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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Structural Basis for Microtubule Binding and Release by Dynein

Redwine, William Bret 06 February 2015 (has links)
Eukaryotic cells face a considerable challenge organizing a complicated interior with spatial and temporal precision. They do so, in part, through the deployment of the microtubule- based molecular motors kinesin and dynein, which translate chemo-mechanical force production into the movement of diverse cargo. Many aspects of kinesin’s motility mechanism are now known in detail, whereas fundamental aspects of dynein’s motility mechanism remain unclear. An important unresolved question is how dynein couples rounds of ATP binding and hydrolysis to changes in affinity for its track, a requisite for a protein that takes steps. Here we report a sub- nanometer cryo-EM reconstruction of the high affinity state of dynein’s microtubule binding domain in complex with the microtubule. Using molecular dynamics flexible fitting, we determined a pseudoatomic model of the high affinity state. When compared to previously reported crystal structure of the free microtubule binding domain, our model revealed the conformational changes underlying changes in affinity. Surprisingly, our simulations suggested that specific residues within the microtubule binding domain may tune dynein’s affinity for the microtubule. We confirmed this observation by directly measuring dynein’s motile properties using in vitro single molecule motility assays, which demonstrated that single point mutations of these residues dramatically enhance dynein’s processivity. We then sought to understand why dynein has been selected to be a restrained motor, and found that dynein-driven nuclear oscillations in budding yeast are defective in the context of highly processive mutants. Together, these results provide a mechanism for the coupling of ATPase activity to microtubule binding and release by dynein, and the degree to which evolution has fine-tuned this mechanism. I conclude with a roadmap of future approaches to gain further insight into dynein’s motility mechanism, and describe our work developing materials and methods towards this goal.

Μελέτη του ρόλου του κυτταροσκελετού της δεσμίνης στην ανεύρεση νέων μηχανισμών καρδιομυοπροστασίας

