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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due defective or deficient response to insulin secretion. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (Type 2 DM) is therefore associated with a general activation of the innate immune system, in which there is a chronic, cytokine-mediated state of low-grade inflammation. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) is a cell-surface protease that bind with Adenosine deaminase (ADA) and both enzymes act in the lymphocytes proliferation and citokyne production. Vitis vinifera is a plant that has been studied due its pharmacology effects including the hypoglycemic properties. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate some inflammatory biomarkers, the ADA and DPP-IV activities in type 2 DM and investigate the effects of aqueous grape seed extract from Vitis vinifera (cv. Merlot) (GSE) in the ADA and DPP-IV activities in lymphocytes submitted to different glucose concentrations, in vitro. In the manuscript I, in lymphocytes, we observed a decrease in CD26 expression, an increase in ADA and n-acetil-β-d-glucosaminidase (NAG) activities in type 2 DM patients when compared to controls, while the gamma-glutamyl tranferase (GGT) and DPP-IV activities did not show differences between the groups. Moreover, the NAG activity demonstrated a positive correlation with ADA activity and a negative, with CD26 expression. GGT activity was positively correlated with waist circumference and body mass index (BMI), in type 2 DM. In the manuscript II, we observed we observed an increase in ADA activity when lymphocytes were exposure to the high concentration (100mM) of glucose and GSE prevented this increase in ADA activity. In serum, in the manuscript I, we showed an increase in ADA activity and in C reactive protein (CRP) levels in type 2 DM. Furthermore, the levels of CRP in diabetics were positively correlated with waist circumference and BMI. The GGT and DPP-IV activities did not show alterations between the groups, but in type 2 DM the DPP-IV activity was positively correlated with glicated hemoglobin. We concluded that, glucose might stimulated the ADA activity in the same time that it cause decrease in CD26 expression, in lymphocytes. Moreover, GSE prevents the ADA activation in presence of glucose possible due its hypoglycemic properties. / O diabetes melito (DM) é uma desordem metabólica caracterizada por hiperglicemia em virtude de resposta defeituosa ou deficiente à secreção de insulina. O DM tipo 2 (DM 2) está associado com a ativação do sistema imune, no qual há uma inflamação de baixo grau mediada por citocinas. A dipeptidil peptidase IV (DPP-IV, CD26) é uma protease multifuncional e na superfície celular ela encontra-se ligada a adenosina deaminase (ADA). Ambas estão envolvidas na proliferação de linfócitos e na produção de citocinas inflamatórias. A Vitis vinifera é uma planta que tem sido estudada devido suas propriedades farmacológicas, dentre essas, por apresentar efeitos hipoglicêmiantes. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar biomarcadores inflamatórios, a atividade da ADA e da DPP-IV em pacientes com DM 2, e verificar o efeito do extrato aquoso de sementes de Vitis vinifera (cv. Merlot) sobre a atividade da ADA e da DPP-IV em linfócitos expostos a diferentes concentrações de glicose, in vitro. Em linfócitos, no manuscrito I observamos uma diminuição na expressão do CD26, um aumento na atividade da ADA e da n-acetil-β-d-glicosaminidase (NAG) em pacientes com DM 2 em relação aos controles, enquanto que a atividade da gamaglutamil transferase (GGT) e da DPP-IV não se alterou. Também, a atividade da NAG linfocitária em pacientes com DM 2 mostrou-se positivamente relacionada com a atividade da ADA e negativamente com a expressão do CD26 e a atividade da GGT mostrou-se positivamente relacionada à circunferência abdominal e ao IMC. Já no manuscrito II, observamos um aumento na atividade da ADA quando os linfócitos forma expostos a 100mM de glicose e este aumento foi atenuado quando, expostos a glicose e extrato aquoso de sementes de Vitis vinifera. Em soro, no manuscrito I, observamos um aumento na atividade da ADA e também nos níveis de proteína C reativa (PCR) em pacientes com DM 2. Além disso, os níveis de PCR em diabéticos mostraram-se positivamente correlacionados com a circunferência abdominal e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) desses pacientes. A atividade da GGT e da DPP-IV não mostraram diferenças entre os grupos. No entanto, a atividade da DPP-IV sérica mostrou-se correlacionada com os níveis de hemoglobina glicada nos pacientes com DM 2. Conclui-se que, a glicose possa estimular a atividade da ADA ao mesmo tempo em que provoca uma redução da expressão do CD26 em linfócitos. Além disso, o extrato aquoso de sementes de Vitis vinifera é capaz de impedir a ativação da atividade da ADA em presença de glicose possivelmente devido suas propriedades hipoglicemiantes.
