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Bio-based resins for digital light processing : Mechanical and degradable propertiesEklund, Moa, Olofsson Ribrant, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Thermosets are appropriate materials for various applications due to benefits such as heat resistance and good mechanical properties. The disadvantages of traditional thermosets from a sustainable manufacturing perspective are that they are usually derived from fossil resources, and also have permanent cross-linked networks that are difficult to break, making them non-recyclable. It is therefore of great interest to find bio-based alternatives, especially ones that can be recycled or bio-degraded. In this project four bio-based photocurable resins, meant for 3D printing thermosets, were characterized by their mechanical properties and chemical degradation. They were designed with esters and imine groups in order to use dynamic, reversible bonds to attempt mechanical recycling and chemical degradation. The resins were composed of methacrylated eugenol, methacrylated PHB-diol and Schiff base methacrylated extended vanillin. The latter provided good thermal stability, solvent resistance and mechanical properties to the thermosets. The mechanical recycling was able to produce cohesive thermoset films, successfully reforming broken bonds, but the mechanical properties decreased substantially from the process. Chemical degradation of the thermosets could be performed, but further use of the degraded material was not examined. / Härdplaster är lämpliga material för olika applikationer på grund av sina fördelaktiga egenskaper, som värmebeständighet och goda mekaniska egenskaper. Nackdelarna med traditionella härdplaster ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv är att de vanligtvis härrör från fossila resurser. De har även permanent tvärbundna nätverk som är svåra att bryta, vilket gör dem icke-återvinningsbara. Det är därför av stort intresse att hitta biobaserade alternativ, särskilt sådana som kan återvinnas eller biologiskt nedbrytas. I detta projekt karaktäriserades fyra biobaserade foto-polymeriserbara hartser, avsedda för 3D-tillverkning av härdplaster, genom sina mekaniska egenskaper och kemiska nedbrytbarhet. De designades med ester- och imingrupper för att kunna använda dynamiska, reversibla bindningar i ett försök att mekaniskt återvinna och kemiskt bryta ned härdplasterna. Hartserna var sammansatta av metakrylerad eugenol, metakrylerad PHB-diol och Schiff-bas metakrylerad förlängd vanillin. Den senare tillförde bra termisk stabilitet, motstånd mot lösningsmedel och mekaniska egenskaper åt härdplasterna. Den mekaniska återvinningen kunde producera sammanhängande plastfilmer genom återskapade bindningar, men de mekaniska egenskaperna försämrades avsevärt från processen. Kemisk nedbrytning av härdplasterna kunde utföras, men ytterligare användning av det nedbrutna materialet undersöktes inte.
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Radiační rizika potenciálně spojená s počítačovou tomografií v České republice / Radiation risks potentially connected with computerized tomography in Czech republicVEVERKA, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Diagnostic X-rays are the most important man-made source of radiation exposure for the general population, contributing about 14% of the total annual exposure worldwide from all sources. However, although diagnostic X-rays provide great benefits, it is generally accepted that their use involves some small risk of developing cancer. The risk to an individual is probably small because radiation doses are usually low, but the large number of people exposed annually means that even small individual risks could translate into a considerable number of cancer cases. The aim of this work was to reestimate this risk on the basis of the annual number of CT examinations undertaken in the Czech Republic and typical doses applied. But there wasn't possible to find necessary data for planned reckonings by return, because their archiving isn't obligatory. This study, therefore, only describes common incidence of ionising radiation with human organism and further, all inevitable mathematically-physical equations needed for realization of primary planned investigation, with all necessary datal inputs included. In findings of this work there are drafted and demonstrated procedures, how to obtain and cultivate needed data ,so it was possible to compare it with technical literature.
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3D skener pro výukové účely / 3D scanner for educational purposesRomanovský, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a 3D optical scanner using the structured light projection method. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the principles and processes of 3D scanning by using the DLP LightCrafter projector and the ImagingSource camera. The individual stages of the measurement process will be implemented to the Matlab software environment to describe the various principles and methods which can be used for digitizing the objects.
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Telemetry Post-Processing in the Clouds: A Data Security ChallengeKalibjian, J. R. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / As organizations move toward cloud [1] computing environments, data security challenges will begin to take precedence over network security issues. This will potentially impact telemetry post processing in a myriad of ways. After reviewing how data security tools like Enterprise Rights Management (ERM), Enterprise Key Management (EKM), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Database Activity Monitoring (DAM), and tokenization are impacting cloud security, their effect on telemetry post-processing will also be examined. An architecture will be described detailing how these data security tools can be utilized to make telemetry post-processing environments in the cloud more robust.
