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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mineração de regras de associação sequenciais em séries temporais e visualização: aplicação em dados agrometeorológicos

Cano, Marcos Daniel 03 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:06:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5971.pdf: 5628502 bytes, checksum: 38bfe45912e4f91f4ad8c7fb5fb815db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-03 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Technological development brought improvements in the technology of climate sensors and Earth's surface image acquisition, gathering increasing amounts of data. Generally, when these data are submitted to mining algorithms, the output is the production of hundreds or even thousands of textual patterns, making the task of data analysis by the domain expert even harder. Hence, it is crucial, to support experts, the development of a tool that helps to identify and display patterns of interest. In this context, this research project at Master Science level aims to develop a technique for mining association rules in time series allowing agrometeorological data analysis over time. / O avanço tecnológico tem propiciado melhorias nos diversos sensores utilizados para medições dos dados climáticos e de imageamento da superfície terrestre, coletando quantidades cada vez maiores de dados. Quando esses dados são submetidos aos algoritmos de mineração para serem explorados ocorre, em geral, a produção de centenas ou ate mesmo milhares de padrões textuais, dificultando ainda mais a tarefa de analise dos dados pelo especialista de domínio. Assim, e crucial, para apoiar os especialistas, o desenvolvimento de um ferramental que auxilia na identificação e visualização dos padrões de interesse. Neste contexto, este projeto de pesquisa em nível de mestrado visa desenvolver uma técnica de mineração de regras de associação em series temporais permitindo a analise de dados agrometeorológicos ao longo do tempo.

Analisando a mobilidade de pesquisadores através de registros curriculares na Plataforma Lattes

Chaves, Luiz Carlos Rodrigues 22 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fernando Souza (fernandoafsou@gmail.com) on 2017-08-17T11:44:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6126370 bytes, checksum: 0ce9e5acaeeec05c5207b3ccf0844b98 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-17T11:44:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6126370 bytes, checksum: 0ce9e5acaeeec05c5207b3ccf0844b98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / Scientific research has an important role in the evolution of human knowledge and it has been increasingly encouraged as an object of study. In literature many works are focusing on analysis that exploring and point correlations and motivations of this evolution, but it is known that scientific research has been demonstrated as a very strong link to this development because researchers when used may transfer especially his knowledge to support the problems resolution. In addition, recent work has shown that the mobility of a researcher can ensure positive aspects in productivity, collaboration and internationalization of scientific research. Therefore, in this study it was decided to analyze the patterns of mobility between active or trained researchers in Brazil in teaching and research institutions through the extraction and treatment of locality dependent metrics present in their curriculum vitae records. Because of the scope on the national scene the Lattes Platform was adopted as the primary data source on the researchers mobility history. However mobility analysis was only possible because to extraction methodology and data processing from this work that created the mobility flow of all Lattes doctors using their birth, training and work records in this order to create the metrics and visualizations used in results obtained. With this methodology we could identify the training centers of the most influential human resources for the national scientific community and the network of training institutions and researchers registered activities in the Lattes platform. Even describing how the mobility vary over time. In addition to identifying some interesting patterns of mobility, such as the minimum displacement trend conducted by researchers in various geographical contexts view. / A pesquisa científica possui importante papel na evolução do conhecimento humano e por isso tem sido cada vez mais incentivada como objeto de estudo. Na literatura inúmeros são os focos de análise que exploram e apontam as correlações e motivações desta evolução, mas se sabe que a pesquisa científica tem sido demonstrada como um elo bastante forte para tal desenvolvimento, pois os pesquisadores quando usados de forma estratégica podem transferir principalmente seu conhecimento para fundamentar a resolução de problemas. Além disso, trabalhos recentes vêm mostrando que a mobilidade de um pesquisador pode garantir aspectos positivos na produtividade, colaboração e internacionalização da pesquisa científica. Portanto, neste estudo resolveu-se analisar os padrões de mobilidade entre os pesquisadores atuantes ou capacitados no Brasil em instituições de ensino e pesquisa através da extração e tratamento de métricas dependentes da localidade presente em seus registros curriculares. E devido a abrangência no cenário nacional a plataforma Lattes foi adotada como principal fonte de dados sobre o histórico de deslocamento dos pesquisadores. Contudo, a análise da mobilidade só foi possível graças a metodologia de extração e tratamento dos dados deste trabalho que criou o fluxo de deslocamento de todos os doutores do Lattes usando seus registros de nascimento, formação e atuação para assim criar as métricas e visualizações utilizadas nos resultados obtidos. Com essa metodologia foi possível identificar os centros de formação de recursos humanos mais influentes para a comunidade científica nacional e a rede formada por instituições de formação e de atuação dos pesquisadores cadastrados na plataforma Lattes. Inclusive descrevendo como os deslocamentos variam ao longo do tempo. Além de identificar alguns padrões de mobilidade interessantes, como a tendência de deslocamento mínimo realizado pelos pesquisadores nos mais diversos contextos geográficos de visualização.