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ATIVIDADE BIOLÓGICA DE METABÓLITOS SECUNDÁRIOS DE Buddleja brasiliensis E Artemisia verlotorum / BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SECONDARY METABOLITES from Buddleja brasiliensis AND Artemisia verlotorumGitzel Filho, Augusto 12 January 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present work describes the phytochemical study and biological activity evaluation of the
Buddleja brasiliensis Jacq. ex. Spreng and Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte. Were isolated three
compounds from Buddleja brasiliensis: verbascoside (1), β-sitosterol (54) and stigmasterol
(55), and it was carried out a phytochemical screening, a study of the ability to inhibit the
enzymes prolyl oligopeptidase (POP), dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP IV) and acetylcholinesterase
(AChE), a study of the antimicrobial activity of the specie and the extraction of the essential
oil. The fractions F4 and F12 inhibited significantly POP and AchE activity. All Buddleja
brasiliensis fractions tested presented low activity of DPP IV inhibition. The phenylpropanoid
verbascoside (1) demonstrated a significant and selective inhibitory activity against POP
(IC50 = 1.3 mM), showed weak activity against DPP-IV (IC50 >> 150 mM) and was inactive
against AChE (pMIQ 9.6). The essential oil obtained from this species has as major
constituents the a-tujaplicin monoterpene (11.5%) and the diterpenoid heneicosane (14.5%).
This oil was inactive against all tested enzymes. The antimicrobial activity of 1, the crude
extract and fractions of Buddleja brasiliensis were tested against several fungi and bacteria.
Fractions dichloromethane and ethyl acetate showed moderate activity against Staphylococcus
aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus
subtilis, Streptococcus pyogenes, while 1 showed no antimicrobial activity. The crude extract,
fractions and essential oil obtained from Artemisia verlotorum were also evaluated for
inhibitory activity against the POP and DPP IV, as well as against various fungi and bacteria.
Dichloromethane fraction of Artemisia verlotorum showed the best antimicrobial activity,
mainly against the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with an MIC of 125 μg/mL. Analysis by
gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry of the essential oil of Artemisia
verlotorum indicated as the main components santonilil acetate (37.2%) and a-cadinol
(9.59%). / O presente trabalho descreve o estudo fitoquímico e a avaliação da atividade biológica das espécies Buddleja brasiliensis Jacq. ex. Spreng e Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte. De
Buddleja brasiliensis foram isolados três compostos: verbascosídeo (1), β-sitosterol (54) e estigmasterol (55). Desta espécie, fez-se a prospecção fitoquímica, a avaliação da capacidade
de inibição das enzimas prolil oligopeptidase (POP), dipeptidil peptidase (DPP IV) e
acetilcolinesterase (AChE), a obtenção do óleo essencial, e avaliação da atividade
antimicrobiana. Nos testes de inibição frente à enzima POP foi observada significativa
atividade das frações F4 e F12. Estas frações também demonstraram atividade inibitória da
enzima AChE. Nos testes com a DPP IV verificou-se baixa atividade para todas as frações
testadas. O fenilpropanóide verbascosídeo (1) demonstrou ter uma significativa e seletiva
atividade inibitória frente à POP (IC50 = 1,3 μM), enquanto frente à DPP IV demonstrou fraca
atividade inibitória (IC50 >>150 μM) e frente à AChE foi inativo (pMIQ de 9,6). O óleo
essencial obtido desta espécie tem como constituintes principais o monoterpeno a-tujaplicina
(11,5 %) e o diterpeno heneicosano (14,5 %). Este óleo foi inativo frente a todas as enzimas
testadas. A atividade antimicrobiana de 1, do extrato bruto e das frações de Buddleja
brasiliensis foi testada frente a vários fungos e bactérias. O composto 1 não apresentou
nenhuma atividade antimicrobiana, enquanto que as frações que demonstram atividade
moderada foram as frações Diclorometano e Acetato de etila para Staphylococcus aureus,
Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus subtilis,
Streptococcus pyogenes. O extrato bruto, as frações e o óleo essencial obtidos de Artemisia
verlotorum também foram avaliados quanto a atividade de inibição frente à POP e a DPP IV,
bem como frente a vários fungos e bactérias. A fração Diclorometano de Artemisia
verlotorum demonstrou a melhor atividade antimicrobiana, principalmente frente ao fungo
Saccharomyces cerevisae, com uma CIM de 125 μg/mL. A análise por cromatografia gasosa
acoplada a espectrômetro de massa do óleo essencial de Artemisia verlotorum indicou como
constituintes principais acetato de santonilila (37,2 %) e a-cadinol (9,59%).
