Spelling suggestions: "subject:"damage plasticity model"" "subject:"gamage plasticity model""
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Computational Modeling of Conventionally Reinforced Concrete Coupling BeamsShastri, Ajay Seshadri 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Coupling beams are structural elements used to connect two or more shear walls. The
most common material used in the construction of coupling beam is reinforced
concrete. The use of coupling beams along with shear walls require them to resist large
shear forces, while possessing sufficient ductility to dissipate the energy produced due
to the lateral loads. This study has been undertaken to produce a computational model
to replicate the behavior of conventionally reinforced coupling beams subjected to
cyclic loading. The model is developed in the finite element analysis software
ABAQUS. The concrete damaged plasticity model was used to simulate the behavior
of concrete. A calibration model using a cantilever beam was produced to generate key
parameters in the model that are later adapted into modeling of two coupling beams
with aspect ratios: 1.5 and 3.6. The geometrical, material, and loading values are
adapted from experimental specimens reported in the literature, and the experimental
results are then used to validate the computational models. The results like evolution of
damage parameter and crack propagation from this study are intended to provide
guidance on finite element modeling of conventionally reinforced concrete coupling
beams under cyclic lateral loading.
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Finite Element Modeling of Bond-Zone Behavior in Reinforced ConcreteSeungwook Seok (6313136) 17 October 2019 (has links)
In reinforced concrete (RC) structures, adequate bond between the reinforcement and concrete is required to achieve a true composite system, in which reinforcing steel carries tensile stress, once concrete cracks, and concrete and reinforcing steel carry compression. Determining bond strength and required development length for shear transfer between concrete and reinforcement is an ongoing research subject in the field of reinforced concrete with advances in the concrete and reinforcement materials requiring continuous experimental efforts. Finite element analysis (FEA) provides opportunities to explore structural behavior of RC structures beyond the limitations of experimental testing. However, there is a paucity of research studies employing FEA to investigate the reinforcement-concrete bond-zone behavior and related failure mechanism. Instead, most FEA-based research associated with RC bond has centered on developing a bond (or interface) constitutive model for use in FEA that, by itself, can characterize bond-zone behavior, typically represented by the bond stress-slip displacement relationship. This class of bond models is useful for simulating the global behavior of RC structures but is limited in its ability to simulate local bond resistance for geometries and material properties that differ substantially from those used to calibrate the model. To fill this gap in research, this study proposes a finite element (FE) modeling approach that can simulate local bond-zone behavior in reinforced concrete. The proposed FE model is developed in a physics-based way such that it represents the detailed geometry of the bond-zone, including ribs on the deformed reinforcement, and force transfer mechanisms at the concrete-reinforcement interface. The explicit representation of the bond-zone enables simulation of the local concrete compression due to bearing of ribs against concrete and subsequent hoop tension in the concrete. This causes bond failure either due to local concrete crushing (leading to reinforcement pullout) or global concrete splitting. Accordingly, special attention is given to the selection and calibration of a concrete model to reproduce robust nonlinear response. The power of the proposed modeling approach is its ability to predict bond failure and damage patterns, based only on the physical and material properties of the bond area. Thus, the successful implementation and application of this approach enables the use of FEA simulation to support the development of new design specifications for bond zones that include new and improved materials.
