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Retratos da Provedoria : os agentes fazendários do Rio Grande de São Pedro (1748-1802)Arpini, Paula Andrea Dombkowitsch January 2015 (has links)
O trabalho se propõe a fazer uma análise da Provedoria da Fazenda do Continente do Rio de Grande de São Pedro a partir de um estudo prosopográfico dos principais funcionários que compunham o órgão fazendário. O recorte temporal se fará da criação da Provedoria da Fazenda, em 1748, até a sua extinção definitiva, em 1802. A partir disso, verificamos como as práticas individuais desses oficiais régios podem revelar aspectos importantes da trama social, contribuindo para entendermos como esses sujeitos foram tecendo suas relações sociais, em constantes negociações - com as elites locais e seus subalternos - para viabilizar sua governabilidade. Nessa perspectiva, buscamos evidenciar comportamentos à margem da lei, percebendo o que era, de fato, transgressão às normas e quais práticas políticas consideradas comuns na lógica da sociedade de Antigo Regime. Dessa forma, procuramos perceber como a corrupção permitiu aos sujeitos formar cadeias informais de mando, influência e poder na Colônia Nesse sentido, encontramos na provedoria da Fazenda Real uma instituição permeada por práticas ditas ilegais, que têm sua própria lógica de existência em redes de poder, legitimadas pela monarquia corporativa em uma concepção de ilegalidade tolerada. Por fim, mediante essas biografias coletivas, buscaremos perceber suas experiências em um campo de interesses múltiplos, bem como pensar as transformações em curso no Império Ultramarino Português na segunda metade do século XVIII, com as reformulações das instituições administrativas da Fazenda. / The paper aims to make an analysis of the Provedoria da Fazenda (Crown Purveyor) of the Continent of Rio de Grande de São Pedro from a prosopographical study of different employees who formed this Treasury agency. The time frame will be from the creation of the Crown Purveyor, in 1748, until its final closure, in 1802. From this, we investigate how the individual practices of this royal officials may reveal important aspects of the social fabric, contributing to understand how these subjects were weaving their social relations, in constant negotiations – with local elites and their subalterns – to enable their governance. In this perspective, we seek to show behaviors outside the law, realizing what it was, in fact, transgression of rules and what political practices was considered common in the logic of Old Regime society. In this way, we seek to understand how corruption allowed people to form informal chains of command, influence and power in Cologne. In this sense, in the Crown Purveyor we find an institution permeated by practices considered illegal, which have their own logic of existence in networks of power, legitimized by corporate monarchy in a conception of tolerated illegality. Finally, we will seek to understand the experiences of these individuals in a field of multiple interests, as well as to think the changes taking place in the core of the Portuguese Overseas Empire in the second half of the eighteenth century, with the reformulation of the administrative institutions of Finance.
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De Cirigype a Sergipe Del Rey : os topônimos nas cartas de sesmarias (1594-1623)Santos, Cezar Alexandre Neri 30 August 2012 (has links)
This dissertation studies the place names described in the sesmarias letters certificates in
Sergipe Del Rey captaincy issued from 1594 to 1623. This nominata is analyzed out of
Felisbelo Freire s paleographic transcription (1891), and compared with the manuscript
documents, which cover the earliest period of the European territorial occupation in Sergipe.
From this point, what can be seen is an active interaction between settlers and Indians, due to
the large number of place names in native language. Therefore, the intentions of maintenance
around toponymic native names can be pointed out, as well as the influence of the settlers in
the appointment of local accidents, confirming the idea that the relationship between man and
environment is present on the toponymic network. Thus, we consider these toponymic signs
into an ethno linguistic perspective, both in its structural aspect spelling, form, origin as
well as discursive semantic-history. Through toponimic records, eighty-one toponyms were
collected, classified and interpreted - and out of those 73 toponyms were related to Sergipe,
fifty-eight are of indigenous origin enabling us to find lexical reminiscent and linguistic
phenomena, such as phonetics, spelling, morphology, semantics, exposed after this interethnic
contact. As theoretical support, we make use of Onomastics, Historiography on colonial
Sergipe, Linguistics, specifically native languages. In summary, as this document about
Sergipe consists of one of the most reliable sources of information, we believe to have
contributed to the preparation of a future toponymic glossary in Sergipe for the limited period. / Esta dissertação investiga os nomes de lugares inscritos nas certidões de cartas de sesmarias
da capitania de Sergipe Del Rey emitidas entre 1594 e 1623. Essa nominata é examinada a
partir da transcrição paleográfica de Felisbelo Freire (1891), e confrontada com os
manuscritos destes documentos, abarcando o período inicial da ocupação territorial dos
europeus em terras sergipanas. Temos como hipótese uma relação ativa entre colonizadores e
indígenas, haja vista o grande número de topônimos indígenas no corpus. Por isso, pontuamos
ser intencional a manutenção das denominações nativas, bem como a influência dos colonos
na nomeação dos acidentes locais, confirmando o princípio de que a relação entre homem e
meio está presente na rede toponímica. Assim, consideramos o signo toponímico numa
perspectiva etnolinguística, tanto em seu aspecto estrutural grafia, forma, origem , quanto
discursivo semântico-histórico. Por meio de fichas lexicográfico-toponímicas, catalogamos,
classificamos e interpretamos os setenta e três topônimos coletados sendo que cinquenta e
sete são de procedência indígena , percebendo reminiscências lexicais e fenômenos
linguísticos (fonéticos, ortográficos, morfossemânticos), expostos a partir desse contato
interétnico. Como suportes teóricos, valemo-nos da Onomástica, da Historiografia sobre
Sergipe colonial e de postulados linguísticos acerca da constituição da toponímia sergipana,
especificamente dos idiomas envoltos. Em suma, como o corpus constitui um dos mais
antigos e fidedignos documentos sobre Sergipe, cremos ter contribuído para a confecção de
um futuro glossário toponímico para o período delimitado.