Παναγοπούλου, Παναγιώτα 19 January 2009 (has links)
Η δεσμίνη, η μυοειδική πρωτεΐνη των ενδιαμέσων ινιδίων, δημιουργεί ένα εκτενές δίκτυο που συνδέει τη συσταλτή συσκευή των μυοκυττάρων με την κυτταροπλασματική μεμβράνη -στο επίπεδο των εμβόλιμων δίσκων για τα καρδιομυοκύτταρα- τον πυρήνα και διάφορα μεμβρανώδη κυτταρικά οργανίδια. Σκοπός αυτής της εργασίας ήταν η διερεύνηση του μηχανισμού καρδιοπροστασίας που παρέχει ο κυτταροσκελετός της δεσμίνης in vivo, καθώς και η γενικότερη συμμετοχή της στα μονοπάτια της απόπτωσης. Η αποδιοργάνωση του κυτταροσκελετού είναι μια βασική διαδικασία για την εξέλιξη του μονοπατιού της απόπτωσης. Τόσο τα μικροϊνίδια της ακτίνης, όσο και τα ενδιάμεσα ινίδια -συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των πυρηνικών λαμινών- αποτελούν υπόστρωμα πέψης για διάφορα μέλη της οικογένειας των κασπασών. Η δεσμίνη είναι γνωστό ότι πέπτεται in vitro από ανασυνδυασμένη κασπάση-6, στο 263 ασπαρτικό οξύ. Το αμινοτελικό προϊόν αυτής της πέψης δεν είναι ικανό να συμμετέχει στη συγκρότηση ινιδίων, αλλά αντίθετα παρεμποδίζει αυτή τη διαδικασία σχηματίζοντας συσσωματώματα. Ως in vivo μοντέλο επαγωγής της απόπτωσης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν διαγονιδιακά ποντίκια που υπερεκφράζουν, ειδικά στην καρδιά, τον Παράγοντα Νέκρωσης Όγκων (Tumor Necrosis Factor, TNF-α). O TNF-α έχει βρεθεί ότι επάγει διαφορετικά μονοπάτια κυτταρικού θανάτου ενεργοποιώντας, μεταξύ άλλων, μέλη της οικογένειας των πρωτεολυτικών ενζύμων, των κασπασών. Το μυοκάρδιο των ποντικιών που υπερεκφράζει TNF-α (ΜΗCsTNF) χαρακτηρίζεται αρχικά από ομόκεντρη υπερτροφία των καρδιομυοκυττάρων που ακολουθείται από διάταση τόσο των κόλπων, όσο και των κοιλιών. Τα ποντίκια αυτά πεθαίνουν από καρδιακή ανεπάρκεια σε ποσοστό 25% πριν τη συμπλήρωση του έκτου μήνα ζωής. Στο μυοκάρδιο των ΜΗCsTNF ποντικιών ελέγχθηκε αρχικά ο υποκυτταρικός εντοπισμός της δεσμίνης. Η δεσμίνη στην καρδιά των ΜΗCsTNF ποντικιών έχει χάσει τον εντοπισμό της στους εμβόλιμους δίσκους, αλλά διατηρεί, εν μέρει, την παρουσία της στους Ζ-δίσκους. Προκειμένου να διαπιστωθεί εάν εκτός από τη δεσμίνη, έχει αλλοιωθεί η παρουσία και άλλων πρωτεϊνών των εμβόλιμων δίσκων, μελετήθηκε στο μυοκάρδιο αυτών των ποντικιών, η υποκυτταρική κατανομή της δεσμοπλακίνης, της β-κατενίνης και της κοννεξίνης 43, που είναι χαρακτηριστικές πρωτεΐνες των δεσμοσωμάτων, των συνδέσμων πρόσδεσης και των χασματοσυνδέσμων, αντίστοιχα. Οι πρωτεΐνες αυτές αρχικά φαίνεται να αγκυροβολούνται στους εμβόλιμους δίσκους, παροδικά όμως απομακρύνονται και κατευθύνονται προς την πλευρική επιφάνεια των καρδιομυοκυττάρων. Μελέτη με ηλεκτρονικό μικροσκόπιο αποκάλυψε ότι εκτός από την κατανομή συγκεκριμένων πρωτεϊνών, είναι διαταραγμένη και η γενική αρχιτεκτονική των εμβόλιμων δίσκων. Επιπρόσθετα, πιστοποιήθηκε ότι η δεσμίνη πέπτεται in vivo και συσσωρεύεται σε συσσωματώματα. Η παρουσία συσσωματωμάτων δεσμίνης έχει συσχετιστεί με αρκετές κληρονομικές μυοπάθειες στον άνθρωπο, οι οποίες χαρακτηρίζονται ως Μυοπάθειες Σχετιζόμενες με τη Δεσμίνη (Desmin Related Myopathies, DRM). Μεταλλάξεις, αλλά και τροποποιήσεις στη δεσμίνη ή σε άλλες πρωτεΐνες με τις οποίες αλληλεπιδρά προκειμένου να δημιουργήσει το συνεχόμενο κυτταροσκελετικό δίκτυο, έχουν ως συνέπεια τη συγκέντρωση συσσωματωμάτων στο κυτταρόπλασμα και έχουν ενοχοποιηθεί για τη διατατική μυοκαρδιοπάθεια και την εξέλιξη της καρδιακής ανεπάρκειας. Στο μυοκάρδιο των ΜΗCsTNF ποντικιών πιστοποιήθηκε η παρουσία δύο διαφορετικών ειδών συσσωματωμάτων της δεσμίνης. Τα πρώτα εμφανίζουν διάχυτο κυτταροπλασματικό πρότυπο και η δεσμίνη σε αυτά συνεντοπίζεται με την HSP25, ενώ τα δεύτερα τείνουν να περιοριστούν κοντά στον πυρήνα και εδώ η δεσμίνη συνεντοπίζεται με την ουμπικουϊτίνη. Μελέτη της υπερδομής των συσσωματωμάτων έδειξε ότι ποικίλουν σε μέγεθος και σύσταση, καθώς περιέχουν κυστίδια, μιτοχόνδρια, μεμβρανώδες υλικό και υλικό υψηλής πυκνότητας, που φαίνεται ότι παρεμποδίζουν, εκτός από τη λειτουργία του πρωτεασώματος, την συσταλτική ικανότητα των μυοϊνιδίων και συμβάλλουν στην εξέλιξη της καρδιακής ανεπάρκειας. Προκειμένου να μελετηθεί η σπουδαιότητα της δεσμίνης στην παθολογία του μυοκαρδίου που υπερεκφράζει