Visualização dos dados estatísticos da Uerj: proposta de dashboards baseados no trabalho de Jacques Bertin / Visualization of State University of Rio de Janeiro statistical data: proposed dashboards based on the work of Jacques

Luiz Frederico Sarkis Arbex 25 September 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os painéis de gráficos estatísticos conhecidos como dashboards são utilizados comumente naárea de Business Intelligence (BI) para a visualização de grandes sistemas organizados de dados. A presente dissertação propõe embasar o projeto de dashboards pelas teorias de Jacques Bertin, formuladas nas obras Sémiologie Graphique e La Graphique et le Traitement Graphique de linformation. Considerando este referencial, e ainda parâmetros do design de informação e da visualização de dados, foram desenvolvidos dashboards que apresentam dados sobre a política de reserva de vagas da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sistematizados pelo projeto de BI dessa instituição. O objetivo foi não apenas o de atender aos requisitos convencionais de um dashboard, mas sobretudo o de apresentar outras perspectivas informativas. Nesse sentido, investigam-se as especificidades dos métodos de Bertin e sua expansão para o domínio dos sistemas interativos. / The panels of statistical charts known as dashboards are employed in the area of Business Intelligence (BI) for the visualization of large-scale organized systems of data. This Masters Thesis proposes to base the design of dashboards by theories of Jacques Bertin, formulated in the books Sémiologie graphique and La graphique et le traitement de linformation. Considering this framework, and further parameters of information design and data visualization, it were developed dashboards that present data about the policy of quotas from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, systematized by the BI project of that institution. The goal was not only to meet the requirements of a conventional dashboard, but rather to present other perspectives of information. Accordingly, we investigate the specific methods of Bertin and its expansion into the area of interactive systems.

Uma nova metáfora visual escalável para dados tabulares e sua aplicação na análise de agrupamentos / A scalable visual metaphor for tabular data and its application on clustering analysis

Evinton Antonio Cordoba Mosquera 19 September 2017 (has links)
A rápida evolução dos recursos computacionais vem permitindo que grandes conjuntos de dados sejam armazenados e recuperados. No entanto, a exploração, compreensão e extração de informação útil ainda são um desafio. Com relação às ferramentas computacionais que visam tratar desse problema, a Visualização de Informação possibilita a análise de conjuntos de dados por meio de representações gráficas e a Mineração de Dados fornece processos automáticos para a descoberta e interpretação de padrões. Apesar da recente popularidade dos métodos de visualização de informação, um problema recorrente é a baixa escalabilidade visual quando se está analisando grandes conjuntos de dados, resultando em perda de contexto e desordem visual. Com intuito de representar grandes conjuntos de dados reduzindo a perda de informação relevante, o processo de agregação visual de dados vem sendo empregado. A agregação diminui a quantidade de dados a serem representados, preservando a distribuição e as tendências do conjunto de dados original. Quanto à mineração de dados, visualização de informação vêm se tornando ferramental essencial na interpretação dos modelos computacionais e resultados gerados, em especial das técnicas não-supervisionados, como as de agrupamento. Isso porque nessas técnicas, a única forma do usuário interagir com o processo de mineração é por meio de parametrização, limitando a inserção de conhecimento de domínio no processo de análise de dados. Nesta dissertação, propomos e desenvolvemos uma metáfora visual baseada na TableLens que emprega abordagens baseadas no conceito de agregação para criar representações mais escaláveis para a interpretação de dados tabulares. Como aplicação, empregamos a metáfora desenvolvida na análise de resultados de técnicas de agrupamento. O ferramental resultante não somente suporta análise de grandes bases de dados com reduzida perda de contexto, mas também fornece subsídios para entender como os atributos dos dados contribuem para a formação de agrupamentos em termos da coesão e separação dos grupos formados. / The rapid evolution of computing resources has enabled large datasets to be stored and retrieved. However, exploring, understanding and extracting useful information is still a challenge. Among the computational tools to address this problem, information visualization techniques enable the data analysis employing the human visual ability by making a graphic representation of the data set, and data mining provides automatic processes for the discovery and interpretation of patterns. Despite the recent popularity of information visualization methods, a recurring problem is the low visual scalability when analyzing large data sets resulting in context loss and visual disorder. To represent large datasets reducing the loss of relevant information, the process of aggregation is being used. Aggregation decreases the amount of data to be represented, preserving the distribution and trends of the original dataset. Regarding data mining, information visualization has become an essential tool in the interpretation of computational models and generated results, especially of unsupervised techniques, such as clustering. This occurs because, in these techniques, the only way the user interacts with the mining process is through parameterization, limiting the insertion of domain knowledge in the process. In this thesis, we propose and develop the new visual metaphor based on the TableLens that employs approaches based on the concept of aggregation to create more scalable representations of tabular data. As application, we use the developed metaphor in the analysis of the results of clustering techniques. The resulting framework does not only support large database analysis but also provides insights into how data attributes contribute to clustering regarding cohesion and separation of the composed groups

