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Using n-layer graph models for representing and transforming knowledge on biological pathwaysHammoud, Zaynab 23 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Proactive Mitigation of Deprecated API Version Usage : Utilizing continuous integration to automatically and proactively detect deprecated API version usage in microservice ecosystemsNilsson, Eric January 2021 (has links)
The notion of change is one of the more pronounced challenges API developers face, since a change to published APIs means a change for its’ consumers. API Versioning is a commonly used strategy to mitigate the risks of changing APIs, however, the strategy introduces a possibility of having practically innumerable number of API versions published at once, all possibly used by different consumers, creating considerable overhead for API developers to manage. API Versioning and API version management are well-researched disciplines. Nevertheless, Yasmin et al. (2020) have identified a research gap in the support for API consumers to made aware of API deprecations in a proactive and automatic fashion. API Versioning in the context of microservices– which the literature seldom addresses– may serve as an interesting solution space for answering the call of Yasmin et al. (2020), due to the architecture’s strong ties to continuous integration– a practice concerned with automatically and proactively ensuring software quality. Concisely, this thesis is set out to answer Yasmin et al.’s (2020) call for research by utilizing the underexplored contextualization of microservices and continuous integration. Using a Design Science Research strategy, this thesis proposes a model detailing how deprecated RESTful web API version usage can be automatically and proactively detected in microservices using continuous integration. The model is subsequently proven to be instantiable via a proof of concept, designed for and situated at a national Swedish bank. Through a series of in-vitro simulations at the bank, the proof of concept is demonstrated to successfully being able to automatically and proactively detect deprecated RESTful web API version usage. An evaluation of the solution shows that the proof of concept– and by extent the model– fulfills the demarcated research objectives of automaticity, proactivity, generality, and autonomy. Thus, the proposed solution is determined to be both novel and useful, successfully answering the call of Yasmin et al. (2020) in the context of microservices and continuous integration.
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Approches vers des modèles unifiés pour l'intégration de bases de connaissances / Approaches Towards Unified Models for Integrating Web Knowledge BasesKoutraki, Maria 27 September 2016 (has links)
Ma thèse a comme but l’intégration automatique de nouveaux services Web dans une base de connaissances. Pour chaque méthode d’un service Web, une vue est calculée de manière automatique. La vue est représentée comme une requête sur la base de connaissances. L’algorithme que nous avons proposé calcule également une fonction de transformation XSLT associée à la méthode qui est capable de transformer les résultats d’appel dans un fragment conforme au schéma de la base de connaissances. La nouveauté de notre approche c’est que l’alignement repose seulement sur l’alignement des instances. Il ne dépend pas des noms des concepts ni des contraintes qui sont définis par le schéma. Ceci le fait particulièrement pertinent pour les services Web qui sont publiés actuellement sur le Web, parce que ces services utilisent le protocole REST. Ce protocole ne permet pas la publication de schémas. En plus, JSON semble s’imposer comme le standard pour la représentation des résultats d’appels de services. À différence du langage XML, JSON n’utilise pas de noeuds nommés. Donc les algorithmes d’alignement traditionnels sont privés de noms de concepts sur lesquels ils se basent. / My thesis aim the automatic integration of new Web services in a knowledge base. For each method of a Web service, a view is automatically calculated. The view is represented as a query on the knowledge base. Our algorithm also calculates an XSLT transformation function associated to the method that is able to transform the call results in a fragment according to the schema of the knowledge base. The novelty of our approach is that the alignment is based only on the instances. It does not depend on the names of the concepts or constraints that are defined by the schema. This makes it particularly relevant for Web services that are currently available on the Web, because these services use the REST protocol. This protocol does not allow the publication schemes. In addition, JSON seems to establish itself as the standard for the representation of technology call results.
