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Italia meridionale longobarda (secoli VIII-IX) : competizione, conflittualità e potere politicoZornetta, Giulia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Lombard Southern Italy during the early middle ages and it analyses the history of political and social conflicts between the eighth and ninth century, taking into account the transformation of Lombard political power and social practices in this area. Starting from the eight-century judicial sources, this work explores political and social competition in the Beneventan region by taking into account its geographical position at the center of the Mediterranean see. Southern Italy was considered as a periphery, and sometimes as a frontier, by both the Carolingian and Byzantine empires, and endured almost a century of Muslims' attempts to conquer the peninsula. The first chapter focuses on the ducal period and investigates the formation and consolidation of the duke of Benevento's political authority before 774. During the seventh and eight centuries, the dukes developed a military and political autonomy in Southern Italy. This was due to the geographical position of the Duchy of Benevento in the Lombard Kingdom: it was far from Pavia, the king's capital city, and it was relatively isolated from other Lombard territories. Since a dynasty was established here as early as the seventh century, these dukes developed a strong and precocious political consciousness. As a result, they were particularly concerned with the formal representation of their authority, which is early attested in both coinage and diplomas. In this chapter, the analysis of the eight-century judicial records opens two important perspectives on the duke of Benevento's practices of power. Firstly, judicial assemblies were one of the most important occasions for the duke to demonstrate and exercise his authority in a public context. In contrast to all other Lombard dukes, who rendered judgement together with a group of officers, the duke of Benevento acted alone before the competing parties. By behaving exactly as the Lombard king would in Pavia, the duke was able to utilise the judicial domain as a sort of theatre in which to practice, legitimise and represent his own public authority in front of the local aristocracy. Secondly, the analysis of seven judicial case-studies suggests that the duke was not simply the sole political authority in Benevento but also the leading social agent in the whole Lombard southern Italy. Almost all the disputes transmitted by the twelfth-century cartularies implied a ducal action, donation or decision in the past, which became the main cause for later conflicts between the members of the lay élite and the monastic foundations of the region. Consequently, the analysis of judicial conflicts reveals more about the duke of Benevento's strategies and practices of power than about the lay and ecclesiastical élites' competition for power. Since there are no judicial records between 774 and the last decade of the ninth century, both conflicts and representations of authority in Lombard Southern Italy are analysed through other kinds of sources for this period. Chronicles, hagiographies, diplomas, and material sources are rich in clues about political and social competition in Benevento. By contrast, the late-ninth-century judicial records transmitted by cartularies and archives are quite different from the eighth-century documents: they have a bare and simple structure, which often hides the peculiarities of the single dispute by telling only the essentials of each conflict and a concise final judgement. In contrast to the sources of the ducal period, the ninth- and tenth-century judicial records often convey a flattened image of Lombard society. Their basic structure certainly prevents a focus on the representation of authority and the practices of power in southern Italy. On the contrary, these fields of inquiry are crucial to research both competition within the Beneventan aristocracy during the ninth century, and the relationship between Lombards and Carolingian after 774. After the fall of the Lombard Kingdom in 774, Charlemagne did not complete the military conquest of the Italian peninsula: the Duchy of Benevento was left under the control of Arechis (758-787), who proclaimed himself princeps gentis Langobardorum and continued to rule mostly independently. The confrontation and competition with the Frankish empire are key to understanding both the strengthening of Lombard identity in southern Italy and the formation of a princely political authority. The second account the historiography on the Regnum Italiae, the third section of this chapter focuses precisely on the ambitions of Louis II in Southern Italy and it analyses the implication that the projection of his rulership over this area had in shaping his imperial authority. Despite Louis II's efforts to control the Lombard principalities, his military and political experience soon revealed its limits. After the conquest of Bari in 871, Prince Adelchi imprisoned the emperor in his palace until he obtained a promise: Louis II swore not to return to Benevento anymore. Although the pope soon liberated the emperor from this oath, he never regained a political role in Southern Italy. Nevertheless, his prolonged presence in the region during the ninth century radically changed the political equilibrium of both the Lombard principalities and the Tyrrhenian duchies (i.e. Napoli, Gaeta, Amalfi). The fourth section focuses firstly on the competition between Louis II and Adelchi of Benevento, who obstinately defined his public authority in a direct competition with the Carolingian emperor. At the same time, the competition within the local aristocracy in Benevento radically changed into a small-scale struggle between the members of Adelchi's kingroup, the Radelchids. At the same time, some local officers expanded their power and acted more and more autonomously in their district, such as in Capua. When Louis II left Benevento in 871, both the Tyrrhenian duchies and the Lombard principalities in Southern Italy were profoundly affected by a sudden change in their mutual relations and even in their inner stability. The competition for power and authority in Salerno and Capua-Benevento also changed and two different political systems were gradually established in these principalities. Despite the radical transformation of internal competition and the Byzantine conquest of a large part of Puglia and Basilicata at the end of the ninth century, the Lombard principalities remained independent until the eleventh century, when Southern Italy was finally seized by Norman invaders.