TNF-α, ΜΗCsTNF ποντίκια διασταυρώθηκαν με ποντίκια που δεν εκφράζουν δεσμίνη (des-/-). Τα des-/- ποντίκια χαρακτηρίζονται από μια παροδική υπερτροφία των καρδιομυοκυττάρων, η οποία ακολουθείται από ανάπτυξη διατατικής μυοκαρδιοπάθειας με εξέχοντα χαρακτηριστικά τις ανωμαλίες στα μιτοχόνδρια, το μαζικό κυτταρικό θάνατο και τις εκτενείς εναποθέσεις ασβεστίου στην εξωτερική επιφάνεια της καρδιάς και κολλαγόνου στο εσωτερικό της. Τα ΜΗCsTNF des-/- ποντίκια παρουσίασαν δραματική μείωση και στις δύο μορφές συσσωματωμάτων, ενώ η δεσμοπλακίνη και η β-κατενίνη -πρωτεΐνες που ανήκουν σε μια ενιαία και διαπλεκόμενη μορφή κυτταρικών συνδέσεων, την “area composita”- διατήρησαν σημαντικά την παρουσία τους στους εμβόλιμους δίσκους. Οι παρατηρήσεις αυτές υπογραμμίζουν το βαθμό στον οποίο η δεσμίνη συμμετέχει στην εξέλιξη του ΜΗCsTNF φαινοτύπου. Παραδόξως, στο μυοκάρδιο των ΜΗCsTNF des-/- ποντικιών δεν παρατηρούνται τα μορφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά που προκαλεί η έλλειψη της δεσμίνης, ενώ διατηρούνται αυτά της υπερέκφρασης του TNF-α, υποδηλώνοντας ενδεχόμενη προστατευτική δράση του TNF-α για τα des-/- καρδιομυοκύτταρα. Η διερεύνηση του μηχανισμού της πέψης της δεσμίνης από την κασπάση-6, αλλά και της απομάκρυνσής της από τους εμβόλιμους δίσκους, με τις συνακόλουθες συνέπειες, αποτέλεσε τον επόμενο στόχο αυτής της εργασίας. Για το σκοπό αυτό, δημιουργήθηκαν διαγονιδιακά ποντίκια που εκφράζουν τη μεταλλαγμένη δεσμίνη D263E, η οποία στο 263 αμινοξύ φέρει αντί για ασπαρτικό, γλουταμινικό οξύ. Η D263E δεσμίνη δεν πέπτεται από τις κασπάσες στο ΜΗCsTNF μυοκάρδιο, διατηρεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό την παρουσία της στους εμβόλιμους δίσκους και φαίνεται ότι συγκρατεί και τις υπόλοιπες πρωτεΐνες της “area composita” στη δομή αυτή. Επιπλέον, τα συσσωματώματα της ουμπικουϊτίνης μειώνονται σημαντικά και χάνεται ο συνεντοπισμός με τη δεσμίνη σε όσα από αυτά σχηματίζονται. Τέλος, η παρουσία της D263E δεσμίνης μείωσε τον αριθμό των αποπτωτικών καρδιομυοκυττάρων στο ΜΗCsTNF μυοκάρδιο και βελτίωσε σημαντικά την καρδιακή λειτουργία. Συνοψίζοντας, τα αποτελέσματα αυτής της εργασίας υπογραμμίζουν ότι η δεσμίνη είναι ένα μόριο με σημαντικό ρόλο στην εξέλιξη της μυοκαρδιοπάθειας και της καρδιακής ανεπάρκειας, στο μοντέλο που προκαλείται από την υπερέκφραση του TNF-α. Η συμμετοχή της στο μονοπάτι της απόπτωσης ως υπόστρωμα πέψης για τις κασπάσες και οι επακόλουθες συνέπειες, αποτελούν βάση μελέτης του ρόλου των ενδιαμέσων ινιδίων και για άλλες εκφυλιστικές νόσους. / Desmin, the muscle specific intermediate filament protein, forms a three-dimensional scaffold which links the contractile apparatus to the plasma membrane intercalated disks (IDs), the nucleus and also other membranous cellular organelles. The main goal of this study was to assess the mechanism of cardioprotection by the desmin cytoskeleton in vivo and its participation in the apoptotic pathway. Disruption of the cytoskeleton is a key event in apoptotic cell death pathways. Both actin microfilaments and intermediate filaments -including the nuclear lamins- are substrates for cleavage by different members of the caspase family. Desmin is known to be specifically cleaved in vitro, by caspase-6, at the 263 aspartic acid residue. The amino-terminal product of desmin cleavage is completely unable to assemble into filaments and forms intracellular aggregates. The in vivo model used for the induction of apoptosis was transgenic mice that overexpress specifically in the heart the Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (ΤΝF-α). ΤΝF-α has been described to induce several cell death pathways that converge on activation of different members of the caspase proteolytic enzyme family. The myocardium of mice that overexpress ΤΝF-α (ΜΗCsTNF) is characterized by concentric hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes followed by chamber dilation. 