Explorando dados provindos da internet em dispositivos móveis: uma abordagem baseada em visualização de informação / Exploring web data on mobile devices: an approach based on information visualization

Felipe Simões Lage Gomes Duarte 12 February 2015 (has links)
Com o progresso da computação e popularização da Internet, a sociedade entrou na era da informação. Esta nova fase é marcada pela forma como produzimos e lidamos com a informação. Diariamente, são produzidos e armazenados milhares de Gigabytes de dados cujo valor é reduzido se a informação ali contida não puder ser transformada em conhecimento. Concomitante a este fato, o padrão da computação está caminhando para a miniaturização e acessibilidade com os dispositivos móveis. Estes novos equipamentos estão mudando o padrão de comportamento dos usuários que passam de leitores passivos a geradores de conteúdo. Neste contexto, este projeto de mestrado propõe a técnica de visualização de dados NMap e a ferramenta de visualização de dados web aplicável a dispositivo móvel SPCloud. A técnica NMap utiliza todo o espaço visual disponível para transmitir informações de grupos preservando a metáfora distância-similaridade. Teste comparativos com as principais técnicas do estado da arte mostraram que a técnica NMap tem melhores resultados em preservação de vizinhança com um tempo de processamento significativamente melhor. Este fato coloca a NMap como uma das principais técnicas de ocupação do espaço visual. A ferramenta SPCloud utiliza a NMap para visualizar notícias disponíveis na web. A ferramenta foi desenvolvida levando em consideração as características inerentes aos dispositivos moveis o que possibilita utiliza-la nestes equipamentos. Teste informais com usuários demonstraram que a ferramenta tem um bom desempenho para sumarizar grandes quantidades de notícias em um pequeno espaço visual. / With the development of computers and the increasing popularity of the Internet, our society has entered the information age. This era is marked by the way we produce and deal with information. Everyday, thousand of Gigabytes are stored, but their value is reduced if the data cannot be transformed into knowledge. Concomitantly, computing is moving towards miniaturization and affordability of mobile devices, which are changing users behavior who move from passive readers to content generators. In this context, in this master thesis we propose and develop a data visualization technique, called NMap, and a web data visualization tool for mobile devices, called SPCloud. NMap uses all available visual space to transmit information preserving the metaphor of distance-similarity between elements. Comparative evaluations were performed with the state of the art techniques and the result has shown that NMap produces better results of neighborhood preservation with a significant improvement in processing time. Our results place NMap as a major space-filling technique establishing a new state of the art. SPCloud, a tool which uses NMap to present news available on the web, was developed taking into account the inherent characteristics of mobile devices. Informal user tests revealed that SPCloud performs well to summarize large amounts of news in a small visual space.