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Securing a trusted hardware environment (Trusted Execution Environment) / Sécurisation d'un environnement matériel de confiance (Trusted Execution Environement)Da Silva, Mathieu 26 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour cadre le projet Trusted Environment Execution eVAluation (TEEVA) (projet français FUI n°20 de Janvier 2016 à Décembre 2018) qui vise à évaluer deux solutions alternatives de sécurisation des plateformes mobiles, l’une est purement logicielle, la Whitebox Crypto, alors que l’autre intègre des éléments logiciels et matériels, le Trusted Environment Execution (TEE). Le TEE s’appuie sur la technologie TrustZone d’ARM disponible sur de nombreux chipsets du marché tels que des smartphones et tablettes Android. Cette thèse se concentre sur l’architecture TEE, l’objectif étant d’analyser les menaces potentielles liées aux infrastructures de test/debug classiquement intégrées dans les circuits pour contrôler la conformité fonctionnelle après fabrication.Le test est une étape indispensable dans la production d’un circuit intégré afin d’assurer fiabilité et qualité du produit final. En raison de l’extrême complexité des circuits intégrés actuels, les procédures de test ne peuvent pas reposer sur un simple contrôle des entrées primaires avec des patterns de test, puis sur l’observation des réponses de test produites sur les sorties primaires. Les infrastructures de test doivent être intégrées dans le matériel au moment du design, implémentant les techniques de Design-for-Testability (DfT). La technique DfT la plus commune est l’insertion de chaînes de scan. Les registres sont connectés en une ou plusieurs chaîne(s), appelé chaîne(s) de scan. Ainsi, un testeur peut contrôler et observer les états internes du circuit à travers les broches dédiées. Malheureusement, cette infrastructure de test peut aussi être utilisée pour extraire des informations sensibles stockées ou traitées dans le circuit, comme par exemple des données fortement corrélées à une clé secrète. Une attaque par scan consiste à récupérer la clé secrète d’un crypto-processeur grâce à l’observation de résultats partiellement encryptés.Des expérimentations ont été conduites sur la carte électronique de démonstration avec le TEE afin d’analyser sa sécurité contre une attaque par scan. Dans la carte électronique de démonstration, une contremesure est implémentée afin de protéger les données sensibles traitées et sauvegardées dans le TEE. Les accès de test sont déconnectés, protégeant contre les attaques exploitant les infrastructures de test, au dépend des possibilités de test, diagnostic et debug après mise en service du circuit. Les résultats d’expérience ont montré que les circuits intégrés basés sur la technologie TrustZone ont besoin d’implanter une contremesure qui protège les données extraites des chaînes de scan. Outre cette simple contremesure consistant à éviter l’accès aux chaînes de scan, des contremesures plus avancées ont été développées dans la littérature pour assurer la sécurité tout en préservant l’accès au test et au debug. Nous avons analysé un état de l’art des contremesures contre les attaques par scan. De cette étude, nous avons proposé une nouvelle contremesure qui préserve l’accès aux chaînes de scan tout en les protégeant, qui s’intègre facilement dans un système, et qui ne nécessite aucun redesign du circuit après insertion des chaînes de scan tout en préservant la testabilité du circuit. Notre solution est basée sur l’encryption du canal de test, elle assure la confidentialité des communications entre le circuit et le testeur tout en empêchant son utilisation par des utilisateurs non autorisés. Plusieurs architectures ont été étudiées, ce document rapporte également les avantages et les inconvénients des solutions envisagées en terme de sécurité et de performance. / This work is part of the Trusted Environment Execution eVAluation (TEEVA) project (French project FUI n°20 from January 2016 to December 2018) that aims to evaluate two alternative solutions for secure mobile platforms: a purely software one, the Whitebox Crypto, and a TEE solution, which integrates software and hardware components. The TEE relies on the ARM TrustZone technology available on many of the chipsets for the Android smartphones and tablets market. This thesis focuses on the TEE architecture. The goal is to analyze potential threats linked to the test/debug infrastructures classically embedded in hardware systems for functional conformity checking after