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Multi-Network integration for an Intelligent Mobility / Intégration multi-réseaux pour la mobilité intelligenteMasri, Ali 28 November 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes de transport sont un des leviers puissants du progrès de toute société. Récemment les modes de déplacement ont évolué significativement et se diversifient. Les distances quotidiennement parcourues par les citoyens ne cessent d'augmenter au cours de ces dernières années. Cette évolution impacte l'attractivité et la compétitivité mais aussi la qualité de vie grandement dépendante de l'évolution des mobilités des personnes et des marchandises. Les gouvernements et les collectivités territoriales développent de plus en plus des politiques d'incitation à l'éco-mobilité. Dans cette thèse nous nous concentrons sur les systèmes de transport public. Ces derniers évoluent continuellement et offrent de nouveaux services couvrant différents modes de transport pour répondre à tous les besoins des usagers. Outre les systèmes de transports en commun, prévus pour le transport de masse, de nouveaux services de mobilité ont vu le jour, tels que le transport à la demande, le covoiturage planifié ou dynamique et l'autopartage ou les vélos en libre-service. Ils offrent des solutions alternatives de mobilité et pourraient être complémentaires aux services traditionnels. Cepandant, ces services sont à l'heure actuelle isolés du reste des modes de transport et des solutions multimodales. Ils sont proposés comme une alternative mais sans intégration réelle aux plans proposés par les outils existants. Pour permettre la multimodalité, le principal challenge de cette thèse est l'intégration de données et/ou de services provenant de systèmes de transports hétérogènes. Par ailleurs, le concept de données ouvertes est aujourd'hui adopté par de nombreuses organisations publiques et privées, leur permettant de publier leurs sources de données sur le Web et de gagner ainsi en visibilité. On se place dans le contexte des données ouvertes et des méthodes et outils du web sémantique pour réaliser cette intégration, en offrant une vue unifiée des réseaux et des services de transport. Les verrous scientifiques auxquels s'intéresse cette thèse sont liés aux problèmes d'intégration à la fois des données et des services informatiques des systèmes de transport sous-jacents. / Multimodality requires the integration of heterogeneous transportation data and services to construct a broad view of the transportation network. Many new transportation services (e.g. ridesharing, car-sharing, bike-sharing) are emerging and gaining a lot of popularity since in some cases they provide better trip solutions.However, these services are still isolated from the existing multimodal solutions and are proposed as alternative plans without being really integrated in the suggested plans. The concept of open data is raising and being adopted by many companies where they publish their data sources to the web in order to gain visibility. The goal of this thesis is to use these data to enable multimodality by constructing an extended transportation network that links these new services to existing ones.The challenges we face mainly arise from the integration problem in both transportation services and transportation data
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Soft Robotics for Young People's Menstrual HealthLilja, Kristin, Lundkvist, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Research within the fields of women’s health and specifically women’s menstrual health and technology is limited. As of today, problems associated with menstrual health, such as pain, discomfort, cramps, bloating, anxiousness and irregular period are resolved by using contraceptive pills or painkillers. The solutions to use contraceptive pills or painkillers have not been beneficial for research nor development of helpful innovative solutions. This thesis evaluates and explore the possibilities to use soft robotics, Soma Design, and Shape Changing Materials (SCM) to develop interactive software programs used to ease menstrual pain in innovative, flexible and comfortable ways. The thesis delves and analyzes the potential opportunities to facilitate the experience of menstruation, to extend and improve the tools available to increase knowledge, awareness and understanding of the menstruating body with the assist of soft robotics and Soma Design principles. Through exploration, construction, development and testing hardware and software systems we were able to create ten software programs that induce pressure and movements in order to ease menstrual pain in comfortable and flexible ways. The programs were tested using a first-person test approach, providing us with the opportunity to develop specific systems for the person's needs on a personal and intimate level. This approach suited the purpose of exploring the possibilities of using modern technologies as a tool for easing menstrual pain. The applied research method was qualitative with an abductive approach and the collected data was analyzed based on predefined measures. The thesis proved that it is possible to ease menstrual pain with use of technologies. The research resulted in five major findings that we argue are important to take into consideration when developing soft robotics; level of interactivity, prototype placement on the body, physical position of body, noise released from hardware and utilization of external means. The discoveries of this thesis will contribute to increased research that utilizes modern technologies to find solutions that eases menstrual pain and increase knowledge regarding menstrual health. Lastly, this thesis highlights the possibilities of using modern technologies that