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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning-based Attack and Defense on Recommender Systems

Agnideven Palanisamy Sundar (11190282) 06 August 2021 (has links)
The internet is the home for massive volumes of valuable data constantly being created, making it difficult for users to find information relevant to them. In recent times, online users have been relying on the recommendations made by websites to narrow down the options. Online reviews have also become an increasingly important factor in the final choice of a customer. Unfortunately, attackers have found ways to manipulate both reviews and recommendations to mislead users. A Recommendation System is a special type of information filtering system adapted by online vendors to provide suggestions to their customers based on their requirements. Collaborative filtering is one of the most widely used recommendation systems; unfortunately, it is prone to shilling/profile injection attacks. Such attacks alter the recommendation process to promote or demote a particular product. On the other hand, many spammers write deceptive reviews to change the credibility of a product/service. This work aims to address these issues by treating the review manipulation and shilling attack scenarios independently. For the shilling attacks, we build an efficient Reinforcement Learning-based shilling attack method. This method reduces the uncertainty associated with the item selection process and finds the most optimal items to enhance attack reach while treating the recommender system as a black box. Such practical online attacks open new avenues for research in building more robust recommender systems. When it comes to review manipulations, we introduce a method to use a deep structure embedding approach that preserves highly nonlinear structural information and the dynamic aspects of user reviews to identify and cluster the spam users. It is worth mentioning that, in the experiment with real datasets, our method captures about 92\% of all spam reviewers using an unsupervised learning approach.<br>

Verifikace osob podle hlasu bez extrakce příznaků / Speaker Verification without Feature Extraction

Lukáč, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Verifikácia osôb je oblasť, ktorá sa stále modernizuje, zlepšuje a snaží sa vyhovieť požiadavkám, ktoré sa na ňu kladú vo oblastiach využitia ako sú autorizačné systmémy, forenzné analýzy, atď. Vylepšenia sa uskutočňujú vďaka pokrom v hlbokom učení, tvorením nových trénovacích a testovacích dátovych sad a rôznych súťaží vo verifikácií osôb a workshopov. V tejto práci preskúmame modely pre verifikáciu osôb bez extrakcie príznakov. Používanie nespracovaných zvukových stôp ako vstupy modelov zjednodušuje spracovávanie vstpu a teda znižujú sa výpočetné a pamäťové požiadavky a redukuje sa počet hyperparametrov potrebných pre tvorbu príznakov z nahrávok, ktoré ovplivňujú výsledky. Momentálne modely bez extrakcie príznakov nedosahujú výsledky modelov s extrakciou príznakov. Na základných modeloch budeme experimentovať s modernými technikamy a budeme sa snažiť zlepšiť presnosť modelov. Experimenty s modernými technikamy značne zlepšili výsledky základných modelov ale stále sme nedosiahli výsledky vylepšeného modelu s extrakciou príznakov. Zlepšenie je ale dostatočné nato aby sme vytovrili fúziu so s týmto modelom. Záverom diskutujeme dosiahnuté výsledky a navrhujeme zlepšenia na základe týchto výsledkov.

Visipedia - Multi-dimensional Object Embedding Based on Perceptual Similarity / Visipedia - Multi-Dimensional Object Embedding Based on Perceptual Similarity

Matera, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Problémy jako je jemnozrnná kategorizace či výpočty s využitím lidských zdrojů se v posledních letech v komunitě stávají stále populárnějšími, což dosvědčuje i značné množství publikací na tato témata. Zatímco většina těchto prací využívá "klasických'' obrazových příznaků extrahovaných počítačem, tato se zaměřuje především na percepční vlastnosti, které nemohou být snadno zachyceny počítači a vyžadují zapojení lidí do procesu sběru dat. Práce zkoumá možnosti levného a efektivního získávání percepčních podobností od uživatelů rovněž ve vztahu ke škálovatelnosti. Dále vyhodnocuje několik relevantních experimentů a představuje metody zlepšující efektivitu sběru dat. Jsou zde také shrnuty a porovnány metody učení multidimenzionálního indexování a prohledávání tohoto prostoru. Získané výsledky jsou následně užity v komplexním experimentu vyhodnoceném na datasetu obrázků jídel. Procedura začíná získáváním podobností od uživatelů, pokračuje vytvořením multidimenzionálního prostoru jídel a končí prohledáváním tohoto prostoru.

Neviditelné značení digitálních signálů / Invisible watermarking of digital signals

Pacura, Dávid January 2016 (has links)
Cílem téhle práce je navrhnutí nových technik pro robustní neviditelné značení digitálních signálů. Nejdříve je prezentován současný stav tohoto odvětví a dostupné softwarové řešení. Poté následuje návrh několika algoritmů pro neviditelné značení, přičemž každý z nich je založen na jiném principu. Dále je připravena sada digitálních testovacích signálů společně s testovacím softwarem pro otestování navržených řešení a jejích porovnání s vybraným dostupným softwarem. Poté následuje srovnání naměřených výsledků, výkonu a jejích diskuze.