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A soma de luzes na construção da felicidade publica e a reflexão sobre o passado portugues : politica e historia na Revista do IHGB (1838-1889) / The sum of lights in the construction of public happiness and the reflection about Portuguese past : politics and history in the IHGB journal (1838-1889)Ferreira, Loyane Aline Pessato 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Izabel Andrade Marson / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T00:43:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ferreira_LoyaneAlinePessato_M.pdf: 3064927 bytes, checksum: dc3ac8324fd755c52c170cce78573c6f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Na construção da História nacional pretendida na criação do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro (1838) estava imbricado um projeto de estabelecimento de originalidades para a nação recém independente, que legitimasse o Brasil enquanto corpo político singular. Compreendendo que, em geral, os membros do IHGB foram também participantes ativos na política do Brasil Imperial, este trabalho tem por objetivo principal considerar que aquilo que foi produzido por eles possuiria marcas de referenciais e idéias daquela esfera no período entre 1838 e 1889. Assim, explora como modificações de interpretação ocorridas em temáticas do passado - especialmente a colonização portuguesa - poderiam se fazer presentes ora conforme alterações nas circunstâncias e necessidades políticas (a unidade e legitimidade da nação e de seu território, a afirmação da autoridade de Pedro II, a "conciliação", as guerras platinas, a escravidão e o declínio do império) ora de acordo com o indivíduo que enunciava determinado discurso, ou defendia determinada interpretação da História. Nesse sentido demonstra que ao mesmo tempo em que se engendrava um trabalho intelectual, no qual havia espaço para indagações sobre a escrita da História, também eram condicionadas interpretações diferentes sobre o Império. Privilegiando a leitura da Revista do IHGB, foram selecionados algumas memórias compostas pelos sócios, documentos coligidos relativos à História do Brasil, e as atas das sessões realizadas periodicamente. Este material permite vislumbrar a maneira como os sócios interpretaram a história do Brasil, dando especificamente ao passado português diferentes imagens e considerações diversas: ora como figura de participação valorizada, zeloso protetor do território, ora como representante de uma Colonização mal organizada, legando ao Brasil independente diversos problemas / Abstract: In the creation of the Brazilian Institute of History and Geography (IHGB) in 1838 with the aim of constructing the national history, a project was implicated for the establishment of originality for the newly independent nation that would legitimize Brazil as a singular country. Understanding that members of IHGB were in general also active participants in the policy of Imperial Brazil, this papers main objective is to consider what was produced by those members of IHGB has marks of reference and ideas from that area of politics in the period between 1838 to 1889. Thus, it explores how changes of interpretation in themes of the past - especially Portuguese colonization - could be present as alterations in the political circumstances occur (the unity and rightfulness of the nation and its territory, the affirmation of the authority of Pedro II, the "Conciliation" politics, the wars in Prata River area, slavery and the downfall of the Empire); or according to the individual who enunciate certain speech or defended his own particular interpretation of history. In this sense, the paper shows that at the same time IHGB engendered an intellectual work, in which there was room for questioning the adequacy of the writing of history, and different interpretations about the Empire were also conditioned. Giving preference to the reading of the Journal of IHGB, some memoirs made by the members, documents relating to the history of Brazil collected by them, and extracts from the minutes of the meetings held periodically were selected for the study. This material provides a glimpse of how members interpreted the history of Brazil, specifically giving the Portuguese past different images and different considerations: sometimes as a figure of valued participation, zealous protector of the territory; sometimes as a representative of a poorly organized colonization, bequeathing to independent Brazil several problems. These discrepancies were related to political issues of the Empire, as the search for legitimacy at the border of neighboring republics or the debates about the emancipation of slaves / Mestrado / Politica, Memoria e Cidade / Mestre em História
