.

Estudo experimental do efeito de interferência no escoamento ao redor de cilindros alinhados. / Experimental investigation of flow-interference effects around circular cylinders in tandem.

Gustavo Roque da Silva Assi 16 December 2005 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta um estudo experimental sobre os efeitos de interferência das vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento ao redor de cilindros rígidos livres para oscilar transversalmente ao escoamento fluido. Primeiramente, justifica a necessidade de pesquisas experimentais dentro do contexto prático da engenharia offshore, que motiva este trabalho. Apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre escoamentos ao redor de corpos rombudos seguida de uma síntese sobre vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento. Destacam-se as oscilações causadas por VIV – Vibrações Induzidas por Vórtices e “galloping” como os fenômenos até o momento atribuídos às excitações de um cilindro isolado e um par de cilindros alinhados com o escoamento. Apresenta a metodologia experimental empregada, descrevendo a aplicação de bases elásticas fletoras com um grau de liberdade. Introduz as técnicas experimentais e de tratamento de sinais utilizadas e faz rápidas considerações sobre a realização de ensaios nos dois canais de água circulante onde os experimentos foram conduzidos. Os resultados apresentados, discutidos e comparados envolvem: medições da resposta dinâmica em amplitude e freqüência dominante de oscilação; medição instantânea do ângulo de fase entre a força fluida e o deslocamento do cilindro e do ângulo de fase entre as oscilações de dois cilindros; e medições da dinâmica da esteira com PIV. Os arranjos de cilindros estudados são: cilindro isolado; par alinhado com cilindro à montante oscilando; par alinhado com cilindro à jusante oscilando; e par alinhado com ambos os cilindro oscilando. Todas as configurações analisadas em detalhes possuem baixo parâmetro de massa e baixíssimo parâmetro de amortecimento . Os espaçamentos entre os centros dos cilindros alinhados variam entre . A faixa de velocidade reduzida analisada está entre. Um cilindro isolado apresentou resposta típica de VIV com os três ramos de resposta (inicial, superior e inferior) identificados. O fenômeno de intermitência do ângulo de fase instantâneo foi verificado nas regiões de transição. Os modos 2S e 2P de emissão de vórtices foram identificados com PIV. Estes dados mostraram boa concordância com outros experimentos da literatura e serviram de referência para as demais comparações deste texto. A resposta de um cilindro oscilando à montante de outro fixo também apresentou comportamento típico de VIV. Conclui-se que o primeiro cilindro não sofre efeito de interferência do cilindro à jusante para os espaçamento e velocidades analisados. Os principais efeitos de interferência ocorrem para um cilindro oscilando à jusante de outro fixo. Este arranjo, foco deste estudo, não apresenta resposta típica de VIV, uma vez que a amplitude apresenta um ramo crescente após a faixa típica de sincronização. Também não apresenta resposta típica de excitação pura por galloping, já que a força fluida não está em fase com a velocidade do cilindro. Assim, denomina-se um novo fenômeno responsável por estas excitações que combina: captura da freqüência de emissão e faixa de sincronização de VIV; e amplitude assintoticamente crescente típica da resposta de galloping. Trata-se das WIV – Vibrações por Interferência da Esteira. Quando ambos os cilindros estão livres para oscilar, o cilindro à montante continua apresentando resposta típica de VIV, enquanto o segundo cilindro responde com ramos descontínuos também excitados por WIV. Por fim, conclui-se que não é conveniente chamar de “excitações por galloping” os ramos crescentes nas configurações de interferência. Entende-se que esta resposta esteja sendo excitada pelos efeitos de interferência das esteiras formada entre os cilindros e desprendida no cilindro à jusante. Sugere-se que a nomenclatura Vibrações por Interferência da Esteira seja mais adequada à natureza dos fenômenos. As visualizações de PIV foram importantes para a verificação da redução do comprimento de formação de vórtices com o aumento do número de Reynolds, mostrando a necessidade de experimentos de interferência com Reynolds constante. Encerra-se o texto apresentando propostas para trabalhos futuros que continuem nesta linha de pesquisa. / This MSc Thesis presents an experimental study on flow-induced vibrations and interference effects around rigid circular cylinders free to oscillate transversally to the flow. Firstly, it justifies the real needs of an experimental approach within the context of offshore engineering, which motivates this project. After that, presents a review over bluff-bodies flows followed by some consideration concerning flow-induced vibrations. Special attention is found over the oscillations caused by VIV – Vortex-Induced Vibrations and galloping phenomena, which are attributed to excite either a single isolated cylinder or a pair of tandem interfering cylinders. The experimental methodology is shown, describing the applications of elastic bases with one degree of freedom. Experimental techniques and signal analysis procedures are discussed considering the executions of these experiments in two water channel facilities. Presented, discussed and compared results involve: dynamic responses in amplitude and dominant oscillation frequency; instantaneous phase angle between fluid forces and cylinder displacement and phase angle betweens the two cylinders oscillations; and wake dynamics measurements and visualizations employing PIV technique. Cylinders are arranged as follow: single isolated cylinder; tandem pair with upstream one free to oscillate; tandem pair with downstream one free to oscillate; tandem pair with both cylinders free to oscillate. All carefully analyzed arrangements present low-mass parameter and very low damping . Gaps between cylinder centers vary through . Reduced velocity range is comprised in. The isolated cylinder case presented a typical VIV response, with three identified branches (initial, upper and lower). The instantaneous phase angle intermittency phenomenon was observed in transition regions. The 2S and 2P vortex modes were verified by PIV technique. These data showed to be in accordance to other literature measurements and are employed as reference results for comparisons throughout this text. The dynamic response of a cylinder oscillating upstream a fixed one showed a typical VIV behavior. From this can be concluded that the downstream cylinder does not imply any interference phenomenon for analyzed gaps and velocities. On the other hand, major interference effects occur when a downstream cylinder is oscillating in the wake of another fixed one. This configuration, which is the focus of this study, does not show a typical VIV response, since amplitude curves present a crescent branch after the typical synchronization regime. It does not either present a typical galloping excitation response, since the fluid forces are not in phase with the cylinder velocity. Thus, a new suggested name, WIV – Wake-Interference Vibrations, describes the phenomenon responsible for these excitations, which combines: lock-in of shedding frequency from VIV; and asymptotically crescent response from galloping-like excitations. When both cylinders are free to oscillate, the upstream one presents the typical VIV response, while the downstream one passes through three branches with discontinuities, excited by WIV. Finally, it can be concluded that is not convenient to call “galloping excitation” these crescent branches for interference arrangements. It can be understood that the dynamic response is being excited by the interference effects from upstream wake and downstream cylinder vortices. The nomenclature Wake-Interference Vibrations is suggested to be more adequate to the nature of this phenomenon. In addition, PIV visualizations showed to be very important to certify that the formation length decreases while increasing Reynolds number, requiring interference experiments with constant Reynolds numbers. To conclude, some suggestions for future work in this research field are presented.