Optimizing Extremal Eigenvalues of Weighted Graph Laplacians and Associated Graph Realizations

Reiß, Susanna 17 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with optimizing extremal eigenvalues of weighted graph Laplacian matrices. In general, the Laplacian matrix of a (weighted) graph is of particular importance in spectral graph theory and combinatorial optimization (e.g., graph partition like max-cut and graph bipartition). Especially the pioneering work of M. Fiedler investigates extremal eigenvalues of weighted graph Laplacians and provides close connections to the node- and edge-connectivity of a graph. Motivated by Fiedler, Göring et al. were interested in further connections between structural properties of the graph and the eigenspace of the second smallest eigenvalue of weighted graph Laplacians using a semidefinite optimization approach. By redistributing the edge weights of a graph, the following three optimization problems are studied in this thesis: maximizing the second smallest eigenvalue (based on the mentioned work of Göring et al.), minimizing the maximum eigenvalue and minimizing the difference of maximum and second smallest eigenvalue of the weighted Laplacian. In all three problems a semidefinite optimization formulation allows to interpret the corresponding semidefinite dual as a graph realization problem. That is, to each node of the graph a vector in the Euclidean space is assigned, fulfilling some constraints depending on the considered problem. Optimal realizations are investigated and connections to the eigenspaces of corresponding optimized eigenvalues are established. Furthermore, optimal realizations are closely linked to the separator structure of the graph. Depending on this structure, on the one hand folding properties of optimal realizations are characterized and on the other hand the existence of optimal realizations of bounded dimension is proven. The general bounds depend on the tree-width of the graph. In the case of minimizing the maximum eigenvalue, an important family of graphs are bipartite graphs, as an optimal one-dimensional realization may be constructed. Taking the symmetry of the graph into account, a particular optimal edge weighting exists. Considering the coupled problem, i.e., minimizing the difference of maximum and second smallest eigenvalue and the single problems, i.e., minimizing the maximum and maximizing the second smallest eigenvalue, connections between the feasible (optimal) sets are established.

Neural-Symbolic Integration

Bader, Sebastian 05 October 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, we discuss different techniques to bridge the gap between two different approaches to artificial intelligence: the symbolic and the connectionist paradigm. Both approaches have quite contrasting advantages and disadvantages. Research in the area of neural-symbolic integration aims at bridging the gap between them. Starting from a human readable logic program, we construct connectionist systems, which behave equivalently. Afterwards, those systems can be trained, and later the refined knowledge be extracted.

Linear and Nonlinear Dimensionality-Reduction-Based Surrogate Models for Real-Time Design Space Exploration of Structural Responses

Bird, Gregory David 03 August 2020 (has links)
Design space exploration (DSE) is a tool used to evaluate and compare designs as part of the design selection process. While evaluating every possible design in a design space is infeasible, understanding design behavior and response throughout the design space may be accomplished by evaluating a subset of designs and interpolating between them using surrogate models. Surrogate modeling is a technique that uses low-cost calculations to approximate the outcome of more computationally expensive calculations or analyses, such as finite element analysis (FEA). While surrogates make quick predictions, accuracy is not guaranteed and must be considered. This research addressed the need to improve the accuracy of surrogate predictions in order to improve DSE of structural responses. This was accomplished by performing comparative analyses of linear and nonlinear dimensionality-reduction-based radial basis function (RBF) surrogate models for emulating various FEA nodal results. A total of four dimensionality reduction methods were investigated, namely principal component analysis (PCA), kernel principal component analysis (KPCA), isometric feature mapping (ISOMAP), and locally linear embedding (LLE). These methods were used in conjunction with surrogate modeling to predict nodal stresses and coordinates of a compressor blade. The research showed that using an ISOMAP-based dual-RBF surrogate model for predicting nodal stresses decreased the estimated mean error of the surrogate by 35.7% compared to PCA. Using nonlinear dimensionality-reduction-based surrogates did not reduce surrogate error for predicting nodal coordinates. A new metric, the manifold distance ratio (MDR), was introduced to measure the nonlinearity of the data manifolds. When applied to the stress and coordinate data, the stress space was found to be more nonlinear than the coordinate space for this application. The upfront training cost of the nonlinear dimensionality-reduction-based surrogates was larger than that of their linear counterparts but small enough to remain feasible. After training, all the dual-RBF surrogates were capable of making real-time predictions. This same process was repeated for a separate application involving the nodal displacements of mode shapes obtained from a FEA modal analysis. The modal assurance criterion (MAC) calculation was used to compare the predicted mode shapes, as well as their corresponding true mode shapes obtained from FEA, to a set of reference modes. The research showed that two nonlinear techniques, namely LLE and KPCA, resulted in lower surrogate error in the more complex design spaces. Using a RBF kernel, KPCA achieved the largest average reduction in error of 13.57%. The results also showed that surrogate error was greatly affected by mode shape reversal. Four different approaches of identifying reversed mode shapes were explored, all of which resulted in varying amounts of surrogate error. Together, the methods explored in this research were shown to decrease surrogate error when performing DSE of a turbomachine compressor blade. As surrogate accuracy increases, so does the ability to correctly make engineering decisions and judgements throughout the design process. Ultimately, this will help engineers design better turbomachines.

