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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uso do SIG como ferramenta de auxílio na recuperação de áreas degradadas / Use of GIS as management tool on restoration of damaged areas

Simão Júnior, Roberto 19 June 2001 (has links)
Pesquisou-se o uso do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) como ferramenta de auxílio na Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas (RAD), dentro de uma proposta de um paradigma mais adequado ao tema. Como estudo de caso, utilizou-se o SIG no desenvolvimento de elementos para o planejamento da drenagem superficial de áreas mineradas pela empresa Samarco Mineração SA, Ouro Preto/MG, através da identificação de micro-bacias vulneráveis à drenagem. A falta da abordagem holística e a excessiva fragmentação do saber, tem feito os profissionais confundirem os efeitos como causas, obtendo-se pseudo-soluções, aparentemente eficientes no curto prazo, mas falhas no médio e longo prazo, como demonstrado por alguns projetores de RAD no passado, a exemplo do paradigma do \"Tapete Verde\" nas décadas de 70 e 80. Segurou-se um novo paradigma para a RAD visando-se propiciar nichos distribuídos em pontos diversos dentro das grandes áreas degradadas. Propõe-se, para tal, a divisão das águas de drenagem com vistas ao desencadeamento da sucessão ecológica, promovendo a retenção da umidade, matéria orgânica, nutrientes e propágulos. Espera-se que os conceitos aqui aventados permitam uma recuperação de áreas degradadas mais eficaz do que se tem obtido e melhor sincronizado com as exigências do controle ambiental. / This study presents an investigation of Restoration of Damaged Areas (RDA) using a Geographical Information System (GIS), within the context of an adequate paradigm for this purpose. As a case study, a GIS was employed to develop information for planning of surface drainage in areas mined by Samarco Mineração SA, Ouro Preto-MG, Brazil, identifying micro- basins vulnerable to deleterious effects of excessive drainage. A review of literature on RDA shows that there is a lack of treatments based on holistic principles emphasizing only compartmentalized knowledge. This promotes confusion as regards the causes and the effects leading to pseudo-solutions, although apparently efficient in the short run, are prejudicial in the long run, as demonstrated by some of the past RDA projects. One can mention the paradigm of \"Green Carpet\" used in 70\'s and 80\'s which limited itself to covering the damaged areas with some kind of vegetation to improve the visual aspect of such areas. A new paradigm is proposed for RDA that requires a division of the drainage flow in order to initiate ecological succession promoting retention of moisture, organic matter, nutrients and propagules. It is hoped that the concepts alluded to in this study help to obtain more efficient RDAs than those attained in the past and better attuned to the demands of modern environmental control.

Uso do SIG como ferramenta de auxílio na recuperação de áreas degradadas / Use of GIS as management tool on restoration of damaged areas

Roberto Simão Júnior 19 June 2001 (has links)
Pesquisou-se o uso do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) como ferramenta de auxílio na Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas (RAD), dentro de uma proposta de um paradigma mais adequado ao tema. Como estudo de caso, utilizou-se o SIG no desenvolvimento de elementos para o planejamento da drenagem superficial de áreas mineradas pela empresa Samarco Mineração SA, Ouro Preto/MG, através da identificação de micro-bacias vulneráveis à drenagem. A falta da abordagem holística e a excessiva fragmentação do saber, tem feito os profissionais confundirem os efeitos como causas, obtendo-se pseudo-soluções, aparentemente eficientes no curto prazo, mas falhas no médio e longo prazo, como demonstrado por alguns projetores de RAD no passado, a exemplo do paradigma do \"Tapete Verde\" nas décadas de 70 e 80. Segurou-se um novo paradigma para a RAD visando-se propiciar nichos distribuídos em pontos diversos dentro das grandes áreas degradadas. Propõe-se, para tal, a divisão das águas de drenagem com vistas ao desencadeamento da sucessão ecológica, promovendo a retenção da umidade, matéria orgânica, nutrientes e propágulos. Espera-se que os conceitos aqui aventados permitam uma recuperação de áreas degradadas mais eficaz do que se tem obtido e melhor sincronizado com as exigências do controle ambiental. / This study presents an investigation of Restoration of Damaged Areas (RDA) using a Geographical Information System (GIS), within the context of an adequate paradigm for this purpose. As a case study, a GIS was employed to develop information for planning of surface drainage in areas mined by Samarco Mineração SA, Ouro Preto-MG, Brazil, identifying micro- basins vulnerable to deleterious effects of excessive drainage. A review of literature on RDA shows that there is a lack of treatments based on holistic principles emphasizing only compartmentalized knowledge. This promotes confusion as regards the causes and the effects leading to pseudo-solutions, although apparently efficient in the short run, are prejudicial in the long run, as demonstrated by some of the past RDA projects. One can mention the paradigm of \"Green Carpet\" used in 70\'s and 80\'s which limited itself to covering the damaged areas with some kind of vegetation to improve the visual aspect of such areas. A new paradigm is proposed for RDA that requires a division of the drainage flow in order to initiate ecological succession promoting retention of moisture, organic matter, nutrients and propagules. It is hoped that the concepts alluded to in this study help to obtain more efficient RDAs than those attained in the past and better attuned to the demands of modern environmental control.

