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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resource allocation in multi-domain wireless software-defined networks / Allocation de ressources dans des réseaux définis par logiciels sans-fil multi-domaines

Chen, Lunde 29 April 2019 (has links)
La tendance à la numérisation de nombreux secteurs industriels tels que l’automobile, l’agriculture, les transports, la gestion urbaine, etc. révèle la nécessité de nouveaux usages des services de communication point-à-multipoint, tels que la fourniture massive de mises à jour logicielles et livraison fiable de messages d’alerte à la population, etc. D’un autre côté, la mise en logiciel des réseaux de nouvelle génération, avec notamment l’adoption croissante des réseaux définis par logiciel (SDN), apporte au réseau la flexibilité et les capacités de programmation permettant de prendre en charge des services de distribution point-à-multipoint de manière rentable. Cette thèse contribue au problème général de la fourniture de services de communication point-à-multipoint avec des exigences de qualité de service (QoS) dans un réseau SDN multi-domaines. Il considère également que certains des domaines sont des réseaux multi-sauts sans-fil. Tout d’abord, une technique d’agrégation de topologie de domaine basée sur une arborescence de Steiner, combinée à un algorithme heuristique d’allocation de ressources, sont proposés pour prendre en charge des services point-à-multipoint couvrant plusieurs domaines. Ensuite, un service de découverte de topologie générique est proposé pour les réseaux multi-sauts sans-fil basés sur le SDN afin de permettre au contrôleur SDN de créer et de gérer une vue complète du réseau avec divers attributs de nœud et de liaison sans-fil. Le contrôleur peut alors exposer des vues personnalisées aux applications de contrôle du réseau, telles que, par exemple, l’application en charge de la fourniture de services point-à-multipoint sur un réseau multi-sauts sans-fil basé sur le paradigme SDN. Un algorithme basé sur la programmation linéaire en nombres entiers et un algorithme génétique sont également proposés pour l’allocation de liens virtuels point-à-multipoint sur un réseau sans-fil multi-radio, multi-canaux et multi-sauts basé sur SDN. Enfin, pour traiter le cas des services dynamiques point-à-multipoint, nous proposons un schéma de réallocation de ressources qui répond aux exigences changeantes tout en réduisant les interuptions de service. / The movement towards the digitalization of many industry sectors such as automotive, agriculture, transportation, city management, etc. is revealing the need for novel usages of point-to-multipoint network delivery services, such as massive delivery of software updates to objects, secure and reliable delivery of alert messages to population, etc. On another side, the softwarization of next generation networks, with amongst, the increasing adoption of Software Defined Networks (SDN) is bringing to the network the flexibility and programming capabilities that enable the support of point-to-multipoint delivery services in an efficient and cost-effective way. This PhD work contributes to the general problem of providing point-tomultipoint delivery services with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements in a multidomain SDN network. It also considers that some of the domains are wireless multi hop networks. First, a Steiner tree based network domain topology aggregation combined with a resource allocation heuristic algorithm is proposed to support point-to-multipoint delivery services that span multiple domains. Then, a generic topology discovery service is proposed for SDN based wireless multi-hop networks to let the SDN controller build and maintain a comprehensive view of the network with various node and wireless link attributes. From there, customized views can be exposed by the controller to network control applications, as, for instance, the application in charge of provisioning point-to-multipoint services on a SDN based wireless multi-hop network. An Integer linear programming based algorithm and a genetic algorithm are also proposed for the embedding of point-to-multipoint services on a SDN based multi-radio, multi-channel and multi-hop wireless network. Last, to address the case of dynamic point-to-multipoint services, we propose a resource reallocation scheme that meets the changing requirements while reducing service disruption.