Scattering From Chiral And Chirally Coated Bodies

Sharma, Reena 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Differential Mobility Classifiers in the Non-Ideal Assembly

Alsharifi, Thamir 01 January 2019 (has links)
The differential mobility classifier (DMC) is one of the core components in electrical mobility particle sizers for sizing sub-micrometer particles. Designing the DMC requires knowledge of the geometrical and constructional imperfection (or tolerance). Studying the effects of geometrical imperfection on the performance of the DMC is necessary to provide manufacturing tolerance and it helps to predict the performance of geometrically imperfect classifiers, as well as providing a calibration curve for the DMC. This thesis was accomplished via studying the cylindrical classifier and the parallel plate classifier. The numerical model was built using the most recent versions of COMSOL Multiphysics® and MATLAB®. For the cylindrical DMC, two major geometrical imperfections were studied: the eccentric annular classifying channel and the tilted inner cylinder/rod. For the parallel-plates DMC, the first study examined for the perfectly designed plates to optimize its dimensions and working conditions, while the second study conducted the plates’ parallelism. For both DMCs, a parametric study was conducted for several tolerances under various geometrical factors (i.e., channel length, width, spacing, cylinders radii, etc…), flow conditions (i.e., sheath-to-aerosol flow ratio, total flow rate), and several particles sizes. The results show that the transfer function deteriorated as the geometrical imperfection increased (i.e., the peak is reduced and the width at the half peak height is broadened). The parallel- plates DMC results show that the aspect ratio of the classifying channel cross-section (width-to-height) was recommended to be above 8. Particle diffusivity reduces the effect of geometrical imperfection, especially for particle sizes less than 10 nm.

