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Uma abordagem de decomposição por heurísticas e programação matemática para o scheduling de operações de um poliduto com uma origem e múltiplos destinos: rede OSBRA / A decomposition approach using heuristics and mathematical programming to the operational scheduling of a pipeline with one source and multiple destinations: OSBRA net- workMeira, William Hitoshi Tsunoda 14 March 2016 (has links)
PETROBRAS / Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem para otimização do scheduling de uma rede dutoviária real com uma origem e múltiplos destinos, a rede OSBRA. A rede é composta por uma refinaria que abastece cinco órgãos ligados por um único poliduto. Decisões sobre bateladas (volumes operacionais) de diferentes produtos a serem enviados pela refinaria e recebidos nos órgãos de consumo ao longo de um horizonte de tempo devem ser tomadas de modo otimizado de forma a controlar os níveis de estocagem, respeitando limites operacionais da rede de dutos. Propõe-se uma abordagem de solução por decomposição que utiliza Programação Linear Inteira Mista (PLIM) em conjunto com algoritmos heurísticos. A abordagem está dividida em 2 etapas: (i) alocação e sequenciamento e (ii) programação das entregas. A etapa de alocação e sequenciamento é responsável por determinar a ordem, o volume e a vazão de cada batelada que deverá ser bombeada da refinaria para os órgãos. Esta etapa é composta por um modelo PLIM que é executado iterativamente em uma abordagem com horizonte com tempo rolante. Em seguida, a etapa de programação de entregas detalha como ocorrem as entregas das bateladas em cada órgão, considerando a operação de rebombeio no último trecho de duto. Para o rebombeio, executa-se um modelo matemático iterativamente também utilizando o conceito de horizonte rolante, definindo uma nova sequência de bateladas que deverão ser bombeadas pelo órgão de Goiânia para Brasília, ou seja, no trecho de duto mais distante da refinaria. Consideram-se características próximas da realidade de operação da rede OSBRA, como controle de inventário, limites de vazão, variação diária de demanda, manutenção de tanque, manutenção de duto (total ou parcial). Dois estudos de caso são apresentados considerando cenários baseados em dados reais com horizontes de programação de 30 dias, no qual o segundo foi submetido a diversas modificações com o intuito de evidenciar funcionalidades da abordagem proposta. A análise dos resultados permite concluir que a abordagem de solução apresenta resultados adequados para a operação dos especialistas da rede, dessa forma podendo auxiliar no processo de decisão do scheduling da rede OSBRA. / This work presents an approach to optimize the scheduling of a real pipeline network with one source and multiple destinations, the OSBRA network. The network consists of a refinery that supplies five terminals, which are connected by a single pipeline. Batches of different products are sent from refinery and received by terminals during a time horizon. Optimized scheduling decisions must be taken to attend inventory issues at the same time that operational constraints are respected. This work proposes a decomposition approach solution using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) combined with heuristic algorithms. The solution approach is divided into two phases: (i) allocation and sequencing and (ii) scheduling of deliveries. The allocation and sequencing phase is responsible for determining the order, volume, and flow rate of each batch to be pumped from the refinery to the terminals. This phase is composed of an MILP model that runs iteratively in a rolling horizon approach. In a following step, the scheduling of deliveries phase details how the batches' deliver will occur in each terminal, considering the repumping operation in the last pipeline segment. For the repumping, a mathematical model is executed iteratively, also using the concept of rolling horizon, setting a new sequence of batches to be pumped from Goiânia to Brasília, the farthest pipeline segment from the refinery. Similar characteristics of the real OSBRA network are considered, such as inventory control, flow limits, daily demand, tank maintenance, total or partial pipeline maintenance. Two study cases considering scenarios based on real data with a 30-day programming horizon are presented, in which the second case was subjected to a series of modifications in order to evidence the proposed approach functionalities. The result's analysis supports the conclusion that the solution approach provides adequate results for the operation of the network experts. Thus, the obtained results can aid the operational scheduling decision of OSBRA network.