Theory and applications of decoupling fields for forward-backward stochastic differential equations

Fromm, Alexander 05 January 2015 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Theorie der sogenannten stochastischen Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Differentialgleichungen (FBSDE), welche als ein stochastisches Anologon und in gewisser Weise als eine Verallgemeinerung von parabolischen quasi-linearen partiellen Differentialgleichungen betrachtet werden können. Die Dissertation besteht aus zwei Teilen: In dem ersten entwicklen wir die Theorie der sogenannten Entkopplungsfelder für allgemeine mehrdimensionale stark gekoppelte FBSDE. Diese Theorie besteht aus Existenz- sowie Eindeutigkeitsresultaten basierend auf dem Konzept des maximalen Intervalls. Es beinhaltet darüberhinaus Werkzeuge um Regularität von konkreten Problemen zu untersuchen. Insgesamt wird die Theorie für drei Klassen von Problemen entwickelt: In dem ersten Fall werden Lipschitz-Bedingungen an die Parameter des Problems vorausgesetzt, welche zugleich vom Zufall abhängen dürfen. Die Untersuchung der beiden anderen Klassen basiert auf dem ersten. In diesen werden die Parameter als deterministisch vorausgesetzt. Gleichwohl wird die Lipschitz-Stetigkeit durch zwei verschiedene Formen der lokalen Lipschitz-Stetigkeit abgeschwächt. In dem zweiten Teil werden diese abstrakten Resultate auf drei konkrete Probleme angewendet: In der ersten Anwendung wird gezeigt wie globale Lösbarkeit von FBSDE in dem sogenannten nicht-degenerierten Fall untersucht werden kann. In der zweiten Anwendung wird die Lösbarkeit eines gekoppelten Systems gezeigt, welches eine Lösung zu dem Skorokhod''schen Einbettungproblem liefert. Die Lösung wird für den Fall einer allgemeinen nicht-linearen Drift konstruiert. Die dritte Anwendung führt auf Lösbarkeit eines komplexen gekoppelten Vorwärt-Rückwärts-Systems, aus welchem optimale Strategien für das Problem der Nutzenmaximierung in unvollständingen Märkten konstruiert werden. Das System wird in einem verhältnismäßig allgmeinen Rahmen gelöst, d.h. für eine verhältnismäßig allgemeine Klasse von Nutzenfunktion auf den reellen Zahlen. / This thesis deals with the theory of so called forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDE) which can be seen as a stochastic formulation and in some sense generalization of parabolic quasi-linear partial differential equations. The thesis consist of two parts: In the first we develop the theory of so called decoupling fields for general multidimensional fully coupled FBSDE in a Brownian setting. The theory consists of uniqueness and existence results for decoupling fields on the so called the maximal interval. It also provides tools to investigate well-posedness and regularity for particular problems. In total the theory is developed for three different classes of FBSDE: In the first Lipschitz continuity of the parameter functions is required, which at the same time are allowed to be random. The other two classes we investigate are based on the theory developed for the first one. In both of them all parameter functions have to be deterministic. However, two different types of local Lipschitz continuity replace the more restrictive Lipschitz continuity of the first class. In the second part we apply these techniques to three different problems: In the first application we demonstrate how well-posedness of FBSDE in the so called non-degenerate case can be investigated. As a second application we demonstrate the solvability of a system, which provides a solution to the so called Skorokhod embedding problem (SEP) via FBSDE. The solution to the SEP is provided for the case of general non-linear drift. The third application provides solutions to a complex FBSDE from which optimal trading strategies for a problem of utility maximization in incomplete markets are constructed. The FBSDE is solved in a relatively general setting, i.e. for a relatively general class of utility functions on the real line.

Categorical structural optimization : methods and applications / Optimisation structurelle catégorique : méthodes et applications