25% of ΜΗCsTNF mice die by heart failure before the age of sixth month. We examined the subcellular localization of desmin in the myocardium of ΜΗCsTNF mice. Desmin is absent from the IDs of ΜΗCsTNF myocardium whereas it preserves, in part, its presence at Z-disks. In order to delineate whether the relocalization of desmin influences the position of other ID proteins, we examined the subcellular localization of desmoplakin, β-catenin and connexin 43, which are characteristic proteins of desmosomes, adherent junctions and gap junctions respectively. At early stages, these proteins localize almost normally in MHCsTNF cardiomyocytes, however, in the 3-month old MHCsTNF mice, all studied proteins were primarily localized at the lateral, non-junctional, side of the cardiomyocytes. Ultrastructural study of the MHCsTNF myocardium revealed that the overall ID architecture is altered. Additionally, we show that desmin is cleaved in vivo and accumulates into cytoplasmic aggregates. The presence of desmin positive aggregates has been correlated with several human inherited myopathies called Desmin Related Myopathies (DRM). Mutations within its gene or in the genes of other desmin associated cytoskeletal proteins, result in accumulation of aggregates in the cytoplasm and have been linked to Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) and heart failure. In the MHCsTNF myocardium we observe two distinct kinds of aggregates that are positive for desmin. The first ones are diffused in the cytoplasm and desmin colocalizes with HSP25, while in the second category the aggregates tend to be restricted near the nucleus and desmin colocalizes with ubiquitin. Ultrastructural study of the aggregates reveals that they are variable in size and composition, consisting of vesicles, mitochondria, membranous whorls and, occasionally, clumps of electron dense material, suggesting that, in addition to other functions such as proteasome activity, they may interfere with the sarcomere contraction thereby leading to impairment of cardiac function. In order to study the importance of desmin in the development of the ΜΗCsTNF pathology, we crossed ΜΗCsTNF mice with desmin null mice (des-/-). In desmin-deficient mice transient cardiomyocyte hypertrophy is followed by development of a DCM that is characterized by mitochondrial functional, ultrastructural and other defects, extensive cell death, fibrotic lesions and calcium deposition at the external surface of the heart. ΜΗCsTNF des-/- mice showed significant decrease in both kind of aggregates, whereas desmoplakin and β-catenin -proteins that belong to the uniform cardiomyocyte junctional structure “area composita”- preserve at high degree their presence at IDs. These observations underline the level at which desmin participates in the progress of ΜΗCsTNF phenotype. Surprisingly, the myocardium of ΜΗCsTNF des-/- mice eliminated the morphological defects caused by the absence of desmin while retained those caused by TNF-α overexpression, suggesting a possible counteracting action of TNF-α in the des-/- cardiomyocytes. To investigate the mechanism and the importance of desmin cleavage by caspase-6 and its withdrawal from IDs with the concomitant consequences, we generated transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted expression of a desmin mutant (D263E), harboring a substitution of the 263 aspartic acid (D) with a glutamic acid (E), which renders desmin resistant to caspase mediated cleavage. We showed that D263E desmin is indeed resistant to caspase cleavage in the ΜΗCsTNF myocardium, largely retains its proper ID localization and allows the same for the other proteins of the area composita. Additionally, the ubiquitin positive aggregates are diminished and the few generated do not colocalize with desmin. Importantly, D263E desmin expression attenuated cardiomyocyte apoptosis, prevented left ventricular wall thinning and improved function of MHCsTNF hearts. To summarize, the data presented in this study underline that desmin is a target and mediator of ΤΝF-α induced cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Its contribution in the pathway of apoptosis as a substrate for caspase cleavage and the subsequent participation in the formation of aggregates and the alteration of the ID architecture is the baseline for the study of the role of Intermediate Filaments in degenerative diseases.

