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Interaction of Ca2+ with fully stochastic InsP3 receptor dynamicsRückl, Martin 20 June 2018 (has links)
Intrazelluläre Calcium Signale bilden einen der wichtigsten Bestandteile vieler Signalwege in der Zellbiologie. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der hierachischen Struktur der Calcium Muster, welche durch die Rückkopplung von Ip3 Rezeptor (Ip3R) mit Calcium verursacht wird. Auf der obersten Stufe stehen zellweite Wellen aus Calcium. Das zweite Level der Hierarchie bilden sogenante Puffs oder Sparks und entspricht der Freisetzung von Calcium von einzelnen Clustern. Das untere Ende wird durch Blibs gebildet: kleine Calcium Signale einzelner Kanäle. Die Entstehung der Calcium Wellen und der Zusammenhang mit den Ip3 Bindungszuständen individueller Ip3 Kanäle stehen dabei im Vordergund.
Ein erstes Modell verwendet ein System von Reaktions-Diffusions-Gleichungen zur Beschreibung der Calciumentwicklung in der Umgebung einzelner Cluster. Es wird festgestellt, dass ein Cluster nicht-stereotype Puffs erzeugen kann, wobei Dauer und Amplitude durch die Ip3-Konzentration moduliert werden. Stärkere Ip3-Stimulation erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, lang anhaltende Freisetzungsereignisse zu beobachten, welche als die Quelle der Wellenbildung identifiziert werden. Die simulierten Daten werden mit experimentellen Ergebnissen aus Xenopus-Oozyten verglichen, wo eine ähnliche Durchsetzung der Wellen- und Puff-Muster beobachtet werden kann.
Ein zweites grobkörniges und phänomenologisches Modell auf Basis von ODEs ermöglicht das Sampling langer Trajektorien für ein größeres System aus gekoppelten Clustern mit vertretbarem Rechenaufwand. Auf einem Gitter von Clustern wird gezeigt, dass die wellenartigen Freisetzungsereignisse sich synchronisieren. Während die Wellenfrequenz mit Ip3 zunimmt, gibt es eine optimale Synchronisation für die mittlere Ip3-Anregung. Dieses Modell zeigt, dass die Terminierung der Wellen durch Dissosation von Ip3 erreicht werden kann, was dazu führt, dass sich Kanäle nicht mehr öffnen, und somit eine anhaltende Freisetzung von Ca2+ verhindert wird. / The dynamics of intracellular calcium represent one of the most important signal pathways in cell biology. Within this work, the focus lies on the hierarchical structure of calcium release events emerging from the feedback of Ip3 receptor Ca2+ ion channel with Ca2+ itself. The head of this hierarchy consists of calcium waves or global oscillations. Release events from individual clusters of channels, constitute the intermediate level. Single channel release events are called blibs. This work investigates the emergence and termination of waves by using a stochastic Ip3R model with non-equilibrium Ip3 binding and discrete individual channel states.
First, a system of reaction diffusion equations of calcium and buffers around a single cluster is used as a description of the calcium evolution. It is found, that a cluster can produce non stereotype puffs, where duration and amplitude are modulated by the Ip3 concentration. For increasing Ip3 stimulation, the likelihood to observe long lasting release events increases, and these events are identified as the source of wave formation. The simulated data is compared to experimental results from Xenopus oocytes, where a similar interspersion of puffs between waves can be observed. Specifically, experiments and simulations support the hypothesis of wave-like events already on a single cluster scale.
The insights of the first model are then used to develop a second coarse grained and phenomenological model based on ODEs. It allows sampling of long trajectories of a system of coupled clusters with reasonable computational effort. Within a grid of coupled clusters, it is showed that the wave-like release events synchronize. While the wave frequency increases with Ip3, there is an optimal synchronization for intermediate Ip3 excitation. This model indicates that wave termination is achieved by unbinding of Ip3 from the receptor, which renders the channel unable to open, and hence prohibits any further sustained release.
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Vlna baladismu v české poezii před první světovou válkou / Wave of balads in the Czech literature before WWIRohlíková, Monika January 2012 (has links)
This work describes a wave of ballads in the czech poetry before WWI. The work has two parts. The first part maps teoretical basis of studied scientific works about ballads and baladism. Part two contains interpretation of partial texts of poetical ballads or balladic poems. This part try to catch the interpretation from the sight of traditional view of ballads and also to define individual, the tradition exceeded, conceptions. Key words Ballad, the czech poetry before WWI, Antonín Sova, Jaroslav Durych, Petr Bezruč, Viktor Dyk, Fráňa Šrámek, balladic motives.
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Básník, který věřil ideálům. Vztah Viktora Dyka k fašismu / The poet who believed in noble thoughts. The mental attitude of Viktor Dyk toward fascismVopatová, Nicola January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis will study the mental attitude of Viktor Dyk (poet, prose writer, and politician) to fascism. The aim of this thesis is to understand the development of his thinking, identify the key historic moments that shaped him, and in doing so, reconstruct his political opinion. Those historic moments are most importantly the events of December 1987, the first world war, the fall of the Habsburg monarchy and the creation of the Czechoslovakian republic (1914-1918). The year 1922 (in which the first fascist groups in Czechoslovakia were created) was crucial for the shaping of his relationship to fascism. The goal of this work is to evaluate, whether Viktor Dyk leaned towards fascism or not. To allow us to study Dyk's relationship to fascism, the first part is dedicated to defining fascism. Afterwards we define the basic principles on which fascism stands. A short chapter is dedicated to Dyk's life, which is important to understand his worldview. The objective of the second part is to analyse Dyk's position on the fascist principles, which were defined in the first part. For this analysis, Dyk's poems, political speeches, journal articles and his prosaic works were used. In the framework of the three principles of fascism (leader, state, and nationalism) are also analysed the motives, which...
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České drama v době moderny: obrazy vůdce / Czech Drama in Early Modernism: The Portrayal of LeadersPospíšil, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The thesis constitutes the analysis of selected Czech dramas from the beginning of the 20th century representing various portrayals of national leaders. In my view, the dramas are Apollonian images of a kind representing the dreams of their creators about the strength and greatness, both individual and national. That is because, on one hand, the national leader is an exceptional individual, an exquisite human specimen and as such he or she corresponds to Nietzsche's characterization of a tragic hero as the highest phenomenon of the will. But at the same time, he or she is a national educator. Individual works represent various forms of how the leader educates and edifies the nation and whether he or she leads by command or by example. The dramas show us the leaders, who not only tame, purify, but also urge to growth those, whom they lead. The approach of the Czech playwrights is essentially mythopoetic. Their works constitute contributions to the creation or re-creation of national mythology, in other words, they deal with the meaning of the existence of the nation, or the national condition. They represent a dialogue or a polemic with one particular national mythology formed at the time that of T. G. Masaryk as he stated it in his works Česká otázka (1895), Naše nynější krise (1895), and Jan Hus...
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