Dynamic resource allocation and management in virtual networks and Clouds / Gestion et allocation dynamique des ressources dans les réseaux virtuels et Clouds

Jmila, Houda 21 December 2015 (has links)
L’informatique en nuage (Cloud computing) est une technologie prometteuse facilitant la réservation et de l'utilisation des ressources d’une manière flexible et dynamique. En plus des ressources informatiques traditionnelles, les utilisateurs du Cloud attendent à ce que des ressources réseaux leurs soient dédiées afin de faciliter le déploiement des fonctions et services réseau. Ils souhaitent pouvoir gérer l'ensemble d'un réseau virtuel (VN) ou infrastructure. Ainsi, les fournisseurs du Cloud doivent déployer des solutions de provisionnement des ressources dynamiques et adaptatives afin d’allouer des réseaux virtuels qui reflètent les besoins variables dans le temps des applications hébergés dans le Cloud. L’état de l’art sur l’allocation des réseaux virtuels s’est uniquement intéressé au problème de mapping des nœuds et liens virtuels composant une demande de réseau virtuel dans les nœuds et chemins du réseau de physique (infrastructure Cloud), connu sous le nom du problème de virtual network embedding (VNE). Peu d'attention a été accordée à la gestion des ressources allouées pour répondre en permanence aux besoins variables des réseaux virtuels hébergés dans le réseau physique et afin d'assurer une utilisation efficace des ressources. L'objectif de cette thèse est de permettre l'allocation des réseaux virtuels d’une manière dynamique et préventive pour faire face aux fluctuations de la demande au cours de la durée de vie du réseau virtuel, et pour améliorer l'utilisation des ressources du substrat. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, la thèse propose d'adaptation des algorithmes d'allocation des ressources pour répondre à l’évolution des demandes du réseau virtuel. Premièrement, nous allons étudier en profondeur l'extension d'un nœud virtuel, à savoir le cas où un nœud virtuel hébergé nécessite plus de ressources alors le nœud physique qui l’héberge n'a pas assez de ressources disponibles. Deuxièmement, nous allons améliorer la proposition précédente afin de considérer la rentabilité du réseau de substrat. Et enfin, nous allons gérer la variation de la demande en bande passante dans les liens virtuels. Par conséquent, la première partie de cette thèse fournit un algorithme heuristique qui traite la fluctuation de la demande dans les nœuds virtuels. L'idée principale de l'algorithme est de réallouer un ou plusieurs nœuds virtuels co-localisés dans du nœud de substrat, qui héberge le nœud en évolution pour libérer des ressources (ou faire de la place) pour le nœud en évolution. En plus de réduire le coût de réaffectation, notre proposition prend en compte et réduit l'interruption de service pendant la migration. L'algorithme précédent a été étendu pour concevoir un algorithme de reconfiguration préventif pour améliorer la rentabilité du réseau physique. En fait, notre proposition profite de la perturbation de la demande de ressources pour ranger le réseau physique à un coût minimal et sans perturbations. Lors de la réaffectation des nœuds virtuels pour faire place pour le nœud en extension, nous réaffectant les liens virtuels les plus congestionnées dans des ressources physiques moins saturées afin d’équilibrer la charge sur le réseau. Notre proposition offre le meilleur compromis entre le coût de réaffectation et l'équilibrage des charges. Enfin, un framework distribué, parallèle et à vue locale a été mis au point pour traiter toutes les formes de fluctuations de la demande en bande passante dans les liens virtuels. Elle se compose d'un contrôleur et trois algorithmes exécutés dans chaque nœud du substrat d'une manière distribuée et parallèle. Le framework est basé sur l'auto-stabilisation, et peut gérer de nombreuses et différentes formes de variations de la demande de bande passante simultanément / Cloud computing is a promising technology enabling IT resources reservation and utilization on a pay-as-you-go manner. In addition to the traditional computing resources, cloud tenants expect compete networking of their dedicated resources to easily deploy network functions and services. They need to manage an entire Virtual Network (VN) or infrastructure. Thus, Cloud providers should deploy dynamic and adaptive resource provisioning solutions to allocate virtual networks that reflect the time-varying needs of Cloud-hosted applications. Prior work on virtual network resource provisioning only focused on the problem of mapping the virtual nodes and links composing a virtual network request to the substrate network nodes and paths, known as the Virtual network embedding (VNE) problem. Little attention was paid to the resource management of the allocated resources to continuously meet the varying demands of embedded virtual networks and to ensure efficient substrate resource utilization. The aim of this thesis is to enable dynamic and preventive virtual network resources provisioning to deal with demand fluctuation during the virtual network lifetime, and to enhance the substrate resources usage. To reach these goals, the thesis proposes adaptive resource allocation algorithms for evolving virtual network requests. We adress the extension of an embedded virtual node requiring more resources and consider the substrate network profitability. We also deal with the bandwidth demand variation in embedded virtual links. We first provide a heuristic algorithm to deal with virtual nodes demand fluctuation. The work is extended by designing a preventive re-configuration scheme to enhance substrate network profitability. Finally, a distributed, local-view and parallel framework was devised to handle embedded virtual links bandwidth fluctuations. The approach is composed of a controller and three algorithms running in each substrate node in a distributed and parallel manner. The framework is based on the self-stabilization approach, and can manage various forms of bandwidth demand variations simultaneously