Effects of Cadmium on Actin Glutathionylation and Focal Adhesions

Choong, Grace Mei Yee 21 November 2013 (has links)
The toxic metal ion cadmium (Cd2+) is pro-oxidant and specifically disrupts the actin cytoskeleton in renal mesangial cells. This study investigated the role of Cd2+-mediated redox modulation of actin through protein S-glutathionylation and the effects of cytoskeletal changes on focal adhesions (FAs) through a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent-protein kinase II (CaMK-II) pathway. Only at low concentrations of Cd2+ (0.5-2 μM) was there an increase in actin glutathionylation, which was a reactive oxygen species-independent, total glutathione-dependent effect. Immunofluorescence of the cytoskeleton suggests that increases in glutathionylation levels occurring under low [Cd2+] are protective in vivo. Higher concentrations (>= 10 μM) of Cd2+ resulted in loss of vinculin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) from FAs, concomitant with cytoskeletal disruption. Inhibition of CaMK-II preserved cytoskeletal integrity and focal contacts, while decreasing the migration of FAK-phosphoTyr925 to a membrane-associated compartment. This study adds further insight into the Cd2+-mediated effects on the cytoskeleton and FAs.

Investigation on gravity sensing in garden cress seedlings / Sėjamosios pipirnės gravitacijos jutimo tyrimas

Koryznienė, Dalia 20 February 2013 (has links)
The peculiarities of gravisensing of hypocotyls and roots of the same seedling for the first time were compared under different gravistimulation conditions. Indirect experimental method, i.e. quantitative analysis of the dependence of amyloplast statics and kinetics on the direction and magnitude of gravitational force, was applied to assess the cytoskeleton role in the maintenance of polarized root and hypocotyl statocyte structure and amyloplast movements during seedling gravistimulation. The experiments were performed with garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seedlings in the dark by using original devices ‒ in-flight centrifuge ‘Neris-5’ (biosatellite ‘Bion-10’) in space and centrifuge-clinostat (a device with two orthogonal axes) in the Earth for modelling of altered gravity and gravitropic stimulation conditions. The magnitude of the gravitational force was changed from microgravity (real in space or simulated by horizontal clinostat) to 1-g (simulated by centrifugation in space or natural Earth's gravity) and its action direction was changed at 90° or 180° inversion with respect to the longitudinal axis of the seedlings. It was determined that the action of gravitational force is not an essential factor for the formation of gravisensing tissues in hypocotyl and root of garden cress seedlings; however, under real and simulated microgravity the growth of endodermal cells in hypocotyls is slower, the location of amyloplasts changes significantly with respect to the... [to full text] / Pirmą kartą buvo palyginti to paties daigo šaknies ir hipokotilio gravitacijos jutimo savitumai skirtingomis gravitacinio dirginimo sąlygomis. Netiesioginiu eksperimentiniu metodu, t.y. kiekybiškai analizuojant amiloplastų statikos ir kinetikos priklausomybę nuo gravitacinės jėgos veikimo krypties ir dydžio, buvo įvertinta citoskeleto reikšmė poliarizuotos šaknų ir hipokotilių statocitų struktūros palaikymui ir viduląsteliniams amiloplastų judesiams daigų gravitacinio dirginimo metu. Eksperimentai atlikti su sėjamosios pipirnės (Lepidium sativum L.) daigais tamsoje, gravitacijos pokyčių generavimui naudojant originalius prietaisus – borto centrifugą „Neris-5“ kosminio skrydžio sąlygomis (biopalydovas „Bion-10“) ir dviejų ortogonalių ašių centrifugą-klinostatą. Gravitacinės jėgos dydis buvo keičiamas nuo mikrogravitacijos lygmens (reali kosmose arba imituota horizontaliu klinostatavimu) iki 1 g (imituota centrifugavimu arba natūrali Žemės gravitacija), o jos veikimo kryptis buvo keičiama 90° arba 180° kampu daigo išilginės ašies atžvilgiu. Nustatyta, kad gravitacinės jėgos buvimas nėra būtina sąlyga sėjamosios pipirnės daigų šaknų ir hipokotilių gravisensorinio audinio formavimuisi, bet jai neveikiant (reali ir imituota mikrogravitacija) sulėtėja hipokotilių endodermio ląstelių augimas, pakinta gravisensorinių ląstelių poliškumas dėl esminio amiloplastų pakilimo ląstelių centro kryptimi. Nuolatinio gravitropinio dirginimo metu, kuomet sėjamosios pipirnės daigus šaknies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Sėjamosios pipirnės gravitacijos jutimo tyrimas / Investigation on gravity sensing in garden cress seedlings