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On A Cubic Sieve Congruence Related To The Discrete Logarithm ProblemVivek, Srinivas V 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
There has been a rapid increase interest in computational number theory ever since the invention of public-key cryptography. Various attempts to solve the underlying hard problems behind public-key cryptosystems has led to interesting problems in computational number theory. One such problem, called the cubic sieve congruence problem, arises in the context of the cubic sieve method for solving the discrete logarithm problem in prime fields.
The cubic sieve method requires a nontrivial solution to the Cubic Sieve Congruence (CSC)x3 y2z (mod p), where p is a given prime. A nontrivial solution must satisfy
x3 y2z (mod p), x3 ≠ y2z, 1≤ x, y, z < pα ,
where α is a given real number ⅓ < α ≤ ½. The CSC problem is to find an efficient algorithm to obtain a nontrivial solution to CSC.
This thesis is concerned with the CSC problem. Recently, the parametrization x y2z (mod p) and y υ3z (mod p) of CSC was introduced. We give a deterministic polynomial-time (O(ln3p) bit-operations) algorithm to determine, for a given υ, a nontrivial solution to CSC, if one exists. Previously it took Õ(pα) time to do this. We relate the CSC problem to the gap problem of fractional part sequences. We also show in the α = ½ case that for a certain class of primes the CSC problem can be solved deterministically Õ(p⅓) time compared to the previous best of Õ(p½). It is empirically observed that about one out of three primes are covered by this class, up to 109
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Biobased Photocurable Resins for 3D-Printing of Self-Healable & Recyclable Thermosets / Biobaserade, UV-härdbara resin för 3D-utskrift av självläkande och återvinningsbara härdplasterGardell, Anna, Aspenberg, Maria, Aziz, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Överkonsumtionen av engångsartiklar i fossilbaserad plast är ett av dagens stora miljöproblem. Således finns en efterfrågan på strategier för framställning av biobaserade plaster i allmänhet och härdplaster i synnerhet. Tidigare forskning har visat att vanillin-baserade resin, genom UV-härdning och dynamisk iminkemi, kan användas i framställningen av härdplaster som är termiskt bearbetningsbara, kemiskt återvinningsbara och självläkande. Följaktligen är Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D-utskrivning en möjlig och flexibel friformframställningsmetod med stor noggrannhet för sådana härdplaster. Mot denna bakgrund framställdes, i detta projekt, tre olika UV-härdbara, biobaserade monomerer, i form av vitrimerresin, genom en tvåstegsreaktion: metakrylering av vanillin följt av iminbildning med tre olika aminer (etylendiamin, EDA; 2,2′-etylendioxi bisetylamin, EDEA och trimetylolpropan trispolypropylenglykol aminterminerad eter, T-403). De tre olika monomererna analyserades för att identifiera den mest lämpade för friformframställning av härdplast med DLP 3D-printning. Monomeren framställd med EDA kunde inte UV-härdas till en härdplast. De två andra monomererna, å andra sidan, härdades framgångsrikt till härdplaster med god termisk stabilitet (upp till ungefär 300 °C) samtidigt som de var termiskt bearbetningsbara. Vidare visade dessa härdplaster lovande resultat vad gäller självläkning och kemisk återvinningsbarhet. Härdningen av monomeren syntetiserad med EDEA krävde minst tidsåtgång. Utöver detta visade denna härdplast god stabilitet i ett flertal vanliga lösningsmedel samtidigt som den, till följd av dess dynamiska iminbindningar, kemiskt kunde återvinnas i hexylamin. Slutligen visades det hur detta resin framgångsrikt kunde användas i DLP 3D-utskrivning av härdplast. / One of the main causes of the petrochemical depletion is the overconsumption of single-use plastic products. New strategies based on the production of plastics (in particular thermosets) starting from bio-based resources are, therefore, demanded. Previous research has shown how vanillin-based vitrimer resins can be photocured into thermally reprocessable, chemically recyclable and self-healable imine thermosets; and the potential of the light-assisted 3D-printing techniques for the photocuring of resins with great accuracy and flexibility. In this study, three different photocurable biobased vitrimer resins were synthesized through a two-step procedure involving the methacrylation of vanillin and the Schiff-base reaction with two different diamines (ethylenediamine, EDA; 2,2′-(Ethylenedioxy) bis(ethylamine), EDEA) and a triamine (trimethylolpropane tris[poly(propylene glycol), amine terminated] ether, T-403). The resins were analyzed in order to find the most suitable one for DLP 3D-printing. The resin with EDA, as diamine, could not be successfully UV-cured into a thermoset. The other two thermosets showed good thermal stability, up to about 300 °C, while still being thermally reprocessable. In addition, the thermosets were promising in terms of self-healability and chemical recyclability. The thermoset obtained from the Schiff-base resin synthesized with the diamine EDEA provided the shortest curing time. This resin also displayed good solvent resistance against common solvents and potential chemical recyclability in hexylamine through an imine exchange reaction. As a final step, the possibility to obtain tridimensional thermosets by curing this resin with a DLP 3D-printing was successfully demonstrated.