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Modélisation et simulation du comportement des bétons confinés / Simulation of the behaviour of confined concreteFarahmandpour, Chia 04 December 2017 (has links)
Les techniques de renforcement de structures en béton armé (BA) par collage de polymères renforcés de fibres (PRF) trouvent un important champ d'applications dans le renforcement des poteaux en BA. Le chemisage par PRF confine le noyau du poteau et permet d'augmenter sa résistance et sa ductilité. Bien que de nombreux travaux expérimentaux aient été consacrés à l'étude de l'effet de confinement du PRF sur le comportement des poteaux en BA, la réalisation d'une simulation réaliste de la réponse structurelle de tels éléments présente de nombreuses difficultés liées aux modèles de comportement peu appropriés à reproduire précisément la réponse mécanique du béton confiné. Dans cette recherche, un modèle de comportement élasto-plastique endommageable est développé pour reproduire la réponse mécanique du béton sollicité suivant un chemin triaxial de contraintes. Ce modèle prend en compte différents mécanismes de comportement du béton tels que les déformations irréversibles, l'endommagement dû à la microfissuration, la sensibilité au confinement et les caractéristiques de dilatation. Un processus d'identification des paramètres du modèle est proposé sur la base d'essais classiques. La validation de ce modèle est ensuite démontrée en comparant des résultats de simulations à des données expérimentales de la littérature sur des bétons confinés activement puis des bétons confinés par des PRF présentant une large gamme de rigidité. Le modèle proposé est également comparé à différentes modélisations de la littérature. Les capacités du modèle sont illustrées et analysées sur des applications tridimensionnelles de poteaux en BA de taille réelle, non confinés et confinés par PRF. / For the past two decades, externally bonded Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) has gained much popularity for seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) columns. In this technique, FRP wrap installed on the surface of a column acts as lateral confinement and enhance the strength and deformation capacity of the concrete element. Although many experimental works have been devoted to the study of confining effect of FRP on the behavior of RC columns, the numerical simulation of FRP-jacketed RC columns remains a challenging issue due to the lack of appropriate constitutive model for confined concrete. In this study, a damage plastic model is developed to predict the behavior of concrete under triaxial stress states. The proposed model takes into account different material behavior such as irreversible strain, damage due to microcracking, confinement sensitivity and dilation characteristic. A straightforward identification process of all model’s parameters is then presented. The identification process is applied to different normal strength concrete. The validity of the model is then demonstrated through confrontation of experimental data with simulations considering active confined concrete and FRP confined concrete with a wide range of confinement stiffness. The proposed constitutive model is also compared with other models from the literature and the distinguishing features of this new model are discussed. Furthermore, the capacity of the model in the three-dimensional finite element analysis of full-scale RC columns is demonstrate and discussed.
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Numerical Investigation of Masonry Infilled RC Frames Subjected to Seismic LoadingManju, M A January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Reinforced concrete frames, infilled with brick/concrete block masonry, are the most common type of structures found in multi-storeyed constructions, especially in developing countries. Usually, the infill walls are considered as non-structural elements even though they alter the lateral stiffness and strength of the frame significantly. Approximately 80% of the structural cost from earthquakes is attributable to damage of infill walls and to consequent damages of doors, windows and other installations. Despite the broad application and economical significance, the infill walls are not included in the analysis because of the design complexity and lack of suitable theory. But in seismic areas, ignoring the infill-frame interaction is not safe because the change in the stiffness and the consequent change in seismic demand of the composite structural system is not negligible. The relevant experimental findings shows a considerable reduction in the response of infilled frames under reverse cyclic loading. This behaviour is caused by the rapid degradation of stiffness, strength, and low energy dissipation capacity resulting from the brittle and sudden damage of the unreinforced masonry infill walls. Though various national/international codes of practice have incorporated some of the research outcomes as design guidelines, there is a need and scope for further refinement.
In the initial part of this work, a numerical modelling and linear elastic analysis of masonry infilled RC frames has been done. A multi-storey multi-bay frame infilled with masonry panels, is considered for the study. Both macro modelling and micro modelling strategies are adopted. Seismic loading is considered and an equivalent static analysis as suggested in IS 1893, 2002 is done. The results show that the stiffness of the composite structure is increased due to the obvious confinement effects of infill panels on the bounding frame. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the influence of size and location of openings, presence/absence of infill panels in a particular storey and elevation irregularity in terms of floor height. The results show that the interaction of infill panel changes the seismic response of the composite structure significantly. Presence of openings further changes the seismic behaviour. Increase in openings increases the natural period and introduce newer failure mechanisms. Absence of infill in a particular storey (an elevation irregularity) makes it drift more compared to adjacent storeys. Since the structural irregularities influence the seismic behaviour of a building considerably, we should be cautious while construction and renovation of such buildings in order to take the advantage of increased strength and stiffness obtained by the presence of infill walls.