Koryznienė, Dalia 20 February 2013 (has links)
Pirmą kartą buvo palyginti to paties daigo šaknies ir hipokotilio gravitacijos jutimo savitumai skirtingomis gravitacinio dirginimo sąlygomis. Netiesioginiu eksperimentiniu metodu, t.y. kiekybiškai analizuojant amiloplastų statikos ir kinetikos priklausomybę nuo gravitacinės jėgos veikimo krypties ir dydžio, buvo įvertinta citoskeleto reikšmė poliarizuotos šaknų ir hipokotilių statocitų struktūros palaikymui ir viduląsteliniams amiloplastų judesiams daigų gravitacinio dirginimo metu. Eksperimentai atlikti su sėjamosios pipirnės (Lepidium sativum L.) daigais tamsoje, gravitacijos pokyčių generavimui naudojant originalius prietaisus – borto centrifugą „Neris-5“ kosminio skrydžio sąlygomis (biopalydovas „Bion-10“) ir dviejų ortogonalių ašių centrifugą-klinostatą. Gravitacinės jėgos dydis buvo keičiamas nuo mikrogravitacijos lygmens (reali kosmose arba imituota horizontaliu klinostatavimu) iki 1 g (imituota centrifugavimu arba natūrali Žemės gravitacija), o jos veikimo kryptis buvo keičiama 90° arba 180° kampu daigo išilginės ašies atžvilgiu. Nustatyta, kad gravitacinės jėgos buvimas nėra būtina sąlyga sėjamosios pipirnės daigų šaknų ir hipokotilių gravisensorinio audinio formavimuisi, bet jai neveikiant (reali ir imituota mikrogravitacija) sulėtėja hipokotilių endodermio ląstelių augimas, pakinta gravisensorinių ląstelių poliškumas dėl esminio amiloplastų pakilimo ląstelių centro kryptimi. Nuolatinio gravitropinio dirginimo metu, kuomet sėjamosios pipirnės daigus šaknies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The peculiarities of gravisensing of hypocotyls and roots of the same seedling for the first time were compared under different gravistimulation conditions. Indirect experimental method, i.e. quantitative analysis of the dependence of amyloplast statics and kinetics on the direction and magnitude of gravitational force, was applied to assess the cytoskeleton role in the maintenance of polarized root and hypocotyl statocyte structure and amyloplast movements during seedling gravistimulation. The experiments were performed with garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seedlings in the dark by using original devices ‒ in-flight centrifuge ‘Neris-5’ (biosatellite ‘Bion-10’) in space and centrifuge-clinostat (a device with two orthogonal axes) in the Earth for modelling of altered gravity and gravitropic stimulation conditions. The magnitude of the gravitational force was changed from microgravity (real in space or simulated by horizontal clinostat) to 1-g (simulated by centrifugation in space or natural Earth's gravity) and its action direction was changed at 90° or 180° inversion with respect to the longitudinal axis of the seedlings. It was determined that the action of gravitational force is not an essential factor for the formation of gravisensing tissues in hypocotyl and root of garden cress seedlings; however, under real and simulated microgravity the growth of endodermal cells in hypocotyls is slower, the location of amyloplasts changes significantly with respect to the... [to full text]