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Otimização evolutiva multiobjetivo baseada em decomposição e assistida por máquinas de aprendizado extremoPavelski, Lucas Marcondes 26 February 2015 (has links)
Muitos problemas de otimização reais apresentam mais de uma função-objetivo. Quando os objetivos são conflitantes, estratégias especializadas são necessárias, como é o caso dos algoritmos evolutivos multiobjetivo (MOEAs, do inglês Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). Entretanto, se a avaliação das funções-objetivo é custosa (alto custo computacional ou econômico) muitos MOEAs propostos são impraticáveis. Uma alternativa pode ser a utilização de um modelo de aprendizado de máquina que aproxima o cálculo do fitness (surrogate) no algoritmo de otimização. Este trabalho propõe e investiga uma plataforma chamada ELMOEA/D que agrega MOEAs do estado da arte baseados em decomposição de objetivos (MOEA/D) e máquinas de aprendizado extremo (ELMs, do inglês Extreme Learning Machines) como modelos surrogate. A plataforma proposta é testada com diferentes variantes do algoritmo MOEA/D e apresenta bons resultados em problemas benchmark, comparada a um algoritmo da literatura que também utiliza MOEA/D mas modelos surrogates baseados em redes com função de base radial. A plataforma ELMOEA/D também é testada no Problema de Predição de Estrutura de Proteínas (PPEP). Apesar dos resultados alcançados pela proposta não serem tão animadores quanto aqueles obtidos nos benchmarks (quando comparados os algoritmos com e sem surrogates), diversos aspectos da proposta e do problema são explorados. Por fim, a plataforma ELMOEA/D é aplicada a uma formulação alternativa do PPEP com sete objetivos e, com estes resultados, várias direções para trabalhos futuros são apontadas. / Many real optimization problems have more than one objective function. When the objectives are in conflict, there is a need for specialized strategies, as is the case of the Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). However, if the functions evaluation is expensive (high computational or economical costs) many proposed MOEAs are impractical. An alternative might be the use of a machine learning model to approximate the fitness function (surrogates) in the optimization algorithm. This work proposes and investigates a framework called ELMOEA/D that aggregates state-of-the-art MOEAs based on decomposition of objectives (MOEA/D) and extreme learning machines as surrogate models. The proposed framework is tested with different MOEA/D variants and show good results in benchmark problems, compared to a literature algorithm that also encompasses MOEA/D but uses surrogate models based on radial basis function networks. The ELMOEA/D framework is also applied to the protein structure prediction problem (PSPP). Despite the fact that the results achieved by the proposed approach were not as encouraging as the ones achieved in the benchmarks (when the algorithms with and without surrogates are compared), many aspects of both algorithm and problem are explored. Finally, the ELMOEA/D framework is applied to an alternative formulation of the PSPP and the results lead to various directions for future works.
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Uma abordagem de decomposição por heurísticas e programação matemática para o scheduling de operações de um poliduto com uma origem e múltiplos destinos: rede OSBRA / A decomposition approach using heuristics and mathematical programming to the operational scheduling of a pipeline with one source and multiple destinations: OSBRA net- workMeira, William Hitoshi Tsunoda 14 March 2016 (has links)
PETROBRAS / Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem para otimização do scheduling de uma rede dutoviária real com uma origem e múltiplos destinos, a rede OSBRA. A rede é composta por uma refinaria que abastece cinco órgãos ligados por um único poliduto. Decisões sobre bateladas (volumes operacionais) de diferentes produtos a serem enviados pela refinaria e recebidos nos órgãos de consumo ao longo de um horizonte de tempo devem ser tomadas de modo otimizado de forma a controlar os níveis de estocagem, respeitando limites operacionais da rede de dutos. Propõe-se uma abordagem de solução por decomposição que utiliza Programação Linear Inteira Mista (PLIM) em conjunto com algoritmos heurísticos. A abordagem está dividida em 2 etapas: (i) alocação e sequenciamento e (ii) programação das entregas. A etapa de alocação e sequenciamento é responsável por determinar a ordem, o volume e a vazão de cada batelada que deverá ser bombeada da refinaria para os órgãos. Esta etapa é composta por um modelo PLIM que é executado iterativamente em uma abordagem com horizonte com tempo rolante. Em seguida, a etapa de programação de entregas detalha como ocorrem as entregas das bateladas em cada órgão, considerando a operação de rebombeio no último trecho de duto. Para o rebombeio, executa-se um modelo matemático iterativamente também utilizando o conceito de horizonte rolante, definindo uma nova sequência de bateladas que deverão ser bombeadas pelo órgão de Goiânia para Brasília, ou seja, no trecho de duto mais distante da refinaria. Consideram-se características próximas da realidade de operação da rede OSBRA, como controle de inventário, limites de vazão, variação diária de demanda, manutenção de tanque, manutenção de duto (total ou parcial). Dois estudos de caso são apresentados considerando cenários baseados em dados reais com horizontes de programação de 30 dias, no qual o segundo foi submetido a