manufacturing.Testing is a mandatory step in the integrated circuit production because it ensures the required quality and reliability of the devices. Because of the extreme complexity of nowadays integrated circuits, test procedures cannot rely on a simple control of primary inputs with test patterns, then observation of produced test responses on primary outputs. Test facilities must be embedded in the hardware at design time, implementing the so-called Design-for-Testability (DfT) techniques. The most popular DfT technique is the scan design. Thanks to this test-driven synthesis, registers are connected in one or several chain(s), the so-called scan chain(s). A tester can then control and observe the internal states of the circuit through dedicated scan pins and components. Unfortunately, this test infrastructure can also be used to extract sensitive information stored or processed in the chip, data strongly correlated to a secret key for instance. A scan attack consists in retrieving the secret key of a crypto-processor thanks to the observation of partially encrypted results.Experiments have been conducted during the project on the demonstrator board with the target TEE in order to analyze its security against a scan-based attack. In the demonstrator board, a countermeasure is implemented to ensure the security of the assets processed and saved in the TEE. The test accesses are disconnected preventing attacks exploiting test infrastructures but disabling the test interfaces for testing, diagnosis and debug purposes. The experimental results have shown that chips based on TrustZone technology need to implement a countermeasure to protect the data extracted from the scan chains. Besides the simple countermeasure consisting to avoid scan accesses, further countermeasures have been developed in the literature to ensure security while preserving test and debug facilities. State-of-the-art countermeasures against scan-based attacks have been analyzed. From this study, we investigate a new proposal in order to preserve the scan chain access while preventing attacks, and to provide a plug-and-play countermeasure that does not require any redesign of the scanned circuit while maintaining its testability. Our solution is based on the encryption of the test communication, it provides confidentiality of the communication between the circuit and the tester and prevents usage from unauthorized users. Several architectures have been investigated, this document also reports pros and cons of envisaged solutions in terms of security and performance.
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The poetic of the Cosmic Christ in Thomas Traherne's 'The Kingdom of God'Kershaw, Alison January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] In this thesis I examine the poetics of Thomas Traherne’s often over-looked Christology through a reading of The Kingdom of God. This work, probably written in the early 1670s, was not discovered until 1997, and not published until 2005. To date, no extended studies of the work have been published. It is my argument that Traherne develops an expansive and energetic poetic expressive of the theme of the ‘Cosmic Christ’ in which Christ is understood to be the source, the sustaining life, cohesive bond, and redemptive goal, of the universe, and his body to encompass all things. While the term ‘Cosmic Christ’ is largely of 20th century origin, its application to Traherne is defended on the grounds that it describes not so much a modern theology, as an ancient theology rediscovered in the context of an expanding cosmology. Cosmic Christology lies, according to Joseph Sittler,“tightly enfolded in the Church’s innermost heart and memory,” and its unfolding in Traherne’s Kingdom of God is accomplished through the knitting together of an essentially Patristic and Pauline Christology with the discoveries and speculations of seventeenth century science: from the infinity of the universe to the workings of atoms. … The thesis concludes with a distillation of Traherne’s Christic poetic The Word Incarnate. The terms put forward by Cosmic Christology are used to explicate Traherne’s intrepid poetic. In his most remarkable passages, Traherne employs language not only as a rhetorical tool at the service of theological reasoning, but to directly body forth his sense of Christ at the centre of world and self. He promises to “rend the Vail” and to reveal “the secrets of the most holy place.” Scorning more “Timorous Spirits,” he undertakes to communicate and “consider it all.”