Effects of Cadmium on Actin Glutathionylation and Focal Adhesions

Choong, Grace Mei Yee 21 November 2013 (has links)
The toxic metal ion cadmium (Cd2+) is pro-oxidant and specifically disrupts the actin cytoskeleton in renal mesangial cells. This study investigated the role of Cd2+-mediated redox modulation of actin through protein S-glutathionylation and the effects of cytoskeletal changes on focal adhesions (FAs) through a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent-protein kinase II (CaMK-II) pathway. Only at low concentrations of Cd2+ (0.5-2 μM) was there an increase in actin glutathionylation, which was a reactive oxygen species-independent, total glutathione-dependent effect. Immunofluorescence of the cytoskeleton suggests that increases in glutathionylation levels occurring under low [Cd2+] are protective in vivo. Higher concentrations (>= 10 μM) of Cd2+ resulted in loss of vinculin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) from FAs, concomitant with cytoskeletal disruption. Inhibition of CaMK-II preserved cytoskeletal integrity and focal contacts, while decreasing the migration of FAK-phosphoTyr925 to a membrane-associated compartment. This study adds further insight into the Cd2+-mediated effects on the cytoskeleton and FAs.

From green to yellow : a leaf story

Keech, Olivier January 2007 (has links)
När ett blad gulnar genomgår det både morfologiska och metaboliska förändringar. Denna process benämns senescence och en förbättrad förståelse av dess mekanismer är viktiga både ur ett grundvetenskapligt perspektiv och för potentiella bioteknologiska applikationer. Denna avhandling rapporterar om flera viktiga aspekter relaterade till de cellulära och metaboliska mekanismer som sker under senescencen med tonvikt på mitokondriernas bidrag till denna process. I ett första steg utvecklade vi metoder för att isolera antingen mycket funktionella mitokondrier eller mycket rena mitokondrier från blad av Arabidopsis thaliana. Dessa metoder användes sedan till för att studera mitokondriella bidrag till cellens redox balans och att uppskatta mitokondriernas kapacitet under senescence-processen. Framför allt jämfördes induktionen av senescencen berodende på olika mörkerbehandlingar av Arabidopsis. Jämförelse mellan individuellt mörklagda blad med hela mörklagda växter visade en betydande skillnad i metabolisk strategi mellan de två mörkerbehandlingarna. Genom att integrera data från mätningar av fotosyntes, respiration och konfokal mikroskopi med transcriptomics- och metabolomics-profiler föreslår vi att metabolismen hos blad från helt mörklagda växter antar ett ”stand-by läge” för att kunna bibehålla fotosynteskapaciteten så länge som möjligt. I kontrast till detta visar mitokondrier från individuellt mörklagda blad en hög aktivitet och kan därmed producera energi och kolskelett för degraderingen av cellkomponenter, vilket möjliggör återvinning av näringsämnen. Vi har även studerat dynamiken av det mikrotubulibaserade cytoskelettet under mörkerindicerad senescence. Mitokondriernas rörlighet påverkades av en tidig nedbrytning av mikrotubuli hos individuellt mörklagda blad men inte hos blad där hela växten mörkerbehandlats. Dessutom verkade ett flertal mikrotubuliassocierade proteiner (MAP’s) att vara involverade i buntningen av mikrotubuli runt kloroplasterna. Sammanfattningsvis belyser det arbete som presenteras i denna avhandling ett flertal viktiga steg med avseende på metabolisk anpassning och andra cellulär mekanismer i Arabidopsisblad som utsätts för långvarig mörkerbehendling. Specifikt föreslår vi att mitokondrierna bidrar med speciella och viktiga funktioner under bladens senescence eftersom mitokondriernas roll under långvarig mörkerbehandling av blad verkar bero på den totala statusen av metabolismen hos växten. / When switching from green to yellow, a leaf undergoes both morphological and metabolic changes. This process is known as senescence and improved understanding of its mechanisms is important both from a fundamental scientific perspective but also for biotechnological applications. The present thesis reports on several important aspects regarding the cellular and metabolic mechanisms occurring during leaf senescence with an emphasis on the mitochondrial contribution to this process. As a first step, we developed methods to isolate either highly functional crude mitochondria or highly purified mitochondria from leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. These methods were further used to study mitochondrial contributions to cellular redox homeostasis and to estimate the mitochondrial capacities in leaves undergoing senescence. In particular, we compared the induction of senescence by different dark treatments in Arabidopsis. The comparison between individually darkened leaves and leaves from whole darkened plants revealed different metabolic strategies in response to darkness. Integrating data from measurements of photosynthesis, respiration and confocal laser microscopy with transcriptomics and metabolomics profiling, we suggested that metabolism in leaves of the whole darkened plants enter a “stand-by mode” with low mitochondrial activity in order to maintain the photosynthetic machinery for as long as possible. In contrast, mitochondria from individually darkened leaves are more active and may provide energy and carbon skeletons for the degradation of cell constituents, facilitating the retrieval of nutrients. We also investigated the dynamic of the microtubular cytoskeleton during dark-induced senescence. Mitochondrial mobility was affected by an early disruption of the microtubules in individually darkened leaves but not in whole darkened plants. In addition, several microtubules associated proteins (MAPs) seemed to be involved in the bundling of the microtubules around the chloroplasts. Altogether, the work presented in this thesis highlights several important steps regarding the metabolic adjustments and the cellular mechanisms in Arabidopsis leaves submitted to prolonged darkness. In particular, we suggest the mitochondria to fulfill specific and important functions during leaf senescence since the role of mitochondria in leaves experiencing prolonged darkness appears very dependant on the whole metabolic status of the plant.