A nonlinear dynamic analysis of masonry infilled RC frames is presented next. Material non linearity is considered for the finite element modelling of both masonry and concrete. Concrete damage plasticity model is employed to capture the degradation in stiffness under reverse cyclic loading. A parametric study by varying the same parameters as considered in the linear analysis is conducted. It is seen that the fundamental period calculation of infilled frames by conventional empirical formulae needs to be revisited for a better understanding of the real seismic behaviour of the infilled frames. Enhancement in the lateral stiffness due to the presence of infill panel attracts larger force and causes damage to the composite system during seismic loading. Elevation irregularities included absence of infill panels in a particular storey. Soft storey shows a tendency for the adjacent columns to fail in shear, due to the large drift compared to other storeys. The interstorey drift ratios of soft storeys are found to be larger than the limiting values. However this model could not capture the separation at the interfaces and related failure mechanisms.
To improve the nonlinear model, a contact surface at the interface is considered for a qualitative analysis. A one bay one storey infilled frame is selected. The material characteristics were kept the same as those used in the nonlinear model. Contact surface at the interface was given hard contact property with pressure-overclosure relations and suitable values of friction at the interface. This model could simulate the compressive diagonal strut formation and the switching of this compressive strut to the opposite diagonal under reverse cyclic loading. It showed an indication of corner crushing and diagonal cracking failure modes. The frame with central opening showed stress accumulation near the corners of opening.
Next, the micro modelling strategy for masonry suggested by Lourenco is studied. This interface element can be used at the masonry panel-concrete frame interface as well as at the expanded masonry block to block interface. Cap plasticity model (modified Drucker – Prager model for geological materials) can be used to describe the behaviour of masonry (in terms of interface cracking, slipping, shearing) under earthquake loading. The blocks can be defined as elastic material with a potential crack at the centre. However, further experimental investigation is needed to calibrate this model.
It is required to make use of the beneficial effects and improve upon the ill-effects of the presence of infills. To conclude, infill panels are inevitable for functional aspects such as division of space and envelope for the building. Using the lateral stiffness, strength contribution and energy dissipation capacity, use of infill panels is proposed to be a wiser solution for reducing the seismic vulnerability of multi-storey buildings.
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The effect of pre-stressing location on punching shear capacity of concrete flat slabsVosoughian, Saeed January 2019 (has links)
Implementing pre-stressing cables is a viable option aiming at controlling deformation and cracking of concrete flat slabs in serviceability limit state. The pre-stressing cables also contribute to punching shear capacity of the slab when they are located in vicinity of the column. The positive influence of pre-stressing cables on punching capacity of the concrete slabs is mainly due to the vertical component of inclined cables, compressive in-plane stresses and counter acting bending moments near the support region. The method presented in Eurocode 2 to determine the punching capacity of the pre-stressed concrete flat slabs considers the in-plane compressive stresses but totally neglects the effect of counter acting moments. The effect of vertical forces introduced by inclined cables is only considered when they are within the distance 2d from the face of the column. This area is called basic control area in the Eurocode 2. In this master thesis nonlinear finite element analysis is carried out to study the effect of pre-stressing cables on punching shear capacity of concrete slabs respecting the distance of cables from the face of the column. To attain this objective, the concrete damage plasticity model is implemented to model the concrete. The results indicate that until the distance of 6d from the face of the column the contribution of pre-stressing cables in punching shear capacity of slabs is significant. Furthermore, comparing the numerical results with the punching shear capacity of slabs predicted by Eurocode 2 reveals that Eurocode tremendously underestimates the punching shear capacity when the cables are located outside the basic control area.
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