Dégradation des aspérités des joints rocheux sous différentes conditions de chargement

Fathi, Ali January 2015 (has links)
Résumé: L’objectif de cette thèse est d’interpréter la dégradation des aspérités des joints rocheux sous différentes conditions de chargement. Pour cela, la variation des aspérités durant les différentes étapes du cisaillement d’un joint rocheux est observée. Selon le concept appelé “tiny windows”, une nouvelle méthodologie de caractérisation des épontes des joints a été développée. La méthodologie est basée sur les coordonnées tridimensionnelles de la surface des joints et elles sont mesurées après chaque essai. Après la reconstruction du modèle géométrique de la surface du joint, les zones en contact sont identifiées à travers la comparaison des hauteurs des “tiny windows” superposées. Ainsi, la distribution des zones de la surface en contact, endommagées et sans contact ont été identifiées. La méthode d’analyse d’image a été utilisée pour vérifier les résultats de la méthodologie proposée. Les résultats indiquent que cette méthode est appropriée pour déterminer la taille et la distribution des surfaces du joint en contact et endommagées à différentes étapes du cisaillement. Un ensemble de 38 répliques ont été préparées en coulant du mortier sans retrait sur une surface de fracture obtenue à partir d’un bloc de granite. Différentes conditions de chargement, incluant des chargements statiques et cycliques ont été appliquées afin d’étudier la dégradation des aspérités à différentes étapes du procédé de cisaillement. Les propriétés géométriques des “tiny windows” en contact en phase pré-pic, pic, post-pic et résiduelle ont été analysées en fonction de leurs angles et de leurs auteurs. Il a été remarqué que les facettes des aspérités faisant face à la direction de cisaillement jouent un rôle majeur dans le cisaillement. Aussi, il a été observé que les aspérités présentent différentes contributions dans le cisaillement. Les aspérités les plus aigües (“tiny windows” les plus inclinées) sont abîmées et les aspérités les plus plates glissent les unes sur les autres. Les aspérités d’angles intermédiaires sont définies comme “angle seuil endommagé” et “angle seuil en contact”. En augmentant la charge normale, les angles seuils diminuent d’une part et, d’autre part, le nombre de zones endommagées et en contact augmentent. Pour un petit nombre de cycles (avec faible amplitude et fréquence), indépendamment de l’amplitude, une contraction apparaît ; par conséquent, la surface en contact et les paramètres de résistance au cisaillement augmentent légèrement. Pour un grand nombre de cycles, la dégradation est observée à l’échelle des aspérités de second ordre, d’où une baisse des paramètres de résistance au cisaillement. Il a été aussi observée que les “tiny windows” avec différentes inclinaisons contribuent au processus de cisaillement, en plus des “tiny windows” les plus inclinées (aspérités plus aigües). Les résultats de la méthode proposée montrent que la différenciation entre les zones en contact et celles endommagées s’avère utile pour une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme de cisaillement des joints rocheux. / Abstract: The objective of the current research is to interpret the asperity degradation of rock joints under different loading conditions. For this aim, the changes of asperities during different stages of shearing in the three-dimensional joint surface are tracked. According to a concept named ‘tiny window’, a new methodology for the characterization of the joint surfaces was developed. The methodology is based on the three-dimensional coordinates of the joints surface that are captured before and after each test. After the reconstruction of geometric models of joint surface, in-contact areas were identified according to the height comparison of the face to face tiny windows. Therefore, the distribution and size of just in-contact areas, in-contact damaged areas and not in-contact areas are identified. Image analysis method was used to verify the results of the proposed method. The results indicated that the proposed method is suitable for determining the size and distribution of the contact and damaged areas at any shearing stage. A total of 38 replicas were prepared by pouring non-shrinking cement mortar on a fresh joint surface of a split granite block. Various loading