diversas modificações com o intuito de evidenciar funcionalidades da abordagem proposta. A análise dos resultados permite concluir que a abordagem de solução apresenta resultados adequados para a operação dos especialistas da rede, dessa forma podendo auxiliar no processo de decisão do scheduling da rede OSBRA. / This work presents an approach to optimize the scheduling of a real pipeline network with one source and multiple destinations, the OSBRA network. The network consists of a refinery that supplies five terminals, which are connected by a single pipeline. Batches of different products are sent from refinery and received by terminals during a time horizon. Optimized scheduling decisions must be taken to attend inventory issues at the same time that operational constraints are respected. This work proposes a decomposition approach solution using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) combined with heuristic algorithms. The solution approach is divided into two phases: (i) allocation and sequencing and (ii) scheduling of deliveries. The allocation and sequencing phase is responsible for determining the order, volume, and flow rate of each batch to be pumped from the refinery to the terminals. This phase is composed of an MILP model that runs iteratively in a rolling horizon approach. In a following step, the scheduling of deliveries phase details how the batches' deliver will occur in each terminal, considering the repumping operation in the last pipeline segment. For the repumping, a mathematical model is executed iteratively, also using the concept of rolling horizon, setting a new sequence of batches to be pumped from Goiânia to Brasília, the farthest pipeline segment from the refinery. Similar characteristics of the real OSBRA network are considered, such as inventory control, flow limits, daily demand, tank maintenance, total or partial pipeline maintenance. Two study cases considering scenarios based on real data with a 30-day programming horizon are presented, in which the second case was subjected to a series of modifications in order to evidence the proposed approach functionalities. The result's analysis supports the conclusion that the solution approach provides adequate results for the operation of the network experts. Thus, the obtained results can aid the operational scheduling decision of OSBRA network.
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Otimização evolutiva multiobjetivo baseada em decomposição e assistida por máquinas de aprendizado extremoPavelski, Lucas Marcondes 26 February 2015 (has links)
Muitos problemas de otimização reais apresentam mais de uma função-objetivo. Quando os objetivos são conflitantes, estratégias especializadas são necessárias, como é o caso dos algoritmos evolutivos multiobjetivo (MOEAs, do inglês Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). Entretanto, se a avaliação das funções-objetivo é custosa (alto custo computacional ou econômico) muitos MOEAs propostos são impraticáveis. Uma alternativa pode ser a utilização de um modelo de aprendizado de máquina que aproxima o cálculo do fitness (surrogate) no algoritmo de otimização. Este trabalho propõe e investiga uma plataforma chamada ELMOEA/D que agrega MOEAs do estado da arte baseados em decomposição de objetivos (MOEA/D) e máquinas de aprendizado extremo (ELMs, do inglês Extreme Learning Machines) como modelos surrogate. A plataforma proposta é testada com diferentes variantes do algoritmo MOEA/D e apresenta bons resultados em problemas benchmark, comparada a um algoritmo da literatura que também utiliza MOEA/D mas modelos surrogates baseados em redes com função de base radial. A plataforma ELMOEA/D também é testada no Problema de Predição de Estrutura de Proteínas (PPEP). Apesar dos resultados alcançados pela proposta não serem tão animadores quanto aqueles obtidos nos benchmarks (quando comparados os algoritmos com e sem surrogates), diversos aspectos da proposta e do problema são explorados. Por fim, a plataforma ELMOEA/D é aplicada a uma formulação alternativa do PPEP com sete objetivos e, com estes resultados, várias direções para trabalhos futuros são apontadas. / Many real optimization problems have more than one objective function. When the objectives are in conflict, there is a need for specialized strategies, as is the case of the Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). However, if the functions evaluation is expensive (high computational or economical costs) many proposed MOEAs are impractical. An alternative might be the use of a machine learning model to approximate the fitness function (surrogates) in the optimization algorithm. This work proposes and investigates a framework called ELMOEA/D that aggregates state-of-the-art MOEAs based on decomposition of objectives (MOEA/D) and extreme learning machines as surrogate models. The proposed framework is tested with different MOEA/D variants and show good results in benchmark problems, compared to a literature algorithm that also encompasses MOEA/D but uses surrogate models based on radial basis function networks. The ELMOEA/D framework is also applied to the protein structure prediction problem (PSPP). Despite the fact that the results achieved by the proposed approach were not as encouraging as the ones achieved in the benchmarks (when the algorithms with and without surrogates are compared), many aspects of both algorithm and problem are explored. Finally, the ELMOEA/D framework is applied to an alternative formulation of the PSPP and the results lead to various directions for future works.