Méthodologie de conception numérique d'un module de puissance dédié à l'automobile en vue de l'optimisation des surtensions, des pertes et des émissions conduites / Methodology of numerical design of a power module dedicated to the automobile with optimizing overvoltages, losses and conducted emissions

Daou, Hocine 08 February 2018 (has links)
Le véhicule électrique (VE) s'inscrit actuellement dans un contexte industriel fortement corrélé aux contraintes environnementales. Un tel contexte où la minimisation des coûts est également vitale impose par conséquent des contraintes de développement et de réalisation. Les modules de puissance constituent un coût conséquent dans un système de conversion pour l'automobile. Nous nous plaçons dans le contexte des modules de puissance à IGBT en technologie silicium qui assurent les fonctions de conversion d’énergie (AC/DC ou DC/AC) pour des applications moyennes et fortes puissances. L’un des points les plus limitant de ces modules est l’aspect inductif de la maille de commutation. L’intégration de condensateurs de découplage (Ceq) au sein du module permet de réduire les effets des inductances parasites car ils offrent un chemin à basse impédance au courant commuté et augmentent la vitesse de commutation du composant. C’est cette solution que nous avons étudiée. Le but est de démontrer la faisabilité d’une telle solution couplée avec le choix optimal de la résistance de grille (Rg) des puces IGBT. Nous avons établi des règles de conception permettant la construction de modèles circuit d’un bras d’onduleur permettant l’intégration de fonction de découplage. Ce dernier nous a permis dans un premier temps de réduire les surtensions aux bornes des composants mais les pertes par commutation n’ont pas pu être améliorées significativement en comparaison à un module conventionnel. La démarche suivie pour aller plus loin a consisté à chercher un compromis entre les valeurs des condensateurs distribués dans le module et le choix des résistances de grille des puces IGBT. L’optimisation par algorithmes génétiques est la solution qui a été trouvée pour contourner les problèmes bloquants et améliorer significativement les performances du module. / Modern converter concepts demand increasing energy efficiency and flexibility in de-sign and construction. Considering that the dependency of the switching losses on various factors such as the switching voltage, switching current, stray inductance (Lstray) and the reverse recovery process of the freewheeling diode, various concepts have been developed to decrease power modules stray inductance for the purpose of loss reduction but with risk of exceeding the maximum rated blocking voltage. However, considering practical design requirement, lower stray inductance is not necessarily beneficial for the system. This leads to the question of tolerable size of parasitic inductance and best dI/di and dv/dt rate for low commutation losses and low voltage spikes. In this thesis, design methodology for a low inductive, Modern converter concepts demand increasing energy efficiency and flexibility in de-sign and construction. Considering that the dependency of the switching losses on various factors such as the switching voltage, switching current, stray inductance (Lstray) and the reverse recovery process of the freewheeling diode, various concepts have been developed to decrease power modules stray inductance for the purpose of loss reduction but with risk of exceeding the maximum rated blocking voltage. However, considering practical design requirement, lower stray inductance is not necessarily beneficial for the system. This leads to the question of tolerable size of parasitic inductance and best dI/di and dv/dt rate for low commutation losses and low voltage spikes. In this thesis, design methodology for a low inductive,

A Framework to Understand Emoji Meaning: Similarity and Sense Disambiguation of Emoji using EmojiNet

Wijeratne, Sanjaya January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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