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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biopharmaceuticals in Europe. Investigating their early diffusion and influencing factors through a cross-national perspective

Veszelei, Ivar January 2024 (has links)
Abstract The path to patient access post-market approval is anything but straightforward. While some medications seamlessly find their way to those in need, others encounter significant obstacles. Biopharmaceuticals offer benefits in the treatment of many diseases. However, the adoption of these new biological medicines varies widely across European countries in view of often high costs. Despite the significant growth in approvals and economic expansion observed in the biopharmaceutical market, there are few cross-national comparative studies focused on the utilization of biologics to provide future guidance. Objective The study aimed to better understand the disparities in the early diffusion of new biologics across Europe. The research questions included identifying the extent of data availability and variations in the early diffusion of biopharmaceuticals across European countries, as well as investigating macro-level factors influencing their early diffusion. Methods A cross-sectional study was undertaken to analyze the diffusion patterns of 17 biopharmaceuticals, approved between 2015 and 2019, across European countries between 2015 and 2022. The study addressed data availability, diffusion rates, measured with Defined Daily Doses per 1000 population and relative rankings between countries to assess the early diffusion over the initial four years following market authorization. Additionally, macro-level factors influencing early diffusion were identified by meetings with policy researchers and experts. Results Data availability varied, 12 out of 29 countries provided complete data on inpatient and outpatient care, 10 provided limited data, and 7 provided no data. The introduction patterns varied between medicines, with Tildrakizumab and Follitropin delta being introduced in the least number of countries. Germany, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden demonstrated the highest early diffusion rates, while Estonia, Scotland, Romania, and Lithuania had the lowest. Three major categories of macro-level factors were identified, the country's healthcare system, its health technology assessment of new medicines and early awareness, each with associated feasible analytical comparative metrics to provide future guidance. Conclusions This study revealed significant variability in the early diffusion of biopharmaceuticals and inconsistent data availability between European countries. The study also provided a valuable framework for further research on the key macro-level factors influencing biopharmaceutical introduction, aiming to enhance accessibility and efficiency in Europe's biopharmaceutical healthcare landscape.

Vysvětlení uznání a oduznání Kosova / Explaining the Kosovo's recognition and its withdrawal

Dostál, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused mainly on the recognition of Kosovo, its subsequent withdrawal and finding factors influencing both of these acts. In order to identify them, it firstly introduces the theoretical and historical background, inter alia the debate between declaratory and constitutive theory, the brief history of Kosovo and existing explanations for both recognition and derecognition. Apart from building on previous literature, it develops a new distinction, between internal and external factors of (de)recognition, the former being connected with the characteristics of the country itself, whereas the latter with the influences of other states. Secondly, it conducts a quantitative analysis including recognition as a dependent variable and the individual factors representing independent variables. Thirdly, three cases of derecognition, Suriname, Palau and Ghana are presented in a brief descriptive analysis. The results show that both internal and external factors influence recognition to the same extent. Specifically, transnational religious ties (percentage of Muslims, or Orthodox), economic wealth and influence of other states, either by following their example (voting coincidence with the USA in the UNGA), or through alliances (membership in NATO) proved as highly significant, with domestic...

Činnost vybraných neziskových organizací zabývajících se domácím násilím / The activity of selected non-profit organizations dealing with domestic violence

Rosová, Věra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis titled " The activities of selected non-profit organizations dealing with domestic violence ", as the name suggests, deals with the mapping of all areas of activity, which the selected organizations creates, that have set themselves the objective of struggle against domestic violence. Selected organizations are engaged in both secondary and tertiary prevention of domestic violence, which mainly involves working with clients - victims of domestic violence and primary prevention. Primary prevention involves working with the public and participation in the legislative process. These three activities are operated independently. This corresponds to the first part of my work, the theoretical part. It describes in the general organization of the civil sector and their sorting by type of activity , the involvement of these organizations in influencing public policy and making laws and public relations of these organizations. In the second part of the theoretical part is a theoretical framework regarding domestic violence as a social problem, including current legislation related to domestic violence. The empirical part deals with the concrete description of the activities of selected non-profit organizations and also try to answer the question about influencing gendered view of domestic violence of this...