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資料外洩稽核工具之設計與實作 / Design and implementation of an audit tool for data leakage高華志, Kao, Hua Chih Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內法令規範對於隱私政策更加重視,國內外企業組織因應鉅額罰款與政策的施行,再加上個人資料外洩事件頻傳,各企業無不擔心客戶資料的保護與落實內部資料控制。而大型政府機關或企業,由於服務範圍廣大,應用系統繁多,針對資料外洩的保護與落實,將更加的複雜。大部份的組織針對實體文件、安全性儲存設備管制、使用採購防火牆設備等,皆有進行相關的管理與設備的採購,但上述機制未能解決應用系統的資料外洩問題。對稽核人員而言稽查應用程式是否有資料外洩之虞,由應用程式原始程式碼相當實為不易,而新制定一套更安全存取控管的介面更需投入相當高的成本與時間。 / 本研究在設計與實作資料外洩稽核工具,參考國際標準ISO27002與ISO 13569資訊安全作法,摘選出應用系統資訊安全指引,並根據實務經驗與金融產業的系統特性,找出資料外洩存取規則(Rules)。除此之外需搭配資料庫執行指令記錄器(DB Logger),由大量的資料庫指令紀錄中快速產生稽核報表,藉以協助稽核人員查核資料外洩的線索並督促組織內部問題的改善,以落實內部資料控管政策與外部法令要求。 / The rapid spread of information technologies into every facet of our life results in a surge in attention to privacy recently. Bills are enacted and a comprehensive privacy policy becomes a sign of a responsible corporation. However, the complexity and diversity of application systems of information makes it very difficult to ensure that the information systems conform to all the privacy regulations and polices. Although most corporations have established some privacy policies for controlling physical documents and various hardware devices, the main problem for data leakage is at application layer. Application developers could retrieve sensitive data by exploiting application flaws. This poses great challenges to information system auditors. Firstly, it is rather difficult for auditors to review the code to spot the flaws. Secondly, it is impractical to make a new coding standard and re-write the legacy applications accordingly. Thirdly, application developers lack the motivation to improve the protection level of existing systems. / This thesis argues that a database audit tool can partly address the above difficulties faced by auditors. Specifically, we design and implement a tool for data leakage auditing. We derive right rules for identifying the potential sources of data leakage by referencing to information security practices such as ISO27002 and ISO 13569, and our practical experience in financial industry. Our tool makes good use of the database logger to produce an audit report based on those rules. The audit reports provide not only useful hints for auditors to detect possible data leakage, but also good evidence for urging developers to enhance their applications for privacy protection.
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Řešení interních hrozeb v managementu bezpečnosti informací / Solution of Internal Threats in the Information Security Management SystemTrčka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with internal threats in the organization and their restriction with the assistance of DLP system. The first part of the thesis discusses the information security management system and describes requirements for the introduction of the ISO/IEC 27000 standards series. Next chapters detail internal threats and technical description of the DLP system. The second part of the thesis analyzes the organization and describes the process of implementation of DLP solution, which aims to reduce internal threats. The conclusion of the thesis describes acceptance agreement and financial evaluation of the implementation.