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Trénink a výkonnostní předpoklady dvou atletů juniorů / Training and abilities of two junior athletesDubský, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Objective: Training and abilities of two junior athletes Prepared by: Bc. Petr Dubský Supervisor: PaedDr. Jitka Vindušková, CSc. The aim of the work: The aim of the work was to determine the level of performance of selected members of the training group, namely two juniors. To analyze the structure and content of their training, their performance in selected tests, and performance development in their main disciplines. Methodology: The analysis of the competitive results from 2012 to 2017 was used to analyze the performance of the individual seasons. I also analyzed the training records, where general and special training indicators were evaluated and compared with the results of similar analyzes of other athletes. I will also analyze the three measurements we have completed with the whole training group. Conclusion: The result shows that the training load in selected athletes, either according to literature or in comparison with other athletes, is insufficient in both individuals. After evaluating testing, I concluded that the test types were wrongly selected. This work has confirmed the importance of keeping track of the training records. Keywords: athletics, juniors, general training indicators, special training indicators, annual training cycle, 800 m run, 1500 m run, 400 m hurdles run
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The representation of weeping rulers in the early Middle AgesMurray, Frances January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the representation of weeping rulers in early medieval sources, focusing on the Carolingian empire between 790 and 888. The meanings applied to tears are culturally specific: thus, exploring how, why, when and where rulers cried can illuminate the dynamics of power and ideals of kingship in this period. This thesis provides a survey of a poorly understood phenomenon. It also challenges several assumptions about the nature of early medieval power. Rulers wept not only over their own sins (a well-recognised phenomenon), but also over the sins of others and out of a desire for heavenly glory. Thus, they wept in a ‘monastic' or ‘priestly' way. This was something associated more with certain rulers than others. As such, tears can be used as a lens through which developments in ideas about the relationship between secular rulers and the ecclesiastical hierarchy can be traced. The thesis is divided into six sections. The historiographical importance of this topic is discussed in the introduction. Chapter one assesses the understanding of tears in biblical, Roman and Merovingian sources. Chapter two focuses on the representation of tears in texts associated with the court of Charlemagne (d. 814). Chapter three explores how authors loyal to Louis the Pious (d. 840) used tears to respond to criticisms of him and his wife, the Empress Judith (d. 843). Chapter four turns to exegetical material written between 820 and 860 and examines how biblical rulers were represented weeping. In particular, the reception of these previously unrecognised images in royal courts and their influence on narrative sources will be considered. Chapter five explores sources from the later ninth century, focusing particularly on the writings of Hincmar of Reims (d. 882) and Notker of St Gall (d. 912). Chapter six considers tears in three case studies drawn from post=Carolingian sources. Finally the concluding section outlines the significance of this thesis for our understanding of Carolingian and post Carolingian political culture and the history of weeping in the middle ages.
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A escravidão, a educação da criança negra e a lei do ventre livre (1871) : a pedagogia da escravidão / Slavery, black children education and free birth law : slavery pedagogyRamos, Claudia Monteiro da Rocha 18 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Luis Sanfelice / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T17:54:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ramos_ClaudiaMonteirodaRocha_M.pdf: 3323448 bytes, checksum: 91f861643291456d09a0af774752016e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa bibliográfica é de natureza histórica. O objeto investigado é o contexto das mudanças da sociedade brasileira do século XIX, no qual emergiu a Lei do Ventre Livre de 1871. A referida Lei contemplou aspectos da educação das crianças nascidas livres do ventre escravo. De acordo com o texto legal, a propalada educação seria um fator de integração social dos negros, com uma gradual abolição da escravatura. Investigou-se o que realmente se fez, uma vez que a própria população branca era pouco escolarizada. Deu-se voz aos proprietários de terras da época, à elite política e aos viajantes europeus autores de relatos. Constatou-se que para a população negra cativa colocavam-se necessidades mais prementes, dentre elas a da própria sobrevivência / Abstract: his research if of historical nature. The object investigated is the context of the changes at the Brazilian society at the XIX century, where emerged the lei do ventre livre (free birth) law of 1871. This law has the aspects of the children¿s education been born free of the womb of the black people, whit an gradual abolition of the slavery. Was investigated what one really was done, once that the white population didn¿t have a good education. The land owners of that time, the political elite and the european travellers started to be heard. It was evidenced that for the black people was placed needs more important, for example the needs of survive / Mestrado / Historia, Filosofia e Educação / Mestre em Educação