conditions include monotonic and cyclic loading were applied to study the asperities degradation at different stages of shearing. The geometric properties of the in-contact tiny windows in the pre-peak, peak, post-peak softening and residual shearing stages were investigated based on their angle and height. It was found that those asperities facing the shear direction have the primary role in shearing. It is remarkable that different part of these asperities has their own special cooperation in shearing. The steepest parts (steeper tiny windows) are wore and the flatter parts (flatter tiny windows) are slid. The borderlines between these tiny windows defined as “damaged threshold angle” and “in-contact threshold angle”. By increasing normal load, both the amounts of threshold angles are decreased and contact and damaged areas increased. During low numbers of cycles (with low amplitude and frequency), independent of the type of cycle, contraction occurs and consequently the contact area and the shear strength parameters slightly increased. During larger number of cycles, degradation occurred on the second order asperities, therefore the shear strength parameters slowly decreased. It was also observed that tiny windows with different heights participate in the shearing process, not just the highest ones. The results of the proposed method indicated that considering differences between just in-contact areas and damaged areas provide useful insights into understanding the shear mechanism of rock joints.

Caracterização fitogeográfica como subsídio para a recuperação e a conservação da vegetação na Bacia do Rio Corumbataí/SP. / Phytogeographic characterization as a subsidy for the recovery and conservation of vegetation at the Corumbatai river basin/SP.

Mendes, João Carlos Teixeira 15 April 2004 (has links)
A bacia hidrográfica do Rio Corumbataí é de extrema importância para o desenvolvimento sustentável da região por ser o principal manancial para o abastecimento de 8 municípios: Piracicaba, Charqueada, Rio Claro, Santa Gertrudes, Ipeúna, Itirapina, Corumbataí e Analândia. Devido à importância das florestas nativas na manutenção da qualidade e quantidade dos recursos hídricos e ao elevado índice de fragmentação, tem ocorrido um acréscimo nessa região das ações que visam a recuperação e a conservação da cobertura florestal. A constatação de que grande parte dessas ações poderá ser comprometida ao longo do tempo, em função da falta de esclarecimentos sobre a complexidade florestal da região, motivou a realização da caracterização fitogeográfica nessa área. Uma etapa dessa caracterização foi realizada por meio do reconhecimento geral da cobertura florestal, utilizando-se técnicas de interpretação de imagens orbitais digitais, checagens de campo e reconhecimento aéreo. Paralelamente foi realizado um amplo levantamento bibliográfico, no qual obtiveram-se as informações necessárias para a identificação dos aspectos fisionômicos das formações florestais e a realização das análises de composição florística e similaridade (Índice de Jaccard e Coeficiente de Aglomeração). Ao todo foram identificadas 7 formações florestais pertencentes à composição fitogeográfica da bacia, sendo: Estacional Semidecidual, Estacional Semidecidual Aluvial, Estacional Semidecidual Submontana, Estacional Decidual, Floresta Paludosa, Cerradão e Cerrado. A análise geral da composição florística demonstrou a ocorrência de uma alta diversidade nesse mosaico florestal, na qual foram identificadas 487 espécies arbóreas-arbustivas pertencentes a 72 famílias e 212 gêneros. Também pôde-se verificar que do total de espécies apenas 10 espécies são generalistas, ou seja, ocorrem em todas as formações e, 163 espécies são exclusivas, ou seja, ocorrem numa formação especificamente. A análise da similaridade pelo índice de Jaccard demonstrou que as maiores semelhanças florísticas ocorrem entre as florestas Semidecidual e Semidecidual Aluvial e entre o Cerrado e o Cerradão. Os resultados do coeficiente de aglomeração demonstrou haver alta heterogeneidade florística entre as formações e que estas se organizam em 2 grandes grupos, o das Florestas Estacionais com a Floresta Paludosa e o do Cerrado com o Cerradão. Para compreender melhor a organização do mosaico florestal da Bacia do Corumbataí, realizou-se o mapeamento e o georreferenciamento dos pontos de ocorrência