Investigating the success of E-learning in secondary schools : the case of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Taha, Madina January 2014 (has links)
As a result of the advances in information and communication technology, E-Learning has been integrated as an essential element in educational settings. Despite its successful implementation, a significant number of E-Learning projects fail to achieve their goals. This has motivated researchers and practitioners to study the reasons for failure and success and the factors that impact E-Learning. This research attempts to investigate the factors that influence the implementation and development of E-Learning and the most appropriate framework for secondary schools in Bahrain. The research adopted a quantitative approach to examine both teachers’ and students’ perceptions of critical factors in secondary schools in the Kingdom of Bahrain. A total of 540 respondents completed the survey-based questionnaire. The results revealed that there are four sets of factors which influence the success of E-Learning in the school education sector. These are: students’ characteristics (computers skills; motivation and attitudes); teachers’ characteristics (attitudes; control of technology and pedagogy and teaching style); technology (quality of technology and effectiveness of infrastructure) and design and content (perceived ease of use and quality of content). In addition, the findings show that there are some differences in perceptions amongst teachers according to gender, specialization, teaching experience and E-Learning experience. Similarly, the findings show that there are some differences in perceptions amongst students according to gender, specialization and level of study (years in school). The main contribution of this research is that it addresses the success of E-Learning in the schools sector in Bahrain and in the Arab region as this area of research lacks theoretical and empirical studies. In addition, the research proposes a conceptual framework that integrates the critical factors and demographic variables. The proposed conceptual framework contributes to the knowledge of E-Learning success by creating a guide for educational institutions and governments for better development and implementation, serving as a planning tool for new E-Learning projects and as an assessment mode for the efficacy of existing projects.

Limiter les risques d'échecs du traitement endodontique au CHU de Toulouse / To limit the endodontic treatment risks of failure at the Toulouse Dental University Hospital

Georgelin, Marie 11 June 2012 (has links)
Dans le service d'odontologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse les patients présentant une pulpopathie consultent spontanément le service et sont pris en charge dans le cadre de la formation initiale des étudiants. Les patients peuvent aussi être référés par des praticiens de ville ou par d'autres services hospitaliers et sont alors pris en charge soit par des praticiens experts en endodontie ou des étudiants en formation continue. Dans tousles cas, le traitement endodontique engagé doit apporter au patient un bénéfice par rapport à la situation initiale en limitant les risques de comorbidité et les risques d'échecs. La lésion inflammatoire périapicale d'origine endodontique a une étiologie bactérienne et elle est, en terme de prévalence, très fréquemment associée au traitement endodontique. L'apparition, la persistance ou l'accroissement de cette lésion inflammatoire est consécutif à une exposition à un facteur favorisant ou risque et signe l'échec du traitement. Ce travail rassemble les données bibliographiques qui justifient qu'une attention particulière soit apportée au risque d'échec en endodontie. Deux études de recherche clinique et trois études expérimentales ont été développées dans ce cadre pour limiter le risque d'échec et sont intégrées dans cette synthèse qui établit un descriptif détaillé des risques d'échecs lié au traitement endodontique en fonction du patient, de l'opérateur et du geste. L'état général et les conditions bucco-dentaires du patient permettent de poser les indications du geste endodontique et les modalités de prise en charge. Les compétences de l'opérateur et le respect des procédures centré sur la désinfection et l'étanchéité sont les garants d'un traitement de qualité. / No abstract available

Rozhodování sester v intenzivní péči / Decision Making of Nurses in Intensive Care

Vyskotová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to find which factors prevail to influence the decisions that nurses make in intensive care and on what basis they decide. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part the terms such as decision, decision-making situations, mistakes in decision-making have been determined, and the issues concerning the decisions in nursing and in the competences of nurses connected with decisions have been analysed. In the empirical part the results of questionary regarding the decisions of nurses in intensive care have been processed and analysed. 97 subjects among the nurses in intensive care have taken part in the testing. From the analysis of the data received from the questionary there comes out that the majority of nurses in intensive care (74 %) are not convinced that the school has prepared them for making decisions from both the theoretical and practical point of view. On contrary, the majority of nurses in intensive care are convinced that their education (79 %) and practice (97 %) may enable decisions. The majority of nurses in intensive care (96 %) are able to make independent decisions mostly in the area of basic nursing care. The majority of nurses in intensive care (72 %) experience stress during their decision-making. The nurses are...

Going-concern varning, en självuppfyllande profetia eller ett "wake up call"? : faktorer som påverkar utfallet av revisorers yttrande gällande företagets fortsatta drift / Going-concern warning, a self-fulfilling prophecy or a "wake up call"? : Factors influencing the outcome after auditors' opinion concerning firms' going concern