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A valência do predicador CHAMAR na diacronia do português / The valency of CHAMAR in history of portugueseMenezes da Silva, Gilcélia de 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Clara Paixão de Sousa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T08:13:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MenezesdaSilva_Gilceliade_M.pdf: 1847278 bytes, checksum: 6b191641e44f5685bf5ada8d6aa15e39 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Nos estágios atuais da língua, as gramáticas brasileiras e portuguesas descrevem o CHAMAR como o único verbo do Português a ter um Predicativo do Objeto Indireto. O problema inicial desta pesquisa surgiu a partir dessa singularidade atribuída ao verbo CHAMAR quando predicador de construções denominativas, e se constitui em compreender quais foram os fatores que levaram o CHAMAR a ter, ao longo do tempo, esse comportamento diferenciado de todos os outros verbos da língua. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever gramaticalmente o predicador CHAMAR quando este significa "qualificar"; "atribuir um nome, denominar"; "autodenominar-se" e "possuir um nome", tendo como base as narrativas portuguesas escritas nos séculos 14, 15 e 16. As construções com CHAMAR aqui descritas foram denominadas de construções de semântica denominativa e apresentam as seguintes estruturas básicas: [X V (a) Y (de) Z] em construções transitivo-ativas e [Y V-se Z]; [Y V Z] e [V Z] em construções não-transitivas (estativas/passivas), onde X= "Agente" (aquele que "executa a ação" expressa pelo verbo); Y= "Designando", (aquele que recebe a denominação dada); e Z= "Designação" (a denominação propriamente dita). A partir dos questionamentos iniciais levantados, partiu-se para um estudo sobre a valência do CHAMAR quando principal predicador de construções denominativas procurando identificar os padrões de ocorrência dessas construções nos textos. Nos séculos 14 e 15 o CHAMAR convivia com outros predicadores denominativos e estes foram substituídos na diacronia, transformando o CHAMAR no principal predicador de construções denominativas. O CHAMAR denominativo pode ser "qualificativo", i.e., quando atribui uma qualidade; ou "denominativo" propriamente dito, ou seja, quando atribui um nome. As estruturas com CHAMAR "qualificativo" apresentam a Designação (Z) como um adjetivo predicativo e, portanto selecionam como argumento uma Small Clause ("e porém lhe chama a estória filho de perdição" - CGE). Já as estruturas com CHAMAR "denominativo" apresentam a Designação (Z) como um nome próprio ("e por isso lhe chamaram Dom Sancho, o Desejado" - CGE) e, portanto não selecionam uma Small Clause como argumento. Neste tipo de construções o CHAMAR se caracteriza como um verbo de atribuição, tal como DAR, OFERECER, apresentando valência três [Agente] [V] [Designando] [Designação]. As construções transitivo-ativas apresentam como principal padrão de expressão argumental aquele em que o argumento que mais aparece nulo e o Agente (X), e o Designando Y (Objeto) ocupa a posição a esquerda de proeminência discursiva (Y V __ Z), acompanhando dessa forma as principais características da frase na Gramática do Português Médio, defendidas por Paixão de Sousa (2008). A partir desse padrão dos verbos no PM propõe-se que as construções estativas do tipo [Y V Z] ("Ela chama Maria") atestadas atualmente no PB são derivadas das construções ativas do tipo [Y V __ Z] do PM, com o sujeito Agente nulo e o "constituinte discursivamente importante" ocupando a posição imediata a esquerda do verbo, alterando assim a Valencia de CHAMAR de três para dois / Abstract: Current grammar books of both Brazilian and European varieties of Portuguese describe CHAMAR ('call') as the only Portuguese verb having a predicate nominative of an indirect object. The initial problem of this research is to understand which factors have driven CHAMAR to have a differentiated behavior with respect to other verbs of the language because of its singularity as a predicator of denominative constructions. Therefore, the present work aims at grammatically describing predicator CHAMAR when it means "to qualify", "to assign a name, to denominate", "to self-denominate" and "to have a name", based on Portuguese narratives written in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. The constructions with CHAMAR described here were called 'constructions with denominative semantics' and display the following basic structures: [X V (a) Y (de) Z] in active-transitive constructions and [Y V-se Z]; [Y V Z] and [V Z] in non-transitive constructions (stative/passive). Where X= "Agent" (the