A visualização de dados na teoria da comunicação

Santos, Márcio Emílio dos 19 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-01T11:16:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marcioemiliodossantos.pdf: 6871193 bytes, checksum: 8a0527620a2551b270f5286e1886a43f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T02:59:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marcioemiliodossantos.pdf: 6871193 bytes, checksum: 8a0527620a2551b270f5286e1886a43f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T02:59:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marcioemiliodossantos.pdf: 6871193 bytes, checksum: 8a0527620a2551b270f5286e1886a43f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Este trabalho analisa o uso de métodos e recursos computacionais como ferramenta para o pesquisador na área de Comunicação, principalmente em projetos de pesquisa que lidem com problemas passíveis de serem modelados computacionalmente através de algoritmos culturais. Destacamos que não se propõe uma substituição ou redução da participação humana na análise subjetiva de conteúdos, padrões e significados em prol de uma análise mais automatizada e quantitativa. Na estrutura deste trabalho contemplamos quatro capítulos que organizam aspectos teóricos, históricos, experiência práticas e resultados obtidos com a construção de uma visualização de uma grande coleção de dados. No primeiro capítulo, Digitalização e a linguagem da New Media, descrevemos o processo de digitalização tanto dos meios de produção quanto dos artefatos culturais ligados a Comunicação. Apresentamos a proposta de Manovich sobre o surgimento de uma nova mídia baseada nas características do software e seus aspectos digitais, como resultado deste processo de digitalização. No segundo capítulo, O que é visualização? Apresentamos um conjunto conceitual que define o que é a visualização, suas origens e proximidades com outras áreas como a visualização científica e aspectos teóricos, matemático e computacionais que baseiam esta linha de aplicação de métodos computacionais para analises culturais. O terceiro capítulo, Aplicação dos Conceitos de Visualização: VEJA DataVis., relata detalhadamente o processo de coleta da coleção de dados, organização, construção do algoritmo, aplicação e resultados apresentados na visualização de dados num hyperwall. O quarto e último capítulo, Análise de impactos da DataVis na percepção da Coleção de Dados VEJA, analisa como o processo e o resultado da aplicação da metodologia proposta por Manovich altera a percepção inicial da coleção de dados, destacando os aspectos de visualidade do contexto completo do conjunto de dados. / This paper analyzes the use of computational methods and resources as a tool for the researcher in the area of communication , particularly in research projects dealing with problems that can be modeled computationally through cultural algorithms . We emphasize that it is not proposed substitution or reduction of human involvement in the analysis of subjective content , patterns and meanings in favor of a more automated and quantitative analysis . In the structure of this work contemplate four chapters that organize theoretical , historical, practical experience and results obtained with the construction of a visualization of a large collection of data. In the first chapter , Scan and language of New Media , we describe the process of scanning both the means of production and of cultural artifacts linked to communication . Here is the proposed Manovich on the emergence of new media based on the characteristics of the software and its digital aspects , as a result of the scanning process. In the second chapter , What is visualization ? We present a conceptual framework that defines what is visualization , its origins and with other nearby areas such as scientific visualization and theoretical aspects , mathematical and computational basing this line of application of computational methods for cultural analysis . The third chapter , Application of Concepts View : . DataVis VIEW , describes the process of collecting the data collection , organization , construction of the algorithm , implementation and results presented in the visualization of data in a hyperwall detail . The fourth and final chapter, analysis of impacts on the perception of DataVis Collection SEE data, analyzes how the process and the result of applying the methodology proposed by Manovich change the initial perception of the data collection , emphasizing the visual aspects of the full context of dataset.

A Cloud Based Platform for Big Data Science

Islam, Md. Zahidul January 2014 (has links)
With the advent of cloud computing, resizable scalable infrastructures for data processing is now available to everyone. Software platforms and frameworks that support data intensive distributed applications such as Amazon Web Services and Apache Hadoop enable users to the necessary tools and infrastructure to work with thousands of scalable computers and process terabytes of data. However writing scalable applications that are run on top of these distributed frameworks is still a demanding and challenging task. The thesis aimed to advance the core scientific and technological means of managing, analyzing, visualizing, and extracting useful information from large data sets, collectively known as “big data”. The term “big-data” in this thesis refers to large, diverse, complex, longitudinal and/or distributed data sets generated from instruments, sensors, internet transactions, email, social networks, twitter streams, and/or all digital sources available today and in the future. We introduced architectures and concepts for implementing a cloud-based infrastructure for analyzing large volume of semi-structured and unstructured data. We built and evaluated an application prototype for collecting, organizing, processing, visualizing and analyzing data from the retail industry gathered from indoor navigation systems and social networks (Twitter, Facebook etc). Our finding was that developing large scale data analysis platform is often quite complex when there is an expectation that the processed data will grow continuously in future. The architecture varies depend on requirements. If we want to make a data warehouse and analyze the data afterwards (batch processing) the best choices will be Hadoop clusters and Pig or Hive. This architecture has been proven in Facebook and Yahoo for years. On the other hand, if the application involves real-time data analytics then the recommendation will be Hadoop clusters with Storm which has been successfully used in Twitter. After evaluating the developed prototype we introduced a new architecture which will be able to handle large scale batch and real-time data. We also proposed an upgrade of the existing prototype to handle real-time indoor navigation data.