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Řízení externích zařízení na macOS s cílem zabránit úniku dat / Control of External Devices on macOS to Prevent Data LeaksZuzelka, Jozef January 2020 (has links)
Práca sa zaoberá problematikou kontroly a blokovania externých zariadení v operačnom systéme Apple macOS za účelom ochrany pred únikom citlivých dát. Implementované riešenie ukazuje zvolené prístupy pre blokovanie externých a cloudových diskov. Pre blokovanie USB diskov bol použitý DiskAbitration framework, čo je najvodnejšie riešenie tohto typu úlohy. Avšak cloudové disky sú v skutočnosti synchronizované zložky a úlohu nehrajú ovládače ani strom pripojených zariadení. Ku kontrole operácií v cloudových diskoch bol použitý Endpoint Security framework. Aktuálne podporovaní cloudový poskytovatelia sú iCloud a Dropbox a prístup k nim môže byť obmedzený úplne alebo iba na čítanie. Schopnosť synchronizácie vzdialenýh zmien bola zachovaná avšak v prípade Dropboxu si to žiada nepoužívať ich aplikáciu na správu súborov.
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Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Lightweight Applications.Hitchcock, Yvonne Roslyn January 2003 (has links)
Elliptic curves were first proposed as a basis for public key cryptography in the mid 1980's. They provide public key cryptosystems based on the difficulty of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) , which is so called because of its similarity to the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) over the integers modulo a large prime. One benefit of elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECCs) is that they can use a much shorter key length than other public key cryptosystems to provide an equivalent level of security. For example, 160 bit ECCs are believed to provide about the same level of security as 1024 bit RSA. Also, the level of security provided by an ECC increases faster with key size than for integer based discrete logarithm (dl) or RSA cryptosystems. ECCs can also provide a faster implementation than RSA or dl systems, and use less bandwidth and power. These issues can be crucial in lightweight applications such as smart cards. In the last few years, ECCs have been included or proposed for inclusion in internationally recognized standards. Thus elliptic curve cryptography is set to become an integral part of lightweight applications in the immediate future. This thesis presents an analysis of several important issues for ECCs on lightweight devices. It begins with an introduction to elliptic curves and the algorithms required to implement an ECC. It then gives an analysis of the speed, code size and memory usage of various possible implementation options. Enough details are presented to enable an implementer to choose for implementation those algorithms which give the greatest speed whilst conforming to the code size and ram restrictions of a particular lightweight device. Recommendations are made for new functions to be included on coprocessors for lightweight devices to support ECC implementations Another issue of concern for implementers is the side-channel attacks that have recently been proposed. They obtain information about the cryptosystem by measuring side-channel information such as power consumption and processing time and the information is then used to break implementations that have not incorporated appropriate defences. A new method of defence to protect an implementation from the simple power analysis (spa) method of attack is presented in this thesis. It requires 44% fewer additions and 11% more doublings than the commonly recommended defence of performing a point addition in every loop of the binary scalar multiplication algorithm. The algorithm forms a contribution to the current range of possible spa defences which has a good speed but low memory usage. Another topic of paramount importance to ECCs for lightweight applications is whether the security of fixed curves is equivalent to that of random curves. Because of the inability of lightweight devices to generate secure random curves, fixed curves are used in such devices. These curves provide the additional advantage of requiring less bandwidth, code size and processing time. However, it is intuitively obvious that a large precomputation to aid in the breaking of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) can be made for a fixed curve which would be unavailable for a random curve. Therefore, it would appear that fixed curves are less secure than random curves, but quantifying the loss of security is much more difficult. The thesis performs an examination of fixed curve security taking this observation into account, and includes a definition of equivalent security and an analysis of a variation of Pollard's rho method where computations from solutions of previous ECDLPs can be used to solve subsequent ECDLPs on the same curve. A lower bound on the expected time to solve such ECDLPs using this method is presented, as well as an approximation of the expected time remaining to solve an ECDLP when a given size of precomputation is available. It is concluded that adding a total of 11 bits to the size of a fixed curve provides an equivalent level of security compared to random curves. The final part of the thesis deals with proofs of security of key exchange protocols in the Canetti-Krawczyk proof model. This model has been used since it offers the advantage of a modular proof with reusable components. Firstly a password-based authentication mechanism and its security proof are discussed, followed by an analysis of the use of the authentication mechanism in key exchange protocols. The Canetti-Krawczyk model is then used to examine secure tripartite (three party) key exchange protocols. Tripartite key exchange protocols are particularly suited to ECCs because of the availability of bilinear mappings on elliptic curves, which allow more efficient tripartite key exchange protocols.
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