Gao, Huanhuan 07 February 2019 (has links)
La thèse se concentre sur une recherche méthodologique sur l'optimisation structurelle catégorielle au moyen d'un apprentissage multiple. Dans cette thèse, les variables catégorielles non ordinales sont traitées comme des variables discrètes multidimensionnelles. Afin de réduire la dimensionnalité, les nombreuses techniques d'apprentissage sont introduites pour trouver la dimensionnalité intrinsèque et mapper l'espace de conception d'origine sur un espace d'ordre réduit. Les mécanismes des techniques d'apprentissage à la fois linéaires et non linéaires sont d'abord étudiés. Ensuite, des exemples numériques sont testés pour comparer les performances de nombreuses techniques d’apprentissage. Sur la base de la représentation d'ordre réduit obtenue par Isomap, les opérateurs de mutation et de croisement évolutifs basés sur les graphes sont proposés pour traiter des problèmes d'optimisation structurelle catégoriels, notamment la conception du dôme, du cadre rigide de six étages et des structures en forme de dame. Ensuite, la méthode de recherche continue consistant à déplacer des asymptotes est exécutée et fournit une solution compétitive, mais inadmissible, en quelques rares itérations. Ensuite, lors de la deuxième étape, une stratégie de recherche discrète est proposée pour rechercher de meilleures solutions basées sur la recherche de voisins. Afin de traiter le cas dans lequel les instances de conception catégorielles sont réparties sur plusieurs variétés, nous proposons une méthode d'apprentissage des variétés k-variétés basée sur l'analyse en composantes principales pondérées. / The thesis concentrates on a methodological research on categorical structural optimizationby means of manifold learning. The main difficulty of handling the categorical optimization problems lies in the description of the categorical variables: they are presented in a category and do not have any orders. Thus the treatment of the design space is a key issue. In this thesis, the non-ordinal categorical variables are treated as multi-dimensional discrete variables, thus the dimensionality of corresponding design space becomes high. In order to reduce the dimensionality, the manifold learning techniques are introduced to find the intrinsic dimensionality and map the original design space to a reduced-order space. The mechanisms of both linear and non-linear manifold learning techniques are firstly studied. Then numerical examples are tested to compare the performance of manifold learning techniques mentioned above. It is found that the PCA and MDS can only deal with linear or globally approximately linear cases. Isomap preserves the geodesic distances for non-linear manifold however, its time consuming is the most. LLE preserves the neighbour weights and can yield good results in a short time. KPCA works like a non-linear classifier and we proves why it cannot preserve distances or angles in some cases. Based on the reduced-order representation obtained by Isomap, the graph-based evolutionary crossover and mutation operators are proposed to deal with categorical structural optimization problems, including the design of dome, six-story rigid frame and dame-like structures. The results show that the proposed graph-based evolutionary approach constructed on the reduced-order space performs more efficiently than traditional methods including simplex approach or evolutionary approach without reduced-order space. In chapter 5, the LLE is applied to reduce the data dimensionality and a polynomial interpolation helps to construct the responding surface from lower dimensional representation to original data. Then the continuous search method of moving asymptotes is executed and yields a competitively good but inadmissible solution within only a few of iteration numbers. Then in the second stage, a discrete search strategy is proposed to find out better solutions based on a neighbour search. The ten-bar truss and dome structural design problems are tested to show the validity of the method. In the end, this method is compared to the Simulated Annealing algorithm and Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy, showing its better optimization efficiency. In chapter 6, in order to deal with the case in which the categorical design instances are distributed on several manifolds, we propose a k-manifolds learning method based on the Weighted Principal Component Analysis. And the obtained manifolds are integrated in the lower dimensional design space. Then the method introduced in chapter 4 is applied to solve the ten-bar truss, the dome and the dame-like structural design problems.

Classes de Steinitz, codes cycliques de Hamming et classes galoisiennes réalisables d'extensions non abéliennes de degré p³ / Steinitz classes, cyclic Hamming codes and realizable Galois module classes of nonabelian extensions of degree p³

Khalil, Maya 21 June 2016 (has links)
Le résumé n'est pas disponible. / Le résumé n'est pas disponible.

Expressing emotions through vibration for perception and control / Expressing emotions through vibration

ur Réhman, Shafiq January 2010 (has links)
This thesis addresses a challenging problem: “how to let the visually impaired ‘see’ others emotions”. We, human beings, are heavily dependent on facial expressions to express ourselves. A smile shows that the person you are talking to is pleased, amused, relieved etc. People use emotional information from facial expressions to switch between conversation topics and to determine attitudes of individuals. Missing emotional information from facial expressions and head gestures makes the visually impaired extremely difficult to interact with others in social events. To enhance the visually impaired’s social interactive ability, in this thesis we have been working on the scientific topic of ‘expressing human emotions through vibrotactile patterns’. It is quite challenging to deliver human emotions through touch since our touch channel is very limited. We first investigated how to render emotions through a vibrator. We developed a real time “lipless” tracking system to extract dynamic emotions from the mouth and employed mobile phones as a platform for the visually impaired to perceive primary emotion types. Later on, we extended the system to render more general dynamic media signals: for example, render live football games through vibration in the mobile for improving mobile user communication and entertainment experience. To display more natural emotions (i.e. emotion type plus emotion intensity), we developed the technology to enable the visually impaired to directly interpret human emotions. This was achieved by use of machine vision techniques and vibrotactile display. The display is comprised of a ‘vibration actuators matrix’ mounted on the back of a chair and the actuators are sequentially activated to provide dynamic emotional information. The research focus has been on finding a global, analytical, and semantic representation for facial expressions to replace state of the art facial action coding systems (FACS) approach. We proposed to use the manifold of facial expressions to characterize dynamic emotions. The basic emotional expressions with increasing intensity become curves on the manifold extended from the center. The blends of emotions lie between those curves, which could be defined analytically by the positions of the main curves. The manifold is the “Braille Code” of emotions. The developed methodology and technology has been extended for building assistive wheelchair systems to aid a specific group of disabled people, cerebral palsy or stroke patients (i.e. lacking fine motor control skills), who don’t have ability to access and control the wheelchair with conventional means, such as joystick or chin stick. The solution is to extract the manifold of the head or the tongue gestures for controlling the wheelchair. The manifold is rendered by a 2D vibration array to provide user of the wheelchair with action information from gestures and system status information, which is very important in enhancing usability of such an assistive system. Current research work not only provides a foundation stone for vibrotactile rendering system based on object localization but also a concrete step to a new dimension of human-machine interaction. / Taktil Video