Theorie macroscopique de propagation du son dans les milieux poreux 'à structure rigide permettant la dispersion spatiale: principe et validation

Nemati, Navid 11 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail présente et valide une théorie nonlocale nouvelle et généralisée, de la propagation acoustique dans les milieux poreux à structure rigide, saturés par un fluide viscothermique. Cette théorie linéaire permet de dépasser les limites de la théorie classique basée sur la théorie de l'homogénéisation. Elle prend en compte non seulement les phénomènes de dispersion temporelle, mais aussi ceux de dispersion spatiale. Dans le cadre de la nouvelle approche, une nouvelle procédure d'homogénéisation est proposée, qui permet de trouver les propriétés acoustiques à l'échelle macroscopique, en résolvant deux problèmes d'action-réponse indépendants, posés à l'échelle microscopique de Navier-Stokes-Fourier. Contrairement à la méthode classique d'homogénéisation, aucune contrainte de séparation d'échelle n'est introduite. En l'absence de structure solide, la procédure redonne l'équation de dispersion de Kirchhoff-Langevin, qui décrit la propagation des ondes longitudinales dans les fluides viscothermiques. La nouvelle théorie et procédure d'homogénéisation nonlocale sont validées dans trois cas, portant sur des microgéométries significativement différentes. Dans le cas simple d'un tube circulaire rempli par un fluide viscothermique, on montre que les nombres d'ondes et les impédances prédits par la théorie nonlocale, coïncident avec ceux de la solution exacte de Kirchhoff, connue depuis longtemps. Au contraire, les résultats issus de la théorie locale (celle de Zwikker et Kosten, découlant de la théorie classique d'homogénéisation) ne donnent que le mode le plus attenué, et encore, seulement avec le petit désaccord existant entre la solution simplifiée de Zwikker et Kosten et celle exacte de Kirchhoff. Dans le cas où le milieu poreux est constitué d'un réseau carré de cylindres rigides parallèles, plongés dans le fluide, la propagation étant regardée dans une direction transverse, la vitesse de phase du mode le plus atténué peut être calculée en fonction de la fréquence en suivant les approches locale et nonlocale, résolues au moyen de simulations numériques par la méthode des Eléments Finis. Elle peut être calculée d'autre part par une méthode complètement différente et quasi-exacte, de diffusion multiple prenant en compte les effets viscothermiques. Ce dernier résultat quasi-exact montre un accord remarquable avec celui obtenu par la théorie nonlocale, sans restriction de longueur d'onde. Avec celui de la théorie locale, l'accord ne se produit que tant que la longueur d'onde reste assez grande.

Numerical modelling of inflatable structures made of orthotropic technical textiles : application to the frames of inflatable tents / Modélisation numérique des structures gonflables en textiles techniques orthotropes : application aux armatures des tentes gonflables