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The present work describes the phytochemistry study and of biological activity of the
species Scutellaria racemosa Pers (Labiatae) and Pfaffia tuberosa Spreng
(Amaranthaceae). Four compounds were isolated of the S. racemosa Pers: lupeol (14),
oroxilin A (10), dinatin (12) and oroxyloside (11). The antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities
and the capacity of inhibition of enzymes prolyl oligopeptidase (POP), dipeptidyl peptidase
IV (DPP IV) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of the crude extract (EB), fractions and
isolated compounds of the S. racemosa Pers were evaluated. The n-hexane (FH) and ethyl
acetate (FA) fractions were the most active against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus
subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The evaluation of the crude extract and fractions
using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test indicated that this plant does not present toxicity.
About the tests of enzymatic inhibition, the ethyl acetate (FA) and n-butanol (FB) fractions of
S. racemosa Pers and the compounds dinatin (12) and oroxyloside (11) demonstrated
significant capacity of inhibition of the POP. The inhibition promoted for the dinatina (12)
(100 μM) corresponded 43% and for the oroxyloside (11) (100 μM) corresponded 34% of the
total enzyme tested. The crude extract (EB) and the respective fractions of the Pfaffia
tuberosa Spreng were also evaluated about the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities and of
enzymatic inhibition of the POP, DPP IV and AChE. Through these assays, it was verified
that the crude extract (EB) and the fractions of the Pfaffia tuberosa Spreng do not present
important antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity. In relation to the tests of inibitory activity of the
POP, the dichloromethane (FD) and ethyl acetate (FA) fractions present IC50 of 21.4 and
28.5 μg/mL against of POP, respectively. Dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol
fractions (FD, FA and FB) presented low activity against DPP IV (< 20%). The ethyl acetate
(FA) and n-butanol (FB) fractions showed significant inhibition of the AChE in the amounts,
6.25 and 25 μg, respectively. / O presente trabalho descreve o estudo fitoquímico e a atividade biológica das
espécies Scutellaria racemosa Pers (Labiatae) e Pfaffia tuberosa Spreng (Amaranthaceae).
Quatro compostos foram isolados da S. racemosa Pers: lupeol (14), oroxilina A (10),
dinatina (12) e oroxilosídeo (11). A atividade antimicrobiana, citotóxica e a capacidade de
inibição das enzimas prolil oligopeptidase (POP), dipeptidil peptidase IV (DPP IV) e
acetilcolinesterase (AChE) do extrato bruto (EB), frações e compostos isolados da S.
racemosa Pers foram avaliadas. As frações n-hexano (FH) e acetato de etila (FA) foram as
mais ativas contra Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis e Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. A avaliação do extrato bruto (EB) e frações através do teste de letalidade frente
a Artemia salina indicou que esta planta não apresenta toxicidade significativa. Quanto aos
testes de inibição enzimática, as frações acetato de etila (FA) e n-butanol (FB) de S.
racemosa Pers e os compostos dinatina (12) e oroxilosídeo (11) demonstraram significativa
capacidade de inibição da POP. A inibição promovida pela dinatina (12) (100 μM)
correspondeu a 43% e pelo oroxilosídeo (11) (100 μM) correspondeu a 34% do total de
enzima testada. O extrato bruto (EB) e as respectivas frações da Pfaffia tuberosa Spreng
também foram avaliadas quanto a atividade antimicrobiana, citotóxica e de inibição
enzimática da POP, DPP IV e AChE. Através destes ensaios, verificou-se que o extrato
bruto (EB) e a frações da Pfaffia tuberosa Spreng não apresentam importante atividade
antimicrobiana e citotóxica. Em relação aos testes de atividade inibitória da POP, as frações
diclorometano (FD) e acetato de etila (FA) foram as que apresentaram os melhores
resultados, com IC50 de 21,4 e 28,5 μg/mL, respectivamente. As frações diclorometano,
acetato de etila e n-butanol (FD, FA e FB) apresentaram baixa capacidade de inibição da
DPP IV (< 20%). As frações acetato de etila (FA) e n-butanol (FB) apresentaram
significativa inibição da AChE, nas quantidades de 6,25 e 25 μg, respectivamente.
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Imunointervenční terapie nově vzniklého autoimunitně podmíněného diabetu u NOD myší. / Immunointerventional therapy of autoimmune diabetes with recent oncet in NOD mice.Vargová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. The theory of the disease onset is derived from study of a disease course in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, in which the diabetes occurs due to a dysregulation of the immune system. Experimental and clinical studies showed that the autoimmunity may be abrogated by immune intervention, which if initiated early enough may at least slow down the ongoing beta cells lost and preserve residual insulin secretion. But immune intervention alone is not sufficient to restore normoglycemia in the majority of cases. Several interventional studies showed that stimulation of proliferation and/or regeneration of beta cells are necessary to restore normoglycemia in animal models. Aim of the study: To find out, if the combination of a potent immunosuppression (murine anti-thymocyte globulin (mATG), gusperimus) together with stimulation of islet regeneration (sitagliptin) will be able to slow down or reverse the course of the disease. Another aim is to identify the mechanism by which the substances act. Material and methods: All experiments were performed in female NODShiLtJ (H2g7 ) mice. The following parameters were examined at day 0, 7, 14 and 28: blood glucose, subpopulations of...