Analysis of Bolted Connections in Creo Simulate - Theory, Software Functionality and Application Examples / Analyse von Schraubenverbindungen mit Creo Simulate - Theorie, Softwarefunktionalität und Anwendungsbeispiele

Jakel, Roland 25 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Präsentation stellt kurz die Grundlagen der Berechnung von Schraubenverbindungen in Anlehnung an die VDI-Richtlinie 2230 Teil 1 dar. Auch die vier FEM-Modellklassen, die die VDI 2230 Teil 2 (Entwurf) zur Berechnung von Mehrschraubenverbindungen vorschlägt, werden behandelt, und die in Creo Simulate vorhandenen Softwarefeatures zu deren Umsetzung vorgestellt. Es folgt eine Darstellung, was bei der Linearisierung von Schraubenverbindungen zur vereinfachten Berechnung zu beachten ist, und wieso bei der Berechnung im FEM-System dann nicht notwendigerweise eine Vorspannung benötigt wird. Ausführlich wird das neue Schraubenfeature in Creo Simulate betrachtet, das eine weitgehend automatisierte Modellierung und Berechnung von Standardverschraubungen erlaubt. Weitere Features, wie die neuen Vorspannelemente, werden erläutert, sowie auch die Grenzen der Software aufgezeigt. Abschließend werden zwei anspruchsvolle Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt: Eine zentrisch belastete Verschraubung mit Berücksichtigung von Elasto-Plastizität und einer komplexen Lasthistorie (Anziehen durch Anzugsmoment, Setzeffekte, Entfall des Torsionsmomentes durch das Anziehen, Betriebskraft) sowie eine exzentrisch belastete Verschraubung, die wegen eines relativ dünnen Flansches starke Biegezusatzbeanspruchungen erfährt. / The presentation shows the foundations of bolt analysis according to VDI-guideline 2230 part 1. In addition, the four FEM model classes proposed in VDI 2230 part 2 (draft) are described, as well as the features available in Creo Simulate to realize these model classes. Next, the presentation shows the requirements for linearizing bolted connections, and why in a FEM analysis with a linearized connection no preload is necessary. The new fastener feature introduced in Creo Simulate is explained in detail. This feature allows the automated modeling and analysis of bolted connections having standard geometry. Further software features, like pretension elements, as well as the current software limitations are shown. Finally, two advanced application examples are shown: A centrically loaded bolted connection taking into account elasto-plasticity and a complex load history (tightening torque, embedding, removal of tightening stress, operational load), and an eccentrically loaded flange connection, which is subjected to high additional bending loads because the flange is relatively thin.