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Méthode de décomposition de domaine avec parallélisme hybride et accélération non linéaire pour la résolution de l'équation du transport Sn en géométrie non-structurée / Domain decomposition method using a hybrid parallelism and a low-order acceleration for solving the Sn transport equation on unstructured geometryOdry, Nans 07 October 2016 (has links)
Les schémas de calcul déterministes permettent une modélisation à moindre coût du comportement de la population de neutrons en réacteur, mais sont traditionnellement construits sur des approximations (décomposition réseau/cœur, homogénéisation spatiale et énergétique…). La thèse revient sur une partie de ces sources d’erreur, de façon à rapprocher la méthode déterministe d’un schéma de référence. L’objectif est de profiter des architectures informatiques modernes (HPC) pour résoudre le problème neutronique à l’échelle du cœur 3D, tout en préservant l’opérateur de transport et une partie des hétérogénéités de la géométrie. Ce travail est réalisé au sein du solveur cœur Sn Minaret de la plateforme de calcul Apollo3® pour des réacteurs à neutrons rapides.Une méthode de décomposition de domaine en espace, est retenue. L'idée consiste à décomposer un problème de grande dimension en sous-problèmes "indépendants" de taille réduite. La convergence vers la solution globale est assurée par échange de flux angulaires entre sous-domaines au cours d'un processus itératif. En favorisant un recours massif au parallélisme, les méthodes de décomposition de domaine contribuent à lever les contraintes en mémoire et temps de calcul. La mise en place d'un parallélisme hybride, couplant les technologies MPI et OpenMP, est en particulier propice au passage sur supercalculateur. Une méthode d'accélération de type Coarse Mesh Rebalance est ajoutée pour pallier à la pénalité de convergence constatée sur la méthode de décomposition de domaine. Le potentiel du nouveau schéma est finalement mis en évidence sur un coeur CFV 3D, construit en préservant l'hétérogénéité des assemblages absorbants. / Deterministic calculation schemes are devised to numerically solve the neutron transport equation in nuclear reactors. Dealing with core-sized problems is very challenging for computers, so much that the dedicated core codes have no choice but to allow simplifying assumptions (assembly- then core-scale steps…). The PhD work aims to correct some of these ‘standard’ approximations, in order to get closer of reference calculations: thanks to important increases in calculation capacities (HPC), nowadays one can solve 3D core-sized problems, using both high mesh refinement and the transport operator. Developments were performed inside the Sn core solver Minaret, from the new CEA neutronics platform Apollo3® for fast neutrons reactors of the CFV-kind.This work focuses on a Domain Decomposition Method in space. The fundamental idea involves splitting a core-sized problem into smaller and 'independent' subproblems. Angular flux is exchanged between adjacent subdomains. In doing so, all combined subproblems converge to the global solution at the outcome of an iterative process. Domain decomposition is well-suited to massive parallelism, allowing much more ambitious computations in terms of both memory requirements and calculation time. An hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelism is chosen to match the supercomputers architecture. A Coarse Mesh Rebalance accelration technique is added to balance the convergence penalty observed using Domain Decomposition. The potential of the new calculation scheme is demonstrated on a 3D core of the CFV-kind, using an heterogeneous description of the absorbent rods.