have never to our knowledge been seen or explored before. / Forskning inom teknik i samband med kvinnors hälsa och särskilt menstruation är begränsad. Idag hanteras problem förknippade med menstruation som smärta, kramper, uppblåsthet, ångest eller obehag med hjälp av hormoner i form av p-piller eller andra preventivmedel, alternativt med smärtstillande tabletter. Användandet av dessa metoder har inte varit fördelaktiga för varken forskningen eller utvecklingen av hjälpfulla och innovativa lösningar. Därför kommer den här avhandlingen att utvärdera och utforska möjligheterna kring att använda olika tekniker som soft robotics, Soma Design och form ändrande material för att utveckla interaktiva mjukvaruprogram med anledning att minska menstruationssmärtor på ett innovativt, flexibelt och bekvämt sätt. Dessutom utforskas och analyseras de potentiella möjligheterna till att underlätta upplevelsen av menstruation genom att utvidga och förbättra de tillgängliga hjälpmedel som finns för att öka kunskapen, medvetenheten och förståelsen för den menstruerande kroppen med hjälp av soft robotics och principer från Soma Design. Genom utforskning, konstruktion, utveckling och testning av hårdvara och mjukvara var det möjligt att skapa tio olika program som inducerar tryck för att minska mensvärk på ett bekvämt och flexibelt sätt. De framställda programmen testades med en första persontestmetod vilket gjorde det möjligt att utveckla programmen till att bli formade efter testpersonens specifika behov på en personlig och intim nivå vilket passade syftet att undersöka om det går att minska menstruationsbesvär med moderna tekniker. Metoden som tillämpades var Forskning genom Design där data analyserades utefter förutbestämda krav. Studien gav svar på att det är möjligt att minska menstruationsbesvär med tekniker. Dessutom resulterade studien i fem principer som vi anser bör överses när man arbetar med soft robotics: nivå av interaktivitet, placering av prototypen på kroppen, kroppens fysiska position, ljud från hårdvara och utnyttjande av externa medel. Resultatet från avhandlingen kommer bidra till att öka kunskapen och forskningen kring menstruations hälsa och öka intresset i utveckling av tekniker som soft robotics eller form ändrande material som hjälpmedel i samband med menstruation. Resultatet belyser möjligheterna av att jobba med moderna tekniker, som så vitt vi vet, aldrig har gjorts eller utforskats förut.
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A Flexible Graph-Based Data Model Supporting Incremental Schema Design and EvolutionBraunschweig, Katrin, Thiele, Maik, Lehner, Wolfgang 26 January 2023 (has links)
Web data is characterized by a great structural diversity as well as frequent changes, which poses a great challenge for web applications based on that data. We want to address this problem by developing a schema-optional and flexible data model that supports the integration of heterogenous and volatile web data. Therefore, we want to rely on graph-based models that allow to incrementally extend the schema by various information and constraints. Inspired by the on-going web 2.0 trend, we want users to participate in the design and management of the schema. By incrementally adding structural information, users can enhance the schema to meet their very specific requirements.
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DataCalc: Ad-hoc Analyses on Heterogeneous Data SourcesLuong, Johannes, Habich, Dirk, Lehner, Wolfgang 19 July 2023 (has links)
Storing and processing data at different locations using a heterogeneous set of formats and data managements systems is state-of-the-art in many organizations. However, data analyses can often provide better insight when data from several sources is integrated into a combined perspective. In this paper we present an overview of our data integration system DataCalc. DataCalc is an extensible integration platform that executes adhoc analytical queries on a set of heterogeneous data processors. Our novel platform uses an expressive function shipping interface that promotes local computation and reduces data movement between processors. In this paper, we provide a discussion of the overall architecture and the main components of DataCalc. Moreover, we discuss the cost of integrating additional processors and evaluate the overall performance of the platform.
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A Technical Perspective of DataCalc: Ad-hoc Analyses on Heterogeneous Data SourcesLuong, Johannes, Habich, Dirk, Lehner, Wolfgang 19 July 2023 (has links)
Many organizations store and process data at different locations using a heterogeneous set of formats and data management systems. However, data analyses can often provide better insight when data from several sources is integrated into a combined perspective. DataCalc is an extensible data integration platform that executes ad-hoc analytical queries on a set of heterogeneous data processors. The platform uses an expressive function shipping interface that promotes local computation and reduces data movement between processors. In this paper, we provide a detailed discussion of the architecture and implementation of DataCalc. We introduce data processors for plain files, JDBC, the MongoDB document store, and a custom in memory system. Finally, we discuss the cost of integrating additional processors and evaluate the overall performance of the platform. Our main contribution is the specification and evaluation of the DataCalc code delegation interface.
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Semantic Data Integration in Manufacturing Design with a Case Study of Structural AnalysisSarkar, Arkopaul 24 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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