Τεχνικές ελέγχου ορθής λειτουργίας με έμφαση στη χαμηλή κατανάλωση ισχύος / VLSI testing techniques focused on low power dissipation

Μπέλλος, Μάτσιεϊ 25 June 2007 (has links)
Η διατριβή ασχολείται με το αντικείμενο του ελέγχου ορθής λειτουργίας κυκλωμάτων κατά τον οποίο λαμβάνεται υπόψη και η συμπεριφορά ως προς την κατανάλωση ισχύος. Οι τεχνικές που προτείνονται αφορούν α) τη συμπίεση ενός συνόλου δοκιμής σε περιβάλλον ενσωματωμένου ελέγχου με χρήση εξωτερικών ελεγκτών, β) την εμφώλευση διανυσμάτων δοκιμής σε περιβάλλον ενσωματωμένου ελέγχου και γ) τη μείωση της κατανάλωση ισχύς και ενέργειας σε περιβάλλον εξωτερικού ελέγχου. Η συμπίεση των δεδομένων βασίζεται στην παρατήρηση ότι ένα διάνυσμα δοκιμής μπορεί να παραχθεί από το προηγούμενό του με την αντικατάσταση κάποιων τμημάτων του. Μεγαλύτερη συμπίεση επιτυγχάνεται όταν γίνει αναδιαταξή διανυσμάτων και αναδιάταξη των φλιπ-φλοπ της αλυσίδας ανίχνευσης. Αν η αναδιάταξη των φλιπ-φλοπ γίνει με βάση τη συχνότητα αλλαγών κατάστασης γειτονικών φλιπ-φλοπ τότε επιτυγχάνεται και μείωση της κατανάλωσης ισχύος. Όσον αφορά τις τεχνικές ενσωματωμένου αυτοελέγχου, μελετήθηκε το πρόβλημα της εμφώλευσης διανυσμάτων δοκιμής. Προτάθηκαν αποδοτικά κυκλώματα παραγωγής διανυσμάτων δοκιμής βασισμένα σε ολισθητές γραμμικής ανάδρασης και δέντρα πυλών XOR και σε ολισθητές συνδυασμένους με δέντρα πυλών OR. Όταν τα κυκλώματα υπό έλεγχο είναι κανονικής μορφής όπως είναι οι αθροιστές του αριθμητικού συστήματος υπολοίπων, προτείνονται κυκλώματα που εκμεταλεύονται την κανονική μορφή του συνόλου δοκιμής. Τέλος, σε περιβάλλον εξωτερικού ελέγχου, προτείνονται μέθοδοι αναδιάταξης διανυσμάτων δοκιμής με επανάληψη διανυσμάτων που μειώνουν την κατανάλωση. Οι μέθοδοι αυτές βασίζονται στην επιλογή των κατάλληλων ελάχιστων γεννητικών δέντρων και στη μετατροπή των κατάλληλων επαναλαμβανόμενων διανυσμάτων επιτυγχάνοντας σημαντική μείωση στην κατανάλωση ενέργειας, στη μέση και στη μέγιστη κατανάλωση ισχύος. / The dissertation is focused on VLSI testing while power dissipation is also taken into account. The techniques proposed are: a) test data compression in an embedded test environment, b) test set embedding in a built-in self test environment and c) reduction in test power dissipation in an external testing environment. Test data compression is based on the observation that a test vector can be produced from the previous one by replacing some parts of the previous vector with new parts of the current vector. The compression is even higher when the test vectors are ordered and scan cell reordering is also performed. If the scan cell reordering is based on a transition frequency approach then reduction in power dissipation is also achieved. In the case of built-in self test the problem of test set embedding was studied and efficient circuits based on linear feedback shift registers combined with XOR trees or shift registers combined with OR trees were proposed. If the circuits have a regular structure, such as the structure of residue number system adders, then a circuit taking advantage of the regular form of the test set can be derived. Finally, when external testing is considered, we proposed test vector ordering with vector repetition methods, which reduce power consumption. The methods are based on the selection of the appropriate minimum spanning trees and through the modification of the repeated vectors they achieve considerable savings in energy, average and peak power dissipation.

Ανάπτυξη εξομοιωτή σφαλμάτων για σφάλματα μετάβασης σε ψηφιακά ολοκληρωμένα κυκλώματα