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Ordonnancement des trains dans une gare complexe et à forte densité de circulation / Train platforming problem in busy and complex railway stationsBai, Lijie 28 August 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'ordonnancement des trains dans les gares complexes en forte densité de circulation. L'objet se situe à la réalisation d'un outil pour aider les managers de la gare à générer un tableau des horaires sans-conflits dans un journée. Le management des circulations ferroviaires dans la gare demande l'ordonnancement soigneux pour adapter les ressources limités, en évitant les conflits entre les trains et satisfaisant l'objectif et les politiques économiques et de la sécurité en même temps. D'après les méthodes appliquées en recherche opérationnelle et les expériences professionnelles, une modèle mathématique applicable aux gares différentes est construit pour formaliser le problème de l'ordonnancement des trains contenant la topologie de la gare, activités des trains, contraintes de planification et objectives. Comme un problème à grande échelle, l'ordonnancement des trains dans un journée est décomposé en sous-problèmes traitables dans l'ordre du temps par sliding window algorithme accumulé. Chaque sous-problème est résolu par branch-and-bound de CPLEX. Afin d'accélérer le calcul des sous-problèmes, tri-level optimisation méthode est construit pour offrir une solution optimale locale dans un temps de calcul assez court. Cette solution est donnée à branch-and-bound comme une solution initiale.Ce système consiste à vérifier la faisabilité des horaires donnés à la gare. Les trains avec les conflits insolvables sont retournés à l'origine de ces trains avec les modifications des heures proposées. Déviations des trains commerciaux sont minimisées pour diminuer la propagation du délai dans le réseau ferroviaire. / This thesis focuses on the trains platforming problem within busy and complex railway stations and aims to develop a computerized dispatching support tool for railway station dispatchers to generate a full-day conflict-free timetable. The management of rail traffic in stations requires careful scheduling to fit to the existing infrastructure, while avoiding conflicts between large numbers of trains and satisfying safety or business policy and objectives. Based on operations research techniques and professional railway expertise, we design a generalized mathematical model to formalize the trains platforming problem including topology of railway station, trains' activities, dispatching constraints and objectives. As a large-scale problem, full-day platforming problem is decomposed into tractable sub-problems in time order by cumulative sliding window algorithm. Each sub-problem is solved by branch-and-bound algorithm implemented in CPLEX. To accelerate calculation process of sub-problems, tri-level optimization model is designed to provide a local optimal solution in a rather short time. This local optimum is provided to branch-and bound algorithm as an initial solution.This system is able to verify the feasibility of tentative timetable given to railway station. Trains with unsolvable conflicts will return to their original activity managers with suggestions for the modification of arrival and departure times. Time deviations of commercial trains' activities are minimized to reduce the delay propagation within the whole railway networks.
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Numerical modeling of microwave plasma actuators for aerodynamic flow control / Modélisation numérique des actionneurs plasma de décharge micro-ondes pour le contrôle d'écoulement aérodynamiqueArcese, Emanuele 05 July 2019 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, les plasmas créés par une décharge micro-ondes ont de plusen plus attiré l’attention de la communauté scientifique aérospatiale sur le sujet du contrôled’écoulements. En effet, il a été démontré expérimentalement que le dépôt d’énergie obtenu parle plasma peut modifier les propriétés aérodynamiques de l’écoulement autour d’un objet telleque la trainée de frottement. Or, la conception et l’optimisation de ces actionneurs plasma entant que technique de contrôle d’écoulements nécessitent une compréhension approfondie de laphysique sous-jacente que les seules expériences sont incapables de fournir.Dans ce contexte, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation numérique de l’interaction desondes électromagnétiques avec un plasma et le gaz afin de mieux comprendre la nature desdécharges micro-ondes et leur applicabilité. La modélisation de ces phénomènes présente desdifficultés importantes en raison du couplage multi-physique et donc de la multitude des échellesspatiales et temporelles qui apparaissent. Ce travail de thèse traite des questions de physiqueet de mathématiques appliquées soulevées par la modélisation numérique de ces plasmas.La première partie du travail se focalise sur les questions de validité du modèle physique duclaquage micro-onde fondé sur l’approximation de champ effectif local. En raison des gradientsde densité du plasma très élevés, la validité du concept de champ effectif local peut être misen doute. Pour cela, un modèle fluide du second ordre est développé en incluant une equationd’énergie électronique non-locale. Cette modélisation permet de décrire de façon plus précisele dépôt d’énergie par plasma induisant la formation d’ondes de choc dans le gaz. Une analysedimensionnelle du système d’équations fluide permet de caractériser la non-localité en espace dubilan d’énergie électronique en fonction du champ électrique réduit et de la fréquence de l’onderéduite. Une discussion est également menée sur d’autres approximations des coefficients detransport électronique. Dans une deuxième partie, la construction et l’analyse d’une méthode multi-échelles derésolution numérique du problème de propagation des ondes électromagnétiques dans le plasmasont réalisées. Il s’agit du couplage entre les équations de Maxwell dans le domaine temporel avecune équation de quantité de mouvement pour les électrons. L’approche s’appuie sur la méthodede décomposition de domaine de type Schwartz, basée sur une formulation variationnelle duschéma de Yee et utilisant deux niveaux de grilles Cartésiennes emboitées. Une grille locale,appelée patch, est utilisée pour calculer de manière itérative la solution dans la région du plasmaoù une meilleure précision est requise. La méthode proposée permet le raffinement local etdynamique