participant that "executes the action" expressed by the verb), Y= "Designee" (the participant that receives the given denomination) and Z= "Designation" (the actual denomination). After presenting the initial research questions, the text displays the results of a study about the valency of CHAMAR as the main predicator in denominative constructions and tries to identify the distribution patterns of these constructions in the texts. In the 14th and 15th centuries CHAMAR existed along with other denominative predicators, but these ones were substituted in diachrony; as a result, CHAMAR has become the main predicator of denominative constructions. Denominative CHAMAR can be "qualificative", i.e. when it assigns a quality; or properly "denominative", it means, when it assigns a name. The structures with "qualificative" CHAMAR present the Designation (Z) as a predicate adjective and therefore they select a Small Clause as an argument: e porém lhe chama a estória filho de perdição (CGE) ('and however the story calls him the son of perdition'). On the other hand the structures with "denominative" CHAMAR display the designation (Z) as a given name: e por isso lhe chamaram Dom Sancho, o Desejado (CGE) ('and because of that they called him Dom Sancho, the Desired One') and, therefore, they do not select a Small Clause as an argument. In this type of constructions CHAMAR is characterized as a verb of giving, such as DAR ('give') and OFERECER ('offer'), showing valency = 3: [Agent] [V] [Designee] [Designation]. Active-transitive constructions present the following main pattern of argument expression: the Agent (X) is more frequently null, and the Designee Y (Object) occupies a position of discursive prominence to the left (Y V __ Z). In this sense, it follows the main characteristics of the sentence in Middle Portuguese (MP) Grammar, as argued by Paixao de Sousa (2008). From such a pattern in MP we propose that stative constructions of the type [Y V Z] instantiated in Ela chama
Maria ('she is called Mary') in nowadays Brazilian Portuguese are derived from active constructions of the type [Y V __ Z] in MP, with the Agent subject null and the "discursively most important constituent" occupying the immediate position to the left of the verb. In this way the valency of CHAMAR was changed from 3 to 2 / Mestrado / Linguistica / Mestre em Linguística
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Rendre les armes : le sort des vaincus XVIe-XVIIe siècles / Surrender : the Fate of the Defeated XVIth-XVIIth cent.Vo-Ha, Paul 30 November 2015 (has links)
Le XVIe siècle est souvent perçu comme un temps de massacres motivés par les haines confessionnelles, une litanie de carnages et d’exactions à laquelle succéderait, à partir des années 1650 une culture de la reddition honorable, une guerre réglée et limitée caractérisée par une nette amélioration du sort des vaincus. Une humanisation de la guerre se donnerait à lire au travers d’une codification des procédures de capitulation et de reddition des places. Ce travail, suivant les pistes ouvertes par l’anthropologie historique, questionne cette vision caractéristique d’une déréalisation de la guerre pour montrer que la reddition honorable émerge précocement et ne constitue jamais qu’un idéal toujours soumis aux intérêts des belligérants. Mobile de la clémence, l’intérêt est également celui de la rigueur. Tout au long des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, la reddition reste un risque pour l’honneur et la vie des vaincus. Cette histoire de la reddition entend déconstruire le mythe déréalisant de la «guerre en dentelles» pour rappeler que les guerres du règne de Louis XIV ne sont pas le théâtre d’une limitation de la violence. / The XVIth century is often perceived as an era of religious driven massacres, a litany of carnage and exactions directly followed, from 1650 onward, by reversing habits of honourable capitulation, a closely regulated and restricted warfare characterized by a great improvement in the fate of the defeated. A humanization of the war would show through a codification of the surrending procedures and the transfer of forteresses. This essay investigates this derealizing vision of warfare, based on historical anthropology’s theoretical leads. It shows that honourable capitulation come about earlier on as an ideal led by the interest of belligerent parties. These interests appear as a major motive for both leniency and rigorousness. All along the XVIth and XVIIth cent., capitulation stands as a risk for the honor and life of the losers. This history of capitulation intends to deconstruct the derealizing myth of chivalrous and limited warfare, to recall the fact that wars under the reign of Louis XIV often led to repeated acts of unleashed violence.
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Les moines grecs et orientaux à Rome aux époques byzantine et carolingienne, milieu du VIe s. - fin du IXe s.Sansterre, Jean-Marie January 1979 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La Chair du verbe: l'image, le texte, l'écrit dans les évangéliaires insulaires (VIIeme-IXeme siècle)Pirotte, Emmanuelle January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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