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Paradigma do caos ou cidade da conversão? : a cidade colonial na America portuguesa e o caso da São Paulo na administração do Morgado de Mateus (1765-1775)Torrão Filho, Amilcar, 1968- 03 October 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Stella Martins Bresciani / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T20:09:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TorraoFilho_Amilcar_M.pdf: 23676700 bytes, checksum: cc925bc14ce37de86c1611ccfe3d7b04 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004 / Résumé: Le but de cette dissertation c' est de revoir quelques topiques fréquentes de l'historiographie sur la ville coloniale de l'Amérique portugaise à partir d'un texte fondateur, O semeador e o ladrilhador, de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, qu'instaure une interprétation de la ville coloniale basée au paradigme de l'ordre. On cherche encore, comprendre la ville de São Paulo et ses caractéristiques spécifiques au contexte de la colonisation, comme noyau de peuplement du sertão, centre d' approvisionnement et ville de la conversion du gentil au christianisme. Dans le gouvemement du morgado de Mateus (1765-1775) on a identifié de nouvelles normes d'administration et de l'organisation de l'espace urbain, basées aux Lumieres Catholiques, caractéristiques de la Péninsule Ibérique / Resumo: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo rever algumas tópicas freqüentes da historiografia sobre a cidade colonial da América portuguesa, a partir de um texto fundador, O semeador e o ladrilhador, de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, que instaura uma interpretação da cidade colonial baseada no paradigma da ordem. Procuramos ainda compreender a cidade de São Paulo e suas características especificas no contexto da colonização, como núcleo povoador do sertão, centro de abastecimento e cidade da conversão do gentio ao cristianismo. No governo do morgado de Mateus (1765-1775) identificamosnovas normas de administração e organização do espaço urbano, baseadas na Ilustração Católica característica da Península Ibérica / Mestrado / Mestre em História
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Reliable knowledge of exotic marvels of nature in sixteenth-century French and English textsLeskinen, Saara January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Evêques, pouvoir et société à Byzance, début du VIIIe siècle - milieu du XIe siècle: territoires, communautés et individus dans la société privinciale de l'Empire byzantin / Bishops, power and society in Byzantium, early VIIIth - middle XIth century: territories, communities and individuals in the provincial society of the Byzantine EmpireMoulet, Benjamin J.A. 29 November 2008 (has links)
Co-tutelle de thèse Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne / Université Libre de Bruxelles, sous la direction conjointe de Michel KAPLAN (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) et de Jean-Marie SANSTERRE (Université Libre de Bruxelles)<p><p><p>L’épiscopat constitue un fondement essentiel mais méconnu de l’Église mésobyzantine. Malgré la relative rareté des sources, il est possible d’en retracer l’histoire et les grandes évolutions :une part importante de l’hagiographie de l’iconoclasme et post-iconoclaste concerne en effet métropolites et évêques, témoignant du lien fort existant entre ceux-ci et le peuple des cités dont ils ont la charge, particulièrement quand ils sont considérés saints par la population. De nombreuses sources épistolaires, ecclésiastiques et sigillographiques, émanant des évêques eux-mêmes, permettent d’approcher les réalités du corps épiscopal et celles de la société provinciale qu’il représente auprès des autorités centrales. L’évêque apparaît également comme le relais des volontés impériale et patriarcale dans les provinces de l’Empire. Dans un contexte de compétition de pouvoir avec les autorités locales, l’évêque tente ainsi d’imposer le sien propre, dans ses aspects spatiaux, sociaux, religieux et symboliques.<p>L’approche collective et les approches individuelles de l’épiscopat doivent permettre de comprendre les réalités sociales d’un Empire de plus en plus centré sur sa capitale et dont sont progressivement détachées, du moins dans les sources, les périphéries. Une histoire décentrée de l’Empire byzantin passe dès lors par des études régionales mais aussi par des études consacrées à des groupes sociaux enracinés dans tout l’Empire, surtout lorsque, comme les évêques, ils revendiquent la spécificité de leur région et leur attachement à une société provinciale qui constitue le socle de l’Empire.<p><p>/ <p><p>The episcopate is an essential structure of the middle-Byzantine Church ;however, it remains little known. Although sources are limited, its history and evolution can still be reconstructed, as a large portion of the iconoclastic and post-iconoclastic hagiography deals with metropolitans and bishops. The sources reveal the strong connection between bishops and the inhabitants of the cities under their responsibility, especially when the population considers them as saints. Numerous epistolary, ecclesiastic and sigillographic documents issued by bishops themselves partially unveil the realities of the episcopal group and the provincial society that bishops represent to the central authorities. The bishop also serves as relay of both imperial and patriarchal wills to the provinces of the Empire. Competing with local authorities, the bishop thus tries to impose his own influence in its spatial, social, religious and symbolic dimensions.<p>Both collective and individual approaches of the episcopate make the social realities of the Empire more understandable, as it becomes more and more focused on its capital city while its peripheries gradually move away, which documentation seems to imply. Regional studies, but also studies focused on social groups established across the whole Empire, are the fundamentals of a decentred history of the Byzantine Empire. This is especially true since social groups such as bishops claim the specificity of their regions and their link to a provincial society that represents the cornerstone of the Empire. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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The restoration of Creation in the early Anglo-Saxon vitae of Cuthbert and GuthlacBrooks, Britton January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between Creation and the saints Cuthbert and Guthlac in their Anglo-Latin and Old English vitae. It argues that this relationship is best understood through received theological exegesis concerning Creation's present state in the postlapsarian world. The exegesis has its foundation in Augustine's interpretations of the Genesis narrative, though it enters the textual tradition of the vitae via an adapted portion of De Genesi contra Manichaeos in Bede's metrical Vita Sancti Cuthberti (VCM). Both Augustine and Bede argue, with slight differences, that fallen Creation can be restored into prelapsarian harmony with humanity by way of sanctity. Each individual vita engages with this understanding of the Fall in distinct, though ultimately interrelated, ways, and the chapters of this thesis will therefore explore each text individually. Chapter 1 argues that the anonymous Vita Sancti Cuthberti (VCA) unites Cuthbert's ability to restore Creation with the theme of monastic obedience, linking the ordering of a monastery to the restoration of prelapsarian harmony. The VCA also seeks to create sites for potential lay pilgrimage in the landscapes of Farne and Lindisfarne by highlighting the present efficacy of Cuthbert's miracles. Chapter 2 argues that Bede's VCM not only reveals his early attempt to fashion Cuthbert into the primary saint for Britain, via a focus on Cuthbert's obedience to the Divine Office, but also that the restoration of Creation functions as a ruminative tool. Chapter 3 argues that Bede transforms the nature of Cuthbert's sanctity in his prose Vita Sancti Cuthberti (VCP) from static to developmental, influenced by the Evagrian Vita Antonii, and that Creation is adapted to function as the impetus for, and evidence of, Cuthbert's progression. Chapter 4 argues that Felix's Vita Sancti Guthlaci (VSG) unites the development of Guthlac with a physically delineated Creation, and that the restoration of Creation is elevated to an even greater degree here than in Bede's hagiography. Chapter 5 argues that the author of the Old English Prose Guthlac (OEPG) grounds his vita by utilizing a landscape lexis shared with contemporary boundary clauses, so that here the relationship between the saint and Creation has greater force; it further argues that Guthlac A uniquely connects Guthlac with the doctrine of replacement, consolidating links between his arrival to the eremitic space and the restoration of prelapsarian Eden.
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John of Salisbury and lawEsser, Maxine Kristy January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to consider the knowledge and use of law by John of Salisbury, evaluating what he thought law should be, whence it originated and how it related to aspects of society, for example the institutions of the monarch and the church. For this purpose, the main evidence used will be Historia Pontificalis, Policraticus and the large corpus of letters. Chapter One is entitled Types of Law and gives an outline of the main types of law as John saw them. Chapter Two is entitled Canon Law. This chapter is devoted entirely to the study of John's knowledge and use of canon law. In this chapter, consideration will be made to what canon law John appears to have known and how John used this knowledge within his written work. Chapter Three, entitled King and Law, focuses upon John of Salisbury's opinion of the relationship between the monarch and the law. Chapter Four, Theory of Law: Church and King considers John's ideas on the relationship between church and monarch. Attention will also be paid to how he conveyed his ideas during the papal schism and the Becket dispute as well as John's ideas on judges. Chapter Five is entitled Law in Practice: Church and King, whereby analysis will be made of how John sees the monarch's involvement in issues such as church elections.
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Lay Spirituality in Fourteenth-Century EnglandField, Carol Hammond 05 1900 (has links)
In fourteenth-century England, a form of lay spirituality emerged, influenced by the writings and example of the famous mystics, both English and continental, of that period, but much affected by other developments as well. Against the background of socio-economic and political change, the emergence of lay spirituality is examined, with particular emphasis upon continuity and change within the church, the religious instruction of the age, and the spirituality of the English mystics. Finally, the sole surviving written record of lay spirituality of the period, The Book of Margery Kempe, is investigated, along with its author, Margery Kempe - pilgrim, visionary, and aspiring mystic.
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'A heart in Egypt' : Cleopatra on the Renaissance stage in Italy and EnglandMontanari, Anna Maria January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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