du maillage spatial tout en conservant l’énergie du système. Une analyse théorique dela convergence de l’algorithme pour les résolutions temporelles explicite et implicite est égalementréalisée. Dans la dernière partie, des simulations numériques sur le claquage micro-ondes et la formation de structures filamentaires de plasma sont conduites. Les effets de différents types d’approximations sur le modèle physique du plasma sont analysés. Puis, ces expériences numériques démontre la précision et l’efficacité, en terme de temps de calcul, de la méthode multi-échelleproposée. Enfin, on étudie les effets de chauffage du gaz sur la formation et l’entretien de structures filamentaires dans l’air à pression atmosphérique. Pour cela, le modèle micro-onde-plasma développé est couplé avec les équations de Navier-Stokes instationnaires pour les écoulements compressibles. Les simulations montrent des caractéristiques intéressantes de la dynamique deces structures plasma pendant le processus de chauffage du gaz, qui sont en accord étroit avec les données expérimentales. / In recent decades, microwave discharge plasmas have attracted increasing attention of aerospace scientific community to the subject of aerodynamic flow control because of their capability of sub- stantially modifying the properties of the flow around bodies by effective energy deposition. The design and optimization of these plasma actuators as flow control technique require a compre- hensive understanding of the complex physics involved that the sole experiments are incapable to provide.In this context, we have interest in the numerical modeling of the mutual interaction of elec- tromagnetic waves with plasma and gas in order to better understand the nature of microwave discharges and their applicability. A challenging problem arises when modeling such phenomena because of the coupling of different physics and therefore the multiplicity of spatial and tempo- ral scales involved. A solution is provided by this thesis work which addresses both physics and applied mathematics questions related to microwave plasma modeling.The first part of this doctorate deals with validity matters of the physical model of microwave breakdown based on the local effective field concept. Because of large plasma density gradients, the local effective field approximation is questionable and thus a second-order plasma fluid model is developed, where the latter approximation is replaced by the local mean energy approximation. This modeling approach enables to take into account the non-locality in space of the electron energy balance that provides a more accurate description of the energy deposition by microwave plasma leading to the shock waves formation into the gas. A dimensionless analysis of the plasma fluid system is performed in order to theoretically characterize the non-locality of the introduced electron energy equation as function of the reduced electric field and wave frequency. It also discusses other approximations related to the choice and method of calculation of electron transport coefficients.Concerning the mathematical aspects, the thesis work focuses on the design and the analysis of a multiscale method for numerically solving the problem of electromagnetic wave propagation in microwave plasma. The system of interest consists of time-dependent Maxwell’s equations coupled with a momentum transfer equation for electrons. The developed approach consists of a Schwartz type domain decomposition method based on a variational formulation of the standard Yee’s scheme and using two levels of nested Cartesian grids. A local patch of finite elements is used to calculate in an iterative manner the solution in the plasma region where a better precision is required. The proposed technique enables a conservative local and dynamic refinement of the spatial mesh. The convergence behavior of the iterative resolution algorithm both in an explicit and implicit time-stepping formulation is then analyzed.In the last part of the doctorate, a series of numerical simulations of microwave breakdown and the filamentary plasma array formation in air are performed. They allow to study in detail the consequences of the different types of physical approximations adopted in the plasma fluid model. Then, these numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the proposed patch correction method for the problem of interest. Lastly, a numerically investigation of the effects of gas heating on the formation and sustaining of the filamentary plasma array in atmospheric-pressure air is carried out. For doing this, the developed microwave-plasma model is coupled with unsteady Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows. The simulations provide interesting features of the plasma array dynamics during the process of gas heating, in close agreement with experimental data.
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Specifika Argentiny v úmrtnosti na infekční a parazitární nemoci v kontextu Latinské Ameriky / The specifics of Argentina in mortality from infectious and parazitic diseases in the context of Latin AmericaŠorelová, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The specifics of Argentina in mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases in the context of Latin America Abstract This work deals with mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases in Argentina at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. During this period, there was a high level of mortality from infectious diseases in Argentina, which is not common in countries where an epidemiological transition has already taken place. This thesis tries to theoretically explain the higher level of mortality from infectious diseases by describing the situation of infectious diseases in the Latin American region. It deals with the course of the demographic revolution and the epidemiological transition in the Latin American region, which had a significant impact on changes in mortality and describes the development of the incidence of specific infectious diseases in Argentina. The theoretical part is followed by an analytical explanation of mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases using the resulting indicators of mortality tables and decomposition methods used in the work. The main aim of this work was to find out what influenced the high and almost constant level of mortality from infectious diseases in Argentina at the turn of the century. The analysis was also made for selected Latin American...