Kallin, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Antagandet om fortsatt drift utgör den grundläggande princip som skall tillämpas då företag värderar sina tillgångar. Om det föreligger osäkerhetsfaktorer beträffande företagets förmåga att fortleva under en överskådlig framtid ger däremot inte värderingen en rättvisande bild och skall därför frångås. Vidare skall revisorn, som en del i granskningen, beakta företagets fortsatta levnadsförmåga och vid tvivel om den framtida existensen skall en anmärkning göras i revisionsberättelsen. I och med att det är en förutsägelse om framtiden är det dock ett av de svåraste ställningstaganden en revisor måste göra. Tidigare studier indikerar på att företag, trots tilldelad going-concern varning (GC-varning), fortlever i cirka 90 procent av fallen. Bland de resterande tio procenten, som torde utgöra korrekta bedömningar, finns det dessutom forskare som hävdar att varningen fungerar självförverkligande och påskyndar, eller rent av orsakar konkursen. Andra forskare redovisar emellertid belägg för att en självuppfyllande profetia inte alls existerar. Bristande empiriskt material finns dock rörande det faktum att det skulle vara företagsspecifikt huruvida GC-varningen tenderar att utfalla. Aktuell studie ämnar ge ett bidrag till denna kunskapslucka genom att undersöka, och således erhålla kunskap om, faktorer som påverkar ett företags levnadstillstånd efter tilldelad GC-varning. Sammankopplade resultat från tidigare studier indikerar på att ålder, kapitalstruktur, bolagsstruktur, nettoomsättningsstorlek samt storlek på reviderande byrå kan antas vara påverkande faktorer. Genom statistisk hypotesprövning, baserad på data från företagens årsredovisningar, undersöktes korrelationen mellan dessa faktorer och levnadsstatus. Urvalet bestod av aktiebolag som sin enda eller allvarligaste anmärkning erhållit en GC-varning för första gången 2012. Efter viss bortsållning kom 188 bolag att utgöra studiens urval. Resultaten påvisade att de bolag, inkluderade i aktuell studie, som fortlevde var äldre, hade lägre total skuldandel, tillhörde en koncern samt blev granskade av en större revisionsbyrå 2012. I motsats till vad hypotesen predikterade hade de också högre räntebärande skuldandel. Avseende nettoomsättningens storlek uppvisades ingen nämnvärd skillnad mellan grupperna. I många fall var emellertid differenserna för små, med hänsyn till den stora variation som förelåg, för att med statistisk säkerhet fastställa skillnaderna. Den enda slutsats som kan generaliseras är att koncernbolag med högre räntebärande skuldandel fortlever i större utsträckning. / The accounting is prepared with the assumption that the companies will continue as a going concern. However, the principle will be waived if the assumption is unwarranted. The auditor will, as part of the examination, consider the companies' living ability. If the auditor is in doubt about the companies' going concern, they are obligated to report it in the audit report. Due to the fact it is an assessment about future events, it is one of the most difficult parts for an auditor to consider. Recent research indicates that 90 percent of the companies receiving a going concern-warning (GCW) do not subsequently fail. Among the remaining ten percent, which should compose correct judgements, some researchers claim that the warning is self-fulfilling and accelerates or even causes the bankruptcy. On the other hand, there are also researchers who report that no such self-fulfilling prophecy exists. Limited empirical material exists concerning the fact that it may be specific for each company whether it survives or ceases after receiving a GCW, a gap that this paper aims to fill. The aim will be met by investigating, and thus obtain knowledge about, factors that affect a company's state of living after receiving a GCW. Merged results from recent research indicate that age, capital structure, company structure, net sales and size of the auditing firm are influencing factors. By statistical hypothesis testing, based on data from the companies' annual reports, the correlation between these factors and life status was investigated. The sample consisted of limited companies which, as its only or most serious remark, received a GCW for the first time in 2012. After some screening, 188 companies were left to constitute the sample of the study. The obtained results were that the companies which continued as a going concern, were older, had lower debt to total asset ratio, belonged to a concern and were audited by a big audit firm in 2012. Opposite to predicted hypotheses, they also had higher interest-bearing debt to total asset ratio. No difference of matter was discerned regarding net sales. However, in many cases the differences were too small to statistically prove the differences, given the large variation which existed. The only conclusion that can be generalized is that group companies with higher interest-bearing debt to total asset ratio continue as a going concern to a greater extent.