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Imunointervenční terapie nově vzniklého autoimunitně podmíněného diabetu u NOD myší. / Immunointerventional therapy of autoimmune diabetes with recent oncet in NOD mice.Vargová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. The theory of the disease onset is derived from study of a disease course in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, in which the diabetes occurs due to a dysregulation of the immune system. Experimental and clinical studies showed that the autoimmunity may be abrogated by immune intervention, which if initiated early enough may at least slow down the ongoing beta cells lost and preserve residual insulin secretion. But immune intervention alone is not sufficient to restore normoglycemia in the majority of cases. Several interventional studies showed that stimulation of proliferation and/or regeneration of beta cells are necessary to restore normoglycemia in animal models. Aim of the study: To find out, if the combination of a potent immunosuppression (murine anti-thymocyte globulin (mATG), gusperimus) together with stimulation of islet regeneration (sitagliptin) will be able to slow down or reverse the course of the disease. Another aim is to identify the mechanism by which the substances act. Material and methods: All experiments were performed in female NODShiLtJ (H2g7 ) mice. The following parameters were examined at day 0, 7, 14 and 28: blood glucose, subpopulations of...
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<p>Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and their risk factors remain the leading cause of
morbidity and mortality in North America. Food-derived
bioactive peptides (BAP) have been shown to play a role in regulating
physiological pathways of CVD risk factors including hypertension, diabetes,
and chronic inflammation. Common sources of BAP include dairy and plant
proteins. In addition to being an alternative protein
source, it is now accepted that edible insect proteins can also confer
health benefits beyond nutrition. However, as with any novel protein source,
allergenicity remains a major concern surrounding edible insect consumption. </p>
dissertation aimed to: 1) Evaluate the bioactive potential of peptides from an
edible cricket species and; 2) determine the effects of BAP production methods
on immunoreactivity. First, peptide-rich extracts were generated from farmed
food-grade crickets via enzymatic hydrolysis techniques with the commercial
protease Alcalase™. To measure the <i>in
vitro</i> bioavailability, cricket peptides were also subject to simulated
gastrointestinal digestion (SGD). Peptides and their digests were tested for
relevant bioactivities and active groups were further fractionated by
chromatographic methods to identify the major peptides responsible for the
bioactivity. When tested for <i>in vitro</i>
antihypertensive and anti-glycemic properties, cricket peptides were found to
inhibit the activities of angiotensin converting enzyme, dipeptidyl
peptidase-4, α-amylase, and α-glucosidase. The anti-inflammatory potential was
expounded using RAW-264.7 macrophages and human umbilical vein endothelial
cells (HUVEC). Cricket peptides (after SGD) effectively lowered NF-κB, MCP-1,
and IL-6 production in cells without affecting their viability. Proteomic
analyses identified 18 sequences from the enriched cationic peptide fraction
that showed the highest activity. Three novel peptides were identified via
molecular docking, as potent ACE-inhibitors and binding was similar to that of
the commercial drug captopril. Key binding characteristics included interaction
with hydrophobic amino acids (Phe, Pro, Leu) near the C-terminal position and
coordination with Zn (II) ions near the ACE active site.</p>
reactivity was measured by IgE-binding from shrimp-allergenic patient sera to
antigens present within cricket peptides. Our studies demonstrate that
immunoreactivity was impacted by enzymatic hydrolysis, depending on the
conditions and heating source used. Tropomyosin (a major shrimp allergen) was
extracted from both untreated crickets and protein hydrolysates, and verified
as the major reactive protein. Tropomyosin reactivity decreased (under both
partial and extensive hydrolysis) or retained (under conditions which prevented
epitope cleavage). However, using microwave-assisted enzymatic hydrolysis was
effective at decreasing tropomyosin reactivity in all immunoassays tested (IgG
and IgE). Proteomic and immunoinformatic analyses revealed prominent allergen
binding regions of cricket tropomyosin available for cleavage during enzymatic
hydrolysis. Conserved antigen regions showed greater homology with other
crustacean species, but not with other well studied allergenic insect proteins
(i.e., cockroach). Lastly, LC-MS/MS and FT-Raman spectrometry suggests that
reactivity was affected due to distinct epitope cleavage within the protein
instead of decreased antigen extractability/solubility. </p>
findings of this dissertation support that edible cricket proteins are a
potential source of bioactive peptides for functional food or nutraceutical
development. Additionally, using protein extraction methods such as
microwave-assisted hydrolysis seems a promising tool for minimizing the
immunoreactivity of the allergen present in this edible cricket species.</p>
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