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Méthodes de décomposition basées sur la relaxation lagrangienne : cas du problème de transport avec coûts fixesTchouandem Kemoe, Julie Amanda 05 1900 (has links)
Notre sujet de recherche porte sur la résolution du problème de transport avec coûts fixes (FCTP). Le problème de transport classique consiste à déterminer le schéma optimal de distribution dans un réseau. Le réseau est divisé en deux sous-ensembles de sommets : les origines caractérisées par une offre et les destinations caractérisées par une demande. À chaque arc reliant une origine et une destination, est associé un coût variable. L'objectif est de satisfaire toutes les demandes en minimisant la somme des coûts variables de transport. Dans le FCTP, il y a aussi des coûts fixes associés à tous les arcs, en supplément de tout ce qui décrit un problème de transport classique. Ainsi,
à chaque arc, est associé un coût variable et un coût fixe qui est considéré si et seulement si l'arc est utilisé. L'objectif est désormais de minimiser la somme totale des coûts, variables et fixes. Le FCTP nous confronte donc à un modèle différent et plus complexe. La complexité de résolution est accrue pour les instances de grande taille.
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions et présentons une nouvelle méthode de résolution pour les instances de grande taille du FCTP. Il s'agit d'une méthode de décomposition lagrangienne qui utilise la relaxation lagrangienne et un algorithme de sous-gradient pour trouver une borne inférieure au problème global. Nous avons intégré à la méthode une heuristique lagrangienne, incluant une procédure de ``slope scaling'' afin d'améliorer notre algorithme de sous-gradient et le résultat final de la méthode.
À l'issue de notre processus de résolution, nous trouvons, pour certaines instances de grande taille, un moyen d'améliorer la solution proposée par CPLEX pour le FCTP en donnant comme paramètre à CPLEX la solution finale de notre méthode. / Our research topic focuses on solving the fixed charge transportation problem (FCTP).
The classic transportation problem is to determine the optimal distribution pattern in a
network. The network is divided into two subsets of vertices : the origins characterized by a
supply and the destinations characterized by a demand. Each arc connecting an origin and
a destination has a variable cost associated with it. The objective is to satisfy all demands
while minimizing the sum of variable transportation costs. In FCTP, there are also fixed costs
associated with all arcs, in addition to all others things that describe a typical transportation
problem. So, each arc is associated a variable cost and a fixed cost which is considered if
and only if the arc is used. The objective is now to minimize the total sum of costs, variable
and fixed. The FCTP therefore confronts us with a different and more complex model. The
resolution complexity is even increased for large instances.
In this thesis, we study and present a new resolution method for large FCTP instances.
This is a lagrangian decomposition method which uses lagrangian relaxation and a subgradient
algorithm to find a lower bound to the global problem. We have integrated into the
method a lagrangian heuristic, including a “slope scaling” procedure in order to improve our
sub-gradient algorithm and the final result of the method.
At the end of our resolution process, we find, for some large instances, a way to improve
the solution proposed by CPLEX for the FCTP by giving as parameter to CPLEX the final
solution of our method.