Providing visualisation of wood industry data with a user centred design

Lindell, Patrick, Nilsson, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
When developing a new system, it is a good idea to involve the end users from the start to prevent usability issues. This thesis has evaluated how one can develop a data visualisation system for the sawmill industry with a focus on user experience.  Semi-structured interviews with a snowball sample approach were used to acquire the demands of the end users. From these demands, paper prototypes were developed and then evaluated. Data on these prototypes were collected iteratively with the help of usability tests. This was done to understand how pleased users were when using the product but also to evaluate how efficiently they used it. Metrics have been used to measure the user experience of the product with both the paper prototypes and a hi-fi prototype, also described as the alpha prototype.  The conclusion answers the two research questions asked in this thesis. It concludes that the interview technique used in this thesis gave a good understanding of what information the users were interested in. Regarding measuring user experience, usability issues have been detected and reduced for each iteration, which indirectly results in a higher efficiency since the number of confusions are reduced. Something that can be seen from the system usability scale tests is that the high scores (about 89) they generated indicate that the users are pleased. With the different metrics used in this thesis, the conclusions are that the fewer the obstacles are for the user, the less annoyed they are when using the product and in turn perform their goals faster.

Analysis of Eye-Tracking Data in Visualization and Data Space

Alam, Sayeed Safayet 12 May 2017 (has links)
Eye-tracking devices can tell us where on the screen a person is looking. Researchers frequently analyze eye-tracking data manually, by examining every frame of a visual stimulus used in an eye-tracking experiment so as to match 2D screen-coordinates provided by the eye-tracker to related objects and content within the stimulus. Such task requires significant manual effort and is not feasible for analyzing data collected from many users, long experimental sessions, and heavily interactive and dynamic visual stimuli. In this dissertation, we present a novel analysis method. We would instrument visualizations that have open source code, and leverage real-time information about the layout of the rendered visual content, to automatically relate gaze-samples to visual objects drawn on the screen. Since such visual objects are shown in a visualization stand for data, the method would allow us to necessarily detect data that users focus on or Data of Interest (DOI). This dissertation has two contributions. First, we demonstrated the feasibility of collecting DOI data for real life visualization in a reliable way which is not self-evident. Second, we formalized the process of collecting and interpreting DOI data and test whether the automated DOI detection can lead to research workflows, and insights not possible with traditional, manual approaches.

Visual narrative : a theory and model for image-driven digital historiography based on a case study of China's Boxer Uprising (c.1900)

Sebring, Ellen Irene January 2016 (has links)
Digitization that has enabled instant access to vast numbers of archival, historical images, demands a new paradigm for the use of visual imagery in historical research. This thesis proposes a new form of historiography in the digital medium, an image-based narrative mode for authoring and reading history. I propose a digital model for conveying history through the visual record, as an alternative to the printed book. Unlike the quantitative “big data” approach to digital humanities, this research explores visuality itself. In a practice-led approach, the research addresses both aspects of historiography: (1) a method of historical representation; and (2) original historical work on a selected topic. The testbed for historiographic and narrative experiments which led to the model was my case study on the Boxer Uprising in China, c. 1900. While many written histories of the Boxer Uprising exist, I collected a large portion of its extensive visual record for the first time. Sources from around the world, in a variety of media, were assembled into a digital data set that reveals previously unexplored historical themes. A series of visual narratives built in the case study culminated in a proposed “Visual Narrative Field” model. In this model, meaning emerges in the patterns observed between images within a complex visual field. The model vertically integrates three narrative approaches in order to support alternating cognitive modes used to read texts and perceive images. Linear concentration is blended with the non-linear exploration of interactive forms. The model provides historians with a much-needed tool for authoring narrative through relationships between images in a scalable approach. Due to digitization, visual databases are easily assembled, and images are as easily reproduced as written text. The Visual Narrative Field model takes advantage of the characteristics of the newly-digitized visual record, providing a means of authoring visual narrative that can be comprehended without the use of extensive written text. The model thus creates an unprecedented image-based method for performing and presenting historical research.

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