FACTORS INFLUENCING GREEN CONSUMPTION : The moderating effect of market maturity

Babazade, Amin, Paramzina, Uliana January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis is to examine factors influencing green consumption and to explain the moderating effect of market maturity on these factors in developed and emerging markets.Design/methodology/approach – In this research the pragmatism epistemology was employed as the scientific perspective of the current research. Deductive reasoning has been selected as scientific approach. The formulation of hypotheses, the collection and analysis of the data were based on and derived from existing theories. In line with deductive approach the collected data was analyzed quantitatively within cross-sectional time horizon. SSPS program was applied to process the collected research data and present the research results. The data was collected via online survey (Google Forms) in Russia and Sweden as well as credible and reliable secondary resources.Findings – Based on correlation and multiple regression analysis it was found that factor perceived consumer effectiveness positively (Beta=0.227) and significantly (Sig.<0.05) influences green consumption among young people in Sweden. Price is determined to affect negatively (Beta=-0.279) and significantly (Sig.<0.05) green consumption among young people in Sweden. Perceived consumer effectiveness positively (Beta=0.225) and significantly (Sig.<0.05) influences green consumption among young people in Russia. The presence of moderating effect of market maturity was not revealed within the conducted research. That means the level of development of countries (in case of Sweden and Russia) does not make a significant influence on the association between studied factors and green consumption among young people. Perceived consumer effectiveness is determined to be the main driving factor which pushes the younger generation toward sustainable consumption both in Sweden and Russia.Research limitations – the first limitation relates to the size of the sample. Although the sample of 100 respondents for each country (Sweden and Russia) was considered adequate, still a larger sample size could have provided more heterogonous findings and might have led to a different conclusion. Another limitation considers geographical and industrial boundaries. The research applies the theoretical model to the context of only two particular countries, namely, Sweden and Russia by focusing on consumption of green products from FMCG industry. With this regard, the findings of the study might not be fully suitable for other emerging and developed countries or other industries. Also, the application of non-probability sampling limited the authors to add more validity to the research. The last limitation is such a phenomena as socially desirable responding or response biases that means a tendency to choose the desirable response or the most moderate response.Practical implications – The findings ensure a better understanding of the content of moderating effect of market maturity and explain more in details how particular factors influence green consumption in emerging and developed markets. The model conceptualized by the authors is supposed to be a good basis for future researches aimed at examining moderating effect of market maturity on relationship between green consumption and factors influencing it in other emerging and developed markets besidesRussia and Sweden. In practice a special emphasis on perceived consumer effectiveness by the companies which market green products and target young consumers could helpthem to supply their products more successfully both in developed and/or emerging countries. Particularly, they need create a perception among potential consumers that buying green products contributes to sustainability and solution of environmental problems by elaborating particular strategies. As the research revealed a negative and significant relation between price and green consumption on the developed market it is important that managers consider price policy while marketing green products among young generation in developed countries.

Factors influencing teenage pregnancy in Heidedal location, Mangaung District

Qolesa, Sandra Kegomodicwe January 2017 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH (Public Health) / Teenage pregnancy remains a complex issue globally. According to the World Health Organisation (2014), the average global birth rate of girls aged 15-19 years was 49 per 1000 births reported globally. In South Africa, the general household survey conducted in 2014 revealed that 5.6% of females 14-19 years were reported to have been pregnant in 2013, with teenage pregnancy increasing by age from 0.8% for the age group of 14 years to 11.9% for teenagers aged 19 years. In South Africa, a range of health policies and programs exist to address teenage pregnancy, including school-based sex education, peer education programmes, adolescent friendly clinic initiatives and mass media interventions. Despite such initiatives, the number of teenagers becoming pregnant remains high. Teenage pregnancy reported in Mangaung district is 7%, which is three times more than the provincial target of 2% for teenage pregnancy. This research therefore aimed to explore the reasons behind teenage pregnancy in Heidedal, Mangaung District, Free State Province, South Africa. Two in- depth interviews were conducted, one with twelve teenage mothers and the other with four key informants who were selected based on insight and experience they possess in working with teenagers. The key informants suitable for the study included a nurse, life orientation teacher, ward councillor and a counsellor working for a non-governmental organization that supports the implementation of youth programmes in the health facility. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data and key themes, afterwards concepts were interpreted so that explanations could be constructed to answer the research aim and objectives. The study aimed to contribute to understanding reasons behind the high teenage pregnancy rates in Mangaung District. This information will be useful to policy makers in developing policies and strategies that will address factors identified to be influencing teenage pregnancy.

How do extrinsic factors influence the decision of young adults to become an entrepreneur?

Thumm, Aiko, Hartmann, Michelle January 2018 (has links)
‘How do extrinsic factors influence the decision of young adults to become an entrepreneur?’ Michelle Hartmann and Aiko Thumm, 2018: Applied Double Degree Bachelor, Linnaeus University Växjö, Sweden and ICN Business School Nancy, France. Even though governments all over the world are putting a spotlight on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship as a whole, the motivations of why to become a venture creator is rarely touched upon. In general, there are two forms of possible influences on entrepreneurial intentions, namely intrinsic and extrinsic drivers. In order to further describe the phenomenon of extrinsic factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions, this study aims to describe the interplay of three extrinsic factors for venture creation. These three factors are entrepreneurship enhancing education, role models as well as influence of opportunity and necessity. A descriptive, qualitative study has been chosen for that purpose. During semi-structured interviews, the narrative story of the six participants is told. The findings revolve around the narratives of the respondents’ propositions towards the three aforementioned extrinsic factors. This paper shows that the present educational system only partially conveys necessary knowledge and entrepreneurial skills. Furthermore, this study suggests, that there is more than only a positively influencing role model, videlicet, a negative example representing things the young adult does not want to become. In addition, the study depicts the predicament of a clear differentiation between necessity and opportunity entrepreneurship. Lastly this paper concludes, that more than one factor are motivational drivers for young entrepreneurs and therefore opens a wide research area for future fellow entrepreneurship researchers.

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