Apedo, Komla Lolonyo 10 September 2010 (has links)
L'objectif principal visé par cette thèse est de modéliser les poutres gonflables en textiles techniques orthotropes. Les approches statiques font l'objet de ce rapport. Avant d'aborder ce problème, nous avons été amenés à identifier tous les paramètres qui ont un effet direct sur les propriétés mécaniques effectives de ces composites. Ainsi, nous avons développé un modèle micro mécanique de prédiction de ces propriétés mécaniques. Le modèle proposé est basé sur l’analyse d'un volume élémentaire représentatif (VER) prenant en compte non seulement les propriétés mécaniques et la. fraction de volume de chaque phase dans le VER mais également leur géométrie et leur architecture. Chaque fil dans le VER a été modélisé comme un matériau isotrope transverse (contenant les fibres et la résine). La méthode dite d’assemblage de cylindres a été utilisée pour l’homogénéisation au niveau des fils. Une deuxième homogénéisation est ensuite réalisée. Elle prend en compte la fraction de volume de chaque constituant (fils de chaîne, fils de trame et résine non prise en compte dans les fils). Le modèle a été validé par des résultats expérimentaux existant dans la littérature. Une élude paramétrique a été menée afin d'étudier les effets des divers paramètres géométriques et mécaniques sur ces propriétés mécaniques. Dans l'analyse structurale, un modèle poutre gonflable 3D de Timoshenko en tissu orthotrope a été proposé. Il prend en compte les non-linéarités géométriques et l'effet de la force suiveuse générée par la pression de gonflage. Les équations d'équilibre non-linéaires dérivent du principe des travaux virtuels en configuration lagrangienne totale. Dans une première approche, une linéarisation a été faite autour de la configuration de référence précontrainte pour obtenir les équations adaptées aux problèmes linéaires. A titre d'exemple, le problème de flexion plane a été abordé. Quatre cas de conditions aux limites ont été traités et les résultats obtenus améliorent les modèles existants dans le cas de tissu isotrope. Les charges de plissage ont été également proposées dans chaque cas traité. Dans une deuxième approche, les équations non-linéaires ont été discrétisées par la méthode des éléments finis. Deux types de solutions ont été alors proposées : les solutions aux problèmes éléments finis linéaires obtenues par une linéarisation des équations discrétisées autour de la configuration de référence précontrainte et les solutions aux problèmes éléments finis non-linéaires réalisées en adoptant une méthode Quasi-Newton sous sa forme incrémentale. A titre d’exemple, la flexion d’une poutre encastrée-libre a été étudiée et les résultats améliorent les modèles théoriques. Le modèle éléments finis non-linéaire a été comparé favorablement à un modèle éléments finis coque mince 3D. Une étude paramétrique a été ensuite effectuée. Elle a porté sur l'influence des propriétés mécaniques et sur de la pression de gonflage sur la réponse de la poutre. Les solutions éléments finis linéaires se sont avérées proches des résultats théoriques linéarisés d'une part et les résultats du modèle éléments finis non-linéaire se sont avérés proches des résultats du modèle linéaire dans le cas des propriétés mécaniques élevées alors que le modèle éléments finis non-linéaire est indispensable pour modéliser ces poutres lorsque les propriétés mécaniques du tissu sont faibles / The main objective of this thesis was to model inflatable beams made frorn orthotropic woven fabric composites. The static aspects were investigated in this report. Before planning to develop these models, it was necessary to know all the parameters which have a direct effect on the effective mechanical properties these composites. Thus, a micro­ mechanical model was performed for predicting the effective mechanical properties. The proposed model was based on the analysis of the representative volume element (RVE). The model took into account not only the mechanical properties and volume fraction of each components in the RVE but also their geometry and architecture. Each yarn in the RVE was modelled as a transversely isotropic material (containing fibres and resin) using the concentric cylinders model (CCIVI). A second volumetric averaging which took into account the volume fraction of each constituent (warp yarn, weft yarn and resin), was performed. The model was validated favorably against experimental available data. A parametric study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of various geometrical and mechanical parameters on the elastic properties of these composites. ln the structural analysis, a 3D Timoshenko airbeam with a homogeneous orthotropic woven fabric (OWF) was addressed. The model took into account the geometrical nonlinearities and the inflation pressure follower force effect. The analytical equilibrium equations were performed using the total Lagrangian form of the virtual work principle. As these equations were nonlinear, in a first approach, a linearization was performed at the prestressed reference configuration to obtain the equations devoted to linearized problems. As example, the bending problem was investigated. Four cases of boundary conditions were treated and the deflections and rotations results improved the existing models in the case of isotropic fabric. The wrinkling load in every case was also proposed. In a second approach, the nonlinear equilibrium equations of the 3DTimoshenko airbeam were discretized by the finite element method. Two finite element solutions were then investigated : finite element solutions for linearized problems which were obtained by the means of the linearization around the prestressed reference configuration of the nonlinear equations and nonlinear finite element solutions which were performed by the use of an optimization algorithm based on the Qua.si-Newton method. As an example, the bending problem of a cantilever inflated beam under concentrated load was considered and the deflection results improve the theoretical models. As these beams are made from fabric, the beam models were validated through their comparison with a 3D thin-shell finite element model. The influence of the material effective properties and the inflation pressure on the beam response was also investigated through a parametric study. The finite element solutions for linearized problems were found to be close to the theoretical linearized results. On the other hand, the results for the nonlinear finite element model were shown to be close to the results for the linearized finite element model in the case of high mechanical properties and the non linear finite element model was used to improve the linearized model when the mechanical properties of the fabric are low

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