das formações fitogeográficas e, posteriormente, fez-se a associação destes com diferentes características ambientais da região. Com isto, identificou-se os fatores edáficos que condicionam as áreas de ocorrência de cada formação e, consequentemente, obteve-se uma visão global da distribuição geográfica das formações, concluindo que: as florestas Semidecidual, Semidecidual Aluvial e Paludosa ocorrem em toda a extensão da bacia; a floresta Semidecidual Submontana, o Cerrado e o Cerradão ocorrem com maior freqüência nas regiões leste e norte; e a floresta Estacional Decidual ocorre no sul, precisamente no município de Piracicaba. Por fim, são feitas recomendações para a recuperação e a conservação florestal na bacia que podem subsidiar futuras ações conservacionistas. / The Corumbatai River Basin is of great importance to the sustainable development of its region, for it is the main source of treatable water supplied to homes, industries and public use of 8 of the following municipalities: Piracicaba, Charqueada, Rio Claro, Santa Gertrudes, Ipeúna, Itirapina, Corumbatai and Analândia. Given the importance of native forests in the maintenance of quality and quantity of the watershed, associated to the great degree of fragmentation, there has been occurring an increase of actions aimed at recovering and conservation of the natural vegetation. The evidences that during the time the most part of this actions can be compromised due to the deficiency of explanation about the forest complexity, this has motivated this work of phytogeographic characterization in the region. One phase of this characterization has taken place with the general forest coverage reconnaissance, using the interpretation techniques of digital orbital imagery, field checking and aerial reconnaissance. Moreover, a ample bibliographical review was undertaken, through which the necessary information were obtained for the identification of physiognomic aspects of the forest formation and to the analysis of floristic composition and similarity (Jaccard’s Coefficient and Agglomerate Classification). There were 7 forest formation identified in total, which belong to a phytogeographical composition of the riverbasin, which are: Seasonal Semidecidual Forest, Seasonal Alluvial Semidecidual Forest, Submontana Semidecidual Forest, Seasonal Deciduous Forest, Flooded Forest, Savanna Forest and Savanna. The general analysis of the floristic composition demonstrated the occurrence of high diversity in the forest mosaic, in which were identified 487 arboreal species, belonging to 72 families and 212 genera. It was also possible to verify that from the total number of species, only 10 species are general, that is, they occur in all formation. Moreover, 163 species are exclusively, that is, they occur in a specific formation only. The analysis of similarity by the Jaccard index demonstrated that the majority of floristic similarities occur among the Semidecidual Forests and the Alluvial Semidecidual Forest and the Savanna and Savanna Forest. The results of the agglomerate classification demonstrated to have high floristic heterogeneity among the formation and that these are organized in 2 large groups: the Seasonal Forests with Flooded Forest and of the Savanna with Savanna Forest. To best understand the organization of this forest mosaic within the Corumbatai Basin, a georefferenced mapping system was created, showing the points of occurrence of the phytogeographical formation and, afterwards, these were associated with the different environmental characteristics of the region. After having that done, it was identified the edafic factors that impose conditions to the areas of occurrence of each formation and, consequently, it was possible to obtain a general view of the geographical distribution of the different formation, which allowed for the following conclusion: the Semidecidual, Semidecidual Alluvial and Flooded Forest occur in all the extension of the riverbasin; the Semidecidual Submontana, the Savanna and the Savanna Forest occur with higher frequency in the east and north regions; and the Seasonal Deciduous Forest occur mostly in the south, precisely in the Piracicaba municipality. Finally, some recommendations are made for the recovery and conservation of the forests within the Corumbatai Riverbasin, which can subsidize future conservationist actions.