Κασερίδης, Δημήτριος 26 September 2007 (has links)
Η μεταπτυχιακή αυτή εργασία μπορεί να χωριστεί σε δύο λογικά μέρη (Μέρος Α’ και Μέρος Β’). Το πρώτο μέρος αφορά τον έλεγχο ορθής λειτουργίας ψηφιακών κυκλωμάτων χρησιμοποιώντας το μοντέλο των Μεταβατικών (Transient) σφαλμάτων και πιο συγκεκριμένα περιλαμβάνει την μελέτη για το μοντέλο, τρόπο λειτουργίας και την υλοποίηση ενός Εξομοιωτή Μεταβατικών Σφαλμάτων (Transition Faults Simulator). Ο εξομοιωτής σφαλμάτων αποτελεί το πιο σημαντικό μέρος της αλυσίδας εργαλείων που απαιτούνται για τον σχεδιασμό και εφαρμογή τεχνικών ελέγχου ορθής λειτουργίας και η ύπαρξη ενός τέτοιου εργαλείου επιτρέπει την μελέτη νέων τεχνικών ελέγχου κάνοντας χρήση του Μεταβατικού μοντέλου σφαλμάτων. Το δεύτερο μέρος της εργασίας συνοψίζει την μελέτη που πραγματοποιήθηκε για την δημιουργία ενός νέου αλγόριθμου επιλογής διανυσμάτων ελέγχου στην περίπτωση των Test Set Embedding τεχνικών ελέγχου. Ο αλγόριθμος επιτυγχάνει σημαντικές μειώσεις τόσο στον όγκο των απαιτούμενων δεδομένων που είναι απαραίτητο να αποθηκευτούν για την αναπαραγωγή του ελέγχου, σε σχέση με τις κλασικές προσεγγίσεις ελέγχου, όσο και στο μήκος των απαιτούμενων ακολουθιών ελέγχου που εφαρμόζονται στο υπό-έλεγχο κύκλωμα σε σχέση με προγενέστερους Test Set Embedding αλγορίθμους. Στο τέλος του μέρους Β’ προτείνεται μία αρχιτεκτονική για την υλοποίηση του αλγόριθμου σε Built-In Self-Test περιβάλλον ελέγχου ορθής λειτουργίας ακολουθούμενη από την εκτίμηση της απόδοσης αυτής και σύγκριση της με την καλύτερη ως τώρα προτεινόμενη αρχιτεκτονική που υπάρχει στην βιβλιογραφία (Βλέπε Παράρτημα Α). / The thesis consists of two basic parts that apply in the field of VLSI testing of integrated circuits. The first one concludes the work that has been done in the field of VLSI testing using the Transient Fault model and more specifically, analyzes the model and the implementation of a Transition Fault Simulator. The transient fault model moves beyond the scope of the simple stuck-at fault model that is mainly used in the literature, by introducing the concept of time and therefore enables the testing techniques to be more precise and closer to reality. Furthermore, a fault simulator is probably the most important part of the tool chain that is required for the design, implementation and study of vlsi testing techniques and therefore having such a tool available, enables the study of new testing techniques using the transient fault model. The second part of the thesis summaries the study that took place for a new technique that reduces the test sequences of reseeding-based schemes in the case of Test Set Embedding testing techniques. The proposed algorithm features significant reductions in both the volumes of test data that are required to be stored for the precise regeneration of the test sequences, and the length of test vector sequences that are applied on the circuit under test, in comparison to the classical proposed test techniques that are available in the literature. In addition to the algorithm, a low hardware overhead architecture for implementing the algorithm in Built-in Self-Test environment is presented for which the imposed hardware overhead is confined to just one extra bit per seed, plus one, very small, extra counter in the scheme’s control logic. In the end of the second part, the proposed architecture is compared with the best so far proposed architecture available in the literature (see Appendix A)

Multistage Algorithms in C++ / Mehrstufige Algorithmen in C++

Priesnitz, Andreas 02 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.

A variational approach for viewpoint-based visibility maximization

Rocha, Kelvin Raymond 19 May 2008 (has links)
We present a variational method for unfolding of the cortex based on a user-chosen point of view as an alternative to more traditional global flattening methods, which incur more distortion around the region of interest. Our approach involves three novel contributions. The first is an energy function and its corresponding gradient flow to measure the average visibility of a region of interest of a surface from a given viewpoint. The second is an additional energy function and flow designed to preserve the 3D topology of the evolving surface. This latter contribution receives significant focus in this thesis as it is crucial to obtain the desired unfolding effect derived from the first energy functional and flow. Without it, the resulting topology changes render the unconstrained evolution uninteresting for the purpose of cortical visualization, exploration, and inspection. The third is a method that dramatically improves the computational speed of the 3D topology-preservation approach by creating a tree structure of the triangulated surface and using a recursion technique.

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