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Interaction entre un fluide à haute température et un béton : contribution à la modélisation des échanges de masse et de chaleur / Interaction between a fluid at high temperature and a concrete : contribution to the modeling of heat and mass transferIntroïni, Clément 19 November 2010 (has links)
Lors d'un hypothétique accident grave de réacteur à eau sous pression, un mélange de matériaux fondus, appelé corium, issu de la fusion du cœur peut se relocaliser dans le puits de cuve constitué par un radier en béton. Les codes d'évaluation réacteur pour simuler la phénoménologie de l'interaction corium-béton sont basés sur une description à grande échelle des échanges qui soulève de nombreuses questions, tant sur la prise en compte des phénomènes multi-échelles mis en jeu que sur la structure adoptée de la couche limite au voisinage du front d'ablation. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif principal de ce travail consiste à aborder le problème de la structure de la couche limite par simulation numérique directe. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre plus général d'une description et d'une modélisation multi-échelle des échanges, c'est-à-dire de l'échelle locale associée au voisinage du front d'ablation jusqu'à l'échelle du code d'évaluation réacteur. Une telle description multi-échelle des échanges soulève le problème de la description locale de l'écoulement multiphasique multiconstituant mais aussi le problème du changement d'échelle et en particulier le passage de l'échelle locale à l'échelle de description supérieure dite macroscopique associée aux mouvements convectifs dans le bain de corium. Parmi les difficultés associées au changement d'échelle, nous nous intéressons à la problématique de la construction de conditions aux limites effectives ou lois de parois pour les modèles macroscopiques. Devant la complexité du problème multiphasique multiconstituant posé au voisinage du front, cette contribution a été abordée sur un problème modèle. Des conditions aux limites dites effectives ont été construites dans le cadre d'une méthode de décomposition de domaine puis testées pour un problème d'écoulement laminaire de convection naturelle sur parois rugueuses. Mˆeme si le problème traité reste encore éloigné des applications visées, cette contribution offre de nombreuses perspectives et constitue une première étape d'une modélisation multiéchelle des échanges pour la problématique de l'interaction corium-béton. Dans le cas plus complexe des écoulements multiphasiques multiconstituants et devant les difficultés expérimentales associées, le développement de lois de parois pour les outils existants aux échelles de description supérieures nécessite, au préalable, de disposer d'un outil de simulation numérique directe de l'écoulement au voisinage du front d'ablation. L'outil développé dans ce travail correspond à un modèle de Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes pour un mélange diphasique (liquide-gaz) compositionnel (corium-béton fondu) s'appuyant sur une description du système selon trois paramètres d'ordre associés respectivement aux fractions volumiques du gaz et aux deux espèces miscibles de la phase liquide ainsi que sur une décomposition de l'énergie libre selon une contribution diphasique et compositionnelle. Les équations de transport sont dérivées dans le cadre de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles et résolues sur la base d'une application éléments finis de la plate-forme PELICANS. Plusieurs expériences numériques illustrent la validité et les potentialités d'application de cet outil sur des problèmes diphasiques et/ou compositionnels. Enfin, à partir de l'outil développé, nous abordons par simulation numérique directe une étude de la structure de la couche limite au voisinage du front d'ablation pour des bétons siliceux et silico-calcaire. / In the late phases of some scenario of hypothetical severe accident in Pressurized Water Reactors, a molten mixture of core and vessel structures, called corium, comes to interact with the concrete basemat. The safety numerical tools are lumped parameter codes. They are based on a large averaged description of heat and mass transfers which raises some uncertainties about the multi-scale description of the exchanges but also about the adopted boundary layer structure in the vicinity of the ablation front. In this context, the aim of this work is to tackle the problem of the boundary layer structure by means of direct numerical simulation. This work joins within the more general framework of a multi-scale description and a multi-scale modeling, namely from the local scale associated with the vicinity of the ablation front to the scale associated with the lumped parameter codes. Such a multi-scale description raises not only the problem of the local description of the multiphase multicomponent flow but also the problem of the upscaling between the local- and the macro-scale which is associated with the convective structures within the pool of corium. Here, we are particularly interested in the building of effective boundary conditions or wall laws for macro-scale models. The difficulty of the multiphase multicomponent problem at the local scale leads us to consider a relatively simplified problem. Effective boundary conditions are built in the frame of a domain decomposition method and numerical experiments are performed for a natural convection problem in a stamp shaped cavity to assess the validity of the proposed wall laws. Even if the treated problem is still far from the target applications, this contribution can be viewed as a first step of a multi-scale modeling of the exchanges for the molten core concrete issue. In the more complicated case of multiphase multicomponent flows, it is necessary to have a direct numerical simulation tool of the flow at the local scale to build wall laws for macro-scale models. Here, the developed tool corresponds to a Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes model for a two-phase compositional system. It relies on a description of the system by three volume fractions and on a free energy composed by a two-phase part and a compositional part. The governing equations are derived in the frame of the thermodynamic of irreversible processes. They are solved on the basis of a finite element application of the object-oriented software component library PELICANS. Several numerical experiments illustrate the validity and the potentialities of application of this tool on two-phase compositional problems. Finally, using the developed tool, we tackle by means of direct numerical simulation the problem boundary layer structure in the vicinity of the ablation front for limestone-sand and siliceous concretes.
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