Caracterização fitogeográfica como subsídio para a recuperação e a conservação da vegetação na Bacia do Rio Corumbataí/SP. / Phytogeographic characterization as a subsidy for the recovery and conservation of vegetation at the Corumbatai river basin/SP.

João Carlos Teixeira Mendes 15 April 2004 (has links)
A bacia hidrográfica do Rio Corumbataí é de extrema importância para o desenvolvimento sustentável da região por ser o principal manancial para o abastecimento de 8 municípios: Piracicaba, Charqueada, Rio Claro, Santa Gertrudes, Ipeúna, Itirapina, Corumbataí e Analândia. Devido à importância das florestas nativas na manutenção da qualidade e quantidade dos recursos hídricos e ao elevado índice de fragmentação, tem ocorrido um acréscimo nessa região das ações que visam a recuperação e a conservação da cobertura florestal. A constatação de que grande parte dessas ações poderá ser comprometida ao longo do tempo, em função da falta de esclarecimentos sobre a complexidade florestal da região, motivou a realização da caracterização fitogeográfica nessa área. Uma etapa dessa caracterização foi realizada por meio do reconhecimento geral da cobertura florestal, utilizando-se técnicas de interpretação de imagens orbitais digitais, checagens de campo e reconhecimento aéreo. Paralelamente foi realizado um amplo levantamento bibliográfico, no qual obtiveram-se as informações necessárias para a identificação dos aspectos fisionômicos das formações florestais e a realização das análises de composição florística e similaridade (Índice de Jaccard e Coeficiente de Aglomeração). Ao todo foram identificadas 7 formações florestais pertencentes à composição fitogeográfica da bacia, sendo: Estacional Semidecidual, Estacional Semidecidual Aluvial, Estacional Semidecidual Submontana, Estacional Decidual, Floresta Paludosa, Cerradão e Cerrado. A análise geral da composição florística demonstrou a ocorrência de uma alta diversidade nesse mosaico florestal, na qual foram identificadas 487 espécies arbóreas-arbustivas pertencentes a 72 famílias e 212 gêneros. Também pôde-se verificar que do total de espécies apenas 10 espécies são generalistas, ou seja, ocorrem em todas as formações e, 163 espécies são exclusivas, ou seja, ocorrem numa formação especificamente. A análise da similaridade pelo índice de Jaccard demonstrou que as maiores semelhanças florísticas ocorrem entre as florestas Semidecidual e Semidecidual Aluvial e entre o Cerrado e o Cerradão. Os resultados do coeficiente de aglomeração demonstrou haver alta heterogeneidade florística entre as formações e que estas se organizam em 2 grandes grupos, o das Florestas Estacionais com a Floresta Paludosa e o do Cerrado com o Cerradão. Para compreender melhor a organização do mosaico florestal da Bacia do Corumbataí, realizou-se o mapeamento e o georreferenciamento dos pontos de ocorrência das formações fitogeográficas e, posteriormente, fez-se a associação destes com diferentes características ambientais da região. Com isto, identificou-se os fatores edáficos que condicionam as áreas de ocorrência de cada formação e, consequentemente, obteve-se uma visão global da distribuição geográfica das formações, concluindo que: as florestas Semidecidual, Semidecidual Aluvial e Paludosa ocorrem em toda a extensão da bacia; a floresta Semidecidual Submontana, o Cerrado e o Cerradão ocorrem com maior freqüência nas regiões leste e norte; e a floresta Estacional Decidual ocorre no sul, precisamente no município de Piracicaba. Por fim, são feitas recomendações para a recuperação e a conservação florestal na bacia que podem subsidiar futuras ações