Role of caveolae and the dystrophin glycoprotein complex in airway smooth muscle phenotype and lung function

Sharma, Pawan 09 April 2012 (has links)
Smooth muscle is a primary determinant of physiology as its ability to contract affords dynamic control of diameter of the hollow organs it encircles including the airways. Mature airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells are phenotypically plastic, enabling them to subserve contractile, proliferative, migratory and secretory roles that relates to its function in health and disease. ASM cells can control airway diameter both acutely, via reversible contraction, and chronically, by driving fixed changes in structure and function properties of the airway wall. However, the scope of research on ASM biology and function has broadened greatly in the past two decades, embracing the now recognized dynamic and multifunctional behavior, but there is always a need to investigate the role of new proteins regulating ASM phenotype in vitro and lung function in vivo. The multimeric dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) links the extracellular matrix (ECM) and actin cytoskeleton while caveolae form membrane arrays on ASM cells. Using ASM cells and tissues from human and canine and intact mouse for lung physiology, we investigated the role of DGC in phenotype maturation. We also investigated the mechanism for the organization of DGC with caveolae and further tested whether this is functionally important in mobilizing intracellular calcium in ASM cells, contraction of ASM tissue and finally its role in airway physiology. Our data demonstrate that the expression of DGC is an integral feature and a key determinant for phenotype maturation of human ASM cells. Our new data reveals an interaction between caveolin-1 and DGC and indicate that this association, in concert with anchoring to the actin cytoskeleton, underpins the spatial organization of caveolae on the membrane and has a functional role in receptor-mediated calcium release in ASM in vitro, ASM contraction ex vivo and lung function in vivo. Collectively our study indicates that the organization of caveolae and DGC, and its link from ECM to the actin cytoskeleton with in caveolae are a determinant of phenotype and functional properties of ASM, which underpins its role in physiology and pathophysiology of chronic airway diseases such as asthma.

Cytoskeletal rearrangements in human umbilical vein endothelial cells in response to Staphylococcus aureus

Rushing, Frances L. January 2006 (has links)
Staphylococcus aureus are Gram-positive bacteria that adhere to the extracellular matrix of susceptible host cells to initiate infection and induce a signal transduction pathway that includes PI3K causing the disruption of cytoskeletal elements within the cytosol. Confocal microscopy was applied to visualize actin within human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) to discern behavior during infection. HUVEC lysates were analyzed through immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis to determine the isoforms of PI3K present in HUVECs. Infection experiments and confocal microscopy reveal a time dependent disruption of actin and a dose dependent decrease in infection when HUVECs are treated with the PI3K inhibitor LY294002. Results of Western blot analysis reveal a distinct band corresponding to the pl l0a isoform of PI3K in HUVECs. These studies taken together suggest that PI3K is involved in the signal transduction pathway induced by the infection of HUVECs by S. aureus, and that infection causes the disruption of cytoskeletal actin fibers. / Department of Biology

On the mechanisms governing plasma membrane organization - a STED-FCS investigation

Machado Andrade, Débora 06 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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