conservacionistas. / The Corumbatai River Basin is of great importance to the sustainable development of its region, for it is the main source of treatable water supplied to homes, industries and public use of 8 of the following municipalities: Piracicaba, Charqueada, Rio Claro, Santa Gertrudes, Ipeúna, Itirapina, Corumbatai and Analândia. Given the importance of native forests in the maintenance of quality and quantity of the watershed, associated to the great degree of fragmentation, there has been occurring an increase of actions aimed at recovering and conservation of the natural vegetation. The evidences that during the time the most part of this actions can be compromised due to the deficiency of explanation about the forest complexity, this has motivated this work of phytogeographic characterization in the region. One phase of this characterization has taken place with the general forest coverage reconnaissance, using the interpretation techniques of digital orbital imagery, field checking and aerial reconnaissance. Moreover, a ample bibliographical review was undertaken, through which the necessary information were obtained for the identification of physiognomic aspects of the forest formation and to the analysis of floristic composition and similarity (Jaccard’s Coefficient and Agglomerate Classification). There were 7 forest formation identified in total, which belong to a phytogeographical composition of the riverbasin, which are: Seasonal Semidecidual Forest, Seasonal Alluvial Semidecidual Forest, Submontana Semidecidual Forest, Seasonal Deciduous Forest, Flooded Forest, Savanna Forest and Savanna. The general analysis of the floristic composition demonstrated the occurrence of high diversity in the forest mosaic, in which were identified 487 arboreal species, belonging to 72 families and 212 genera. It was also possible to verify that from the total number of species, only 10 species are general, that is, they occur in all formation. Moreover, 163 species are exclusively, that is, they occur in a specific formation only. The analysis of similarity by the Jaccard index demonstrated that the majority of floristic similarities occur among the Semidecidual Forests and the Alluvial Semidecidual Forest and the Savanna and Savanna Forest. The results of the agglomerate classification demonstrated to have high floristic heterogeneity among the formation and that these are organized in 2 large groups: the Seasonal Forests with Flooded Forest and of the Savanna with Savanna Forest. To best understand the organization of this forest mosaic within the Corumbatai Basin, a georefferenced mapping system was created, showing the points of occurrence of the phytogeographical formation and, afterwards, these were associated with the different environmental characteristics of the region. After having that done, it was identified the edafic factors that impose conditions to the areas of occurrence of each formation and, consequently, it was possible to obtain a general view of the geographical distribution of the different formation, which allowed for the following conclusion: the Semidecidual, Semidecidual Alluvial and Flooded Forest occur in all the extension of the riverbasin; the Semidecidual Submontana, the Savanna and the Savanna Forest occur with higher frequency in the east and north regions; and the Seasonal Deciduous Forest occur mostly in the south, precisely in the Piracicaba municipality. Finally, some recommendations are made for the recovery and conservation of the forests within the Corumbatai Riverbasin, which can subsidize future conservationist actions.

A Feasibility Study of an Automated Repair Process using Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) with a Machine Integrated Component Measuring Solutio

Säger, Florian January 2019 (has links)
The repair of worn or damaged components is becoming more attractive to manufacturers, since it enables them to save resources, like raw material and energy. With that costs can be reduced, and profit can be maximised. When enabling the re-use of components, the lifetime of a component can be extended, which leads to improved sustainability measures. However, repair is not applied widely, mainly because costs of repairing are overreaching the costs of purchasing a new component. One of the biggest expense factors of repairing a metal component is the labourintense part of identifying and quantifying worn or damages areas with the use of various external measurement systems. An automated measuring process would reduce application cost significantly and allow the applications to less cost intense component. To automate the repair process, in a one-machine solution, it is prerequisite that a measuring device is included in the machine enclosure. For that, different measuring solutions are being assessed towards applicability on the “Trumpf TruLaser Cell 3000 Series”. A machine that uses the Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) technology to print, respectively weld, metal on a target surface. After a theoretical analysis of different solutions, the most sufficient solution is being validated by applying to the machine. During the validation a surface models from a test-component is generated. The result is used to determine the capability of detecting worn areas by doing an automated target-actual comparison with a specialised CAM program. By verifying the capability of detecting worn areas and executing a successful repair, the fundamentals of a fully automated repair process can be proven as possible in a one-machine solution. / Tillverkare har börjat se stora möjligheter i att reparera slitna eller skadade komponenter som ett sätt att spara resurser, så som råmaterial och energi. Med den besparingen minskar kostnaderna och vinsten kan således maximeras. Reparation möjliggör även återanvändning av komponenter, vilket förlänger komponentens livslängd och leder till förbättrade hållbarhetsåtgärder. Dock tillämpas reparation inte i någon stor utsträckning i nuläget, främst eftersom kostnaderna för reparation överstiger kostnaderna för att köpa en ny komponent. En av de största kostnaderna för att reparera en metallkomponent är att identifiera och kvantifiera slitna eller skadade områden med hjälp av olika externa mätsystem, som är en väldigt arbetsintensiv process. En automatiserad mätprocess skulle minska avsökningskostnaden avsevärt och således reducera den totala kostnaden för komponenten. För att möjliggöra en automatiserad reparationsprocess i en enda maskinlösning är det en förutsättning att en mätanordning ingår i maskinhöljet. Därför har olika mätningslösningar utvärderats med avseende på användbarhet i "TRUMPF TruLaser Cell 3000 Series", vilket är en maskin som använder Laser Metall Deposition-teknik (LMD-teknik) för att skriva ut och svetsa metall på en definierad yta. En teoretisk analys av olika lösningar har utförts, där den teoretiskt mest lämpliga lösningen validerades genom att appliceras till maskinen. Valideringen genererade en modell av ytan av en testkomponent. Sedan utfördes en automatiserad, målrelaterad jämförelse med ett specialiserat CAM-program baserat på modellresultatet, för att bestämma möjligheten att upptäcka slitna områden. Genom att verifiera förmågan att upptäcka slitna områden samt genomförandet av en lyckad reparation kan grunden för en helt automatiserad reparationsprocess bevisas som möjlig i en enda maskinlösning. / Das reparieren von abgenutzten oder beschädigten Komponenten wird immer attraktiver für Hersteller. Es ermöglicht es Ressourcen einzusparen wie beispielsweise Rohmaterial und Energie, was die Lebenszeit einer Komponente verlängert und damit die Nachhaltigkeit verbessert. Allerdings ist Reparieren nach wie vor nicht weit verbreitet, hauptsächlich dadurch bedingt, dass die Reparaturkosten die Kosten für eine neue Komponente übersteigen. Einer der größten Kostenfaktoren des reparieren einer Metallkomponente ist der Arbeitsintensive Teil der Identifizierung und Quantifizierung des abgenutzten oder beschädigten Bereichs mit verschiedensten externen Vermessung Systemen. Ein automatisierter Vermessungsprozess würde die Kosten signifikant reduzieren und neue Applikationen ermöglichen. Das automatisieren der gesamte Prozesskette – in einer Single-Maschinenlösung – erfordert, dass eine Messeinrichtung im Bearbeitungsraum der Maschine angebracht wird. Dafür werden verschiedene Lösungen nach Anwendbarkeit an der Trumpf Laser Cell 3000 Serie hin beurteilt. Eine Maschine, welche Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) als Technologie anwendet um Material auf Oberflächen aufzubringen. Nach einer theoretischen Analyse verschiedener Lösungen wird die beste Lösung va durch anbringen an die Maschine validiert. Bei der Validierung wird ein Oberflächenmodel erzeugt. Das Ergebnis wird dann genutzt um die Fähigkeit zu belegen, dass beschädigte Stellen, durch einen Soll-Ist-Vergleich in einem speziellen CAM Programm, automatisch detektiert werden können. Basierend auf diesem Beleg und mit dem Ergebnis eine Komponente erfolgreich reparieren zu können, gilt die These eines automatisierten Reparaturprozesses in einer Single-Maschinenlösung als beweisen.

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